Essay on the topic: “At recess. Project "How to make change interesting?"

Recess is the student's time to rest between lessons. During class we sit for forty-five minutes in one place. It's very difficult because you want to run or walk. During recess, not only the student’s body, but also the student’s head rests. Therefore, it is not very useful to sit at a desk during the entire break and play on a mobile phone. I don't really want to read either.

I believe that recess should be fun and active. Pupils should have the opportunity to play table tennis or other sports games.

For students who do not like to run but want to be in silence, you can place comfortable chairs among beautiful indoor plants somewhere at the end of the corridor. Place chess or checkers on the tables. Anyone who likes to read or look at pictures in magazines will be happy to sit there during recess.

If you have a library at school, then you can go there and choose books that you would like to read at home.

I would also like to see tables with pencils and sheets of paper in the hallways. This way you can hold art competitions or just draw. It’s also easy to print out coloring pages and color them. There are special anti-stress coloring books. They depict pictures that consist of small fragments. By coloring them, the child calms down and develops fine motor skills.

It's cool and interesting to collect lego constructors. All the kids have them at home, but it’s more fun to do it at school. You can invite children to bring their construction sets to school and play together.

Board games or puzzles may be of interest junior schoolchildren. It would be great if teachers played together with students. For example, hold a mini-tournament in checkers or chess between students and teachers.

Many guys love to sing and dance. You can put a large screen and a prector in the corridor and show songs to which you can repeat the movements. It will be fun and good for your posture.

Anyone who likes to sing could take part in karaoke. Singing into a microphone is fun and great! You can sing foreign songs and thus learn another language.

In the warm season, recess is best done outside. Sports games and just walks in the fresh air will help students relax. If there are lawns near the school, you can sit on the grass and chat about trifles. Someone can repeat a poem or paragraph that they didn’t finish learning at home.

Change can be done in different ways. The main thing is that you have fun.

Essay on the topic What should school recess be like?

Usually everyone argues about lessons: what they should be, how many, in what order... For once the question has become about change!

The school break, most importantly, should be long. It is impossible to do anything in the usual ten minutes: neither play, nor eat, nor write, that is, prepare for the lesson, get in the mood. The change must not be less lesson, that is, from forty minutes. And this is ordinary! And the big one - two times forty, one and a half hours. It would be fair: you study for forty minutes, and rest for another forty.

The only thing I don't really like about this is that it will make the school day too long. Five lessons of forty minutes and four breaks of forty, and even more. But in principle, this can be solved simply - by shortening the lessons. And no classes on Saturday!

You should also provide a snack during the break. Rolls and juice or milk from the canteen are good, of course, but not enough. We need a delivery car from McDonald's! Then it would be great! And ice cream is a must, and burgers and potatoes.

Even during breaks, you need to put on cartoons in the hall. Make a big screen and let everyone watch!

Children should never be detained for recess. But students may be a little late from recess. You never know what urgent matter may arise.

And during recess they must provide students with free transport. And so that it is not a bus, but a personal taxi. I suddenly needed to go to a children's store, so I quickly went there and there.

In principle, let teachers have these benefits too... Although if a lesson is a break, then just one class leaves the lesson, and let the other enter. The teachers all teach the same thing. They don’t need to switch! And here there are just fewer people in the corridors, and there are fewer queues at the buffet. Very rational, in my opinion.

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Unfortunately, some schoolchildren believe that during recess they can do whatever they want: run, jump, play around, scream and make noise, while forgetting about the safety rules for both their own and those around them, especially without realizing the possible consequences of such actions , namely: causing harm to health.

Therefore, schoolchildren should clearly know what is prohibited during recess:

push each other;
throw various objects;
fight and use physical force;
play dangerous games, perform actions that can lead to injury and damage to school property;
run along corridors and stairs, near window openings, glass display cases and in other places not suitable for games;
lean over the railing, slide down the railing, crowd on the stairs.

Recess, of course, is used by both schoolchildren and teachers to prepare for the next lesson, repeat poems, rules, and other homework. Therefore, it is very important to behave calmly during recess, not to make noise, you must remember that your friends are resting next to you, you need to be mutually polite and attentive to each other.

In order not to “take away” lesson time from the teacher during a break, you also need to satisfy all the needs of your body: drink, go to the toilet.

And of course, change carries a great cognitive and educational function; it teaches our children to live in friendship and harmony in a large group, the ability to give in, avoid conflicts, and find peace with everyone. common language, to be part of the whole.

Games in notebooks.

During breaks, you can play long-forgotten, useful games that you and I also played. Remember the games “Tanks”, “Hangman”, “Balda”, “Battleship” and others. Check out the Lifehacker website (games in notebooks). Play them with your children.


The game “Crocodile” is popular not only among children, but also among adults. For this entertainment you only need good company and a little imagination. The rules of the game are very simple.

“Crocodile” is an interesting, fun and at the same time useful entertainment. The game trains intelligence and ingenuity, helps to develop artistry and imagination. Among other things, it teaches children to communicate with each other, to interact with each other, so “Crocodile” is considered entertainment, useful for strengthening children's group. “Crocodile” is also one of the games useful for development creativity- this game trains creative thinking, and its plot itself involves a “performance” in front of the public for each player.

Deaf phone

Children are divided into 2 teams. The winner is the one that most correctly conveys the hidden word over the “telephone”. The presenter comes up with it and quietly speaks into the ears of the first players from each team. They say it next and so on. Last child calls out loudly what he hears.


An odd number of students take part. One is the driver, the rest are divided into pairs. They join hands and raise them high above their heads. Couples stand next to each other to create a living corridor.
The driver quickly passes through the “stream” and selects one child. The new couple moves to the end of the corridor. The remaining student is the new driver.


This game during recess at school requires a minimum of space. Classmates choose one driver, who will have to go out into the corridor (or office) for a while. The remaining children stand in a circle, holding hands.

Their task is to get confused without opening their hands. They can step over each other, sneak under the joined hands of other children.

Having finished this, they call the child driver: “Grandma! Grandma! The threads are breaking. They'll burst soon, soon." The goal of the person entering is to clear up the confusion by telling participants how to step or turn. If he makes a mistake and the “thread breaks,” everything starts again.

You probably know many more ways to usefully spend time during recess. Write in the comments to the message, share with all readers.

Lessons at school are a tedious process that lasts forty-five minutes and takes us into the world of knowledge. But there is probably not a single student who would not be waiting for the long-awaited bell, which notifies the end of the lesson. This means that a change has come. What should school breaks be like? Let's speculate in an essay - a reasoning.

What should the changes be?

What should school recess be like and why? I’ll start with the fact that recess is an integral process in school life. It is impossible to give a definite answer, because every student sees it differently. Some are waiting for it to chat with friends, some need to run or play games outside, and some just want to read fiction in silence. For someone, a change is needed to complete or repeat homework to get a good grade. Changes are also an opportunity to have a snack, and during a big break, have a good lunch. Such reinforcement gives strength and energy for further fruitful activities. Agree, it’s hard to study on an empty stomach, when your thoughts are only about food.

As you can see, change is a time for a variety of things. It is important that they are organized and free of fuss.

Changes can be small or large, but no matter how long they last, they must serve the most important function. This is a vacation. During the break, students should take a break from the last lesson and prepare for the next one. Therefore, a change of five minutes is not enough. A small break should last at least fifteen minutes, because students must have time to completely switch to new lesson where they will gain new knowledge. A big break should be at least thirty minutes, so that each student can eat leisurely and then relax doing his favorite activity. This is exactly what changes should be like at school. At the same time, the school itself should have specially designated places where you can play table tennis during recess or read a book in silence.

Essay on the topic: What should school recess be like and why?

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Schoolchildren, especially younger ones, are still children. And for children, even more than for adults, it is important to follow a routine of work, nutrition and rest. Agree, it is difficult to organize a trip for a whole class of thirty children to the cafeteria as part of a regular school break. Pictures of school times emerge in my memory: a huge crowd of schoolchildren, demolishing everything in their path, to the cafeteria. Although you can observe the same picture today in schools.

But this is not the only reason for the need for a big change. The older you are, the more lessons you have. With each subsequent lesson, your head becomes more and more filled with necessary and not so necessary information, and unloading is simply necessary. Otherwise, there comes a time when knowledge “overflows” instead of being neatly laid out on shelves. And here the main thing that serves the successful development of knowledge is lost - interest. Curiosity is replaced by fatigue, apathy and reluctance to learn. The result is not learning, but one continuous torment. A big break allows schoolchildren to get a good release, relieve stress and, finally, communicate with their friends and classmates.

Big change in universities and colleges

Higher and secondary educational institutions are essentially the same school, but much more high level. Here, for the most part, almost adults study quite consciously and for themselves. They sit for hours in pairs, each of which lasts an hour and a half. There is a five-minute break in the middle of the couple, but it usually goes unnoticed. Lectures alternate with seminars and practical classes. There can be six to eight such pairs a day. Sometimes the brain simply “explodes” from the huge amount of information. Meanwhile, students are also people and nothing human is alien to them. In ten minutes between couples you can hardly have time to run and relax. Therefore, a big change is also vitally needed in universities and colleges. It is usually placed after the second pair and coincides in time with the generally accepted lunch break. She occupies the majority educational institutions forty minutes. This is quite enough to have a snack and exchange the latest news of student life with fellow students.

So, regardless of the age of the students, everyone needs a big change. It allows you to relax a little and visit the land of knowledge with renewed vigor. And she doesn’t let you forget that you are human. And people need food not only for the mind, but also for the body.

Our first break will last ten minutes. Then there will be two more breaks: between lessons for 30 and 10 minutes. Just 50 minutes. Is there a problem in pedagogy with changes between lessons? No, it doesn't exist. It does not exist in school practice either. I have never heard of teachers seriously thinking about organizing these small periods of time between lessons. Maybe because there is no problem here? Like, you just need to make sure that children don’t run around, don’t spoil something, don’t fight, don’t trip each other up, and that boys don’t hurt girls?

A school guard with a red bandage is standing in the corridor. right hand and keeps order. And children do not risk incurring the wrath of adults and refrain from playing noisy games.

And adults will say that they have exemplary order and strict discipline at school. But they won’t say that all this is a formality in education, that if there were no attendants with red bands, the children would immediately find a creative use for their energy. After all, they, children, need to do something during recess, and not just walk along the corridors. But if there is nothing around that will help the child spend his physical energy in a more interesting way and satisfy his cognitive desire? Then, please, do not be offended if children skillfully begin to disguise their pranks, maintaining the appearance of complete order.

We like to say: "conscious discipline"... What does that mean? That children with full understanding social demands curb your energy? And despite the fact that they acquire this understanding through our notations - what is good and what is bad? Maybe it is necessary for children to have a good idea of ​​the punishability of pranks and to be afraid of it? These “bridges” of consciousness really save children from inevitable defeats. And, of course, there are situations in which strict prohibitions are simply necessary. But what to do if the need is stronger than consciousness, if the child cannot and does not want to be quiet, calm, and cannot help but play pranks?

It would be impossible to build real pedagogy if there were no children's pranks, if there were no mischief-makers. They provide food for pedagogical thought to move forward and for educators to be constantly concerned about the need to think creatively, show innovation, and pedagogical daring. What a bore it is for a teacher to deal with children who have the consciousness and behavior of wise people. life experience adults! I would first incite such children to play pranks, to become restless, and then I would begin the search for a pedagogy of personality. After all, why do we rebel so much against children's pranks? Why do adults tend to see them as something like a crime and accept them as violations of conscious discipline? It seems to me because we still don’t know what a prank is and who these pranksters are. With what interest I would read books about the psychology of naughty people and pranks, but where are they?

The pranks of children disturb our peace of mind and create problems in upbringing that we are sometimes unable to resolve through pedagogical means.

Scamps are smart, witty children who know how to use their abilities in any unexpected conditions and cause adults to feel the need to reassess situations and relationships...

Naughty children are cheerful children: they help others to be playful, active, and able to defend themselves...

Naughty children are children with strong tendencies towards self-development and self-propulsion; they make up for the mistakes of teachers in the development of their individual abilities...

Naughty children are children with humor, they see the funny in the most serious things, they know how to drive careless people into situations that are unusual for them and love to make fun of them; they give good mood and laughter not only to ourselves, but also to others who feel humor...

Naughty children are sociable children, because they perform every prank in communication with everyone who deserves to be a participant in their pranks...

Scamps are active dreamers striving for independent knowledge and transformation of reality...

Naughty people are the teacher’s thought, the object of pedagogy.

Naughty people can be punished, but they need to be encouraged.

What should these rascals, these active dreamers, do during school breaks in the classroom or school hallways? Read wall newspapers that no one has changed for a month (or maybe more)? Why do they need these boring newspapers? Maybe walk along the corridors and look hundreds of times at slogans and posters, stands and shop windows? Do you endlessly look at portraits of prominent writers and scientists and dream of becoming just like them? It must be easier for us to understand that a child is not subject to poster pedagogy than for the child himself to understand the need to be consciously disciplined.

Playfulness is a valuable quality of a child, you just need to manage it. I established for myself long ago that

The essence of child discipline is not to suppress pranks, but to transform them. There is no need to demand from children what we could not instill in them with the help of our pedagogy.

How can we ensure that children's pranks are transformed and not suppressed? How to do this during breaks? After all, it was at this time internal forces uncontrolled fermentation begins and the child feels the tremors of their free eruption. This is how I get complicated pedagogical problem school breaks and school discipline. Although it has not been resolved by me and, in all likelihood, will not be resolved, I can still be calmer this time than perhaps some of my colleagues. I am calm because I know what my children will definitely do.

Several girls have found jump ropes on the rack, and from the corridor I can hear the rhythmic sound of their jumping and ringing laughter.

There were funny pictures hanging on the wall in the corridor, around which several children had gathered.

We also have a large - two meters long - sheet of clean thick paper hanging there. It is surrounded by a frame of flat sticks, like a painting. On the top it says: “Draw whatever you want!” Nearby lie sharpened colored pencils. I am sure that 4 - 5 children are already painting the fruits of their imagination on it.

There is a long board, colored crayons lie nearby, and a towel hangs. Some of them probably already got their hands and faces dirty.

There are posters posted on which are written in large letters different words, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles, numbers. Some children will definitely try to read them.

All this is at the level of children’s growth, so that it is convenient for them to look at, read, and draw.

On four small tables, with chairs attached, there are books with color illustrations, children's magazines, mathematical lotto, sets building material, checkers and even chess.

There is a set of skittles on the windowsill. I hear a noise - these are children striking the even formation of plastic figures.

Not now, but later the children will discover a bow in the classroom, and then shooting competitions will be organized with my participation.

I want to attach a Swedish ladder to one wall in the hallway and lay a sports mattress on the floor. This will be joy for the children!..

And I will change all this from time to time as the children grow up and move to the next grade. And also depending on one’s own ability to fantasize and... (don’t be surprised, I beg you!) to play pranks, because my intuitive feeling leads me to the idea that the teacher himself must be able to play pranks in order to understand the pedagogy of transforming the pranks of his children.

Children are active beings, active dreamers striving for transformation. And if this is so, then an organized environment should be created for them, only not one that shakes a finger at them, reminds them of the consequences, reads morals, but one that organizes and directs their activities.

We must see ourselves in children in order to help them become adults; you need to accept them as a repetition of your childhood in order to improve yourself; Finally, one must live the life of children in order to be a humane teacher.

I write math exercises on the board. Several children surrounded me and watched with curiosity what I was doing.

Uncle, what are you writing?

He is not an uncle, but a teacher...

Why do you write with multi-colored chalk?

Would you like to tell me why I laughed?

Kote. When I was little...

Eka. You are still small...

Kote. Wait... When I was very little, I grabbed the tablecloth and carried it around the room with me, the table was set, and I knocked everything onto the floor...

NATO. What's funny about that?..

Tamriko. This is a stupid move...

Kote. Why, I didn’t know what I was doing!

NATO. They would spank me, and then I would find out...

Niko: Do ​​you know what happened to me when I was little? They left me at home alone and told me not to open the door to anyone. And suddenly I hear: someone is knocking. I was so scared, I started screaming: “Help, help!”, and then they started knocking even harder, and I screamed more and more: “Help!” Neighbors came running and shouted to me: “Open up, don’t be afraid, your sister has come from school!..” Then I laughed a lot!

I laugh, and the Children around me laugh: “This is really funny!”

Dato. When I was two years old, my mother wanted to send me to kindergarten, but I didn’t want to go there, so I ran to hide and tumbled down the stairs...

Georgy. When I was little, my dad took me to kindergarten. We were playing, and the children fought with each other, and I hid in the closet.

Gotcha. You are a coward and that is why you hid.

Elena. And when I was little...

Irakli. When I was little...

The children are already interrupting each other. And I’m just now noticing that each of them begins their story like this: “When I was little...”, “When I was little...”. This means that they no longer consider themselves small. And this is because we went to the preparatory class of the school! Maybe I need me to reinforce this confidence in them, this feeling of growing up?

The bell for class is coming soon. I need to see what those children who did not stay with me in class are doing. But what is it? Parents, who today play the role of voluntary watchdogs, do not allow their children to draw on a sheet of paper attached to the wall, and forbid them to touch funny pictures, someone is taking away the children's skittles! The family experience of pacifying children invades the school corridor, disrupting all our plans. I remember the words once said by a teacher primary classes: “The upbringing of children must begin with the upbringing of parents.” And I decide to hold the first parent meeting today.

The total duration of recess over four years of study is approximately 39,100 minutes. These minutes are not to be trifled with, because if you add them up, they amount to about 160 normal school days.

The bell rings, melodic and electric.

Children, please come into class! Boys, remember that you are men!