The culture of speech in my life. An essay-reasoning on the topic of how I understand the expression culture of speech

Sep 13 2010

IN modern life keeping up with the pace technical progress, cultural, moral and ethical changes are taking place in society. At the same time, ours also changes. Nevertheless, no matter what changes society or science experience, there are some aspects of life that should not disappear or change. In my opinion, speech culture should also be included among them. Since ancient times, the ability to speak correctly has been considered an integral part of education. Firstly educational institutions Ancient Greece oratory considered one of the seven main sciences. Can we say that now in our society, as in Ancient Greece, speech is at the proper level? In my opinion, no. Just listen to how people talk on the street! Many of us incorrectly place stress in words, pronounce sounds incorrectly, and “swallow” phrases and parts of words.

I tried to pay attention not only to the content of statements, but also to the manner of speech of my peers, relatives and just people on the street. And one day it seemed to me that we were talking in different languages! This is the so-called slang. As Carl Senberg aptly noted, “slang is a language that took off its suit, spat on its hands and got to work.” Yes, but sometimes older people simply don't understand their grandchildren. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with the existence of slang or the fact that young people use it, however, everyone should be able to express their thoughts in a literary, beautiful language.

After all, the use of synonyms, not ordinary ones neutral words, makes our speech brighter. And a person who has a beautiful pronunciation, speaks clearly and concisely, is simply pleasant to listen to. If he says the right things, but has a low level of speech culture, it is difficult to immediately agree with him, even if you have the patience to listen to his speech thickly peppered with profanity to the end. There is a famous Russian proverb: “He who thinks clearly, speaks clearly.” This is certainly correct.

I believe that cleanliness of speech is as obvious a necessity as, for example, the cleanliness of a room. No one will live in a dirty apartment if they can clean it and put it in order. Also, everyone must “put things in order” in their own thoughts and own speech. Then communication will become much more effective, and most importantly, much more enjoyable for all of us.

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“High culture of speech lies in the ability to find not only the exact means for expressing one’s thoughts, but also the most intelligible (that is, the most expressive) and the most appropriate (that is, the most suitable for a given case).”

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by S. Ozhegov

I am sure that without love and respect for the native language there can be no conversation about the spiritual culture of a person and the culture of his speech. This culture is evidence of the general development of the individual and speaks of the degree of familiarization of a person with the spiritual values ​​of his native people, their cultural heritage. We can say with confidence that the basis of the speech culture of representatives of any nation is literacy, that is, compliance with generally accepted norms in the use of literary, lexical, phonetic, morphological, syntactic and stylistic means of language.

In addition, I am convinced that cultural speech should not only be correct, but also syntactically diverse and lexically rich. To achieve the ability to use all the capabilities of your native language, you need to carefully listen to the speech of other people, not be lazy and use dictionaries, thoughtfully read scientific, fiction and other literature, paying attention to the use individual words, noticing and remembering especially successful expressions, taking into account the correct construction of sentences. You need to actively develop your speech, learn to express your own thoughts in writing and orally as best as possible, correct yourself if necessary, correctly structure your statements and rearrange what was said, learn to look for the right phrases and the best options for using them.

It’s sad to admit, but the only constant component of communication among our contemporaries today is the so-called slang. Imperceptibly and firmly, slang expressions entered the language everyday communication millions of people leaked into media messages mass media speeches of famous public people penetrated families and companies, parties and work groups. This cannot but worry; such a situation should worry not only our state, but also its citizens.

I think that today only we are able to preserve all the spiritual values ​​that we have inherited from many previous generations. Only we are able to pass on these values ​​to our descendants and not allow the code of the nation, which is the main definition of national identity and identity, to be interrupted. And no matter what alarming processes are taking place in our society and in our culture, I am sure that they are reversible.

As leading linguists note, one of the main indicators of a person’s nobility is the culture of his speech. Moreover, this concept is not only linguistic, but also psychological, pedagogical, ethical and aesthetic. In this regard, the tone of the conversation is of great importance, as well as the ability to listen carefully to your interlocutor, the ability to support the topic in a timely manner and show respect for the narrator. In any case, a polite greeting, a handshake with nobility and dignity, a relaxed and intrusive conversation is a win-win situation.

A lot has been said about the culture of speech and the magic of words, a lot is being said now and will be mentioned a lot in the future. Many concepts, expressions and linguistic traditions are as ancient as the people who speak this language. These include related addresses, verbal greetings, and many other traditional phrases that have become firmly entrenched in our lives. However, our ancestors were more cautious and used expressions familiar to us with great care, in full accordance with the situation and the prevailing situation. For example, in the morning, at lunch or in the evening, only those that corresponded to a certain time of day were consumed. The same applied to the number of people, their age, gender, and even social status. So, when one person greeted several, he always used the plural form: “Good health to you!” or “Hello!” There is also a short but surprisingly warm word “thank you” in our language. Think about it, how often do we give it to others? Unfortunately, no.

If we can bring back to life the best forms of greetings, addresses to other people and expressions necessary for our everyday communication, cultivated and consolidated over centuries, we will be able to revive the cultural and spiritual traditions of our people, we will learn to speak beautifully and politely. And this is not empty phrase-mongering, not some kind of whim. This is our daily communication, our etiquette, our culture and our relationships. Therefore, you need to learn and you need to teach others, because without respect, without love for the native language, neither a speech culture nor a spiritual culture can exist.

Every person living in society communicates with other people throughout his life. In order for your communication with your interlocutor to be constructive, there are speeches. Not all of our fellow citizens have the ability to express their thoughts freely and clearly. Even in ancient times, people strived to speak correctly. An entire discipline was dedicated to this - rhetoric, which taught the ancient Greeks to make fiery speeches.

Speech culture, what is it?

This is the ability to put your thoughts into literary verbal form and convey them to your listeners in a way that is understandable. Some individuals manage to convey their thoughts using profanity. As you yourself might guess, this “speech” has nothing to do with such a concept as culture. If a person wants to achieve high career growth, raise good, well-mannered children, and communicate with others, then he must be fluent in his language and speech culture.

How to learn this?

This is both easy and difficult at the same time. It’s easy if a person seriously decides to change his life and sets such a goal. Difficult - this means not fully understanding the importance of fluency in your speech. So, what do you need for this? Reading carefully and with understanding is the first thing. Tolstoy, Pushkin, Gogol, Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Bunin - this is a long list of great Russian writers who were virtuosos in presenting their thoughts. The more you read, the faster you will notice changes in your speech, even in simple, conversational speech. The strength of the talent of these writers is such that you will begin to speak beautiful Russian, and those around you will listen to you with pleasure.

The concept is directly related to correct construction sentences, and by reading, you can learn to formulate thoughts correctly. Pay attention to the accents. Use good dictionaries more often, from which you can glean the necessary information. Don’t hesitate to ask familiar literature teachers about terms or names that you don’t understand. We assure you that your speech culture will begin to grow steadily, and you will soon begin to speak the beautiful Russian language more fluently.

By the way, when reading modern women's novels or detective stories, you will not notice any significant changes in your speech. On the contrary, such, if I may say so, “ literary works", can cause harm, since they have nothing in common with great Russian literature. Watch the “Culture” channel on television, you will hear poets, writers, musicians and artists speaking Russian. Paying attention to how they lead will also help develop your speech.

What does fluency in Russian give?

Having mastered the science of speech culture, you will become more sociable and interesting in communication. You will also be able to talk on equal terms with smart and well-read people. You will learn how to properly conduct business meetings and give a speech in front of a large audience, build dialogues, correctly placing accents. In addition, you will be able to take the necessary pause when the situation requires it. All this knowledge will help you become an indispensable employee, wherever you work.

Speech culture is something that a purposeful, ambitious person cannot do without. By increasing your educational level, you will become an intelligent person in the highest sense of the word. This will help you overcome any difficulties that are sure to come your way. life path(for example, an interview when applying for a job or submitting a responsible report).

How much less interesting our life would be if we could not convey through speech thousands of shades, thoughts, hundreds of different intonations, variations of statements.

I love you…

In Russian this statement has 12 variants, while in English there is only one variant. The writer Sergei Kirsanov said this well: “Solemn words, like Christmas pies, words like slow steps, like patent leather boots - with regal gestures, extended with wands...

Words of respect, honor, tenderness, marriage, blessing.

There are words businesslike, artisanal, thorough, independent.

There are words that are striking and painful, cutting off and diminishing, waiting and burning, feasting and kissing, evil and kind, words like yet undiscovered islands, like foliage dreamed in the desert...”

How beautifully said.

And the words of the famous poet “With a word you can save, with a word you can kill, with a word you can lead regiments and take away trouble from yourself” confirm the strength and power of our speech. What should a person do with this gift, which they received only because they were born into human society? This gift must be preserved, cherished, protected, multiplied, cared for as if it were the most precious being.

After all, it was speech that distinguished man from the animal world.

Only a human child hears “Dear, only, beloved... go to sleep, honey, go to sleep...”. The melody of the mother's speech delights the ear and gives rise to the desire to say something in response. The language of any people is its historical memory embodied in words.

Thousands of years of spiritual culture, the life of the Russian people are reflected in the language, in its oral and written forms, in monuments of various genres - from ancient Russian chronicles to works.

This means that the culture of language appears as a connection between many, many generations.

Konstantin Ushinsky said: “In their language, the people put together their thoughts and their feelings... The man disappeared, but the word he created remained.”

Know your language, be able to use it and its riches - everyone should strive for this.

Today we talk a lot about the protection and conservation of natural resources. Protecting nature and the health of the people is an important state matter. But our language also needs the same careful approach. The Russian language must be protected from contamination with vulgarisms, jargon, unnecessary foreign borrowings, but also from many other errors.

Speech culture is the degree of proficiency in good literary language. Speech culture is a relatively young area of ​​language science. How independent section This science took shape under the influence of fundamental social changes. Involving the broad masses in active social activities required increased attention to improving their level speech culture.

Speech culture presupposes, first of all, correct speech, that is, adherence to stylistic, grammatical, spelling standards. The linguistic norm is the central concept of speech culture.
In general, speech culture consists of three aspects: normative, communicative, and ethical.

Speech culture develops skills of selection and use linguistic means in the process of communication, helps to form a conscious attitude towards their use in speech practice. The choice of the necessary linguistic means is the basis of the communicative aspect of speech culture.

Each goal has its own means, its own words. The ethical aspect of speech is the knowledge and application of the rules of linguistic behavior in specific situations.

Ethical standards are speech etiquette. By speech etiquette we understand how people greet each other, see each other off, and what words they use. High level Speech culture is an integral feature of human culture. Improving our speech is the task of each of us. To do this, you need to monitor your speech in order to avoid mistakes in pronunciation and in the use of word norms.

You need to constantly enrich your vocabulary, learn to feel your interlocutor, and be able to select the most suitable words and constructions for each case. The Russian language is under threat today. What is happening in our country? A language law has been adopted. Now we need to implement it. In my opinion, we need to start, first of all, with television and radio. It was gratifying to hear how young people on the St. Petersburg metro trains hang colorful posters on which the words are located and all the accents are marked... on one side there are words with errors, on the other - the correct version. No words are repeated on any poster, none are the same, passengers walk around the carriages and read. A series of dictionaries (17) called “Let's speak correctly” is published in St. Petersburg.

I believe that without respect, without love for the native word, there can be neither spiritual culture nor a culture of speech. She testifies to general development personality, the degree of its involvement in the spiritual riches of its native people and the heritage of all humanity. I can say with confidence that the basis of linguistic culture is literacy, that is, adherence to generally accepted literary norms in the use of lexical, phonetic, morphological, syntactic and stylistic means of language.

In addition, I am convinced that speech should not only be correct, but also lexically rich and syntactically diverse. To achieve this, you need to listen to living speech, use dictionaries, thoughtfully read political, artistic, and scientific literature, while paying attention to the use of individual words, especially successful statements, and the construction of sentences. I believe that you need to actively develop your speech and learn to express your own thoughts orally and in writing, correct yourself, correctly structure and rearrange what is said, look for the best and most necessary options for expression. I do not agree with the author’s presentation of thoughts in everything. After all, the linguistic illiteracy of translation should be considered not only in relation to the Russian language, but also to other languages. It is sad to admit that the only constant component of the behavior of millions of people in our country can be called the “common fund” culture. Imperceptibly, prison slang has now entered the language of teenagers and students, which in itself is not such an innocent phenomenon. Unfortunately, it has already become common knowledge in the media, in the speeches of deputies and high officials, and is included in families and households, work groups and parties. This worries me the most. And who should take care of the real revival? Ukrainian language, if not the state?

I think that now only we can preserve those spiritual treasures that we inherited from previous generations, and pass them on to our descendants, without interrupting the code of the nation, which determines its identity and originality. And no matter what threatening processes occur with our language, I do not believe that they are irreversible. As linguists note, one of the significant indicators of human nobility is the culture of speech - not only a linguistic concept, but also a pedagogical, psychological, aesthetic and ethical concept.

Of particular importance is the tone of the conversation, the ability to listen to another, and support the topic in a timely and appropriate manner. Politeness and attentiveness are the basic requirements of language etiquette. A polite greeting, a noble handshake, a relaxed, unobtrusive conversation is a win-win situation. Backbiting, hypocrisy, inability to listen to the interlocutor, on the contrary, only causes nervousness and spoils the mood...

We can talk a lot about the magic of words and the culture of speech. But these concepts, these strange things are as old as the people themselves. Let’s say that related appeals also deserve a separate discussion. Traditionally, in Ukraine, children called their parents “you,” which was dictated by high respect for the people closest to them. To our daily life Many verbal greetings were included, but our ancestors were more careful with them and in each case did not use the entire arsenal. In the morning, lunchtime or evening, only those that corresponded to a certain time were consumed. The same applied to the number of persons, their age, gender, even social class. For example, when a loner greeted several people, he certainly used the plural form: “Hello!” or “Good health to you!” There is also a short but surprisingly warm word “thank you” in our language. How often do we give it to others? Unfortunately no.

The best forms of greetings and addresses for everyday communication, cultivated over centuries and fixed in everyday life, are not an ordinary human whim and, even more so, not empty phrases. This is our everyday etiquette, our culture, relationships, and, ultimately, our health - physical and spiritual. This is our way of life...

But what about us, the younger generation, which is entering independent life at the beginning of the third millennium? In the chaos of bad manners and lack of culture, including language. In a world dominated by ignorance, rudeness, callousness. And how annoying it is - in a world where many of my peers grow up to be stingy with affection and a warm word, shy away from the richness of their native language, being content with Surzhik, other people’s words, forgetting to politely say hello and sincerely thank. What's the solution? We need to learn ourselves and teach others, since “...without respect, without love for the native word, there can be neither comprehensive human education nor spiritual culture” (Vasily Sukhomlinsky).

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