Greek goddess Bellona. The meaning of the word bellona in the directory of characters and cult objects of Greek mythology

Floor: female Class: goddess of war, the underworld and defense of the Motherland Children: Mars Attributes: double axe, labrys Bellona (mythology) Bellona (mythology)

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  • Myths of the peoples of the world, ed. S. A. Tokareva, M., Russian Encyclopedia, 1994, p. 167

Excerpt characterizing Bellon (mythology)

“Yes, and drink,” Nikolai picked up. - Hey you! Another bottle! - he shouted.

In 1808, Emperor Alexander traveled to Erfurt for a new meeting with Emperor Napoleon, and in high society in St. Petersburg there was a lot of talk about the greatness of this solemn meeting.
In 1809, the closeness of the two rulers of the world, as Napoleon and Alexander were called, reached the point that when Napoleon declared war on Austria that year, the Russian corps went abroad to assist their former enemy Bonaparte against their former ally, the Austrian emperor; to the point that in high society they talked about the possibility of a marriage between Napoleon and one of the sisters of Emperor Alexander. But, in addition to external political considerations, at this time the attention of Russian society was especially keenly drawn to internal transformations, which were produced at this time in all parts of government.
Life meanwhile real life people with their own essential interests of health, illness, work, leisure, with their interests of thought, science, poetry, music, love, friendship, hatred, passions, proceeded as always independently and outside of political affinity or enmity with Napoleon Bonaparte, and outside of all possible transformations.
Prince Andrei lived in the village for two years without a break. All those enterprises on estates that Pierre started and did not bring to any result, constantly moving from one thing to another, all these enterprises, without showing them to anyone and without noticeable labor, were carried out by Prince Andrei.
He had in highest degree that practical tenacity that Pierre lacked, which, without scope or effort on his part, gave movement to the matter.
One of his estates of three hundred peasant souls was transferred to free cultivators (this was one of the first examples in Russia); in others, corvee was replaced by quitrent. In Bogucharovo, a learned grandmother was written out to his account to help mothers in labor, and for a salary the priest taught children of peasants and courtyard servants to read and write.
Prince Andrei spent half of his time in Bald Mountains with his father and son, who was still with the nannies; the other half of the time in the Bogucharov monastery, as his father called his village. Despite the indifference he showed to Pierre to everyone external events world, he diligently followed them, received many books, and to his surprise he noticed when fresh people came to him or his father from St. Petersburg, from the very whirlpool of life, that these people, in the knowledge of everything that was happening in the external and domestic policy, far behind him, who was sitting in the village without a break.
In addition to classes on names, except general studies While reading a wide variety of books, Prince Andrei was at this time engaged in a critical analysis of our last two unfortunate campaigns and drawing up a project to change our military regulations and regulations.
In the spring of 1809, Prince Andrei went to the Ryazan estates of his son, whom he was guardian.
Warmed by the spring sun, he sat in the stroller, looking at the first grass, the first birch leaves and the first clouds of white spring clouds scattering across the bright blue sky. He didn’t think about anything, but looked around cheerfully and meaninglessly.


Bellona is the goddess of war in the myths of the ancient Romans (the name Bellona comes from “bellum”, “war”). She was considered the mother (sometimes sister or nurse) of Mars and the goddess of the underworld. Since the war of 458 BC. A temple was dedicated to her, near which a ceremony for declaring war took place: the head of the college of fecial priests threw a spear at an area that symbolized enemy land. From the 1st century BC Bellona was identified with the goddess Ma, and the cult became orgiastic in nature. At first, Roman citizens were forbidden to participate in it; Bellona's servants were recruited from foreigners. The priests of Bellona (bellonaria) wore black robes and caps, and had double axes. The cult of Bellona was especially popular in the Roman Empire in the 3rd century.

Characters and iconic objects Greek mythology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what BELLONA is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • BELLONA in the Concise Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities:
    (Bellona). Roman goddess of war, sister...
    (Bellona) in Roman mythology, the goddess of the circle of Mars (the name B. from bellum, “war”). She was also considered the mother (sometimes sister, nurse) of Mars and...
  • BELLONA in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    goddess of war among the ancients...
  • BELLONA in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • BELLONA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    in ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of war. The wife, in other versions of the myths, is the sister or nurse of Mars. In Rome on Mars...
    Bellona (ancient form - Duellona) - among the Romans, along with the ancient Sabine Herio (or Herione), the goddess of war - corresponded to the Greek Enio. Some describe...
  • BELLONA in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BELLONA, to Rome. mythology goddess of war. Depicted with a sword or whip, often in the center of battle, on...
  • BELLONA in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    goddess, …
  • BELLONA in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    in Roman mythology, the goddess of war. Depicted with a sword or whip, often in the center of battle, on...
  • BELLONA, PLANET in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    minor planet (28), discovered March 1, 1854 ...
  • BELLONA, GODDESS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (ancient form - Duellona) - among the Romans, along with the ancient Sabine Nerio (or Neriene), the goddess of war - corresponded to the Greek Enio. Alone...
    ? minor planet (28), discovered March 1, 1854 ...
  • BELLONA, GODDESS in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (ancient form? Duellon) ? do the Romans have a goddess of war, along with the ancient Sabine Nerio (or Neriene)? corresponded to the Greek Enio. Alone...
  • ENIO in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    In Greek mythology, the goddess of war, Ares's companion, his daughter or sister. Enyo brings confusion into the battle (Hom. Il. V 592 ...
  • BELLONA in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    Bellona or Duellona, ​​BELLONA (from bellum or duellum), goddess of war among the Romans, sister, or wife, or daughter, or nurse of Mars. U...
  • 1978.10.22 in Pages of History What, where, when:
    A Solomon Islands Airlines IRMA BN-2A Islander crashes in the sea off Bellona, ​​Solomon Islands. 11 die...
  • COMPARATIVE ANATOMY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (anatomia comparativa) is not essentially a special science, but a method. Its content is the same as zoology, but in...
  • Paganism GRECO-ROMAN in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ¬ 1) Animism in the strict sense of the word (cult of souls). We must recognize the most ancient stage of the Greco-Roman religion as that which is for...

(ancient form - Duellona) - among the Romans, along with the ancient Sabine Nerio (or Neriene), the goddess of war - corresponded to the Greek Enio. Some describe her as a wife, others as a daughter of Mars. Appius Claudius Caecus in 296, during the battle with the Etruscans, vowed to erect a temple for her, which was subsequently built in Rome on the Campus Martius. In this temple the Senate usually gave audiences to ambassadors of foreign nations who did not have the right to enter the city itself, as well as to consuls who claimed triumphal entry. It is necessary to distinguish from this ancient Italian B. the Asian goddess, whose statue in the time of Sulla was brought to Rome from Comana in Cappadocia. The priests of this goddess, Bellonarii, inflicted wounds on their thighs, back of the head and arms in honor of her.

  • - in the myths of the ancient Romans, the goddess of war...

    Historical Dictionary

  • - Roman goddess of war, wife of Mars...

    Ancient world. Dictionary-reference book

  • - to Rome myth. goddess of the circle of Mars. Also counts. mother of Mars and goddess of the underground. peace. Since the war of 458 BC. in Rome a temple was dedicated to her, near which a ceremony was held...

    Ancient world. Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - BELLONA - goddess of war among the ancient Romans...

    Literary encyclopedia

  • - “Bellona” cruiser Type: cruiser. Displacement: 7518 tons. Dimensions: 156 m x 15 m x 5.4 m. Power point: four-shaft, turbo-gear units. Armament: eight 133 mm guns...

    Encyclopedia of ships

  • - Roman goddess of war, later identified with the Greek goddess of war Enio and with the Cappadocian goddess...

    Collier's Encyclopedia

  • - Roman goddess of war, sister of Mars. BELLONA, in Roman mythology, goddess of the circle of Mars. She was also considered the mother of Mars and the goddess of the underworld...

    Encyclopedia of Mythology

  • - among the Romans, along with the ancient Sabine Nerio, the goddess of war - corresponded to the Greek Enio. Some describe her as a wife, others as a daughter of Mars...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - minor planet, discovered on March 1, 1854 by Luther...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - in ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of war. Spouse, in other versions of myths - sister or nurse of Mars...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - in Roman mythology, the goddess of war. She was depicted with a sword or whip, often in the center of battle, on a chariot...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - war Wed. Where are you, beloved son of happiness and Bellona, ​​despising the voice of truth, and faith, and law? In his pride he dreamed of overthrowing the thrones, and disappeared like a bad dream in the morning. A.S. Pushkin. Memories in Tsarsk. Sele...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - war. Wed. Where are you, beloved son of happiness and Bellona, ​​the voice that despised truth, and faith, and law? In my pride I dreamed of overthrowing the thrones, and disappeared like a bad dream in the morning. A. S. Pushkin. Memories in Tsarsk...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - 1) goddess of war among the Romans, sister and wife of Mars...

    Dictionary foreign words Russian language

  • - Bellona goddess...

    Dictionary of synonyms

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From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (B) author Brockhaus F.A.

Bellona Bellona (ancient form - Duellona) - among the Romans, along with the ancient Sabine Herio (or Herione), the goddess of war - corresponded to the Greek Enio. Some describe her as a wife, others as a daughter of Mars. Appius Claudius Caecus in 296, during the battle with the Etruscans, made a vow


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From the book Encyclopedia of Classical Greco-Roman Mythology author Obnorsky V.

Bellona Bellona (ancient form - Duellona) - among the Romans, along with the ancient Sabine Nerio (or Neriene), the goddess of war - corresponded to the Greek Enio. Some describe her as a wife, others as a daughter of Mars. Appius Claudius Caecus in 296 BC. e. during the battle with the Etruscans gave