Abstract "differentiation of vowels a-z". Differentiation of vowels a-z Differentiation a-z lesson notes

Among the many mistakes observed among students primary classes, a group is identified that is based on difficulties in auditory differentiation of speech sounds. The lack of such differentiation not only leads to letter substitutions in writing, but also prevents the acquisition of a number of grammatical rules. In particular, a child who does not differentiate between soft and hard consonants by ear will not be able to master the rules for indicating soft consonants in writing. It will always be doubtful for him whether he should write soft sign in words like day and money, and which letter “a” or “ya” should be written, for example, after the “l” in the word lamp.

When working to overcome acoustic dysgraphia, special attention should be paid to developing auditory differentiation of hard and soft consonants. All work done with the child must be accompanied by written exercises.

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"Differentiation of vowels A-Z"

Topic: Differentiation of vowels “A” - “I”

Target: teach children to distinguish vowels A-Z orally and in writing.


Correctional and developmental:

- consolidate children’s knowledge of vowel sounds and letters A-Z;

- introduce children to comparative characteristics sounds, norms of their articulation;

- learn to identify sounds [A], [Y, A] in words, phrases and sentences, relate sounds to letters and symbols;


- develop skills in sound-letter analysis and synthesis;

- form voluntary auditory and visual perception, attention and memory;

- develop vocabulary in expressive speech lexical topic: " Family".

- develop the ability to compose phrases, consolidate knowledge of spelling norms;


- develop self-control skills;

- improve the ability to evaluate the results of work on a task;

- cultivate a culture of behavior during front-line work and individual work;

Methods: productive and reproductive, partially exploratory, visual, problem posing, finding a solution, leading dialogue, control and self-control method.

Techniques: activation of attention, motivating technique, game


Whiteboard, video projector, computer, multimedia presentation, workbooks, pencils, pens, individual cards.


1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! We got ready for class. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled.

And now the one who says his name will sit down

Guys, listen to the riddle

Everyone knows this word
Wouldn't change it for anything!
To the number “seven” I will add “I” -
What will happen?

2. Introductory conversation.

Guys, please tell me who can live in a family? (answers

How can you call mom and dad in one word? (parents)

Who is a girl to her parents? (daughter)

Who is the boy for dad and mom? (son)

How can a son and daughter affectionately call their parents? (mommy

What can dad and mom affectionately call their daughter? (daughter)


Today in our lesson we will complete their assignments.

1 Clarification of the pronunciation of sounds [a], [i].

Write the last letter of the word family.

Working with individual didactic material.

Guys, what did we find out by comparing paired vowels using the table?

These vowels differ in spelling.

What did you find out when pronouncing the sound [a] and the sound [th, a]?

These vowels differ in spelling, but are similar in pronunciation.

Remember the formation of the letter “I”.

Today in the lesson we will learn to distinguish the letters A-Z.


3 Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis. Game: “Say the opposite.”

Assignment from Sharik and Uncle Fedor


cha-ta la-la pya-pa zya-za ba-bya gya-ga

What do the consonants sound like before the vowel a? (Firmly)

What do consonants sound like before the vowel I? (Soft)

4 Development of spelling writing skills

Assignment from the Pope

Let's continue getting to know your family.

What are the names of your grandparents?

Who is a girl to grandparents? (granddaughter)

Who is the boy for grandparents? (grandson)

Who is grandma to mom and dad?

Who is the grandfather for mom and dad?

5 Differentiated search for the letters “A” and “Z”.

And now a task from postman Pechkin. He brought a letter, and in it was a poem about his mother.

First, listen to the poem “Mother’s Hands”

Mom's hands

Ready for a hug at any moment.

Now in the poem, underline the letter “A” and cross out the letter “I”.

6 Physical exercise.

7. Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis

Reading syllables, words.

You guys love to play snowballs in winter.

Exercise "Snowball Game"

Now we'll play in the snow. Find half the word. (Cards).

Gather at the board

Open your notebooks and write down the number.

Read the children's names, write them separated by commas and highlight the letters of the activity.

Give the names of your brothers and sisters.

8 Compiling phrases

Find two words (cards) in each line

Now let's read them. Write down the phrases in your notebook and underline the letters of the lesson and the consonants in front of them with a blue and green pencil.

Make up your own phrases about your relatives.

9 Working at the sentence level

Assignment from Pechkin

Fill in the missing letters A - Z.

- Write the second sentence in your notebook. Emphasize the vowels A and Z.

What do you think a family should be like?

10 task.

Pechkin brought us a message, but it is encrypted. Here's the code for you.

Family harmony is the most valuable thing

Guys, read what you got?

Why do you think they say this?

Lesson summary.

Today we completed all the tasks of our heroes

Tell me what tasks you performed.

Pechkin sent us a parcel, and in it is a gift for you.


Match the picture with the letter, write captions for the pictures.


Mom's hands

Mom has warm hands like the sun,
They know how to caress so tenderly,
They will cure pain, relieve boredom,
Ready for a hug at any moment.
While playing, they will gently ruffle my hair,
They bake pies on weekend mornings,
And the legs tickle happily in the bed,
When I don't want to wake up myself.
Iron all dresses, shirts and trousers
And then they will find another job...
I stroke my mother’s tired hands, -
Let them rest at least a little.


Underline two words in each line.

B r l r p d v l a s k o v a i d l d p m a m a z d

S p f k c s i l l n y l v p a p a

L o w m e r i n g p a c t i o n

J sh r n o b r a i d l n v b a b u sh k a j


Fill in the missing letters A-Z

When children were once asked what seven is, their answer was: “Seven is a community of people in which happiness lives.” In this community there is no love, there is love, kindness and mutual help.













A summary of a lesson with 1st grade students who have mild general speech underdevelopment is offered. During the lesson, children learn to distinguish the letters A and Z, learn to compare consonants by hardness - softness at the level of sound, syllable and word, sentence. Knowledge of vowels is being consolidated.

  • learn to distinguish between the letters A and Z;
  • consolidate children's knowledge about vowels:
  • continue to learn to compare consonants by hardness and softness at the level of sound, syllable and word, sentence.


  • differentiate the letters A and Z in own speech and in syllables;
  • differentiate the letters A and Z in words;
  • differentiate the letters A and Z in sentences;
  • differentiate the letters A and Z in the text;
  • continue to learn to read and write words with the letters A and Z;
  • enrich the vocabulary of nouns and verbs.

Developmental: develop visual perception, attention, memory.


  • cultivate correct posture;
  • develop the ability to wait your turn without shouting from your seat.


  • pictures with images of a vase, ball, stork, apple, fish, snake;
  • cards with words;
  • pictures with the letters A and Z;
  • cards with letters I ( handout);
  • cards with text;
  • table with vowels.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

- Hello, guys. Now our lesson will begin, we will go through new topic, but first we will agree: you will work well today, answer, listen to me carefully. Are you ready?

II. Main stage.

1). Introduction to a new topic.

  • So, stand up, those whose names begin with vowels. State your names.
  • Sit down. Anya, what is the first sound in your name?
  • Tell me, what letter is at the end of this name?

(The speech therapist puts the word Anya on the board)

- How many letters are in this name?

– How many vowels?

- Name the first letter.

– What other vowel is there in this word?

- How many syllables are in this word?

- Name the first syllable.

- Name the second one.

– What does the consonant sound like in the syllable nya? (Soft)

- Now let's clap the number of syllables. Which syllable do we pronounce louder?

-Which one is quieter?

- So, we clap louder on the first syllable, and quieter on the second.

  • Everyone knows the letter A!
    The letter is very nice.
    And besides, the letter A
    Main in the alphabet.
    A bunch of apples on the counter...
    And I noticed, friends:
    If an apple had two legs,
    The letter Y would immediately appear.

- So, today you and I will learn to distinguish the letters A-Z.

On the board hangs a table of 10 letters - at the top are the letters A, O, U, Y, E, at the bottom - I, E, Y, I, E.

- Let's remember how many vowels are in our table?

- And the sounds?

– So, in our alphabet there are 10 letters, but only 6 sounds. One of them is the letter Y. This letter is very good - it is an assistant, because if it stands behind a consonant letter, then it indicates the softness of the consonant in the letter. But if this letter is at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, then it means 2 sounds - [th] and [a].

– What other letters indicate the softness of consonants?

– Now let’s compare the vowel letters A–Z by spelling. Are they spelled the same?

- Now let's compare the pronunciation. Our air comes out freely, without meeting any obstacles, our mouth is wide open. These vowel letters are called paired, and today we will learn to distinguish between them.

2) Differentiation of the letters A and Z in one’s own speech and in syllables.

– First think of words that begin with the sound [a]. Now come up with words in which the first letter is Y.

The children have letters on their tables. One child comes to the board and stands next to the speech therapist.

– Now I’ll test your attention and hearing. Anya will help me. Clap your hands if you hear a syllable with the sound [a]. (syllables: MYA, LA, SA, TYA, RA, SYA.)

– And now if you encounter the letter I in a syllable, then you raise it (syllables: TA, SYA, PYA, MA, BYA, PA).

3).Differentiation of letters A and Z in words.

1. The words MAL, MAL are written on the board.

- Let's compare the words that you see on the board. Are these words spelled the same?

– What vowel letters distinguish these words?

– We replaced one vowel with another. What happened?

– Name the first consonant sound in the word MAL. What does it sound like?

- Which letter told you?

– Name the first consonant sound in the word MYAL. What does it sound like?

- Which letter told you?

– Now let’s check by ear to see if we pronounce these words the same way. We replaced one vowel with another, and we got a different word.

– What does the word MAL mean?

– What does the word MYAL mean?

2. On the speech therapist’s table there are pictures with images of a vase, a ball, a stork, an apple, a fish, a snake.

– Now you will take turns coming out, taking any picture from my table, calling it out loud. Those who come across a word with the sound [a] will stand on the left side - under the letter A. Those who come across a word with the letter I will stand on the right side - under the letter Z.

-Where will you stand?

- Why did you decide that?

- How many letters are in this word?

- How many vowels are in this word?

- Name the first syllable.

– What does the first consonant sound like?

- Which vowel letter told you?

- Name the second syllable.

– What does the second consonant sound like? - Which vowel letter told you? (VAZA)

Other words are parsed in a similar way.

– Now let's sum it up. Pick up those pictures in the names of which you write the letter A. Now pick up the pictures in the names of which you see the letter Y.

4.) Physical exercise

– Please stand up from your desks. Let's first pull our hands up, as if we were birch trees. Now imagine that the breeze blew and the birch trees swayed - shake your hands. And now the birch trees will rustle their leaves (the children should move their fingers while shaking their hands). Now let the birch trees rest. Lower the handles down. Now let's do the same thing again. Have you rested? Fine. Sit down at your desks, we will continue to study with you.

5).Differentiation of letters A and Z in words (written work) Cards with words hang on the board. Words: vase, ball, stork, fish, snake.

– We worked with you orally. You did a very good job, but now I'll make the task a little more difficult. Now we will work in writing. You will distribute the words into columns in your notebooks. In the first column you will write in capital letters words with the vowel letter A, and in the second column - with the vowel letter Z.

- And now you read what you wrote. You read only the first column (with which vowel you worked on), and you read the second, you read the words only with the vowel A, and you only with the vowel I (the speech therapist calls the children by name).

“I have five words written on the board, but you only wrote four.” What word didn't you write? (Fish)

- Why? - Well done.

6).Differentiation of letters A and Z in a sentence.

- Now let's see if you know baby animals.

- At the duck...

- The cat...

- At the fox...

- The cow...

- Well done! Now let's write down the sentence. (The duck has ducklings.)

- How many words are in this sentence?

– What word comes first?

-What's the second one?

-What is the third one?

– What letter do we write sentences with?

– What do we put at the end?

– In what word did you find our letters?

– What letters did you meet?

– Where is the letter I?

- Right. The letter I denotes the softness of a consonant.

-What other letter is there?

– Where is the letter A?

– What does the consonant sound sound like before it?

– Are there any other vowels in this word? Which?

- How many vowels are there in this word?

- How many syllables?

– How many vowels we have, so many syllables.

7).Differentiation of letters A and Z in the text.

– Now we will read a short text.

Yana went for a walk. She saw a clearing. There were berries growing there. She collected them.

– Now let’s listen carefully to my questions and look for answers to them in the text. What did Yana do?

– What grew in the clearing?

-What did she see?

– What did Yana do with the berries?

– What words in this text did you come across with the vowel letter A?

– Who found it with the letter I? What words?

– Why did you repeat Yan’s word twice?

-What letter will we write first?

-What letter will we write last?

III. Bottom line.

- Let's remember what letters we worked with? We denote the sound [a] with the letter A, but we don’t have the sound I, we only have the letter Y. If it stands at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, then it denotes two sounds. If it stands after a consonant, it indicates the softness of the consonant in the letter.

- Well done, everyone, they did especially well today.... Goodbye.

Vowel sounds

Lesson notes for children in grades 1 – 3:. Development phonemic awareness and the formation of clear phonemic representations.

Goal: to teach children to distinguish vowels A-Z orally and in writing.

Equipment: individual mirrors, individual didactic material, table with vowels of the 1st and 2nd rows.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Setting a learning goal.

Speech therapist suggests remembering vowelsI andII row.

2. Repetition of previously covered material.

Speech therapist. Guys, how were the vowels of row II formed?

A table with vowels is postedI andII row.

3. Working with individual mirrors.

Speech therapist. Guys, each take your own mirror and pronounce the sound [a] clearly and clearly, pay attention to the position of your lips when pronouncing (the mouth is wide open, there is a large distance between the teeth, the tongue is below, its tip is slightly pulled down, towards the lower palate, back).

The speech therapist explains: when pronouncing the sound [a]:

- lips in a calm position;

- teeth at a distance of 1 - 1.5 cm;

- a wide, outstretched tongue rests calmly against the lower teeth. The tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth, the lateral edges of the tongue lightly touch the lower lateral teeth;

- the soft palate is raised and pressed against the back of the tongue, the air stream goes through the mouth;

Now, guys, pronounce the sounds that are indicated in writing by the letter “I” [th, a], and also pay attention to the position of the lips and tongue. What did you observe and note?

Students. Our tongue was at first at the top, “on the ceiling,” and then sharply goes down.

Speech therapist. What conclusion can be drawn?

Students. The articulation of the sounds [a] and [th, a] is similar.

4. Work with individual didactic material.

Speech therapist. Guys, what did we find out by comparing paired vowels using the table?

Students. These vowels differ in spelling.

Speech therapist. What did you find out when pronouncing the sound [a] and the sound [th, a]?

Students. These vowels differ in spelling, but are similar in pronunciation.

Speech therapist. Now, guys, check out the tasks of individual didactic material:

1. Remember the formation of the letter “I”.

2. Match the picture with the letter, write captions for the pictures.

Children take turns reading the tasks and completing them. The speech therapist helps and explains.

3. Complete the word by adding a syllable with the letter “a” or “ya”. Designate

Sample: fish - fish

4. Correct errors:

5. Remember and write down in order the months of the year that correspond to the depicted season, mark the letters A - Z and hard - soft consonants.

1. ____________ 1. ____________
2. ____________ 2. ____________
3. ____________ 3. ____________

6. Help the hedgehog carry the apple or pear to its place. Where should the apple be and where should the pear be?

7. Restore the text. Arrange the ordinal numbers of the sentences. Come up with a title for the story. Write down the resulting story and its titles.

The ships capsized and sank.

It was spring.

Mitya and Anya launched the boats.

Suddenly a strong wind blew.

The sun was shining brightly outside.

After the students have read task 3, the speech therapist clarifies that if the vowel of row II “I” comes after a vowel, then this consonant becomes soft; proposes to denote consonant sounds with the following symbols:

5. Summary of the lesson.

5.1. General conversation.

Speech therapist. Guys, what did we work on today in speech therapy class?

Students. We learned to distinguish between vowels of the 1st and 2nd rows.

Speech therapist. What new did you learn?

Students. If the vowel of row II I comes after a consonant letter, then the sound indicated on the letter by this letter becomes soft.

Speech therapist. You guys did a good job, and now I invite you to play.

5.2. Development task auditory attention and perception (5 – 7 minutes).

Speech therapist. Guys, I will introduce you to the conditions of the game and explain how using signs you can “record” this or that rhythmic pattern. For example, long and short vertical sticks can indicate the volume and number of sound signals (claps, beating a tambourine, etc.), and horizontal sticks can indicate pauses between series of signals.

The speech therapist draws a rhythmic-sound pattern on the board for each student and invites them to clap it (play it on a noise instrument). The rest of the students listen and establish a correspondence between the drawing and the student’s performance. Then you can perform this task with the pronunciation of syllables to differentiate the sounds [a] and [th

(2nd grade)

IAndIIA, a, I, I; syllabic table , ball;subject pictures :


task, five .) - oh, I .)



[A] ? ( ) What does it sound like?[ya] ? ( The donkey screams. "A"? ( ), capital"I"?- ( ), lowercase"A"?- ( ), lowercase"I"?- ( )

Yes )

Firmly. )

Soft. )

Write down the names of boys and girls. (Children write down.) - Let's check.

Showing: ) - Well done!

4. Dictation of syllables.

Write down the syllables in two lines: in the first syllables with the vowel “A”, in the second - with “I”,

I dictate:

la, xia, pya, rya, bya, vya, dya. ). - Is it like this for everyone? Well done!

that - that - cha A – A – Z sa – sa. Xia ba ba-bya

Game "Repeat".

Repeat the chain of syllables, each with its own chain.


a-a-ya, a-a-a-ya,


NA, -NYA .)

Complete the word with the syllable:-NA or -NYA.

I speak, and the student finishes: empty...(nya ), soon...( on ) , bass…( nya ), vor...( on ), bars…( nya ), dog...( nya ), side…( on ), Ukraine…( on ).

Well done, now let’s complete task No. 4 in writing, but with different syllables.

- RA or - RY: game, weight, hole, storm, headlight.

- YES or - DY: water, Volodya, Lida, uncle, Lyuda.

- LA or - LA: bullet, needle, saw, saber, earth.

firmly ), and before “I”? ( soft ).

"a", "i"













8. Working with words - paronyms. - Let’s read the words in pairs in chorus, compare them according to plan: 1) spelling, 2) pronunciation, 3) meaning.

Yula - Yulia

mother - mash

slippers - hoes

fingers - hoop

start - begin

flags - flasks

a - i )

Discrimination A - I in syllables and words

that - that - ya rya - ra - rya yes - da - da - Yes

- RA or - RY:

- YES or - DY:

- LA or- LA:

5. Fill in the missing letters A , I













Discrimination A - I in syllables and words

1. Game “Say the Word” - write the words in rhyme, highlight the emphasis.

I sit, almost crying: If you know everything,

Very difficult ______________. You will get ___________ at school.

3. Game “Who can guess?” -Complete the chain of syllables according to the example:

that - that - ya rya - ra - rya yes - da - da - Yes

sa - sa - ____ la - la - _____ for - zya -_____-_____

ba -____ - ____ me - _____-_____ va - ____ - ____ - _____

4. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable.

- RA or - RY: ig_____, gi_____, but____, bu____, fa____.

- YES or - DY: in_____, Volo_____, Li_____, dya_____, Liu_____.

- LA or- LA: pu____, ig____, pi____, sub____, earth____.

5. Fill in the missing letters A , I , underline them with a red pencil.













Discrimination A - I in syllables and words

1. Game “Say the Word” - write the words in rhyme, highlight the emphasis.

I sit, almost crying: If you know everything,

Very difficult ______________. You will get ___________ at school.

3. Game “Who can guess?” -Complete the chain of syllables according to the example:

that - that - ya rya - ra - rya yes - da - da - Yes

sa - sa - ____ la - la - _____ for - zya -_____-_____

ba -____ - ____ me - _____-_____ va - ____ - ____ - _____

4. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable.

- RA or - RY: ig_____, gi_____, but____, bu____, fa____.

- YES or - DY: in_____, Volo_____, Li_____, dya_____, Liu_____.

- LA or- LA: pu____, ig____, pi____, sub____, earth____.

5. Fill in the missing letters A , I , underline them with a red pencil.













- This Julia (hereinafter similar) - vases - elms ( trees - tall elms); flags ( banners - red flags ) - flasks mother (mom is a tired mother) - crush blockage - withered slippers (shoes – men's slippers) - choppers fingers - hoop start off - stuff - Well done! "A", denoting a hard sound - blue, and in front"I"


PURPOSE: To teach children to distinguish between the vowels “a” and “i” in pronunciation and writing; practice indicating the softness of consonants when writing using the vowel “I”.

EQUIPMENT: vowel chartIAndIIrows, mirrors, cards for individual tasks, letters “A”, “Z” by the number of students; examples of writing lowercase and uppercase lettersA, a, I, I; syllabic table , ball;subject pictures : carriage, vase, heel, five, two, honey mushrooms, lizard, vase, pan, robe.


1. Game “Say a word” - Guys, listen to short poems, finish them with a word that rhymes. (I read the poems from task No. 1, the children complete them with the words:task, five .) - Write these words, highlighting the stressed vowels. (Children do.) - Which vowels are stressed? (Children answer:oh, I .)


Today we will distinguish the vowels “A”, “I” in syllables and words orally and in writing.


We have prepared the mirrors, say “A” in sequence, then “I”. Let us remember and name their differences in articulation and sound. (When pronouncing [a] - the mouth is wide open, the tongue is below, the air stream passes freely through the mouth, vocal cords work, a voice is formed; when pronouncing “I”, we first hear [th] - the teeth are close together, the tip of the tongue is below, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the molars, the middle part of the tongue is raised to the palate; then we hear [a] - the mouth opens wide, the tongue is below, air passes freely through the mouth, the vocal cords work, a voice is formed .) - Well done, who can remember in what cases the letter “I” means two sounds?(If it is: at the beginning of a word, after “ь”, “ъ” signs and vowels. )


Guys, tell me what it sounds like[A] ? ( Rocking a child, screaming in pain. ) What does it sound like?[ya] ? ( The donkey screams. ) – Let us next consider the differences in letter writing. What elements does a capital letter consist of?"A"? ( “put the rocker”, long stick down, “secret”, “loop” ), capital"I"?- ( “put the rocking chair”, “lid on top”, “secret”, “rocking chair” ), lowercase"A"?- ( “lid on top”, “secret”, “rocking chair” ), lowercase"I"?- ( “put a rocking chair”, “lid on top”, “secret”, “rocking chair”. )

Do the vowels “a” – “i” differ in articulation, sound and spelling? (Yes )

2. Game “What name?” - Remember and name children’s names that have the second vowel “a” and the fourth vowel “ya”? (Children call:Valya, Galya, Tanya, Nadya, Katya, Varya, Danya, Sanya, Vasya. ) - How do the consonants sound before “A”: va, ga, ta, na, ka, yes, sa? (Firmly. )

What do the consonants sound like before “I”: la, nya, dya, tya, rya, sya? (Soft. )

Write these names of boys and girls in the table. (Children write down.) - Let's check.


Game “Controllers” - Show the letter “A” or “Z” in response to syllables, words and pictures. (I read:ma, me, na, ka, nya, la, fa, pya, la, ra, pya, pa, fya; sail, nearby, rags, garden, paw, pulls, drags, strap, apple tree, fair. Showing: carriage, heel, honey mushrooms, five, two, vase, doll. ) - Well done!

4. Dictation of syllables. – Write down the syllables in two lines: in the first syllables with the vowel “A”, in the second - with the vowel “I” (I dictate:la, la, sya, ta, sa, pa, pya, rya, ra, ba, bya, vya, yes, va, dya. )

Let's check the first line. (The student reads:la, ta, sa, pa, ra, ba, yes, va. ) – Second line. (Another student reads:la, xia, pya, rya, bya, vya, dya. ). - Is it like this for everyone? Well done!

5. Game “Who can guess?” - Complete the chain of syllables according to the model. Let's make the first column together. We read the sample line, highlighted in “bold” font. (Children read:that - that - cha .) - Pay attention to how the vowels alternate:A – A – Z . Now we read the second one. (Children read:sa – sa. ) – Which syllable is missing? (Xia ) – Read the third line. (Children read: (ba ) – What syllables are missing? (ba-bya ) – Is everyone clear? Complete the chains of syllables in other columns. (Children write; if the task is not clear, the second column is also done together.) - Checking by columns:

ta - ta - tya rya - ra - rya yes - dia - dia - yes

sa - sa - xia la - la - la for - zya - zya - for

ba-ba-bya me-ma-mya va-vya-vya-va

Game "Repeat". – Repeat the chain of syllables, each with their own chain. (I read:

a-a-ya, a-a-a-ya, ma-ma-mya, fa-fya-fya, yes-dya-da-dya, la-la-la, zya-zya-za-za, va-va-vya-vya. )


Game “Say the Word” with ball tossing. (I expose the syllables -NA, -NYA .)

Complete the word with the syllable:-NA or -NYA. (I speak, and the student finishes: empty...(nya ), soon...( on ) , bass…( nya ), vor...( on ), bars…( nya ), dog...( nya ), side…( on ), Ukraine…( on ).

Well done, now let’s complete task No. 6 in writing, but with different syllables.

6. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable: in the first line we add the syllables -RA, -RYA, in the second -DA, -DYA, and in the third -LA, -LYA. Be careful! (Children complete the task.) - Let’s check line by line:

- RA or - RY: hole, game, weight, dawn, hole, storm, headlight.

- YES or - DY: water, here, Volodya, Lida, uncle, Luda.

- LA or - LA: bullet, needle, saw, saber, earth, will, played.

What do the consonants sound like before "A"? (firmly ), and before “I”? ( soft ).

7. Fill in the missing letters"a", "i" , underline them: “A” - with one line, “I” - with two lines. (Children complete the task.) – Let’s check by columns:

box rooks gate painter

watermelon soft desert dance

August hide and seek fields artery (blood vessel)

hawk rule kindness friday

Andrey slush drop attack

8. Working with words - paronyms. - Let’s read the words in pairs in chorus, compare them according to plan: 1) spelling, 2) pronunciation, 3) meaning. (Children complete task No. 8 as desired:Yula - Yulia (a - z; [l] - [l]; yula - This a toy, for example: a multi-colored spinning top, and Julia - this is a name, for example: girl Julia; (hereinafter similar) - vases (vessels for flowers - crystal vases) - elms (trees - tall elms); flags (banners - red flags ) - flasks (containers for any liquid - milk flasks); mother (mom is a tired mother) - crush (from the word to crush - to crush clay); blockage (a pile of stones on the road - a large blockage) - withered (i.e. it has lost its freshness - the flower has withered); slippers (shoes – men's slippers) - choppers (garden tools - sharp hoes); fingers (parts of a person’s hand – frozen fingers) - hoop (two circles that clamp the fabric for embroidery - wooden hoops); start off (start some action - start doing homework) - stuff (fill something with something - fill a pie with fish.) - Well done! Underline the consonants before"A", denoting a hard sound - blue, and in front"I" , denoting soft sound- green pencil.

9. Game “Correct the mistake” - If the letters “A” and “Z” are swapped, then this is what happens:winter, lamka, notebook, diamond, yapteka, yavtomyat, heron, datel, glazing, shlapya.

- Find and correct mistakes, just like a teacher does. (Children correct.) - Let's check:winter A , l I mka, tetr A yeah, alm A h, A ptek A , A then A t, herons I , d I body, eyes, walk I n A .

RESULT: - What vowels did we distinguish today? (a - i )

10. Read the words and look at the pictures, they are arranged according to real size. Add words to the left and right with letters« A" or"I" , "by size". (Children on the left can add:needle, strawberry, etc., right -uncle, planet, etc. ). Examination.

Discrimination A - I in syllables and words

1. Game “Say the Word” - write the words in rhyme, highlight the emphasis.

I sit, almost crying: If you know everything,

Very difficult ______________. You will get ___________ at school.

3. Game “Who can guess?” -Complete the chain of syllables according to the example:

that - that - ya rya - ra - rya yes - da - da - Yes

sa - sa - ____ la - la - _____ for - zya -_____-_____

ba -____ - ____ me - _____-_____ va - ____ - ____ - _____

4. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable.

- RA or - RY: ig_____, gi_____, but____, bu____, fa____.

- YES or - DY: in_____, Volo_____, Li_____, dya_____, Liu_____.

- LA or- LA: pu____, ig____, pi____, sub____, earth____.

5. Fill in the missing letters A , I , underline them with a red pencil.













Discrimination A - I in syllables and words









that - that - cha rya - ra - rya Yes - da - da - Yes

for - for -_____-_____

ba -____ - ____ me - _____-_____ va - ____ - ____ - _____

3. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable.

- RA or - RY:

- YES or - DY:

- LA or- LA:

4 . Fill in the missing letters A , I , underline them with a red pencil.









Discrimination A - I in syllables and words

1. Game “What is the name?” - fill out the table using the children's names.















2. Game “Who can guess?” -Complete the chain of syllables according to the example:

that - that - cha rya - ra - rya Yes - da - da - Yes

sa - sa - ____ la - la - _____for - for -_____-_____

ba -____ - ____ me - _____-_____ va - ____ - ____ - _____

3. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable.

- RA or - RY: ig_____, gi_____, for______, but______.

- YES or - DY: in_______, Volo_______, Li_______, dya______.

- LA or- LA: pu______, pi______, earth______.

4 . Fill in the missing letters A , I , underline them with a red pencil.









Discrimination A - I in syllables and words

1. Game “What is the name?” - fill out the table using the children's names.















2. Game “Who can guess?” -Complete the chain of syllables according to the example:

that - that - cha rya - ra - rya Yes - da - da - Yes

sa - sa - ____ la - la - _____for - for -_____-_____

ba -____ - ____ me - _____-_____ va - ____ - ____ - _____

3. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable.

- RA or - RY: ig_____, gi_____, for______, but______.

- YES or - DY: in_______, Volo_______, Li_______, dya______.

- LA or- LA: pu______, pi______, earth______.

4 . Fill in the missing letters A , I , underline them with a red pencil.









Discrimination A - I in syllables and words

1. Game “What is the name?” - fill out the table using the children's names.















2. Game “Who can guess?” -Complete the chain of syllables according to the example:

that - that - cha rya - ra - rya Yes - da - da - Yes

sa - sa - ____ la - la - _____for - for -_____-_____

ba -____ - ____ me - _____-_____ va - ____ - ____ - _____

3. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable.

- RA or - RY: ig_____, gi_____, for______, but______.

- YES or - DY: in_______, Volo_______, Li_______, dya______.

- LA or- LA: pu______, pi______, earth______.

4 . Fill in the missing letters A , I , underline them with a red pencil.









Discrimination A - I in syllables and words

1. Game “What is the name?” - fill out the table using the children's names.















2. Game “Who can guess?” -Complete the chain of syllables according to the example:

that - that - cha rya - ra - rya Yes - da - da - Yes

sa - sa - ____ la - la - _____for - for -_____-_____

ba -____ - ____ me - _____-_____ va - ____ - ____ - _____

3. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable.

- RA or - RY: ig_____, gi_____, for______, but______.

- YES or - DY: in_______, Volo_______, Li_______, dya______.

- LA or- LA: pu______, pi______, earth______.

Discrimination A - I in syllables and words

1. Game “What is the name?” - fill out the table using the children's names.















2. Game “Who can guess?” -Complete the chain of syllables according to the example:

that - that - cha rya - ra - rya Yes - da - da - Yes

sa - sa - ____ la - la - _____for - for -_____-_____

ba -____ - ____ me - _____-_____ va - ____ - ____ - _____

3. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable.

- RA or - RY: ig_____, gi_____, for______, but______.

- YES or - DY: in_______, Volo_______, Li_______, dya______.

- LA or- LA: pu______, pi______, earth______.

Discrimination A - I in syllables and words

1. Game “What is the name?” - fill out the table using the children's names.















2. Game “Who can guess?” -Complete the chain of syllables according to the example:

that - that - cha rya - ra - rya Yes - da - da - Yes

sa - sa - ____ la - la - _____for - for -_____-_____

ba -____ - ____ me - _____-_____ va - ____ - ____ - _____

3. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable.

- RA or - RY: ig_____, gi_____, for______, but______.

- YES or - DY: in_______, Volo_______, Li_______, dya______.

- LA or- LA: pu______, pi______, earth______.

Discrimination A - I in syllables and words

1. Game “What is the name?” - fill out the table using the children's names.















2. Game “Who can guess?” -Complete the chain of syllables according to the example:

that - that - cha rya - ra - rya Yes - da - da - Yes

sa - sa - ____ la - la - _____for - for -_____-_____

ba -____ - ____ me - _____-_____ va - ____ - ____ - _____

3. Game “Add a word” - complete the word by adding the required syllable.

- RA or - RY: ig_____, gi_____, for______, but______.

- YES or - DY: in_______, Volo_______, Li_______, dya______.

- LA or- LA: pu______, pi______, earth______.

Bulganina Natalya Nikolaevna, speech therapist teacher, Mosolov boarding school

Abstract group lesson for 2nd grade students with ODD, FFND.

Target: Teach to differentiate the vowels A and Z in words, sentences, and text.

  • improve knowledge of vowels A-Z;
  • to develop the ability to distinguish vowels A-Z in words, sentences, and text.
Correctional and developmental:
  • develop skills in sound analysis and synthesis;
  • develop the ability to compare words by meaning and spelling;
  • develop the ability to compose word combinations;
  • develop the ability to find grammatical basis offers;
  • develop phonemic hearing, visual perception, attention and memory;
  • develop gross and fine motor skills;
  • expand your vocabulary;
  • develop communication skills;
  • develop visual attention and tracking function of the eye.
Correctional and educational:
  • developing skills of independence, initiative and goodwill;
  • generate positive motivation to participate in the lesson.
Health saving:
  • promote the preservation and promotion of health.
Planned results:
  • consolidating ways of differentiating vowels A-Z in words, sentences, and text;
  • development of sound analysis and synthesis skills;
  • improving the ability to compose phrases and find the grammatical basis of a sentence;
  • development and enrichment vocabulary;
  • improving communication skills.
Equipment: individual mirrors, colored pencils, individual notebooks, boards with adhesive tape for the development of fine motor skills, jars of beans, task cards, multimedia presentation “Gymnastics for the eyes”, homework card.
Lesson duration: 35-40 min

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment
1. Psychological attitude.
- Good afternoon!
Let's start the lesson today with a smile on our face and wish each other and ourselves success!
Articulation gymnastics.
- In order for our tongue to be obedient and pronounce sounds correctly, we will do exercises: “Let’s bite the tongue”, “Spatula”, “Cup”, “Needle”, “Tube”, “Horse”.
Game "Guess the sound."
The speech therapist names the words: pineapple, apple, lizard, watermelon, bus, box, berry, April, stork.
- Name the first letter in the words.
Guys, what are the first letters in the words that you highlighted? (Letters A and Z.)
Have you guessed what sounds and letters you will learn to distinguish today? (Letters A and Z.)
2.Message about the topic of the lesson.
- Today we will work with the vowels A and Z, learn to distinguish them in words, sentences, and text.
II. Main part
1. Analysis and characteristics of sounds [a] and [ya].
1.1.Working with individual mirrors.
Guys, each take your own mirror and pronounce the sound [a] clearly and clearly. Let us characterize the sound [a]. (The mouth is wide open, there is a large distance between the teeth, the tongue is below, its tip is slightly retracted downwards, towards the lower palate, back.)
Now, guys, pronounce the sounds that are indicated in writing by the letter I, [ya]. What did you note? (Our tongue was at first at the top, “on the ceiling,” and then sharply went down.)
- What conclusion can be drawn? (The articulation of the sounds [a] and [ya] is similar.)
- What's the difference? (The letter A is the vowel of the 1st row, indicates the hardness of the consonant in front), (The letter Y is the vowel of the 2nd row, indicates the softness of the consonant in front).
2. Differentiation of vowels A-Z in words.
2.1.Working with cards.
The speech therapist gives the students cards and asks them to do the exercise: “Make words from letters.”
- Arrange the letters in the correct sequence to form a word.
h, r, b, a, y z, m, l, f, i
g, i, o, a, d k, r, t, o, a, n
i, b, e, s, n k, r, a, i, o, g
s, t, r, a, a d, b, d, o, i, r, a
t, k, p, a, e, a
- What words did you come up with? Read them. (Watermelon, berry, ash, aster, pharmacy, earth, cardboard, snag, tramp.)
2.2.Working with paronyms.
- Look at the board, there are pairs of words written in front of you. Let's read them in chorus.
Words: Mal - crumpled, glad - row, blockage - withered, garden - sit down.
- Compare the words by meaning and spelling. What letters distinguish these words? Guys, what happens to a consonant when it is followed by the vowel letter I? (The vowel I makes it soft.)
3. Finger gymnastics.
Exercise: “Put out the berries.”
- Children, in front of you is a board with adhesive tape and cans of beans. Let's post a beautiful berry.
- What sounds are found in the word “Berry”? Where are the sounds [ya] and [a]? ([ya] at the beginning of the word, [a] at the end.)
4. Differentiation of vowels A-Z in phrases.
Training in composing phrases.
(The speech therapist hands out task cards to the children.)
- Insert the missing letters into the words and select a suitable word from the right column for each of the left columns.
red..I'm a snake..
..pretty fox..
juicy.. weather..
cold.. cheeks..
- Read the resulting phrases. Write it down in your notebook. Underline the letters A with one red line, Z with two red lines.
5. Physical exercise.
- Now you and I will play interesting game. I will name the words. If the word contains the letter A, then sit down, if the letter Z, raise your hands up. Be careful!
Cloak, ball, stork, vase, snake, apple, cherry, fire, hawk.
6. Gymnastics for the eyes.
Multimedia exercise /relieving eye fatigue/.
7. Differentiation of vowels A-Z in sentences.
Working on a proposal.
(The speech therapist invites students to work with cards.)
- Guys, read the sentences. Find and write down the grammatical basis of each sentence.
- Highlight the vowels A, Z and the consonants before them.
There was slush on the street.
The kids were playing hide and seek.
Raya hid behind a tree.
Olya knitted quickly.
Grandma had an old spinning wheel in her closet.
Overripe raspberries fell to the ground.
8. Differentiation of vowels A-Z in the text.
Working with text /task at the board/.
Restore the text. Put the words in the correct order. Correct the errors.
Students take turns going to the board, restoring the correct sequence of sentences, and correcting mistakes. The vowels A and Z are emphasized.
go for a walk, Yana, let's go
Polanka, she saw
berries grew there
collected them, she
III. Summary of the lesson.
- What vowel sounds and letters did we work with today? (Vowels A and Z.)
- What do they have in common? (Vowels.)
- How are these sounds different? (Consonants before the vowel A sound hard, and before the vowel I sound soft.)
- Which task was the most difficult; interesting?
Assessment of children's activities.
- Evaluate your work in class. Who worked well and answered a lot? Who will try to work more actively next time?
Do the exercise. Put the words in their place. Assign words with the missing letter Z to “apple,” and words with the letter A to “watermelon.”
Words: Sl..cat, k..tok, t..nuchka, cr..sit, gl..det, ..streb, sl..pka, ..watermelon, strawberry... .

List of used literature:

  1. I.N. Sadovnikova. Violations writing and overcoming them junior schoolchildren. I.N. Sadovnikova.-M.: Vlados, 1995.
  2. L.N. Efimenkova. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students - M.: Knigolyub, 1997.
  3. I.S. Lopukhin “550 entertaining exercises for speech development.” - M.: Aquarium Publishing House, 1995.

Multimedia exercise "Gymnastics for the eyes" in attachment (pptx, 1MB)