Intelligence is a gift or a curse. Topic: Unified State Examination essay

1) “Test of the pen”

Guys, here is the topic of the essay, which is given in the form of a statement by a German thinker of the 20th century


Let's write an introduction together

Group 1 will begin the essay with a recording of a statement by Eric Fromm and give his interpretation of this aphorism.

Group 2 will begin the essay with questions that can be asked to answer Eric Fromm's statement.

Group 3 will begin the essay by entering into a dialogue with an imaginary interlocutor, or invite him to a conversation.

Group 4 will begin the essay by justifying the reasons for addressing this topic, its relevance

2) Checking the introductions written by students

Group 1. Erich Fromm, the greatest thinker of the 20th century, said: “Reason is man’s happy gift and his curse.” Is this true? Why is reason both man's gift and his curse? In my opinion, the Lord gave reason to man so that he could control his emotions, so that he could think, act, understand the world, and find connections between things and phenomena. The mind is the greatest gift. And at the same time, if a person thought less about fame, about career, about the attitude of others, then he would less often experience envy, anger, hatred, disappointment... This, it seems to me, is where the curse of the mind manifests itself. Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. (96 words).

Group 2. Why did Erich Fromm, the greatest thinker of the 20th century, call reason the gift and curse of man? It seems that reason is given to man as a gift so that his life is not empty and meaningless, so that he is ruled not only by instincts and emotions. However, when a person subordinates all his feelings, including good ones, to reason, then reason becomes a curse: it enslaves the person. I can prove my point by referring to works of art. (66 words)

Group 3. Have you heard the statement of Erich Fromm, who called the mind the gift and curse of man? Agree, there is a deep philosophical meaning hidden in this statement. It seems to me that reason is given to man so that he can understand the world, and then use his knowledge to establish goodness on Earth. In this sense, intelligence is a gift. But man invented weapons, invented instruments of torture, learned to kill... All these are also actions of the mind, and this is his curse. A person, listening to the voice of reason, should not forget about feelings, especially the feeling of mercy. Only then will the mind bring benefit and joy. For evidence, let us turn (turn) to works of fiction. (94 words)

Group 4. The 21st century is distinguished by rationalism: connections created by generations are being broken, the influence of technology on a person and his spiritual health is growing. Children stop playing in the fresh air; they have been enslaved by computers - artificial intelligence. All this is the influence of the mind on a person. The achievements of the mind have become, paradoxically as it may sound, its curse. This is probably why the problem of the influence of reason on a person is relevant today more than ever.. Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. (63 words)

III. Homework.

Continue working on your essay using the technique "Colored fields".


Topic: Workshop: analysis and editing of a home essay

Progress of the lesson

I. Checking homework. Editing home essays

Guys, in the previous lesson we worked in groups to write an introduction to an essay. At home you have completed your work. Our task is to check what worked and what we couldn’t do at home. I bring to your attention four essays (from each group), which we will analyze according to plan:

1) Volume of the final essay (requirement 1)

2) “Independence in writing the final essay” (requirement 2)

3) Compliance with the topic of the essay (criterion 1)

4) Successful (unsuccessful) choice of arguments (criterion 2)

5) Compliance with the correlation of parts of the essay (criterion 3: composition and logic of reasoning)

6) Quality of written speech (criterion 4)

7) Literacy (criterion 5)

The general theme for the essays below: Reason is man's lucky gift and his curse (Erich Fromm)

Assessing the quality of the essay introduction: 1. Are the problems raised in the introduction that will be discussed in the main part? 2. Do these problems correspond to the topic of the essay? 3. Has the range of works that will be analyzed in the main part been defined? (This can also be done at the beginning of the main part of the essay.)
Assessing the quality of the main part of the essay: 1. Does the main part of the essay solve the problems posed in the introduction? 2. Is the main idea formulated in the main part of the essay? 3. Is the main part of the essay evidence of its main idea? 4. Is it possible to identify semantic fragments in the main part of the essay that reflect different aspects of the proof of its main idea? 5. Is the arrangement of these semantic fragments in the main part logical? Is the transition from one thought to another logical? 6. Is the reasoning within the semantic fragments logical: thesis, proof, examples, conclusion? 7. Is the volume of the main part commensurate with the introduction and conclusion? 8. Is the argumentation in semantic fragments related to the topic of the essay, the system of characters, the problems of the work, etc.?
Assessment of the quality of the conclusion: 1. Is there a connection in the conclusion with the introduction? 2. Does the conclusion contain a short and precise answer to the question of the topic or a condensed summary of the entire argument?

Essay No. 1

Essay text Litters
Erich Fromm, the greatest thinker of the 20th century, said: “Reason is man’s happy gift and his curse.” Is this true? Why is reason both man's gift and his curse? In my opinion, the Lord gave reason to man so that he could control his emotions, so that he could think, act, understand the world, and find connections between things and phenomena. The mind is the greatest gift. At the same time, the mind makes a person think about fame, about a career, about the attitude of others, about power, personal and state, it makes a person experience envy, anger, hatred, disappointment... This, I think, is where the curse of the mind manifests itself. Fiction convinces me of the correctness of this point of view. Introduction + thesis - 96 words
Let us turn to A.I. Kuprin’s story “Olesya”: Olesya, the forest witch, despite great love, under the influence of reason, leaves, leaving her lover. What formed the basis for this decision? Let us remember: the main character passionately loves Ivan Timofeevich, and he reciprocates her feelings. To understand why they broke up, it must be said that they belong to different social classes: he is an urban intellectual. He is admired by the beauty and naturalness of Olesya, her sensitive soul. She is the granddaughter of a local witch and despised by the population of a nearby village. It seemed that nothing threatened their pure and bright love. However, the fragile world of harmony is destroyed by superstitions reigning in society. Olesya’s action and her decision to leave were dictated by reason: she understands that they will never be together. So reason conquered feeling. So it turned from a gift into a curse... Main part – 114 words
Concluding my essay, I would like to turn to the words of the little-known modern poetess Lyubov Sokolik, who said: “My mind does not tell me to make mistakes.” Indeed, life is structured in such a way that a person sometimes must subordinate his feelings to reason so that there is no trouble. Conclusion – 35 words
Total words 245 words

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Essay No. 2

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Why did Erich Fromm, the greatest thinker of the 20th century, call reason the gift and curse of man? It seems that reason was given to man as a gift so that his life would not be empty and meaningless, so that he would devote his life to other people... However, when a person subordinates all his feelings, including good ones, to reason, then reason becomes a curse: he enslaves a person. I can prove my point of view based on works of fiction. As the first argument confirming my idea about reason as a gift, as a force for good, and about reason as a force of evil that makes a person suffer, I will take M.A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man.” The whole life of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the work, can be divided into three parts: before the war (family happiness), during the war (captivity, escape, loss of loved ones) and after the war (meeting with Vanya). During war, the mind refuses to understand the horror of what is happening. Feelings take over both in church, when a hero kills, or better yet, executes a traitor, and in captivity, when he finds himself in inhumane conditions, but remains true to himself, and in Voronezh, when he stands in the place where his home once was. , and in Berlin, when his son dies... Reason becomes a curse, because a person wants to forget himself, go into unconsciousness, but he cannot... However, it is reason that gives Sokolov the strength to survive: Andrei understands that the Nazis will be defeated... His mind turns him to stone, because grief could drive him crazy. Reason gives him the opportunity to understand that the orphan boy he met is his salvation. Thus, having become the father of a disadvantaged child, he acquires the desire to live. Isn't reason then a gift that can heal a person? As a second argument to prove the thesis I have put forward, I will cite A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Queen of Spades”. Hermann does not allow his feelings to take over his mind: he calmly watches the card game, he deliberately, having calculated everything, begins to court Liza, Anna Feodorovna’s poor pupil... He coldly brings the countess to death... Even to the monastery where they were supposed to to perform the funeral service for the countess, he came not because of a feeling of repentance, but because he was afraid: the dead countess could harm him... Calculation ruins him, his mind becomes his curse. And in conclusion, I would like to say that the famous German philosopher of the 20th century, Erich Fromm, was right when he said that “reason is man’s happy gift and his curse.” Each of us has fully experienced that the mind can be a friend and an enemy, a gift and a curse, a helper and a destroyer. In different life situations, a person experiences the influence of the mind, which either gives strength or takes it away... Introduction + thesis 68 words Main body 262 words Conclusion – 64 words
Total words

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Essay No. 3

Essay text Litters
Have you heard the statement of Erich Fromm, the greatest thinker of the 20th century, who called reason the gift and curse of man? Agree, there is a deep philosophical meaning hidden in this statement. It seems to me that reason is given to man so that he can understand the world, and then use his knowledge to establish goodness on Earth. In this sense, intelligence is a gift. But man invented weapons, invented instruments of torture, learned to kill... All these are also actions of the mind, and this is his curse. A person, listening to the voice of reason, should not forget about feelings, especially the feeling of mercy. Only then will the mind bring benefit and joy. For evidence I will turn to works of fiction. Introduction + abstract 98 words
Of course, you have read A.P. Chekhov’s story “The Man in a Case.” Let's think about the role the mind plays in this story. Belikov, Chekhov’s main character, “holds the entire gymnasium in his hands for fifteen years. What a gymnasium! The whole city! The mind retreated, a feeling like fear enslaved everyone. "Why? – you ask. The power of fear, and not reason, destroys people's relationships... This man is likened to animals, a snail or a hermit crab... He is devoid of reason, because everything in him is subordinated to the fear that the hero plants around himself. At the end of the story, Burkin, concluding his narrative, expresses a deep philosophical thought: “Isn’t the fact that we live in a city in a stuffy, cramped environment, writing unnecessary papers, playing screw - isn’t this a case?” Case life is just an existence where there is no place for feelings, where there is no place for reason: a person stops thinking and reflecting, searching and doubting, giving up love... Anton Pavlovich describes to us a man who refuses the real world, because he is satisfied with his own, which seems to him better. The atmosphere throughout the entire story is permeated with fear, not even of the obvious threat of punishment, but fear of who knows what. The mind, which was supposed to teach people to resist Belikov, retreated, and the feeling of fear came forward, absorbing everyone. In my opinion, free people, reasonable people should not submit to fear, should not tolerate the existing order of things, reason, as a gift from above, should triumph without turning into a curse. Main part – 212 words
What conclusion did I come to when reflecting on the statement of the German philosopher Erich Fromm? A person who considers himself a Homo sapiens, a reasonable person, must also behave like a reasonable person: not spoil the life of himself and others, not succumb to negative emotions, live laughing and being upset, loving and hating, so that reason becomes God's gift, and not curse! Conclusion – 54 words
Total words 364 word
Explain why this work should be graded "fail"

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Essay No. 4

Essay text Litters
The 21st century is distinguished by rationalism: family ties created by generations are being broken. The negative impact of technology on a person, his spiritual and physical health is growing. Children stop playing in the fresh air; they have been enslaved by computers - artificial intelligence. All this is the negative influence of the mind on a person. The achievements of the mind have become, paradoxically as it may sound, its curse. I'll try to prove my point. Introduction - 53 words
Firstly, we see the same rationalism in the 20th century, at the dawn of scientific and technological progress. Let us recall a work of fiction in which the theme of the essay is revealed and the thesis I have expressed is proven. This is a science fiction novel by Alexei Tolstoy, “The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin,” written back in 1927. The individualist Garin imagined himself to be a superman. His scientific invention falls into the hands of monopolies who use the hyperboloid for their own selfish purposes. The super-individualist Garin is obsessed with the mania of domination over the world, he dreams of seizing power over people with the help of an invented death ray. His reasoning is reminiscent of the ideology of fascism. He boasts of his cynicism and unbridled lust. However, having achieved unlimited power, he does not experience satisfaction, his nature is divided, and skepticism eats away at him. The adventure plot, the fascination of social and science fiction in the novel “Engineer Garin's Hyperboloid” are combined with the relevance of the topic: the mind becomes a curse, bringing no joy to anyone. Main part: thesis 1 + first argument = 127 words
Secondly, the main principle and role of the mind is to avoid what gives a person unpleasant sensations, in order to forget, exclude from memory, and consign to oblivion the terrible moments of life. Anna Akhmatova speaks about this in her poem “Requiem”: I have a lot to do today: We must completely kill our memory, It is necessary for the soul to turn to stone, We must learn to live again. Feelings (maternal pain, loneliness, fear) interfere with the heroine, and she understands: in order to survive, she must become stone, insensitive, she must give up memory, emotions, reason... Main part: thesis 2 + second argument = 80 words
Concluding my discussion on the topic of the essay, I remember the ancient Greek goddess of reason Metis, the first wife of Zeus. Having learned that Metis will bear him two children: a daughter who will not yield to him in wisdom, and a son who will be so strong that he will overthrow him from the throne, the supreme god lulls his wife with pleasant and flattering speeches, and then eats her. God grant that our mind be with us, so that no one and nothing threatens it... Conclusion – 66 words
Total words:

Comment on the essay based on the proposed criteria for assessing the quality of each part of the essay.

Think about how you can easily increase the length of your essay.

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II. Homework

1. Write an essay on one of the suggested topics:

1. Let your mind guide your affairs. He will not allow your soul to be harmed. (Firdousi)

2. Heroism as the highest manifestation of reason

3. Is popular wisdom true: good intelligence is not acquired at once?

4. Dispute between mind and heart...

5. Who owns feelings - the soul or the mind?

6. “There are feelings that replenish and darken the mind, and there is a mind that cools the movement of the feelings.” (M.M. Prishvin)

7. Our mind sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions. (Chamfort)

8. There is happiness only in the mind, trouble without it.

Only reason is wealth, need without it...

If reason does not become your guide.

Your deeds will wound your heart... (Firdousi)

Related information.

The presentation contains material on preparing for the final essay; it can be used in preparation for an essay-discussion on the work of M.Yu. Lermontov.



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Preparation for an essay on the works of M.Yu. Lermontov, grade 10

Is intelligence a blessing or a curse? Direction: “Mind and Feelings”

“Reason and Feelings” The direction involves thinking about reason and feeling as two of the most important components of a person’s inner world, which influence his aspirations and actions. Reason and feeling can be considered both in harmonious unity and in complex confrontation that constitutes the internal conflict of the individual. The topic of reason and feeling is interesting for writers of different cultures and eras: heroes of literary works often find themselves faced with a choice between the dictates of feeling and the prompting of reason.

Aphorisms and sayings of famous people: There are feelings that replenish and darken the mind, and there is reason that cools the movement of feelings. M.M. Prishvin If feelings are not true, then our whole mind will turn out to be false. Lucretius Feeling, captive to crude practical needs, has only a limited meaning. Karl Marx

Aphorisms and sayings of famous people: No imagination can come up with so many contradictory feelings that usually coexist in one human heart. F. La Rochefoucauld Seeing and feeling is being, thinking is living. W. Shakespeare

Vocabulary work Reason is a person’s ability to think logically and creatively, to generalize the results of knowledge. Feelings are a person’s emotional experiences, which reflect the individual’s stable attitude towards certain objects or processes in the surrounding world.

Vocabulary work Synonyms for the word mind: logos, mind, reason, intellect, consciousness, common sense, sense, understanding, mental abilities, thinking abilities Synonyms for the word feelings: feeling, sensation, impression, taste, emotion, intuition, feeling, attitude, emotional impulse, experience, passion, eros, tender feeling, tender passion, heartfelt inclination, feeling.

Thesis. Commentary Erich Fromm, the greatest thinker of the 20th century, said: “Reason is man’s happy gift and his curse.” Is this true? Why is reason both man's gift and his curse? The dialectical unity of reason and feeling is the central problem of many works of art in world and Russian literature. Writers, depicting the world of human intentions, passions, actions, judgments, one way or another touch on these two categories. Human nature is structured in such a way that the struggle between reason and feeling inevitably gives rise to an internal conflict of personality, and therefore provides fertile ground for the work of writers and poets - artists of human souls.

Works by M.Yu. Lermontov “How often in a motley crowd...” (“January 1”); “Both boring and sad...”; “I go out alone on the road...” To confirm this, I would like to turn to the work of the great Russian poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. His poetry is an encyclopedia of feelings and experiences, a lyrical diary that captures the most imperceptible changes in the state of the soul. There is love, and despair, and anger, and grief, and sadness. These are reflections on the meaning of life, its cruelty, transience and unpredictability. The mind and feelings of the lyrical hero give rise to internal conflict.

“How often in a motley crowd...” (“January 1”) The poet paints arrogant, spiritually poor people of the “big world.” In the “motley crowd” “hardened speeches” are heard, “images of soulless people flash.” These “decorously pulled masks” are spiritually alien to the poet. To forget himself, to take a break from the “brilliance of vanity,” he plunges into memories of “recent antiquity” that is close to his heart. But pleasant dreams of the past are deception, or rather self-deception (“when I come to my senses, I recognize the deception”) and do not dispel the “storm of painful doubts and passions.” His complaints about his contemporary life turn into a decisive protest: When, having come to my senses, I recognize the deception, And the noise of the crowd of people frightens away my dream, An uninvited guest on a holiday, Oh, how I want to confuse their gaiety And boldly throw an iron verse in their eyes, Doused with bitterness and anger!..

“Both boring and sad...” The poem was created in 1840. It contains the motif of hopelessness. The lyrical hero is reasonable, he opposes himself to society. Over time, his position changes: exile becomes the only possible form of existence in a soulless world. The elegy “Both Bored and Sad” is an internal monologue, a confession of a reflective lyrical hero, filled with sad, contradictory thoughts about life. The lyrical hero strives to put his feelings in order, he goes through aspects of his life, but everywhere he is faced with a lack of meaning and emptiness.

“I go out alone on the road...” The motif of loneliness does not sound as tragic as usual in romanticism. Lermontov colorfully depicts the tranquility of the entire surrounding space. There is plenty of peace in the surrounding space, but in the soul of the lyrical hero there is not enough of it. In the third verse, the antithesis - the opposition of the harmony of nature to the disharmony in the human soul - is emphasized not only by the epithets “painful” and “difficult”, but also by spondees associated with the repetition of the word “so”. Not just “painful and difficult,” but “so painful and so difficult.” The words are very simple and so sincere that they evoke a strong response.

“I go out alone on the road...” I feel tired of life, but there is no disappointment, no resentment towards it: I don’t expect anything from life, And I don’t feel sorry for the past at all... There is no happiness either in the past or in the future: There is no happiness in the world , but there is peace and will. I have long dreamed of an enviable share - Long ago, a tired slave, I planned to escape To a distant abode of labor and pure bliss. Lermontov “planned an escape” into the world of “freedom and peace.” With all his spiritual strength he strives there, to this ideal, in his opinion, world, in order to “forget himself and fall asleep.”

“I go out alone on the road...” “To be or not to be?...To forget myself in a dream...To fall asleep?...What dreams will you have in that mortal sleep, when the veil of earthly feelings is removed?” Lermontov gives his answer to Hamlet’s question: But not with that cold sleep of the grave... I would like to sleep like this forever, So that the strength of life would slumber in my chest, So that my chest would quietly heave while breathing...

Conclusion Lermontov's lyrical hero is reasonable, he is able to see all the imperfections and soullessness, which awakens in him a lot of feelings: from great love for this world to its complete rejection. So, the hero is reasonable, but is he happy? Most likely not. Reason for Lermontov's hero is a curse, as it does not allow him to come to terms with the world around him.

Composition of the essay Introduction Main part Conclusion

Introduction Introduction - introduces the topic, gives preliminary, general information about the problem that lies behind the proposed topic. The introduction may: contain an answer to a question asked on the topic; your opinion is presented if the title contains a reference to the writer’s opinion (“how do you understand the meaning of the title...”); contain a fact from the author’s biography or characterize a historical period, if this information is important for subsequent analysis of the text; your understanding of literary terms is formulated if they are used in the title of the topic (“theme of fate”, “image of the hero”...).

Main part Main part: is an analysis of a literary work in accordance with a given topic. In the main part you should avoid: Retelling a literary work; Presentation of information not directly related to the topic; In the main part, it is necessary to demonstrate knowledge of literary material, the ability to logically, reasonedly and stylistically correctly, and competently express one’s thoughts; The main part is checking how correctly the topic is understood.

Conclusion Conclusion: summing up, summarizing what has been said, completing the text, once again drawing attention to the most important thing. The final part should be: Short but concise; Organically connected with the previous presentation. In conclusion, the writer’s attitude towards the work, its characters, and the problem can be expressed. It must be presented correctly, without excessive enthusiastic assessments, have a clearly defined meaning and be prepared with material from the main part.

Let's say that you really have some unique knowledge on the issue of life extension. Well, in that case, you can apply for a patent and make a lot of money from it. But essentially nothing will change from this. Some people will live longer. You will buy something expensive, but not necessarily necessary. But no one will be happier from this.

However, if there is knowledge, all that remains is to share it with humanity. Once an idea appears in someone's mind, it will still find its way into this world. If you hide it, someone else will definitely make a similar discovery. If you are afraid that it may cause harm, then it is completely in vain. Despite all scientific advances, the most popular murder weapons are tools no more complicated than an ordinary kitchen knife.

But such knowledge will not bring any greater benefit. Now, if you discovered a way to improve people's relationships with each other, with nature and with themselves, it would be a truly great achievement. And it would have a very good effect on life expectancy.

Intelligence is neither a gift nor a curse. Reason is a natural result of the development of the “nature-society-man” system. When it comes to the possibility of extending life, there are different options. For example, the practice of the mantra of Buddha Amitayus helps to prolong life and improve health: Aum Guru Ayu Siddhi Hum Amarani Dzivanti E Svaha. But, in my opinion, if life is devoid of meaning, prolonging life is prolonging nonsense: “Once an eagle asked a raven: tell me, raven bird, why have you lived in this world for three hundred years, and I have only thirty-three years?

Because, father, the raven answered him, that you drink living blood, and I feed on carrion. The eagle thought: let's try and eat the same thing. Fine. The eagle and the raven flew away. They saw a dead horse; came down and sat down. The raven began to peck and praise. The eagle pecked once, pecked again, waved its wing and said to the raven: no, brother raven; Instead of eating carrion for three hundred years, it’s better to get drunk with living blood, and then God willing!” A. S. Pushkin. The Captain’s Daughter.

Online consultation Is intelligence a gift or a curse?

The question of why humanity is seeking new knowledge is one of the eternal problems of human consciousness. Therefore, there cannot be an answer to it as such. Because the natural limitations that exist on the path of the process of human cognition always turn any knowledge into a relative truth, suitable only for strictly determined conditions of life and everyday life of people.

Almost the same pattern arises when a person touches the boundaries of the subtle worlds. Taking into account the strictly individual earthly existence of each earthly being, the understanding of what is happening in the subtle worlds also varies depending on the ability of him to perceive subtle energies and, more importantly, the ability to further apply the energies obtained in the process of studying the subtle worlds in everyday life on Earth.

Take such a simple example as the Supermundane Name - which many mystics can hear applied to themselves when communicating with the subtle worlds. If a person’s consciousness, having heard this name, cannot consolidate it in his earthly life in close connection with the physical body, then one day the connection between the subtle worlds and such a person who is not aware of the Universe may cease.

Moreover, with absolute damage to the psyche and health of that person who could not see the importance of the unity of earthly life and the rhythm of thinking of his own consciousness in the subtle world.

From here follows a simple warning: there has never been a freebie when comprehending the subtle worlds and gaining new and new knowledge. For every new achievement, a person is obliged to give something in return - in fact, to part with his past worldviews and way of life. Moreover, the further into the subtle world, the stricter and more complex the requirements of the subtle worlds for earthly life and human thinking become.

All this stems from the enormous responsibility imposed on every mystic who was able to recognize his Racial destiny on Earth.

So, in return for the Knowledge of the subtle worlds, a person receives only new responsibility. Moreover, it is very huge. And the duty to live not the earthly life familiar to people, but a connection with the subtle worlds.

Online consultation Is intelligence a gift or a curse?

Absolute knowledge /t. e. EVERYTHING - about the world order/, knowledge of humanity /max that was GIVEN to humanity throughout its history in this Circle/ and knowledge of an individual /even a genius-gifted/ person - two /three/ big differences /as they say in Odessa/.

Humanity has been given only a small part of Absolute knowledge, and an individual person has been given just a little bit of what is universal.

Moreover, it happens that one person “knows” one piece, and another person, for example, knows an adjacent piece. Their knowledge does not overlap. And if two such people meet and start talking about the world order, fluff and feathers fly into the air, but they do not find a common point of view. Although both of them are telling the truth.

The second aspect: homo sapiens “fell” into matter not BY HIMSELF, at his own discretion, and not under the influence of some evil forces. We are passing through another eon, established by law, with all the delights and “costs of production.”

And the main task of a person in a “gross” body is the development, knowledge of gross matter, and consciousness is given precisely for this purpose, in order to use it to explore the laws of the universe / “as above, so below” /, including the law of “freedom of choice” ", with all the attendant diversity.

There is another aspect: the knowledge of the “white” man /in the last 2000 years/, who was entrusted by God with the “discovery”, formulation in human language and study of the laws of existence of “gross” matter.

In order to fulfill this HONORABLE and necessary task, the white man was given (in addition to the mind and consciousness) intelligence and such qualities as karmic memory, “paranormal abilities”, direct communication with God and much more were completely selected - “in the interests of production.”

The white man coped with the task.
At the same time (it seems to you and me) that he almost killed the planet along with all of humanity.

Why didn’t he kill you?
Because the task was solved by man, firstly, under the control of the Higher Powers, and secondly, the super task of the white man’s activity was the study by the CREATOR HIMSELF of the subject of consciousness and everything connected with consciousness. For God creates worlds, playing, without a goal, and then explores what happened / is it not with the help of CONSCIOUSNESS? /

"Satan will not move until God allows it."

All our attempts to blame the “gift” called “consciousness” on evil spirits are frustrated by the fact that the white man followed a “materialistic” path in his research / for this purpose he “created various sciences” /, and finally understood that the method of his knowledge is narrow, in fact, and, whether he likes it or not, he will have to start using not only consciousness and others like it, but also the subconscious, superconscious and other “idealistic” things / as they are called in scientific language, he hasn't decided yet/.

Another part of humanity was tasked with understanding the world primarily in an “idealistic way.” At the same time, consciousness was also given to him, but it was very disturbing. And this part of humanity learned to push its consciousness aside at those moments when it wanted to engage in knowledge of the world.

Today we read in some sources about practices that teach a white person to at least temporarily get rid of consciousness in order to learn to experience the world directly, through direct “channels of communication.”

And therefore, there was a tendency to despise consciousness itself, the thinking process itself, the mind itself, and at the same time the human brain.

The trend is developing precisely among white people, since Hindus, for example, do not despise anything and do not allow themselves to be dissatisfied with anything, since they honor the karmic qualities and properties given to them in this incarnation.


And how proud we are when we consider the mind, thoughts and consciousness to be something lower, unworthy of us.

Who - us? - people who were created by God, people who, according to the laws of God, “fall” into matter, pass through the assigned eon and leave the eon to pass through the next one.

Bargain/with whom? With you? /, WHAT can I give you / personally? / in exchange for prolonging life on Earth? - I can’t give anything, because it’s not in my power. And - in yours?

The knowledge given to me by God, in my opinion, was given so that my soul could “receive an education” under the general title: “What is FREEDOM.”

Having tested the possibility of freedom of choice in different versions / at random / we, I think, will all come to the conclusion that “freedom” is an illusion. /They say that the law of freedom of choice exists only on planet Earth. /

In mankind's exploration of knowledge about the world order, man followed the path of a certain system, which is characterized by outliers, extremes, and extreme points. And if we notice and discuss only the extreme points and close our eyes to the main ones, we make a big mistake in our conclusions.

Thanks for the good questions.

Best regards, Svetlana

Reason is the power of a person, which correctly indicates the path of life and does not allow one to stumble in difficult circumstances. Thanks to the ability to think and reason, people can avoid irreparable mistakes, endure grief with dignity and be happy in joy. But does reason always have such a positive impact on human life? Will it not deprive the individual of what is called feeling, will it turn a person’s life into an eternal and not always joyful analysis of situations, actions, views and states?

What sad consequences the complete dominance of reason over feeling can lead to can be seen in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin is inclined to subject absolutely everything that happens in his life to reasoning and assessment. He lives exclusively with a cold, cynical mind. For certain reasons, it seems to him that feelings are completely absent in a person’s life. But it turns out, no matter how much the hero convinces himself that there are no heartfelt attachments, friendship, trust - everything that can be attributed to the area of ​​​​emotions and states of mind, he still wants feelings! That is why he invades the lives of those who know how to feel. Suffice it to recall the sad story of his relationship with Princess Bela. Did he love this tender, fragile and defenseless girl, a resident of the mountains? Maybe. But love constantly requires from a person emotional participation in the fate of a loved one, constant attention and warmth. A person who is fed up with the artificial love of high-society young ladies, disillusioned with friendship, internally empty and lonely is not capable of this. He strove for Bela in search of a new, bright feeling, but, having found it, he was unable to maintain love in his soul. Pechorin is ready to give his life for Bela, but he is not able to love her for a long time, because even in love he is rational, constantly looking for more and more new food for his selfish mind. That is why he claims that “the love of a savage is little better than the love of a noble lady.”

It’s hard to watch how Pechorin’s love for Bela dies under the influence of a mind suffering from inaction. Their short (only four months) relationship could not have a further happy continuation: he would never be able to accept her naive mind of a “mountain savage,” and she, even loving Pechorin with all her heart, would never be able to understand the reason for his tossing and torment.

Thus, we can conclude: a person should not allow his mind to become cold, selfish, constantly demanding new and new life experiences. In this case, there is no place for feelings, since they are always absorbed by a cold mind and do not allow a person to feel happy.

Date of publication: 11/26/2016

The final essay is not written perfectly, but is still worthy of passing. Read, analyze mistakes and don’t repeat them.

Introduction (intro):

Erich Fromm wrote: “Reason is man’s blessed gift—and his curse.” I think the German philosopher speaks about the duality of reason: it can both help us and work against us. That is why you cannot trust solely the mind; sometimes you need to turn to your heart, your feelings.

It is human nature to choose: to act wisely, thinking through every step, or to obey the impulse of the soul. In my opinion, it is very important to learn to live in harmony between your mind and emotions, being aware of all your actions, but at the same time, remaining able to feel and experience. But, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in this, so we often make irreparable mistakes, trusting only our reason.

Comment: I started off very well, but still managed to get a little lost in the wild. Nevertheless, the topic is covered, and according to the first criterion, “Compliance with the topic,” it definitely passes. BUT!!! There is a huge minus: the thesis is stated, but not indicated, and therefore it is lost against the background of the main text. To emphasize the main idea, you just need to highlight it using introductory words ("I think", "in my opinion", "it seems to me", etc.) that indicate that this is your personal opinion. This must be done so that the expert understands which idea out of all you are going to argue.

1 error - The first sentence uses the past tense “Erich Fromm wrote”, and the second sentence uses the present tense “says”. You can’t jump from one verb form to another, be careful.

The proportions are off. The introduction should be the same in volume as the conclusion and approximately three times larger than the main part. Your introductory part has 100 words, your main part has 244, and your conclusion has 45. With such proportions, you cannot get credit for the criterion “Integrity of the composition of the essay.” But this is very easy to fix; you just need to move the sentence about internal harmony to the conclusion. So you won’t go into the wilds, and this thought is more suitable for summing up. And shorten the second argument a little. For example, it is not necessary to write who went where, you can simply say that the characters met on the train.

If you strive for the ideal, give up the words “necessary” and “must” in your thoughts, use better “important”, “necessary” and “worth it”.

Argument 1:

The topic of reason and feeling is interesting to many writers. Thus, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin in his story “Dark Alleys” shows how sometimes complex relationships between people can be. The main character Nikolai in his youth experienced a great feeling of love for Nadezhda, who (missing word) a simple peasant woman. But he could not connect his life with his beloved: too dominated (I still don’t understand what word should be here) above him were the laws of the society to which he belonged. The result is life with an unloved woman and gray everyday life. Only many years later, seeing Nadezhda again, Nikolai realized that such love was given to him by fate, and he passed her by, by his happiness. And Nadezhda was able to carry this great feeling throughout her life. .

Comment: An argument is, first of all, a “weapon” that you use to prove that you are right. “The topic of reason and feeling is interesting for many writers” is not the most suitable transition to the main part. It is better to use the phrase: “to confirm my words, I want to turn to the story...”, or “a striking example of such a situation is...”. In general, the emphasis should be on what you talked about in the thesis, and you returned from the problem posed to the topic of mind and feeling. The rest of the argument is well chosen and correctly presented.

Argument 2:

And in story Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "About Love" is told about the landowner Alekhine. Looking for a job to pay off debts, Alyokhin getting acquainted with the Luganovich family. He was fascinated by the beauty of Anna Alekseevna Luganovich and soon Understood that he has special feelings for her. After some time, Alyokhin understands that Anna Alekseevna is not indifferent to him. But neither he nor she wanted to admit their feelings to each other, because they understood that this could ruin their lives. Anna Alekseevna thought about her husband and children, and Alekhin thought about what he could give her. At the end of August, Dmitry and the children were supposed to leave for one of the western provinces, and Anna Alekseevna was supposed to go to Crimea, according to the doctor’s recommendations. On the train, Alyokhin and Anna Alekseevna confess their love to each other and after that they part forever. The heroes did not dare to meet with their feelings, thereby making each other unhappy.

TO comment: tautology- the story tells.

Another mistake is a violation of the correspondence between aspectual and tense forms of the verb. Again you jump from the present to the past, and back. To avoid this mistake, it is better to use all verbs in the past tense, because you are talking about something that has already happened.

The arguments should be approximately equal in volume, a difference of 10-15 words is acceptable, so it is advisable to shorten this argument a little.


Thus, the mind is an important component of the human spiritual world. But whether to give it priority or rely on feelings depends on the life situation. You need to learn to use this gift correctly so that it does not turn into a curse; sometimes fate, a person’s whole life, depends on the choice between reason and feeling.