Master's degree in the USA: how I did it and how much it costs. Pay the registration fee and send documents by registered mail

Do you want to enroll in a US university for a master's or MBA program, but don't know where to start? Contact me for a consultation, and we will be able to select for you the most suitable master's and MBA programs at universities and business schools in the United States that match your interests, preferences, educational requirements and ambitions. I will tell you in detail about how postgraduate education in the USA works, I will help you decide on programs, I will tell you which universities are best suited and respected in your field, how to enroll there, how to stand out from other applicants applying for these programs , as well as how to apply for financial assistance, receive a grant, and even study for free. By contacting me, you can be sure that the list of American universities will suit your interests and provide you with the future you deserve.

The list of universities will be compiled as competently as possible, based on your academic achievements, and will necessarily include both top universities with high competition, and universities that you have a great chance of enrolling in. Thus, you will always have a guarantee of admission, but at the same time a chance to get into the most prestigious universities in America. And as practice shows, following my recommendations for admission, my students successfully get into the universities of their dreams every year.

How long does a master's degree in the USA last?

​Master's degree in the USA lasts from 1 to 2 years.

When should you start applying for master's and MBA programs in the USA?

Preparation for admission should begin 1.5-2 years in advance. After all, you have to pass exams, for which you need to prepare accordingly, and write several essays, which should be allocated several months.

What requirements do US universities put forward for admission to master's and MBA programs?

The requirements of universities vary from university to university - you can learn more about the programs you are interested in during a consultation with me. Most often, you will need to fill out an application, collect recommendations from teachers and employers, provide a certified list of grades or a copy of your diploma (transcript), pass several exams, and fill out financial documents.

What exams do you need to take for master's and MBA programs?

To enroll in master's programs, you will most likely need to take the TOEFL (or IELTS) and GRE or GMAT. The GRE will be required for most master's programs, GMAT – for MBA programs. However, exam requirements vary from program to program. to learn more about which exams you will need to take for your specific programs.

Is it possible to study at a US university for a master's degree for free?

Yes. There are many scholarships available at the graduate level, many more than at the undergraduate level. This is especially true for technical specialties. Such scholarships can cover up to 100% of tuition. My students successfully received such scholarships during their master's programs and went to study for free. However, in order to receive a full scholarship, you need to be a VERY strong candidate, and write your application very well. Contact me so you don't miss the chance to complete all the documents correctly and have the opportunity to study for free.

Still have questions? , which you can sign up for using the form below.

Why is it better to work with me than to contact an agency?

First of all, agency employees are often not such professionals, and they themselves did not study at Ivy League universities. In order for the business to work and make a profit, and for students to enroll, agencies enter into contracts with universities. Thus, agencies have commercial interests in selecting universities for you. Often they make a profit not only from you, but also from bringing applicants to universities. As a rule, not the most rated universities are interested in such activities, which are forced to give a percentage to agencies around the world for attracting foreign students.

It turns out that such cooperation is beneficial for both parties - the agency compiles a list of universities for students that pay the agency a large percentage for the students, and the university itself receives an influx of foreign students, which raises this university several places in the ranking. Who is least thought about in this scheme? That's right, about the student and his future. When contacting an agency, think about who you trust with your future? Are your intermediaries pursuing their own interests that are in no way compatible with yours?

By contacting me, you can be sure that your future will be the highest priority in our work. I have no commercial interests to “push” you into a specific university and have a great desire to help you get into the best university, even if it is Harvard or Yale with minimal chances. I am not afraid of challenges, but I take responsibility for finding you the best programs.

By contacting me, you will be directly involved in the admission process - everything will be transparent, we will do everything together. Choose universities together, prepare for exams together, discuss documents together, come up with an essay topic together, correspond with the university together. This is very important, because your future is in our hands, and you must have full access to information about it and accept independent decisions, concerning your destiny.

To take the first step towards admission to an American university, and receive competent support from a teacher from Columbia University at all stages, from choosing a university to directly enrolling in your dream university.

The United States is considered a melting pot of many different races, nationalities, and opinions. This is an excellent place to study for a master's degree. A large number of students come here to obtain a certain master's degree. No matter where you find yourself in such a country, you will be able to find first-class universities that will provide excellent opportunities.

Master's programs in the USA are extremely diverse. It includes a huge variety of areas, ranging from programs in modern business to programs in the arts. The most popular disciplines in master's programs:

  • engineering;
  • public management;
  • education;
  • psychology;
  • international relations;
  • business and security.

The master's degree lasts one or two years, but the duration of study depends directly on the university program.

Among the master's programs of American universities, MBA programs are primarily famous. The USA is the birthplace of business education and home to many prestigious business schools such as Wharton (University of Pennsylvania), Harvard Business School, Sloan (MIT), Stanford Business School, Haas (Berkeley), Ross (University of Michigan) and Kellogg (Northern -Western University). It’s not easy to enroll in them, and it’s expensive to study, but it’s worth it: American business education is valued in the world, and with such a diploma you can start or continue a career in the USA or anywhere in the world, but the main thing is why such a diploma has weight, - these are useful contacts.

Besides quality education and a diploma from a prestigious institute, a master's degree in the USA gives you the opportunity to get a higher-paying job in the United States.

Structure (degrees and steps)

All US universities offer two higher degrees- This is a master's degree, as well as a doctorate degree. In addition, all graduates of Russian universities, holders of academic degrees and graduate students can enroll in master's programs.

Academic Master's Degrees – Master Humanities, as well as a Master of Science. A professional master's program is a thorough preparation of students for specific professions. For example, Master of Business Administration, also Master of Education, and so on.

Professional master's programs in the USA are aimed directly at practical training, and not on theory. All such programs last from one to three years.
A master's degree in the USA is considered postgraduate education, and also allows you to obtain a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Masters of Science (MS), Masters of Arts (MA) degrees and others. Often, to study for a master's degree, you will need relevant work experience in the very specialty in which you want to obtain a master's degree, but for some programs such experience is not required.

How to apply and get a scholarship?

You don’t have to be a genius to get into a prestigious master’s program or receive a scholarship. However, by the time you submit the required application, you must have a set of certain skills, knowledge and experience that qualify you as a good student.

You must be tall GPA(minimum 4.5), also excellent knowledge of English, another language of instruction, certain work experience in your specialty, publications, participation in certain conferences and other successful extracurricular activities.

Since grades are often not selection criteria at all, even if you changed your mind in your final year, you still have a chance. As a rule, work experience, knowledge of the language and conferences can be obtained, if desired, a year or even six months before admission.

How the accommodation and life of applicants is structured

For the first couple of weeks you will have to find yourself a temporary shelter. You can also stay at a hotel or with old-time students who are returning to study.
It’s not worth it to directly rely on living in a dormitory on campus, since the dormitories are usually inhabited by undergraduate students.

It is best to consult with the university about such an issue in advance, so that you do not have to resolve it in a hurry.

Prospects after master's degree

Remember that in the USA, a country of unlimited opportunities, finding a good job depends on the graduate, how well he studied and how he managed to present himself. Good luck!

Higher education in the USA has been the most prestigious in the world for many years, especially if we're talking about about the master's degree. Russian students who want to get an American diploma also have a chance.

How to apply for a master's degree? What do you need? Can foreigners study for free? How much does it cost to study?

Why do students enroll in American universities?

A master's degree in America is prestigious. Students go to the States for the following reasons:

  • They want to get a master's degree and find a job in a foreign country;
  • Get a diploma in your chosen specialty, return to your homeland, find a job here in a management position - companies will be interested in such an applicant;
  • Live in America for several years while studying to understand whether the country is right for you.

Admission to a US master's program is difficult, not only in terms of implementation, but from a psychological point of view. You will have to go to another country, get used to the new climate, way of life and mentality of Americans.

Requirements for admission to the master's program and necessary documents

Each American state sets its own rules for applicants, which can be found directly on the websites of universities. However, as it shows personal experience other undergraduates, most educational institutions put forward standard requirements:

  • You must have a bachelor's degree from a recognized university in Russia. And it doesn’t matter what specialty, Americans like to change it: a lawyer goes to a master’s program to become a psychologist, an economist goes to a philologist. This practice exists in our country, but for Russians in America it is still a priority to choose their direction;
  • You will need an extract with your grades and completed disciplines - a diploma supplement;
  • Subject knowledge required: universities conduct entrance examinations in the form of tests, checking how much the applicant has mastered primary course higher education;
  • You need to know English well, have a TOEFL or IELTS certificate, if you are planning to study in the States, start with this part, especially when knowledge is limited to a school course;
  • You are required to write an essay about yourself, where you indicate the reasons for admission and why the institution should accept you. Strong motivation and personal achievements required, e.g. scientific publications, victories in competitions in the chosen specialty;
  • Take letters of recommendation from academic supervisors or colleagues confirming that you are a professional in your field and worthy of admission. 3 letters will be enough; according to the rules, their contents must remain secret from you. In practice, most likely, you will have to compose them yourself, agreeing on the details.

Documents must be translated into English and notarized.

How documents are submitted and deadlines

Master's programs in the USA accept students twice a year, but if you are planning to enroll here, keep in mind that on average it takes about a year to submit documents and pass all exams.

It is necessary to act according to the following plan:

  1. Determine a list of educational institutions where you would like to enroll. Pay attention to the university’s rating, its location, type of program, reputation, and accessibility. But remember that each institution will charge you about $80 for reviewing documents;
  2. Solve the issue of financing: you will pay for your studies, your country or educational institution;
  3. Fill out the application form. Most universities offer to do this online;
  4. Send all documents - you can do this on the website, or by mail - to the address of the educational institution;
  5. Take the tests after finding out the test schedule. It’s better to sign up a month or two in advance;
  6. In about a month, responses for foreigners will begin to arrive. Universities report the decision taken, the letters contain scholarship and admission information. Special forms for students are placed in the envelope;
  7. These forms must be filled out and sent to the university, you will also need to undergo a medical examination and vaccination;
  8. Receive a SEVIS certificate from an educational institution, fill out the form, pay the fee;
  9. Get student visa at the consulate, it will also take some time to review the documents;
  10. Notify the university of your arrival.

The main rule is to perform all actions sequentially, without missing out on little things.

Free or paid education

Studying in the States for a Russian student is quite an expensive pleasure. The price depends on the specialty, educational institution and its location. Law, marketing, psychology, architecture, computer technology– popular areas, the cost of training in which is over 30 thousand.

However, a free master's degree is also provided, or students can count on help. There are several financing programs:

  • Fellowships – all the student’s expenses for studying are covered, a decent scholarship is paid, allowing him to live in America. Such a program is often provided only in the first year of study;
  • Teaching Assistantship (TA) – This type of funding provides stipends and covers educational expenses. The student must conduct laboratory classes or teach junior courses for 20 hours weekly;
  • Research Assistantship (RA) – to be awarded such a scholarship, you must demonstrate success in your studies, as well as assist your supervisor in conducting research;
  • Tuition Scholarships and Tuition Waivers - awarded most often, this type of funding will only cover education costs. Accommodation is at your own expense or from other sources, no stipend is paid
  • Administrative Assistantship – to obtain, you must work on campus for about 20 hours weekly.

Also in our country, financial programs for education are provided, scholarships, grants from the government and private foundations are issued, and other programs operate in the United States - at the state or state level.

If a prestigious education in a highly developed country is your dream, it is quite possible to achieve it.

Special programs for foreigners, full funding, attractive conditions - the USA is a country with excellent opportunities for obtaining a master's degree.

Be patient, improve your knowledge English language and specialized subjects, collect the necessary documents and money for moving and living for the first time. And your dream will definitely come true, and a diploma will allow you to become a sought-after specialist! Reviews from other students indicate that it is quite possible to enroll, the main thing is desire.

The ranking of an educational institution when choosing a master's degree in the USA is important, but should not become an end in itself. You don't have to go to an Ivy League school to get good education. The School of Film, Drama and Television at UCLA ranks third in the ranking of American film universities (The Hollywood Reporter, 2017), but Steven Spielberg and George Lucas studied at California State University, which is not included in this ranking at all.

Daria Yudintseva,
specialist in higher education in the USA IQ Consultancy

Start with what problem you want to solve with a master's degree in the USA. Choose 5-7 universities that match your interests and goals, and compare study periods, internships, career prospects - everything that will lead you to your dream profession. It is likely that in order to enter the chosen university you will have to work hard: improve your language skills, pass preparatory courses, pass additional exams.

You can go the other way and build on your existing education, work experience and the time you are willing to spend on preparation and training. In this case, you choose from those areas that you are more likely to enroll in.

When choosing, it is worth considering that the US master's program allows you to change your specialty. If the first Russian education you are a literary critic, but want to study law, then preparatory courses at American universities will help you understand new specialty before admission. Among the universities with such programs:

The University of Kansas

The University of Kansas ranks 53rd in the ranking of the best public universities in the United States (U.S. News & World Report, 2018). Of the 28 thousand students, 4,200 are foreigners. Google Earth Vice President of Engineering Brian McClendon studied here.

Along with Harvard University and Yale University, the university is a member of the Association of American Universities - 62 higher educational institutions, which released 72% Nobel laureates USA.

The University of Dayton

Within six months after graduating from the University of Dayton, 95% of graduates find work. The university stands out for its scientific base - in 2017 it entered the top 8 most sponsored universities in the United States, and GE Aviation and Emerson built their research centers on its campus.

The university ranks 99th on the list of the top 1000 private universities in the United States (Niche, 2018). 95% of students get a job within 6 months of graduation.

Auburn University

Auburn University trains NASA scientists and astronauts, as well as specialists in the fields of medicine, biochemistry, business, design, architecture and urban planning. The Princeton Review ranked the university 17th in its list of “Universities with the Happiest Students.”

The university has produced three presidents of the Kennedy Space Center and Wiki creator Tim Cook. Auburn University is one of only three universities in the world to offer a wireless engineering technology major.

IQ Consultancy is the official representative of 12 leading US universities in Russia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic. We organize an interview with a university representative and help you write a motivation letter that will allow you to apply for a scholarship. Our services for enrollment in these universities are free.

Many graduates enroll in master's programs in the United States for several reasons: for some, it provides career growth, while for others, education opens access to certain professions. When it comes to the USA, students choose prestigious and well-paid professions that require highly qualified, first of all, this is engineering, management and business administration, computer science and natural sciences. American universities extremely popular with international students, who take up 15% of total number students in postgraduate programs (graduate level) according to the Council of Graduate Schools.

Master's degree - admission to the USA

To enroll in a master's program in America, applicants must pass the GRE (Graduate Record Examination), which consists of several parts: logical analysis, quantitative analysis, critical thinking, written analysis. There are also standardized tests for admission to graduate programs in such specialties as medicine (MCAT exam) or business (GMAT exam or now, increasingly, the same GRE).

The duration of master's studies in the USA is one or two years. One of the most popular programs - MBA (Master's in Business Administration) takes about two years, and journalism, for example, a year.

In addition to exam results, when entering a master's program, the average score in the diploma, level of English, work experience and participation in projects related to the future field of specialization are also taken into account.

How to confirm your English language level for graduate studies in the USA

Applicants often ask which exam to take - IELTS or TOEFL. For master's programs in the USA, we advise you to pay attention to the latter if you have a firm decision to enroll in American universities, for which this exam was developed. For those who are still deciding on a country, but are ready to start language training, we recommend taking IELTS - a universal exam that is accepted by most universities in the world.

Best US Universities for Master's Degree Studies

American universities are leaders in world rankings (QS, THE, Shanghai) both in overall results and in subjects. Master's programs at universities such as Harvard, Stanford, and Boston University do not require any special introduction, providing the graduate with the most diverse career opportunities upon graduation.

Ranking of the best universities in America according to QS 2015/2016

World ranking
Massachusetts University of Technology MIT
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Harvard University
2 Cambridge, Massachusetts
Stanford University
3 Stanford, California
California Institute of Technology
5 Pasadena, California
University of Chicago
10 Chicago, Illinois
Princeton University
11 Princeton, New Jersey
Yale University
15 New Haven, Connecticut
John Hopkins University
16 Baltimore, Maryland
Cornell University
17 Ithaca, New York
University of Pennsylvania
18 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Where to study for a master's degree in the USA

The capital of the world, New York is one of the most attractive destinations for both experience-seeking travelers and motivated students. It is home to the world famous Columbia University and New York University - both ranked in the top 50.

Massachusetts, along with Cambridge and Boston, is the homeland of leading research universities- Boston University, Harvard, MIT and other worthy educational institutions.

The West Coast of the United States is the dream of romantics and future engineers of technology corporations. Silicon Valley, San Francisco and the Bay Area combine coastal lifestyle with innovation and cutting-edge developments that are easy to discover during your graduate studies. The California public university system is widely known throughout the world and is considered one of the strongest in the States. Berkeley University is part of this system; another well-known state university is Stanford.

In every American state you can find a master's program that will be an excellent impetus for your future career. To get more details about the difference educational systems states, contact your Allterra Education account manager.

Cost of studying in the USA: master's degree

Master's programs in the USA are considered to be among the most expensive in the world. According to a TIME study, the most expensive program in America is taught at the MIT business school - its cost reaches almost $100,000 including accommodation, textbooks and other expenses.

As a rule, the cost of studying for a master's degree in state universities lower than in private ones, but the price for Russian applicants varies slightly.

However, professional graduate programs in law (LLM), business administration (MBA) and medicine (MDs) will cost more than traditional graduate and graduate programs (MA/MSc and PHD).

Living expenses in the USA largely depend on the state and city that the student chooses for himself. It's cheapest to live in the suburbs and small towns in the South and Midwest, but in large cities like New York the additional cost can be up to $20,000 per year.

Cost of master's degree at US universities

University Price
Massachusetts University of Technology MIT, Master in Supply Chain Management
Harvard University
Princeton University
Colorado State University
Roosevelt University, Master in Biomedical Sciences
University of South Florida, Master in Engineering

Free education in America for foreigners

Many students are looking for opportunities for free training in US universities in master's programs. The country's education system provides ample opportunities for students with exceptional abilities or those who require additional financial assistance. At the same time, education remains paid for the majority of students. Our agency has the opportunity to offer discounts and scholarships from partner universities for applicants to master's programs in the USA - your manager will definitely point them out when working.

Admission to a master's program in the USA with Allterra Education