Aromas and their influence on humans. How do different smells affect a person? Why do we smell

Just a few years ago, the question of whether odors have an effect on a person or not was practically unstudied, but today scientists all over the world are researching this topic and are increasingly convinced that this influence turns out to be very great.

This influence is primarily used by manufacturers of perfumes, cosmetics, various hygiene products, and means for establishing order and cleanliness in the home and outside it. The influence of aromas on a person can manifest itself in a completely surprising way: some can attract like a magnet, others, on the contrary, repel, some can cause delight, others - complete rejection. Is studying this complex topic special science – olfactronics.

The effects of different scents on humans

Smell is one of the human senses, another way for a person to always be in touch with the world that surrounds him. Although with its help a person receives a very small amount of information - only 2%.

But how exactly do smells affect a person? It is the sense of smell that reacts to external stimuli faster than other senses and transmits a signal to the brain. A person picks up the smell instantly, although often on an unconscious level.

Along with the air that a person inhales, air molecules enter the cells of his olfactory epithelium, as a result of which the epithelial cells are irritated. After this, the signal is transmitted through the olfactory nerves to the cortical department of smell of the brain. There the signal is processed. Those parts of the brain that are part of this center are closely connected with the limbic system, and it, in turn, is involved in ensuring that the constancy of the internal environment of the body is not disturbed. In addition, the regulation of vegetative functions and the formation of an emotional background take place here.

How can smells affect your health and mood?

Many people do not know, but aromas can influence both the physical and mental state of a person; they can have a tremendous impact on changes in mood. There are even scents that improve your mood. Indeed, having inhaled the aroma of your favorite flowers, everyone will probably involuntarily smile, the mood will immediately improve from such a smell, and the world will seem a little better.

To date, the influence of odors on health has already been well studied. It has become known that different odors have different effects on human health.

In order to get rid of depression and blues, the aromas of the following plants will help:

  • Lemon.
  • Chamomile.
  • Orange.
  • Eucalyptus.

Fragrances can have a positive effect on a person’s condition in case of colds. Then you should seek help from the following plants:

  • Chamomile.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Lemon.
  • Mint.
  • Eucalyptus.

It is important to remember that you should not fill the entire space with aromas. Everything should be in moderation. Only then will it be beneficial.

Smells affect a person's mental state. Most people feel happier if they inhale the smell of pine needles or citrus fruits. Life immediately becomes brighter, as if new, bright colors appear in it. This can be explained at the subconscious level. A walk in the forest or a juicy orange always evokes positive emotions. Those places or objects that smell of rose, lily of the valley or jasmine will also bring joy. But there are also aromas that cause discomfort and even severe headaches. These are bird cherry and wild rosemary.

There are fragrances that are absolutely unique in their effects. They are able to restore spiritual harmony, calm you down, and help you find harmony with the outside world and with yourself. These include, for example, rose, ylang-ylang, and hyacinth.

How do smells affect your mood?

All citrus fruits, magnolia, patchouli, cedar, and the smell of cinnamon will help to lift it. Ginger, bergamot, and violet will also lift your spirits. A simple method, but very effective. Just inhale the aroma and don't need any pills. Fragrances that lift your spirits and can improve your immune system are lemon balm, geranium, sandalwood, and neroli.

Many people believe that aroma can penetrate the human body only through the nose and lungs, but this is an absolute misconception. Human skin can also contribute to the penetration of odors. For those who don’t believe, you can conduct an experiment - rub the soles of your feet with a head of garlic. After a few minutes you will definitely feel its taste in your mouth.

Do smells affect relationships between people?

Smells have a pronounced motivated effect.

Despite the fact that sometimes they are not perceptible, only thanks to them, on an intuitive level, sometimes friends and lovers find each other. And such alliances can last a lifetime. The role of smell in relationships is, of course, unshakable. People whose scents are incompatible will never be comfortable together; such a union will definitely fall apart. Attractants or pheromones act with incredible force, attracting people to each other literally on a physiological level. This is the same chemistry of feelings about which so much has already been said.

Communication at the level of smells exists not only among people, but also among animals and even insects. Both small butterflies and large mammals communicate in this way.

The scents that you wear constantly are etched into your memory, albeit unconsciously. Therefore, it is very important to take good care of yourself. In addition, women who have decided on the choice of perfume and are already in adulthood should not change perfume, as this may affect their relationship with their loved one. He is already accustomed to the smell of your perfume, for him it is your smell. His loss will be equivalent to the loss of you as a woman.

What does the human body smell like?

As already mentioned, each person has his own unique smell. This is how lost animals find their owners. A newborn baby recognizes its mother only by smell. It goes without saying that the natural human odor is the secretions of the sweat glands.

These secretions have not yet been sufficiently studied, but many scientists are now working on this problem. It is even believed that with a complete study of sweat it will be possible to study inner world person, since it is through sweat secretions that communication occurs outside world and auras.

Sweat has a different smell depending on the situation in which it appears - it can be intense exercise, or a situation of fear, stressful situation, happy moments of life, intense mental activity. The type of discharge depends on the type of work.

With age, the smell of the human body changes; this occurs due to the production of new substances that are not typical for young and middle-aged people. But the effect of odors on the body does not change.
We perceive natural human aroma at the subconscious level. We do not strive to feel it purposefully. This happens randomly. And the signal is processed by our brain, often letting us know whether this person is right for us or not.

Why a person smells one way or another is difficult to explain. This is due to a number of different features. First of all, the characteristics of hormonal and immune systems and bacteria that live on human skin.
Women are able to feel more subtly than men. But it is in the psychology of a man to react much more strongly to women’s enchanting scents.

When communicating between a man and a woman who initially matched each other's scent, they seem to test each other for further compatibility. A man becomes more and more fascinated by the smell of a woman, he produces more and more testosterone (read:). Then the woman produces a response hormone and the response game begins. This feeling can be called love at first sight. Sometimes it continues until the last breath. And here the influence of aromas on the human body is not at all exaggerated. This really happens.

It becomes obvious that smells are something that has enormous power over us. Often a pleasant smell lifts our spirits; smells often help us communicate. And despite the fact that sometimes we simply don’t notice or feel them, we actually feel them, they take possession of us. The world is ruled by smells and instincts. We like the person. What do we like about it? Is it possible to accurately answer this question? Eyes, hair, smile, gait, his state of mind... And the smell attracted us. Because it is a scent that is compatible with ours. Even if it is not perceptible, it acts subconsciously, but it still acts, affects the human psyche.

Scientists have long been studying how aromas affect the human body - both psychologically and physically. Smells can affect everything: mood, well-being, performance, and even personal life, work, business, study.

It is important not only what smells to surround yourself with, but even what perfume to use. And if you have an idea to give perfume to someone, it is again important to know how a particular scent affects a person.

The sense of smell is the fastest sense in terms of the speed of information transmission to the brain. There is an amazing study - it turns out that the part of the brain that is responsible for conscious thinking is the olfactory center. Here is an area that influences a person’s emotional state.

What happens when you inhale aromas

When a person inhales a particular smell, the aroma seems to dissolve in the nasal mucosa, irritating the nerve endings that transmit a signal to the brain to the hypothalamus and hippocampus. And they are responsible for:

  • temperature;
  • feeling of hunger;
  • thirsty;
  • excitation;
  • blood sugar level;
  • concentration;
  • memory;
  • creation of images.

Thanks to this knowledge, we can say with confidence that a person, inhaling a particular aroma, sends a certain signal to the brain, which spreads throughout the body.

In addition, it has been established that the effect of aromas on the body is associated not only with brain stimulation. For example, essential oils, which are inhaled, containing dozens of biologically active components, enter through the respiratory tract, skin into the blood and lymph, and have the most positive effect on health.

What is the smell and what is it responsible for?

It is believed that the aromas of ginger, verbena, sage, jasmine, juniper, tea tree will help restore strength after a hard day at work, restore efficiency and enhance mental activity. To achieve the desired effect, just a drop of the essential oil of these plants is enough.

During periods of depression or simply fatigue, you can resort to the help of tangerine, lemon, orange, lavender, eucalyptus, sandalwood, chamomile or musk oils. These aromas instantly lift your spirits, invigorate your body and spirit - in general, they have the most beneficial effect on a person.

If there is a need for deep concentration, even improving memory, for example, during exams, reports at work, essential oils are suitable:

  • nutmeg;
  • neuroli;
  • rosemary;
  • carnations.

The smell of roses will help you concentrate when doing work and do it as efficiently as possible. If pregnancy manifests itself, then essential oils of ginger or peppermint will help alleviate the condition. To do this, drop a small amount of the product onto a scarf and place it near the pillow.

Aromas help not only to relax, but also to heal your health.

Rashes, itching, irritation on the skin can be relieved by the following oils:

  • tea tree;
  • sage;
  • lavender;
  • juniper;
  • daisies.

They eliminate inflammation and treat many skin diseases. Also, when caring for skin and hair, the scents of bergamot, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, and chamomile will not be out of place.

Scientists have found that a person also senses all smells during sleep. This discovery makes it possible to correct restless, painful sleep with the help of certain aromas. Thus, after conducting sleep studies, it was found that the healing scents of jasmine and rose stabilize the nervous system. In folk medicine, healers quite happily use hop cones for this purpose.

Fragrances useful for treating diseases

If we talk about what aromas have an impact on health, then we cannot fail to mention the medicinal properties of the smells of mint, lemon, eucalyptus, lemon balm, and geranium. They are good for preventing colds and fighting viruses and microbes at the initial stage of diseases.

Spruce, ginger, iris, cedar, marjoram, thuja - will help with sore throat and bronchitis. Note on which oils to use for diseases:

  1. For prevention and general health promotion, the aromas of rose, anise, fennel, sandalwood, geranium, and lavender are suitable.
  2. For headaches, valerian, ginger, verbena, mint, marjoram and chamomile are indispensable.
  3. For stomatitis, orange or calendula will help, and oregano or tea tree are suitable for cleansing the face.
  4. Even with rheumatism, radiculitis and osteochondrosis, odors can serve well. To do this, it is better to resort to the help of cloves, verbena, cardamom, thuja, nutmeg and thyme.
  5. Vapors of thyme essential oil kill pathogenic bacteria such as typhoid and dysentery bacillus, coli and staphylococcus, and pines and firs are the strongest antiseptic.

How to use essential oils

It is clear that it is impossible to simply surround yourself with all these smells. Of course, you can put a pot of geranium or rose in the room, periodically inhale the aromas of lemon or tangerine, drink tea with bergamot, and so on. But in the case of other plants, their use in their pure form is difficult.

Therefore, it is better to resort to the help of essential oils - you can buy them in the cosmetic departments of stores or at any pharmacy. Essential oils are obtained by extracting fragrant volatile substances from flowers, seeds, leaves, fruits, and wood.

Essential oils should not be applied to the skin in pure concentrated form, and should not be used by pregnant women or people with allergies. They are not mixed with water; usually in cosmetology, cream, wax, honey, milk or transport base oils (shea, olive, sea buckthorn, jojoba, etc.) are used for these purposes.

A few drops of essential oil can be added when taking a bath, mixed with some of the base oils. You can also add oil to a ladle of water to put on the heater in a bathhouse, or moisten brooms with it.

A couple of drops of essential oil can be added to water

Essential oil is also good to use for massage; it not only creates a pleasant atmosphere with its smell, but is also absorbed into the human body through the skin and gives a positive effect. Essential oils are suitable for compresses, for adding to cosmetics, aroma stones, aroma lamps and aroma pendants.

Healthy odors are also good for inhalation - cold or hot. To do this, you need to add a couple of drops of oil with the desired aroma to cold or hot water and inhale it for several minutes.

Dangerous odors

The aroma can become dangerous to humans for two reasons. Firstly, it may be the most pleasant in itself, but for a particular person, when associated with some incident, unpleasant incident, etc., it may turn out to be bad. This is fraught with:

  • bad mood;
  • irritation;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nausea.

Secondly, the aroma can be dangerous if it contains toxic substances. It's about about essential oils:

  • arnica;
  • boldo;
  • mustard;
  • oregano;
  • costus;
  • camphor;
  • tansy;
  • almonds;
  • parsley;
  • savory;
  • horseradish;
  • rosin;
  • sweet clover

Video: the impact of fragrances on human confidence and health

MOSCOW, April 15 - RIA Novosti, Tatyana Pichugina. Aromatherapy is not part of the arsenal of modern medicine; it is reserved for beauty salons and massage rooms. Nevertheless, scientists are trying to understand how smell affects human behavior, mood, and physiology. RIA Novosti talks about what the science of fragrances has achieved.

Psychologists in Stavropol began to use aromatherapy in their work in the colonyIn women's penal colony No. 7 in the Stavropol Territory, specialists help women relieve emotional stress with the help of aromatherapy and teach them to work on their psycho-emotional state.

Plant essential oils in Ancient China they were burned to fumigate rooms, the Egyptians added them to solutions for embalming the dead, the Romans took them with them to the baths. But science started doing this relatively recently. The term "aromatherapy" was coined in the 1920s by French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse.

Plants certainly contain beneficial substances. For example, willow bark has been chewed since ancient times to treat inflammation, and then acetylsalicylic acid, now known as aspirin, was discovered in it. But it’s one thing to take medicine in tablets, and quite another to inhale it. How can you confirm that a scent has a therapeutic effect? What is the physical mechanism of action? In aromatherapy, only subjective descriptions are given that cannot be verified. For example, the smell of rosemary is reported to clear the mind and improve memory, while lavender calms and relieves stress, anxiety, depression, and treats insomnia. In general, juniper oil has 17 beneficial effects: from an aphrodisiac to a sedative.

The Science of Fragrance

Since the 1980s, new scientific direction— aromacology, that is, the study of how odors affect physiology and health. In 2007, American scientists analyzed all articles that published data on the healing effects of odors. Only 18 of them were considered accessible to scientific analysis, and even then with certain reservations. Conducting such studies is difficult because there is a lot of subjective stuff in them, it is unclear how the experimental technique affects the result, and, most importantly, it is not known what the mechanism of the effect of odor on the body is.

Perhaps the aroma molecules directly affect the olfactory neurons and then the brain or the endocrine system. Or chemical substances enter the blood through the nose or the mucous membrane of the lungs and then spread throughout the body. This is confirmed by experiments on rodents, in which molecules of inhaled essential oils were found in their blood. In other experiments, rats were calmed by inhaling cedrol, a component of cedar, even though their sense of smell was damaged. Of course, treatment with odors would be convenient, because the effect after inhalation is immediate, and the dose of the substance required is much less than when taking tablets. But to develop scientifically based aromatherapy, we need to understand the mechanism of action of smell, and this is still a long way off.

Interesting results were obtained from the experiments of scientists from Austria with linalool, the main component of lavender oil. When it was applied to the skin of experimental participants, their systolic blood pressure (upper) dropped slightly. This can be considered as an analogue of massage, but the fact that massage itself calms and relieves tension prevents the therapeutic effect of essential oil from being recognized.

In Russia, the project “The Influence of the Odor Environment on the Physiological Status and Cognitive Processes of Humans” is supported by the Russian Science Foundation. Its participants are from the A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Information Transmission Problems named after. A. A. Kharkevich and Orlovsky state university found that the smells of lavender and mint improve the memory of schoolchildren aged 10-11 years. Analysis of participants' saliva before and after the experiment showed that inhaling peppermint most strongly reduced levels of the hormone cortisol, which regulates stress. Since it is known from other works that high level Cortisol in the body weakens memory, which means, scientists conclude, mint relieves stress.

Full of emotions

All observed effects can be explained differently - through psychological impact. That is, a person reacts to smell according to his experience and expectations, as well as through learning. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that people experience emotions and change behavior in accordance with whether the smell is pleasant or not. For example, visitors to a supermarket that smells good are more likely to help other shoppers. Company employees also work better, give themselves more high goals if the room smells nice.

Another factor is preconceived notions. When 90 female students were told that a pleasant room smell was relaxing, their heart rates and skin conductance actually decreased, even though they only sprayed lavender and neroli orange oil. All students noted that their mood improved. They said the same thing after being in a room with a placebo, that is, an odorless substance.

Proponents of the psychological hypothesis believe that chemical nature the smell is secondary, the main thing is the mental impact. To some extent, this is evidenced by cultural, individual and even gender differences in the perception of odors. For example, men who walked through the forest for three days in a row had a decrease in the level of the hormone adrenaline. There is also evidence that aromatherapy relieves depression. In general, so far the psychological hypothesis of aromatherapy is better confirmed by experiments.

Regardless of whether aromatherapy is scientific or not, we should not forget that the components of essential oils can cause allergies, especially with prolonged exposure.

Aroma When pronouncing this word, everyone identifies something pleasant in olfactory perception. The component to the epithet is expressed as an addition to the emotional characteristic, which has a positive effect on the subconscious. Pleasant associations are always associated with safety, for example, the smell of freshly baked bread makes you imagine a golden brown crust, and causes appetite.

There is no exact distribution of odors by aromaticity. The assessment is subjective, depending on the human factor, the saturation and concentration of the aroma. There are smells that, when very intense, give an unpleasant background, but when used minimally, they charm with sophistication.


    1. Orange:
  • Attractive bright appearance fruit complements it aroma. A little sharp due to essential oils, with a sweet note that successfully combines the sour taste of the fruit with the orange image of the sun.
  • An extract of orange oil, infused with water from the petals and peels, was used by the ancient Romans as good remedy from a hangover, something like a pickle among our peoples.
  • The beneficial qualities of the fruit were first explored, applied and described by Arab healers.
  • The amazing qualities of orange aroma help relieve depressive disorders, calm fear and irritability.
  • In all cases when you need to make a decision, you should pick up an orange and inhale it aroma, he will remove doubts and give freedom.
  • If you have constant non-vegetative cramps or nervous insomnia, you should take a bath with aromatic orange water. Add tincture or 5-15 ml of oil extract per 50 liters of warm water.
  • Inhaling the aromatic orange scent will improve your performance and relieve muscle tension caused by nervous tension.
  • Men and women of Italy, Greece, Spain are not afraid to lose their libido. They know a great remedy - aroma orange, which will restore potency and cure frigidity.
    2. Grapefruit:
  • Extraordinarily attractive aroma with a fresh, bitter, invigorating undertone.
  • Well known for its ability to relieve pain, spasmodic symptoms in the chest, cervical region, and head. This is used by traditional healers who cleanse the chakras for themselves and their clients.
  • According to modern information aroma grapefruit should be included in the treatment plan, especially to stabilize lipid metabolism in obesity, cholesterol waste, and to normalize blood circulation in the extremities.
  • Shows a unique effect on the hypothalamus during drug poisoning, quickly restores metabolism, removes toxins, and sobers up.

    5. Mandarin:
  • With sourness, cool-light aromatic aroma.
  • Good for expelling depression, fatigue from emotional stress, and blues.
  • Positively affects digestion and improves blood circulation.
  • In simple cases of frigidity or impotence, it can act as an aphrodisiac.
  • Useful for pregnant women. The ancient Hellenes used aroma tangerine for the premises of pregnant women and women in labor. It was believed that it helps to facilitate pregnancy and childbirth.


    1. Amber:
  • Creates a sweet, resinous scent with a warm, cheerful note.
  • It is recommended for fire signs, since its property has long been noted to enhance the influence of the element of fire in the body. It has a warming effect on sensitivity and heart pain.
  • Creates a special field of kindness and responsiveness.
  • In the best possible way influences the establishment of mutual understanding during serious conversations.
    2. Aphrodesia:
  • Aroma The plant is not related to aphrodisiacs, but gives a refined, slightly intoxicating smell.
  • Recommended for restoring internal balance, gaining a sense of self-importance and weight.
  • Sobers and sharpens the work of thought, enhances sensuality, increases the speed of emotional perception.
  • Has a positive effect on increasing libido.
  • Used to scent the bedroom, reduce tension, fatigue, increase potency, and reduce frigidity.

    3. Basil:
  • Bitter-spicy, warm aroma mountain exotic.
  • In ancient times, the aroma of basil was used to fumigate the gods, believing that the smell increased noble impulses.
  • The famous Pliny advised the use of basil aroma with jaundice and frequent epilepsy.
  • Often used to reduce melancholy and insomnia. Has a calming and relaxing effect on the subconscious.
  • Able to quickly reconcile disputants and dispel grievances.
  • It lifts your spirits and has a refreshing effect on your overall tone.
  • Relaxes well during mental fatigue, increases reaction, enhances memory.
  • Often used to relieve headaches and nausea caused by neuralgic symptoms.
  • When respiratory infections spread, it is enough to place a bunch of basil on the windowsill to avoid getting sick.
  • Very strong odor, not recommended for pregnant women or sensitive people.
    4. Unusual Bergamot:
  • The smell is described in chronicles and herbalists of antiquity. Columbus was the first to appreciate the cool, sour, sweet and delicately fresh scent of a plant from the Canary Islands.
  • The most powerful in terms of bringing inner peace to a person and putting feelings in order.
  • Quickly and effectively relieves stress, removes negativity and depression.
  • The most effective tonic.
  • While calming, it does not create a feeling of relaxation in the body; on the contrary, it invigorates, improves mood, sharpens attention and memory.
    5. Geranium:
  • The first distillate of geranium oil with the tart aroma of frosty air was obtained by the French chemist Recluse at the beginning of the 19th century.
  • Geranium was considered the flower of common people. Craftsmen tried to decorate the premises with flower pots because of the noted feature of making the poisonous air clean and favorable. These are tinkers, shoemakers, potters. Modern research confirm the ability of geranium aroma to neutralize carbon monoxide, carcinogens, volatile toxic impurities, as well as completely remove the smell of dampness, neutralize radionuclides, and kill microbes.
  • The main effect on the body is manifested in improving mood, strengthening the confidence of one’s behavioral character, increasing a sense of dignity, courage and honesty.
  • Relieves behavioral disorders: irritability, tension, causeless tearfulness.

    6. Hyacinth:
  • Light, cool, with a hint of freshness.
  • The body will be filled with freshness and vigor. Immunity will increase.
  • It will help with self-contemplation and self-analysis.
    7. Jasmine:
  • It has long been considered expensive and refined. Delicate, with a slight sugary sweetness. It has been used in perfumery for so long that it has already been included in the list of classic fragrances. But jasmine appeared in Europe only in the 18th century, and before that it was considered the “rose of the East” and was an Asian favorite in the world of flowers. China has used and still uses jasmine aroma in almost all teas, perfumes, fragrances, home and body care products.
  • Indian women believed aroma Jasmine is a talisman to attract men. They decorated their hair with whole bouquets, squeezed out the juice and lubricated their lips and private parts.
  • The scent of jasmine can summon the muse of poetry and give birth to an original, unusual creative impulse.
  • Forces uncertainty to retreat, gives a feeling of well-being. In an unfamiliar situation, it maintains confidence and helps you adapt faster.
  • In small concentrations it gives an anti-stress, relaxing effect.
  • Used for spa purposes. A massage under the influence of jasmine steam will quickly relax your muscles and bring the desired relief.
    8. Cedar:
  • The softest scent, with a velvety resinous note and warmth.
  • Cedar magic has been known for a long time. For example, the Bible reports about the cedar palace built by King Solomon.
  • The Egyptians considered cedar aroma indispensable for the preservation of embalmed bodies, the rooms for processing the dead were fumigated to remove the smell of decay and decomposition and to disinfect the air.
  • Since the 17th century, healers have prescribed patients with “unexplained” pulmonary diseases to inhale the healing aroma of cedar.
  • The only smell that is called "surgeon". It accelerates the process of restoring energy in the body, eliminates stagnation, and rapidly brings recovery closer.
  • Magi believe that aroma cedar cleanses the aura and accelerates the flow of pure, fresh energy into the soul.
  • In healing areas it is often used to calm the nerves.
  • It can strengthen the spirit, instill long-term confidence in one’s abilities, sober the mind and force one to reconsider one’s actions and make an adequate decision.

    9. Lavender:
  • Fresh as mountain air, cold as a frosty night, the bitterly invigorating smell of lavender is etched into the memory and soul for a long time.
  • Ancient Greece, Rome began to use the healing properties of lavender long before the rise of Christianity. They prepared baths with the aroma of flowers, made fragrant salts and tinctures for the aroma of lamps. During pestilences and epidemics, patricians rubbed their bodies with lavender oil, correctly believing that its smell would repel disease. Having adopted experience, in European monasteries already in the 13th century they began to grow mountain plants, created greenhouses and appointed a special gardener for important shoots.
  • It is used to form a special energy field during self-knowledge, meditation, restores mental strength, and produces energetic relaxation.
  • Eliminates depression, reduces mood swings and reduces aggressive behavior.
    10. Incense:
  • Buttery, smoky, tart-sweet aroma. This was a gift from the Magi to Jesus. WITH ancient times, before Christianity, frankincense oil was used to expel demons and evil spirits from objects and souls of people. Incense instilled a good beginning and charged with positive energy.
  • The smell of incense, used in funeral rites, is intended to enhance the communication of the soul with higher powers, maintain clarity for deceased souls and facilitate their transition to another dimension.
  • Modern Application: cleanse a person’s aura, protect from wickedness and bad thoughts, malice from envious people.

Today I will talk about using fragrances for business. For yourself, as an element of influence on the subconscious and as an opportunity to control the mood of other people. For the premises where your business is located: office or sales area.

Aromatherapy as a science dates back more than one millennium. Therefore, the effects of essential oils have been sufficiently studied. It is important not to confuse natural essential oils and aroma culture. I will talk about natural oils that affect homeostasis and change chemical composition blood.

In this case, focus on price. The price of natural essential oil is from 10 dollars for 5 ml and above (iris, for example, costs 100 dollars for 1 ml). The label must contain both words: 100% natural essential oil.

The Russian scientist Pavlov argued that smells control associative thinking. The influence of odors on person described by ancient scientists, writers, poems. Therefore, using smells For impact on people, we hit the weak point of their psyche.

Let's start by choosing a perfume for yourself. Go to the store and apply the perfume you like to your wrist on clean skin. Or rather, two perfumes: on the right and left hand. Different scents. After 6-8 hours, you check how well it has revealed itself to you, how persistent it is, and what impression your friends have of it. Ask friends to review the scent. I did an experiment. For three weeks I went into the store every day and applied the scent to different shoulders (it was July). I asked her to rate her friends' scent. There was one amazing discovery. Never The scent that men and women liked did not match. Women have always liked one scent, and men another. Therefore, first of all, when choosing a fragrance, remember who you want to please: men or women. All men rejected powdery and sweet scents.

Remember that a person depends on the scent of another by 97%. If they don’t like your scent, they won’t want to continue communicating with you. Or they will remember it as antipathy towards you.

Fragrances influence the subconscious. To convince your interlocutor that you are right, your aroma must contain musk (can be plant-based) and/or amber.

Musk, its action is due to properties that attract the opposite sex. This smell evokes instinctive desire and clouds the mind. It is impossible to describe the smell of musk; the impressions of this aroma are too contradictory. But it can still be noted that white musk smells of freshness, clean skin, a little sweet and soulful. Red musk is more intense, deep, exciting and attractive, with tart notes, and is considered an evening scent.

Currently, perfumers use synthetic musk scents; they form the basis of many perfume compositions for men and women, with the difference that white musk is the main component of daytime scents, and red musk is the main component of evening scents.

Ambergris, strengthens the element of fire, warms the heart, makes it kind and sympathetic. Treats nervous diseases, natural pheromone and aphrodisiac.

Now let’s choose a perfume for office and business. It is possible to determine what problem the fragrance should solve. Perhaps you need the guest to relax and stay with you, or perhaps you need clients to come often and for a short time.

Let's buy an aroma lamp and a candle sleeve (the one in foil). The exposure time or aroma-fumigation of the room is no more than 20 minutes. Pour water into the aroma lamp, light a candle inside the lamp and drop 3-5 drops of oil. Don't forget to check the amount of water. Remember that the aroma should not be intrusive. Can be a mono scent or a mixture. For example:

  1. Mixture 1: rosemary - 3 drops, orange - 3 drops;
  2. Mixture 2: grapefruit - 3 drops, cypress - 3 drops;
  3. Mixture 3: jasmine - 2 drops, bergamot - 4 drops.

Helps increase confidence.

A few more examples of professional room scenting:

  • The confectionery department uses the smell of caramel, which attracts those with a sweet tooth;
  • The aromas of citrus, banana, melon will encourage you to buy in the fruit department;
  • The lemon aroma will help in the fish department;
  • In expensive casinos they used leather and sandalwood scents;
  • Furniture stores smell of cedar and mastic;
  • Classic scents that have been tested for decades to increase sales - lemon, coffee, chocolate, baking, vanilla, tangerine and pine;
  • Our realtors work well aroma of coffee with cinnamon. In this case, the aroma must be sprayed in the room in advance before the client arrives. Those realtors who make an appointment not in the office, but in the premises intended for sale or rental, brew coffee and slice oranges. Always satisfied with the results, fewer refusals, and clients are more accommodating;
  • Essential oil grapefruit helps increase sales. Its peculiarity is that almost everyone likes it, its aroma tones, harmonizes, creates a holiday mood, and sets the mood for positive contact;
  • In boutiques with expensive clothes, it is good to use essential oils pink And sandalwood tree;
  • Aroma for business from essential oils - basilica And orange works well in small markets. Aroma orange makes a person open, and the smell basilica suppresses willpower;
  • Essential oils suitable for a women's clothing boutique are: vanilla, basil, lemon, mint;
  • Suitable for beauty salons - tangerine, lemon, floral aromas, coconut;
  • For a gift shop - cinnamon, cloves, tangerine;
  • Hotels - mango, rose.

Smells are connected to our memories and feelings, but that's not all. With the help of certain odors, we can trigger certain processes in our brain, and it, in turn, will give a command to the entire body to produce certain substances and hormones, thus, with the help of odors, we can change the state of our nervous system and biochemical composition of organs. It is on this “smell-reaction” chain that the science of aromatherapy is built. In this regard, you must choose your aromatic oils very carefully, because if you choose the “wrong” scent, it can negatively affect your body, your mood or psychological state.