Second form of the verb tidy. Tidy translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences


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  1. take away (clean up, tidy up)
  2. tidy up
  3. tidy up


  1. order

Plural number: tidies.


  1. careful (neat, clean)
  2. not bad

Verb forms


tidy house
neat house

tidy woman
neat woman

tidy room
clean room

tidy sum
not a bad amount

tidy the room
clean the room


Please tidy up your bedroom.
Please clean your bedroom.

We will tidy up our room so that Mom is satisfied.
We will clean our room to make mom happy.

I'm trying to tidy things up a bit.
I'm trying to put things in order a little bit.

Tom started to frantically tidy up his apartment after his mother rank to say she was coming around.
Tom began to frantically tidy up his apartment when his mother called him and said she was coming.

Tom tidied up the living room.
Tom cleaned the living room.

If I"d known you were coming, I would"ve tidied the house up a bit.
If I had known you were coming, I would have cleaned the house a little.

While my wife was shopping in town, I tidied up in the kitchen.
While my wife went shopping in the city, I cleaned the kitchen.

I bring to your attention several verbs that are synonyms in the same meaning. We find this meaning everywhere, in various situations and conditions. It's about about the words “clean, put away.” You can find them in different semantic contexts. After all, you can “clean, put away” anything, from any object or thing to a room. Let's imagine that you are translating a text into English. You see the verb “clean”. We look into the dictionary and what do we see? The dictionary entry for "clean" lists several verbs. Which one should you choose? Each of them is used in a specific context. To choose the right option, we rely on the semantic content of the context.

Word choice: clean / tidy / do out / dust / polish / brush– meaning “to clean, put away”

The difference in the use of each of the verbs presented will be clear and understandable if we use examples to see when to use one or another word.

The most famous of all mentioned is the verb clean . With its help we brush our teeth ( clean one's teeth), clean the suit ( clean a suit), cleaning up the streets ( clean streets), wash the car ( clean a car), and even clean the gun ( clean a rifle). As we see, “brush your teeth” and “clean your gun” are phrases of a completely different nature, but, nevertheless, we translate them using one verb clean. If we add to this verb the word out, we get the verb “to clean, to clean” ( clean out a room); when adding up- clean up after yourself ( clean up after the picnic).

Synonym of verb clean in the meaning of “clean the room” is the word tidy . Often it is not used alone, but in combination with up. We take this verb if we tidy up something or put things in order somewhere ( tidy up before the guests). In other words, we clean or purify our habitat. Do you want to consume tidy when talking about clothes or appearance? Then we will translate differently: Tidy a dress– straighten the dress; tidy somebody's hair- straighten your hair.

Have you cleaned (cleaned) any room or furniture set? Then you did out something. Another synonym for the verb clean in the meaning of "to remove" is do out . Example: do out a room, do out a cupboard.

Next verb dust also refers to cleaning and cleaning, but its meaning is limited. Since noun dust translated as “dust”, then one can guess that a similar verb will mean specifically wiping dust on any object ( dust furniture). You can safely use two verbs together in one sentence - tidy And dust– they will determine the entire cleaning process ( I tidied and dusted the shelves). In combination dust in a room contains the meaning of “clean the room.”

Our penultimate verb polish also means “clean”, but in this case we can talk about shoes or furniture ( polish shoes or furniture), and in general about any surface that can be rubbed to shine. It turns out that the attitude towards “cleaning” is very conditional.

Verb brush involves the process of clearing something of some substance, often using a brush: brush mud off a coat, brush somebody’s hair / teeth. In combinations brush out / brush down, this verb has the same meaning - to clean, clean, smooth (hair). By the way, the expression brush out a room There is also such a translation - to sweep the room.

But this is not the entire list of verbs that are translated “to clean” in the English dictionary. Here are a few more for your reference, but there are many more:

  • peel– peel fruits and vegetables;
  • purge– to cleanse, to clear something, to cleanse (from suspicions, from sins);
  • pare– peel, clean (horse hooves);
  • scour– to clean, clean (dishes, ditch, car);
  • shine– clean shoes, metal;
  • burnish– clean, polish to shine, add luster;
  • cleanse– cleanse (stomach), cleanse with detergent, disinfect.

In any case, when you translate a phrase or expression with the word “clean”, first of all study the context in which it occurs in order to correctly select the correct verb for this particular case.

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Verb- This independent part speech that answers the questions what to do?, what to do? (to be, to study, to dream, to go...)

According to the method of formation of past tense forms (V2) and past participle (V3) all verbs English language are divided into 2 groups: regular verbs (Regular Verbs) and irregular verbs (Irregular Verbs).

The English verb has three forms. Verb forms are designated by Roman numerals I, II, III.

I form(or an infinitive without to), for example: to make (to do) – make – the first, or main form, which answers the question what to do?, what to do? Using the first form of the verb, the Present Simple Tense is formed. When forming Present Simple Tense to the 1st form of the verb in the 3rd person singular(he, she, it – he, she, it) the ending is added –s or -es(he jumpes, she jumpes, it jumpes, he cries, she cries, it cries, he does, she does, it does) . With other pronouns (I, we, you, you, they - I, we, you, you, they) the I form of the verb is used without changes.

II form serves to form the simple past tense (Past Simple Tense). When forming the simple past tense, both regular and irregular verbs are used. Regular verbs form II and III forms by adding a suffix to the stem I form –ed(jump – jumped – jump – jumped) . If the verb is not regular, then its past tense form corresponds to the second column in the table of irregular verbs (be – was/were, do – did, make – made).

III form- Participle II (Participle II) is a special form of the verb that denotes the attribute of an object by action and answers the questions of the adjective (lost, baked, made). For regular verbs, form III coincides with form II: jump (I) – jumped (II) – jumped (III) (jump – jumped – jumped). II and III forms of irregular verbs can be formed in various ways listed below.

Regular verbs

Regular verbs form II and III forms by adding a suffix to the stem I form -ed (-d), which is pronounced like:

  • [ d] after vowels and voiced consonants: to clean (clean) – cleaned (cleaned); to play (play) - played (played);
  • [ t] after the deaf ones: to work (work) – worked (worked), to look (look) – looked (looked);
  • after [d] And [t]: to want (want) – wanted (wanted), to mend (repair) – mended (repaired).

When forming II and III forms of verbs, pay attention to the following spelling rules:

  • If the I form is a short root syllable and ends with one consonant, then when adding the ending –ed the last vowel of the root is doubled: to stop (stop) – sto pped(stopped).
  • -y, preceded by a consonant, the letter y changes to i: to carry (carry) - carried (carried), to study (study) - studied (studied). But if the stem of the verb ends in -y, preceded by a vowel, then simply adds to the base of the verb - ed: to play (play) – played (played), to stay (stay) – remained (remained).
  • If the stem of the verb ends in -e, which is not pronounced, then II and III forms of the verb are formed by adding the ending - d: to arrive (arrive) – arrived (arrived).

Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs- these are verbs that have special, fixed forms of the past tense and participles; their forms do not have a clear formation algorithm and are acquired by memorizing: to make (to do) - made (made) - made (made). Most English irregular verbs are native English, derived from verbs that existed in Old English. Most irregular verbs exist as remainders historical systems conjugations (changing the verb according to persons - I’m going, you’re going, he’s going...).

Irregular verbs are used to form the past simple (Past Simple), present perfect (Present Simple), past perfect tenses (Past Perfect), in passive voice (Passive voice), when converting direct speech into indirect speech (Reported speech), in conditional sentences ( Conditional sentences).

Table of irregular verbs

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle Translation
arise[ə"raiz]arose[ə"rəuz]arises[ə"riz(ə)n]arise, appear
awake[ə"weik]awoke[ə"wəuk]awoken[ə"wəukən]wake up, wake up
be was,were, been be
bear bore born give birth, bring
beat beat beaten["bi:tn]beat
become became become become
begin began begun start off)
bend bent bent bend, bend
bind bound bound bind
bite bit bitten["bɪtn]bite)
bleed bled bled bleed
blow blew blown blow
break broke broken["broukən]break)
breed bred bred bring up
bring brought brought bring
build built built build
burn burnt burnt burn, burn
burst burst burst burst out, explode
buy bought bought buy
cast cast cast throw, pour (metal)
catch caught caught catch, grab
choose chose chosen["tʃouzən]choose, select
come came come come
cost cost cost cost
cut cut cut cut
dig dug dug dig, dig
do did done do
draw drew drawn draw, drag
dream dream dream dream, dream
drink drank drunk drink
drive drove driven["drɪvən]drive
eat ate eaten["i:tn]There is
fall fell fallen["fɔ:lən]fall
feed fed fed feed
feel felt felt feel
fight fought fought fight
find found found find
fit fit fit fit to size
fly flew flown fly
forget forgot forgotten forget
forgive forgave forgiven forgive
freeze froze frozen["frouzən]freeze
get got got receive
give gave given["gɪvən]give
go went gone go, walk
grow grew grown grow
hang hung hung hang, hang out
have had had have
hear heard heard hear
hide hid hidden["hɪdn]hide
hit hit hit hit the target
hold held held hold
hurt hurt hurt injure, bruise
keep kept kept keep, save
kneel knelt knelt kneel
knit knit knit knit (knitting)
know knew known know
lay laid laid put, put
lead led led lead, lead
lean leant leant tilt
learn learn learn learn
leave left left leave, leave
lend tape tape borrow, lend
let let let let
lie lay lain lie
light lit lit illuminate, light up
lose lost lost lose
make made made do
mean meant meant mean
meet met met meet
mistake mistook mistaken be wrong
pay paid paid pay
put put put put, put
read read read read
ride rode ridden["rɪdn]ride
ring rank rung call, ring
rise rose risen["rɪzən]get up
run ran run run
say said said speak
see saw seen see
seek sought sought search
sell sold sold sell
send sent sent send
set set set put, put
shine[ʃaɪn]shone[ʃoun, ʃɒn]shone[ʃoun, ʃɒn]shine, shine, glisten
shrink[ʃriŋk]shrank[ʃræŋk]shrunk[ʃrʌŋk]sit down (about material), reduce (s), reduce (s)
sing sang sung sing
sink sank sunk drown
sit sat sat sit
sleep slept slept sleep
smell smelt smelt sniff, smell
slide slide slide slide
sow sowed south sow, sow
smell smelled smelled sniff, smell
speak spoke spoken["spoukən]speak
spell spelled spelled spell
spend spent spent spend
spill spilt spilt spill
spit spat spat spit
split split split split
spoiler spoilt spoilt spoil
spread spread spread distribute
stand stood stood stand
steal stole stolen["stoulən]steal
stick stuck stuck stick, stick, persist
sting stung stung sting
strike struck struck strike, strike
strive strove striven["strɪvn]try, strive
swear swore sworn take an oath
sweep swept swept revenge, sweep
swim swam swum swim
take took taken["teɪkən]take, take
teach taught taught learn
tear tore torn tear
tell told told tell
understand[ʌndər "stænd]understood[ʌndər "stʊd]understood[ʌndər "stʊd]understand
upset[ʌp"set]upset[ʌp"set]upset[ʌp"set]upset, upset (plans), upset
wake woke up woken["woukən]wake up
wear wore worn wear
weep wept wept cry
wet wet wet wet, moisturize
win won won win, win
wind wound wound wriggle, wind, wind (watch)
write wrote written["rɪtn]write

How to remember forms of irregular verbs?