Good morning wishes Nastya. Declaration of love to Nastya Good morning Nastya

In the section on the question Who knows beautiful poems about Anastasia?? given by the author Anastasia the best answer is GOOD MORNING, NASTYA!
The sun rose from behind the roofs,
Squinting like Buddha
You, beauty, are not sleeping,
Nastya, with good morning!
It's a winter morning here
There are patterns on the window,
Awoke from sleep?
Will we meet soon?
Cold is not a problem
If Nastya is nearby
I would tolerate the cold
Just for the sake of the look.
I'm alarmed all around
All yours and misfortunes
I’ll dispel it myself, dear friend,
Dear Nastya!
You are my little secret
And great happiness
And there is nothing cuter in the world! -
Good morning, Nastya!
My new day for you
I threw off the chains of the night,
You are in everything, and you are everywhere,
Nastya, good morning!
Colorful dreams about you,
Like birds of happiness
You are alone in my destiny,
Dear Nastya!
In the beginning there was the word "Nastya"
Where long exhalation is limited,
Like premature happiness
For those who are fortunately unaccustomed.
Then came the sequel
In it Russia is intertwined with Greece
And, like angelic singing,
Enveloped - A-us-ta-siya...
Enveloped in anesthesia
And the feeling of fear suddenly disappeared!
I would take Anastasia as my wife!
So that my poems can be read...:)

A new day has come, a new hour has come
You meet this morning with me.
May your good morning go with a bang.
Hurry up, get up, it's time to wake up.
You need to open your eyes soon
To say good morning in my ear.

We wish good morning to our friends.
We can keep good traditions.
And our loved ones, of course, are worthy
To give them a little goodness.

And good morning sometimes doesn’t come.
And here we cannot despair in anguish.
And everyone in their soul extols to the skies
The happiness that he was able to achieve for himself.

Good morning my love,
The sun is shining clearly.
I kiss your forehead firmly,
Wake up with a red smile.

I want to ask that the morning lasts,
After all, we're lounging in bed.
Let's open our eyes, the light will spill
Good morning, with kind words.

Good morning, it's already dawn,
He dispersed the parade of planets,
But a stubborn star in the sky
It lingers and gives light.

Good morning. We've been here since morning
Another game of life.
We can't get enough of it -
Great things await us.

What a beautiful day it will be
When you shake off your tired sleep!
The earth's shadow will not darken
Not for a minute your sweet look.

It's bright in the morning, although I'm lazy and sleepy,
Fresh dew in your stubborn eyes;
Wishing you good morning, just as the curtain falls,
And the sun will shine in my soul.

Good morning! It's a nice morning
There's no reason to sleep anymore
Look how divine
Dawn is breaking!

And behind him, spreading the rays,
The sun will flood the world with light.
A new day, just born,
Calls us to achievements!

Day is waking up outside the window.
You are lying in your warm bed.
Shadows fly around the corners,
The dreams of the night followed her.

The alarm clock rang long ago,
Hinting you to get out of bed.
The sun looks out the window from above
Wishing you good morning with light.

The doorbell will ring unexpectedly -
This is me standing on the threshold.
Now you have to get out of bed!
Good morning, I tell you!

The Earth lives a new day,
The old one is only in memories.
“Good morning,” I whisper to you,
May there be no suffering today.

May this day bring you
The implementation of new plans is simple.
Good morning! Success awaits you.
Wake up, because he's worth it.

The horizon brightens in the east.
The heavens began to approach...
And trees and paths are visible,
There is pearl dew on the grass...
Sun in a short period of time
Lighted up the day so that again
Talk to each other
"Good morning" smile
And dream, dream!

The sun woke up a long time ago
The moon is no longer visible in the sky
And everything is ready for breakfast,
I can give it to you.

Good morning, I’m turning to you,
I'll try to find out how you slept.
And you will answer: “Everything is fine,
And it’s indecent to ask about sleep.”

The sun has never risen like this before
The skies have never been so bright
And today I want you to know
What the dew told me.

You alone replaced the sun for me
The sky is a bottomless ocean in your eyes
You alone gave me happiness
A morning I didn't know about until now.

Nastya, Nastenka, Nastya
I repeat the words
I adore the name
I loved you with my soul

Your sweet smile
Your clear eyes
The soul that plagues the violin
You conquered me

I don't notice myself
I live now for you
It's like I'm flying in a dream
Now I'm not myself

What have you done to me
How could my life change?
You made me fall in love with you
I could forgive you everything

How did you not notice me?
How you tormented me
Even though you rejected me
I got you anyway

Now I live like in a fairy tale
I'm delusional about your name
Nastya, Nastenka, Nastya
I forget about everything.

Nastya, you are my love,
Your tender smile
Made me crazy and will drive you crazy
It will take me to love.

Nastya, you are my dream,
You have both intelligence and beauty,
You are precious to me
I love you madly!

Anastasia! Our Nastya!
Il - Tasya?! The main thing is that it came true:
We are all in your magical power
Hands of young, curly hair!

And looking into gentle eyes,
Intoxicated listening to words,
We fall into the spell of a fairy tale -
My head is spinning!

Don't slow down, beauty, on this -
We ask, concluding the verse:
Refill with warmth and light
The hearts of your fans!

I love you very much, Nastya,
You lit the fire of passion in me,
You couldn't be more beautiful,
I want to kiss you quickly

You are the perfect person
I want to be near you forever,
Beautiful in body and soul,
I want to be with you forever!

There is beauty and strength in your name,
There is tenderness and steel in him, Anastasia.
Azure skies, golden sunsets,
The elm of frost and simple joys.
Autumn bonfires, ringing wind,
And the sound of the rain, and the song at dawn.
And I want to wish only one thing:
Stay the same, be yourself!

You, my beloved Anastasia,
I fell in love as soon as I saw it
You took my dreams and strength
And I realized that I had met the ideal.

You are beautiful, believe me, incredibly
And flawless with inner beauty,
Come quickly, baby, into my arms,
Calm your heart with your love.

Anastasia - modesty, beauty
Spring light over clean meadows.
Beautiful soul, tender height,
And the royal name is decorated with flowers.
For our dear Anastasia!
May you be your guardian angel all your life
He carries her in his divine arms!

You, Nastya, are simply amazing!
So unusual, so smart,
All your whims are forgiven,
I want you to be next to me.

I love you madly, honey,
I'm proud of you with all my heart,
Always smiling, beautiful,
Please always be with me.

You open up the whole world
You keep happiness in your hands,
We have an endless feast for your heart,
You are a magical creation, dear Nastya.

They throw flowers at your feet,
They solemnly worship you,
And they dream about you at night,
And the desires of the heart never sleep.

You, Nastya, are a tender rose petal,
That we blow with a warm wind,
And you are the source of joyful smiles,
What nourishes magical moods.

What could be more beautiful in a lady,
What do intelligence and beauty have together?
I’ll tell you, Nastya, straight away,
Why am I crazy about you?

Always beautiful, multifaceted,
Like an amazing diamond
And it would be strange not to fall in love
Into the shine of your beautiful eyes.

Nastya, you are like a lighthouse in a terrible storm,
You bring happiness by giving the shore to the sea,
You shine in the night as a guiding star,
You will remove all dreams by touching your hand.

You, like the moon, will illuminate the abyss,
During the day, when the sun warms the valley,
You give a smile and immediate warmth,
It’s cozy and light next to you.

Anastasia, you are the joy of the eyes!
Warm days, cool nights.

There can be no halftones in love,
You either love it a lot or you don't.
I'm ready to confess my love to you,
Darling, let the whole world know

What, Anastasia, only love you
I always want to remain faithful,
I want to be happy with you,
And without you, it’s hard for me to smile.

Dear, gentle Nastya,
I want to congratulate you.
On a sunny day and in bad weather
I'm only flying to you.
May the sun shine on you!
Let the nights sing to you!
May joy greet you!
May the angels flock to you!

You, Nastya, are so original,
So amazingly sweet
I loved you initially
Like no one ever.

I always bathe in your eyes,
Ready to worship you
I smile only at you,
To always love you.

How sweet and how beautiful
You, my Anastasia!
You bring coolness in the heat,
In the cold you warm with a smile.

The stars dim with you,
And in the grass there are dewdrops - tears,
Having heard your voice,
They whisper congratulations in the morning.

Congratulations on your happy day!
I want you to live with your sweetheart.
May you have sunset, dawn
Been admiring it for hundreds of years!

You are unimaginably beautiful
You make me happy
Dear Anastasia,
There is great power in your eyes,

My love is the strongest
Please come to me quickly
I want to look into your eyes
After all, I can’t do it without you.

I like everything about Nastena:
And silent agreement with the eyes,
And the way she carries her purse,
And even the way he moves his eyebrows.

And the look, mysterious, simple,
Which seems to be asking for something,
Who endures a lot
And sometimes he looks with such longing...

And all your stories about girlfriends,
Not worth your tenth,
And a silent request: “You are needed,
I really need it in happiness and unhappiness.”

Anastasia, very affectionate,
I love you days and nights
And without you I'm sad
Like a flower, I'm fading.

Please don't forget me -
Water with your love,
After all, you are capable of being with me!
Please give your love.

Nastya, Nastya, Nastasya!
Away from anxiety and bad weather.
Do you hear? I'm in your power.
We would like a little happiness,
To the side so that the hurricane passes.

The umbrella counts the rain
Crying with us,
Maybe he knows the secret
About love that melted in the haze.

A gray day is coming
The sun is covered in darkness,
Happiness flies away -
Don't call him.

The sea sighs sadly
He follows us with his gaze.
You and I are lost
All the pearls of our destiny.

We are overwhelmed with passion
It seemed to us that we would be happy
The meeting turned into a disaster
There was no place in her for love.

Anastasia, you are simply ideal!
Your appearance is beyond all praise,
And your soul is beautiful,
I say this out of love.

You are insanely, wildly good
I look at you without breathing,
And I want to tell you quickly -
Please be mine, please.

Anastasia is a ray of light,
On the horizon of our days.
We wish Nastya to find the key,
What opens a hundred doors.

“Nastya, I love you!”...
It seems like four words
But when I tell them to you,
I'm turning cherry!

There is magic in them, I know
If everything comes from the heart,
The word takes on meaning
Will open any door.

Beautiful smile
Short hairstyle,
Men's hearts are ruined,
Slender, like a birch tree.

Beautiful like a goddess
Piercing gaze, sharp,
I saw her again -
Still the same, no questions.

Hardly remembers me
And with a little apprehension
I tell her: "Maybe
We’ll meet, eh, Nastya?”

Nastya, you captivated me,
And I surrendered voluntarily!
You just fell in love with me
I've loved you for a long time.

Let everything be with you and me,
Like in a fairy tale, very good
We'll give birth to children, I'll build a house,
And, of course, there is also a tree.

Anastasia! Our happiness!
We must congratulate you.
Smarter, funnier and more beautiful
No maiden, woman, wife!
What can I wish for Nastya’s birthday?..
Go on the big road
Let bad weather pass you by,
Be light, be beautiful at heart!

I'm glad to see you every day
I am glad to bathe in your clear eyes.
And a sad shadow disturbs me,
When I need to break up with you.

Nastya, you are like a ray in the clouds,
There is a spark of happiness in my life.
I would carry you in my arms
And I was captivated by your gentle power.

Like the sun cutting through the darkness of dusk,
Like the moon, a stranger's night landmark,
I'm trying to understand, but I don't understand everything,
Why do I like Nastya so much?

Perhaps because of the snow-white skin?
Perhaps because of the magical look?
And because, and because too,
But mainly because of the image of heaven.

Nastya, you are my gift,
Why did you deserve this?
It's simply unrealistic -
You're so perfect

There are no other people like me in the world
I would not have found or met,
You are my angel, so beautiful
I'm just scared without you!

What's more pleasant than sleeping with you?
Only you in reality
I like your voice
I call you Nastenka.

And you look at me
Leaning on the doorframe,
Ringing with a gentle voice,
Smiling and laughing.

Your eyes are magic magnets:
I can't take my eyes off you.
I'm afraid my heart will be broken
If our roads are separated.

You, Nastenka, are a magical vision,
Which makes me so happy every day.
I would have all the blessings of earth without a doubt
I would give it for you, my love.

She deserves the best
You are the sun on a rainy day,
Beautiful and calm
You are perfection, Nastya!

Nastya! Nastenka! Nastena!
Life carries you in love
Across the expanses of existence,
My darling.

You are childish simplicity,
That unimaginable beauty
And you charm and you intoxicate,
You will bewitch everyone to you.

Be happy, friend!
What do we care about drought and blizzard...
In the rain, snowstorm and falling leaves
Everyone is in a hurry to visit Nastya.

Nastenka, Nastyusha, Nastya,
You, friend, were born for happiness!
Everyone knows how sweet you are
That you are kinder than you,
Life will be generous to you,
Happiness will send his greetings.

Do you see the scarlet sail in the sea?
Darling, don't be bored!
Arguing with evil storms,
He is swimming towards you, meet him!
Congratulations, Nastya!

Nastya, Nastyushka, Anastasia!
Like a queen, like a goddess!
So beautiful and so majestic!
You cannot escape happiness and glory!
What can I wish for you in a congratulation?
Wisdom, love and goodness to comprehend!
Let happiness be simply wonderful!
Let life always be bright and clear!

Nastya dear soul,
How good are you!
We drink to your health!
Let's drink - and pour some more!

Nastya, my Nastenka,
How I love you!
You are beautiful, good,
And good is your soul!

And the character is a sight for sore eyes,
You have a lot of patience!
Everything will be settled peacefully, quietly,
So that the bad times pass us by!

I congratulate you
And I wish, lovingly:
And love and understanding
And attention from the whole family!

Sometimes things happen in life,
Love comes quickly and unexpectedly
I, Anastasia, am happy to be with you -
So beautiful and long-awaited.

Insanely good, easy, smart -
Your advantages cannot be listed,
You are always my favorite one,
Only one word and thought about you.

Nastya, Nastenka, Nastya
I repeat the words
I adore the name
I loved you with my soul

Your sweet smile
Your clear eyes
The soul that plagues the violin
You conquered me

I don't notice myself
I live now for you
It's like I'm flying in a dream
Now I'm not myself

What have you done to me
How could my life change?
You made me fall in love with you
I could forgive you everything

How did you not notice me?
How you tormented me
Even though you rejected me
I got you anyway

Now I live like in a fairy tale
I'm delusional about your name
Nastya, Nastenka, Nastya
I forget about everything.

Nastya, you are my love,
Your tender smile
Made me crazy and will drive you crazy
It will take me to love.

Nastya, you are my dream,
You have both intelligence and beauty,
You are precious to me
I love you madly!

Anastasia! Our Nastya!
Il - Tasya?! The main thing is that it came true:
We are all in your magical power
Hands of young, curly hair!

And looking into gentle eyes,
Intoxicated listening to words,
We fall into the spell of a fairy tale -
My head is spinning!

Don't slow down, beauty, on this -
We ask, concluding the verse:
Refill with warmth and light
The hearts of your fans!

I love you very much, Nastya,
You lit the fire of passion in me,
You couldn't be more beautiful,
I want to kiss you quickly

You are the perfect person
I want to be near you forever,
Beautiful in body and soul,
I want to be with you forever!

There is beauty and strength in your name,
There is tenderness and steel in him, Anastasia.
Azure skies, golden sunsets,
The elm of frost and simple joys.
Autumn bonfires, ringing wind,
And the sound of the rain, and the song at dawn.
And I want to wish only one thing:
Stay the same, be yourself!

You, my beloved Anastasia,
I fell in love as soon as I saw it
You took my dreams and strength
And I realized that I had met the ideal.

You are beautiful, believe me, incredibly
And flawless with inner beauty,
Come quickly, baby, into my arms,
Calm your heart with your love.

Anastasia - modesty, beauty
Spring light over clean meadows.
Beautiful soul, tender height,
And the royal name is decorated with flowers.
For our dear Anastasia!
May you be your guardian angel all your life
He carries her in his divine arms!

You, Nastya, are simply amazing!
So unusual, so smart,
All your whims are forgiven,
I want you to be next to me.

I love you madly, honey,
I'm proud of you with all my heart,
Always smiling, beautiful,
Please always be with me.

You open up the whole world
You keep happiness in your hands,
We have an endless feast for your heart,
You are a magical creation, dear Nastya.

They throw flowers at your feet,
They solemnly worship you,
And they dream about you at night,
And the desires of the heart never sleep.

You, Nastya, are a tender rose petal,
That we blow with a warm wind,
And you are the source of joyful smiles,
What nourishes magical moods.

What could be more beautiful in a lady,
What do intelligence and beauty have together?
I’ll tell you, Nastya, straight away,
Why am I crazy about you?

Always beautiful, multifaceted,
Like an amazing diamond
And it would be strange not to fall in love
Into the shine of your beautiful eyes.

Nastya, you are like a lighthouse in a terrible storm,
You bring happiness by giving the shore to the sea,
You shine in the night as a guiding star,
You will remove all dreams by touching your hand.

You, like the moon, will illuminate the abyss,
During the day, when the sun warms the valley,
You give a smile and immediate warmth,
It’s cozy and light next to you.

Anastasia, you are the joy of the eyes!
Warm days, cool nights.

There can be no halftones in love,
You either love it a lot or you don't.
I'm ready to confess my love to you,
Darling, let the whole world know

What, Anastasia, only love you
I always want to remain faithful,
I want to be happy with you,
And without you, it’s hard for me to smile.

Dear, gentle Nastya,
I want to congratulate you.
On a sunny day and in bad weather
I'm only flying to you.
May the sun shine on you!
Let the nights sing to you!
May joy greet you!
May the angels flock to you!

You, Nastya, are so original,
So amazingly sweet
I loved you initially
Like no one ever.

I always bathe in your eyes,
Ready to worship you
I smile only at you,
To always love you.

How sweet and how beautiful
You, my Anastasia!
You bring coolness in the heat,
In the cold you warm with a smile.

The stars dim with you,
And in the grass there are dewdrops - tears,
Having heard your voice,
They whisper congratulations in the morning.

Congratulations on your happy day!
I want you to live with your sweetheart.
May you have sunset, dawn
Been admiring it for hundreds of years!

You are unimaginably beautiful
You make me happy
Dear Anastasia,
There is great power in your eyes,

My love is the strongest
Please come to me quickly
I want to look into your eyes
After all, I can’t do it without you.

I like everything about Nastena:
And silent agreement with the eyes,
And the way she carries her purse,
And even the way he moves his eyebrows.

And the look, mysterious, simple,
Which seems to be asking for something,
Who endures a lot
And sometimes he looks with such longing...

And all your stories about girlfriends,
Not worth your tenth,
And a silent request: “You are needed,
I really need it in happiness and unhappiness.”

Anastasia, very affectionate,
I love you days and nights
And without you I'm sad
Like a flower, I'm fading.

Please don't forget me -
Water with your love,
After all, you are capable of being with me!
Please give your love.

Nastya, Nastya, Nastasya!
Away from anxiety and bad weather.
Do you hear? I'm in your power.
We would like a little happiness,
To the side so that the hurricane passes.

The umbrella counts the rain
Crying with us,
Maybe he knows the secret
About love that melted in the haze.

A gray day is coming
The sun is covered in darkness,
Happiness flies away -
Don't call him.

The sea sighs sadly
He follows us with his gaze.
You and I are lost
All the pearls of our destiny.

We are overwhelmed with passion
It seemed to us that we would be happy
The meeting turned into a disaster
There was no place in her for love.

Anastasia, you are simply ideal!
Your appearance is beyond all praise,
And your soul is beautiful,
I say this out of love.

You are insanely, wildly good
I look at you without breathing,
And I want to tell you quickly -
Please be mine, please.

Anastasia is a ray of light,
On the horizon of our days.
We wish Nastya to find the key,
What opens a hundred doors.

“Nastya, I love you!”...
It seems like four words
But when I tell them to you,
I'm turning cherry!

There is magic in them, I know
If everything comes from the heart,
The word takes on meaning
Will open any door.

Beautiful smile
Short hairstyle,
Men's hearts are ruined,
Slender, like a birch tree.

Beautiful like a goddess
Piercing gaze, sharp,
I saw her again -
Still the same, no questions.

Hardly remembers me
And with a little apprehension
I tell her: "Maybe
We’ll meet, eh, Nastya?”

Nastya, you captivated me,
And I surrendered voluntarily!
You just fell in love with me
I've loved you for a long time.

Let everything be with you and me,
Like in a fairy tale, very good
We'll give birth to children, I'll build a house,
And, of course, there is also a tree.

Anastasia! Our happiness!
We must congratulate you.
Smarter, funnier and more beautiful
No maiden, woman, wife!
What can I wish for Nastya’s birthday?..
Go on the big road
Let bad weather pass you by,
Be light, be beautiful at heart!

I'm glad to see you every day
I am glad to bathe in your clear eyes.
And a sad shadow disturbs me,
When I need to break up with you.

Nastya, you are like a ray in the clouds,
There is a spark of happiness in my life.
I would carry you in my arms
And I was captivated by your gentle power.

Like the sun cutting through the darkness of dusk,
Like the moon, a stranger's night landmark,
I'm trying to understand, but I don't understand everything,
Why do I like Nastya so much?

Perhaps because of the snow-white skin?
Perhaps because of the magical look?
And because, and because too,
But mainly because of the image of heaven.

Nastya, you are my gift,
Why did you deserve this?
It's simply unrealistic -
You're so perfect

There are no other people like me in the world
I would not have found or met,
You are my angel, so beautiful
I'm just scared without you!

What's more pleasant than sleeping with you?
Only you in reality
I like your voice
I call you Nastenka.

And you look at me
Leaning on the doorframe,
Ringing with a gentle voice,
Smiling and laughing.

Your eyes are magic magnets:
I can't take my eyes off you.
I'm afraid my heart will be broken
If our roads are separated.

You, Nastenka, are a magical vision,
Which makes me so happy every day.
I would have all the blessings of earth without a doubt
I would give it for you, my love.

She deserves the best
You are the sun on a rainy day,
Beautiful and calm
You are perfection, Nastya!

Nastya! Nastenka! Nastena!
Life carries you in love
Across the expanses of existence,
My darling.

You are childish simplicity,
That unimaginable beauty
And you charm and you intoxicate,
You will bewitch everyone to you.

Be happy, friend!
What do we care about drought and blizzard...
In the rain, snowstorm and falling leaves
Everyone is in a hurry to visit Nastya.

Nastenka, Nastyusha, Nastya,
You, friend, were born for happiness!
Everyone knows how sweet you are
That you are kinder than you,
Life will be generous to you,
Happiness will send his greetings.

Do you see the scarlet sail in the sea?
Darling, don't be bored!
Arguing with evil storms,
He is swimming towards you, meet him!
Congratulations, Nastya!

Nastya, Nastyushka, Anastasia!
Like a queen, like a goddess!
So beautiful and so majestic!
You cannot escape happiness and glory!
What can I wish for you in a congratulation?
Wisdom, love and goodness to comprehend!
Let happiness be simply wonderful!
Let life always be bright and clear!

Nastya dear soul,
How good are you!
We drink to your health!
Let's drink - and pour some more!

Nastya, my Nastenka,
How I love you!
You are beautiful, good,
And good is your soul!

And the character is a sight for sore eyes,
You have a lot of patience!
Everything will be settled peacefully, quietly,
So that the bad times pass us by!

I congratulate you
And I wish, lovingly:
And love and understanding
And attention from the whole family!

Sometimes things happen in life,
Love comes quickly and unexpectedly
I, Anastasia, am happy to be with you -
So beautiful and long-awaited.

Insanely good, easy, smart -
Your advantages cannot be listed,
You are always my favorite one,
Only one word and thought about you.