Meaning of the word font. Types of fonts and their classification

What is a font?

First of all, let's look at the concept of "font". A font is a set of characters of a certain size and design. In other words, a computer font is a program that can be used in all Windows applications, including PowerPoint.

New term

A font is a method of encoding text information used when transmitting it in the form of an image. A font determines the mutual correspondence between characters of a certain alphabet and their images, which are called letters. The characters that make up the font have certain ornamental characteristics, such as serifs, decorative curls, etc.

Sources of fonts on your computer

Fonts are included with Windows and are developed by application manufacturers and shipped with them. Finally, there are companies engaged exclusively in the production of fonts for all occasions.

Historically, there have been several font standards for personal computers around the world. The most popular fonts are from Adobe Systems (Type 1 standard fonts) and Microsoft (TrueType standard fonts). Both standards have their merits, which has led to their parallel coexistence. PowerPoint uses TrueType fonts.

Often large collections of fonts are bundled with some graphics, publishing, or office software. An example is MS Office, which comes with a huge set of fonts. Unfortunately, as a rule, these fonts are not Cyrillic, and therefore their use in Russia is limited. A similar situation has developed on the Internet. There is a huge selection of free or shareware fonts, but not many of them are Cyrillic.

Font classification

The classification of fonts is quite confusing and contradictory. But, despite the huge number of fonts by application, they can be divided into only 3 groups:

    serif fonts (serif);

    sans serif fonts (grotesques - sans serif);

    others - decorative, handwritten, etc.

Types of fonts are shown in rice. 3.1.

Rice. 3.1. Three types of fonts

Various studies have shown that serif fonts are easier to read because serifs help the eye move from letter to letter without the letters blurring together. On the other hand, sans serif letters are easier to read in very large or very small font sizes. But it is almost impossible to establish uniform rules, since in addition to the style, font size, line length, leading, free space and even paper (when presenting products in paper form) are of great importance. Decorative fonts have a random pattern of characters and are used mainly as design elements. They are not recommended for use as body text as they are difficult to read. Headings, catchy highlights - this is the place of such fonts in the text.


The need to choose from large number fonts can be intimidating for a newbie. But don’t be afraid, take a closer look at what fonts your colleagues use, create a font catalog of the fonts at your disposal. Choose 5-10 fonts that appeal to you the most and use them. Gradually add new styles to your typeface and diversify your style.

Installing fonts in Windows OS

During Windows installation, a set of standard fonts is installed, the files of which are written to the hard drive. Windows and other applications use these fonts by default. It is always possible to install additional or remove already installed fonts in the future.

The most convenient way to install a new font is to use the icon Fonts V Control panels, when clicked, a window opens with a list of fonts already installed on the system ( rice. 3.2).

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Rice. 3.2. Fonts window

To install a new font use the command File - Install font. In the dialog box that appears when executing this command Adding fonts You should select the folder in which the font (or fonts) to be installed on the system is located.


In Windows, there is a special system font folder Windows\Fonts. To ensure that the fonts you install are copied to this folder, the dialog box Adding fonts there is a special checkbox Copy fonts to the Fonts folder. Once installed, the font is added to the system registry, after which it becomes available to all Windows applications (including PowerPoint).

Text, text style, design attributes

New term

Text (from Latin textus - fabric, connection) - 1. Any recorded speech ( literary work, essay, document, as well as part or excerpt from them). 2. The main part of the printed set (without illustrations, drawings, tables).

When considering not individual letters, but their totality (forming the text), new terms appear. In a presentation, each element of the book text, be it the main text, heading, note, etc., has its own design style.

New term

Text style is a set of all text design parameters inherent in a given segment.

Text style attributes include the following concepts: font type; outline; pin; leading; letter gap; interword space; off; first line indent; retraction (indents on the right and left); interparagraph spaces; other design techniques. However, since font science and typography are separate and big topics, then here on each of these terms on the topic “;font and text”; we have no opportunity to stop.

New term

Typography is the graphic design of printed text through typing and layout using norms and rules specific to a given language.

Paragraph concept

When working with text, the concept of a paragraph plays an important role - an indent or space at the beginning of the text, chapter or red line. Typically, a new paragraph of text begins with a first line indent (sometimes called a red line), which inserts a space of a certain amount before the first letter. The indentation of the first line (paragraph indent) can be positive (in this case, the first line is shifted to the right relative to all other lines of the paragraph) or negative (the first line extends to the left beyond the edge of the main text, that is, all lines of the paragraph, starting from the second, are shifted relative to the first line to the right by a certain fixed distance). In addition, a paragraph may not have an indentation at all. To refer to this situation, the printing industry has adopted the term blunt line.

Paragraph indentation is a signal for a kind of pause that organizes reading. Large blocks that are not divided into paragraphs dull the reader’s perception or go in the wrong direction. By highlighting significant parts of the text, the paragraph acts as a kind of emphasis that actively influences a person’s attention.

New term

A paragraph (German Absatz - red line, literally - ledge) is an indentation in the initial line of printed or handwritten text (a part of the text connected by semantic unity and highlighted by the indentation of the first line). In graphical text editors, a paragraph is a sequence of lines aligned left and right along some boundaries.

Newspaper writers sometimes call paragraphs "graphs" to emphasize their difference from book paragraphs. Graphs are short segments of thought. Standard newspaper paragraphs consist of three or four sentences, that is, about 40-50 words. Graphs are also a design element that makes the newspaper space free and lively. The reader is reluctant to read materials that look long. Dividing into graphs makes the material more readable, since visually it does not look so cumbersome and verbose.

Adding text to a slide

On the slide you can do:

    Add body text or heading text within frames,

    Adding text to a shape

    Adding text to an inscription.

Add body or heading text within frames

The slide layout contains frames for text and objects in various combinations. The text of the slide titles, subtitles and body text is entered into the appropriate frames. The frame is represented by a dotted border containing the slide title text.

To add body text or a framed title to a slide, follow these steps:

Click inside the text frame and enter text or paste it from the clipboard ( rice. 3.3).

Rice. 3.3. Entering text into the prototype


If the text does not fit in the frame, then as new characters are entered, the font and line spacing will decrease to the required size.

Add text to a shape and create a caption

Text can be enclosed within shapes such as squares, circles, outlines, and curly arrows. When you type text into a shape, it becomes nested within it and therefore moves and rotates with it. When text is placed on top of a shape, it is independent of the shape, meaning it does not move with the shape.

    To make added text part of a shape, select the shape, and then type the text or paste it from the clipboard.

    To allow added text to be moved independently of the shape, use the command Insert - Lettering add a text field and then enter text or paste it from the clipboard ( rice. 3.4).

Rice. 3.4. The top text is part of the shape and rotates with it, but the bottom text is not part of the shape and is independent of it

Captions are used to place text anywhere on a slide, including outside text frames. For example, you can add a title to a picture by creating a text box and placing it next to the picture. You can also use text boxes to add text to shapes when you don't want to associate it with them.

Creating lists

Some prototypes automatically format text as a bulleted list, while other prototypes do not. To create bulleted lists on a tab Home find a group Paragraph (rice. 3.5).

Rice. 3.5. Paragraph group

Here are tools familiar to anyone who has worked in MS Office, and, in particular, tools for creating lists.

Create speaker notes

Too much text makes the slide confusing and unclear to the audience. Speaker Notes help keep your presentation screen free from text-heavy content while allowing you to keep track of all the information you need during your presentation ( rice. 3.6). Good notes can help keep your audience's attention and prevent your slide from becoming too text-heavy.

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Rice. 3.6. Example of a presentation containing speaker notes

While you work on the content of your slides, enter your notes below the slide in the notes area. Typically, the presenter will type these notes and refer to them during the presentation. However, if the notes are too large to fit on the notes page, they will be cut off when printed. To make working with the notes area easier, you can enlarge it by dragging the split handle.

Convert slide text to a SmartArt graphic

In Power Point, you can turn a text slide into a SmartArt graphic with one click.

New term

A SmartArt graphic is a visual representation of information that can be customized to suit the needs of the PC user. Converting Text to SmartArt Art is a quick way to transform existing text slides into professional-looking graphic illustrations.

To convert existing text into a SmartArt graphic, click the prototype that contains the text. In a group Paragraph tabs Home click on the button Convert to SmartArt Graphic. Select the desired option for converting text to a picture from the collection of options. Once you find the SmartArt graphic you want, click it to apply it to your text. For an example of converting slide text to a SmartArt graphic, see rice. 3.7.


This collection contains SmartArt graphic layouts that are best suited for bulleted lists. To see what a SmartArt graphic will look like with the text you want, hover over the SmartArt graphic's thumbnail in the gallery.

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a) Prototype

b) Prototype converted to pyramid list (SmartArt graphic)

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Rice. 3.7. c) SmartArt based on bulleted text (optional)

You can now move your SmartArt graphic, resize it, rotate it, add text to it, or apply another Quick Style to it.

New term

Express Style (quick style) is a set of formatting options that makes it easier to format documents and objects.

While it's easiest to create a SmartArt graphic for existing text, you can go the other way and insert the SmartArt graphic you want first, and then add the text to it.

Tips for working with SmartArt art, color, and text

    Before you create a SmartArt graphic, consider what type and layout will best display your data. Try several different options and find the one that best graphically illustrates the text information.

    SmartArt graphics are most effective when the number of shapes and the amount of text are not as large as possible, but as small as possible to convey information. Too much text can detract from the visual presentation of a SmartArt graphic and make it difficult to read.

    Some SmartArt Art Layouts in the best possible way designed for specific situations. For example, layout Balancing arrows(type Connection), intended to represent two opposing ideas or concepts. And in order to display more than two ideas, go to another layout in which more figures for text, for example layout Simple pyramid (type Pyramid).

    When working with SmartArt graphics, it's helpful to know certain keyboard shortcuts ( table 3.1).

Table 3.1. Keyboard shortcuts when working with SmartArt graphics

Operation name

Keyboard shortcuts

Add a new SmartArt graphic

Open online help

Switch between text area and SmartArt graphic

Move from text area to ribbon

Press CTRL+SHIFT+F2 to go to the SmartArt graphic, and then press ALT to go to the Ribbon

When a shape is selected, move to another shape in the SmartArt graphic

Increase text indentation in text area

Decrease text indent in text area

Add a tab character to a text area

Select multiple shapes in text area

Select a text string in the text area, then press Shift+Down Arrow to select additional shapes

After you add a SmartArt graphic, open the Design Gallery where you can view and edit all the designs

Increase the size of the selected shape


Reduce the size of the selected shape


Resize the shape in small steps


Move the shape in the desired direction


Move the shape in small steps


Rotate the shape in the desired direction by 15°

Rotate shape 1°


When working with text in color publications, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    assign contrasting colors to the background and text. We are talking about contrast of color, and not just different brightness. For example, black letters on a red background are difficult to read, so this combination should be avoided if possible;

    check the contrast of text and background on a monochrome image. Although this technique doesn't always work, in most cases, when two colors look contrasting in monochrome, they will look contrasting in color;

    Avoid annoying combinations of color tones for printing voluminous text. For example, a combination of yellow and red is very effective for printed products with the “New!” label, but such a color scheme is inappropriate in most other cases;

    Avoid shades that are too light or hard to see. Text that is too light is problematic when printed, regardless of whether the shade looks good or bad on the slide. Fine lines with a light shade of color are poorly reproduced. It may even turn out that this color will just look like dirt on paper.

Adding headers and footers to a presentation

To add slide numbers, time and date, company logo, presentation title or file name, presenter name, etc., at the top or bottom of each handout page or notes, or at the bottom of each slide, use headers and footers.

On the tab Insert in the group Text click on the button Headers and footers - rice. 3.8.

Rice. 3.8. Window Header and Footer

To add a footer to a slide in a dialog box Headers and footers on the tab Slide check the box Footer, and then enter the text you want to center at the bottom of the slide.

    To display footer information only on the selected slide, click Apply.

    To display footer information on all slides in your presentation, click Apply to all.

To add headers and footers to the issue page or notes in a dialog box Headers and footers on the tab Notes and Issues check the box Header or Footer, and then enter the text you want to place at the center of the top (header) or center of the bottom (footer) of each issue or notes page. Then click on the button Apply to all (rice. 3.9).

Rice. 3.9. Header and Footer window, Notes and Issues tab


In this window the field View displays header and footer information in the location where it would appear on the slide, issue page, or notes page.

Spell checking, sending for review

Although Office PowerPoint 2010 has spell checking enabled automatically, it is recommended that you check your spelling again when you finish working on your presentation. To check spelling in a presentation, press the keys CTRL+HOME to move to the beginning of your presentation.

In a group Spelling tabs Review select team Spelling. If Office PowerPoint 2010 detects spelling errors, a dialog box appears and highlights the first misspelled word encountered by the spelling checker ( rice. 3.10). The author of the presentation determines how to correct the error found by the program. After correcting the misspelled word, the program finds the next misspelled word, and so on.

Rice. 3.10. An error was found in the word ";banner";

So, before showing the presentation, it is necessary to correct spelling errors and eliminate other shortcomings and gaps. Go to the tab Review on the ribbon to check your spelling. There may be a need for other users to review this presentation and add their comments. Team Create a note available in group Notes, which is also on the tab Review. To add a note, you simply select this command and enter a note for individual slides.


When viewing notes, use the buttons to navigate through them. Back And Forward in the group Notes.

Styles for text fields

To create a caption for a picture, insert a text box. This can be done using the command Insert - Lettering (rice. 3.11).

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Rice. 3.11. An example of creating a text field with the Caption tool

Now activate the tab Format. Tab Format fields Drawing Tools contains styles for text boxes and other shapes ( rice. 3.12).

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Rice. 3.12. Format Field Drawing Tools tab

To explore this tool, activate an image caption and hover your mouse over any style to see a preview of the style applied to the text box on the slide. Select the desired style for the text field, or several styles at once ( rice. 3.13).

Rice. 3.13. Selecting multiple styles for a text field at once

Example 3.1. Translating a word or text into another language

PowerPoint 2010 has a built-in translator and you can translate text written in another language, such as phrases or paragraphs. individual words or the whole file. You can also create a document in one language and then translate it into another language using the service machine translation Microsoft Translator.

To translate a specific word or sentence, highlight it ( rice. 3.14), then run the command Review-Translation (rice. 3.15).

Rice. 3.14. Text to be translated is highlighted

Rice. 3.15. Translation group on the Review tab

Select the language for translation (we will translate from Russian to English) - rice. 3.16.

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Rice. 3.16. Selecting a language for translation

Run the command Translate selected text. The translation result will appear in the area Translation in section Reference materials - rice. 3.17.

Rice. 3.17. Offer translated


An internet connection is required for translation.


To change the language from or to which translation will be performed, select it in the Translation in section Reference materials. For example, to translate text from English language into Russian, select the English (US) option from the list Source language and Russian (Russia) in the list Translation language.

If you run the command Mini translator, then the Mini-translator will be turned on, after which you can point the cursor at the word (or sentence) that needs to be translated, and the translation will be shown in the mini-translator - rice. 3.18.

Rice. 3.18. When you hover your mouse over a word, the mini-translator displays its translation. It’s easy to insert text into a slide from the Mini Translator

Example 3.2. Inserting symbols and formulas into a slide

To insert mathematical formulas into a presentation on the tab Insert in the group Symbols click on the arrow next to the item Formula and then select Insert formula (rice. 3.19).

Rice. 3.19. Inserting a formula

A number of popular formulas are offered by the program as templates ( rice. 3.20).

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Rice. 3.20. Blanks of popular formulas

To insert frequently used or preformatted formulas into a tab Insert in the group Symbols Click the arrow next to Formulas, and then select the formula you want from the list ( rice. 3.21)

Rice. 3.21. An example of inserting the Pythagorean theorem into a slide

To write your own (your) formula on the tab Constructor in the group Structures Select the type of structure you want (for example, fraction or radical), and then click the icon for the structure you want. If the structure contains placeholders, then click the placeholder and enter the numbers you need or symbols ( rice. 3.22).

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Rice. 3.22. The Design tab is expanded to work with formulas

To insert symbols into your presentation, such as the euro sign, on the tab Insert find a group Symbols (rice. 3.23).

Rice. 3.23. Symbol group is active

Click on the icon Symbol and select the desired character from the set ( rice. 3.24).

Rice. 3.24. Character set from Wingdings font

Adding notes to your presentation

In Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, you can add, edit, and delete comments.

New term

A note is a note that can be attached to a letter or word on a slide, or to an entire slide.

To add a note to text or an object (table, chart, picture, or text) on a slide, select the object. On the tab Review in the group Notes click on the button Create a note (rice. 3.25)

Rice. 3.25. New Note button shown

Type your comment text and then click outside the comment box ( rice. 3.26) - the note will be created.

Rice. 3.26. Note created

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Rice. 3.27. On the left is a sketch of the note - on the right, the note is opened for reading

To change or delete a note, click on the note thumbnail and in the group Notes select the desired tool ( rice. 3.28).

Rice. 3.28. The Note group shows the Edit and Delete Note commands

    Never rush when choosing fonts for publication, try to take even the smallest things seriously. A font is a powerful tool with which you can not only write, but even draw ( rice. 3.29).

Rice. 3.29. Example of a font design

    Remember that each additional font installed on your computer takes away a piece of RAM. Be smart, monitor the number of fonts, and remove unnecessary (not used in your work) fonts.

    Be careful when using particularly ornate (decorative) fonts, the inept use of which may turn readers away from your materials. A beautiful but hard-to-read font is a common mistake for beginners.

    When choosing a font for publication, you should proceed from its ease of reading and adequacy, i.e., compliance with the style of the publication. For strict documents, it makes sense to use only classic fonts and no more than two per page. In other cases, it is also important to observe the measure; It is believed that the maximum number of fonts on one page is three. A large number of fonts used indicates a lack of professionalism on the part of the author of the publication (as does the abuse of decorative fonts).

    The general principle for work is to use serif typefaces for the main text and serif typefaces for headings and other elements. But there are no rules without exceptions. In one document you can limit yourself to only sans serif typefaces, in another - only with serifs. It should be taken into account that text typed in sans font is more difficult to read (this is especially true for large volumes of text).

    For headings and subheadings, use a bolder style. Avoid using the same typeface for headings and body text. On the other hand, it is better to use similar typefaces for headings and subheadings; the same applies to cases where there are several typefaces in the main text. If the heading takes up more than three lines, the typeface should be equal in weight to the main text. If the typefaces of the title and text are the same, separate the title from the text. By using a bold font style for the first words of your title, you give a header, while using italics will help separate the title from the body of the text without distracting. If the heading takes up less than three lines, a typeface that looks more impressive than the main text looks impressive.

    The resolution of your printer also affects the choice of fonts. On a 600-point "laser" any small font will look pretty good. But on the 300-point “jet gun” - hardly. Remember that any font on a monitor screen comes with a resolution of 72 dpi.

    Pay attention to the length of the lines. It’s not for nothing that newspapers and magazines are usually laid out in two or more columns. For readability of regular text in 9-10 font size, the optimal line length is approximately 85 mm (from 63 to 125 mm is acceptable). The deterioration in readability in this case can be partially compensated by increasing the distance between lines (leading). If you chose font size 10 for the main text, set the leading to 1-2 points more, i.e. 11-12 points), if your line length is within the limits recommended above. And add another 1-2 points if it approaches 170-180 mm.

    Margins play an important role in the readability of text. Did you know that in classic typography, margins take up about 50% of the page area?


In this lecture, the reader learned the basics of typography and font science, how to create speaker notes and how to convert slide text into a SmartArt graphic. Now you can add headers and footers to your presentation and check the spelling of slide text. The next lecture will be no less interesting and will be devoted to topics and working with drawings.

All students of the printing department of technical schools, higher education institutions should know what a font is. educational institutions, designers and advertising specialists. However, in everyday life Many of us encounter this concept, because any text is written in font - in a book, magazine or on a page on the World Wide Web. Understanding what we are talking about, you can learn how to work with fonts, use them for your own benefit and to decorate your workplace.

Terms and concepts

Within the printing industry, the most important terms are “font” and “size”. In the educational training course for such specialists, they must tell you what each of these words means. However, font is a term that is familiar to many without special education, but not everyone has encountered what a pin represents. Point size is the size of the font; for typography, an extremely significant characteristic of the text. Modern technology allows you to easily change the size of the typed font. Text editors have a special toolbar where you can set a convenient size. But in the old printing workshops it was much more difficult: it was necessary to compose a set of letters of strictly defined sizes, and when changing the size, change the keys for printing.

What a font is is easy to explain. In general, the term refers to the rules for writing all the letters of the alphabet within one set. Additionally, they apply to punctuation marks and numbers. In this case, the size is not at all important; the font determines solely the style, that is, the visual, aesthetic component of the text. Most modern text editors allow you to use different fonts. You can also embed additional fonts into your computer's operating system (some are present by default, but not everyone has them). Then they will appear in all installed programs that allow you to change this characteristic of the text.

Font: so much and so little

When considering what a font is, you need to understand: comprehensive rules, which it represents, contain instructions for the operating system exactly how to display characters on the screen. This does not mean that they will be printed exactly the same. Before you confirm to print a file, you can request a preview, then the program will display what will be used in the print. This limitation does not apply to all equipment, but to some printer models that do not support non-standard writing types. As a rule, the system automatically selects the font most similar to the one used by the user.

You also need to know what symbols are included in the program. What is a font? This is a set of designations specified by the creator. Some do not write down numbers, others - latin letters, others are Cyrillic, and some even encode all letters with incomprehensible symbols. If a user is looking for fonts to download, the descriptions of such packages usually already indicate which alphabets are supported. A unique file is created to store the font, loaded into the operating system and activated using a special built-in installation tool. Just a few mouse clicks and the font is ready to use. On older versions, a machine restart is sometimes required.

Systematization and versatility

In fact, any font (for Photoshop as well) is a systematized set of data that extends to conventional symbols and is used to display data. The broadest meaning of the word implies that fonts are typesetting printing materials, not only the printed ones themselves, but also whitespace. But this meaning is more relevant for professionals, but a narrower concept involves assessing the subject in question as letters belonging to one or more alphabets. The font is supplemented with numbers and punctuation marks (unless, of course, the creator overlooked this). A font is a combination of various sizes and styles.

The word "font" came to us from German language. According to Dahl's dictionary, it implies a cast type used in printing. Like modern fonts for Photoshop, character sets in earlier times also had unique names that made it possible to identify each specific one from the general variety of existing ones.

How did this happen?

The process of creating beautiful fonts in the old days in specialized workshops was quite interesting. First, coins were produced (in a specialized environment they are called stalipunsons), on the basis of which matrices were made. For this, copper blanks were used, just one blow on which was enough to get the correct impression. The set was already poured into the matrix, for which it was used complex composition, which included:

  • tin;
  • zinc;
  • lead;
  • iron (in the form of sawdust).

At first, the classification of fonts assumed only individual, unique names, which were selected based on the characteristics of a particular set of characters. The sets were divided into lowercase and regular. It was possible to make slanted, oblique, large, and capital letters. The smallest one was called diamond font and was used on the back of banknotes circulating in those days.

Graphic signs

Beautiful fonts are good, but first of all they should still be useful. To have just such character sets at your disposal, you need to select options from the correct typographic group. Highlight:

  • Latin;
  • based on the Cyrillic alphabet;
  • special graphic.

How about more details?

It is not surprising that in our country a variety of Russian fonts are in greatest demand. They are based on the Cyrillic alphabet. However, the presence of only letters of the Russian alphabet is not necessary. At his discretion, the creator can include a variety of symbols and special characters.

This approach makes the font universal, applicable to the languages ​​of many peoples formerly united in the state - the USSR. Thus, Ukrainian and Belarusian differ from Russian only in some individual letters, the modification of which to the main font is not particularly difficult. And there are several dozen such languages ​​similar to our native one. Macedonian and Bulgarian will be visually similar. The extended Russian-language font will allow you to display text in these languages ​​without errors.

Latin based

Such printed, handwritten fonts are in demand all over the world, because it is English, built on the Latin alphabet, that has become the language of international communication. In addition to universal English characters, a good font includes special characters and signs. This makes it possible to apply one systematic set of rules for mapping letters and characters to texts on the most different languages. Thus, French and German are extremely similar in appearance to English, differing only in umlauts and some other specific characters.

The use of Cyrillic and Russian fonts allows the typographic process to efficiently display a variety of materials in print (and on virtual pages on the Internet) in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Some nationalities, who also previously lived on the territory of the USSR, traditionally use the Latin alphabet. As can be seen from practice, the most universal fonts in our country are those that equally contain the rules for writing both the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.

Special case

How to change the font to a special one? If we're talking about about using a computer, then doing this is quite simple - you just need to select the required fragment and select the desired option from the drop-down list in a text editor. If it is absent, you will first have to establish such a drawing rule - run it using the program built into the operating system. A special font is one that includes various characters and graphemes.

Even handwritten fonts can be special if they intend to depict any specific characters characteristic of a small language family. The classic example is Arabic. Many characters are found only in one language, for which a new font has to be developed. This is what Greek would be like. Unique fonts are also regularly created, where letters, numbers and punctuation marks are encoded with mysterious symbols or pictures.

What's in practice?

As mentioned above, fonts for modern personal computers are often developed taking into account several languages. At the same time, such a printed or handwritten font will correctly display the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet - this is the most standard set. Most popular fonts support common special characters Greek language, some gothic, actively used in everyday life in writing.

Alphabet: what is this?

Color, font size, style of writing - all this is good and clear, but what is it applied to? What is this alphabet? The word is familiar to everyone, because this is where it begins educational program for small children, at the same time, not every adult will be able to clearly explain what is commonly understood by it. “Well... The alphabet is the alphabet!” - Surprisingly, this is the answer you hear most often.

Traditionally, the alphabet (which is displayed in small and large print on print) is a graphic system that conveys letters and sounds in writing. The alphabet was first invented in Phenicia before the beginning of our era, around the eleventh century. Somewhat later, at the turn of the eighth and seventh centuries, Greece developed its own alphabet; in the third century BC, the Latin one was formed. Within school course Children are sure to learn that the alphabet we use is based on that created by Cyril and Methodius in the ninth century of the current era. They developed Church Slavonic, which eventually evolved into the Cyrillic alphabet we use.

This is interesting

The font color can be any, as can the size, but the letters themselves used in the work are strictly defined in quantity - this depends on belonging to a specific alphabet. But hieroglyphs are no different from this - there are countless of them. But for many it will be a discovery that both the Japanese and Koreans use the alphabet! Moreover, the first - even two, but on a par with hieroglyphs, but the Korean language is a completely alphabetic system, only the letters are very different in spelling and sound from those we are used to.

A font is a graphic norm characteristic of a specific rule. When figuring out how to change the font, you can select something from the drop-down panel in a text editor, but only the option that contains the letters of the alphabet used. If the user selects fonts that do not support the characters typed, operating system will automatically replace the writing rules with those used previously or with some standard set.

Which is better?

Large print is always (within reason) easier to read than small print. But experts say that ease of perception depends not only on size. For example, there is an opinion that it is much easier for a person to perceive serif fonts, but this theory also has opponents. The classic representative of the serif family is Times New Roman, but to opposite side belongs to the no less ancient and popular Arial. By the way, even scientific works, the authors of which set themselves the task of determining: what is easier to read?

Readability and Legibility

These two characteristics, although close, still differ in their semantic content. The legibility of a font is determined by how accurately all the lines of the letters are written. The clearer they are, the easier it is for a person to identify letters and words. And readability is related to the layout of the text and the layout of the material. If the font is illegible, no amount of layout can make the written text readable. But any font, even the clearest one, can be turned into unreadable if you make the material, for example, too wide, too small, too large. In this case, you need to analyze the purposes for which the text is written. One is good for books, but completely unacceptable on billboards, the other is optimal for advertising on moving objects, but is not suitable for text in video material.

Legibility depends on numerous elements, with serifs being the primary focus. The term usually refers to the small dashes that end letter elements. Accordingly, if there are no strokes, then the font belongs to the sans-serif category.


A, pl. fonts and fonts, m.

A set of typographical characters (letters, punctuation marks, mathematical and other symbols) necessary when typing something. text.

At dawn the typesetters brought seven fonts, seven cash desks, and a printing press. Berggolts, Pervorossiysk.

Near the walls stood desks with tops divided into cells in several rows. I realized that these were typesetting boxes in which the printing type was located. Morozov, Stories of my life.

The nature of typographical letters, as well as their imprint on paper.

(Journalist:) Read my criticism. (Reader:) I read it. Minor attacks on the font, vignettes, typos. Lermontov, Journalist, reader and writer.

The two names were printed in large black font. Kuprin, How I was an actor.

The graphic form of letters when writing, the nature of the pattern of written letters.

I saw on the table --- leaf notepaper, beautifully covered with different fonts. Dostoevsky, Stepanchikovo village.

On her ( business card) was written in an old font: “Nikolai Aleksandrovich Belokopytov.” A. N. Tolstoy, Egor Abozov.

(German: Schrift)


What's happened FONT, FONT this is the meaning of the word FONT, origin (etymology) FONT, synonyms for FONT, paradigm (word forms) FONT in other dictionaries

Paradigm, word forms FONT- Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak


1 . font,






2 . font,






FONT- T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative



1) Drawing, lettering.

2) A complete set of typographical characters of a certain design, containing the alphabet, punctuation marks, numbers, mathematical, chemical, etc. signs.

FONT- Modern explanatory dictionary ed. "Great Soviet Encyclopedia"


(German: Schrift), in printing - a set of letters that reproduces any alphabet (Latin, Russian, Arabic, Greek, etc.), as well as numbers and signs. Fonts differ in the nature of the design (see Typeface), slant (straight, italic, oblique), weight (light, bold, bold), size (see Point size).

FONT- S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Dictionary Russian language


FONT, -a, plural. h. -y, -ov and -ý, -ov, m. Form of written or printed characters. Printed, handwritten, drawn w. Figure ~a. Typesetting w.(obtained as a result of typesetting). Typographical highway(a set of letters and other elements for typesetting).

| adj. ~new, oh, oh.

Synonyms for FONT- Dictionary of Russian synonyms