Extracurricular activity in computer science "where is the logic." “Where is the logic?”: An intellectual game for young teachers and their mentors in the artistic and aesthetic direction. Where is the logic and what rounds are there?

Greetings! Finally on TNT TV channel Something interesting and educational came out! After all, you can do without vulgarities and create a good project. So this project is called “Where is the logic?” , started on November 29, 2015. From the first minutes I was interested in the show, and then I was drawn in, and I watched 3 episodes (and this is just the beginning!).

Show host - Azamat Musagaliev. I haven’t seen it in other projects, so I only found out about it now. Overall, I like the way he delivers the show. In my opinion, he fully copes with the role of the presenter. Well, if you say: “Handsome, help,” he will give a hint to the participants.

The essence of the game: participants are two pairs who compete with each other. The quiz includes 5 stages. The game score is assessed in points. Whoever gets the most points wins. Everything is very easy and simple.

Let's look at the stages of the game:

  1. Find commonalities: Three pictures are given that, at first glance, have no points of contact at all. But, if you dig deeper, you can find common features.

  2. Two in one: Skilled Photoshoppers “glue” two famous personalities into one. The task: guess them.

  3. Finish off the sage: The host of the show reads half a quote from great people (philosophers, writers, actors, etc.), and the participants must think of and continue the phrase. To help, pictures appear on the screen, and only one of them carries the correct (suitable) meaning. Based on the pictures, participants finish the phrase to the end.

  4. Lost link: you need to build an associative series of two pictures.

  5. Something is missing: the easiest stage of the quiz - by looking at the picture you need to find what is missing in it.


    Presenter: “Do you need psychology in football?”

    Dmitry Tarasov: “Of course, psychology is very important in sports.”

    Host: “Well, I understand, yes. So that when we lose, I can somehow explain it to myself.”

    Host: “Ol, what books do you read?”

    Host: "Which ones?"

    Olga Buzova: “We were told that there would be no intellectual questions.”

    Presenter: “You walked behind the scenes. A lot of men danced rumba, right? And why Kostya?”

    Ekaterina Varnava: “Well, look at him.”

    Host: “That’s why I’m asking.”

    Host: “Who in your pair is responsible for logic?”

    Konstantin Myakinkov: “Yeah, both.”

    Ekaterina Varnava: “Both are responsible for her absence.”

    Viktor Vasiliev: “Handsome, are there any other rivals?”

    Stas Yarushin: “It takes us so long to figure it out.”

    Presenter: "Yarukhi!"

    Stas Yarushin: “Yes, well, this happens with us, so what?”

    Host: “How often?”

    Stas Yarushin: "Always."

    Victor Vasilyev: “Azamat, Stas is still thinking about insoles now.”

    Viktor Vasiliev to Stas Yarushin: “You don’t drive a car, so you don’t understand. If there were electric trains there, you would understand.”

    Anna Snatkina: “I conclude from the program that male logic is more correct. Now I will always listen to you (addresses Viktor Vasiliev).”

    Stas Yarushin: “Bravo! Your An’ words are in Alenka’s ears.”

    I really liked the show. It forces you to “push” the boundaries of thinking and find an extraordinary approach to solving a problem. Now I’m reading a book, and it also gives the same advice and recommendations: choose an alternative, and sometimes even delusional (unrealistic) path to completing a task. After all, this is how it develops creative imagination, And out-of-the-box thinking. Therefore, I recommend everyone to watch it! In any case, there is no vulgarity, humor below the belt and bullshit.

Description of the game “Where is the logic?” For class hour aimed at the professional guidance of students.

Purpose of the game: development of logical/critical thinking, general erudition.

Suitable for the last class hour in a quarter or at the end of the year in grades 8-11.

The game is analogous to the game on the TNT channel, and is adapted to school curriculum. Approximate time carrying out – 45-60 minutes.

The class is divided into 2 or 4 teams. For each correct answer the team receives a point.

1 round. Given 3 pictures, you need to find what unites them. You need to look not at the pictures themselves, but at what they are associated with:

    1 triple – judge (gavel, standing people, bars);

    2 triple – ophthalmologist (apple, white coat, -2);

    3 troika – meteorologist (fortune cards, shaman and petrel);

    4 triple – welder (pan, iron, battery);

    5 troika – beekeeper (Beeline logo, wax, smoke);

    6 troika – postman (bicycle, Prostokvashino milk, hat);

    7 troika – model (telephone, road signs 90 and 60, dummy).

    8 triple – sailor (wolf, pirate, Oleg Gazmanov)

Round 2 From three pictures, guess which famous movie is encrypted:

    1 slide – “Zootopia”;

    Slide 2 – “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”;

    Slide 3 – “The Lord of the Rings”;

    Slide 4 – “Pirates of the Caribbean”;

    Slide 5 – “Diamond Hand”;

    Slide 6 – “Harry Potter”;

    Slide 7 – “Sherlock Holmes”;

    Slide 8 – “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik (Partner).”

Round 3 A photograph is presented famous person in childhood. You need to guess who it is.

    Yuri Gagarin.

    Alla Pugacheva.

    Andrey Malakhov.

    Fedor Emelianenko.

    Yuri Nikulin.

    Vladimir Vysotsky.

    Ivan Okhlobystin

    Sergey Bodrov.

Visual relaxation

During the game, your eyes are tired from the strain. Let's do visual gymnastics and thereby give our eyes a rest.

Round 4 A start has been given famous saying. Of the three proposed pictures, 1 picture is a clue, the rest are confusing. You need to guess the ending of the phrase.

    “A profession should initially be an act of love. And no waymarriage of convenience » Murakami H.

    "The most difficult profession is to beperson » Marty H.

    "Not for the sake of money. You need to choose a profession like a wife -for love and for money » Houston D.

    “If a profession becomes a way of life, then a craft turns intoart » Shevelev I.

    “Each person, in my opinion, is a debtor to his ownprofessions » Bacon F.

    “A specialist is someone who knows a lot about a verysmall » Butler N.

    “If every child has a dream come true cherished dream, our world will be filledfirefighters and policemen » Vodichka G.

    “Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice andneeds" Voltaire.

Round 5 There are 4 images of professions, one of which is redundant. The players' task is to guess the odd profession and justify their choice.

    1 four – actor, guitarist,security guard , game tester

    2 fours – teacher, doctor, judge,cook

    3 four – violinist, sawyer,radio presenter , director

    4 four -archaeologist , fashion designer, interior designer,WEB-designer

    5 four - machine gunner,accountant , typist, seamstress

    6 four – racer, shepherd, illusionist,artist

    7 four –taxi driver , seamstress, investigator, surgeon

    8 four – DJ, tractor driver,street cleaner , croupier

Summing up and awarding the winners.

For educational and cultural purposes photographic materials were used in the development, including photographsYuri Gagarin, Alla Pugacheva, Andrei Malakhov, Fedor Emelianenko, Yuri Nikulin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Ivan Okhlobystin and Sergei Bodrov, taken from.

- Host of the show “Where is the logic?” Azamat Musagaliev invites two loving couples to the studio to compete in logical thinking. The transfer consists of several rounds, and a victory in each of them is equal to one point.

In the first episode, the guests were people directly related to TNT: presenter Olga Buzova and her husband, footballer Dmitry Tarasov, as well as a participant in the “Comedy woman” project Ekaterina Varnava and her boyfriend, dancer Konstantin Myakinkov. The opening round is called “Find the Common Thing.” Participants are asked to look at three pictures and use logical reasoning to give an answer: so what unites the images?

The second round is called “Two in One”. The show team “crossed” two portraits by superimposing, for the participants of the show Where is the logic? you need to take a closer look at the details and correctly name both famous personalities who became the prototype of the studio “Frankenstein”.

Third round – “Finish the sage.” Azamat pronounces the beginning of a famous saying and gives three pictures, one of which is the correct clue, and the other two are for averting your eyes. Guests should think about the options and name the one that makes the most sense.

The fourth round is called “Missing Link”. Two images are given, formally not related to each other. You need to build a logical chain (a kind of bridge) to connect the pictures with irrefutable arguments.

Participants have fun trying to complete tasks faster and show off their skills the best side. And there are still many rounds ahead and new guests who can cheer up the audience in a minute.

Participants in the new TNT project must explain the inexplicable and unite the incompatible

Participants in the new TNT project must explain the inexplicable and unite the incompatible.

Host Azamat Musagaliev will test married couples for logic. Photo: TNT Channel

The authors of the program “Where is the logic?” They claim that this is an intellectual show. In reality, of course, this is a completely incomprehensible humorous program disguised as a battle of wits. Since November 29, once a week, presenter Azamat Musagaliev (captain of the KVN team “Team of the Kamyzyak Region”) tests our stars, and at the same time their companions, for logical thinking.

So, last weekend, viewers could watch how Dom-2 host Olga Buzova and her husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov, who played against, tried to think logically. Logic and the star of “House-2” - already funny, right?! And this Sunday, the actor of the TV series “Univer” Stas Yarushin and his wife Alena and ex-Resident of the Comedy Club Viktor Vasiliev and his wife, actress Anna Snatkina, will fight in the show.

Before the start of each game, the participants agree on what prize they are fighting for. So Buzova and Varnava played on the yacht. However, the winner ultimately received only a photograph of the ship. Well, for visualizing desires and buying a yacht in the future. Some offer to play for money. And even to the island. And Stas Yarushin suggested playing on children's sleds. What, the most needed product in winter?

Seriously, there is no cash or any other prize for the winner.

The most interesting thing is that there is no one correct answer to tricky questions - even if it seems to you that the solution is obvious. And no rights or freedoms at all: the fate of the participants is decided solely by Azamat Musagaliev.

“I am not only a presenter, but also a participant, a judge, and a director,” he laughs. — Before giving the task to the participants, I “decide” the cards myself. Our authors are very erudite and educated people, they come up with very tricky questions. In the show, a lot is built on improvisation, immediate reactions, thanks to this it turns out not only smart, but also funny. Sometimes participants make such absurd and paradoxical conclusions that you fall on the floor laughing. By the way, it turned out that some wives will be more dexterous than their star spouses. So, Le Havre’s wife (ex-resident of the Comedy Club - author) Irina answered so brightly and interestingly that I think she simply gave us a message.

In the upcoming episodes, actress Anna Khilkevich and her husband Arthur will play against Le Havre and his wife Irina. will be paired up with his Interns colleague Dmitry Sharakois - they will fight with Ararat Keshchyan and his wife Ekaterina. Demis Karibidis and his wife Pelageya will be opposed by Nastasya Samburskaya and Konstantin Shelyagin. Closer to the New Year, Miguel and the choreographer of the “Dancing” project, Ekaterina Reshetnikova, will also play against each other.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva were not afraid of tricky tests. Photo: TNT Channel

- “Where is the logic?” - a product of purely Russian production. Our show cannot fit into any specific format,” says the author of the idea, creative producer of the TNT channel Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov. — This is a quiz, an intellectual game, and a humorous family show. The presenter’s task is not only to determine the winner, he also helps the players build a chain of conclusions. Yes, there is no one correct answer, but there is adequate logic, a train of thought, an idea!

Now imagine yourself in the shoes of the project participants and try your hand at the TNT show “Where is the logic?”

First round
Here are three pictures. Justify logically what unites all these three subjects?

Second round
Here are two portraits of famous people, combined into one image. Name them.

Third round
What's missing from these pictures?

P.S. Now do you understand how the brains of the project participants explode?!

“Where is the logic?”
Sundays/20.00, TNT

Photo: roscosmos.ru, globallookpress.com, Oleg Rukavitsyn, TNT

Perm region, Gainsky district,

Kebraty village,

MBOU "Kebratskaya Secondary School",

computer science teacher

I -th qualification category

Gapurova Victoria Eduardovna

Intellectual entertainment show“Where is the logic?”

9th grade

Purpose of the game: repetition and generalization of students’ knowledge from the educational field of computer science; formation of a system-information approach to analyzing the surrounding world; stimulating students' interest in the subject as a whole, revealing the applied nature of the subject.

Game objectives:

    Educational – deepening, generalizing knowledge from the educational field of computer science

    Developmental – developing students’ ingenuity and horizons, logical thinking, attentiveness and intelligence.

    Educational – development cognitive interest, development of communication skills.

Equipment: signal buttons, presentation, interactive whiteboard, projector.

Preparatory stage:

In the class, two teams of 2 people are selected.

Progress of the game:


(Slide 1 )

I am glad to welcome you all to our show “Where is the logic?” This is the only game where 2*2 can equal five, if you can prove it logically. And we meet our first team of 9th grade students: _______________ and ______________.

(various questions are asked to the members of the first team: Who is responsible for logic in the team? What prize would you like to receive? etc.)

And now we meet the second team, also consisting of ninth graders: _____________ and ______________.

(questions are asked to the second team).

Now I invite our participants to come up with a name for their teams.

So today the team _____________ will face the team _______________.

And we have 1 round, which is called - FIND COMMON.

(Slide 2)

I explain the rules of the first round: three pictures are displayed on the screen, the task of the participants is to logically connect these pictures with each other. Whoever presses the button first and gives a signal gets the right to respond. The team earns 1 point per round won, not for each task. Are the rules clear?


(Slide 3)

Explorer, calculator, notepad ( Answer: Standard programsWindows )

(Slide 4)

Cut, copy, paste ( Answer:Operations with objectsWindows )

(Slide 5)

Parchment, gramophone record, stone ( Answer:Storage media)

(Slide 6)

Minesweeper, scarf, spider ( Answer:Standard gamesWindows )

(Slide 7)

Linear equation, sign “Branching”, fairy tale “Kolobok” ( Answer:Linear, branching and cyclic algorithms)

(Slide 8)

Flexible, magnetic, laser ( Answer:Types of disks)

(Slide 9)

Skeleton, monument, mobile phone ( Answer:Models presented)

This concludes the first round and the team _____________ wins it

And we have round 2 called “Missing Link”

(Slide 10)

I’ll explain the rules of the second round: two completely logically unrelated pictures are displayed on the screen, you need to connect them using a logical “bridge” of two words. The first team to signal receives the rule to respond first, then the second team's response is listened to. There is no correct answer here and whose answer is more logical wins. 1 point is awarded for a won round. Are the rules clear?


(Slide 11)

WATERMELON…..……Wathsapp ( Sample answer:WATERMELON=GREEN=ICON= whatsapp)

(Slide 12)


(Slide 13)


(Slide 14)


(Slide 15)


(Slide 16)


(Slide 17)


This was the last task and the team ____________ wins the second round

And we move on to round number 3 - “Finish the sage”

(Slide 18)

Rules for the “Finish the Sage” round. A statement by a famous person is displayed on the screen, but the last word and phrase is missing. You need to continue the statement, for which you will be presented with three pictures, one of which will be a hint for you. The first team to signal gets the right to respond. 1 point is awarded for the entire round. So, here we go:

(Slide 19)

“Thirty years ago computers were at work, then they appeared in our homes, and now they are in our pockets. All they have to do is climbinside us ».

Sam Vincent

American screenwriter

(Slide 20)

“The machines must work. People shouldthink »

Company mottoIBM

(Slide 21)

“Once you pick up a computer mouse, you find yourself inmousetrap »

Mikhail Mamchich

member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation

(Slide 22)

“My children, of course, will have a computer. But first of all theywill receive books ».

Bill Gates

(Slide 23)

“If you have viruses constantly living on your computer, then you also need to think about who needs it in the first place.get treatment ».

Stas Yankovsky


Round 3 is over and the victory went to the team ____________

We move on to the fourth round, which is called "Clean Up."

(Slide 24 )

The rules of round 4 are simple: there are four pictures on the screen, one of which is redundant, you need to determine which one and logically explain it. The first team to press the button has the right to respond first. 1 point is awarded for a won round. Are the rules clear? Let's go, round 4.

(Slide 25 )

Paint, CorelDraw, Movie Maker, Photoshop ( Answer: Movie Maker , because This is a video editor, and the rest are graphic editors).

(Slide 26 )

Mouse, hard drive, cooler, firewood ( Answer: Firewood, because the rest applies to PC devices).

(Slide 27 )

Wi-Fi, fish online, Skype, Bluetoth ( Answer: Skype , because everything else is network).

(Slide 28 )

Safe, received letters, hands over keys, pushes car ( Answer: Pushes the car because everything else is related to information processes: storage, receipt, transmission).

(Slide 29 )

Keyboard, printer, scanner, mouse ( Answer: Printer, because all other input devices).

In the fourth round, the team _____________ won. The score becomes _________, but everything can change dramatically in the 5th final round – “What’s missing”

(Slide 30 )

I explain the rules of round 5: a picture is displayed on the screen in which some element is missing. You find the missing element and name it. In this round, 1 point is awarded for each correct answer, not for the round as a whole. Let's begin!

(Slide 31 )

Odnoklassniki website ( Answer: The “Messages” tab is missing).

(Slide 32 )

Google Chrome window ( Answer: The letter "is missing"E »).

(Slide 33 )

Keyboard ( Answer: The "key" is missingEnter »).

(Slide 34 )

(Slide 35 )

Window "Paint" ( Answer: The Eraser tool is missing.)

(Slide 36 )

Windows desktop ( Answer: The Start button is missing.)

(Slide 37 )

Windows window ( Answer: The "Back" and "Forward" buttons are missing).

This was the final round and the team _____________ wins with a score of ___________.

Team ___________ receives a consolation prize, and since our show specializes in pictures, the prize will be in the form of a picture. And for 2nd place we have a tablet ( Slide 38 )

And the winners of our game receive 5+ ( Slide 39 ) and not only in the picture, but also in the magazine.

Final word

I thank our participants for their activity, imagination and eloquence. I say thank you to our viewers for supporting our participants.

Develop your logic, learn computer science! See you again!

View presentation content
“where is logic 3”

1 round

Find commonality

Round 2

The missing link

Round 3

Finish off the sage

“Thirty years ago computers were

at work, then they showed up

in our homes, and now in our pockets.

All they have to do is climb…….”

All they have to do is get inside us.”

Sam Vincent

Sam Vincent

American screenwriter

American screenwriter

“The machines must work.

“The machines must work.

People should…..”

People need to think"

IBM company motto

IBM company motto

you find yourself in a mousetrap.”

Mikhail Mamchich

member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation

“Once I picked up a computer mouse,

you find yourself in .....”

Mikhail Mamchich

member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation

“My children, of course, will have a computer.

But first of all they will receive…….”

But first they will get the books.”

Bill Gates

Bill Gates

I need to get treatment."

Stas Yankovsky


“If you have viruses constantly living on your computer,

then you still need to think about who should come first

necessary ……. ».

Stas Yankovsky


Round 4

Remove unnecessary things

Round 5

What's missing