What does occupational psychology study? Object, subject of study and tasks of labor psychology What is labor psychology definition.

1. The concept of work psychology

The concept of “labor” is considered in several scientific disciplines. Such as, for example, labor physiology, organizational psychology, labor sociology, economics, management, etc., consider labor activity only as a general object, using specific methods and knowledge specific to a particular discipline. All of these disciplines look at work activity to solve practical problems aimed at humanization labor activity and increased performance. As for the psychology of work, when studying work activity, the entire data system that exists in the world is used. modern psychology.

Labor psychology at present moment– an independent branch of psychology, which allows the most effective use of human labor, taking into account his personal characteristics and the impact on production as a whole, predicting the development of industrial relations and much more.

Labor psychology is primarily focused on the person and his interests, on minimizing production losses and optimizing work activity for the employee.

This text is an introductory fragment. author Prusova N V

3. Tasks of labor psychology. Subject of work psychology. Object of labor psychology. Subject of labor. Methods of labor psychology The main tasks of labor psychology: 1) improving industrial relations and improving the quality of work; 2) improving living conditions

From the book Labor Psychology author Prusova N V

4. The time of formation and development of work psychology. Initial interests of labor psychology Labor psychology developed under the influence of medicine, physiology, psychology, technology, and sociology. Each of these disciplines added its own aspects, which is reflected in

From the book Labor Psychology author Prusova N V

7. Methods of labor psychology Experiment. Non-participant observation. Participant observation. Method of surveys and interviews The method is understood as a system of theoretical and practical actions, models for studying certain problems and the practical activities of a psychologist.

From the book Labor Psychology author Prusova N V

29. The concept of labor mobility. Types of mobility. The concept of labor physiology. Factors in the working environment Labor mobility refers to a change in professional status and role, which reflects the dynamics of professional growth. Elements of labor

From the book Labor Psychology author Prusova N V

46. ​​The main tasks of labor psychology The tasks of labor psychology can be divided into two groups: theoretical and applied. The first group will include tasks that are closely related to the psychological characteristics of a person (subject). For theoretical problems you can

author Prusova N V

1. The concept of labor psychology The concept of “labor” is considered by several scientific disciplines. Such as, for example, labor physiology, organizational psychology, labor sociology, economics, management, etc., consider labor activity only as a general object,

From the book Occupational Psychology: lecture notes author Prusova N V

2. The relationship between occupational psychology and other disciplines Occupational psychology does not have clear boundaries with other disciplines. When studying labor psychology, several categories of sciences can be identified that are intertwined and interact with labor psychology to varying degrees. This,

From the book Occupational Psychology: lecture notes author Prusova N V

4. Goals of labor psychology The main goals of labor psychology are: 1) optimization of the psychological climate of the enterprise, that is, taking into account the psychological characteristics of each member of the enterprise and optimizing interactive processes within the organization; 2) forecasting possible

From the book Occupational Psychology: lecture notes author Prusova N V

5. Tasks of labor psychology The main tasks of labor psychology The tasks of labor psychology can be divided into two groups: theoretical and applied. The first group will include tasks that are closely related to the psychological characteristics of a person (subject). TO

From the book Occupational Psychology: lecture notes author Prusova N V

6. The subject of labor psychology The subject of labor psychology is psychological characteristics human activity in working conditions in such aspects as his development as a professional, professional orientation and self-determination, labor motivation

From the book Occupational Psychology: lecture notes author Prusova N V

7. The object of labor psychology The object of labor psychology is work as a specific activity of a person who identifies himself with a certain professional community and produces the reproduction of skills, attitudes, knowledge in this form

From the book Occupational Psychology: lecture notes author Prusova N V

9. Methods of labor psychology In practical activities, labor psychology uses various methods to study the characteristics of human functioning in working conditions. Using these methods, candidates are selected for employment, studied

From the book Occupational Psychology: lecture notes author Prusova N V

10. The influence of labor psychology on production The study of labor psychology and labor relations directly affects labor efficiency and the emotional comfort of a person in the workplace. An important area of ​​labor psychology is the study of various aspects

From the book Occupational Psychology: lecture notes author Prusova N V

3. Initial interests of labor psychology Issues of professional selection at first were the main task of labor psychology. Development of hiring criteria, analysis of differences in labor productivity among workers with approximately the same knowledge and skills

From the book Occupational Psychology: lecture notes author Prusova N V

1. Methods of occupational psychology A method is understood as a system of theoretical and practical actions, models for studying certain problems, and the practical activity of a psychologist itself. Occupational psychology contains a huge amount of

From the book Occupational Psychology: lecture notes author Prusova N V

1. The concept of labor physiology Labor physiology is a branch of physiology that studies the mechanisms and patterns of human physiological processes in the production environment, the peculiarities of human perception and regulation of the labor process. Labor physiology is closer to medicine and

IN modern society the role of psychological knowledge about human labor activity in connection with the peculiarities of socio-economic and technical development of all spheres and forms of our life, the increasing complexity, responsibility and danger of many types of work, increasing requirements for the level of human functional reserves when performing professional tasks.

Knowledge psychological patterns labor activity, human capabilities and limitations in the implementation of labor tasks, the laws of mutual adaptation of man and tools of labor are the goal and subject of the scientific and practical discipline “psychology of labor activity.” The psychology of labor activity is a branch of psychological science that studies the conditions, ways and methods of scientifically based solutions to practical problems in the field of functioning and formation of a person as a subject of labor.

The main tasks of work psychology are the study and development of practical recommendations on the following problems:

  • 1) psychological characteristics of specific species professional activity(its means, content, conditions and organization, error analysis, classification of professions, etc.);
  • 2) the influence of individual psychological characteristics of a person on efficiency, reliability, and labor safety;
  • 3) psychological patterns of formation of a person’s professional suitability (career guidance, vocational selection, vocational training, adaptation to work);
  • 4) functional states of the subject of labor (fatigue, emotional tension, stress, monotony, etc.) and methods for their diagnosis, prevention and correction;
  • 5) psychological patterns of interaction between man and technology;
  • 6) engineering and psychological support (design, assessment) of the process of creating and operating new equipment, etc.

The psychology of labor activity deals not only with the study and justification of ways, methods and means of improving activity, but also with the study of fundamental phenomena of the human psyche (the formation of the subject of labor, mechanisms for regulating states, the role of personal characteristics in labor behavior, the formation of professional abilities, etc.).

Labor, profession, specialty. Labor is a purposeful activity to transform the surrounding world to meet human needs. Labor is one of the main types of conscious human activity, which serves as a means and way of self-realization in personal and public life, communication, knowledge of oneself and the world around us, development of oneself as an individual, self-affirmation, creation of material and spiritual values ​​and personal wealth.

The implementation of labor functions requires the creation of certain prerequisites for its successful implementation:

  • 1) selection of people most suitable for a specific activity;
  • 2) vocational training;
  • 3) rational conditions and organization of the labor process;
  • 4) convenience and efficiency of tools;
  • 5) adequacy of human capabilities to work loads;
  • 6) a system of occupational safety, preservation of professional health and longevity, psychological support for performance.

Work (its content, conditions, goals) should contribute to the development of a person’s personality, bring him joy and satisfaction with the results achieved. In psychology, the statement has been proven and has acquired the force of an axiom that “the human psyche manifests itself and is formed in activity. Personal development... does not occur in any activity, but in normally intense activity due to the initiative, activity, and motives of the subject of this activity...” ( Klimov E.A., 1996). Labor is the process of realizing human resources in the field of psychological, physiological, professional and other functional capabilities of a person, the magnitude of which varies among different people and varies depending on age, professional preparedness, health status, etc.

The solution of many applied problems to improve work activity, as well as the study of fundamental phenomena of human mental activity, are associated with the need to consider the features of the relationship between various components of the structure of work activity.

The features of a particular profession reflect the content of a certain work activity, although its elements may also be inherent in other professions, and the very content of the concept of profession is not limited to characterizing the essence of this activity. A profession is a set of forms of activity, united by related features of the object, content, means, organization, result of labor and requirements for the preparation of the subject of labor. This concept reflects different levels and different aspects of specific types of work activity: labor psychology professional

  • 1) object and subject of labor, its content, conditions and organization;
  • 2) the target function and the nature of the result of labor;
  • 3) characteristics of the subject of labor - his knowledge, skills, abilities, abilities;
  • 4) economic and social aspects - employment, satisfaction of material needs, approval of social status;
  • 5) a type of activity characteristic of a set of people united by a common focus and engaged in a single subject area.

A specialty is a specific form of activity that is characterized specific features goals, process, means of labor and professional training of the subject of labor. The concept of “specialty” is usually used to characterize a relatively private and more specific type of activity (within a profession), which reflects the possibility of a more or less fractional division of labor (for example, profession - doctor, specialty - therapist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, etc.).

The development of the psychological system of activity occurs both in the process of professional training of the subject of labor, and during the subsequent formation of a professional and his improvement. The formation of this system means the inclusion in the process of mastering the activity of the subject’s professionally significant functional blocks, their objectification (filling with subject content), orientation towards the implementation of specific work functions, as well as the establishment and consolidation of relationships between individual blocks. a structural diagram of the functional blocks of the psychological system of activity is presented. It includes:

  • 1) motives of activity, its driving forces (material, cognitive, aesthetic, etc.);
  • 2) the goals of the activity, which form its content and are expressed in specific expected results;
  • 3) activity programs that reflect ideas about its real content and process;
  • 4) information basis activity - a set of information about its objective and subjective conditions of implementation (in the form of both real signals and images, representations of these signals, including specific professional knowledge);
  • 5) decision-making processes - identification problematic situation, putting forward hypotheses (solution options), determining the decision principle, developing judgments about solution options, their evaluation (selection of the most optimal option);
  • 6) psychomotor processes and work actions implement activity in the form of procedures, motor acts and participate in the regulation of activity (via a feedback mechanism);
  • 7) professionally important qualities- psychological characteristics of the subject of labor, reflecting the influence of a specific labor process on a set of individual psychological qualities and functions.

Professional activity of a person

Important aspects of occupational psychology are the analysis of professional activity, the establishment of typical professional tasks, situations, difficulties, and the clarification of professional requirements.

Based on the analysis of the initial problem situation and the definition of the subject of professional psychology. Let us formulate its main tasks:

  • 1) justification of the methodology of professional psychology, including the concept of professional development of personality, leading concepts and principles of research;
  • 2) development of research methods adequate to the subject of occupational psychology, and design of our own methods;
  • 3) psychological analysis, classification and characteristics of professions; development of principles and methods for designing professions;
  • 4) research psychological mechanisms and patterns of professional development of personality; identification of factors determining the dynamics of this process; psychological analysis of crises of professional development;
  • 5) study of professional destruction of a specialist: stagnation and deformation of personality, decrease in professional performance;
  • 6) development of psychodiagnostic monitoring tools professional development personality and certification of specialists;
  • 7) psychological support professional development of personality: support, stimulation and assistance throughout professional life person; career counseling, personal development technologies vocational education, certification, psychotechnologies for professional growth, professional correction and rehabilitation, psychological preparation for leaving the profession.

Research methods in professional psychology are of general psychological origin; the methodology reflects the specifics of the subject of study.

With adaptive behavior, a person’s self-awareness is dominated by the tendency to subordinate professional activity to external circumstances in the form of fulfilling prescribed requirements, rules, and norms. This refers to the processes of self-adaptation, as well as the processes of subordinating the environment to the original interests of a person. In his activities, a specialist, as a rule, is guided by the postulate of saving forces and uses mainly established algorithms for solving professional tasks, problems, situations, turned into cliches, templates, and stereotypes.

A person’s awareness of his potential capabilities, prospects for personal and professional growth encourages him to constantly experiment, understood as search, creativity, and the ability to choose. The decisive element of this situation of professional development is the opportunity and necessity to make a choice, and therefore to feel one’s freedom, on the one hand, and one’s responsibility for everything that happens and will happen, on the other.

At the stage of professional stagnation, when a specialist has adapted his individual abilities and capabilities to the requirements of the professional environment and exists due to the achievements of the past, the exploitation of stereotypes, the canonization and universalization of his own experience, prerequisites arise for a decrease in professional activity, professional growth of the specialist, and immunity to the new.

However, the discrepancy between the acting I and the reflected I can lead to both attempts to change one’s inner world, and to attempts to change the external environment, one’s surroundings.

The empirical self of a person with low level the development of self-awareness does not allow him to free himself from his own egocentric attitudes and utilitarian-alienated position. Man with high level development of self-awareness is able to go beyond the limits of his empirical Self, which creates conditions for the manifestation of his creative Self in consciousness and activity. Thus, the vector of professional development is the creative Self of the individual.

Considering professional development as a continuous process of personality self-design, we distinguish three main stages in it, which are qualitatively different from each other in the level of development of self-awareness: self-determination, self-expression and self-realization. At the stage of self-realization, the correlation of knowledge about oneself occurs within the framework of “I and the higher (creative) I.” At this stage, a person’s philosophy of life as a whole is formed, the meaning of life and its own social value are realized. Expanding the framework of self-awareness, one’s place in life, one’s mission comes into conflict with the possibility of realizing oneself in professional activities. Realizing the one-sidedness of professional development, a person overcomes it and thereby satisfies the need for comprehensive development, i.e. the need to realize one's own creative self.

Fundamentals of economic psychology

Economic psychology, which studies individuals and groups of people’s reflections of economic reality, features and mechanisms of economic behavior, was formed as an independent interdisciplinary direction and branch of scientific knowledge in the first half of the 20th century. and has recently been developing quite intensively.

As is known, economic theory studies production relations in close connection with productive forces, and these relations are considered as independent of human will and desire. And therefore, the question of how these relationships are reflected in the psychology of people, how human psychology somehow influences economic relations, is of very little interest to economic theory - at least, this was the case until recently.

Consequently, the relevance of the development of domestic economic psychology can be explained by the following reasons: features of socio-economic development (radical economic transformations, changes in economic relations, the emergence of new economic entities); state of internal readiness and possibilities of psychological science; interest economic science in obtaining additional facts and patterns to resolve issues at the intersection of economics and psychology; the historical experience accumulated by psychological science in the intensive formation of scientific and practical branches of psychology in response to the acute practical needs of society in a specific historical period of its development; features of the domestic mentality, which leads to special interest in certain economic and psychological phenomena and problems, namely: attitudes towards property, poverty and wealth, money and attitudes towards them; urgent practical need (commercial organizations, for example, are interested in rapid development certain areas of economic psychology, such as advertising psychology, consumer behavior). Based on the above, it can be stated that the emergence of economic psychology is a natural phenomenon. A. Zhuravlev offers a number of criteria by which one can evaluate the real place of economic psychology in psychological science as a system of knowledge: carrying out specialized research on economic and psychological issues; availability various forms actual professional meetings of specialists in economic psychology (seminars, conferences); volume and significance scientific publications, as in scientific journals, and in individual publications of an economic and psychological nature; introduction of professional training for economic psychologists at specialized psychological and other faculties of universities; availability of institutionalized structural divisions in scientific and educational organizations. Analysis of the selected criteria allows us to determine the prospects for the development of economic psychology in the country: the creation of a special professional association economic psychologists; publication of original monographs on economic psychology; publication of specialized professional magazine in economic psychology; introduction of the specialty of economic psychologist in universities; increasing the number of dissertation (candidate's and doctoral) works in economic psychology.

When considering the subject of economic psychology from the standpoint of creating and modeling new economic systems at the macroeconomic level, economic psychology in its objects and subjects is closest to such scientific areas as ergonomics, organizational psychology, social psychology, management psychology and management, labor psychology and engineering psychology, economics and sociology of labor. The process of analysis and functioning of economic systems at the macroeconomic level, analysis of their effectiveness gives grounds to consider economic psychology as a discipline, explains the patterns of deviation from economic laws and the laws of economic sociology from the point of view of the uniqueness of human behavior at the level of large groups, entire nations and states.

The study of economic psychology is associated with economic theory, the economic behavior of various segments of the population, psychological aspects economic policy, the psychological foundations of the consumer market and a number of other problems, and especially with strategic, innovative management. The most obvious connection between economic psychology and engineering psychology, which studies “man among machines”; ergonomics, psychology and sociology of labor, focused on “man at work”; economic theory; social psychology, which deals with “man among men”; management, marketing, sociology, political science and philosophy. Let us consider the connection between economic psychology and some of the above sciences in more detail.

Economic psychology develops the theory and practice of economic behavior of people as a specific form social behavior with its own specifics, therefore, knowledge of general patterns of behavior contributes to the understanding of economic behavior. That is why economic psychology is closely related to social psychology. The relationship between economic psychology and ethics lies in the joint study of the phenomenon business communication in labor, management and entrepreneurial activities. On the border with personality psychology, economic psychology studies the influence of individual psychological factors on the perception and assessment of socio-economic phenomena and characteristics of the economic behavior of individuals.

Economic psychology is very closely related to economic sociology and has a similar structure and subject field. The specificity of economic psychology is its exclusive attention to subjective, psychological, conscious and unconscious phenomena associated with human reflection economic sphere life activity and psychological regulation of its economic behavior.

Economic psychology refers to that direction of psychological science, the need for which is caused by socio-economic changes in the country, and the methodological basis of this scientific direction laid down by the entire history of interaction between economics and psychology, subjects of economic activity and the processes of production, exchange and consumption. Economic psychology studies man in the world of things, the psychology of the participant economic activity, psychological patterns of regulation of human behavior and activity in the economic environment of society. In a broad sense, economic psychology is the psychology of the subject of economic relations, which can be one person, a nation, an organization or a state.

The tasks of economic psychology are realized mainly in applied terms - through the dissemination of knowledge about how production efficiency can be increased - primarily at the microeconomic level. Justifying the legitimacy of socio-economic changes taking place in society will allow economic psychology at the macro-economic level to explain to all segments of the population the country’s economic strategy precisely through economic interests, incentives and motivation to work in conditions of property, financial and other rights of citizens.


  • 1. Dmitrieva M.A. and others. Labor psychology and engineering psychology. L., 1979.
  • 2. Klimov E.A., Noskova O.G. History of labor psychology in Russia. M., 1992.- 221 p.
  • 3. Klimov E.A. Introduction to occupational psychology. M., 1986.
  • 4. Kotelova Yu.V. Essays on labor psychology. M., 1986.
  • 5. Kotelova Yu.V. From the history of Soviet labor psychology // Questions of psychology. 1967.No. 5.
  • 6. Levitov N.D. Psychology of work. M., 1963.
  • 7. Platonov K.K. Issues of labor psychology. M., 1962.
  • 8. Klimov E.A. Introduction to labor psychology: a textbook for universities / E.A. Klimov - M., 1998.-350 p.
  • 9. Leonova A.V. Chernysheva O.N. Labor psychology and organizational psychology: Current state and development prospects. - M.: Radix, 1995.-253 p.
  • 10. Leahy T. History of modern psychology. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. --448s. - (Series “Masters of Psychology”).
  • 11. Noskova O.G. Labor psychology: Proc. manual for students of higher educational institutions./Ed. E.A. Klimova. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2004. -384 p.
  • 12. Labor psychology: Textbook. for students higher textbook institutions./ ed. prof. A.V. Karpova. - M.: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2003. - 352 p.

Labor psychology studies the manifestation and development of the psyche in work activity, as well as the correspondence of human qualities with the results of work. This science has a close relationship with other psychological areas. Occupational psychology uses different study methods. For example, existing documents are analyzed, which allows us to understand the specifics of the work. Work process monitoring, questioning, self-observation, etc. are also carried out. Great value in labor psychology has the study of fluctuations in performance, which are related to fatigue, daily rhythm, etc. Thanks to this, it is possible to identify methods, establish stable productivity and quality of work. " Golden rule“work psychology implies a complex impact on the production scheme to successfully increase the efficiency of activity, which includes: a person, a subject of work, means of labor and the environment. This is possible only if there is mutual correspondence between the subject and the position.

Basic problems of occupational psychology

This science deals with the study of approaches and methods for solving certain problems that may arise as a result of activities, these include:

  1. Possible development of man as a subject of labor. This category includes the formation of ability to work, assessment of competence, psychology in crisis, etc.
  2. Formation of individual style and prediction of professional suitability.
  3. Psychology of design and performance assessment, as well as methods of product quality management.
  4. Current problem occupational psychology – calculation and prevention of possible injuries and accidents.
  5. The influence of human characteristics on the effectiveness and safety of activities.
  6. Calculation of patterns of human professional suitability.

Labor psychology is aimed at facilitating work activity, which should also become productive, safe and satisfy material needs. With its help, you can adapt work to a person and vice versa.

Psychology of occupational safety

This industry studies psychological reasons accidents that occurred as a result of work. Basically, these are mental processes that appear as a result of activity, the individual state of a person, and also because of the property. Life-threatening factors can be divided into obvious and potential. The first category includes problems that already exist and require measures to eliminate them. Potential factors include those that may arise due to inadequate performance or technical malfunctions. Safety psychology allows you to solve some labor problems:

Methods of occupational safety psychology in modern world with its technological progress are quite relevant and important. In general, there are many industry sectors that ensure occupational safety: fire service, construction workers, etc. Main task Psychological safety is about reducing physical, social and even spiritual dangers to life.

Psychological analysis is an essential point in optimizing work activity. Problems of organizing attention, requirements for memory, thinking, will, the formation of a system of professional abilities - all of this is now the most pressing issue in the scientific and practical support of labor. These and a number of other theoretical questions constitute the field of study of labor psychology. Occupational psychology is the science of psychic phenomena, mechanisms and their characteristics that are activated in a person during the labor process, about personality characteristics, as well as methods that play an important role in the labor process and its most expedient organization. In the very general view Occupational psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with the study of psychological patterns in human labor activity. Recently, an approach has emerged (Peter J. Drenth, Henk Tierru, Paul J. Willems, Charles de Wolff) that combines work psychology and organizational psychology into one scientific discipline and defines it as a science “that studies the behavior of working people and the topics how they perform activities within certain organizational structures, or organizations." (Leonova A. Chernysheva O. Labor psychology and organizational psychology, p. 10). Based on the definition of labor psychology and the tasks facing it, we must determine the subject of study of this science. The subject of work psychology is mental processes, psychological factors, which encourage, program and regulate the individual’s labor activity.

Recently, there has been a change in the understanding of the content of the subject of work psychology. The main aspects of the study, along with the organization of work and personality, are the issues of cognitive regulation of activity.

The tasks that work psychology solves are diverse both in methodological status and content. Let's take a closer look at the specific tasks facing work psychology. Most detailed analysis The problems facing labor psychology were given by B. F. Lomov.

The problem of motivation for work activity, personality formation at work. Study of patterns, mechanisms, factors and conditions of personal development in work activity.

The problem of organizing and developing labor collectives.

The problem of psychological and psychophysiological support for the activities of various human states that arise in work.

Psychological issues related to the design, development and operation of equipment.

Psychological aspect of improving management systems.

Psychological problems associated with protecting people's health at work.

Improving the service sector. Psychological issues of advertising, marketing, etc.

Problems of vocational training.

In the most general form, we can distinguish the following large groups of tasks and areas that work psychology should solve.

1. Psychological study of work activity. This includes analysis of requirements for mental functions person; determination of patterns and mechanisms for the formation of professionally important qualities; studying the structure of labor activity, its dynamics and mechanisms. More specific issues include the study of performance and fatigue, learning and skills, work and rest regimes, etc.

2. Study of personality in the labor process. First of all, we should note here studies concerning the motivation of work activity and human self-realization in work. An important point is the analysis of the individual’s abilities, interests, methods of information exchange, problems of creativity, etc.

3. Social and psychological problems of labor. Work is always a group activity, this complicates it with many social problems. Problems of management, control, planning, conflict resolution - all these issues are studied in the field of labor psychology. Of particular importance are studies of this plan in the field of specific professions, professional selection and training.

This triad of problems: “the labor process” - “personality in work” - “social dynamics of labor” are the practical basis on which the psychology of work is built. The fundamental methodological position of modern labor psychology is the metasystem approach. Labor as a socio-psychological structure has a metasystem organization (A.V. Karpov). Each individual element of labor also has a systemic character. In this regard, the principle of consistency is basic for labor psychology (B.F. Lomov, V.D. Shadrikov). It is obvious that the development of scientific ideas in the field of labor psychology should be based on other general methodological principles (determinism; unity of consciousness and activity; genetic principle and a number of others). However, from the point of view of objective scientific logic, they will necessarily be expressed in research based on a complex systematicity - activity - personal approach. The research field of work psychology and organizational psychology unites all research related to the sphere of work and activity professional organizations. Labor psychology studies a special form of behavior of working people, carried out within the framework of an organization.

The subject and tasks of psychology there

Occupational psychology is a branch of psychology. science that studies the patterns of formation and manifestation of psyche. human activity in various types of work and develops practical recommendations for mental health. ensuring labor efficiency and safety.

The subject of labor is the subject of labor. The subject himself is usually considered as a “carrier” of objective-practical activity and cognition (an individual or a social group), as a source of activity aimed at an object.

The object of labor is understood as a specific labor process including the subject, means, goals, tasks of work, rules for performing work and conditions of the organization.

V.N. Druzhinin identifies the object of study of labor psychology:

1) a person as a participant in the process of creating material and spiritual values, their development and provision.

2) a group of people (team, crew, shift, etc.)

3) system (man-technology, man-man, man-nature, etc.)

The subject of labor psychology is the psychological patterns of the labor process, the personality characteristics of the subject of activity and their relationship with the means, process, conditions, and organization of labor activity.

There are 2 groups of tasks:

1) internally scientific (form the structure of science)

2) applied (form direct and feedback connections connecting science and practice, psychology and production)

Main tasks:

*psychological analysis of the activities of specialists in various fields - development of methods and analysis program, error analysis, construction of professional charts.

*study of mental mechanisms. regulation of labor activity in normal and extreme conditions.

*research of human performance in various types and working conditions, and the rationale for psychological recommendations to improve or maintain it.

* study of the peculiarities of the functioning of the states of the subject of activity.

*studying the patterns of relationship between personality traits and characteristics of activity.

* justification of the system of professional psychological selection of specialists (methods, indicators, criteria, etc.).

*studying the processes of formation and development of a professional’s personality.

History of the formation and development of occupational psychology as a branch of psychological science

In the psyche. science has always paid attention to the psyche. the issue of labor. One of the first to study the role of the personal factor in labor was Sechenov.

At the beginning of the 20th century, psychology was asked questions about the influence of irritation and the participation of the work of the first system in labor movements. On the role of active recreation in production work.

Revival on the psychological front in Russia began before World War I with the translation of the works of the American rationalizer Taylor.

Taylor's work contained ideas associated with the scientific organization of labor movement.

1) A significant stage in the history of work psychology begins with the emergence of psychotechnics in foreign science. The term was introduced by Stern in 1903.

This term was used by the American psychologist Münsterberg, who published the book “Psychology and Economic Life”, “Fundamentals of Psychotechnics”.

At the same time, Soviet psychotechnics developed. This direction in the study and organization of work was led by psychologists who proclaimed the need to study work from the point of view of psychology.

In 1927, the All-Russian Psychotechnical Society published the journal “Psychophysiology of Labor and Psychotechnics.” Specific types of work, interest in methods of professional selection, and personnel training are studied.

2) Until 1935, the main task was to increase labor productivity, develop methods for scientific training, and attract public attention to issues of labor and labor training.

Since 1936, a decree was issued on pedagogical perversion in the systems of People's Commissariat for Education. Psychology as a science was liquidated. Work on psychotechnics stopped.

1936–1956 Psychology does not officially exist. In 1955, a meeting of psychologists took place in Moscow, it was organized by the Moscow Institute of Psychology. At this meeting, an initiative group of scientists interested in the problems and issues of labor psychology stands out.

The task was set to develop and coordinate work in the field of occupational psychology. It was decided to carry out work in the field of occupational psychology.

In 1957, the stage of revival of labor psychology began (Levitov, Platonov, Arkhangelsky).

The place of labor psychology in the system of labor sciences

The main scientific disciplines involved in the study of human labor activity: labor psychology; engineering psychology; ergonomics.

Occupational psychology is a branch of psychological science that studies the patterns of manifestation of human mental activity in various types of work, developing recommendations for ensuring the efficiency and safety of labor activity.

Engineering psychology is a branch of psychological science that studies the information interaction between man and technology with the aim of using the information obtained in the design, creation, and operation of the “man-machine-environment” system.

Ergonomics - comprehensive scientific discipline, which, based on the requirements of various labor sciences, is engaged in the improvement and design of work activities in order to improve its efficiency.

The study of psychological aspects in various types of work activity is based on the achievements of various branches of psychology: social, differential, personality psychology and psychophysiology.

Occupational psychology uses theoretical and methodological materials from the sciences: sociology, pedagogy, physiology, hygiene, medicine, computer science, cybernetics.

Sciences related to labor psychology are grouped into three groups:

1) sciences with the first degree of relationship:

labor economics, labor sociology, labor physiology, occupational hygiene, professional pedagogy, part of medicine, history of technology, part of field anthropology (tools).

2) sciences with the second degree of relationship are those branches of technical knowledge whose subject is the instrumentation of the labor process:

technical aesthetics, theoretical issues of artistic design.

3) sciences of the third degree of kinship - here, for labor psychology, information is of interest for the correct understanding of the work activities of professionals, for drawing up professionograms: mathematics; mathematical logic.

Occupational Psychology and Engineering Psychology

Occupational psychology is a branch of psychological science that studies the patterns of formation and manifestation of human mental activity in various types of work and develops practical recommendations for the psychological provision of labor efficiency and safety.

Engineering psychology developed on the basis of labor psychology. However, these disciplines have different objectives.

Engineering psychology is a branch of psychological science that studies the information interaction between man and technology, with the aim of using the information obtained in the design, creation, and operation of the “man-machine-environment” system.

The goal of labor psychology: increasing labor efficiency by improving already created and used equipment.

The goal of engineering psychology is to develop psychological foundations for the design and creation of new technology, taking into account the “human factor.” Studying the “man-machine” system, engineering psychology tries to achieve their high efficiency and develops the following psychological foundations:

*design and management of equipment.

* selection of people who have the necessary level of individual psychological and professional qualities to work with certain equipment.

*professional training of people to work with equipment.

Research methods in occupational psychology

The study of labor activity involves the use of a set of methods and particular methodological techniques, knowledge of psychological phenomena, patterns of human labor activity and the substantiation of practical recommendations for its improvement.

Provides for obtaining and using scientific factors and data on the psychological characteristics of work activity.

The main tool in this work is a set of specific methods of psychological research, which can be combined into the following classes of methods:

1) analysis of working documents - for general familiarization with the specifics of a particular activity.

2) observation of the work process - to collect information on the content of the activity.

3) timing – to assess the time parameters of the labor process.

4) survey, conversation, questionnaire - to obtain written or oral information from the subject of labor.

5) self-observation and self-report - the reproduction by the subject of labor of his personal impressions, judgments, experiences in connection with the performance of work tasks.

6) labor method - to obtain information about the characteristics of the activity from the experimenter included in the labor process.

7) biographical method - analysis of life and work path.

8) physiological and hygienic methods - to study operating conditions.

9) experiment (natural and laboratory) - to study the psychological characteristics of the subject of labor.

The most important is:

* method of professionography - mental analysis. characteristics of work activity, based on a comprehensive study of it and a certain systematization of the obtained quantitative and qualitative data.