Curriculum 38.02 06 finance. Finance

The training program for mid-level specialists (hereinafter referred to as PPSSZ) in specialty 02/38/06 “Finance”, implemented by the state budgetary professional educational institution Arkhangelsk region "Arkhangelsk Financial and Industrial College" (hereinafter referred to as the College) is a set of normative and methodological documentation regulating the content, organization and assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates in the specialty.

PPSSZ includes: curriculum, work programs of academic disciplines, professional modules, practices, academic calendar and funds valuation means.

The regulatory legal basis for the development of the PPSP is:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in Russian Federation» dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ;

Regulations on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2013 No. 291;

Procedure for organization and implementation educational activities for educational programs of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013 No. 464;

The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 16, 2013 No. 968;

Federal State educational standard secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education) in specialty 38.02.06 “Finance”, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2014 No. 836;

Professional standard “Accountant”, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2014 No. 1061n,

Charter of GBPOU JSC "Arkhangelsk Financial and Industrial College";

Regulations “On current monitoring and assessment of the level of mastery of disciplines and competencies of students” dated October 29, 2015 No. 3;

Regulation "About intermediate certification students" dated October 29, 2015 No. 2;

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 2010 No. 12-696 “On clarifications on the formation of the curriculum for OPOP NPO/SPO.”

2. CRoles of mastering the program and assigned qualifications

The standard period for mastering basic training in the specialty at full-time secondary education general education is 1 year 10 months.

Duration of mastering PPSSZ basic training at by correspondence training on the basis of secondary general education is 2 years 10 months.

The assigned qualification is financier.

3. Areas and objects professional activity

Area of ​​professional activity of graduates: organization and implementation of activities of financial, economic planning and tax services of organizations of various organizational and legal forms, financial and economic services of bodies state power And local government.

4.2. Objects of professional activity of graduates:

Financial transactions carried out by organizations of various organizational and legal forms, state authorities and local governments;

Property and obligations of organizations, state authorities and local self-government;

Financial and economic information;

Financial reporting.

4. Types of professional activities and competencies

VPD code, PC


Financial and economic planning in the public sector and municipal government and organization of execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation.

Calculate indicators of draft budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation

Ensure the execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation.

Exercise control over transactions with budget funds of the budget system of the Russian Federation

Draw up budget estimates for government institutions and plans for the financial and economic activities of budgetary and autonomous institutions

Conducting settlements with the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation

Determine the tax base for calculating taxes and fees to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation

Ensure timely and complete fulfillment of obligations to pay taxes, fees and other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation

Participate in tax planning activities in organizations

Participation in financial management of organizations and financial transactions.

Participate in the management of the organization's financial resources

Draw up financial plans for the organization

Participate in the development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of the organization

Ensure the implementation of financial relationships with organizations, state authorities and local governments

Carrying out professional application of the rules of law governing financial activities

Carry out legally sound application of norms regulating budgetary, tax, and currency relations in the field of insurance, banking, accounting and control

Performing work in one or more worker professions, employee positions

Accept primary accounting documents for accounting

Carry out monetary measurement of accounting objects and their current grouping

Carry out a final synthesis of the facts of economic life

Code OK

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in her

Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and methods of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them

Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development

Possess information culture, analyze and evaluate information using information and communication technologies

Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers

Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks

Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development

To navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities

5. Characteristics of documents defining organization and content educational process

The organization and content of the educational process during the implementation of this PPSSZ is regulated by the curriculum, academic calendar, work programs of academic disciplines (modules), practices; funds of assessment tools that ensure quality control of training.

The curriculum was developed by the college based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 2010 No. 12-696 “On clarifications on the formation of the curriculum for OPOP NPO/SPO.”

The academic calendar is a summary of theoretical training and practice, the distribution of exams for all major professional educational programs implemented by the college in the current academic year. The schedule is drawn up for each academic year.

The work programs of academic disciplines (modules, practices) were developed by teachers (practice managers) based on the recommendations of the Institute of Education and Science, reviewed at meetings of cyclic methodological commissions, and approved by the Deputy Director for Management and Management. During the implementation of the program, it is possible to make changes to the programs upon the recommendation of the methodological commission.

Assessment Funds (EFF) are intended to certify students for compliance of their personal achievements with the stage-by-stage requirements of the PPSSZ in their specialty. FOS for current control and for intermediate certification in disciplines, interdisciplinary courses, professional modules are developed by teachers independently. Requirements for the design, structure and content of the FOS have not been established.

The state final certification program, including funds of assessment tools (requirements for final qualifying works, assessment criteria) is considered in the last year of study at a meeting pedagogical council College with the participation of the chairman of the state examination commission and approved by the director.

6. Organization and conduct of practice

Industrial practice in PPSSZ is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2013 No. 291.

Industrial practice includes two stages:

Practice in the specialty profile,

Pre-graduation practice.

For each stage of practical training, a program is developed that provides students with practical experience in each type of professional activity (professional module).

Reporting documentation on the implementation of the internship program is:

Industrial practice (according to the specialty profile) - certification sheet, production characteristics, diary, practice report;

Industrial practice (pre-graduation) - certification sheet, production characteristics, diary.

7. Monitoring and evaluation of students’ achievements

Evaluation of the results of mastering the PPSSZ provides for ongoing monitoring of knowledge, intermediate and state final certification of students.

Assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates is carried out in two main directions:

  • assessment of the level of mastery of disciplines;
  • assessment of students' competencies.

Monitoring and evaluation of development results academic discipline(interdisciplinary course, practice) is carried out by the teacher in the form of current and final control.

Specific forms and procedures for ongoing knowledge monitoring, intermediate certification for each discipline, interdisciplinary course, professional module, type of practice are brought to the attention of students within the first two months from the start of training. For intermediate certification, carried out in the form of exams, a schedule is drawn up.

Forms and methods of ongoing knowledge control and intermediate certification are presented in the work programs of academic disciplines, professional modules, and practices.

The final positive assessment based on the results of practical training is issued by the internship supervisor if the results of ongoing monitoring of the implementation of the internship program are positive and when students are provided with all reporting documentation for each type and structural element of the internship, taking into account its results.

Training in professional modules ends with an exam (qualification), which is conducted by a specially created commission. To bring intermediate certification programs for students in professional modules as close as possible to the conditions of their future professional activities, the college engages employers as freelance experts.

State final certification is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the program agreed upon by the chairman of the state examination commission and approved by the director of the college.



commission of course

economic cycle

Protocol No. 1

from " " August 2016

Head of cycle


_____________/ Kovtunova O.D./

Developed on the basis of the Federal

state educational

standard for secondary specialty

vocational education

02/38/01 Economics and accounting (by industry) (basic training),approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2014 No. 832

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

_____________/ Ryzhenkova T.P./




  1. Scope of application

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the training program for mid-level specialists (PPSSZ) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty vocational education 38.02.01 Economics and accounting (by industry).

1.2. Place of the academic discipline in the structure of the training program for mid-level specialists (PPSSZ)

The academic discipline “Finance, money circulation and credit” belongs to the professional cycle of the training program for mid-level specialists.

1.3. The goals and objectives of the academic discipline are the requirements for the results of mastering the academic discipline.

As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student must be able to:

U 4 - make up comparative characteristics various securities according to the degree of profitability and risk;

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must know:

Z3 - laws of monetary circulation;

Z6 - types of monetary reforms;

Z15 - x characteristics of loans and the credit system in a market economy;

In the process of mastering the discipline, students should develop general competencies (GC):

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Master information culture, analyze and evaluate information using information and communication technologies.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

In the process of mastering the discipline, students should develop professional competencies (PC):

PC 1.3. Maintain cash accounting, process cash and cash registers


PC 2.4. Conduct inventory procedures for the organization's financial obligations.

PC 4.4. Monitor and analyze information about the property and financial position of the organization, its solvency and profitability.

1.4. Using the variable part clock (PPSSZ)

Item No.

Additional knowledge, skills

No., topic name

Number of hours

Justification for inclusion in the work program

VPK 2.5. Conduct financial analysis and count financial indicators activities of the organization, using periodicals and special publications, reference literature in the field of economics, information reference and legal systems and software products.

Section 2.

Capital Market

Mastering this professional competence allows you to increase the competitiveness of the graduate in accordance with the demands of the regional labor market,for effectiveorganizing and conducting business activities in a regional economy.

Maximum student workload 85 hours/credit units, including:

student's mandatory classroom teaching load __ 60 __ hours;

independent work of the student __ 25 _ hours;

student's practical training __ 24 __ hours.


“Finance, money circulation and credit”

2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of work

Type of educational work

Volume of hours/credits

Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)


practical exercises

Independent student work (total)


WITH .р.№1 Develop a multimedia presentation on the topic “The first paper money of Russia» 3 hours

S/r. No. 4. Compile a glossary of basic terms and definitions for all links financial system(20 terms) 3 hours.

S.r. No. 5 Prepare a report on the topic “Federal financial management bodies in the Russian Federation” 3 hours.

S.r. No. 6 Prepare an abstract message on the topic: “On the state budget for the current year” (indicate which year) 3 hours.

S.r. No. 8 Prepare an essay on the topic “Short-term and long-term lending for capital investments” 4 hours.

Total 5th semester

3 hours

3 hours

3 hours

3 hours

3 hours

3 hours

3 hours

4 hours

25 hours

Interim certification is carried out in the formtest (5th semester)

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline: “Finance, money circulation and credit”

Name of sections and topics

Hours volume

Mastery level

Section 1. Finance and financial system

Topic 1.1. Money and

money economy


  1. The essence and functions of money, monetary circulation and the monetary system

Money: its necessity and origin. Types of money. The role of money in the modern market

economy. Functions of money. The concept of money circulation. Cash and non-cash

circulation, their unity and interconnection. Law of money circulation. Money supply and

velocity of money circulation. Monetary system and its elements.

  1. Inflation and anti-inflationary policy

Inflation, its essence and forms of manifestation. Features of the inflation process in Russia.

Types and types of inflation. Forms and methods of anti-inflationary policy.

Practical lesson No. 1“Calculation and analysis of indicators related to money circulation”

Independent work:

S.r. No. 1 Develop a multimedia presentation on the topic “The first paper money of Russia» 3 hours

S.r. No. 2 Preparation of a report on the topic “The role of money in modern market economy» 3h.

S.r. No. 3 Making a presentation on the topic “Functions of money, their characteristics” 3 hours.

Topic 1.2. Finance,


politics and

financial system

  1. Socio-economic essence and functions of finance, financial policy and financial


Socio-economic essence of finance. Types of financial relations. Functions

finance. Financial resources and sources of their formation. The role of finance in expanded

reproduction. Financial policy, its objectives and content. Main directions

financial policy states in market conditions. Financial mechanism, its structure and

role in the implementation of financial policy. Financial system, its elements and their relationships.

General concept of financial management. Financial management bodies. Financial


Practical lessonNo. 2 “Calculation of estimates of income and expenses of a budgetary institution”

Independent work:

Topic 1.3.









  1. The concept of public finance, their role in the organization of the financial system

The main links (components) of public finances: state budget,

off-budget funds, state credit. State budget as a means

implementation of the financial functions of the state.

The budget system, its essence and components. Federal budget, its functions. Composition and

structure of federal budget revenues. The essence of taxes, their role in generating income

individual links of the budget system

Practical lesson No. 3"Structure Analysis state budget and sources of budget financing"

Independent work:

S/r. No. 4. Compile a glossary of basic terms and definitions for all parts of financial

systems (20 terms) 3 hours.

S.r. No. 5 – Prepare a report on the topic “Federal financial management bodies in the Russian Federation” 3 hours.

Topic 1.4. Finance


various forms of ownership

  1. Features of the formation of financial resources in organizations.

The influence of various forms of ownership on the organization of finance. Basic principles and

factors influencing the organization of finances. Features of the formation of financial

resources of organizations of various forms of ownership: finances of organizations,

operating on a commercial basis; finances of institutions and organizations,

carrying out non-commercial activities; finance public associations etc.

Practical lessonNo. 4 “Calculation of the main indicators characterizing the financial condition of the organization”

No. 5 “Calculation of profit in a commercial organization”

Independent work:

S.r. No. 6 Prepare an abstract message on the topic: “On the state budget for the current year” (indicate which year) 3 hours.

Topic 1.5.



  1. Insurance, insurance market and its structure.

Social and economic content of insurance. Participants in insurance relations. Forms

organization of an insurance fund. Types of insurance: social insurance, property

insurance, liability insurance, business risk insurance.

Insurance market and its structure. Reinsurance. Calculations in insurance business.

Practical lessonNo. 6 “Calculation of indicators determining the degree of financial risks, the amount of insurance compensation and insurance payment, damage to the policyholder”

No. 7 “Calculation of the amount of insurance compensation”

No. 8 “Calculation of the amount of insurance premium for the personal insurance system”

No. 9 “Calculation of the amount of insurance premium for the property insurance system”

Independent work:

S.r. No. 7 Preparation of a report on the topic “Characteristics of the modern insurance market in the Russian Federation” 3 hours.

Section 2.

Capital Market

Topic 2.1.

Loan capital and


  1. Credit and its functions, new types of loans

Formation of the capital market in the Russian Federation. Credit: necessity, essence, functions Credit as

form of movement of loan capital. Functions of credit. Basic forms of credit. Forms

loan accounts and lending methods. The role and boundaries of credit. Credit collateral and its

types (pledge, surety, guarantee). Assessment of the borrower's solvency. Leasing,

credit cards, mortgages. Loan interest: essence, functions, forms. Credit

system. Features and distinctive features development of credit business in Russia.

Practical lessonNo. 10 “Registration of documents for lending. Calculation of the borrower's solvency and maximum loan amount"

Independent work:

S.r. No. 8 Prepare an essay on the topic “Short-term and long-term lending for capital investments» 4 hours

Topic 2.2. Contents of educational material

Banking system


  1. Banks as centers for managing financial and credit processes in market conditions

The concept and essence of the banking system and its structure. Stages of formation of banking

systems. The role and place of the banking system in the economy, its functions and elements. Regulatory

the basis for the functioning of banks and the implementation of banking activities.

Federal laws “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia), “On Banks and

banking activities"

  1. Features of the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, its role, tasks and functions. Legal

regulation of the activities of the Central Bank. Principles of the central

jar. Central bank operations. Monetary policy of the Central Bank. Tools

monetary policy.

  1. Organization of activities of commercial banks

Characteristics of the bank as the center of the financial system. Organizational and legal forms

activities. The procedure for creation, reorganization and termination of activities. Main tasks

and functions of commercial banks. The concept of banking operations, transactions and services. Active and

passive bank operations. The contractual nature of the relationship between banks and clients.

Ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of clients.

Practical lesson№ 11 “Calculation of the amount of interest on deposits”

No. 12 “Calculation of the amount of interest on a loan”

Independent work

Topic 2.3.

Monetary system


Currency and currency relations

The monetary system as a set of economic relations associated with

functioning of the currency. Currency quotes. Exchange rate, his tools

regulation. Currency values. Currency convertibility. Currency transactions.

Foreign exchange market. Currency regulation and currency control.

Practical lesson

Independent work


Including: lectures 36 hours; pract. classes 24 hours, independent work 25 hours


3.1. Minimum logistics requirements.

The implementation of the academic discipline requires the presence study room“Finance, money circulation and credit.”

Classroom equipment:

  • seating according to the number of students;
  • teacher's workplace;
  • set educational visual aids“Finance, money circulation and credit”;
  • regulatory documents;
  • educational and methodological complex of teaching aids necessary to carry out educational program;
  • textbooks, didactic materials, handout in accordance with the educational program;
  • set typical tasks, tests, tests etc. to diagnose compliance with the requirements of the basic level of the educational standard;
  • poster material that is educational in nature: recommendations for doing homework; recommendations for preparing for various forms educational activities(workshop, seminar, course work, testing, test, interview, exam);
  • safety rules for work and behavior in the office.

Technical training aids:

Educational and practical equipment

  • Classroom board with a magnetic surface and a set of devices for fastening tables;
  • A set of tools for working at the board.

Technical means

  • Projector;
  • Laptop with Internet connection;
  • Slides on course topics.

3.2. Information support for training.

Regulatory sources:

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

2. Constitution of the Russian Federation;

3. Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

Main sources:

1. Galaganov V.A. Finance, money circulation and credit [Text]/ Galaganov V.A. - “Forum: Infra-M”, 2014

2. Klimovich V.P. Finance, money circulation and credit [Text]/ Klimovich V.P. - “Forum: Infra-M”, 2014

3. Matyushenkova N.G. Fundamentals of money circulation and finance [Text]/ Matyushenkova N.G. - “Academy”, 2012

4. Perekrestova L.V., Romanenko N.M., Sazonov S.P. Finance and credit [Text]/ Perekrestova L.V. - “Academy”, 2012

5. Rudskaya E.N. Finance and credit: workshop [Text]/ Rudskaya E.N. - “Phoenix”, 2008 - textbook

6. Yanin O.E. Finance, money circulation and credit [Text]/ Yanin O.E. - “Academy”, 2011

7. Galyapina L.V., Truskova T.M. Finance and credit [Text]/ Galyapina L.V. - "Dashkov and Co", 2011

8. Lavrushina O.I. Finance and credit [Text]/ Lavrushina O.I. - “KnoRus”, 2011

Additional sources:

1 .Kogdenko V.G., Melnik M.V., Bykovnikov I.L. Short-term and long-term financial policy [Text]/ Tutorial. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2010. 2. Neshitoy A.S. Financial workshop: Textbook. [Text]/ – M.: ITK “Dashkov and K”, 2010

3.Fetisov V.D., Fetisova T.V. Finance and credit. Study guide. [Text]/ – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2008

4.Finance. Ed. G.B. Pole. Textbook [Text]/– M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009

5.Finance. Ed. G.B. Pole. Textbook [Text]/ – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009

6.Finances of organizations (enterprises). Ed. N.V. Kolchina [Text]/ – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2009


1. Banking services / magazine

2. Economic Issues / Journal

3. Money and credit/magazine

4. Russian economy: forecasts and trends / magazine

5. Financial newspaper.

6. Finance/magazine

7. Finance and credit / magazine

8. Finance, money, investments / magazine

9. Russian Economic Journal

Internet resources:


2. www.


4. www.

5. www.

6. www.

7. www.


Control and evaluationthe results of mastering the discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing, as well as students performing individual calculations of indicators.

The result of learning (mastering a skill, acquiring knowledge)

Codes of formed professional and general competencies

Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes

Mastering skills:

U1 - operate with credit and financial concepts and categories, navigate the schemes of construction and interaction of various segments of the financial market;

Y 2 - analyze indicators related to money circulation;

U3 - analyze the structure of the state budget, sources of financing the budget deficit;

4 - to compile a comparative description of various securities in terms of profitability and risk;

VU5 - use periodicals and special publications, reference literature, information reference and legal systems and software products.

Knowledge acquisition:

Z1 - the essence of finance, its functions and role in the economy;

Z2 - principles of financial policy and financial control;

Z3 - laws of monetary circulation;

Z4 - essence, types and functions of money;

Z5 - main types and elements of monetary systems;

Z6 - types of monetary reforms;

Z7 - structure of the credit and banking system;

Z8 - functions of banks and classification of banking operations;

39 - goals, types and instruments of monetary policy;

Z10 - structure of the financial system;

Z11 - principles of functioning of the budget system and the basics of the budget structure;

Z12 - types and classifications of securities;

Z13 - features of the functioning of the primary and secondary securities markets;

Z14 - the nature of the activities and functions of professional participants in the securities markets;

Z15 - characteristics of loans and the credit system in a market economy;

Z16 - features and distinctive features of the development of credit and money circulation in Russia at the main stages of the formation of its economic system.

VZ17 - periodicals and special publications, reference literature in the field of economics, information reference and legal systems and software products.

OK 2-6

PC 1.3; 2.4; 4.4

VPK 2.5

Protection practical work

Mutual control

Oral survey

Defense of practical work

Defense of practical work

Mutual control

Oral survey

Mutual control


Analysis and evaluation of the results of independent work

Defense of practical work

Oral survey

Intermediate control - in the form of a test

The College of Finance and Economics of the Russian State Economic University (RINH) provides training for specialists in the specialty 02/38/06 Finance.

Qualification: financier.

Regulatory period mastering the training program for mid-level specialists (basic training) in full-time education:

  • level of basic general education - 2 years 10 months;
  • level of secondary general education - 1 year 10 months.

Regulatory period mastering the training program for mid-level specialists (basic training) through correspondence courses:

  • level of basic general education - 3 years 10 months;
  • level of secondary general education - 2 years 10 months.

Area of ​​professional activity of graduates: organization and implementation of the activities of financial, economic planning and tax services of organizations of various organizational and legal forms, financial and economic services of state authorities and local self-government.

The financier prepares for the following activities:

  • financial and economic planning in the sector of state and municipal government and organization of execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;
  • conducting settlements with the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;
  • participation in financial management of organizations and implementation of financial transactions;
  • implementation of professional application of legal norms governing financial activities;
  • participation in the organization and implementation of financial control in the sector of state and municipal government.

Educational and industrial practice
In the specialty 38.02.06 Finance, in accordance with the curriculum, the following types of internships are provided: educational and industrial. Industrial practice consists of two stages: practice in the specialty profile and pre-graduation practice. Educational and industrial practice is carried out for students to master professional competencies within the framework of professional modules, specific types of professional activities, gaining practical experience. Educational practice is carried out in the 4th and 6th semesters in the amount of 144 hours (4 weeks), practice in the specialty profile in the 6th semester in the amount of 216 hours (6 weeks), pre-diploma in the 6th semester in the amount of 144 hours (4 weeks). Goals and objectives, content and forms of reporting on educational practice And production practice(by specialty profile) are determined in the work programs of the corresponding modules. Goals and objectives, content and forms of reporting on pre-graduation practice are determined in work program pre-graduate practice.

Disciplines studied:

  • Fundamentals of Philosophy
  • Story
  • Foreign language
  • Russian language and speech culture
  • Physical culture
  • Mathematics
  • Information Technology in professional activities
  • Economics of organizations
  • Statistics
  • Management
  • Documentation support for management
  • Legal support of professional activities
  • Finance, money circulation and credit
  • Accounting
  • Life safety
  • Budget accounting
  • Analysis of financial and economic activities
  • Fundamentals of the organization and functioning of the budget system of the Russian Federation
  • Basics financial planning in state (municipal) institutions
  • Organization of settlements with budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation
  • Organizational finance
  • Organization of external financial relations
  • Legal basis regulation of financial activities and others

Opportunities for continuing graduate education
A graduate who has completed the training program for mid-level specialists of secondary vocational education in the specialty 02/38/06 Finance is prepared to master the main educational program of higher education in a shortened time.

The publication was prepared within the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank “Promoting the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation.”

When studying this course It is desirable that students already have basic knowledge (at the level of basic school) about the sources of family funds and possible directions expenses, family budget, inflation and exchange rates.

The goals of the educational and methodological complex are:

  • acquiring knowledge about existing in Russia financial institutions and financial products, as well as ways to obtain information about these products and institutions from various sources;
  • developing the ability to use the information received in the process of making decisions about the preservation and accumulation of funds, when assessing financial risks, when comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various financial services in the selection process;
  • developing knowledge about ways to improve well-being, such as investing money, using pension funds, and creating your own business.

Financial literacy: curriculum. SPO

The program indicates the goals and objectives of the course, planned educational results,

an algorithm for generating the final grade, a calendar and thematic plan of classes and recommendations on the methodology for conducting them are given. The program lists all the skills and competencies, as well as personal characteristics and attitudes that students develop during the learning process.

Curriculum (PDF, 654 Kb)

Financial literacy: materials for students. SPO

The manual sets out in a simple and accessible form the issues of family financial well-being and management in cash. In addition to such standard topics as savings, credit, insurance, taxes and pensions discussed in the manual, the legal aspects of the relationship between employees and the employer, issues of employment and career growth, organization of private entrepreneurship, measures to protect against financial fraud, etc. are covered. life situations and business cases, in group projects and discussions and by completing data search and analysis tasks, students prepare to use the acquired knowledge in practice.

Materials for students (PDF, 257.62 MB)

Financial literacy: methodological recommendations for the teacher. SPO

The manual contains detailed recommendations for conducting each of the 34 lessons: answers to homework and questions for reflection from materials for students, answers to tasks from control measurement materials, scenarios for conducting class discussions, as well as additional materials, which will allow the teacher to vary the depth of study of the subject depending on the number of teaching hours and the level of knowledge of students.

Methodological recommendations for teachers (PDF, 3.59 MB)

Financial literacy: materials for parents. SPO

Materials for parents (PDF, 3.55 MB)

Financial literacy: tests measuring materials. SPO

Tests include different types of items: tests with one correct answer, calculation problems, long tests with multiple correct answers, and essay topics. They will assess the depth of knowledge of students and the ability to critically use acquired skills.



Area of ​​professional activity of graduates: organization and implementation of the activities of financial, economic planning and tax services of organizations of various organizational and legal forms, financial and economic services of state authorities and local self-government.


financial and economic planning in the sector of state and municipal government and organization of execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

conducting settlements with the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

participation in financial management of organizations and implementation of financial transactions;

implementation of professional application of legal norms governing financial activities;

participation in the organization and implementation of financial control in the sector of state and municipal government;


financial transactions carried out by organizations of various organizational and legal forms, state authorities and local governments; property and obligations of organizations, state authorities and local governments; financial and economic information; financial statements.



financier (basic training):

    organize your own activities, choose standard methods and methods of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality;

    make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and bear responsibility for them;

    search for and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development;

    master information culture, analyze and evaluate information using information and communication technologies;

    use information and communication technologies in professional activities;

    work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers;

    take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates) and for the results of completing tasks;

    navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

financier (advanced training):

    understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it;

    organize your own activities, determine methods and means of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and qualities;.

    solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations;

    search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development;

    use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities;

    work in a team and team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers;

    set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work, taking responsibility for the results of completing tasks;

    independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development;

    be prepared for changes in technology in professional activities.


financier (basic training):

3.participation in financial management of organizations and financial transactions:

4.implementation of professional application of the rules of law governing financial activities:

financier (advanced training): and economic planning in the sector of state and municipal government and organization of execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation:

1.1.calculate indicators of project budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

1.2.ensure the execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

1.3. exercise control over transactions with funds from the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

1.4. draw up budget estimates for government institutions and plans for the financial and economic activities of budgetary and autonomous institutions;

2.conducting settlements with the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation:

2.1. determine the tax base for calculating taxes and fees to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

2.2. ensure timely and full fulfillment of obligations to pay taxes, fees and other obligatory payments to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

2.3.participate in tax planning activities in organizations;

3.participation in financial management of organizations and implementation of financial transactions:

3.1.participate in the management of the organization’s financial resources;

3.2. draw up financial plans for the organization;

3.3.participate in the development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of the organization;

3.4.ensure the implementation of financial relationships with organizations, state authorities and local governments;

4.implementation of professional application of legislation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating financial activities:

4.1. carry out legally sound application of the rules governing budgetary, tax, and currency relations in the field of insurance, banking, accounting and control;

4.2.carry out efficient work with information of a financial and legal nature to make the necessary decisions;

5.participation in the organization and implementation of financial control in the sector of state and municipal government:

5.1.participate in the development of a plan and program for carrying out control activities, document the results of the control activities carried out and monitor the implementation of the materials of the audits and inspections carried out;

5.2. carry out preliminary, current and subsequent control over operations related to the execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation;

5.3.participate in the audit of financial and economic activities of state and municipal institutions and unitary enterprises.


    Bank teller - this is a bank worker who performs simple operations, mainly of one type, for example, accepting payments or carrying out any operations to transfer money. This work does not require any special qualifications, you only need attention and accuracy.

    Financier - this O specialist in financial operations, financial sciences.


    Tauride Academy of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “KFU named after. V.I. Vernadsky"

    Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “KFU named after. V.I.Vernadsky" in Yalta

    Order of the Red Banner of Labor Agro-Industrial College of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “KFU named after. V.I. Vernadsky" p. Small