Volost - camp - district - district - municipal settlement - ...? What are volosts? The meaning of the word Yegoryevskaya volost or Yegoryevsky repairs.

Materials for the historical-geographical dictionary

Dmitriev Stan

It is located opposite the city of Kostroma, on the upland side of the Volga. Dmitriev's camp owned Spasskaya Sloboda on the Volga, around 1835 assigned to the city of Kostroma, and the village of Solonicovo. In the 2nd half of the 18th century, Dmitrovtsev volost, also Dmitrovtsev Stan - noticeably, this is the same place - were written as Kostroma district. Mentioned in the charter of Tsar Theodore Ioanovich dated September 15, 1586 to the Kostroma Assumption Cathedral.

1. Description of Ipatsky Monastery. 1832 Page 85.

2. Description of this cathedral. 1837 Page 62.

Duplekhov camp

In ancient manuscripts of the 17th century, the Kostroma district was written, from Kostroma to the southeast, about 40 versts. There were villages in it: Kolshevo, Priskokovo and 1708 the Church of Dmitry Selunsky, on the Kikhtyug River in Duplekhov camp. The Duplekhov camp of the Kostroma district was mentioned in the charter of Tsar Theodore to the Kostroma Assumption Cathedral dated September 15, 1586. In the Duplekhov camp there was the village of Karagachevo on the Volga. Sometimes they wrote: Kostroma Koldoma Duplekhova will become a volost along the Koldoma River, which flows into the Volga, 11 versts below Ples. There are three villages along Koldoma: Egoryevskoye, Semenovskoye and Novlenskoye; Egoryevskoye and Novlenskoye are a mile away near the Volga. During the general survey, the Duplekhov camp was written in the Kineshma district.

1. Description of the Ipatsky Monastery, p. 84, and the cathedral book of dragoon money.

2. Description of the cathedral. 1837. Page 62.

3. A look at the history of Kostroma by Prince Kozlovsky. Page 145.

4. Look. Koldoma parish.

Yegoryevskaya volost or Yegoryevsky repairs

1. Arch. Acts. I. 209.

1. Arch. Acts. II. 202.

Sokolskaya bow

This was the name of the volost adjacent to the city of Lukh from the east, stretching from Lukh to Kineshma along the rivers Luhu and Vozobol. 1571 in Sokolskaya Luka there were: the village of Sokolskoye, the villages: Igumnovo lesser, Gubino, Selovo, Popovskoye, Pestovo, Yaryshino, Vorsino, Vysokaya, Kabishchevo, Purkovo, Palkino, Kandaurovo, Sokolovo, Novinki, Lomki, Myasnikovo, Gorodok, Ryapolovo, Oseka , Makidonova, Vysokoe, Sick, Khmelnishchnoye, Pavlitsovo, Kleshpino Bolshoye, Vysokoye Maloe, Oleshkovo, Demidovo, Kurilovo, Afanasyevo, Grigorovoye Maloe, Podkino, Kleshnino Maloe, Bulnovo, Burdino, Nochniki, Poddubnoy, Sosnovets, Chernushki, Mikheevo, Kharinskoy, Kovriginsky , Andreyanov, Borok, Ryapolovskoy, Tarasov, Okultsov, Gary, Ivankov, Osinov. More villages: Vancharovo, Fityantsovo, Retivtsovo, Grigoryevo Maloe and Bolshoye, Podvigalovo, Prudishche, Podbubnoe, Selino, Derino, Nastasino, Gumenishche, Oleksino, Kuzmino, Gorokhovische. The Tikhonov Lukhovsky Monastery itself was listed in Sokolskaya Luka. Sokolskaya Luka is named after the village of Sokolskoye. Sokolskoye village is now in Yuryevets district, nine versts from the city of Lukh to the north and 5 from the Lukhovsky Tikhonov Monastery; in the half of the 16th century it was the estate of Mikhail Shulgin. In 1576, Prince Bogdan Alexandrovich Volossky, along with the villages of Igumnova and Selovy, added it to the St. Nicholas Monastery of St. Tikhon of Lukhovsky, behind which it remained until 1763, when the estates were taken away from the monasteries.

1. Printed description of Lukhovsky Nikol. monastery 1836 Page. 66-69.

Sokoli Mountains parish

It was located near the city of Yuryevets, not far from the Volga and was described in the 17th century as a palace, i.e. belonged to the palace. In 1619, at the request of the residents of Yuryev and the surrounding volosts, including the Sokolsky Mountains, Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich, with a letter dated February 5, ordered that the peasants of the Koryakovsky volost also help in the Yazovo building and the Yamsky chase. Then, on the Volga, they built two yazakhs for fishing for the royal use; they raced along the Volga in summer on plows, and in winter in carts. The village of Mochalino was mentioned in the Sokol volost in 1627. The village of Sokolskoye on the meadow bank of the Volga in Makaryevsky district now belongs to Count Saltykov, located between Yuryevets and Puchezh. In the volost of the Sokolsky Mountains in 1658, the village of Tsykino and the village of Ulinovo are mentioned. Tsykino from Yuryevets to the east on the meadow side, below the village of Valov one and a half versts, from the Volga 8 versts, and the village of Karetino, from which in 1650 a wooden church was transported to Yuryevets and built in the Lomovaya Desert; The village of Babushkino at the end of the 18th century was written in the Sokol volost of Makaryevsky district.

Ancient volosts and camps in the Kostroma side. (version 2) Materials for the historical and geographical dictionary of the Kostroma province. 1909 - 84 p.

The title of this article reflects the main stages of past reforms local government that affected our area. These restructurings can be traced through documents starting from the reign of Ivan Kalita, i.e. from the second quarter of the 14th century. His wills reflected the division of the Moscow principality into volosts and camps, that is, relatively small territories that were initially under the control of peasant communities, then under the joint control of elected officials of these communities and princely governors, and no later than the 16th century. only persons appointed by the Grand Duke.

Volosts and camps

On the territory of the modern Sergiev Posad district there were located the entire Moscow volost of Radonezh, partially the Moscow volosts of Beli and Vorya, the Inobazh volost of the Dmitrov district, the Mishutin and Verkhdubensky camps, as well as the Buskutovo, Rozhdestveno, Atebal and Kinela volosts of the Pereslavl district, partially the Serebozh, Zakubezhskaya and Shuromskaya volosts the same county.

In the second half of the 16th century. Tsar Ivan the Terrible gave Troitsk peasants the right to elect clerks, elders, kissers, sotskys, fifty-year-olds, desyatskys in their villages and hamlets, to create labial kissers and sextons, to make prisons and choose guards for them, to find thieves and robbers themselves in their settlements.

During the economic crisis, the second half XVI V. and the Troubles began XVII century The European part of the Moscow state was desolate, the vast majority of rural settlements perished. With the advent of peace after the conclusion of the Deulin Truce in 1618, only a tenth of the settlements of the 16th century were revived. In the new conditions of economic development of the country, the administrative-territorial division of the state was rebuilt.

On the territory of the modern Sergiev Posad region there were now only 10 camps.

Provinces for the people's benefit

In December 1708, Peter I established 8 provinces “for the benefit of the people.” The Moscow province, based on the new administrative division of the state, included the territory of the modern Moscow region, parts of the modern Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula and Kaluga regions. In 1719, the Moscow province was divided into 9 provinces, but the old division into counties and camps remained unchanged.

In 1774, the “Geographical Map of the Moscow Province” was published. According to this map, the Moscow province was divided into 15 districts. The southern third of the territory of the modern Sergiev Posad region was part of the Moscow and Dmitrov districts. The border between these counties ran along the lines that separated the medieval Moscow volosts of Radonezh and Beli from the Dmitrov volost of Inobazh. The Trinity-Sergius Lavra with its former settlements - the predecessors of Sergievsky Posad - was located on the territory of the Moscow district.

In November 1775, Catherine II signed a decree of 491 articles entitled “Institutions for the administration of provinces.” The uprising of E.I. Pugachev (September 1773 - September 1774) showed that in large provinces there was no effective management system. The Empress considered that provinces should be organized based on population size. The decree stated, “so that the province (for the capitals) or viceroyalty (former provinces) can be decently managed, it is supposed to contain from 300 to 400 thousand souls. New territorial entities were divided into counties with a population of 20-30 thousand taxable souls. The division of the state territory into camps and volosts was abolished.

On October 5, 1781, a decree was issued establishing the Moscow province. A few months after its publication, the then commander-in-chief of Moscow, Prince V.M. Dolgoruky-Krymsky, unexpectedly died and the official “opening” of the province was postponed to the fall of next year. The province was to be divided into 14 districts with their own cities. For this purpose, 6 new cities were formed. Already in the process of resolving various organizational issues at the end of March 1782, the former settlements of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra were transformed into a settlement called Sergievsky. In the 18th century, the word “posad” meant a city without a district, or, in other words, a city without a rural district subordinate to it. In May of the same year, the 15th district was established, the administrative center of which was the city of Vereya.

On the map of the Moscow province of 1787, the southern third of the territory of the modern Sergiev Posad region is shown located in Dmitrovsky and Bogorodsky (modern Noginsky district) counties. The border between these districts repeated the boundaries between Dmitrovsky and Moscow districts of the mid-18th century.

In December 1796, according to one of the decrees of Emperor Paul I, some of the cities and districts of the Moscow province were abolished, in particular, the city of Bogorodsk and the district. In December 1802, by decree of Emperor Alexander I, almost all the liquidated cities and districts of the province were restored, but at the same time the system established at the beginning of 1797 was preserved. new frontier between Dmitrovsky and Bogorodsky districts. It was carried out in the southern third of the medieval volosts of Beli, Korzenev and Vorya (the territory of modern Pushkinsky and Shchelkovsky municipal districts). Thus, the entire southern third of the territory of the modern Sergiev Posad region became part of the Dmitrov district.

In March 1778, the Vladimir province was established. According to geographical maps of the Vladimir province of the late 18th - early 20th centuries. the central and northern thirds of the territory of the modern Sergiev Posad region were part of the Aleksandrovsky and Pereslavl districts. The western parts of these counties completely included the former medieval Pereslavl camps of Serebozh, Shuromsky, Rozhdestvensky, Verkhdubensky, Mishutin and Kinelsky.

A similar administrative division of the territory of the modern Sergiev Posad region existed almost until the end of 1919. A certain innovation in this issue was introduced by the liberation of peasants from serfdom in 1861. Peasants were distributed into rural communities. The basis for its creation was a separate settlement and ownership of the peasants. The societies were governed by the assembly (to a certain extent by the legislative branch) and the village headman - the executive branch. Rural societies distributed allotments and corresponding taxes between peasant households. The gathering imposed local fees and taxes on community members.

Several rural communities were to unite into an administrative and police unit - a volost. Its peculiarity was the unification, without any territorial boundaries, of a certain number of rural settlements (without cities) on issues related to the problems of self-government. For this reason, the volost could include not only groups of nearby villages and hamlets, but also individual settlements located far away from the volost center. Within the boundaries of the Sergiev Posad district, 9 volosts were organized: Fedortsovskaya, Khrebtovskaya, Ereminskaya, Konstantinovskaya, Rogachevskaya, Ozeretskaya, Morozovskaya, Mitinskaya, and partially Botovskaya.

Persons of other states and the lands that belonged to these persons, as well as state lands and lands of various institutions, for example, monasteries and parish churches, were not included in the volosts and did not bear volost duties.

The volost included from 300 to 2000 male souls. The volost administration consisted of a volost assembly, a volost foreman with a volost administration, and a volost peasant court. The power of the volost government extended only to the peasant population and to persons of urban tax status assigned to the volosts.

Zemstvos are the boss of everything

In January 1864, the “Regulations on provincial and district zemstvo institutions” were put into effect. According to it, zemstvos were established as all-estate bodies of local self-government in counties and provinces. All landowners, industrialists and traders who owned real estate of a certain value, as well as rural communities, received the right to elect representatives from among themselves for a period of 3 years (they were called “vowels” in those days) to the district zemstvo assemblies. The latter were presided over by the district marshal of the nobility. Meetings were convened annually on short term to solve local economic affairs. The district assembly elected from among itself a district zemstvo council, consisting of a chairman and several members. The council was a permanent administrative institution. A similar management system was established for the provinces.

Zemstvos were supposed to play the role of a kind of intermediary between the highest floors state power and the population. The zemstvo reform pursued the goal of decentralizing management and developing the principles of local self-government in Russia. The reform was based on two ideas. The first is the election of power: all local government bodies were elected and controlled by voters. In addition, these bodies were under the control of representative power. The second idea: local government had a real financial basis for its activities. In the 19th century up to 60% of all payments collected from the territories remained at the disposal of the zemstvo, i.e., cities and counties, 20% each went to the state treasury and the province.

The competence of zemstvo institutions included the resolution of all local economic affairs within the provinces and districts. Some tasks, such as the maintenance of prisons, the arrangement and repair of postal routes and roads, the allocation of carts for travel of government officials and the police, were mandatory for zemstvo institutions. Another part, in the form of fire insurance, repair of local bridges and roads, food and health care population, the organization of public education, etc., was decided or not decided at the discretion of the district and provincial zemstvos. Zemstvo institutions were maintained by imposing a special tax on the local population. The reform of local self-government made it possible, first of all, to establish medical care for the population of counties and provinces, improve the level of agriculture, and introduce ordinary residents of rural settlements and cities to the basics of culture and literacy.

Local government revolution

In Soviet times - from 1917 to 1924. - the composition and boundaries of pre-revolutionary volosts and districts were redrawn. During this territorial and administrative restructuring, all the old boundaries of provinces and districts were destroyed.

At the VII Dmitrovsky District Council on August 13, 1919, a decision was made to separate Sergievsky Posad into an independent district with adjacent volosts. On October 13 of the same year, by resolution of the Presidium of the Moscow Provincial Executive Committee, the Sergievsky District Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies was formed as a district with five volosts: Sergievskaya, Sofrinskaya, Putilovskaya, Bulakovskaya and Khotkovskaya. The territory of the latter was divided into village councils. On October 18, 1919, by resolution of the Moscow Provincial Executive Committee, Sergievsky Posad was renamed the city of Sergiev.

During 1921-1921 The Sergievsky district included the entire Ozeretskaya volost of the Dmitrovsky district, the Ereminskaya, Konstantinovskaya and Rogachevsky volosts and partially the Botovsky volost of the Alexandrovsky district of the Vladimir province.

In June 1922, the area was renamed a district. Khrebtovskaya and Fedortsovskaya volosts of Pereslavl-Zalessky district were annexed to it. From part of the Botovskaya and Bulakovskaya and Rogachevskaya volosts the Sharapovskaya volost was formed. Thus, the newly formed Sergievsky district included 11 volosts: Ereminskaya, Konstantinovskaya, Ozeretskaya, Putilovskaya, Rogachevskaya, Sergievskaya, Sofrinskaya, Fedortsovskaya, Khotkovskaya, Khrebtovskaya and Sharapovskaya.

The administrative bodies were the county executive committee, 11 volost executive committees for 472 villages, hamlets, graveyards, hamlets, factories, railway stations and platforms.

At the beginning of 1929, with the aim of more efficient development of industry, the Central Industrial Region was formed as part of the Moscow, Tver, Tula and Ryazan provinces. In the summer of the same year it was renamed the Moscow Region. It included 10 districts, which were divided into 144 districts. Later

For 7 years it was divided into the Moscow, Ryazan and Tula regions, and earlier 27 of its districts were transferred to the newly formed Kalinin region.

By a resolution of the Presidium of the Moscow Regional Executive Committee of November 5, 1929, the city of Sergiev was renamed Zagorsk in memory of the secretary of the Moscow Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) V. M. Zagorsky, who was killed by the left Social Revolutionaries in 1919. The city with the new name began to be mentioned in documents in 1930.

At the same time, in 1929, the northern third of the Sergievsky district became part of the newly formed Konstantinovsky district. Its boundaries were drawn regardless of the previous divisions of this part of the county in the 17th - early 20th centuries.

In the mid-1950s. in the Zagorsky district there was a district center and 15 village councils: Abramtsevo and Semkhoz dacha settlements, Akhtyrsky, Bereznyakovsky, Buzhaninovsky, Vasilyevsky, Vozdvizhensky, Vorontsovsky, Vypukovsky, Kamensky, Maryinsky, Mitinsky, Mishutinsky, Naugolnovsky, Turakovsky.

In the Konstantinovsky district there was a regional center - the village of Konstantinovo and 10 village councils: Bogorodsky, Veriginsky, Zabolotevsky, Zakubezhsky, Konstantinovsky, Kuzminsky, Novo-Shurmovsky, Selkovsky, Khrebtovsky, Chentsovsky.

In 1957, the Konstantinovsky district was abolished, its territory went to the Zagorsky (formerly Sergievsky) district. The northern border of the district began to follow the boundaries of the second half of the 1920s.

Zagorsk - the center of the urban district

In 1962-1963 Local Soviets of Workers' Deputies were divided according to production into industrial and rural. Cities near Moscow of regional subordination, including Zagorsk, were transferred to the subordination of the Moscow Regional (Industrial) Council of Workers' Deputies. The city authorities, in turn, were subordinate to Khotkovo, Krasnozavodsk and workers' settlements. The Zagorsky district as a separate territorial unit was liquidated, becoming part of the Mytishchi district.

At the beginning of 1965, this management system was abandoned and almost all former districts were restored, including the Zagorsk district. The explanation for the next administrative-territorial restructuring indicated that it was being done on the basis of economic zoning for the benefit of the working people and with the goal of maximizing the strengthening of the state apparatus and bringing it closer to the people.

There was no district council in the Zagorsk region. The township and rural councils that were part of the district were subordinate to the city Council of Deputies.

There were 20 village councils in the area: Abramtsevo and Semkhoz dacha settlements, Bereznyakovsky, Bogorodsky, Buzhaninovsky, Vasilievsky, Veriginsky, Vozdvizhensky, Vorontsovsky, Vypukovsky, Zakubezhsky, Kamensky, Konstantinovsky, Kuzminsky, Maryinsky, Mitinsky, Naugolnovsky, Torgashinsky, Turakovsky, Chentsovsky.

In the fall of 1991, Zagorsk was renamed Sergiev Posad.

In October 1993, a number of decrees and regulations were adopted, on the basis of which the Councils were replaced by meetings of representatives, dumas, and municipal committees. In December 1993, the Moscow Regional Council was dissolved and liquidated Soviet authority in places.

Russia has returned to the overall situation turn of the XIX century V. - beginning of the 20th century

In the post-perestroika period, the stage of a new approach of power to the population began. In 1996, the Charter of the municipal formation “Sergiev Posad District” was adopted. The purpose of its development and adoption was the desire to “ensure the development of the Sergiev Posad region as an integral municipal entity” on the principles of organizing local self-government.

In 2004, 12 municipal urban and rural settlements were approved in the district: the urban settlements of Sergiev Posad, Krasnozavodsk, Peresvet, Khotkovo, Bogorodskoye, Skoropuskovskoye, the rural settlements of Remmash, Bereznyaki, Vasilyevskoye, Loza, Selkovo, Shemetovo.

Further socio-economic development of the country and, in particular, the Moscow region will undoubtedly be reflected in the emergence of new territorial and administrative entities. On what basis and for what purpose they will be organized, the future will show.

Vladimir Tkachenko, head of the historical department of the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve

The division of lands in Rus' began in ancient times, but the first mentions date back to the reign of. Dividing the land into specific units made it easier to manage the territory.

Under the term "land" in Ancient Rus' understood as a certain part of the territory of the state. This definition can often be found in chronicles. “Earth” was formed due to the rallying of the population around a certain place - a city, which acted as an ancient tribal center.

These cities were:

  • Smolensk
  • Novgorod
  • Iskorosten
  • Stop
  • Staraya Ladoga
  • Vyshgorod

As a result of internecine wars, many centers lost their importance and recognized the primacy of stronger cities.


A district was called a district, which performed administrative and judicial functions. Both cities and villages had counties, if they had their own judicial and administrative elite.

The origin of this definition is explained by the fact that the tribute collector of Ancient Rus' himself traveled around the controlled district 2 times a year, collecting taxes. Subsequently, the term “county” began to be applied to the administrative part of the city.


The term "volost" comes from the word "power". In the times of Ancient Rus', this was the name given to the part of the territory where the population had to submit to princely rule. Until the 13th century, the principalities were called volosts. But, already starting from the 13th century, the definition began to be assigned to smaller units of territory.

However, the transformation of terms was uneven. For example, in Central and Southern Rus' in the middle of the 13th century, the word “volost” referred to the small outskirts of the territory, while in North-Eastern Rus' this was the designation for the tax districts of villages.


This definition was used to designate some part of a county or volost. At different periods in Rus', the term “stan” defined various administrative-territorial units of land.

Initially, this word was used to mark a stop on the way, a temporary stay and settling in place along with carts, tents and livestock. You can compare this definition with the words “camp” and “camp”. When setting off to collect tribute or administer justice, the prince made several stops along the way.

Over time, such stops became the centers of the principality or county. The camp was a temporary stop for the prince or his successor.

It is known that the camps were named after rivers, villages or famous governors of the prince. For example, the camp of Vorya and Korzenov was named after the Vorya River and the village of Korzenovo.


Literally, this term means a fifth of the earth. Used since ancient times, was most common in Novgorod Rus'.

The structure of Pyatina was fully formed by the 15th century. It included several counties, churchyards and volosts.


The term “judgment” was widespread in the Novgorod region and meant the same thing as counties. According to the designated part of the territory, the award to some extent corresponded to the counties in other principalities of Ancient Rus'. However, this definition was also applicable to the larger region, which was governed by the Novgorod governor.


This territorial unit was distributed mainly in the Pskov region. The lips indicated different areas - from the suburb to the volost. This definition corresponded to volosts and camps in other parts of Rus'. It is unknown when this definition was introduced into use, but it is believed that the term is very ancient.


This definition comes from the words “stay”, “visit”. It was first introduced by Princess Olga, who divided the Novgorod Republic into graveyards, assigning each of them a certain amount of tribute. So the churchyard became associated with the place where the prince and his squad stayed during the collection of tribute - the churchyard.

Over time, a churchyard began to designate a territorial unit, which consists of several points, villages and towns, as well as an area that is the center of such territories.

After the spread of Christianity, a graveyard began to be called a village with a church and a cemetery attached to it, or the center of a settlement where there is a church and a trading place. Division into graveyards was more common in the northern part of Rus'.

The administrative division of the territory of the Moscow state into provinces, districts and volosts existed long ago so-called. provincial (regional) reform of Peter the Great, carried out in 1708, when the lands of the future Russian Empire were divided into 8 vast provinces - Ingermanland (since 1710 St. Petersburg), Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Kyiv, Smolensk, Kazan, Azov, Siberian.

However, the oldest Russian administrative unit should be considered graveyards, established to simplify the collection of tribute from conquered Slavic tribes back in the 11th century. This division of the northwestern lands of Rus' (in particular, the territories of the present Pskov and Novgorod regions), along with the lips (counties), established in the middle of the 16th century, remained until early XVII I centuries. By the way, there was no single, universal grid of administrative-territorial division in pre-Petrine Rus': counties were divided into camps, the number of which varied from county to county - in one county there could be two or three of them, and in another there could be more than two dozen. At the same time, in a number of localities, the territory of the counties was divided not into camps, but into volosts, which, in turn, were already divided into camps (for example, the Komaritsky volost of the Bryansk province at the beginning of the 17th century).

Meanwhile, it happened that the camps were divided into even smaller “fractions” - chets (quarters) (Vazhsky district of the Arkhangelo-gorod province) and thirds (Ustyug district of the 16th century with the thirds of Yuzhskaya, Sukhonskaya and Dvinskaya in the future Arkhangelskaya-gorodskaya province).

In the middle of the 18th century, a camp was an administrative and police unit within a county, which usually included 2-3 camps, each of which included several volosts.

In 1727-1775 The intermediate link between the province and the district in the administrative division of Russia was the province. At that time, the counties were administratively subordinate to the provinces, and the camps and volosts were subordinate to the counties. Earlier, in 1719-1727, the counties were dissolved, and the provinces were made up of cities with adjacent lands that were under the jurisdiction of these cities. The number of provinces in the provinces also varied.

During the reign of Catherine the Second, in the 1770s - 1780s, the previous administrative-territorial structure of the Russian Empire underwent a radical revision: governorates and provinces were abolished, and instead of them, governorships were established with boundaries different from the previous ones, some of which were divided into regions , subordinate to which were the districts (districts). This division was typical, in particular, for the eastern governorships of Russia during Catherine’s time. Thus, the Ufa governorship established at that time was divided into two regions - Ufa and Orenburg, Tobolsk - into Tobolsk and Tomsk, etc. In central Russia, the districts were at that time directly subordinate to the governorships.

At the same time (1775), the so-called institute was established. General Governments. Governors-General governed several provinces at once. Some general governments lasted until 1912-1915. (Vilna, Galicia, etc.) and were abolished in connection with the First World War.

Under Paul the First, during the territorial transformations of 1796-1797, the viceroyalities were renamed into provinces, a number of which were enlarged at the expense of the neighboring territories of the abolished viceroyalties. At this time, in particular, the Olonets governorship, established in 1776 on the lands of the former Olonets region of the St. Petersburg province, was abolished, and its lands were distributed between two restored provinces - Novgorod and Arkhangelsk. At the same time, from the Lithuanian and Belarusian lands annexed to Russia as a result of the 3rd partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795, provinces were formed, which in the 19th century made up the so-called. Northwestern region of Russia (provinces of Vilenskaya, Kovenskaya, Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev, Vitebsk). The division was finally fixed Russian provinces into counties, and counties into volosts. At the same time, the Little Russian province was established, divided into povets (the local analogue of Russian counties) - an administrative-territorial division that was also transferred to the above-mentioned provinces of the North-Western Territory.

At the very beginning of the reign of Alexander the First, in 1801-1802, as a result of another administrative reform, the provinces formed during the previous reign were disaggregated. Due to the withdrawal of lands from the disaggregated provinces, new ones were established and old ones were recreated; in some places, the administrative-territorial division was restored, or more precisely, the provincial borders of the times of Catherine the Second.

In a number of cases, the size of counties in the eastern provinces cannot be compared with the size of counties in the central part of the country. For example, the Berezovsky district of the Tobolsk province covered 604,442.2 square versts, while the Maloyaroslavets district of the Kaluga province occupied 1,580.1 versts at the same time. The same can be said about the population density in these districts: according to the All-Russian Census of 1897, there were 21,411 people in Berezovsky district, and 86,888 people in Maloyaroslavets district.

Significant changes in the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Empire took place in 1853, when the Samara province was established from several districts of the Orenburg, Simbirsk and Saratov provinces, and during the entire subsequent pre-revolutionary period of Russian history there were no changes in the composition of its territories. . An exception is the territory of the Kwantung Region, formed in 1899 from lands leased by China to the Russian Empire for a period of 25 years. True, as a result Russo-Japanese War 1904 - 1905 the lease of this area went to Japan (together with the Russian-built part of the South Manchurian railway from Kuanchengzi to Port Arthur and Dalniy with all structures, military shipyards, arsenals and fortifications) and was resumed Soviet Union in the 1950s

The traditional administrative-territorial division of the Russian Empire into provinces, districts and volosts was abolished already in Soviet times, in 1928 - 1929, in connection with the introduction of a new division of the country into districts (Central Black Earth District, etc.).

Administratively, the lands were divided into counties, volosts, camps, Pyatina, courts, lips and churchyards. .

It was called the district the whole country, assigned by court and tribute to one city. In the district, in addition to the main city, there were suburbs, which also had an urban structure, and settlements. Both those and others were assigned for management to their district city; So, according to the Ryazan payment books of 7105, in the Ryazan district the following are listed: Pereyaslavl Ryazan, Proksk, Ryazhsk and the Nikolo-Zaraisky Monastery. The word uyezd, meaning a region or country with its own special structure, is found in the very first monuments of the Moscow administration.

Thus, in the first spiritual letter of John Danilovich Kalita it is said: “And there my sons will share the goy and other city volosts; also the letters in which, the district... In the same letter there are hints that in the Moscow state, under the first princes from the house of Nevsky, the district had equal importance with the appanage; therefore the expression: “which in which district” means: which in which district. And this significance of the district leads to the conclusion that in the Moscow state and, probably, in other Russian principalities, it initially represented a separate, more or less independent whole, had its own prince, its own rights and statutes. (We find these statutes also after the annexation of various appanages to Moscow in the charters that were given by the Moscow princes to various districts and volosts.) Thus, the district was more of a household unit; the administration only used his ready-made device “and did not change anything about it.

The center and representative of the county was always the main city, whose name the entire county bore. All the authorities that governed the county were concentrated in the main district city. Criminal cases were sent here for decision and approval; Likewise, there was a trial here for all other cases. In the district city, notebooks were kept for all lands and holdings located in the district, as well as lists of all district Residents, indicating who was in the service and who was not, what land they lived on: patrimonial, local or black, who had what family and how much land for whom. Based on these lists and books, a general breakdown of taxes and duties was made, and service orders were also compiled from them. Most of the taxes were collected in the city, and from here they were sent to the sovereign's treasury. All the service people gathered in the city before setting off on a campaign;

here the governors inspected them and wrote them down in their inspection books, indicating who was sent to serve in different people, horses and weapons. County or non-city lands

Volosts represent a more ancient division of counties, but packs appeared only from the time of Ivan Vasilyevich Sh. In the Moscow state, camps replaced volosts from that time on1. At the same time, it seems that only the names have changed, but the structure of the volosts itself remains the same, even their nicknames remain the same; so instead of the former volosts: Surozhskaya, Inabozhskaya, Korzenevskaya, etc., we meet the camps: Surozhsky, Ikabozhsky, Korzenevsky, etc. However, the name of the volost itself was not completely replaced by a new one; Thus, in the Moscow, Rostov and Belozersky principalities, both of these names are used simultaneously and, moreover - as can be seen from the letters of that time - so that sometimes the camp was part of the volost and, therefore, the volost was divided into camps, and sometimes, on the contrary, the volost was part camp"1. The volost, or later the camp, formed a separate part of the county and consisted of several settlements, villages, hamlets, settlements and settlements, which were governed by one volost or chief. The distribution of taxes and duties was determined by the residents of the volost themselves, just like the original court in all cases of persons belonging to the volost, each volost was so separated from the other that in the event of a trial between two persons of different volosts, the volosts had to judge with mutual consent and share the fees from the court in half, even in the event of withdrawal. For girls to be married to another volost, a special tax was imposed, known as “marten hatching.” If the killer was not found, wild vira or golovshchina was paid by the entire volost on whose land the murdered person was found.

Pyatina, judge, lips and graveyards

This division of land was actually Novgorod; in other Russian possessions we do not find a similar division, and although some of these names are found in other possessions of north-eastern Rus' (for example, churchyard), they here have a completely different meaning than in Novgorod - rather historical, as a remnant of antiquity, than administrative. Pyatina was the name given to one-fifth of Novgorod's possessions; in each Pyatina there were several districts, called courts in Novgorod, and in each court there were several graveyards and volosts. The Novgorod Pyatina had the following names: Derevskaya, which lay on the borders of Novgorod and Tver; Oboneekskaya - around Lake Onega;

Shelonskaya - they and Lovati walked along the banks; Votskaya - along the banks of the Luga, and Bezhetskaya - bordering the Moscow and partly the Tver possessions. Each five spot was divided into two halves; the number of churchyards in Pyatina was not the same. It is impossible to say with certainty when the division of land into pyatins appeared in Novgorod. Pyatinas appear in Novgorod administrative acts no earlier than the 15th century. There are hints that much earlier there was such a grouping of lands in Novgorod; yes, in the charter Prince of Novgorod

Lips and graveyards in the Novgorod and Pskov possessions had the same meaning as volosts and camps in the ancient Russian possessions. Pogosts are predominantly found in Novgorod acts, and lips - in Pskov acts.

However, not all Pskov possessions had lips, but only those that bordered the Novgorod ones; in other possessions of Pskov there were also graveyards. Who and when the division of lands into graveyards and lips was introduced is unknown; We only know that the churchyard was a very ancient institution in Novgorod. Thus, in the charter of Svyatoslav Olgovich, given in 1137, for tithes in favor of the Novgorod bishopric, the tithe was already divided into graveyards; graveyards are already mentioned on Onega, in Zavolochye and along the shores of the White Sea. In Novgorod there is still a division into volosts, but this division was not administrative, but economic. In Novgorod, volosts meant the same thing as estates in ancient Rus'; they constituted large holdings of private owners; So, there were princely volosts, monastic volosts, and private owners. In Novgorod administrative acts there are also rows or rows; these were the names of settlements that had an urban character, but did not have the significance of cities and were assigned by court and tribute to the cities on whose land they stood. These were just nascent cities; They were, for the most part, on navigable rivers and generally busy places, and therefore trade and industry were developed in them. Residents of the row were recognized as townspeople and were called ryadovichi, townspeople. The rows sometimes included arable land and various lands that they rented out for farming. The land, which was actually in a row, was divided into courtyards, as in cities, and not into quarters, as in villages, and the distribution of taxes and duties of ordinary people was also done by courtyard.Previous article
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