Calm way. The main thing is to remain calm! Ways to calm down and worry less

If you feel that your nerves are starting to get crazy, it’s time to get your psycho-emotional background in order. Find out the root cause of your anxiety, try to get rid of the problem as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of the stressful situation, rely on your own strength or seek help from a specialist.

Causes of psycho-emotional disorders

  • unbalanced diet;
  • improper sleep patterns;
  • negative thoughts;
  • constant stress;
  • weak nervous system;
  • frantic pace of life;
  • frequent exposure to noise;
  • overload with various information.
  1. Get rid of perfectionism. You need to accustom yourself to the fact that everything in life cannot be perfect. Change your views on existence. People will never adhere strictly general rules and moral principles.
  2. Manage your personal time. Plan your day correctly. Have time to deal with work issues and personal matters, but you shouldn’t be in too much of a hurry. Prioritize important things, then unimportant ones.
  3. Think positively. Don't let life's troubles negatively impact your subconscious. Try to minimize watching TV and news in the world. By and large, you are unable to fix anything, and the resulting negative emotions can settle in your head for a long time.
  4. Develop stress resistance. Start visiting the pool, force yourself to run at least 20 minutes a day. Normalize your diet, eat more sweets. Maintain a drinking regime; lack of moisture in the body leads to mental disorders. Avoid watching violent and scary films.

Ways to calm your nerves

It is considered a big mistake that during times of stress a person tries to remain inactive and calm down while lying on the bed. A critical situation can develop jitters or heaviness throughout the body. Such sensations are caused by a surge of adrenaline that needs to be eliminated. The solution is to give free rein to your emotions in sports or to relax your body.

Method number 1. Physical activity

  1. Give yourself 1.5-2 hours of free time and, if possible, go in for sports. Rely on personal preferences.
  2. Any sport helps to cope with enormous stress. You can simply go out with friends more often for long walks or ride bicycles.

Method number 2. Water procedures

  1. After every hard day at work, make it a habit to relax in the shower or in the bath. Water can directly affect the body's receptors, producing a positive result.
  2. If the apartment has a bathtub, it is worth adding sea salt, herbal decoctions or essential oils to it. The substances are also good at calming the nerves. For a more cozy atmosphere, light candles and turn on calm music.

Method No. 3. Aromatherapy

  1. Visit a specialty store that sells various relaxation products. Buy scented candles and related products.
  2. Choose unobtrusive scents. Also use incense sticks. Essential oils Can be added to body care creams and hair washes.

Method number 4. Relaxation

  1. Relaxation is considered an effective way to relieve stress. Turn on calm music, think about pleasant things. You can take the “Lotus” position and do breathing manipulations.
  2. Take a deep breath and slowly release the accumulated stress. Feel your body, try to tense almost all muscles alternately and relax them.

Method No. 5. Self-massage

  1. You can stimulate the nerve endings in your body yourself. It's no secret that skin has many receptors.
  2. Stretch the palms of both hands, then proceed to the feet. Next, do a light head massage. Spend at least 5 minutes on each zone.

Method number 6. Walking barefoot

  1. Experts say that there are countless nerve endings concentrated on the feet.
  2. If you use a massage mat, you will have a positive effect on everything internal organs. If possible, walk barefoot on sand, pebbles, or small shells.

Psychological therapy

  1. Find a passion. Find yourself in a certain hobby that will bring pleasure and will occupy all your personal time. Look through photo albums or good films. Listen to classical light music or sounds of nature.
  2. Count to yourself. When experiencing anger, start counting to 100 to yourself. Repeat the numbers slowly and monotonously. The technique also helps with sleep problems. If you reach a hundred and the anger does not go away, repeat the procedure in reverse order.
  3. Start drawing. No one is telling you to become an artist; it is enough to purchase paintings aimed at art therapy. Magazines are designed for adults with different abstractions. The activity is considered entertaining and effective against stress.
  4. Go shopping. It has long been known that the best antidepressant for girls is a long shopping trip to buy the things they like. No matter how strange the procedure may seem, it works. Men can also distract themselves with a similar activity, the only difference is the product purchased.

  1. Palm massage. The method is especially effective because it is practically invisible to others. Start kneading your palm with the thumb of your other hand. Smoothly move to the phalanges. Next, apply slight force to the nail plates.
  2. Imagination. In a stressful situation, if possible, close your eyes and distract yourself. Present the picture and desired outcome of the problem. A detached theme is also suitable; you can simply imagine picturesque nature, sunny beaches and the sea. Try to immerse yourself in thoughts headlong, fantasize to the smallest detail.
  3. Take advantage of exercise whenever possible. Do some squats, do some exercises, or take a brisk walk down the street. Don't try to calm yourself down with tobacco. Such actions will only cause more harm.
  4. Anger. An alternative to breaking dishes is paper products. Start tearing up newspapers and magazines. You can also roll up thick cardboard into a tube and close one edge, then all you have to do is scream at the top of your voice. The product will help to significantly suppress the sounds produced.
  5. Water. After a critical situation, you should slowly drink a glass of water, then go to the restroom and wash yourself. Apply cold water to your face, neck and shoulders. Think about washing away all the accumulated negativity.

To get rid of stress, it is not necessary to immediately seek help from a specialist. It is enough to study several effective techniques. If possible, move away from negativity as soon as possible. If this fails, use home remedies. Don't let bad emotions dominate your mind.

Video: how to overcome stress and calm down

Stress haunts modern man literally at every step, which is why it is important to learn to remain calm and cool in any situation. It is not always easy to pull yourself together and calm down without the help of sedatives, but if desired, with the help of special exercises recommended by psychologists and regular practice, you can strengthen the nervous system and bring the body into a stable state.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Why do you feel stressed?

    In anticipation important events a person develops a feeling of anxiety, nervousness increases, and as a result he experiences stress. Most often, discomfort is preceded by the following situations:

    • problems at work;
    • family troubles;
    • upcoming important events such as an exam, public speaking etc.

    Nervousness has both psychological and physiological causes. Physiology is associated with the nervous system, and from the psychological side, a person may suffer from a feeling of self-doubt, have a tendency to experiences of a different nature, and sometimes anxiety about the expected result also affects.

    Some people are constantly in a state of anxiety: as soon as a difficult situation gets better, they certainly have another reason for anxiety. Your whole life is spent in constant stress, which negatively affects your mood, physical condition and self-esteem.

    A person who can get irritated for any reason does not know how to control his emotions, this spoils relationships at home, in a team at work, etc.

    Anxiety can arise even for no apparent reason. Nervousness usually appears in situations that a person considers dangerous or significant for himself. IN everyday life The main cause of stress is the fear of failure and the fear of appearing in an unattractive light in front of others. To calm down and pull yourself together, you need to determine the cause of nervousness, and only then begin to eliminate it.

    The most effective ways to combat nervousness

    Effective recommendations from experts in the field of psychology will help you stop being nervous, find peace of mind and start living a calm life. It is important to understand that the tendency to nervousness is not a natural reaction of the body to a stressful situation, but a banal habit that you can get rid of.

    Proven ways to take your mind off problems:

    Advice from psychologists

    Guide to action

    Analyze your own fears

    Most fears are caused by self-doubt. To start changing your life better side, you should carefully analyze all fears and acknowledge their existence.

    It is recommended to make a list of problems. On the left write situations that can be changed, on the right - unsolvable ones. This approach will allow you to calm down, because there is no point in needlessly worrying and being afraid of everything if you cannot change anything. There is also no point in worrying if the problem can be solved

    Mentally return to childhood

    Many problems present in adult life have their roots in deep childhood. If parents set their child as an example of the neighbor's children and did not notice his merits, in 99 cases out of 100 people grow up lacking self-confidence.

    In such a situation, you need to understand that all people are different. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. You need to accept yourself with all your imperfections and truly love yourself.

    Have a good rest

    A day of rest and maximum relaxation will help you stop being driven, freaking out and worrying about little things. The fast pace of life makes it impossible to take a break. The result is permanent stressful situations.

    You need to disconnect from your responsibilities for a while and take a day off: read a book, watch TV series, take a walk in the fresh air, get a good night’s sleep, get up, not by an alarm clock, but when you want, take a bath with aromatic oils and soothing herbs, treat yourself to sweets. On this day, it is recommended to do what you love, for which there is not enough time in the usual rhythm of life, and simply enjoy life

    Prepare or order your favorite dish

    Food is a powerful source of pleasure. Delicious food is a great way to stop worrying and worrying about trifles. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that excess weight is not added to the existing problem.

    Watch a movie

    Watching movies – good way have a great time alone or in the company of friends, allowing you to temporarily abstract yourself from pressing problems

    Get rid of the source of stress

    A person cannot always afford a whole day of proper rest. This recommendation will help you become calmer short term. To overcome negative thoughts, stop being angry and irritated, you need to take a break for a few minutes and simply do nothing during this time.

    Say the problem out loud

    Sometimes a person just needs to be listened to. In this case, the best way out of the situation is to discuss the disturbing situation with a loved one.

    Walk in the fresh air

    Fresh air saturates the body with oxygen and serves as an excellent panacea against anxiety and stress. During your lunch break or after work, it is recommended to take a walk in the fresh air. You can get out a couple of stops from your house and walk


    Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. Scientists have proven that a person who is actively involved in sports can withstand stress and control his own emotions.

    A morning jog, 20-minute exercise, dancing or yoga can do wonders for your mood and self-esteem. Even if you are too lazy to play sports, initially you just need to force yourself, then it will become a habit

    Get a good night's sleep

    Sleep is the best cure for all diseases. Chronic lack of sleep becomes a source of ongoing stress. A person needs to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day

    It is quite possible to learn to live and react in a new way if you constantly practice proper rest. It will take 21 days for a person to learn new skills, then the discomfort will disappear, and the habit will firmly become part of everyday life.

    How to calm down before an exam

    During an exam, many people worry too much, which negatively affects their future grades. The human brain is not focused on the right answer, but on the fear of failure. Fear of failure prevents action and paralyzes.

    The following recommendations will help you control yourself::

    1. 1. You need to stop thinking about failure as the end of the world. You need to pass the exam, but life will not end and the world will not collapse if the teacher does not accept the answer.
    2. 2. It is recommended to draw up a plan for preparing for the exam in advance and strictly follow it, then the likelihood of failure will be minimal. Thorough preparation will boost your confidence, making the process much less stressful.
    3. 3. The evening before the exam, you should refresh your memory of all the information by briefly going over the main points. It’s better to go to bed a little earlier to rest and gain strength before the important stage.
    4. 4. Active recreation, sports and physical work will help you take your mind off obsessive thoughts and stop immersing yourself in a stressful situation. Even a little exercise can switch thoughts in a different direction and give the brain a chance to take a break.
    5. 5. It is recommended to take a shower before leaving the house. The sound and sensations of flowing water perfectly relieve tension and help cool down emotions.

    Express help: how to quickly pull yourself together in a stressful situation

    When you are overcome by sad thoughts, fear of the future and other negative emotions, you can use the following techniques:



    If irritation, anger, anger, fear overwhelm you or you are very nervous in the middle of the day, it is recommended to use the following technique: turn on the tap and just watch the stream flow.

    A glass of water, drunk slowly, works better than the most powerful antidepressants and brings you to your senses.

    Special breathing technique

    Breathing in a certain rhythm allows you to quickly come to your senses and calm down. You need to breathe as follows: inhale for 4 counts, hold your breath in for 2 counts and exhale smoothly for 4 counts. You just need to breathe not with your chest, but with your diaphragm, that is, your stomach

    This method is especially good when you want to throw out anger and other negative emotions on another person. In this case, you need to take a breath and mentally count to ten

    Write a letter

    Most effective method defeat stress and release negative emotions - write a letter. After all the troubles are captured on the sheet, you should tear it into small pieces and burn it, imagining how all the real problems are burned along with the paper


    Negative emotions simply need a way out. Sometimes you don't have to hold back your tears to calm down. Crying will help you quickly and effectively relieve stress and remove toxic substances from the body.

    How to stay calm during an important meeting

    If neither the emotional mood, nor breathing practices, nor other methods work, and excitement is still present when talking with important person or people, one should portray external calm and equanimity.

    Demonstration of external peace helps to find inner harmony and relax during an important meeting. Not only your well-being determines your facial expressions; this rule also works in the opposite direction. It is recommended to smile, follow gestures and avoid closed postures - this will make you feel comfortable with your interlocutor and get on the same wavelength.

    Folk recipes

    If the above methods do not give the desired effect, folk remedies will come to the rescue. Herbal remedies will help calm your nerves at home - they do not have a negative effect on health, unlike medications.

    Herbal infusions, which can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared independently, are considered stronger. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

    • valerian root;
    • sweet clover;
    • dried hawthorn flowers;
    • leaves are washed with pepper;
    • hop cones;
    • motherwort.

    Pour 0.4 liters of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and let it brew. It is recommended to drink tea before bed.

    However, medicinal herbs can be used not only in the form of tea, another effective remedy against stress - fragrant sachet pads. It is recommended to place them anywhere in the house, and if necessary, take them with you to work or carry them in a car.

    A glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey will also help you calm down in the middle of the day.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in personal life were chasing me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who will help in difficult life situation when it seems like your whole life is going downhill and passing you by. It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

We can only dream of a calm and measured life. People are constantly faced with various problems that have to be solved to the best of their ability.

Some calmly accept all the hardships of life, others react with a surge of emotions, get irritated, angry, in general, test the strength of the nervous system. The human psyche affects the functioning of the entire body, when the nerves are not in order, headaches occur, problems with sleep appear, and chronic diseases are activated.

Self-hypnosis will help calm your nerves

To get rid of a nervous condition, you need to understand the reason for its occurrence. Often people get nervous out of habit. It happens that the feeling of unpleasantness sits in the subconscious. This is due to the past time and events, but it is difficult for a person to get rid of a depressed state. He is worried about what has already happened and cannot be corrected, what is the point in this?

It is worth noting that stress on the nervous system can cause depression.

By managing self-hypnosis, you can get rid of many psychological problems. The main thing is to learn to accept all the hardships of life more or less calmly. Self-hypnosis will help you cope with a nervous state without pills.

Calm, just calm

If the illness finds you at home, don’t worry, you can cope with your frayed nerves at home.

Stress Relieving Bath

This is one of the most effective and simple ways calm down and relax. It especially helps after a hard day at work when combined with aromatic oils or foam. Purchase pine extract to add to your hot bath. You should take water procedures for about 20 minutes before going to bed.

When your heart jumps out of your chest and your thoughts are confused, drink a glass of cold water, it calms the nervous system.

Down with negativity

Sometimes it's hard to cope with negative emotions. When everything inside is boiling with indignation, it is necessary to throw out the negativity, but so that no one gets hurt. You can cry, break a couple of old plates, scream, but you need to do this away from settlements, for example, in the forest. Don't keep your emotions inside, do everything to feel relief.

Classical music has a healing effect. If you want to calm down, then turn on Bach, get comfortable in your favorite chair or sofa, close your eyes, abstract from your thoughts and enjoy listening. This will not only help you quickly calm your nerves, but will also set you up for positivity.

If you have already appreciated all the benefits of music therapy, purchase audio recordings with the sound of the sea, the sounds of rain, and birdsong. This method helps you relax after a long day of work.

If you don’t want to share your own experiences with strangers, keep a diary and write everything that you think, that worries you. Problems written on paper no longer seem as insoluble as before.

Nerves are fine - thanks to exercise

Physical activity and breathing exercises help cope with psychological problems. One source of stress is lack of movement. Sport strengthens the will, improves the figure and relieves stress.

You can choose an activity you like: running, aerobics, yoga, any physical exercise. It's great if you find like-minded people. It’s much easier to test your body’s strength in a company. While talking, training goes easily and naturally, and all problems are forgotten, albeit temporarily.

Balanced diet

There are periods in every person's life when the nervous system is at its limit. The point is not in external circumstances, but in the lack of certain elements for the body to function properly. Some products cause uncontrollable irritation, while others, on the contrary, soothe.

Your nerves are getting crazy, reconsider your usual diet, add foods rich in fatty acids and vitamin B. The diet should include sea fish, eggs, honey, legumes, dairy products, and oils.

It has been proven that chocolate promotes the production of the joy hormone, which restores the nervous system. Remember, everything is good in moderation. Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber should be included in your daily diet.

Folk remedies for calming the nervous system

You can calm nerves that are tense like strings using folk methods.

  1. Crushed viburnum bark, just a tablespoon and a glass of boiling water. Boil the bark over low heat for 5 minutes. Close the container with a lid and let it brew. After half an hour, the product should be filtered. You need to take a tablespoon 4 times a day before meals.
  2. Ten grams of viburnum berries, mint leaves, St. John's wort and lemon balm - only 5 grams each and 1 glass of boiling water. Pour boiling water over all ingredients and leave in a thermos for one hour. Should be taken twice a day, 100 ml.
  3. , valerian and, one teaspoon each, pour and boil in a liter of boiling water. You need to cook on low heat for about 10 minutes. The container should be covered with a lid. After one hour, strain the broth and pour it into a bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature for bathing. You should take this herbal bath for no more than 30 minutes.
  4. You can relieve stress and calm your nerves at home with the help of honey. Three times a day you need to eat one teaspoon of bee honey, washing it down with warm water. It is better to eat the first two spoons before lunch, so that you don’t have to lose weight later.

Linden tea with lemon balm and honey will help relieve irritability.

Before treating nerves folk remedies, you should consult your doctor, especially pregnant women. This will allow you to avoid allergic reactions to one or another component, confirm the diagnosis, and eliminate the negative consequences of prescriptions based on individual characteristics body.

Full sleep

When the body is exhausted, a person becomes irritable. For strong nervous system a person should sleep 7-8 hours. Before going to bed, you need to take a relaxing bath, it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk with honey, herbal tea, but you should avoid coffee and alcoholic drinks.

Make a pillow that hangs at the head of the bed for a restful sleep. It contains herbs that have a relaxing effect, such as lavender, hops, and lemon balm.

An excellent way to calm your nerves and relax is a leisurely evening walk. People are constantly in a hurry, this rhythm of life is reflected primarily on the human psyche. Walk slowly, think about something positive. Walk alone or in the company of unobtrusive friends.

All of the above actions will be ineffective if you do not find out the cause of increased nervousness. Ignoring the problem means deliberately neglecting your own mental health.

Do not listen to friends who recommend medications and supposedly effective treatments. Trust a doctor with many years of practice who will prescribe treatment only after examination. Sedative pills and drugs affect the psyche, but they have side effects and are addictive.

It is worth adding that some people tend to dramatize and escalate the situation. Such personalities make others and themselves nervous. Communication with depressed people leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. Take life more simply, forget about the past, it cannot be returned, think about the present and make plans.

What do you do in a stressful situation? You probably don’t pull yourself together, but are nervous, stressing yourself and those around you even more. Of course, this is fundamentally wrong and destructive. But how to calm down and stop being nervous when everything has already enraged you or thrown you out of balance? There are several effective ways.


In order to come to your senses, sometimes drinking water is enough. This will trigger the body’s self-rehabilitation mechanism and simply allow you to come to your senses. By the way, hysterics often occur due to unnoticed dehydration. How this is interconnected would take a long time to tell. It's easier to drink water. By the way, it is often recommended to drink warm water with a tablespoon of sugar per glass.

You don’t have to drink it, but just go wash the dishes. This is generally a free anti-stress therapy session: the water is bubbling, you are working with your hands. A shower or bath is also suitable.


Yes, you can just breathe. But not just once, but several times in a row. Deep. And exhale slowly.


This is also a well-known method that allows you to quickly calm down and begin to act. But physical release should be rapid. Suitable for this:

  • Sex;
  • Dance;
  • Work in the garden;
  • Walk;
  • Swim;
  • Cleaning;
  • Laundry or mopping. You can also use dishes, as mentioned above.
The muscles simply relax, and along with this the stress goes away.


If something is difficult to perceive, it needs to be ridiculed, vulgarized, and its value reduced with the help of humor. Remember the books about Harry Potter and the “ridiculus” spell, as well as replacing a scary picture with a funny one. Laughter will remove any stress.

Watch your favorite comedy series or read jokes.


They also relax, and in addition, they remove all toxins from the body that arise due to the work of stress hormones. If you can’t cry over the situation, then remember something sad.


Until ten. Inhaling and exhaling. It's almost a meditative practice.

Think about how things could be worse

The second option for changing attitudes is positive reframing, that is, turning the disadvantages of the situation into advantages. These methods are suitable for very developed people.


During times of stress, it is quite possible to write about everything that worries you or simply speak it out, choosing the most appropriate words and pronouncing them clearly. But it’s better to write a letter, preferably a long one, and not send it anywhere.

Just get away from an annoying situation

If you've been pissed off at a party, by your family, or even by your colleagues, the best thing to do is just get up and leave as quickly as possible. At the same time, take a walk, and this is movement.

You should not be in an environment that irritates you.

It’s much easier to do this on the Internet: simply delete the correspondence or leave the group in contact. But you have the right to do this even in live communication, even if they look at you askance: you have the same psyche.

By the way, an irritating situation is also called the emotional zone.

Do the most exciting thing

Everyone has their own interests, but the most important thing is that you yourself are passionate about the business. Let it be stupid computer game, a stretching lesson, knitting a hat, reading a detective story... The main thing is that you immerse yourself in a pleasant activity.

Just get distracted by something minor

If you're so angry at your boss at a meeting that you're about to explode, admire your colleague's manicure or the flowers on the windowsill. At the same time, remember that you didn’t water yours...

Beat all the pots

Literally. Always keep old, unnecessary and cracked dishes almost at hand at home (for example, on the top shelves) that you would hate to throw away. There is no need to throw it away, just at the moment of boiling, we take it and slam the vessel on the floor. The main thing is that she is old and that you don’t feel sorry for her.

How to calm down if you are very nervous becomes a pressing issue of everyday life. External conditions create more and more stress, and internal system not ready for recycling and environmentally friendly response to the emerging load. But you should look for a way out of this general state of humanity by independently identifying the area that causes your personal discomfort and makes you nervous. Conventionally, we can identify several common reasons, folding out into separate individual ones.

Increased sensitivity to feedback outside world increases the threshold and likelihood of a stressful situation occurring. With a developed personality, the inability to accept criticism, the desire to take everything personally, even everyday worries can become the cause of nervous experiences (when a crowd laughs nearby, thoughts will arise whether it’s at you, a disapproving look and rudeness of the seller will be perceived as a personal insult). Reducing the importance of the opinions of others and the desire to evoke only a positive assessment from everyone significantly reduces the level of stress, saves a lot of energy and establishes true contact with reality, where it turns out that no one cares what you do or what you look like.

The desire to constantly receive pleasure, to get things done perfect condition, complete independence and increased responsibility can provoke chronic high level internal tension. In such a state, everything can drive you crazy, not to mention significant problems. Therefore, it is important to constantly pay attention to the level of your workload and emotional comfort, search for your own sources of stress relief, so that in a crisis situation you do not look for options on how to quickly calm down and not get nervous.

You can search for options on how to calm down if you are very nervous for a long time and carefully; you will discard some because of their duration, some because of inaccessibility, some because of reluctance. In fact, you can deny it for a long time and with the help of any excuses, but in practice there are a sufficient number of ways to cope with frayed nerves quite simply and quickly.

In the fight against nervousness, sports, physical activity and generally working with the body are an invaluable ally, since it is the somatic side that takes the maximum part in responding to the situation that has arisen. nervous tension, changes in hormonal balance and processing of splashed adrenaline. Incorporate into your daily routine, if not a full-fledged workout, then exercise or walking, instead of sitting in front of the screen and taking public transport. The more movements you make, the more opportunity your nervous system will have to process accumulated tension. After a difficult conversation or an unpleasant event, when the passions inside have not subsided, it will help to throw out the negative ones by jogging or punching a punching bag, and then you can arrange a relaxation session in the form of stretching, massage, or lying quietly and consciously relaxing the muscles.

In addition to physical activity, our body, and therefore our psyche, depends on water metabolism and the fullness of the body. The common advice to drink water, no matter how funny it may seem, is one of the most effective, even in situations of serious and extreme stress. During an adrenal crisis, the body needs more water to normalize the level of the jumping hormone, you can add a sweetener to the water, since stressful situations involve increased brain work to find a way out of the situation, and this work involves the absorption of glucose. Replenishing the hydrolysis and glucose balance helps the body return to normal faster. In addition to crisis situations, drinking plain water helps avoid dehydration (an almost universal phenomenon in modern world), which, at its most pronounced stage, intensifies the experience of anxiety and. In general, focusing on the needs of your body and a subtle sense of its changes can suggest your personal ways to quickly calm down and not be nervous.

In a situation where you are directly nervous present moment, but you need to react calmly, try to distract yourself from the words and intonations flying in your direction and concentrate on something extraneous. You can control your inner attention not only by directing it into conflict, but by switching it to considering the details of the cut of your neighbor’s jacket and thinking about where to get the same buttons, you automatically leave the nervous situation by a few percent. Ideally, the annoying situation must be left completely, and not just mentally, i.e. if you meet your ex at a party and cannot react calmly, then leave, if the boor is in the habit of taking you out peace of mind comments on the social network, then throw him into a ban. Try to endure and try to create an imaginary image well-mannered person should not be confused with adjusting and wanting to be comfortable. In any situation, your living space and mental well-being are your concern and responsibility; superheroes will not appear to save you from hassle.

If, after getting out of an unpleasant situation, your nerves are still stretched like ropes, then you can deal with the remaining tension by immersing yourself in other matters. You should choose them in such a way as to be completely carried away into another world - watching a movie is unlikely to work here, because your head will continue to go through the same mental replay of events as without it. A sports game, unraveling intrigue among friends, traveling to the suburbs to get new photos - active, dynamic, captivating you completely and lighting the fire of excitement.

Crying and laughter help you stop being nervous - with the help of the first, you release excess tension and get the wonderful result of mental lightness after half an hour of sobbing, whereas with other methods you can spend a day; and with the help of the second (especially sarcasm, irony, black humor), the situation decreases in importance, and perhaps even acquires new contours and nuances.

Study how your personal nervousness works, what bothers you, and what helps you stay normal. You can try to exclude situations that threaten your peace of mind, edit them into acceptable forms, or prepare for them. Naturally, being fully armed and never freaking out is beyond anyone’s control, but you can minimize the damage by doing research on your own inner world, sore spots and blind spots, as well as providing preventive ongoing support for the condition of the nervous system. Maintaining and caring for yourself is not difficult and involves quite general principles healthy eating and saturation with various microelements, maintaining an activity regime, taking care of the quality of sleep and rest.

How to learn to calm down and not get nervous after a quarrel?

A quarrel, especially with close people, knocks you out of balance, but at the same time requires quick calming so that subsequent constructive dialogue and the search for ways of reconciliation are possible. During nervous excitement, our breathing changes, and calming down should begin with stabilizing the respiratory process. During a quarrel, we tend to breathe often, too deeply, exposing the body to hyperventilation, then for several minutes we need to control the duration of inhalation and exhalation, forcibly stretching the duration and normalizing the depth. If the quarrel is frightening, then involuntary cessation of breathing is possible due to reflex mechanisms (hiding, pretending to be dead so as not to get hurt). Restore the integrity and coherence of breathing - your task is to achieve breathing without pauses, so that inhalation smoothly flows into exhalation.

You can leave the house to get some air. It is important to let your partner know that you will return once calm has been restored, so that your behavior is not misinterpreted. During a walk, you will be able to assess the situation without the influence of another person and emotional pressure; you can also relieve emotional stress by running, shouting, or tearing paper. If you don’t have the opportunity to physically remove yourself from the common space, then take a time-out to sort things out, let it be half an hour of silence, during which no one makes any claims or makes peace. Stopping and exiting the active phase will help restore your condition, reduce the amount of time required for rehabilitation, and also protect you from unnecessary words, decisions and actions made under the influence of feelings.

In the period after a quarrel, when the jitters do not let you go, direct your attention to relieving tension. If you left some words unsaid, then write them in a letter (then re-read it in a calm state and decide whether to show it to the addressee). Feelings can be expressed in colors and movement. If there is an opportunity and an appropriate level of trust, then you can talk the situation over with a friend, just don’t ask for advice, but ask for support. Contact with water helps to get rid of negative experiences - take a shower, washing away the nervous negativity, or at least rinse your face or palms, hold them under running water - it will give you a little peace of mind, a break from the rushing thoughts.

Relieving stress after a quarrel with alcohol may seem like a tempting idea, especially for those for whom the showdown ended in a breakup, but resorting to this option is undesirable. Negative sensations will not be experienced, but if pushed deep into the psyche, problems will not be solved, but the physical and mental state may worsen.

Keep in mind that quarrels are a normal process for relationships. If it is easy for us to always remain friendly with people we don’t know well, this is only due to the short time of contact and common claims, and even then, if someone encroaches on something that is significant to you, then a showdown cannot be avoided. In close relationships, quarrels are an indicator of closeness and the process of getting used to each other, who goes through this period in what way depends on the mental characteristics and capabilities of the people, but there are no relationships without quarrels. The only thing that can make you happy here is that a person who is not indifferent to you makes claims, swears and tries to do good. We don’t waste our neurons on indifferent people.