Spacecraft and technology. Space technology and technology Space technology and technology specialty

The space industry is one of the priority areas of society. Development space programs determines the economic, scientific, technical, and defense power of the state. Space activity becomes one

from leading industries national economy of our Republic. Space activities include the creation (development, production and testing), use (operation) of space technology and space materials, development and use of space technologies, provision of other services related to space activities, as well as international cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of research and use of outer space.

To the main directions space activities include:
– creation of rocket and space technology;
testing equipment in space conditions;
– use of space technology for communications, television and radio broadcasting;
– remote sensing of the Earth from space, including environmental monitoring and meteorology;
– use of satellite navigation and topographic geodetic systems;
– manned space flights;
– scientific space research;
observation of objects and phenomena in outer space;
production of materials and other products in space;
– other activities carried out using space technology
Widely used in the learning process modern technologies teaching. The material and technical base corresponds modern requirements this branch of science and contributes to the full development of the educational program.
The training program for specialists in the specialty 5B074600 – Space engineering and technology is carried out by the Institute of Space Engineering and Telecommunications in the following areas of training:
– Systems automatic control aircraft;
– Space communication and navigation systems.
Students of the specialty will receive the following knowledge:
-Ground-based technical and launch complexes, on-board systems and the design of spacecraft and upper stages and the principles of their functioning; space factors.
- Fundamentals of the device, operating procedures and requirements for organizing operation and testing of technical and technological systems SC and CS and their components.
-Control of spacecraft, analysis of spacecraft flight dynamics, principles of operation of transceiver devices.
-Rocket engines, hardware and software that ensure the functioning of various components, systems, complexes and flight control of spacecraft.
-Tactical, technical and operational characteristics of space technology.
-Equipment of rocket and space complexes, basics maintenance ground-based space infrastructure, space communications and navigation systems.
-Space systems remote sensing, knowledge in the field of primary (standard) processing of remote sensing data and in the field of photogrammetric processing of space images.
-Standards, technical specifications and other regulatory and guidance materials for the design, development and execution of technological and technical documentation.
-Technological processes of assembly, installation, adjustment and testing space systems and their components.
-Technical English language to the extent necessary to interact and obtain information from foreign sources in their professional field.

Graduates can occupy the following positions:

– software engineer;
– technologist;
– mechanic;
– systems engineer;
- manager.

They do internships in the following companies:

ACC MOAP RK (Kazcosmos), Kazakhtelecom - the national telecom operator of Kazakhstan and other telecom operators, the Republican Center for Space Communications, JSC National Company Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary, Astrophysical Institute named after. Fesenkova, Institute of Space Engineering and Technology, JSC "NTSKIT"

Graduates work:

ACC MOAP RK (Kazcosmos), Kazakhtelecom - the national telecom operator of Kazakhstan and other telecom operators, Republican Center for Space Communications, National Company Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary JSC, Institute of Space Technology and Technologies NTsKIT JSC

The Department of Space Engineering and Technology was created in 2009 by order of the University Rector. Since its establishment, the department has been training specialists in the specialty “050719 - Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”. In September 2012, the specialty “050719 - Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications” was separated from the department “Space engineering and technology” and a new department “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications” was created.

Since 2011, the department began training bachelors in the specialty “5B074600 - Space technology and technology” in Kazakh and Russian languages ​​of instruction. In 2015, the first graduation of bachelors in this specialty was carried out.

Since 2015, the department began training masters in the specialty “6M074600 - Space technology and technology” in Kazakh and Russian languages ​​of instruction within the framework of the state program GPIID-2. In 2017, the first graduation of masters in this specialty took place.

Goal of the department:

ensuring the training of highly qualified specialists with deep theoretical knowledge and the necessary practical skills in accordance with the content of educational programs.

Objectives of the department:

Implementation of educational, educational and methodological work in accordance with credit education technology;

Carrying out research and development work on the profile of the department;

Assistance in employment of graduates of the department;

Organization and conduct of educational work with students;

Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel according to the profile of the department through master's programs and improving their qualifications.

Department mission:

to be the leading scientific and educational department of ENU, providing research and obtaining advanced knowledge, training personnel for the development of the rocket and space industry, as a priority sector of the economy.

The definition of the department’s mission is determined by the fact that the development priorities over the years have been the integrative features of the world’s research universities:

- confident orientation towards conducting fundamental and applied research in modern technical branches of science;

- reproduction of specialists with an academic master’s degree and an academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (from 2020);

- implementation of professional training in areas;

- ensuring the quality of the teaching staff, including by attracting leading scientists of the country and inviting foreign specialists to work temporarily;

- careful selection of students: holders of the “Altyn Belgi” sign and state educational grant, winners of international and republican subject Olympiads and scientific project competitions. High competition among master's and doctoral students is also a factor in the selection of students;

- bachelor's degree:

5В074600 - “Space technology and technology”

- master's degree:

6M074600 - “Space technology and technology”

Head of the Department of Space Engineering and Technologies - Ph.D., Associate Professor Zhakupova Almira Ersainovna

The teaching staff of the department is formed by highly qualified personnel. Today, the department employs 18 full-time teachers, including:

- 11 candidates of sciences

- 3 tbsp. teacher;

- 4 teachers;

Faculty members of the department actively use modern information Technology and carry out research work related priority areas industrial and innovative development of the economy of Kazakhstan. Results scientific research PPPs are being introduced into production and educational process. Based on these works, original courses are developed and the content of lecture courses, practical and seminars, are carried out theses and master's and doctoral theses.

The unexplored depths of space have interested humanity for many centuries. Explorers and scientists have always taken steps towards understanding the constellations and outer space. These were the first, but significant achievements at that time, which served to further develop research in this industry.

An important achievement was the invention of the telescope, with the help of which humanity was able to look much further into outer space and get to know the space objects that surround our planet more closely. Nowadays, space exploration is much easier than in those years. Our portal site offers you a lot of interesting and fascinating facts about Space and its mysteries.

The first spacecraft and technology

Active exploration of outer space began with the launch of the first artificially created satellite of our planet. This event dates back to 1957, when it was launched into Earth orbit. As for the first device that appeared in orbit, it was extremely simple in its design. This device was equipped with a fairly simple radio transmitter. When creating it, the designers decided to make do with the most minimal technical set. Nevertheless, the first simple satellite served as the start for the development of a new era of space technology and equipment. Today we can say that this device has become a huge achievement for humanity and the development of many scientific industries research. In addition, putting a satellite into orbit was an achievement for the whole world, and not just for the USSR. This became possible due to the hard work of designers to create intercontinental ballistic missiles.

It was the high achievements in rocket science that made it possible for designers to realize that by reducing the payload of the launch vehicle, very high flight speeds could be achieved, which would exceed the escape velocity of ~7.9 km/s. All this made it possible to launch the first satellite into Earth orbit. Spacecraft and technology are interesting because many different designs and concepts have been proposed.

In a broad concept, a spacecraft is a device that transports equipment or people to the border where the upper part ends earth's atmosphere. But this is an exit only to near space. When solving various space problems, spacecraft are divided into the following categories:


Orbital or near-Earth, which move in geocentric orbits;



The creation of the first rocket to launch a satellite into space was carried out by USSR designers, and its creation itself took less time than the fine-tuning and debugging of all systems. Also, the time factor influenced the primitive configuration of the satellite, since it was the USSR that sought to achieve the first cosmic speed of its creation. Moreover, the very fact of launching a rocket beyond the planet was a more significant achievement at that time than the quantity and quality of equipment installed on the satellite. All the work done was crowned with triumph for all humanity.

As you know, the conquest of outer space had just begun, which is why designers achieved more and more in rocket science, which made it possible to create more advanced spacecraft and technology that helped make a huge leap in space exploration. Also, further development and modernization of rockets and their components made it possible to achieve a second escape velocity and increase the mass of payload on board. Due to all this, the first launch of a rocket with a person on board became possible in 1961.

The portal site can tell you a lot of interesting things about the development of spacecraft and technology over all years and in all countries of the world. Few people know that space research was actually started by scientists before 1957. The first scientific equipment for study was sent into outer space back in the late 40s. The first domestic rockets were able to lift scientific equipment to a height of 100 kilometers. In addition, this was not a single launch, they were carried out quite often, and the maximum height of their rise reached 500 kilometers, which means that the first ideas about outer space already existed before the beginning of the space age. Nowadays, using the latest technologies, those achievements may seem primitive, but they are what made it possible to achieve what we have at the moment.

The created spacecraft and technology required solving a huge number of different problems. The most important problems were:

  1. Selection of the correct flight trajectory of the spacecraft and further analysis of its movement. To solve this problem it was necessary to more actively develop celestial mechanics, which became an applied science.
  2. The vacuum of space and weightlessness have posed their own challenges for scientists. And this is not only the creation of a reliable sealed case that could withstand fairly harsh space conditions, but also the development of equipment that could perform its tasks in Space as effectively as on Earth. Since not all mechanisms could work perfectly in zero gravity and vacuum as well as in terrestrial conditions. The main problem was the exclusion of thermal convection in sealed volumes; all this disrupted the normal course of many processes.

  1. The operation of the equipment was also disrupted thermal radiation from the Sun. To eliminate this influence, it was necessary to think through new calculation methods for devices. A lot of devices were also thought out to maintain normal temperature conditions inside the spacecraft itself.
  2. Power supply for space devices has become a big problem. The most optimal solution of the designers was the conversion of solar radiation into electricity.
  3. It took quite a long time to solve the problem of radio communications and control of spacecraft, since ground-based radar devices could only operate at a distance of up to 20 thousand kilometers, and this is not enough for outer space. The evolution of ultra-long-range radio communications in our time makes it possible to maintain communication with probes and other devices at a distance of millions of kilometers.
  4. Still, the biggest problem remained the fine-tuning of the equipment that equipped the space devices. First of all, the equipment must be reliable, since repairs in space, as a rule, were impossible. New ways of duplicating and recording information were also thought out.

The problems that arose aroused the interest of researchers and scientists from various fields of knowledge. Joint cooperation made it possible to obtain positive results in solving the assigned tasks. Due to all this, a new field of knowledge began to emerge, namely space technology. The emergence of this type of design was separated from aviation and other industries due to its uniqueness, special knowledge and work skills.

Immediately after the creation and successful launch of the first artificial satellite On Earth, the development of space technology took place in three main directions, namely:

  1. Design and manufacture of Earth satellites to perform various tasks. In addition, the industry is modernizing and improving these devices, making it possible to use them more widely.
  2. Creation of devices for exploring interplanetary space and the surfaces of other planets. Typically, these devices carry out programmed tasks and can also be controlled remotely.
  3. Space technology is working on various creation models space stations, on which it is possible to carry out research activities scientists. This industry also designs and manufactures manned spacecraft.

Many areas of space technology and the achievement of escape velocity have allowed scientists to gain access to more distant space objects. That is why at the end of the 50s it was possible to launch a satellite towards the Moon; in addition, the technology of that time already made it possible to send research satellites to the nearest planets near the Earth. Thus, the first devices that were sent to study the Moon allowed humanity to learn for the first time about the parameters of outer space and see reverse side Moons. Nevertheless, the space technology of the beginning of the space era was still imperfect and uncontrollable, and after separation from the launch vehicle main part rotated quite chaotically around the center of its mass. Uncontrolled rotation did not allow scientists to carry out much research, which, in turn, stimulated designers to create more advanced spacecraft and technology.

It was the development of controlled vehicles that allowed scientists to conduct even more research and learn more about outer space and its properties. Also, the controlled and stable flight of satellites and other automatic devices launched into space allows for more accurate and high-quality transmission of information to Earth due to the orientation of antennas. Due to controlled control necessary maneuvers can be performed.

In the early 60s, satellite launches to the closest planets were actively carried out. These launches made it possible to become more familiar with the conditions on neighboring planets. But still, the greatest success of this time for all humanity on our planet is the flight of Yu.A. Gagarin. After the achievements of the USSR in the construction of space equipment, most countries of the world also paid special attention to rocket science and the creation of their own space technology. Nevertheless, the USSR was a leader in this industry, since it was the first to create a device that carried out a soft landing on the Moon. After the first successful landings on the Moon and other planets, the task was set for a more detailed study of surfaces cosmic bodies using automatic devices to study surfaces and transmit photos and videos to Earth.

The first spacecraft, as mentioned above, were uncontrollable and could not return to Earth. When creating controlled devices, designers were faced with the problem of safe landing of devices and crew. Since a very rapid entry of the device into the Earth’s atmosphere could simply burn it out from high temperature during friction. In addition, upon return, the devices had to land and splash down safely in a wide variety of conditions.

Further development of space technology made it possible to manufacture orbital stations that can be used for many years, while changing the composition of researchers on board. The first orbital vehicle of this type was the Soviet Salyut station. Its creation was another huge leap for humanity in the knowledge of outer space and phenomena.

Above is a very small part of all the events and achievements in the creation and use of spacecraft and technology that was created in the world for the study of Space. But still, the most significant year was 1957, from which the era of active rocketry and space exploration began. It was the launch of the first probe that gave rise to the explosive development of space technology throughout the world. And this became possible due to the creation in the USSR of a new generation launch vehicle, which was able to lift the probe to the height of the Earth’s orbit.

To learn about all this and much more, our portal website offers you a lot of fascinating articles, videos and photographs of space technology and objects.