In order to solve this problem. Problem Solving

Fragment from the book by Richard Newton. From words to action! 9 steps to making your dreams come true. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014.

With this book, you will draw up an action plan, create a visual diagram of achieving your goal, breaking the difficult path into clear, short and implementable stages, and begin to systematically move towards your dream, be it your own business, new profession or professional skills in playing a musical instrument.

Problem solving - part everyday life. And you have to be prepared for them, especially when you're working towards achieving a big dream. The more ambitious and complex it is, the more often you will encounter difficulties, and serious ones at that. As your ambitions grow, you will become increasingly dependent on your ability to confront circumstances and learn from your mistakes.

Fortunately, insurmountable problems are extremely rare. And many of them can be considered far-fetched, since we create them ourselves when we start to panic and lose control of ourselves. When faced with a problem, we sometimes don't give ourselves enough time to think about why it's happening and possible ways changes in the situation. And most importantly, we don’t draw conclusions and don’t learn.

Not giving up and working hard to achieve your dreams requires both courage and a willingness to put in serious effort. In this chapter we will try to help you understand that problems are nothing special, they can be solved in one way or another. We'd like you to treat them as normal, so we'll show you how to draw conclusions and learn. By following our advice, you will significantly increase your chances of success and learn to take into account your own experience.

Sources of problems

Challenges are obstacles and difficulties that must be overcome in order to achieve a goal. As a rule, they arise from various reasons and are often the result of our own mistakes and failures. There are several factors that usually lead to problems. To identify them as early as possible, we advise you to regularly ask yourself the questions listed below.

  • Am I really busy? necessary thing and get the result? There is no point in deceiving yourself by evaluating your work unreasonably positively. Do you see real, measurable results from the work you undertake? Very often we do not achieve our goals and encounter problems because we are not fully immersed in our work. But if you allow yourself to be lazy and indulge your weaknesses, you are unlikely to make serious progress towards your dream, and problems cannot be avoided either.
  • Do I understand what resources will be needed to take the next step?

When we start working on our dreams, we don’t have a complete idea of ​​what exactly we will need along the way. Therefore, you should constantly ask yourself what resources will be needed in the next step. Most often we miss some details at the very beginning - and it is important that everything you need is at hand at the right time, and not sometime later.

  • Do the people who help me and work with me understand well what needs to be done, what we have already achieved and how the situation has changed? Almost always, the weakest link in a project is communication between participants. For some reason we think that those around us completely understand us, although often we don’t even give them complete information about what we expect from them. In our opinion, they know the same thing as we do, therefore, in general, everything is known and understandable. We believe that colleagues and partners know how the situation is changing and what needs to be done in the new conditions. It is very, very important to check and double-check that everyone knows and understands everything, especially if you feel that communication between participants is poor. This way you can avoid at least some problems. The fewer assumptions you make, the better the information will be conveyed about what is truly important and relevant.
  • Am I developing paranoia? Some people think too much about what might happen. Sometimes we want to avoid failure or mistakes so badly that the thought of it completely paralyzes us. And in general, if you think a lot about potential troubles, you can provoke problems that would not have arisen with a more calm attitude to what is happening. Fear of failure often prevents you from giving your best to your dreams. So don’t allow yourself to worry too much and think about possible difficulties, better work harder!

How to avoid problems

One simple and effective problem-solving technique can help you avoid many of them. From time to time, be sure to ask yourself two questions that we have already discussed earlier in this book.

  1. What is most likely to go wrong, and what can you do to avoid it?
  2. What can improve your chances of success?

Whenever you achieve significant results and add new data to the map, ask yourself these questions, remembering to take into account the real situation, changes that have occurred in your project since work on it began, as well as potential changes. The further you move along the path to your dream, the more detailed you will be able to answer these questions, because you will begin to better understand what else is needed in order to make your dream come true, what techniques work more effectively and where failure may lie in wait.

In addition, the experience you gain will help you spot new opportunities and increase your chances of success. Use them to avoid some problems. You will become more confident as you gain new experiences.

How to solve the problem

The main thing in solving a problem is to understand what it is and not give in to fears and anxiety. There's nothing worse than panicking and trying to change something you don't fully understand. This way you can ruin everything without finding any solution. We offer you some tips that will help you overcome many difficulties that arise during your work.

  • If you feel like you are overreacting to an incident, try to calm down. What can help here? Go somewhere where you can relax, treat yourself to something nice, take a walk or something similar.
  • Try to explain to someone you trust what happened. After discussing the problem, you will not only calm down, but you will also immediately discover some mistakes that you would not notice if you began to dialogue with yourself. Describe the chronology of events as accurately as possible. Do not miss any details, even minor ones, and most importantly, listen to the questions and comments of your interlocutor.
  • If you are working on a team, be sure to discuss what happened with everyone on the team. Listen carefully to their point of view in order to compare with your considerations, pay attention to discrepancies in assessments. During such conversations, the cause of the problem is easily identified.
  • When starting work, you probably made various assumptions and assumptions. Be sure to check that they are correct, especially for those parts of the plan where you experienced failure. We all tend to make assumptions without checking their truth. Troubles most often arise because we start from the wrong premises at the very beginning of our work.
  • Having dealt with what is happening, do not rush to blame yourself or someone else for the failure. Finding someone to blame is unlikely to help find a constructive way out of a difficult situation. Direct all your efforts to get the most positive result possible in the current situation. Think about the best way to move forward and solve the problem quickly.
  • Take the time to discuss everything with your team, internalize the lessons learned, and draw conclusions from them. What can I do to avoid this in the future? Don't assume that everyone, including you, will come to the right conclusion if you don't at least discuss what happened. The more concerned you are about a problem, the more important it is to draw conclusions and discuss them with your team.

Give up everything that doesn't work

Successful people know how to quickly figure out what doesn’t work and give up on an unsuccessful idea in time. Teachers and parents probably warned you how important it is to be able to quit a hopeless business - as long as you don't give up on your dream. Change the wrong tactics, give up the wrong path, but don’t give up on your dreams. Every day we make mistakes, as a result of which we understand what is effective and what is not. Mistakes, to a much greater extent than successes, help humanity develop.

As you work to achieve your dreams, prepare for the fact that everyone involved in the project will make mistakes. If you learn quickly, adjust your tactics and begin to move forward more successfully, mistakes will turn out to be positive for you. To be defeated once does not mean to fail completely. But the inability to take into account negative experiences and change behavior certainly leads to failure.

It is also important to pay attention to what problems you usually encounter. Suppose that from time to time you use the wrong tactics, but have not yet realized this and, accordingly, have not drawn any conclusions. If you feel like the same problem is happening over and over again, or if you see a pattern in a series of troubles, then you haven't noticed or realized the repeating mistakes. If so, try to apply the problem-solving techniques we recommend and reflect on how you approach things in general. Talk to other people and, as soon as you understand what you are doing wrong, stop doing it. As Albert Einstein said, “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a new result is insanity.”

Don't be afraid to change your approach to work and see what happens. Most often, no radical changes are required: small improvements lead to great results and increase the chances of success.

Don't give up on your dream

Don't give up on your dream just because you're faced with a problem and don't know what to do now. Be patient, both with yourself and with others. Give yourself time to understand what is happening. Jonas Salk* said: “There is no such thing as failure, only a lack of perseverance.”

*Jonas Salk (1914–1995) - American researcher, virologist; known as the developer of the first polio vaccine. Note ed.

As you work towards your dream and learn more, you will begin to have a better idea of ​​the outcome and a clearer vision of how to achieve your goal. We strongly advise you to adjust your map whenever you learn something new and important. Refining your map and defining your dream more clearly is great practice. But giving up a dream halfway is no good. By doing this, you will only increase your own fears, undermine your self-confidence, and then it will become more difficult to develop. The more often you give up on your goals, the less likely it is that you will be able to achieve any of what you dream of.

How do I know if I'm doing everything right?

You can understand that everything is going as it should, that you are persistent enough and are successfully coping with problems:

  • You talk calmly about the problems you face. When you are calm, you work through a problem from a rational rather than an emotional perspective and are more likely to find the optimal solution.
  • You don't lose your sense of humor. If you are still able to laugh at your own mistakes, this means that you have accepted them, drawn conclusions and moved on.
  • You are well aware of what you need to do differently now to avoid problems like the one you just encountered. You can't wait to continue working on making your dreams come true.
  • As problems arise, you feel more confident and you no longer doubt that you will cope with them.
  • The same problem doesn't happen over and over again. Even if difficulties appear, they can be considered new.
See also: What's your problem? © R. Newton. From words to action! 9 steps to making your dreams come true. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014.
© Published with permission from the publisher

In this article you will learn about one of the most powerful techniques for fulfilling desires, “Glass of Water.” You can also use it to find the answer to any question. Water is a powerful information carrier and a transmission link from your subconscious to your consciousness.

Today I will introduce you to another technique, it is called “Glass of Water”. This technique hides enormous possibilities. Now that we already understand something about the power of the subconscious and have already learned something about amazing properties water, we are able to understand and appreciate the full power and effectiveness of this practice by testing it on ourselves.

When to use the “Glass of Water” technique

  • For example, when you are struggling to solve a problem and just can’t find the answer.
  • Or when you experience acute pain (physical or mental).
  • Or when you are faced with a difficult dilemma.
  • Or when someone (or something) has thrown you off balance.
  • Or to find lost things.
  • When you want to finally get what you have been dreaming about for a long time.

Yes, there are many more different cases and situations in which the “Glass of Water” technique can help perfectly. Like all the other techniques already presented, it also affects the hormonal system. This effect is produced through the generation of special energy - mental.

Important condition: the technique is performed immediately before bedtime. But there is an exception - this is a loss of emotional balance. In these cases, you do not need to wait until you go to bed, but should perform the technique at this moment.

How to perform the Glass of Water technique

  • First, formulate your problem. Don’t run wild with your thoughts – be brief. Moreover, do not go into details, do not overload the wording. For example, if your problem is feeling unwell, then say so: they say, I don’t feel well. Or if you are in a financial crisis, then don’t flaunt it either, just formulate it like this: “Right now I don’t have enough money,” and you can add what exactly.
  • When you have mastered the formulation of your problem, you need to formulate a task. There is no need to invent it - just remember, it is the same for all cases: “you need to find a solution.”
  • Then take a blank sheet of paper(small, for example from a notepad). And write down both: the formulation of the problem and the text of the task– let it turn out to be a single text, which you will begin to pronounce out loud when performing the technique.
  • Then pour drinking water into a glass(give preference to a glass made of transparent and colorless glass).
  • Add a few drops of pure lemon juice to the water and mix thoroughly.
  • Take the glass in your hands, holding it with four fingers: index fingers and thumbs.
  • Then close your eyes and say the text out loud from memory, which you have prepared (problem statement + task).
  • Then mentally add the delegation phrase: “This is enough for me to solve my problem.”
  • And slowly, with gusto(possible with stops), in Drink exactly half of all the water in the glass. However, it’s okay if you drink a little more than half – no accounting precision is required here.
  • Important! While you drink water, there should be nothing in your thoughts except the delegation phrase: Recite it in your mind as you take sips.
  • Cover the glass with the other half of water with the piece of paper on which you wrote the text of the problem and task, and Place it next to your bed, at the head of the bed.
  • In the morning, drink the remaining half of the water - and also with one single thought. This one: “Thank you!”
  • Mentally say this word until you drink all the water.
  • You can throw away the note with the note.- with the understanding that he did his job.

Because Be careful over the next 3 days so as not to miss the decision(three days is, of course, a suspended sentence). The solution may dawn on you already on the first night, but 3 days is usually the deadline: that is, during this period of time the decision arrives.

Please keep in mind: there will be no miracles. Solutions are usually so simple that they are sometimes brushed aside and not taken seriously. Don’t succumb to this risk - don’t expect anything “special” or fancy. Remember: for every problem you have, there is a simple solution. And it's always the best.

How does this work

You know that water is a sensitive, finely tuned store of information? And it is already known that, hearing this or that information, it changes its structure. And this is also no secret to anyone: the lemon juice you add to water is an acid and it turns the water into an electrolyte(more precisely, it noticeably enhances electrical conductivity water). The operation of electrolyte batteries is based on this principle.

When you speak your text(problem statement + task), water accepts this information and adjusts its structure to it- that is becomes the physical equivalent of spoken words. When you mentally send a delegation phrase, you transmit a very specific electrical impulse (energy) to the water.

When you close your fingers on a glass, you close this energy - you do not allow it to dissipate.

And when you drink water, you direct energy saturated with specific information into the body. This is a matrix - a request program (it is also called an intent).

And since you think not only with your brain (as is commonly believed), but with every cell, this is what happens: you are completely, with every cell of yours, saturated with the energy of intention - to find a solution to your problem. The energy of intention is a very powerful energy that will not calm down until it connects the energy of the problem with the energy of its solution.

Why divide the water into 2 servings?

This is a ritual action that you address to your subconscious– after all, it is to him that the energy of intention turns, namely a request is transmitted to the subconscious: the first is to find a solution, and the second is to provide a solution to the problem.

Therefore, the night portion is a request to find a solution, and the morning portion is a request to provide a solution. And - most importantly - an announcement of your readiness to accept it.

This is exactly why you say “thank you” in your thoughts - to let your subconscious understand that you are confident that the decision is ready. This opens you up to receiving a ready-made solution.

Why is the technique performed at night?

And so that you don’t make noise, you don’t create any noise with the incessant flow of your thoughts (of all kinds). In sleep, consciousness rests and does not create any noise. And the subconscious mind works without interference - and only on the task at hand.

Light and black stripes are already a real pattern of our existence. But it happens that unexpectedly a difficult and long dark stage appears, and each new day feels even worse than the previous one. Difficulties “fall” on us literally from everywhere, and we do not have time to find solutions for them. rational decisions. How to solve relationship problems, family problems, problems at work and in yourself? In other words, such moments come that you understand that effective psychotherapy is needed, because we only learning to solve problems.

If you now think that the situation is overly complicated and your condition is unstable or frankly unimportant, consultation with a psychologist is necessary. And in general, the time has come to stop feeling sorry for yourself and begin effective actions that will help restore the lost idyll of mental life. After all !

How can this be done?

Rule 1: Seek support from friends and family.

Never try to solve everything alone; together, find the right solution faster and easier. In addition, the very awareness of outside help will give you energy and put you in a constructive mood. If you have stopped navigating own life because of difficulties, say “stop” and seek support from your friends or from. Psychologist is person who solves problems, that’s his job. Maybe it's time to stop self-medicating and trust a professional?

Law 2: Calm down.

Remember: the more upset and fussed you are, the more difficult it is, as a rule, to find the right solution. Moreover, negative feelings tend to attract only negative thoughts. Try to abstract yourself from problems, leave them unresolved for a short time, just cool down. Don't forget: .

Rule 3: Don't bring difficulties at work into your family life.

On personal life Your everyday difficulties of a work nature should ideally not be reflected. Adopt such a law, when leaving work, “switch” to something else, we learning to solve problems work-related in the workplace!

Rule 4: Don't try to solve all problems at once.

A common mistake made by some is the desire to waste all their energy on solving all problems at the same time. As a rule, as a result, a person cannot really solve a single problem properly. Teach yourself to prioritize here too. Deal with the most important and urgent problems first, and only then move on to less important and secondary ones.

Law 5: Learn to deal with stress.

The main thing is what generates the majority problem situations is stress, which is known to have a detrimental effect on our health and mood. And since we only get negative influence from “bad stress”, it is important to learn how to cope with it - this is a key skill in solving problems. The things that remove stress from our lives are the things that bring us pleasure and many positive experiences. This, for example, is reading an exciting book, picnics in nature with a fun company, traveling, playing chess, etc. If life circumstances have become very stressful lately, then it makes sense to devote more time to restoring your own strength, otherwise how can you find the right decision your difficulties?

Rule 6: Look at difficulties from a different perspective.

When you calm down and stop being nervous, return to the problems that bother you and try to evaluate and analyze them rationally, without unnecessary worries. You are just learning to solve problems (like every person on Earth), but it is very possible that now they will no longer seem completely unbearable to you. Often life’s difficulties seem unbearable to us precisely because there are too many of them and they all require immediate action; this unsettles a person into a state of stress in which it is difficult to act.

Set aside difficulties as something short-lived that will certainly be overcome. And finally, sign up for a consultation with a psychologist.

Who is he - a problem solver?

This is a psychologist or psychotherapist, a professional whose job is to help other people solve problems and difficulties. This is not only his bread, but also a significant part of the meaning of his life, if, of course, this psychologist loves his work. And don’t think that a psychologist at work is only engaged in “pleasant chatting” and “drinking tea.” In fact good job psychologist is recognized as one of the most difficult professional areas in which the specialist has to:

A) be constantly attentive and focused on the client’s situation and speech;

b) act as a psychodiagnostician, analyst and strategist at the same time;

V) overcome significant obstacles from your own unconscious, which strives to throw up a couple of good memories of “how I had something similar in my life...”.

Therefore, non-professionals do not stay long in psychological counseling - it is too difficult. It is more difficult than it seems to the unenlightened at first glance.

What makes a problem unsolvable?

A problem looks unsolvable when a person 1) does not know how to solve it 2) knows, but cannot.

Let's deal with the first point first.

A person does not know how to solve a problem, does not see a solution.

This is the most difficult, nervous and unpleasant state. When you already know, but can’t, it’s easier, it’s clear what to do, the task is to gather your strength. And not knowing how, a person rushes about and looks for someone who could help him see these paths. He goes to friends, looks for an answer on the Internet, and makes an appointment with a psychologist.

I have already given a universal recipe on how to discover ways to solve any problem. To do this, when considering this problem, it is enough to change the external locus to the internal one.

The explanation for this miracle is simple. A person does not know “how” when the description of the problem is beyond the boundaries of his influence. Once you place the problem within your own boundaries, a solution will appear.

Look again at examples of how the locus changes and problems are reformulated.

Problem: “the woman I love doesn’t love me.”

This problem is unsolvable because its solution is beyond the limits of human influence, we're talking about about what another person does or does not do, in this case - does not love.

How can we reformulate this problem by changing the locus?

There are several options. “I worry because a woman doesn’t love me” - and then the problem is worry. You can work with feelings, you can work with suffering self-esteem, bitterness and fear of the collapse of relationships. “It seems to me that they don’t love me” - and then the problem is to figure out whether they love me. Although in the latter case it is important to understand why you need to understand? What will he do with this knowledge? Will he leave and try to restore balance? If it’s the first, it makes sense to find out, but if it’s the second, you can work on balance without this knowledge.

There are more or less general formulation for such problems, for which you need to understand the concept of imbalance: “I am at a disadvantage in this relationship” - and then the problem is your own disadvantage, you can work with it. This work is about reducing your dependence on a person and forming your persona in his field, more significant than it is now. The second is the opportunity to even go beyond the boundaries a little while remaining in the internal locus (from the point of view of psychology this is “magic”, but it has scientific explanation, that is, it does not concern anything supernatural).

The internal locus is a spacesuit that allows you to go into any airless space and visit alien planets. Within the limits of one’s own planet (its own borders) the locus is already internal, the spacesuit is replaced by the atmosphere.

Let's look at another problem: loss of a job (any loss of anything or anyone, even a wife)

In the internal locus, this problem will look like “worries about loss” and (or) “search for a replacement.” You can work with both problems, and even both at once. There's just nothing you can do about losing your job. The job has already been lost, this is beyond human influence. But a person can do something with his experiences: he must find ways to switch, compensate, console, cope with the trauma inflicted on him (raise self-esteem, restore his integrity, renew his defenses, and so on)

By the way, about injury. Having a problem with trauma, it is very important to again stay in the internal locus. The injury has already been caused (or so it seems, it doesn’t matter), you can’t go back, the task is to remove all the negative consequences and recover. (Or you need to formulate the problem not as “my injury”, but differently, for example, “the fight for the rights of other injured people”). When treating trauma, “revenge” or “forgiveness” are different ways to restore internal integrity, it is important to find the method that will be most effective, but do not forget about the future. Some people believe that without revenge, integrity cannot be restored, but this is not always the case. Some are sure that if you try to take revenge, you will always lose more. This is not always the case either. It is important to consider your situation and carefully understand why you want revenge, what exactly it will restore or not restore, very often this gives only the illusion of restoring “justice” and “self-respect,” but sometimes not only an illusion, and then the only question is finding adequate ways.

But this is a separate topic, and if everyone is very interested in it, I will tell you in more detail later.

The locus always needs to be shifted, even when it seems impossible to shift it inward. There is always at least part of the problem that can be shifted within one's own boundaries. Everything that is beyond the borders is unsolvable, inaccessible, and does not deserve long-term attention, since nothing can be done.

Of course, knowing the solution is still very little to solve the problem. There must still be strength. That’s why I wrote at the beginning of the post that the problem is unsolvable when a person does not know how, or knows, but cannot. To find means to solve a problem that is located in the internal locus, that is, within one’s own influence, it is important to understand what is blocking the forces. As a rule, this is either 1) frustration (apathy), or 2) fear, aka uncertainty.

I will tell you how to overcome or cheat frustration and how to cope with fear and self-doubt to solve a problem.

In the meantime, there are problems for you on the topic “changing an external locus to an internal one.”

Reframe the following problems so that the locus changes from external to internal. There may be not one wording, but several.

1. “My colleague is annoying me with stupid conversations at work.”

2. “Mother constantly interferes with unnecessary advice”

3. “The child does not want to do his homework”

4. “My husband gets offended because sex is too infrequent and boring”

5. “Nothing interesting happens in life.”

6. “My wife is constantly nagging about money.”

7. “The boss is a fool”

Method 1. Clearly formulate the essence of the task.
Just as a correctly posed question can be considered half the answer, so a clearly formulated problem can be considered half solved. And when you strain your brains to look differently at the situation that worries you, to rethink it, and try to clearly define it all, a new understanding arises within you. And in life, new opportunities open up for you.

Method 2. Step back and look from the outside.
Very often, people react vividly and emotionally to any difficulties, experiencing fear, anger, resentment and other strong negative feelings. All this does not allow us to correctly see the situation, consider the opening prospects and evaluate them. Imagine yourself as a spectator in a circus, in the arena of which a performance based on your situation is being performed. So, from the outside, you will be able to see more opportunities.

Method 3. Simplify the problem.
People tend to complicate things and situations, look for complicated ways and complex solutions. The easy path is considered unworthy of a strong person: “I’d rather go up a mountain than go around it.” In fact, life is simple. And the simpler something happens, the more correct and better it is. The simplest solution is often the best.

Method 4. Focus on the solution.
What you focus on will attract into your life. Focusing on difficulties will only make the situation worse and increase your anxiety. And everything will seem much more complicated to you than it really is. If you believe that a solution exists and focus all your attention on finding ways to solve it, then your problem will always be solved. Our Subconscious can find a solution itself and give a ready answer.

Method 5. Find the information you need.
Often a problem seems overwhelming only because a person does not have any specific knowledge. Then you need to look around carefully and understand what else you need to know or what else you need to learn in order to solve this difficulty. If you can't clearly articulate your problem, this solution is often the best thing you can do.

Method 6. Find an expert.
If you get necessary knowledge is not possible or deadlines are running out, then the best option would be to find an expert on this issue. It is very rare that a person faces difficulties that no one else has encountered before. Most likely, your situation has already been resolved by someone. And not just once. Just find these people.

Method 7. Use brainstorming.
Brainstorming is the best way searching for solutions. It’s good to involve your friends or the same experts for this. The more new ideas are generated, the greater the chance of finding the right solution. Don't discard anything right away. Collect everything and analyze it well.

— How to quickly find a solution to a problem.

1) Decision tree.
Decision support tool. It is most often used in data analysis and statistics, but can also be used in everyday life. A decision tree has a "trunk", "branches" and "leaves". The trunk is the problem, the branches display its attributes, and the leaves represent its meaning. Among the advantages of the method, one should highlight the ease of its understanding and interpretation, the absence of the need for data preparation, the ability to work with intervals and categories, the ability to evaluate using static tests, reliability and the ability to process large flows of information without preparatory procedures.

2) "Wheel" method.
Allows you to relatively quickly find a solution to a problem and evaluate it. It consists of eight steps: first, the problem situation is described in all details, then specific facts are searched for and missing information is established, after which the problem is formulated in a positive way. Next, a brainstorming session is carried out to create a field of ideas for solving the problem, the found options are assessed for realism, a scenario for practical implementation is thought through, and a detailed action plan is drawn up. On last stage actions are performed, after which their effectiveness is assessed.

3) "Three chests" method.
Designed to help you find solutions to problems even faster. In the process, you need to fill three “chests” with information. The first contains answers to the question: “What negative consequences await us if we follow this path?” To fill the second is estimated real threat risks contained in the first chest. The third chest is filled with possible “antidotes” to the threats of the second chest, which are found by brainstorming. As a result, solutions are found, implemented in practice and evaluated.

4)Method of successive approximations.
It's essentially trial and error. It is preferable to use it when there is little information on the problem. The point is that solutions are consistently put forward and considered. Unsuccessful ideas are discarded, and new ones are proposed in their place and tested again. There are no special rules for searching and evaluating here - everything is decided subjectively, and the effectiveness of the method depends on how well people (or a person) understand the issue, problem solving. When using the method, it is important to take into account the element of chance.

5) Bush's Matrix of Ideas.
This is a method of analyzing problem situations and determining the field for finding solutions. To implement it, you need to build a matrix of bilateral relations, for which you need to answer the questions: “What?”, “Who?”, “Where?”, “How?”, “Why?”, “With what?” and “When?” By answering them, a person receives all the information about the problem. If you combine questions, you can get a great heuristic hint for a solution.

The most popular solution search tool used ordinary people and specialists around the world. The meaning of the matrix is ​​to teach a person to optimally distribute the load, distinguish between the important and the urgent, and reduce time for meaningless activities. The matrix consists of four quadrants with two axes - importance and urgency. Cases and tasks are entered into each of them, and as a result, a person receives an objective picture of priority tasks.

7) Descartes square.
A very simple decision-making technique that takes very little time to apply. The technique helps to identify the main selection criteria and assess the consequences of decisions made. To use the technique, you need to draw a square and divide it into four parts. In each part the question is written: “What will happen if this happens?”, “What will happen if this does not happen?”, “What will not happen if this happens?” and “What won’t happen if this doesn’t happen?” These questions are observation points for the problem. It is from these positions that it needs to be considered. Having answered all the questions, a person receives an objective picture of the state of affairs and the opportunity to assess the prospects.

- Everything will work out if...

1) Collect enough information about the essence of the problem;

2) Analyze the information;

3) Develop as many options for solving the problem as possible;

4) Properly weigh your options regarding cost, availability and time;

5) Weigh all the pros and cons;

6) Consider all the possibilities and likelihood of success;

7) Be sure that this is the solution to the problem.

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