Download the presentation on Nikolai Rubtsov. Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov

Nikolay Rubtsov (1936 – 1971)

“Nikolai Rubtsov is a long-awaited poet. Blok and Yesenin were the last to captivate the reading world with poetry - uncontrived, organic. Half a century passed in search, in refinement, in the affirmation of many forms, as well as truths... From time to time, bright, unique voices sounded in the huge choir of Soviet poetry. And yet, I wanted Rubtsov. It was required. Oxygen starvation without his poems was approaching...”

(Gleb Gorbovsky)

I won't rewrite From the book of Tyutchev and Fet, I'll even stop listening The same Tyutchev and Fet, And I won't make it up Myself special, Rubtsova, I'll stop believing for this The same Rubtsov. But I'm at Tyutchev and Fet's I'll check your sincere word, So that the book of Tyutchev and Fet Continue with Rubtsov's book

He was six years old when his mother died and he was sent to an orphanage. Sixteen when he joined a minesweeper as a fireman. He served in the army, worked hard at a factory, studied... In the thirty-second year of his life he received permanent registration for the first time, and in the thirty-fourth - finally! - and your own housing: a tiny one-room apartment. Here, a year later, he was killed... Such was his fate. He published his first book in 1965, and twenty years later a street in Vologda was named after him.

N. Rubtsov would have turned only fifty when a monument to him was erected in Totma.

On June 26, 1942, Alexandra Mikhailovna Rubtsova suddenly died. These events are reflected in the poem “The Scarlet Flower”.

My parents' house I was often deprived of sleep, - Where is he again? Have you seen him? The mother is already sick - In the thickets of our garden I hid as best I could. There I secretly grew Your own scarlet flower... By the way, is it inappropriate, I was still able to grow... I carried behind my mother's coffin Its own scarlet flower.

Father went to the front.

The aunt takes the older children - Galina and Albert - to her place, and the younger ones - Nikolai and Boris - are awaiting an orphanage.

Life in the orphanage was very difficult back then. The bedroom was often cold. There was not enough bed linen. We slept in bunks two at a time. The orphanage had its own subsidiary farm, everyone worked, including primary schoolchildren.

Nikolay Rubtsov

with the orphanage teachers

Rubtsov himself later wrote about these days as follows:

They say that the rations were meager That there were nights with cold, with melancholy, - I remember the willows above the river better And a belated light in the field. Favorite places to tears now! And there, in the wilderness, under the roof of an orphanage, It sounded somehow unfamiliar to us, The word “orphan” offended us.

And yet, many believed, including Kolya Rubtsov, that after the war their parents would return and would definitely take them from the orphanage - they only lived by this faith. At the end of the war, Nikolai Rubtsov did not yet know that his father had long been demobilized and, having returned to Vologda, got a job in the supply department of the Northern Railway - a very profitable place at that time... Mikhail Andriyanovich spoke about his son, who was sent to an orphanage. I didn't remember. And why remember if he got married again, if he already had children...

  • IN 1946 G.N. Rubtsov graduated from 3rd grade with a certificate of merit and began writing poetry. At that time he was a fragile boy “with black bottomless eyes and a very attractive smile.”
  • IN 1950 Mr. N. Rubtsov received a certificate of completion of seven classes and went to Riga to enter the nautical school. But Rubtsov’s documents were not accepted there: he was not yet fifteen years old.

In the last years of the orphanage and the years spent in technical school, Rubtsov seemed to have forgotten that he had a father. None of his acquaintances from those years remembered him trying to restore contact with his father, brother, sister, aunt... Perhaps only once did Nikolai try to tell “everything that had accumulated in his soul over these long years of endless silence.” This happened already in 1951, when Rubtsov wrote an essay on the topic assigned at the technical school: “My native corner.” Hiring as a fireman on a minesweeper, Nikolai will write in his autobiography: “In 1940, he and his family moved to Vologda, where the war found us. My father went to the front and died in the same year, 1941.” Despite the fact that, starting in 1953, Rubtsov regularly meets with his father, in 1963 he repeated his statement: “I lost my parents at the beginning of the war.”

House in the village Yemetsk, Arkhangelsk region,

where Nikolai Rubtsov was born in 1936

1959 demobilized from the army.

1960 entered the 9th grade of the school for working youth.

1961 got a job at the Kirov plant and settled in a hostel (Rubtsov did not have a permanent address almost until his death - he rented “corners”, spent the night with comrades and acquaintances), where the poems included in the treasury were written.

The first poems of the real Rubtsov:

Russia, Rus' - wherever I look... For all your suffering and battles I love your old Russia, Your forests, graveyards and prayers, I love your huts and flowers, And the skies burning with heat, And the whisper of willows by the muddy water, I love you forever, until eternal peace...

Rubtsov entered the Literary Institute when he was 26 and a half years old. Of course, in the dormitory of the Literary Institute, poverty was easier to bear, but twenty-seven years old is enough age not to notice it. Rubtsov was annoyed that his friends specially brought their acquaintances to look at him - as if in a menagerie... Boris Shishaev very accurately conveys Nikolai’s condition at the Literary Institute

“When his soul was confused, he was silent. Sometimes I lay down on the bed and looked at the ceiling for a long time... I didn’t ask him anything. It was possible to understand without questioning that life was not easy for him. I was always haunted by the impression that Rubtsov came from somewhere in the uncomfortable places of his loneliness.”

After being expelled from the Literary Institute, Nikolai Rubtsov writes the poem “Soul” in a remote Vologda village, published only after his death:

Year by year the year is carried away forever, The morals of old age breathe peace, - A man goes out on his deathbed In the rays of complete contentment and glory!

This is how Rubtsov paints the image of a “happy person” who has achieved complete well-being, but here he disputes this well-being:

The last day is gone forever... He sheds tears, he demands participation, But an important man realized too late, What a false image of happiness has created in life!

One of the most beautiful poems by Nikolai Rubtsov, “Star of the Fields”, was written in this Vologda village:

Star of the fields in the icy darkness, Stopping, he looks into the wormwood. The clock has already rung twelve, And sleep enveloped my homeland... Star of the fields! In moments of turmoil I remembered how quiet it was behind the hill She burns over the autumn gold, It burns over the winter silver... The star of the fields burns without fading, For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth, Touching with your welcoming ray All the cities that rose in the distance. But only here, in the icy darkness, She rises brighter and fuller, And I'm happy as long as I'm in this world The star of my fields is burning, burning...

  • Rubtsov did not choose his fate, he only foresaw it.
  • The relationship between Rubtsov’s poetry and his life looks mysterious. From his poems, more accurately than from documents and autobiographies, one can trace his life path. Many real poets guessed their fate and easily looked into the future, but in Rubtsov his visionary abilities were with extraordinary power.

When you now read the poems he wrote shortly before his death, you are overcome by an eerie feeling of unreality:

I will die in the Epiphany frosts. I will die when the birch trees crack, And in the spring there will be complete horror: River waves will rush into the churchyard! From my flooded grave The coffin will float up, forgotten and sad, It will crash with a crash, and into the darkness Terrible debris will float away. I don’t know what it is... I don't believe in eternity of peace!

It is impossible to see ahead as clearly as Nikolai Rubtsov saw. The poet was killed on January 19, 1971 .

Having perked up, I’ll run up the hill And I will see everything in the best light. Trees, huts, a horse on the bridge, Flowering meadow - I miss them everywhere. And, having fallen out of love with this beauty, I probably won’t create another one...

When dawn, shining through the pine forest, It burns, it burns, and the forest no longer sleeps, And the shadows of the pine trees fall into the river, And the light runs onto the streets of the village, When, laughing, in the quiet courtyard Adults and children greet the sun,

I hit my pocket and it doesn't ring. I knocked on another one - I couldn’t hear it.

Thoughts of rest flew to their quiet, mysterious zenith.

But I’ll wake up and go out the door

And I'll go into the wind, onto the slope

About the sadness of the roads traveled, rustle with the remains of hair. Memory is getting out of hand, Youth is disappearing from under your feet, The sun is describing a circle - Life is counting down its time. I knock on my pocket and it doesn’t ring. If I knock on another one, you won’t hear it. If only I'd be famous

Then I’ll go to Yalta to rest...

Portrait of N. M. Rubtsov

(Vladislav Sergeev)

I love when the birches rustle, When the leaves fall from the birches. I listen and tears come

On eyes weaned from tears.

Everything will come to memory involuntarily, It will respond in the heart and in the blood. It will become somehow joyful and painful, as if someone is whispering about love. Only prose wins more often, As if the wind of gloomy days is blowing. After all, the same birch tree makes noise

Over my mother's grave.

During the war, my father was killed by a bullet,

And in our village near the fences

With the wind and rain it was noisy like a beehive, Here is the same yellow leaf fall... My Rus', I love your birches!

From the first years I lived and grew up with them. That's why tears come

To eyes weaned from tears...

When my soul

Calm will come

From high, after thunderstorms, unfading skies,

When in my soul

Inspiring worship

The herds go to sleep

Under the willow canopy

When my soul

Earthly holiness emanates,

And the river is full

Brings heavenly light -

I'm sad because

That I know this joy

It's just me alone:

I have no friends with me...

Nikolay Rubtsov

(Valentin Malygin)

I love the autumn forest so much

Above him is the radiance of heaven,

What I would like to turn into

Or into a crimson quiet leaf,

Or into a cheerful whistle of rain, But, having transformed, to be reborn And return to his father’s house, So that one day in that house

Before the big road Say: - I was a leaf in the forest! Say: - I was in the forest in the rain! Believe me: I am pure in soul...

Hello, Russia is my homeland!

Stronger than storms, stronger than any will

Love for your barns by the stubble,

Love for you, hut in the azure field.

I won’t give up all the mansions

Your own low house with nettles under the window.

How peaceful it is in my upper room

The sun was setting in the evenings!

How the whole expanse, heavenly and earthly, breathed happiness and peace through the window,

And the glorious air of antiquity emanated,

And he rejoiced under the showers and heat!..

Portrait of Nikolai Rubtsov

(A. Ovchinnikov)

Snow fell - and everything was forgotten, What the soul was full of!

My heart suddenly began to beat faster, as if I had drunk wine.

Along the narrow street

A clean breeze rushes with the beauty of ancient Russian The town has been renewed.

Snow flies on the Church of Sophia,

On children, and there are countless of them

Snow is flying all over Russia, Like good news.

Snow is flying - look and listen! So, simple and clever,

Life sometimes heals the soul...

Oh well! And good.

The leaves flew away from poplars –

Repeated in the world inevitability.

Don't feel sorry for the leaves don't be sorry

And pity my love

and tenderness!

Let the trees be bare are standing

Don't blame you for being noisy snowstorms!

Is there anyone in this guilty

What are the leaves from the trees? flew away?

In moments of music. Poet (Evgeny Sokolov)

SOSEN SHU M Once again he greeted me Cozy ancient Lipin Bor, Where is the wind, the snowy wind Starts an eternal argument with the pine needles. What a Russian village! I listened to the noise of the pine trees for a long time, And then enlightenment came My simple evening thoughts. I'm sitting in a regional hotel, I smoke, read, light the stove. It will probably be a sleepless night, Sometimes I love not sleeping! How can you sleep when out of darkness It’s like I can hear the voice of centuries, And the light of the neighboring barracks Still burning in the darkness of the snow. May the path be frosty tomorrow, Let me be, perhaps, gloomy, I will not sleep through the legend of the pine trees, The ancient pine trees make a long noise...

Blue twilight. Nikolay Rubtsov

(Vladimir Korbakov)

Quiet my homeland!

Willows, river, nightingales...

My mother is buried here

In my childhood years.

  • Where is the churchyard? Haven't you seen it?

I can't find it myself.

The residents answered quietly:

  • It's on the other side.

The residents answered quietly,

The convoy passed quietly.

Church monastery dome

Overgrown with bright grass.

Where I swam for fish, Hay is rowed into the hayloft:

Between the river bends, people dug a canal.

Tina is now a swamp

Where I loved to swim...

My quiet homeland

I haven't forgotten anything.

My quiet homeland (Vladislav Sergeev)

For all the good

let's pay in kind

Let's pay for all the love with love...

Portrait of Nikolai Rubtsov

(O. Ignatiev)

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The poet's father. 1936 - born on January 3 as the fourth child in the family of the head of the ORS of the timber industry enterprise, Mikhail Andrianovich and Alexandra Mikhailovna Rubtsov. In his autobiography he will say: “I, Rubtsov N.M. born in 1936 in the Arkhangelsk region in the village. Emetsk In 1940 he moved with his family to Vologda, where the war found us. My father went to the front and died in the same year, 1941. Soon my mother died, and I was sent to the Nikolsky preschool in the Totemsky district of the Vologda region, where I graduated from 7 classes of the Nikolskaya National School in 1950. In the same 1950, I entered the Totemsky Forestry College, where I completed 2 courses, but did not study again and left. I applied to the Arkhangelsk Nautical School, but did not pass the competition. I am currently submitting an application to Tralflot. N. Rubtsov 09.12.52.”

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After the death of their mother on June 29, 1942, the older children were taken in by relatives, and the younger ones - Nikolai and Boris - ended up in the Krasnovsky orphanage. Since October 1943, Nikolai Rubtsov has been brought up in the Nikolsky orphanage. The poems “The Scarlet Flower” and “Childhood” are dedicated to the memory of the mother, and the village of Nikolskoye with the temple of St. Nicholas the Pleasant is immortalized in the famous lines “I love the village of Nikola, where I graduated from primary school...”. Orphanage in the village. Nikolskoye, Totemsky district, Vologda region, where in 1943-1950. lived N. Rubtsov (house after restoration)

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1950-1952 - Nikolai Rubtsov graduated from the seven-year school and, in his words, “was eager to go to the sea.” But the attempt to enter the Riga Marine Corps ended in failure. Childhood years

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1953 – goes to study at a mining technical school in the polar city of Kirovsk. 1954-1955 - leaves technical school and moves to his brother Alexei in the village of Priyutino near Leningrad. Works as a fitter at an artillery test site. Priyutino 1955

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1956-1959 - active service in the Northern Fleet in the polar city of Severomorsk, where the fleet base was located. During his years of service, Nikolai Rubtsov visited the literary association at the naval newspaper “On Guard of the Arctic” and began publishing. 1961 – the collective collection “The First Shop” with five poems by Rubtsov is published. Northern Fleet

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In the August issue of the magazine “October”, Nikolai Rubtsov’s first major publication appears in the “thick” metropolitan magazine. Among the published poems are “Star of the Fields”, “I’ll Run Up a Hill and Fall into the Grass!..”, “Russian Light”. In the October issue of “October” another selection by Nikolai Rubtsov appears - “In Memory of Mother”, “At the Station”, “Good Filya”, “My Quiet Homeland!..”. He submits the first book “Lyrics” to the Arkhangelsk book publishing house, signs an agreement with the publishing house “Soviet Writer” for the book “Star of the Fields”. “A lot of gray water, a lot of gray smoke...” Sukhona River near Totma

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1969 – Nikolai Rubtsov’s third book, “The Soul Keeps,” was published. 1970 – Nikolai Rubtsov’s fourth book, “The Noise of Pines,” was published. 1971 – the death of the poet Nikolai Rubtsov on January 19, in the Epiphany frosts... After the death of N. Rubtsov, his collections were published: “The Last Steamship” (1973), “Selected Lyrics” (1974), “Poems” (1977). Nikolai Rubtsov himself wrote about his poetry: I will not rewrite From the book of Tyutchev and Fet, I will even stop listening to the same Tyutchev and Fet. And I won’t invent a special Myself, Rubtsov, For this I will stop believing in the same Rubtsov, But I will check the sincere word of Tyutchev and Fet, So that the book of Tyutchev and Fet Continue with Rubtsov’s book!..

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Until the end, Until the quiet cross May the soul remain pure!

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Curriculum Vitae

Birth name: Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov Date of birth: January 3, 1936 Place of birth: the village of Yemetsk, Arkhangelsk region Date of death: January 19, 1971 Place of death: Vologda Occupation: Russian Soviet lyric poet

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Nikolai was born on January 3, 1936 in the village of Yemetsk, Arkhangelsk region. The house where Nikolai Rubtsov was born

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Kolya Rubtsov’s childhood will be spent in inescapable love for animals and birds, herbs, sunshine and freedom. Lock him in a room where there are no windows, and his heart, like a swallow’s, will burst from lack of freedom. From an early age he fell in love with the chamomile shore of Yemtsa, its floodplains, churches, boats and poplars.

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In 1940 he moved with his family to Vologda, where the Rubtsovs were caught in the war. The boy was left an orphan early. In 1942, his mother died, and Nikolai was sent to the Nikolsky orphanage in the Totemsky district of the Vologda region, where he graduated from seven classes of school. Nikolai Rubtsov with the teachers of the orphanage

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Valentina Alekseevna Rubtsova Mother died. Father went to the front. The evil neighbor does not allow passage. I vaguely remember the morning of the funeral and the meager nature outside the window.

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From 1950 to 1952, the future poet studied at the Totemsky Forestry College. Then from 1952 to 1953 he worked as a fireman in the Arkhangelsk trawl fleet of the Sevryba trust, from 1953 to 1955 he studied at the Mining and Chemical College of the Ministry of Chemical Industry in Kirovsk (Murmansk region). Since March 1955, Rubtsov was a laborer at an experimental military training ground in Leningrad.

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Navy service

From October 1955 to 1959 he served in the army in the Northern Fleet (with the rank of sailor and senior sailor). After demobilization, he lived in Leningrad, working alternately as a mechanic, fireman and charger at the Kirov plant. However, in his soul he lives with poetry, and therefore decides to change his destiny. Northern Fleet. 1955-1959

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Literary Institute

In 1962 Rubtsov entered the Literary Institute. M. Gorky in Moscow and met other writers, whose friendly participation more than once helped him both in his creativity and in the matter of publishing poetry. In the mid-1960s, his first collections were published. In 1969, Rubtsov graduated from the Literary Institute and received the first separate one-room apartment in his life.

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"Small Motherland"

The Vologda “small homeland” and the Russian North gave him the main theme of his future work - “ancient Russian identity.” This land became the center of his life, “the land... sacred,” where he felt “both alive and mortal.”

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Books of poetry

The first book of poems, “Lyrics,” was published in 1965 in Arkhangelsk. Then the poetry collections “Star of the Fields” (1967), “The Soul Keeps” (1969), and “The Noise of Pines” (1970) were published. “Green Flowers”, which were being prepared for publication, appeared after the poet’s death.

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He was a sociable, generous person. He became isolated only when, by chance or with intrusive interest, they touched upon the beginnings of his life... In his soul there constantly lived a huge, inexpressible strength, an undying longing for parental affection, which he, having been orphaned in infancy, did not remember, a longing for his father’s shelter over his head, which never happened in his life.

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Rubtsov always lived a difficult and painful life. He didn’t even live, but rather struggled through the indifference of life and sometimes tried to shout out to his interlocutors, but they didn’t hear him, they didn’t want to hear him, and then he took off the brakes. Many felt that Rubtsov was approaching tragedy. I will die in the Epiphany frosts. I will die when the birch trees crack...

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If I die, for me, don’t light a fire! Give the message to your homeland And visit me. Where am I buried, ask the Residents of distant places, A monument to everyone in Russia is a good cross!

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In Vologda, a street was named after Nikolai Rubtsov and a monument was erected (1998, sculptor A. M. Shebunin). A monument by sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov was erected in Totma. A monument to Rubtsov was also erected in his homeland, in Yemetsk (2004, sculptor N. Ovchinnikov).

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"In the Upper Room"

It’s light in my upper room. This is from the night star. Mother will take a bucket, silently bring water... My red flowers in the garden have all withered. A boat on the river bank will soon rot completely. A lacy shadow sleeps on the wall of my Willow, Tomorrow I will have a busy day under it! I will water the flowers, think about my fate, I will make myself a boat until the night star... 1963

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In moments of sad music...

In moments of sad music, I imagine a yellow reach, And the farewell voice of a woman, And the noise of gusty birches. And the first snow under a gray sky Among the extinct fields, And a path without sun, a path without faith Cranes driven by snow... The soul has long been tired of wandering In past love, in past hops, It's high time I realized that I love ghosts too much.

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"Star of the Fields"

The quiet light of a star, in “an alarming premonition”, burning for everyone “above the gold of autumn” and “above the silver of winter” in the darkness, gives birth to the lyrical hero’s “good faith” in life. The star of the fields in the icy darkness, Stopping, looks into the wormwood. The clock has already rung twelve, And sleep has enveloped my homeland... Star of the fields! In moments of shock, I remembered how quietly behind the hill She burns over the autumn gold, She burns over the winter silver... The star of the fields burns without fading, For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth, Touching with its welcoming ray All the cities that have risen in the distance. But only here, in the icy darkness, She rises brighter and more fully, And I am happy while the star of my fields burns, burns in the white world... 1964

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The star of the fields burns, without fading, For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth, With its welcoming ray touching All the cities that have risen in the distance. But only here, in the icy darkness, It rises brighter and more fully. And I am happy, while in the white world The star of my fields Burns, burns... “Star of the Fields” And as a reflection of this fire in the sky - a star. But no longer a lonely star of wanderings, but a wise and kind “star of the fields,” or, as the poet said, “The star of work, poetry, peace...” He wished that this not solitary star would always shine for us...

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Themes and motives of the lyrics

The main themes and motives of Rubtsov's lyrics: Motherland-Rus, its nature and history, the fate of the people, the spiritual world of man, his moral values: beauty and love, life and death, joys and suffering.

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May your soul remain pure...

Until the end, Until the quiet cross, May my soul remain pure! Before this Yellow, provincial Side of My birch, Before the stubble, cloudy and sad In the days of autumn Sorrowful rains, Before this Strict village council, Before this Herd at the bridge, Before all the Ancient white light I swear: My soul is pure. May it Remain pure Until the end, Until the death cross!

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"Let the soul remain pure"

The soul is like a burning candle, the flame of which either burns evenly, calmly, illuminating all around, then trembles with a light blow of wind, worries with a stronger one, or goes out completely, but can flare up again with a bright and warm flame. The soul cannot be seen, it cannot be touched. But it can be felt, heard through the sounds of music, through the poetic creations of the Soul: unique, suffering, able to love passionately and sacredly, to tune one’s soul “to love, to song, to sadness.”

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"Russian Light"

The bright, holy soul of a person is tightly connected with the soul of the world, with its light: a star burns in the darkness, a restless light burns in the darkness, merge into one, give a spiritual, moral covenant, suffered through all of Rubtsov’s poetry: For all good we will pay with good, For all love we will pay love... Thank you, modest Russian light, For the fact that you, in an alarming premonition, Burn for those who are in a pathless field From all friends, desperately far... For the fact that, with good faith, friendship, You burn in the darkness, and you have no peace...

Materials used,_Nikolai_Mikhailovich

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I won’t rewrite from the book of Tyutchev and Fet, I’ll even stop listening to the same Tyutchev and Fet, And I won’t invent a special Myself, Rubtsov, For this I’ll stop believing in the same Rubtsov. But I will check the sincere word of Tyutchev and Fet, so that the book of Tyutchev and Fet can be continued with the book of Rubtsov

  • I won’t rewrite from the book of Tyutchev and Fet, I’ll even stop listening to the same Tyutchev and Fet, And I won’t invent a special Myself, Rubtsov, For this I’ll stop believing in the same Rubtsov. But I will check the sincere word of Tyutchev and Fet, so that the book of Tyutchev and Fet can be continued with the book of Rubtsov
  • He was six years old when his mother died and he was sent to an orphanage. Sixteen when he joined a minesweeper as a fireman. He served in the army, worked hard at a factory, studied... In the thirty-second year of his life he received permanent registration for the first time, and in the thirty-fourth - finally! - and your own housing: a tiny one-room apartment. Here, a year later, he was killed... Such was his fate. He published his first book in 1965, and twenty years later a street in Vologda was named after him. N. Rubtsov would have turned only fifty when a monument to him was erected in Totma.
On June 26, 1942, Alexandra Mikhailovna Rubtsova suddenly died. These events are reflected in the poem “The Scarlet Flower”.
  • My parents' house I often deprived me of sleep, - Where is he again, haven't you seen? Mother is already sick - In the thickets of our garden I hid as best I could. There I secretly grew my Scarlet flower... By the way, it was inopportune, I was still able to grow it... I carried my Scarlet flower behind my mother’s coffin.
Father went to the front.
  • Father went to the front.
  • The aunt takes the older children - Galina and Albert - to her place, and the younger ones - Nikolai and Boris - are awaiting an orphanage.
  • Life in the orphanage was very difficult back then. The bedroom was often cold. There was not enough bed linen. We slept in bunks two at a time. The orphanage had its own farm; everyone worked, including the elementary school children.
  • Nikolay Rubtsov
  • with the orphanage teachers
  • They say that the rations were meager, that there were nights with cold, with melancholy, - I remember better the willows over the river and the belated light in the field. Favorite places to tears now! And there, in the wilderness, under the roof of an orphanage, It sounded somehow unfamiliar to us, The word “orphan” offended us.
  • Rubtsov himself later wrote about these days as follows:
  • And yet, many believed, including Kolya Rubtsov, that after the war their parents would return and would definitely take them from the orphanage - they only lived by this faith. At the end of the war, Nikolai Rubtsov did not yet know that his father had long been demobilized and, having returned to Vologda, got a job in the supply department of the Northern Railway - a very profitable place at that time... Mikhail Andriyanovich spoke about his son, who was sent to an orphanage. I didn't remember. And why remember if he got married again, if he already had children...
In 1946 N. Rubtsov graduated from 3rd grade with a certificate of merit and began writing poetry. HE at that time was a fragile boy “with black, bottomless eyes and a very attractive smile.”
  • In 1946 N. Rubtsov graduated from 3rd grade with a certificate of merit and began writing poetry. HE at that time was a fragile boy “with black, bottomless eyes and a very attractive smile.”
  • In 1950, N. Rubtsov received a certificate of completion of seven classes and went to Riga to enter the naval school. But Rubtsov’s documents were not accepted there: he was not yet fifteen years old.
  • In the last years of the orphanage and the years spent in technical school, Rubtsov seemed to have forgotten that he had a father. None of his acquaintances from those years remembered him trying to restore contact with his father, brother, sister, aunt... Perhaps only once did Nikolai try to tell “everything that had accumulated in his soul over these long years of endless silence.” This happened already in 1951, when Rubtsov wrote an essay on the topic assigned at the technical school: “My native corner.” Hiring as a fireman on a minesweeper, Nikolai will write in his autobiography: “In 1940, he and his family moved to Vologda, where the war found us. My father went to the front and died in the same year, 1941.” Despite the fact that, starting in 1953, Rubtsov regularly meets with his father, in 1963 he repeated his statement: “I lost my parents at the beginning of the war.”
  • House in the village Yemetsk, Arkhangelsk region,
  • where Nikolai Rubtsov was born in 1936
1959 demobilized from the army.
  • 1959 demobilized from the army.
  • In 1960 he entered the 9th grade of the school for working youth.
  • 1961 got a job at the Kirov plant and settled in a hostel (Rubtsov did not have a permanent address almost until his death - he rented “corners”, spent the night with comrades and acquaintances), where the poems included in the treasury were written. The first poems of the real Rubtsov:
  • Russia, Rus' - wherever I look... For all your sufferings and battles I love your, Russia, antiquity, Your forests, graveyards and prayers, I love your huts and flowers, And the skies burning from the heat, And the whisper of willows by the muddy water, I love forever, until eternal rest...
Rubtsov entered the Literary Institute when he was 26 and a half years old. Of course, in the dormitory of the Literary Institute, poverty was easier to bear, but twenty-seven years old is enough age not to notice it. Rubtsov was annoyed that his friends specially brought their acquaintances to look at him - as if in a menagerie... Boris Shishaev very accurately conveys Nikolai’s state at the Literary Institute:
  • Rubtsov entered the Literary Institute when he was 26 and a half years old. Of course, in the dormitory of the Literary Institute, poverty was easier to bear, but twenty-seven years old is enough age not to notice it. Rubtsov was annoyed that his friends specially brought their acquaintances to look at him - as if in a menagerie... Boris Shishaev very accurately conveys Nikolai’s state at the Literary Institute:
  • “When his soul was confused, he was silent. Sometimes I lay down on the bed and looked at the ceiling for a long time... I didn’t ask him anything. It was possible to understand without questioning that life was not easy for him. I was always haunted by the impression that Rubtsov came from somewhere in the uncomfortable places of his loneliness.”
After being expelled from the Literary Institute, Nikolai Rubtsov writes the poem “Soul” in a remote Vologda village, published only after his death:
  • After being expelled from the Literary Institute, Nikolai Rubtsov writes the poem “Soul” in a remote Vologda village, published only after his death:
  • Over the year, the year is carried away forever, The morals of old age breathe peace, - On his deathbed, a man fades away In the rays of complete contentment and glory!
  • This is how Rubtsov paints the image of a “happy person” who has achieved complete well-being, but here he disputes this well-being:
  • The last day is carried away forever... He sheds tears, he demands participation, But an important person realized late that he had created a false image of happiness in life!
  • One of the most beautiful poems by Nikolai Rubtsov, “Star of the Fields”, was written in this Vologda village:
  • The star of the fields in the icy darkness, Stopping, looks into the wormwood. The clock has already rung twelve, And sleep has enveloped my homeland... Star of the fields! In moments of shock, I remembered how quietly behind the hill She burns over the autumn gold, She burns over the winter silver... The star of the fields burns without fading, For all the anxious inhabitants of the earth, Touching with its welcoming ray All the cities that have risen in the distance. But only here, in the icy darkness, She rises brighter and more fully, And I am happy while the star of my fields burns, burns in the white world...
Rubtsov did not choose his fate, he only foresaw it.
  • Rubtsov did not choose his fate, he only foresaw it.
  • The relationship between Rubtsov’s poetry and his life looks mysterious. From his poems, more accurately than from documents and autobiographies, one can trace his life path. Many real poets guessed their fate and easily looked into the future, but in Rubtsov his visionary abilities were with extraordinary power. When you now read the poems he wrote shortly before his death, you are overcome by an eerie feeling of unreality:
  • I will die in the Epiphany frosts. I will die when the birch trees crack, And in the spring there will be complete horror: River waves will pour into the churchyard! From my flooded grave the coffin will emerge, forgotten and sad, It will break with a crash, and terrible fragments will float into the darkness. I don’t know what it is... I don’t believe in the eternity of peace!
  • It is impossible to see ahead as clearly as Nikolai Rubtsov saw. The poet was killed on January 19, 1971.
  • The poet has passed away, but his poems continue to live, fulfilling their sacred purpose - to promote spiritual connections between people in our complex and difficult world.

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Life of a poet

Born on January 3, 1936, the fourth child in the family of the head of the ORS of the timber industry enterprise, Mikhail Andriyanovich, and Alexandra Mikhailovna Rubtsov. After the death of his mother on June 29, 1942, Nikolai ended up in the Kraskovsky orphanage. Since October 1943, Nikolai Rubtsov has been brought up in the Nikolsky orphanage. One of the earliest poems by Nikolai Rubtsov, “Winter,” dates back to 1945. 1950-1952 - Nikolai Rubtsov graduated from the seven-year school and, in his words, “was eager to go to the sea.” But the attempt to enter the Riga Marine Corps ended in failure. Returning to Nikolskoye, he entered the Totemsky Forestry Technical School.

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In the summer of 1952, having completed two courses at the “forestry” technical school and, most importantly, having received a passport, he once again tries to pass the competition to become a “sailor”, but this time in Arkhangelsk. Unsuccessful again. Enters Tralflot as a fireman's assistant on the minesweeper RT-20 "Arkhangelsk". In 1953 he entered the mining technical school in the polar city of Kirovsk. In 1954 he left the technical school and moved to his brother Alexei in the village of Priyutino near Leningrad. Works as a fitter at an artillery test site. 1956-1959 - active service in the Northern Fleet in the polar city of Severomorsk, where the fleet base was located. During his years of service, Nikolai Rubtsov visited the literary association at the naval newspaper “On Guard of the Arctic” and began publishing.

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1959-1960 - after demobilization, in November he begins to work as a fireman at the Kirov plant, lives in the factory dormitory. Begins to study at the literary association “Narvskaya Zastava”. Enters evening school. 1961 - the collective collection “First Melting” with five poems by Rubtsov is published. On January 24, 1962, Nikolai Rubtsov reads poetry at an evening of young poetry in the Leningrad House of Writers. Meets Gleb Gorbovsky and other Leningrad young poets. Prepared a handwritten collection of 37 poems, “Waves and Rocks.” The first version of the poem “In the Upper Room” was dated July 1963. But the first expulsion of Nikolai Rubtsov from the Literary Institute dates back to this same period of his entry into literature. At the end of June 1965, Nikolai Rubtsov was again expelled from the Literary Institute.

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January 15, 1966 - reinstated again, but in the correspondence department. 1966-1967 spends traveling: Vologda - Barnaul - Moscow - Kharovsk - Volga-Baltic Canal - Vologda. Nikolai Rubtsov took part in the usual writing trips of that time, performances in rural clubs and libraries. By the summer of 1967, the book “Star of the Fields” was published, which became the poet’s finest hour. In 1968, several reviews of “Star of the Fields” appeared in magazines; on the basis of it, Nikolai Rubtsov defended his diploma at the Literary Institute and on April 19 was admitted to the Writers’ Union.

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In early spring, the poet’s long-standing dream came true: he visited Yesenin’s homeland - the village of Konstantinov. In August-September he stays in the village of Timonikha with Vasily Belov. The fairy tale poem “The Robber Lyalya” was written there. In 1969, Nikolai Rubtsov’s third book, “The Soul Keeps,” was published. The years of wandering and everyday disorder are over: Nikolai Rubtsov received a modest, but still separate one-room apartment. In 1970, Nikolai Rubtsov’s fourth book, “The Noise of Pines,” was published, thanks to the efforts of Yegor Isaev, in the same “Soviet Writer.” Publications appeared in “Our Contemporary”, “Young Guard”. Poems from this time include “Fate”, “Ferapontovo”, “I will die in the Epiphany frosts...”. January 19, 1971 Rubtsov, death of Nikolai Rubtsov.