(4 photos). Where are the "flying saucers" of the Third Reich hidden? (4 photos) Creation of a flying saucer in the Third Reich

E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4) was a design department of the occult "Order of the Black Sun" SS, which was engaged in research into alternative energy sources to reduce the dependence of the Third Reich's military production on oil supplies. E-IV employees worked on coal gasification, alcohol and oxygen-hydrogen fuels for vehicles and generators, jet turbines and even electromagnetic-gravity engines.

The electromagnetic-gravity engine was developed in 1939. The revolutionary invention was based on Hans Kohler's improved converter, working in conjunction with a Van de Graaff electrostatic generator and a Marconi vortex dynamo (a spherical container of mercury). The device, called the Thule engine (also known as the Tachyonator-7 engine), was installed on the Thule disk spacecraft (Thule and Vril - Nazi occult societies, predecessors of the Ahnenerbe) and was capable of reducing the mass of the structure and overcoming gravity.

Since 1935, Thule has been looking for a sparsely populated secluded place to set up a test site for new aircraft. Such a place was found in northwestern Germany in the town of Hauneburg. During testing, the Thule disk was called the “H-Gerät” (Hauneburg apparatus).

With the outbreak of war, in 1939, for reasons of secrecy, the name of the disc was shortened to Haunebu, and in the documentation it was called RFZ-5. Later, the Hauneburg test site was abandoned, and aircraft tests were carried out near Brandenburg on the Vril runway. Although the Haunebu disc was officially part of the RFZ series, it was an independent development of the E-IV department supervised by Thule. And devices from RFZ-1 to RFZ-4 were initially designed at the Brandenburg Arado plant under the patronage of the Vril society.

Two prototypes of the Haunebu-1 disk with a diameter of 25 meters were manufactured. Designed for a crew of eight people, these aircraft could reach an incredible speed of 4800 km/h, although only at low altitudes. Further improvements to the design made it possible to increase the speed to 17,000 km/h! The flight duration was up to 18 hours. Additional two-layer armor helped the Vril and Haunebu series disc planes to withstand the temperature loads that inevitably arise at such exorbitant speeds. The armor, called Victalen, was created by SS metallurgists specifically for these aircraft. The first prototypes of the discs were armed with two KraftStrahlKanone (KSK) beam guns of 60 mm caliber. The guns were supposed to be used as a combat laser.

When Vril-7 was shot down by the Russians in 1945, metal balls and tungsten spirals of unknown purpose were found among the debris of the disc. These were the remains of destroyed KSK guns, never identified by the Soviets. Only very recently has it been suggested that the balls and spirals were part of emitters capable of destroying armor up to four inches (10.16 cm) thick with a directed energy flow.

Due to the deterioration of disc flight performance due to the bulkiness of the KSK, other Haunebu models were armed with lighter MG and MK aircraft automatic cannons. Thus, six MK-108s guns, indistinguishable in surviving photographic documents, were installed inside the body with three barrels on the upper and lower hemispheres of the disk. The first flight of the Haunebu I took place in 1939, and a total of 52 test flights were made with two prototypes of this disc.

In 1942, Haunebu II was ready for testing with its diameter increased to 26 meters, controlled by a crew of nine people. The speed of the aircraft reached 6000-21000 km/h, and the flight duration was increased to 55 hours. Thermal protection of the Haunebu II and Do-Stra (an upgraded model of the Haunebu II with a diameter of 32 meters) was provided by two-layer Victalen armor. Seven second generation disc planes were designed and tested in 1943-44. In total, these devices made 106 experimental flights. The improved Haunebu II Do-Stra (Dornier STRAtosphären Flugzeug) was tested in 1944. Two prototypes were made. The massive multi-tiered machines were controlled by a team of 20 people. The Do-Stra's top speed was also 21,000 km/h.

The SS leadership insisted on holding a tender for the production of disc planes between the aircraft manufacturing companies Junkers and Dornier, but the competition was never held, and at the end of 1944/beginning of 1945 the production of aircraft was entrusted to Dornier. However, due to the end of the war, mass production of “weapons of retaliation” was never launched. The pinnacle of the evolution of combat disc planes was the 71-meter Haunebu III. The only prototype was made by the very end of WWII. The crew increased to 32 people, and the maximum speed of Haunebu III was already 7000-4000 km/h! The experimental model had three-layer Victalen armor, and the flight duration supposedly reached 7-8 weeks! The device made 19 test flights, and in March 1945 it was planned to be used to evacuate the leaders of the Thule and Vril occult societies. Named Ostara (after the ancient German goddess of the east, dawn, rebirth and resurrection), the loaded Haunebu III, taking off with the help of several A-9/A-10 rocket launchers, was supposed to take SS General Hans Kammler on board.

In the post-war period, it was repeatedly claimed that the Ostara discus set off on a suicide flight to Mars. This version is clearly untenable. Although on board the disc there were oxygen generators developed by SS scientists and improved pressure chambers high pressure Draeger Werke, Haunebu III's eight-month Earth-Mars mission was too much to handle.

The 120-meter Haunebu IV was also designed, but the Nazis did not manage to build even an experimental model before the end of the war. According to unverified data, a device strongly reminiscent of Haunebu IV was found by the Bundeswehr in the 1970s. The remaining discos of the Haunebu series were allegedly taken outside Germany to New Swabia - the German Antarctic military base No. 211, built during the war.

In the post-war decades, unidentified disk-shaped flying objects (like Haunebu) were repeatedly observed around the world, persistently giving rise to rumors that either the core of the Third Reich still exists (in Argentina, according to a number of versions), or the Allies that won WWII captured the technological luggage of Thule and Vril and produce their own discos.

The technological heritage of Thule and Vril was manifested in West German military developments - aircraft with the designations FU-1 and FU-2 (Fliegende Untertassen 1 & 2). The scale of research into German occult technologies by Soviet scientists is still unknown. These works were strictly classified during the Cold War and are still inaccessible to the general public. It is believed that the Soviets captured several prototypes of disc planes with Schauberger engines in 1945, and German engineers Otto Habermohl (an employee of the V-project) and Gerhard Falker worked on improving the aircraft in the USSR. Our own developments of disk drives are also widely known. Soviet Union, for example: a series of “discoplanes” by Sukhanov 1958-62 and an experimental prototype of a MIG with a round wing. The beam weapon captured in Berlin in May 1945, which belonged to the E-IV department, could also help the Russians with the study and improvement of Haunebu technologies. Who knows what other captured secrets the USSR took from conquered Berlin.

According to the site popmech.ru, in the personal collection former officer The USSR Air Force contains photographs of “flying saucers” he personally saw, manufactured for Soviet army and photographed by a pilot in the 1950s. Testing of disc planes (with training air combat) was carried out by a special unit of the USSR Air Force at Russian air bases on the island of Spitsbergen or the island base of Stalbard north of Norway.

Richard Russell, a US senator for 38 years, was one of America's most influential and famous politicians until his death in 1971. In particular, from 1951 to 1969, Russell was chairman of the Senate Armaments Subcommittee, and in 1952 he even ran for the presidency, albeit unsuccessfully.

It was only in 1985 that the report written by Russell became available to the UFO Research Foundation under the leadership of Dr. Bruce Maccabee. This document was classified as “top secret” by the US Air Force Intelligence Directorate until 1959, after which it was reclassified as “secret.” “Three witnesses can swear that they saw flying discs,” reads a quote from a document dated October 14, 1955. These witnesses were Russell himself and two of his companions, who saw the mysterious aircraft on October 4, 1955, during a train trip through the Caucasus region of the USSR.

“One disk took off almost vertically at a relatively low speed, making rotational movements clockwise. Upon reaching an altitude of 6,000 feet, he quickly picked up speed and moved in a northerly direction.” The second disk performed a similar maneuver about one minute later. The take-off site of the mysterious objects was located 1-2 miles south of the railway track.

Russell “saw the first disk take off and rush along the train” and immediately “called Mr. Efron (Ruben Efron - the senator’s interpreter) and Colonel Hathaway (Russell’s consultant) to also look at such an unusual sight,” the report says. “The Colonel claimed that he approached the window almost simultaneously with the senator and saw the flight of the first UFO almost from the very beginning, while Mr. Efron observed the first object only briefly. However, all three saw the second aircraft and agree that it had a round, disc-shaped shape.”

According to Senator Russell and his companions, the report was compiled by US Air Force Colonel Thomas Ryan, who interviewed witnesses in Prague (Czechoslovakia) on October 13, a few days after their return from the USSR. In this document, Colonel Ryan called the sightings "witness accounts of the take-off and flight of unusual flying objects given by three highly credible American observers." “It's hard to believe, but we've all seen them. And the first is Senator Russell. All my life I thought UFOs were fiction until I saw them with my own eyes,” added Colonel Hathaway.

CIA documents have also been preserved confirming that the main US intelligence agency also interviewed Russell and his companions, but there was a fourth person who saw the flying discs. The name of this fourth person in the declassified CIA report is painted over with black paint, and it is not possible to recognize him (obviously for reasons of secrecy). Translator Ruben Efron told the CIA that visibility was excellent. When the UFO got a little closer to the train, “it seemed as if the object was simply gliding over the Earth. No engine noise was heard. There were no traces of a jet stream or anything like that." When the discs were out of sight, Senator Russell said to his companions: “We saw flying discs. And I want you guys to be able to witness this fact.” The testimony of Russell, Hathaway and Efron is also mentioned in a memo from the FBI archives, dated November 4, 1955.

Tim Matthews:

“Klaus Habermohl, a BMW engineer who worked as part of the development team for the highly secret Flugzeug project in Prague, was captured by Russian troops in the Czech capital on May 11, 1945. There is no doubt that the engineer took an active part in the design of the Soviet disc plane. I managed to pick up the trail of another Soviet development - an aircraft with a nuclear engine. I don’t know whether these works were completed. What I know for sure is that Senator Russell and his companions saw a flying disk in 1955, during a trip through the territory of the USSR, and their testimony is very significant evidence of the Soviets’ success in designing disk spacecraft. I doubt that Russell and his friends saw the disc completely by accident. The arms race that engulfed the USSR and the USA was accompanied by a confrontation between the intelligence institutions of the two superpowers. You can read more about this in the book Agency (by John Ranelagh, Sceptre, 1988). Perhaps Russian intelligence carried out a deliberate demonstration of disc planes in order to get on the nerves of their overseas colleagues. Judging by the hysterical notes in the CIA documents dedicated to the Soviet Air Force and UFOs, they succeeded.

The CIA was even more concerned about the constant violation of US airspace over Alaska by Soviet disc planes. In any case, the CIA considered the “unusual aircraft” being developed by the USSR to be a serious threat to American security. And documents like the memorandum dated June 14, 1954 “Intelligence activities to study unusual types of aircraft of a potential enemy” are clear confirmation of this.”

Today a lot is known about the developments of the Third Reich in the field of “flying saucers”, but over the years the questions have not diminished. How successful were the Germans in this? Was the work curtailed after the war or continued in other, secret areas? globe?

Against the principles

The history of real "flying saucers" begins in 1932 in Bucharest, where aircraft designer Henry Coanda created a disc-shaped flying machine. The principle of soaring was this: the air pressure above the “plate” simultaneously decreased and increased below. The phenomenon, which ran counter to traditional principles of flight, was called the “Coanda effect.”

The idea of ​​the brilliant Romanian materialized already in fascist Germany. The Nazis began creating unprecedented aircraft in Prague at the Skoda plant. In total, about 15 prototypes were developed.

First test

The first flying disc was tested at a secret test site in Peenemünde in September 1943. The device had gas turbine engines and developed a horizontal speed of about 700 km/h. The device looked like a basin turned upside down, 5-6 m in diameter. It was round around the perimeter and had a teardrop-shaped transparent cabin in the center. On the ground he rested on small rubber wheels. For takeoff and horizontal flight, it most likely used controlled nozzles. Due to the impossibility of accurately regulating the thrust of gas turbine engines or for some other reasons, it was extremely unstable in flight.

Wonder weapon

However, already in 1944, Hitler, in order to enlist the support of the allies, told the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini that he had an incredible new type of aircraft that could change the course of the war. Hitler called them "miracle weapons."

Later, Italy's chief military adviser Luigi Romersa was taken to the top-secret Skoda plant, where Luigi saw the first production "flying saucer". According to him, it was disc-shaped, with a plexiglass cockpit in the center, and all around were jet engines.

Disappearing drawings

After the defeat of Germany, the drawings and copies stored in Keitel's safes were not found. Several photographs of the strange disk and photographs of several pilots sitting in the cockpit of an unknown aircraft have been preserved. If it weren’t for the swastika painted on the side of the “saucer”, then the device hanging a meter from the ground next to a group of fascist officers could well pass for a UFO. The post-war fate of the “flying disc” designers is also unknown.

According to one of the war historians, American Colonel Wendelle C. Stevens, by the end of the war the Germans had nine research enterprises at which “flying disc” projects were tested. “Eight of these enterprises, along with scientists and key figures, were successfully evacuated from Germany. The ninth structure has been blown up... It is possible that some of these research facilities have been transported to a place called "New Swabia"...

Goering mission

Perhaps the answer to the question “where did the “miracle weapon” project disappear and where is this “New Swabia” worth looking for in... Antarctica. It is known that German leaders showed interest in this lifeless region of the globe even on the eve of World War II. Moreover, the attention to Antarctica was exceptional.

So in 1938-39 a civilian expedition was carried out (with the cooperation of Lufthansa) to Antarctica. The budget of the expedition was about 3 million Reichsmarks. The ship "Schwabenland", which the Germans used for transatlantic exploration, left Hamburg on December 17, 1938, and on January 19, 1939 it had already reached the coastal Antarctic ice. Over the next weeks, the ship's seaplane made 15 flights, examining approximately 600 thousand square meters. km of territory. The most interesting discovery The expedition was the discovery of small areas free of ice, with small lakes and vegetation. The expedition's geologists suggested that this was a consequence of the action of underground hot springs. The expedition commander, Ritscher, who returned to Hamburg, reported: “I completed the mission entrusted to me by Marshal Goering!”

Ends in the water

The progress of subsequent German exploration of Antarctica was classified. It is only known that submarines secretly headed to the shores of Antarctica. There is information that for five years the Germans carried out carefully hidden work to create a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, codenamed “Base 211”. According to eyewitnesses, already from the beginning of 1939, regular (once every three months) voyages of the research vessel Swabia began between Antarctica and Germany. In addition to ships, submarines were also used in the “northern project,” including the top-secret formation “Fuhrer Convoy,” which included 35 submarines. At the very end of the war in Kiel, all military equipment was removed from these elite submarines and containers with some valuable cargo were loaded. The submarines also took on board some mysterious passengers and a large amount of food.

UFO era

The fate of only two boats from this convoy is known for certain. Both of these submarines arrived in the Argentine port of Mar del Plata in the summer of 1945 (July 10 and August 17, respectively) and surrendered to the authorities. It is completely incomprehensible how a submarine of this type could have been at sea for so long. The autonomy of such submarines does not exceed seven weeks. At the same time, the submariners felt quite well - while waiting for the Argentine minesweeper sent for them, they fed the albatross with sardines in oil... Interrogations of the German submariners yielded nothing.

And in 1947, pilot Cannot Arnold, while flying over the mountains of Washington state, noticed nine objects flying in the sky at incredible speeds. He compared the manner of their movement to saucers. The comparison was quite strange, but the name stuck. Thus began the “era of “flying saucers,” which greatly excited all of humanity...

Having come to power in Germany, Hitler dreamed of world domination of the Third Reich, therefore, from the beginning of the 30s of the twentieth century, German scientists were actively developing secret weapons. One of these developments was “discoplanes”, better known to us all as unidentified flying objects.

The reason for the development of such unusual aircraft by the Germans is unknown. There is a version that in 1936 a UFO crashed near Freiburg and, thanks to this, the Germans acquired new technologies. However, most likely the reason for such developments was the need to create such aircraft, the shape of which will increase their speed and carrying capacity.

What the Germans discovered during their research

Carrying out numerous studies, the Germans turned their attention to the fact that the elliptical wing of an aircraft has less inductive drag when compared with a rectangular one, which is why the German attack aircraft had wings in the shape of an ellipse. Carrying out such developments, Reich scientists decided to go further and consider the circle option. Thus, Reich scientists developed disc planes, helicopter discs, vertical take-off and landing aircraft, and projectile discs. From the middle of World War II in some documents

Mention is made of encounters between people and unidentified flying objects in the shape of a disk, which could fly through a formation of attack aircraft at great speed and suddenly go out and disappear from the night sky. After the war, documents were discovered in the CIA archives about the study of captured samples that were developed by the Nazis, testing them after the war in the United States.

The most famous developers of disc planes were scientists Schriever, Habermohl, Zimmermann, Andreas Epp, Kurt Tank, Giuseppe Bellonze. One of the first developments of a vertical take-off flying machine was the Schriever-Habermohl flying saucer.

It was first tested in the Czech Republic in the early forties. The disadvantage of the device was strong vibration due to improper operation of the rotor. Testing of this model continued until the end of the war. In 1945, it was possible to achieve a horizontal flight speed of about two hundred kilometers per hour, but the diskette was lost during testing and was found only in 1952.

Since 1942, Giuseppe Bellonze began working on a new disc plane for attacks on enemy bombers; the device had blades along the edges and was a disk. When its blades rotated during flight, they cut everything in their path, and if at least one of the blades was lost, the center of gravity of the disk shifted, and the pilot lost the ability to control the disk. Rudolf Schriefer made more progress in the development of flying saucers.

An aircraft with a diameter of 67 meters was developed in Breslau, which could take off at a speed of 300 km/h and move about 2200 km/h. In the winter of 1945, an experimental flight was made to an altitude of 15,000 meters. Despite the success of the development, due to the tendency towards defeat in the war, the device was destroyed. Already at the end of the war, in 1945, the so-called Omega disk was developed. This disc-shaped helicopter was captured by the US Army in 1945, and was already tested there in 1946. By appearance looked like a flying saucer with a large propeller. Several such discs were made after the war.

The conclusion may be simple: UFOs are created by people

Thus, it is hardly possible to talk about extraterrestrial origin

flying discs of the Third Reich, they were all the creation of the human mind. This means that the technology could be improved. This means that the UFOs that people see now are the work of man.

One of the SS units was tasked with finding and developing alternative energy sources to rid the Third Reich of the shortage of liquid and solid fuels.

In 1939, this group succeeded in developing a revolutionary engine, it was an electromagnetic-gravity unit that included a Hans Kohler power converter coupled to a Van de Graff range generator and Marconi vortex engines. It was invented to create rotating electromagnetic fields that could lift the craft into the air without any obstacles.

It was called Tachinator 7 and was to be installed in a disc-shaped aircraft built by Thule.

In 1935, the Thule Gesellschaft searched for an inconspicuous place to test the ship. In northwestern Germany there was a place called Haunerburg, where the test site was subsequently created. The tests were coded as a military product called "N-Herat"

In 1939, for wartime safety reasons, the name was shortened to Haunebu and briefly designated RFZ-5.

Initially, two prototypes of Haunebu I were built, their diameter reached 25 meters, the crew was up to 8 people, and the incredible initial speed was 4800 km/h. Subsequently, with an engine upgrade, the speed increased to 17,000 km/h.

The device could stay in the air for up to 8 hours. To avoid huge overloads and temperatures, a special skin called Victalen (frozen smoke) was created, which was developed for Vril models in the 30s.

Early models were equipped with rather large 60 mm experimental guns - KSK (KraftStrahlKanone, ray gun). There was speculation that the beam from this weapon was a laser, but the information is not accurate. The Germans called it a weapon of “anachronism” - not belonging to the time period or out of place.

When Vril 7 was shot down by the Russians in 1945, a similar weapon was found on the plane's belly, but it was destroyed in the crash. Strange metal balls and tungsten spirals were found at the site; the weapon could not be identified. About the operation of the weapon, it was speculated that the connected balls formed a cascade of oscillators, which were connected to a long barrel, shrouded in sticks, wrapped in a precision tungsten helix, or coil to transmit powerful energy, suitable for penetrating up to 4 inches of armor. The gun was very heavy, the installation greatly destabilized the ship.

Haunebu I first flew in 1939, and both prototypes made 52 test flights. After success, in 1942 the Germans built Haunebu II, which had a diameter of 26 meters and was ready for testing. The flying saucer reached speeds from 6,000 to 21,000 km/h, the crew consisted of up to 9 people and the flight time reached 5 hours. Subsequently, in 1943-1944, the 32-meter Haunebu II Do-Stra was built, which made 106 test flights.

By the end of 1944, two prototypes of the Haunebu II Do-Stra, which meant "stratospheric aircraft", had been built and improved. These huge saucers reached several floors in height, and the crew consisted of 20 people. They were also capable of hypersonic speeds in excess of 21,000 km/h. The SS were planning to start production of the vehicles in 1944/early 1945. However, the end of the war prevented the serial production of the plates.

It was believed that towards the end of the war, the Germans built another prototype, reaching 71 meters in diameter - Haunebu III. The crew consisted of 32 people, the ship's speed could exceed 7,000 to 40,000 km/h, and the flight time reached 7 to 8 weeks. This ship was planned to be used for evacuation in March 1945.

The SS plans also included a 120 meter version - Haunebu IV, but whether this device was built or not is not known.

Researchers of the secret history of the Third Reich today already know a lot about its mystical roots and the behind-the-scenes forces that brought Hitler to power and directed the activities of Hitler.

How did a small country with a population of only 70 million people manage to take over half the world in two years? Nazism turned out to be a force of colossal proportions. But what is the secret of this power?

The foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid by secret societies long before the emergence of the Nazi state, but this worldview became an active force after the defeat of Germany in the First World War.

In 1918, a branch of the Teutonic Society was founded in Munich by a circle of people who already had experience working in international secret societies. knightly order- the “Thule” society (after the name of the legendary Arctic country - the cradle of all humanity). The official goal of this society was the study of ancient Germanic culture, but the true goals were much deeper.

The theorists of fascism found a candidate suitable for their purposes - the power-hungry, addicted to all sorts of mystical things, and also drug-dependent corporal Adolf Hitler, instilling in him the idea of ​​world domination by real white people. At the end of 1918, the young occultist Hitler was accepted into the Thule Society and quickly became one of its active members. And soon the ideas of the Thule theorists were reflected in his book “My Struggle.”

Thus, in 1919, the secret “Lodge of Light” was founded (later “Vril” - after the ancient Indian name for the cosmic energy of life). Later, already in 1933, the elite mystical order“Ahnenerbe” (Ahnenerbe - “Heritage of the Ancestors”), which since 1939, on the initiative of Himmler, has become the main research structure within the SS. Having under its command fifty research institutes, the Ahnenerbe society was searching for ancient knowledge that would allow them to develop the latest technologies, control human consciousness using magical methods, and carry out genetic manipulation in order to create a superman.

Practiced and unconventional methods gaining knowledge - under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, in a state of trance or contact with the “Higher-Unknowns”, or, as they were called, “External Minds”. Ancient occult “keys” (formulas, spells, conspiracies, etc.) found with the help of “Ahnenerbe” were also used, which made it possible to establish contact with “Aliens”. The most experienced mediums and psychics were involved in “sessions with the gods.” For the purity of the results, the experiments were carried out independently in the Thule and Vril societies.

They claim that some occult “keys” worked, and through independent “Alien channels” some secret information was received. For example, drawings and descriptions of “flying discs”, whose characteristics were significantly superior to the aviation technology of that time.

Another task that was set before scientists and, according to rumors, was practically solved was the creation of a “time machine” that would allow them to penetrate into the depths of history and obtain knowledge of ancient high civilizations, in particular information about the magical methods of Atlantis, which was considered the ancestral home of the entire Aryan race. Of particular interest to Nazi scientists was the technological knowledge of the Atlanteans, which, according to legend, helped to build huge sea vessels and airships driven by an unknown magical force.

There is information about the development of a highly secret “flying saucer” called “Honebu” at the 4th SS experimental design center, subordinate to the Black Sun society.

In his book “German Flying Saucers,” Bergmann cites some of it technical specifications: diameter 26.3 meters, engine: “Thule” tachyonator, diameter 23.1 meters, control: pulse generator magnetic field, speed: 6000 km/h (estimated - 21000 km/h), flight duration: 55 hours or more, suitability for flights in outer space, crew - 9 people, with passengers - 20 people, planned serial production: late 1943 - early 1944.

In search of ancient magical knowledge, Ahnenerbe organized expeditions to the most remote corners of the globe: Tibet, South America, Antarctica... The latter received special attention... This territory is still full of secrets and mysteries today. Antarctica was officially discovered by the Soviet expedition of F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev in 1820. But tireless archivists discovered vintage maps, from which it followed that they knew about Antarctica long before historical event. One of the maps, compiled in 1513 by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis, was discovered in 1929. Other maps also surfaced: by the French geographer Orontius Phineus from 1532, Philippe Buache, dated 1737.


It has been suggested that Antarctica is the former Atlantis. One of the arguments: the size of the legendary country of Atlantis (30,000 × 20,000 stages according to Plato, 1 stage according to Plato - 185 meters) approximately corresponds to the size of Antarctica.

Naturally, Ahnenerbe scientists, who scoured the world in search of traces of Atlantean civilization, could not ignore this hypothesis. The Third Reich should be considered one of the pioneers of astronautics. Such brilliant scientists as Hermann Oberth and Wernher von Braun worked at Ahnenerbe. Oberth theoretically calculated in 1923 a rocket to fly to outer space, and his faithful student von Braun, working at Peenemünde, the Nazi rocket center, on a ballistic missile, conducted experiments on launching rockets into outer space.

By 1944, the first “flying saucer” was created in Germany, developed by the Luftwaffe Technical Academy. Other similar aircraft of unusual shape and design were in varying degrees of readiness. There were rumors that the Germans had launched a rocket to the moon. In 1944, astronomers actually recorded unusual activity on it, which could not be caused by natural causes: light flashes, flickering, mysterious shadows, etc.

The Americans, who received the archives, designs and finished products from Peenemünd in 1945, were amazed at how far Nazi scientists had advanced in the development of rocketry.

For example: The V-2 was a ballistic missile that could carry a nuclear warhead from Europe to the United States. They also discovered a design for a two-stage composite cruise missile A9/A10, which included an astronaut cabin.

The famous saboteur of the Third Reich, Otto Skorzeny, recruited a detachment of 500 kamikaze astronauts. In one of the variants of the V-2 project, the rocket was supposed to be controlled by a kamikaze cosmonaut (however, there was also an option to save him by ejecting when approaching the intended target). This missile was aimed at New York.

In 1945, Wernher von Braun and a group of rocket scientists surrendered to the American secret services. There is a famous photograph where he stands with a broken left arm in a cast, with a satisfied smile on his face. In principle, the German SS major Wernher von Braun even won something by surrendering to the American authorities and finding himself overseas. He was provided there with not worse, but even better conditions for space research than in Nazi Germany, which squandered money only for military needs.

The Nazi authorities, seeing the inevitability of the collapse of the Third Reich, prepared the ground for retreat ahead of time. To do this, they created secret bases in hard-to-reach corners of the world: in Latin America and in Antarctica. The Germans urgently transported equipment and personnel to these places using submarines, transferred currency, gold, and jewelry to foreign banks, and hid museum treasures.

Since 1947, there have been constant reports of aircraft of unknown origin, which have been called “flying saucers.” First, such a “saucer” (or even a group of such aircraft) crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, USA. Then such cases became more frequent, and eyewitnesses began to meet the crews of these flying objects.

In April 1945, Major Robert Staver, a US intelligence officer, inspected an underground V-2 rocket plant. What appeared before the eyes of the seasoned intelligence officer stunned and amazed him. “It was like Aladdin's Cave of Wonders!” - the American could not resist words of admiration for Nazi technologies.

As a result, it is quite possible that the German designers continued their unusual experiments and research even after the collapse of the Third Reich, and most likely they developed and tested new technology, including “flying saucers.”

After the May 1947 crash of three “flying saucers” with mysterious pilots in the area of ​​New Mexico, Texas, management air force The United States turned to German rocket scientists who were at American secret military training grounds. A group of German scientists led by Ernst Steinhoff and Wernher von Braun prepared a special report analyzing this extraordinary event of the 20th century. So, the German rocket scientists were unable to identify the remains of the crashed vehicles as experimental samples of some new top-secret German technology being developed at that time. But the American military had suspicions that such developments belonged to the invisible empire of the Fourth Reich, dispersed across various corners of the globe.

Wernher von Braun and other German specialists working in the United States could well act on the principle of “friendship as friendship, tobacco apart” and did not unnecessarily share their secrets with new American “friends.” Thus, the secret of German developments remained unsolved both for the Americans and for the whole world.

The main goal of the former German specialists who went underground and were supplied with Reich gold was to reproduce the “black international” with the help of the latest ultra-modern military equipment. This was the only way they could see future revenge for the defeat of the Third Reich.