Why people don't want to reach their goals. Why do you need to set goals in life? Goals and objectives of human life

Today I decided to list my personal life principles on how to achieve my goal. I try to stick to them, whether it works or not... well, I try. 🙂

Perhaps someone has their own experience and I'd love to hear it, so feel free to comment. It's not just about achieving goals in work, but in life in general. Creation, personal life, sports, raising children, whatever. In my opinion, the most important thing is not to burn out in the flames of enthusiasm at first and not to get stuck in the swamp of routine later. So, let's begin.

1. Ignore criticism. There is no useful criticism, no matter what anyone says. An assessment of another person, even an authoritative and competent one, is only a subjective opinion. No one will appreciate your work better than you. Be demanding of yourself: if you admit that everything turned out well and you are not ashamed of what you are doing, then this means that the chosen direction is the right one.

Do not enter into arguments with critics, do not try to justify your position - this blurs your attention and brings doubts. “Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown out your inner voice,” said Steve Jobs and he was right a thousand times.

2. Study other people's experiences. Some may think that this point contradicts the previous one, but this is not so. Other people's experience is a source of invaluable knowledge and inspiration, but know how to use it. Don't take on everything you learn: only seek advice when you really need it. Specific advice means its specific implementation in your work. No knowledge for the future - without immediate practice, it is not only useless, but also harmful.

3. Do only things that give you real pleasure. Make sure that your favorite job brings you money at least for food, but don’t stop thinking about how to increase your professional level and income. If you are persistent and consistent, you will sooner or later achieve what you want. There are no areas where a real specialist cannot earn money. Passion for what you do and sincere interest is a reinforced concrete battering ram that nothing can resist.

4. Don't go deep into theory until you've had at least basic practice. Don’t carry tons of information into your head about the subject you are going to study. Don't go to seminars with people who teach something they've never done professionally. Don’t ask the billionaire for secrets about how he made his first million, ask Vasya how he opened his first stall.

Someone may say something like: if you want to earn a million, you need to earn a million. Is not more than beautiful phrase, in fact, behind every million there are their own “stalls”. Get a job in the field in which you are going to do business - even the smallest practice is worth a big theory.

5. Perceive movement towards the goal not as a decisive battle, but as a long war. Many people mistakenly believe that achieving a goal is a result, but in fact it is a continuous process. It is impossible to get what you really want with one single effort of will and strength. The high jump is preceded by running, but in the standings we will not see how fast the athlete ran, we will only see the height of the jump. Someone's success seems like a clearly calibrated plan, whereas before that there was a long series of hesitations, failures and failed projects, which allowed him to accumulate experience.

The Rovio company, which earned millions from Angry Birds, is seen by many as an example of super-success: the guys got together, wrote a game and the next day woke up rich and famous. In fact, there were six years of hard work before the birds, when Rovio released other games that did not find much popularity. And only knowledge and experience led them to a real breakthrough.

The process of moving towards a goal is cyclical, the next stagnation is actually the accumulation of experience, which, like a straightened spring, will allow you to move to a higher level. Don’t be afraid to lose a single battle, never despair, think strategically and remember one thing: “I will achieve my goal.”

6. Don't look for an original idea. When “business coaches” inspire their students that there is no point in doing what other people have already done, but that they need to look for some unoccupied niche that will allow them to instantly get rich, then they are simply saying what they want to hear from them. People are very pleased to think that somewhere in the information field of the planet there are fundamentally new ideas that just need to be thought of, and then it’s all in the bag.

In fact, all ideas that seem to come out of nowhere to an outside observer are the result of the development of someone's experience and knowledge. Nothing comes from emptiness new idea always appears on the basis of practice. The concept of the iPhone emerged during the development of the iPad, as a result of the experience and intuition of Steve Jobs and his team. Newton discovered his law of gravity not because an apple fell on his head, but because he constantly thought about this topic.

If you want to spend your life dreaming about great things, keep looking for a super idea. If you want to achieve something, start small. Study the usual average examples, because if they work for their owners, they can work for you. More practice, less ambition.

If you want to change your life, follow my example and get on a bike. The world will show itself from a different side. Check out the section " "

7. Don't change direction at the first failure. Some time after the start of any activity, the basic charge of enthusiasm ends, and it will probably seem to you that the chosen niche is not the most lucrative, the direction is a dead end, etc. It may seem that you are not suitable for this activity, that there is no progress and there will not be.

Categorically stop the psyche’s attempts to disperse attention to many objects. Don't panic, be patient and continue in the same direction. You need to go through at least several cycles of enthusiasm/apathy in order to accumulate real experience about your niche and understand how to achieve your goal here. If you rush from one idea to another, nothing will work out at all.

8. Look not only up, but also to the sides. It happens that after a long time you really understand that you cannot succeed in your field. There is no talent, there is not enough time, and most importantly, there is no desire. In this case, you shouldn’t throw away everything you’ve gained, but you just need to look around and see where else you can apply your knowledge.

One of my friends, tired of two decades of teaching at school, went free as a tutor. She did exactly what she liked, studied psychology in depth and sincerely fell in love with her new occupation. As a result, in a few years her income skyrocketed compared to the school salary, and it was possible to sign up for her classes only after a long queue. This is a great example of looking around when there seems to be no way up.

9. Don't regret the past, don't worry about the future. You should never think about what happened or, on the contrary, did not happen. Yes, almost every person understands that if they had done something differently, then now everything would be completely different. This is fine. This is exactly the experience I talk about all the time. I don’t care - you can’t change this, and as practice shows, you won’t even be able to draw a conclusion. You will probably step on the same rake again.

It's the same with the future. What's the point of taking care of him, making detailed plans, calculating every step. All the same, all these developments will be destroyed at the first collision with reality. All planning must come from daily practice, as a reaction to what is happening. Overall plan should not be unshakable, never force yourself into a framework.

10. Envy successful people. Strange advice, isn't it? 🙂 In fact, it is very useful if you use it constructively. I don't believe in white or black envy, these are just different shades of the same emotion. Anyone who sees a more successful competitor will feel a pang of envy - this is a normal human reaction. It is necessary not to restrain this feeling, but to direct it in the right direction. Carefully study your competitors, understand what they do, who helps them and what, analyze which of their techniques can work in your business.

11. Use every day. A very important rule that is ignored by almost everyone. I can judge from my own experience that achieving a goal is usually perceived as a certain brainstorm, mobilization of all strength and will. All this is accompanied by a powerful surge of enthusiasm. Everything is boiling around, the work is burning in your hands, but... after a while apathy sets in, disbelief that the result is even achievable.

So, instead of gushing with enthusiasm, moving mountains, immediately make it a point for yourself that in addition to all the feats, you are obliged to do part of some routine work every day. And then, when your exploits in the workplace fade away, these small steps will take you to your goal, sooner or later. For example, if you are writing a book and you come up with an idea for another, much more ingenious one, then in addition to many hours of thinking, do not forget to write several chapters of the old one, even if now it seems boring and uninteresting to you. If you quit, then exactly the same thing will happen to the new book.

12. Don't expect 100% readiness. How often do people refuse to realize their desires just because, as it seems to them, they are not ready yet. Analyzing my experience, I can say that everything I did in my life, I did precisely when I was unprepared for it. If you have any doubts about your readiness, just brush them aside. A person sitting in one place is unable to understand whether he is ready or not. Almost always, what you imagined “on the shore” turns out to be very far from what is “at sea”.

No full readiness does not and cannot happen, especially if we're talking about about the implementation of ideas. Here I can only cite the motto of a man I respect very much, Richard Branson: “To hell with everything, get on with it and do it.” That’s exactly it - take it and do it, don’t think about whether you’re ready or not. You will understand in the process. Otherwise you will sit and wait. All life.

13. Acknowledge your shortcomings, but don't let them take over. We must honestly admit our weaknesses, but this does not mean that we can indulge them. If you are lazy, then the worst thing you can do is say: “yes, it’s true, nothing will help me, I won’t achieve anything.” On the contrary, if you are pathologically lazy, strain your brain to automate routine work or push it onto someone else.

If you are aggressive and get angry easily, take up amateur sports. There you will not only be able to get relief, but will also achieve some results thanks to these negative qualities. If you have a bad memory, train, learn languages. Unlike a person with normal memory, who would never even think of sitting down to study textbooks, you will at least be able to express yourself in a foreign language if you show persistence.

14. Don't dismiss other people's experiences for personal reasons.. There is an opinion that there are certain “unethical” methods used by MLMs, NLP specialists, “black” businessmen, etc. This is all nonsense - there is a tool, but how to use it is up to the person himself. You shouldn’t dismiss the experience of all these sectarians, if only because it really works. Underneath the external “gypsyism” there is a lot of psychology: probably no one has more practice on how to train oneself to achieve results, how to subordinate other people to one’s goal.

Take a closer look at any working methods, try to understand how they work. The human psyche is the same everywhere, whether it concerns grandmothers selling dietary supplements or selling limousines to the rich. You can always apply something to your specific needs; you should not neglect such experience just because its bearers evoke bad feelings in you.

15. Think. Perhaps this point should have been put first, but let it be as it is. Unfortunately, most of our time at work is consumed by routine and routine, so we have almost no opportunity to think about our business. And this is very important: we need to constantly think about what we are doing, analyze, compare with competitors, and look for new facets.

If you constantly think in the right direction, then new thoughts will definitely appear, and then you yourself will be surprised that you walked around for so long and could not think of it. And it's simple - modern man very, very rarely consciously uses his brain, acting daily according to the action-reaction scheme. The brain adjusts to working according to a pattern and filters all ideas so as not to lose its rhythm.

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The article talks about how to dream correctly and turn your dreams into goals. All the benefits of setting unattainable goals for oneself for personal development are described.

Why you need to set goals

In an ever-changing world, it is difficult to always be on the crest of the wave. You need to spend a lot of time and effort to develop yourself. Often, while reading a book on self-development, people come across the phrase “set a goal.” Does goal setting really help that much? What is the magic? Can clear goal setting help you achieve what you want? Yes maybe. A goal directs a person in the right direction, stimulates and motivates, helps to discard everything unnecessary and not fill his life with unnecessary things.

For those who want to change their life, a specific goal is the main assistant.

It is human nature to dream, and these dreams can be very different: about big earnings, a villa in the Maldives, a successful marriage or the post of director of a large company. Naturally, in your dreams you can go far from reality, immerse yourself in a world of fantasy, or you can do otherwise, you can filter your dreams for adequacy and turn them into specific goals. This is the first and most important step; without taking it, the dream will remain a dream, namely, distant and unattainable. A goal is something that leads to a result; a goal is something that can be achieved. It is important to get it right, it must be feasible and as specific as possible. Why? Yes, because it has a number of advantages:

  1. A specific goal will help direct all efforts into one specific thing. A person does not waste his time and is not distracted by any nonsense.
  2. It is a source of motivation and inspiration. A clear understanding of the outcome is the basis for action.
  3. A specific goal helps you take the right steps to achieve it. Without specifics, you can simply do unnecessary actions that lead to nothing. And this is simply a waste of your strength.

Success comes to those who know how to set goals correctly

Many problems and tasks can be solved if you understand your life goals. A person with a goal correctly perceives difficulties and failures and knows how to optimally solve them. Goals also allow you to:

  • exercise control over your life. Setting a goal will put everything in its place. The human brain is very complex, it is distracted by many things and prevents you from concentrating on what is really important for personal development. A goal helps you discipline yourself, forces your body and brain to work on important and necessary tasks;
  • find meaning in life. Life without a goal is boring and uninteresting. Going with the flow, people begin to mope and stop believing in themselves. Living life aimlessly, a person simply wastes it. The goal gives meaning to each new day, there is a feeling that the day was not lived in vain;
  • increase self-confidence. The goal and the process of moving towards it increase self-esteem and give self-confidence. By doing at least something to achieve his goal every day, a person begins to be proud of himself, and the result obtained (even a small one) motivates him to further action. It is advisable to break the goal into small sub-items, write them down in your diary and check the box next to the completed task every day. This helps a lot;
  • make your dream come true. A goal will help you gradually turn a pipe dream into a reality. Moreover, the person himself, following the steps to achieve it, will feel involved in this magic. What seemed impossible will take on a clear form and appear after some time. If the task is huge and difficult to complete, you should make a plan and an approximate forecast of how long it will take. If you do this, the dream will become much closer;
  • gain faith in making your dreams come true. Anyone can sit on the couch and dream, but the brain does not take it seriously, but if you work at least a little in this direction and get a positive result, optimism and faith will immediately appear that everything will certainly come true;
  • gain sense of purpose. Scientists have proven that a person who has a specific, realistic goal motivates himself to achieve it as quickly as possible. Most people succeed sooner or later;
  • reveal all your potential. Often, in the process of working on a goal, a person notices that he is doing something that he did not even expect from himself. He learns something new, practically uses all his abilities, acquires new skills, develops in new professions, masters new techniques or even a completely new job. The set goal pushes a person to explore new horizons, forces him to leave his comfort zone and do things that are unusual for him. This is a very useful skill, so you can understand a lot about yourself, discover some special talent, perhaps find yourself in some new business and completely change your life. It is very exciting. Perhaps the process of achieving the goal itself will be even more useful than that very goal.

Don’t dream in vain, analyze your own dreams and find those that you can actually fulfill. You need to dream wisely. Every time another desire comes to mind, you should ask yourself: What can be done now to make this happen? Turning your dreams into reality is the task of every person, you shouldn’t stop, you should move forward,

Setting a goal and not achieving it - is this familiar to you? Most often we don’t even understand why this happens. Sometimes it's because we just don't know how to set goals. And sometimes our environment holds us back. Below are the reasons why we often fail to achieve our goals.

1. Non-native goals

Have you ever wondered why you want to achieve this particular goal?

Society dictates its own standards to us, which we must comply with. Since childhood, it has been drummed into our heads that we will be successful only when we have good job, car, apartment and family. So we set ourselves goals that do not resonate in our souls, but that society demands.

How many of your goals were truly yours? What did you want to achieve specifically for yourself, and not for the sake of trying to prove something to someone?

When I worked as a casting director on a television project, I met many girls who came to castings not for the idea of ​​the project. They said: “My father left the family when I was little. I want to be shown on TV so he can see that I have become a star. So that he understands that we managed just fine without him!”

I asked these girls: “Why do you want to get into the project? Because you want to prove it to your father or for the sake of an idea? And then the girls fell into a stupor, because they did not know what to answer.

Therefore, if your goals do not ignite you and do not move you forward, then maybe these are not your goals at all?

2. Vague and immeasurable goal

For a goal to truly be achieved, it must be specific and easily measurable. For example, instead of “Improve your knowledge of English” - “Pass an English exam at the Upper-Intermediate level.”

3. Goals have no deadline.

Recently I realized that when we say “someday” it is the same as saying “never”, just not in such a categorical form. If you put something off until “someday,” chances are you will never do it.

There is a joke on this topic: “The friendship of two adults is when they constantly say “we should meet sometime” until one of them dies.”

Never ever.

The goal must have a time frame. There’s absolutely no way without this. If you do not set yourself a deadline to achieve a goal, then the goal will “never” be achieved.

4. We don't change habits.

Setting goals is important and necessary, but only good habits determine our success.

If after achieving the goal you do not maintain the result, then you will very quickly return to the old way.

For example, you want to lose 10 kilograms by summer. However, just losing extra pounds is not enough; you also need to stay in shape. And keeping yourself in the same mode all the time is quite difficult.

Instead of short-term strict self-control, it is better to develop habits that will create a lifestyle where extra pounds simply will not appear anymore. It’s better to start with simple habits: exercise in the morning, replacing white bread and rolls with healthy black bread.

Habits do not require constant effort and willpower. And in this they differ from working on a goal.

5. We don't track progress

Keeping a goal in mind at all times is quite difficult. In addition, if you don’t specifically focus on this, then in the abyss of urgent matters there is simply no time left for the most important things. Remember how often it happens that you seem to have been busy all day, but haven’t taken a single step towards your goal?

To make it easier to organize yourself and achieve your goals, you can use special diaries. One of them is the “Cosmos” diary. Agile diary for personal development" from Katerina Lengold. It is based on four effective techniques: setting goals for 9-week sprints and tracking weekly progress, forming good habits, planning the day in 30-minute blocks and daily reflection.

6. Your environment is stopping you from developing.

Do you know the crab bucket theory? If you put crabs in a bucket of water, they won't be able to get out. As soon as one crab starts to climb up, the others will grab onto it and prevent it from doing so. Although, if there was only one crab in the bucket, it would come out without any problems.

The bucket of crabs theory very clearly reflects the environment that prevents human development. You can set very ambitious goals for yourself, but without the support of the people around you, it will be difficult to achieve them.

One of my friends complained that he couldn’t get up. It's like something is constantly dragging him down.

It turned out that his friends are like the crabs from the theory. Apart from drinking beer while watching TV series together, they were not interested in anything else in life. When a friend of mine tried to deviate from these meetings in order to spend his time on something more useful, his friends got upset with him. Need I say that until he says a firm “no” to his friends, nothing will change in his life?

Think about whether the environment is pulling you down? If your goal is to lead healthy image life, but you are surrounded by McDonald's and bars regulars, then you are unlikely to last long with your diet and jogging. Find people whose goals align with yours. It's easier together.

Today I want to talk about goal setting again and look at why don't people set goals: what bothers them, and how they explain it. I have already written about this, and again I want to emphasize that goal setting is extremely important for absolutely any person, because the goal is what he strives for and what he wants to achieve. Accordingly, if there are no goals, there are no achievements.

However, most people still don't set goals for themselves. Why? Let's look at the main reasons.

Reason 1. I already have goals, why should I set more? There are people who think that they already have life goals, which are enough. At the same time, to the question “what are these goals?”, in response you can usually hear a description of the life cycle of an average person:

  • Finish college;
  • Find a job;
  • Build a career;
  • Start a family;
  • Buy your own apartment;
  • To buy a car;
  • Start business;
  • Etc.

And in some cases, goals can sound even more vague:

  • Get rich;
  • To become successful;
  • Earn a lot of money;
  • To be healthy;
  • Be happy;
  • And so on.

What are all these goals about? Actually nothing. Not only is this just a generally accepted idea of life path of a person and reasoning in “fashionable” categories, there is still no specificity in all this. It’s like setting a goal: “to live life.” And then rejoice that it was completed.

Think carefully, do you really have goals, or are you just living life? Or maybe these are not goals, but just abstract ones?

Reason 2. Everything is fine with me, why should I set goals? You can also hear this option. What can we say about this... Living without goals is like walking in the dark at random. If so far you seem to be succeeding, then any next step may turn out to be a step into the abyss. That is, everything can be wonderful only for the time being. Plus, setting goals and sticking to them will only make an already great situation even better. Is it bad?

If everything is fine with you without goals, it will be even better with goals!

Reason 3. All my goals are in my head, why should I write them down? I have said more than once that all goals should be recorded on paper or electronic media. It is estimated that the human brain processes on average over 1,000 different thoughts every minute. Where do your goals rank among them? More often than not, none at all! Well, of course, they will definitely get mixed up there, mix up, fade into the background. This approach will not motivate you to achieve these goals.

Setting goals and planning activities to achieve them should be recorded, and their implementation should be regularly monitored. Only then will it have its effect.

Reason 4. I don't know how to set goals correctly. This is a really serious reason, but it is not so difficult to eliminate. The fact that you don’t know how to set a goal is not surprising, because no one taught you this: neither school, nor institute. And the fact that you thought about this is wonderful! Learning to set and achieve goals is not so difficult, but to do this you need to educate yourself. Nowadays there is enough specialized literature, seminars, trainings, and websites that teach you how to set goals. Including this site - . At the very beginning of this publication, I provided a link to an article, after reading which you will already get a good idea of ​​​​correct goal setting.

If you don't know how to set goals, learn how to do it. This is a very useful and, I would say, vital skill.

Reason 5. Setting goals doesn’t work, life itself will put everything in its place, everyone has their own destiny. Have you heard something like this? Personally, I hear it all the time. So, of course, life will indeed make its own adjustments, even if you have certain goals. But you will still go towards what you planned, even if for some reason you periodically have to deviate from this path. If you have nothing to go to, if you do not return to the intended path, then life’s “fluctuations” will be much stronger.

There is no need to rely on fate; it is better to make it for yourself.

This is why people don't set goals. Look at these five reasons objectively again and try to find yourself in them. If you haven’t found it, great, if you have found it, admit it and start correcting it.

In conclusion, I would like to once again highlight an important idea:

Setting goals is very important. If you don't have your own life goals, most likely you will contribute to the achievement of someone else's. The difference is very significant. Therefore, decide what you want to achieve in life, set goals for yourself and strive to achieve them.

I wish you setting the right goals and successfully implementing them! See you again on the pages of the site!

Planning skill is one of the key skills to achieve your goals. However, the vast majority of people do not do this. If you believe the statistics, then in our modern world less than 3% of people achieve more than the other 97% combined.

And this seems to be true. For an approximation, you can take the Forbes list and calculate that approximately, just about 3% of people, own almost all the financial wealth in the world. Of course, this is an indicator of success, but only a reflection on one of our areas – financial. But many of them are very harmonious individuals and have achieved success not only financially, but also in all other industries. Many of them devote a lot of time to their spiritual and physical development. So these numbers are similar to the truth.

And this was well demonstrated by a visual experiment. In 1953, an experiment was conducted at Harvard University. All graduates were asked whether they had a goal in life and whether they had a desire for it. It turned out that just less than 3% of all respondents have a clear goal and a plan to achieve it. The rest were unable to clearly formulate what they want from this life. Over the next 25 years, monitoring the success of these graduates showed that it was these 3% who were able to achieve much more than everyone else.
We understand that goal setting is a very useful tool for achieving success.
But as a rule, at this step a number of difficulties arise and many are cut off by them.

For example:

  • They just forget to plan.
  • They don’t use any planning tools, even the simplest ones – they keep everything in their heads, and as a result, everything gets confused.
  • They set impossible tasks and don’t even begin to complete them.” I want to buy a villa and I will live the same way.” - says the man, lying on the sofa, seeing beautiful picture on TV.
  • They constantly put everything off until later. Okay, I’ll do it tomorrow, I’m tired today.
  • They don't prioritize. They want to learn a language, for example, but they just can’t get around to starting, is that familiar?

A number of rules follow from this:

Set a goal.
I often meet people who want to do one thing in life, but for one reason or another they do something completely different, all because they either have no goal. This is where it’s important to catch the difference, they all have a dream! But there is no goal. For example, they dream of a villa, but they have no goal of buying this villa.
I described how to set a goal in a previous article. Now it is only important to understand the difference between a dream and a goal. A goal implies an intention to achieve it and this requires a path! The path, in turn, consists of many small steps - tasks that need to be solved on the way to the goal. We solve these tasks every day; if we complete them every day, we are one step closer to our goal every day.
Learn to prioritize.
There is a priority square from which all matters are divided into Urgent/Not urgent, Important/Not important.

(Fig. 1 table of task importance. Order of priorities: 1->2->3->4)

So, first you need to understand which quadrant your current tasks and goals belong to. After you prioritize your goals, how important they are to you. Tasks related to this goal will have an appropriate priority of importance. You should make your schedule giving priority to important matters. The sequence is:

Important urgent -> Important not urgent -> Urgent not important -> Not urgent not important.

Moreover, you should strive to get rid of the last two points, either completely throw these tasks out of your schedule, or delegate them to someone. A good example is household chores, why do your own laundry when you can take things to the dry cleaner and focus on your goals. Value your time and energy!

For example, your goal is to learn foreign language: You have set this goal and the tasks associated with it to High priority. The task on your calendar for today is “Do the 2nd lesson from the textbook, from 17.00 to 18.00.” This is an Important but Not Urgent task for you. The cherished hour has come, you sat down to study your textbook and then it all started... the phone rang, your best friend called, she was bored. You can’t help but answer the phone, how can that be? Then friends start writing to Contact: “How are you, what are you doing?” You have to answer, otherwise it’s not good. And then a neighbor comes and excuse me, just for a minute, go help him, hold the shelf. Well, why not help your neighbor! Was there something similar?
The result is that you get pulled apart by “urgent and important” tasks that are actually neither urgent nor important! And there is no time left for what is really important to you. Of course, this example is greatly exaggerated for clarity. But this is how everything happens in life, because of the inability to set priorities, we very often devote our time to things that are not important and not urgent, and do not pay due attention to what is really important.

And all this happens due to the fact that a person does not see his goal, and if he does, he does not pay due attention to it! Therefore, he distributes his attention, energy and strength to what is important not for him, but what is important for others, and they impose this importance on you, and you accept it. The level of human awareness plays an important role here. I'll tell you what it is another time. Here I’ll just note that the higher your level of awareness, the easier and more pleasant it is to go through life.

Learn to set goals for yourself and plan your time.
At this stage, we come to the point that we need to learn to set ourselves small, manageable tasks and do them. I’ll tell you in detail about how to set goals for yourself another time. Now I would like to focus your attention on the tool for tracking these tasks. Be sure to get yourself an “assistant”; this could be:

  • Notebook
  • Diary
  • Notebook
  • Organizer
  • Some kind of program

The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and convenient using it, namely, perform two key actions: “enter” tasks there and “monitor” their completion. It is likely that it will take you some time and effort to find such a convenient tool, but in the end it will pay off.
I tried a lot of things and ultimately settled on Google Calendar, it is synchronized with the phone and can be accessed from any gadget. And the best part is that it sends reminders about the upcoming event. And another bonus is that you can separate things and tasks there.
But you can choose what is convenient for you.

And so let’s summarize: How to set tasks for yourself correctly:

  • Select a target
  • Prioritize this goal
  • Break down goals into tasks
  • Every day, track the progress of your tasks according to their priority.

Following these simple principles will make your path to your goal shorter and more joyful.

I will be glad to see your comments, remarks and suggestions.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, I hope they were helpful.