Assignment of the next military rank to a reserve officer. What is the difference between a retired officer and a reserve officer?

After leaving the Armed Forces, citizens remain in reserve until a certain age. This is one of the forms of military registration, which contributes to the reorganization of the army upon the onset of wartime. It should be noted that privates and officers play different strategic roles for the country. We are not talking about importance or value here. It’s just that an officer is entrusted with a slightly different task when conducting combat operations than a soldier. It is quite natural that the credentials may differ.

Everyone knows that a military ID, which in essence is the main document of a serviceman, is issued after military service or when an officer leaves the army for reserve. Military personnel of the ground forces up to the rank of warrant officer and the navy up to the rank of midshipman are issued a document of a strictly defined form, but the military ID of a reserve officer even differs in color in appearance. Its cover has a dark green tint and a slightly different lettering font. But few people delved into the structure of the document, and yet there are serious differences.

General provisions

The appearance and structure of the military ID for reserve officers is approved by Form No. 2, which is prescribed in the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. As for a private, a military ID for an officer serves not only as a document used to verify his identity, but is also an integral part of military registration. It determines the attitude towards the service. To be issued upon graduation from a higher military educational institution or upon dismissal from service.

The requirements for completing the document are based on the absence of corrections and abbreviations in the entries. All entries must be made in calligraphic handwriting in black ink (ink). The use of ballpoint pens is prohibited. All signatures are accompanied by a transcript indicating the military position.

When filling out a military ID, only data documented by officers is used. There should be no unnecessary entries, therefore an appendix has been developed for form No. 2, which establishes the procedure for filling out this document.

After checking all the data in the document, the visa of the head of the department must be placed on the first and eighth pages. In places marked with the symbols "M.P." the official seal is affixed. The seal provided on the back of the ticket cover must not cover the face in the photo.

A photograph measuring 30 mm and 40 mm must be taken on matte paper with a corner. The ticket holder is photographed against a white background. Headwear is not allowed. If the officer wears glasses, then you can provide a photo with glasses, only with clear lenses.

Filling out the military pages

The owner’s passport, personal file or birth certificate is taken as the basis and sample for entering personal data. Dates are filled in with Arabic numerals. Place of birth is recorded using generally accepted abbreviations. The structural unit of the military registration and enlistment office that issued this ticket is written down with its full name. On the date of issue, the month must be written in words (in words).

The item with data on educational institutions graduated by officers must contain a list of all institutions. They are written down with the full name, and then the end date is indicated. Unfinished establishments should also be included in the list.

Achievements in sports are an important point in keeping records of those liable for military service. Officer military ID cards, like soldiers' ID cards, contain complete information about possible ranks, ranks, and achievements in sports, especially in its military-applied forms. This also includes classes in sections and clubs.

In a special column where the military rank is provided, the most relevant entry is made. This means that you need to write the rank with which the officer was transferred from the army to the reserve. All necessary details must be present.

Which the officer owns must be recorded as a six-digit code. Multiple specializations are allowed. If desired, you can enter the VUS that the officer has mastered to a greater degree of perfection.

The exact date on which the officer took the oath is taken from his personal file. This section is also contained in another type of military ID intended for soldiers. From the same source, a selection of periods of military service is made in chronological order, starting with military service or assigned service after graduation.

Information about dismissal contains the details of the order of the Ministry of Defense, the wording and signature of the authorized person. Here it is necessary to clarify where exactly the officer was fired. There is a significant difference between the concepts of “retirement” and “reserve”. All of the above data are provided for in paragraph 13.

Item 14 of an officer’s military ID contains entries that are made by the military commissariat. They indicate all ranks awarded in chronological order during the time spent in the reserve. Such information is carefully checked, as it is based on orders received through the Ministry of Defense.

Completion of military training is recorded after verification with the service record. Information about training camps contains their duration, date and encrypted number of the military unit on the basis of which these training camps were organized. The accuracy of the data is endorsed by the official seal and signature of the responsible person.

Most reserve officers have an insert called a . The order itself is drawn up according to the established template, and a note about its issuance is made on the military ID.

Storage of forms and issuance

The military ID form for an officer, just like the form for a soldier, is subject to registration. In this regard, storage and transmission are organized by maintaining special journals. Storage facilities with a security system against theft are installed in military districts, commissariats or municipal departments. The proper storage and integrity of all forms is subject to regular checks, the results of which are recorded in a log.

A military ID is issued only after the owner’s personal signature. The reserve officer applies to the military registration and enlistment office at his place of residence with a number of documents. This includes your passport, photographs, personal statement and education document. The package of documents can be provided in person or sent by registered mail.

A military ID is issued personally to the owner. If there are valid reasons, it is necessary to issue a power of attorney signed by a notary.

The State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill allowing reserve officers to receive regular military ranks without restrictions. According to the bill, citizens in the reserve of the RF Armed Forces will be able to receive not two, as now, but six or more regular military ranks. Thus, according to one of the authors of the document, First Deputy Chairman of the Duma Defense Committee Alexey Sigutkin, while in the reserve, it will be possible to go from lieutenant to colonel and higher.

Let us remind you that according to the current legislation (the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”), regular military ranks can be assigned to citizens in the reserves, only no more than two times. At the same time, a soldier, sailor, sergeant, foreman, warrant officer and midshipman could rise to the rank of foreman, chief naval foreman, including military commissar; or up to senior warrant officer, senior midshipman inclusive, military commissar of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Officers - up to major, captain of the 3rd rank inclusive - commander of the troops of the military district; or up to colonel, captain 1st rank inclusive - by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The document that deputies are considering also proposes another innovation - to allow the granting of regular military ranks in the reserve, even if the candidate for promotion has not passed military training. True, as the developers note, this is possible if the education, qualifications and work experience of a citizen in the reserve meet the requirements for candidates for filling a military position provided for by wartime states.

Where are reserve officers trained?

The main source of accumulation of reserve officers is military departments. Military classrooms appeared in Russia in 1926, when, by decision of the Soviet government, pre-conscription training was introduced at civilian universities and technical schools for the training of command and engineering personnel. Experience showed that military offices converted into departments could produce mid-level reserve commanders, and in 1930 higher non-military training was introduced. In 1937-1939, the nature of training at military departments changed again - they switched to training single fighters.

During the Great Patriotic War, all activities of military departments were subordinated to the requirement for universal compulsory military training; they became training centers of regional military commissariats. In 1944, military departments again began training reserve officers.

By 1990, there were 441 educational institutions in the Soviet Union that trained reserve officers. With the collapse of the USSR, military training of students was stopped in a number of universities and in all secondary specialized educational institutions. By 2008-2009, it is planned to leave military departments only in 30-35 civilian universities in Russia.

You are a reserve officer if:

- you signed a contract for the training program for reserve officers, graduated from the military department at a university, completed military training camps, successfully graduated from the university itself, and you were awarded the rank of officer;
- you have been demobilized from the armed forces with the rank of officer.

After graduating from a military department and university, you are usually awarded the rank of officer. Reserve officers are called up to serve in the army for a period of 2 years.

The material was prepared by the online editors of based on information from the RIA Novosti Agency and other sources

Story: graduated from the military department and received the military rank of reserve lieutenant in 2012, at the beginning of 2013 he received a military registration card as a reserve officer at the military registration and enlistment office. I have an excellent reference from the military department; all exams during my studies and graduation were passed with excellent marks.

When I was at the military registration and enlistment office, I asked the head of the department for registering reserve officers (I don’t remember exactly what this department is called), then - lieutenant colonel, will I be awarded the military rank of “senior lieutenant” 3 years after being awarded the military rank of “lieutenant”. I referred to Article 24 of the Regulations on the Procedure for Military Service ( Article 24. Duration of tenure in military ranks, the rights of officials to assign military ranks and the procedure for assigning military ranks to citizens in reserve):

3. Time limits are established for being in the reserve in the following military ranks:

h) senior lieutenant - three years;

7. The next military rank can be assigned to a citizen who is in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:
a) up to and including senior lieutenant - with positive certification;

And also the fact that my father, also a reserve officer, was awarded the military rank of “senior lieutenant” in the late 80s, 3 years after being awarded the rank of “lieutenant” and without going through training.

The lieutenant colonel replied that at the moment reserve officers are not being assigned new ranks without undergoing military training. Hence the first question - is it true that 1. the assignment of the next rank to reserve officers, including the rank of “senior lieutenant”, is carried out only after passing training?

Next, I asked him about military training, and he answered me that even after passing the training, a rank is assigned only if I receive a positive motivated description from the head of the training camp and indicate that I am worthy of being awarded the next military rank. It is unclear how well the leadership can evaluate the military training of officers who undergo it in 2-3 weeks and make a positive decision. In this regard, the question arises: 2. How difficult is it to get a positive reference with a referral for assignment to the next military rank during training? What is the proportion of citizens who receive a positive description? What is the practice on this issue?

Now I am a master's student and therefore exempt from fees. But in the summer I will have time, and I am ready to go to the training camp. 3. Is it possible to go to the training camp while being a student (that is, as if forgetting about it and not telling the military registration and enlistment office). If this turns out to be the case at the State Administration of the Moscow Region, could this have negative consequences in the form of a refusal to assign the next rank?

There are also additional restrictions on attending training camps: for example, citizens cannot be called up for them more often than once every 3 years. 4. Is it possible to violate them at your own discretion, that is, come to the military registration and enlistment office and ask for training, even if less than 3 years have passed since the previous ones?

In order to receive the next rank, training must be completed in a position for which, according to the staffing schedule, the desired rank is required. The lieutenant colonel assured me that it would be easy to get the rank of “senior lieutenant” in this way, but further positions might be more difficult. 5. What are the practical limits to military rank growth for reserve officers? Is it possible in practice to achieve the ranks of “major”, “lieutenant colonel” and “colonel” in this way?

I ask you to be as careful as possible when answering practices and practical opportunities, because I have already independently studied the regulatory legal acts on this issue quite well and can almost work as a lawyer in this specialization. :) Thank you all in advance for your answers!

Added after 17 minutes
Yes, in addition to question 2. Is it difficult to pass tests and exams at training camps at the level that would be enough to be awarded the next title?

Good afternoon.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 53-FZ,

Article 46. Composition of military personnel and military ranks
1. In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, the following composition of military personnel and military ranks are established:
junior officers
4. To the military rank of a citizen who is in the reserve or retired, the words “reserve” or “retired” are added, respectively.
Article 47. Assignment of military ranks
1. Military ranks are assigned to military personnel:
up to colonel or captain 1st rank inclusive - by officials in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for military service.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1237,

Article 21. Procedure for assigning the first military rank
2. The military rank of lieutenant is awarded to:
b) a citizen who has successfully completed the training program for reserve officers at a military department at a state, municipal or non-state educational institution of higher professional education that has state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) - upon graduation from the specified educational institution;

Article 22. Procedure for assigning the next military rank
1. The next military rank is assigned to a serviceman on the day of expiration of his military service in the previous military rank, if he occupies a military position (position) for which the state provides for a military rank equal to or higher than the military rank assigned to the serviceman.
2. Time limits are established for military service in the following military ranks:
lieutenant - three years;
4. The term of military service in the military rank of lieutenant for military personnel performing military service under a contract who have graduated from a full-time military educational institution with a period of five years or more is set at two years.
5. The period of military service of military personnel in the assigned military rank is calculated from the date of assignment of the military rank.
6. The period of military service in the assigned military rank includes the time spent in military service.
The following is counted within the specified period:
c) time spent in reserve.

Article 24. Duration of tenure in military ranks, the rights of officials to assign military ranks and the procedure for assigning military ranks to citizens in reserve
1. Citizens in the reserve may be awarded the first and subsequent military ranks, but not higher than the military rank of colonel or captain 1st rank.
2. A citizen who is in the reserve may be assigned a military rank if the specified citizen is assigned or may be assigned to a military unit (intended or may be assigned to a special formation) for conscription for military service upon mobilization to a position for which the wartime staff a military rank is provided that is equal to or higher than the military rank assigned to a citizen who is in the reserve, and the next military rank, in addition, after the expiration of the established period of stay in the previous military rank. In this case, a citizen who is in the reserve can be assigned a military rank after he has completed military training and passed the relevant tests or in the certification procedure.
3. Time limits are established for being in the reserve in the following military ranks:
g) lieutenant - three years;

Thus, if all of the above conditions and requirements for the assignment of military ranks exist in your case, then you must appeal the illegal inaction of the military commissariat. This should be done in accordance with Articles 254-256 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the general provisions of Articles 131-132, 23-24, 55-56 of the same Code and the provisions of Article 333.19 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

It should not be confused with a retired officer who has ceased to be liable for military service due to age, health or other reasons.

Reserve officer may be a person who was previously in military service and transferred to the reserve, or a person transferred to the reserve immediately after being assigned an officer rank (for example: persons who graduated from the military department at a higher educational institution).

Reserve officer may be called up for military service on the grounds provided for by law.

During the period of being in the reserve, the reserve officer is not paid any salary.

Use of reserve officers

Institute reserve officers increases the mobilization capabilities of the state in the event of a large-scale war (military conflict), allowing the rapid recruitment and deployment of additional troops.

In the mid-2000s, U.S. National Guard reservists made up a significant proportion of front-line military personnel serving in the Afghanistan War and the Iraq War.

See also




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