World of Tanks if you completed the training. Training ground

Each game has its own subtleties and nuances, which are very difficult for a beginner to understand. That is why the World of Tanks game has a special course for young fighters, after which you can become familiar with the main aspects and mechanics of the game. Full training takes 8 consecutive tasks, for which the new player will receive various bonuses. To complete training in World of Tanks, you must complete each of the proposed tasks.

Task No. 1: Engage in battle

To complete the task you must take part in any battle. It doesn’t matter with what result you finished the match, experience will be awarded in any case.

Task No. 2: Enter battle on a new tank

Includes two small tasks, during which you will learn how to prepare another tank for battle, as well as install some equipment on it for battle.

Task No. 3: Research and install the chassis

In this task, the player will be taught to learn new modules for the next tank, as well as install them on a combat vehicle.

Task No. 4: Research and install the weapon

If installing the module from the previous task did not require anything, then after researching and installing a new weapon, you need to purchase new shells.

Task No. 5: Conduct all research for the first level tank

To get Elite status for a tank, you need to study all the modules that are available for it.

Task No. 6: Buy a level 2 tank

As stated in the task, you need to purchase another tank from the store. To complete the task, you will need to purchase an additional slot in the hangar or sell the first tank.

Task No. 7: Buy a level 3 tank

The task is similar to the previous one.

Task No. 8: Train the commander in skills and abilities

It is necessary to learn one of the available skills or abilities for the commander.

Complete completion of training in World of Tanks allows you to receive a premium M3 Stuart tank, the crew of which has 100% proficiency in the main specialty.

The game is radically changing the training mode, which helps beginners quickly get used to the controls, mechanics and other subtleties. The functionality will be introduced gradually, starting with and will be called “Training Ground”. In subsequent patches the mode will be supplemented and improved, but now it will be a step-by-step course for novice tankers.

What will we see in the "Training Ground"

So, at the first stage of training, novice tankers will learn the basics of game mechanics, for which 4 training battles are provided. Here in detail, accompanied by interactive tips explaining tactics of behavior in various game locations, the basics and models of behavior in various situations. To make the training comprehensive and interesting, the new training mode will gradually familiarize cadets with the capabilities of the hangar and its visual design.

In addition, all stages of preparing equipment for battle will be demonstrated in detail and clearly to beginners. The process begins with basic steps: leveling up and studying the main modules, downloading additional equipment and ammunition, crew perks (skills). Along the way, the operation of the installed modules is described, and it is shown how the characteristics of the vehicle will be improved depending on the equipment and the learned skills of the crew. The user gets acquainted with various types of ammunition, learns about critical damage to modules and crew injuries.

The training ends with a very real fight in the standard 15x15 format. Here, in addition to the student, there are bots whose behavior model is as close as possible to the actions of real players.

Curiously, “Tank Range” is not just a training mode. Here you can earn silver, experience for researching technology and equipment, equipment and even 3 days premium account. After training, the account is credited 500 gold, which will be enough to remove additional modules from the vehicle or purchase space in the hangar for a new tank.

FAQ "Training Ground"

How to enter the WoT Training Ground?

The new training mode will completely replace “Combat Training”. Anyone can try out the capabilities of the innovation. New players will be asked to visit the “Training Ground” when they first log into their account, experienced tankers will be able to get acquainted with the advanced capabilities after pressing the key ESC.

Why is the reward for completing the “Training Ground” not credited?

Although everyone can try out the new mode, only new users will receive rewards for completing the training stages. There are no prizes for those who have already completed “Combat Training” before.

World of Tanks: Fast crew leveling

Today's review will not be devoted to the tank, but to such an element of game mechanics as leveling up the crew for vehicles in World of Tanks. I will try to consider all the ways to upgrade the crew and highlight the most effective techniques pumping. In addition, we will consider the subtleties and nuances of this labor-intensive and lengthy process.

It is clear that pumping up the crew is a very important point, since a 100% trained crew uses with maximum efficiency all the advantages of the equipment for which they are trained, for example, the speed of acceleration to maximum speed, the speed of reloading and aiming, the speed of repairing damaged modules, and so on. At the same time, a tank with a fully trained crew, even without additional skills, will have undeniable advantages in battle over a similar tank with a 50% crew. Additional skills provide an even greater advantage in battle.

It is worth noting that the number of people in the crew for each vehicle is different and the composition may also differ, for example, in some vehicles there are 2 loaders, and in some the commander plays the role of a driver or radio operator. Accordingly, on such vehicles, for example, the commander will have access to radio operator skills that will be useless on other vehicles when retraining on them.

Also, for those who are not in the know, please pay attention to the fact that each crew member receives experience in the process of leveling up individually, with a different amount of experience. Therefore, some learn faster, others slower. For example, a shell-shocked mechanic driver receives less experience per battle than a surviving commander if you did not heal him during the battle.

First, let's look at the ways to train the crew; there are several of them in the game.

Training for gold

This is the fastest and at the same time the most expensive way to train a crew up to 100%, since it requires investing real money in the gameplay. Suitable for those who do not want to fight a couple of hundred battles with a semi-trained crew. Benefits this method is a minimum of time spent, the disadvantage is the price, since training one crew member to 100% will cost 200 units of game gold, taking into account the fact that on tanks high level from 4 to 6 people, it turns out that training them will require from 800 to 1200 units of gold, which is not so little. But the training process is very simple: we go into the personal file of each crew member, choose training at the tank academy and get 100% proficiency in the skills. This method will not work for most, since training the crew in this way for each tank becomes very expensive.

Training for silver

This is the most common method of training, it is similar to training for gold, with the only difference that each crew member should be trained not in a tank academy, but in a regimental school. At the same time, each crew member is trained from 50% to 75%, 20,000 in-game silver is spent on each, there is no need to invest real money in the game. The method does not allow us to train the crew to 100%, but we get 75% crew, which is still much better than 50%, and we only use game currency. The crew is upgraded to 100% already in battles.

Training in combat

The most severe, long and the hard way crew leveling. It’s good because it doesn’t require any investment at all, since all you need to do is just play and take part in battles. On the other hand, to level up to 100% you will need to play a lot of battles, and you will have to fight on a obviously weak vehicle, since the full potential of the tank will not be revealed. However, sooner or later the crew will reach the coveted 100%, it’s only a matter of time.

These were the main and obvious ways to upgrade crews, now let's talk about the nuances.

Premium account

For obvious reasons, if you have a premium account, leveling up your crew will be faster, since in this case the player receives 1.5 times more experience per battle, including for the crew. Therefore, the optimal way to level up would be to buy a premium account and level up the crew from 75% along with the tank branch, but we’ll talk about this a little later.

Crew upgrades using elite vehicles

It’s probably no secret to anyone that a vehicle on which all modules have been researched and subsequent vehicles in the branch (not necessarily purchased, but researched) receive the “Elite” status. After receiving this status, it is possible to enable accelerated leveling of the crew on this vehicle. For this, just above the crew list there is a special checkbox, by ticking which we will enable this very accelerated pumping. In this case, all experience earned on this vehicle will go towards crew training, and the crew member with the lowest percentage of skill proficiency will receive double experience per battle. Such a crew member will be marked with the gold badge of the “Tank Academy” in the crew list. At the same time, this vehicle will not receive experience that could be converted into free experience, since all this experience will go to the crew.

Thus, the “Elite” equipment is a very good simulator for training the crew for subsequent transfer to another tank.

Crew upgrades using premium vehicles

Premium equipment, as well as gift tanks, is an even better simulator for the crew, since it initially has the status of “Elite”, that is, you don’t need to learn anything on it, accelerated pumping can be turned on immediately. At the same time, premium equipment has such a wonderful function as training the crew without retraining them for a premium tank. It sounds a little unclear, so I’ll try to explain with an example.

Let's say you have a Soviet premium tank IS-6 and a Soviet TT IS-3, for which you would like to train a crew. To do this, on the IS-3 you must already have a crew trained for the IS-3. To accelerate his training or upgrade his skills, we first drop the crew off in the hangar, and then put him on the IS-6 without retraining. We remember that the crew will gain experience on premium vehicles, even if they are not trained for this tank, in this example on the IS-6. A sign of this will be that the percentage of skill proficiency in the crew list will be displayed in red (font). At the same time, he would not gain experience on any other vehicle, but he does on a premium vehicle. The training itself, naturally, occurs in battles. After achieving 100% proficiency in skills or leveling up the required skill, we simply transfer the ready crew back to the IS-3 and make a profit. In this case, only time is wasted; in-game currency is not needed. However, the downside is the need to have a premium tank in the hangar, which can only be purchased with in-game gold, that is, by investing real money in the game. At the same time, only crews for tanks of the same nation can be trained on premium equipment, that is, a crew from the Tiger cannot be trained on the IS-6 and vice versa.

Additional opportunities to accelerate learning

All of the methods described above will one way or another allow you to train the crew and learn additional skills, however, there are some not-obvious points that will speed up training a little more.


Upon reaching 100% proficiency in a skill, a tank commander of any nation can learn the additional skill “Mentor”. The crew of a tank with such a commander will receive +10% experience after each battle (except for the commander himself). Moreover, if you enable “Accelerated training”, the crew will receive even more experience.

In addition to "Mentor", all crew members can learn a skill such as "Combat Brotherhood", which increases all crew skills by 5%, while also increasing the commander's skill "Mentor", so the combination "Mentor" + " accelerated learning crew" + "Combat Brotherhood" further increases the speed of training.

We should also not forget about such a tank module as “Improved Ventilation”. Ventilation, like “Combat Brotherhood,” increases proficiency in the main specialty and additional skills by 5%. That is, the most effective combination that allows you to train the crew as quickly as possible is “Premium Account” + “Mentor” + “Combat Brotherhood” + “Improved Ventilation” + “Accelerated Crew Training” - that is, this is completely for maniacs, but nevertheless, this method has a right to exist.

Among other things

And among other things, the Wargaming company quite often holds promotions on weekends or holidays, during which crew training for certain types of equipment or for any equipment doubles or even triples, respectively, during such promotions it is more profitable to upgrade the crew.

Typical crew leveling process

As I promised at the beginning, I’ll tell you how to use the methods described above to upgrade the crew, while also pumping up the tank branch, without being distracted from gameplay. And so, when playing World of Tanks, you one way or another pursue such a goal as leveling up the tree to some tank, while the tanks that you have already “passed” are most likely for sale (or not for sale, it doesn’t matter). So, the scheme is like this:

1. We play on such and such a vehicle, play until the moment when it is already open and there is an opportunity to buy the next vehicle in the development branch

2. We buy this equipment without a crew. At the same time, if there is very little left to 100% training (say, 2-5%), then it is better to finish playing on the old equipment until the crew gets 100%.

3. We disembark 100% of the crew from the old equipment to the barracks

4. We put him on a new technique with retraining for this technique. With free retraining we will get 80% of the crew on the new equipment, with retraining for silver - 90% of the crew. In this case, there is no point in studying for gold, since the cost will not differ from training a new crew, so there is no point (unless you transfer the crew for the sake of additional skills acquired earlier)

5. We examine the modules and subsequent equipment, after which we include accelerated crew training

6. As soon as the next tank in the line is purchased, the crew transfers to it.

Repeat until the tank required in the branch is open. Following this simple method from levels 1 to 10, by the tenth level we will receive a 100% trained crew with 2.5 - 3 additional skills. Another advantage of this simple instruction is that on each subsequent tank in the branch we will have 90% crew (or 80% with free retraining), which in turn also simplifies leveling up the vehicle branch.

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Thank you and good luck in the random!