Russian Military Intelligence Day when. Military Intelligence Day in Russia

Intelligence is one of the oldest professions, which not only has not lost its relevance, but is also being improved and modernized every year. Since ancient times, ambassadors, merchants, and residents living near the border have been used to obtain information. Among the military formations, the intelligence department existed back in the tsarist empire. However, as an independent military unit, reconnaissance Russian Federation established itself immediately after the Great October Revolution.

Modern intelligence officers are being introduced and successfully work in the following areas:

  • space:
  • agriculture;
  • military industry;
  • economy;
  • policy.

Today the Main Intelligence Directorate - essential element strategic development of the country.


Military intelligence has rich history: intelligence officers, from 1654 to the present day, work for the benefit of the Fatherland. Many of them gave their lives during the war. The Main Directorate of Counterintelligence "Smersh" fought against saboteurs and spies, fighting traitors to the Soviet Army.

Significant dates in the history of intelligence:

  • 1654 - foundation of the Order of Secret Affairs (the first unit-prototype of the modern GRU);
  • 1716 - Peter I signs legal acts relating to intelligence activities;
  • 1810 - the Secret Chancellery was created under the military department during the reign of Emperor Alexander I;
  • 1812 - renamed into the Special Chancellery;
  • 1918 - formation of the intelligence department;
  • 1941-1945 - 700 agents were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union;
  • 1949 - formation of the intelligence department under the General Staff of the Soviet Army;
  • 2006 - official recognition by the head of state of Scout Day.

The role of intelligence officers is invaluable: specially trained agents collect data, identify and neutralize agents of intelligence departments of foreign states.


The celebration has a symbolic meaning, because many officers are not public people; their profession obliges them to “stay in the shadows” and not advertise their work.

According to custom, officers, cadets, senior officials, and representatives of the government of the Russian Federation gather for the celebration. Military personnel tell stories from their service and accept congratulations from family and government officials. The command organizes ceremonies for awarding certificates, medals, valuable gifts and promotions in rank.

Intelligence activities are at the core of the security of any country. And, like any department, representatives of this profession have their own holiday. - what date? How was this structure created and what does it consist of? modern activities? The article will tell you about all this.


Today this holiday is celebrated by contract and conscript soldiers, cadets and graduates of vocational schools. For a long time it was not established what date to celebrate the reconnaissance day. There was no official date, but those involved in the service were aware of its symbolic significance. Military Intelligence Day as a professional holiday in Russia arose only in 2006 and is celebrated on November 5. On this day in 1918, a special Registration Department was created, coordinating the actions of all units conducting intelligence work.

Now everyone knows what date to celebrate Intelligence Day. Every year in Russia they take place special events on the occasion of this day.

History of the profession

It appeared simultaneously with the emergence of the first state. In Rus', messengers, merchants, military men, and residents of border regions were involved in collecting valuable information. Later ordered the creation in 1654 which became the first official intelligence agency.

In 1810, Barclay de Tolly initiated the creation of a secret affairs expedition under the War Ministry, later renamed the Special Office under the War Minister. Employees of this department were engaged in collecting strategically important intelligence information abroad, monitored and reported on foreign troops and their maneuvers on the border, and also carried out serious work to identify foreign agents. The first head of this unit was the adjutant wing, Colonel A.V. Voeikov, who took office on September 29. Reconnaissance Day began to be celebrated much later.

After the revolution, intelligence activities continued to be among the main priorities of the new state. On November 5, 1918, the Registration Directorate arose, which included intelligence (intelligence) and military control (counterintelligence). It was headed by Semyon Aralov.

In 1918, special courses were organized to train future intelligence officers. The disciplines studied included topography, tactics, and others. Later they began to teach English, German and other foreign languages. In 1926, the intelligence agencies became known as the IV Directorate of the Red Army Headquarters.

Intelligence during the Great Patriotic War

All activities of the Intelligence Directorate were focused on ensuring combat operations. Not only all regions of the country were covered, but also enemy-occupied territories of foreign states. Agents of reconnaissance and sabotage groups were deployed behind enemy lines, many of whom subsequently became the basis of partisan detachments. Information collected by strategic and operational intelligence formed the basis of all military operations.

Since 1942, the Intelligence Department began to report only people's commissar defense Activities were completely focused on human intelligence both in the USSR and on the territory of other states. Subsequently, a number of transformations were carried out, and since 1949 the name GRU of the Armed Forces was assigned to the structure.

Modern intelligence

Her area of ​​interest continued to develop and expand. Now it covers everything that affects the preservation and strengthening of state security. The GRU includes all types and areas of intelligence that currently exist, and this large number. Intelligence Day is currently celebrated throughout the country, representatives of this profession are congratulated and honored. After all, it is thanks to their activities that all important information in the military, economic and political fields. Military intelligence officers monitor hot spots and the activities of extremist and terrorist organizations. Possible sources and routes of distribution of weapon components are being studied mass destruction and nuclear weapons. On high level there is military space reconnaissance, which showed its effectiveness during the fighting in Syria.


What day is reconnaissance day is now known to everyone. In Russia, the Foreign Intelligence Academy is engaged in training future representatives of this profession, on the basis of which intelligence officers also improve their qualifications. All future cadets undergo a strict medical and psychological examination before being allowed to take the entrance exams.

Intelligence activities are at the core of the security of any country. And, like any department, representatives of this profession have their own holiday. Reconnaissance day - what date? How was this structure created and what is its current activity? The article will tell you about all this.

What date is Military Intelligence Day?

Today this holiday is celebrated by contract and conscript soldiers, cadets and graduates of vocational schools. For a long time it was not established what date to celebrate the reconnaissance day. There was no official date, but those involved in the service were aware of its symbolic significance. Military Intelligence Day as a professional holiday in Russia arose only in 2006 and is celebrated on November 5. On this day in 1918, a special Registration Department was created, coordinating the actions of all units conducting intelligence work.

Now everyone knows what date to celebrate Intelligence Day. Every year in Russia ceremonial events are held to mark this day.

History of the profession

It appeared simultaneously with the emergence of the first state. In Rus', messengers, traders, military men, and residents of border regions were involved in collecting valuable information. Later, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered the creation of the Order of Secret Affairs in 1654, which became the first official intelligence agency.

In 1810, Barclay de Tolly initiated the creation of a secret affairs expedition under the War Ministry, later renamed the Special Office under the War Minister. Employees of this department were engaged in collecting strategically important intelligence information abroad, monitoring and reporting on foreign troops and their maneuvers on the border, and also carried out serious work to identify foreign agents. The first head of this unit was the adjutant wing, Colonel A.V. Voeikov, who took office on September 29. Reconnaissance Day began to be celebrated much later.

After the revolution, intelligence activities continued to be among the main priorities of the new state. On November 5, 1918, the Registration Directorate arose, which included intelligence (intelligence) and military control (counterintelligence). It was headed by Semyon Aralov.

In 1918, special courses were organized to train future intelligence officers. The disciplines studied included topography, tactics, human intelligence and others. Later they began to teach English, German and other foreign languages. In 1926, the intelligence agencies became known as the IV Directorate of the Red Army Headquarters.

Intelligence during the Great Patriotic War

All activities of the Intelligence Directorate were focused on ensuring combat operations. Not only all regions of the country were covered, but also enemy-occupied territories of foreign states. Agents of reconnaissance and sabotage groups were deployed behind enemy lines, many of whom subsequently became the basis of partisan detachments. Information collected by strategic and operational intelligence formed the basis of all military operations.

Since 1942, the Intelligence Department began to report only to the People's Commissar of Defense. Activities were completely focused on human intelligence both in the USSR and on the territory of other states. Subsequently, a number of transformations were carried out, and since 1949 the name of the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces was assigned to the structure.

Modern intelligence

Her area of ​​interest continued to develop and expand. Now it covers everything that affects the preservation and strengthening of state security. The GRU includes all types and areas of intelligence that currently exist, and this is a large number. Intelligence Day is currently celebrated throughout the country, representatives of this profession are congratulated and honored. After all, it is thanks to their activities that all important information in the military, economic and political fields is obtained. Military intelligence officers monitor hot spots and the activities of extremist and terrorist organizations. Possible sources and routes of proliferation of components of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons are being studied. Military space intelligence is at a high level, which showed its effectiveness during the fighting in Syria.


What day is reconnaissance day is now known to everyone. In Russia, the Foreign Intelligence Academy is engaged in training future representatives of this profession, on the basis of which intelligence officers also improve their qualifications. All future cadets undergo a strict medical and psychological examination before being allowed to take the entrance exams.

Indestructible, legendary, mighty... The epithets for our army are not loud or pretentious, but accurately reflect the essence. These words fully reveal the character of the Russian person, his will and love of freedom. From time immemorial, our army and navy have been famous for their military traditions. But no traditions are simply born or revived. Now we have about five dozen memorable dates and military holidays adopted to revive Russian military traditions, increasing the significance military service, popularization of the army and navy, recognition of the merits of the military.

Of course, men have their main holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day - especially those who served in active service. Each of us served or is serving in different branches of the military: navy, paratroopers, marines, artillerymen, motorized infantry and engineering troops. For a military man in the past or currently serving, the day on which the holiday of his branch of the military is celebrated is no less important than February 23.

Military Intelligence Day. A holiday for our military, whose service is closely connected with military intelligence. It doesn’t matter where you served: in an airborne reconnaissance company or in the GRU special forces, in the navy or in the air force.

The holiday was established in 2006 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. November 5 not a random date. On this day in 1918, the Registration Directorate became part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army, which was later transformed into the famous GRU of the General Staff.

Knowledge of the enemy's plans, its advantages and new developments in military sphere have always been extremely important for the existence of the country. Intelligence as a profession dates back more than a dozen centuries, and perhaps several millennia.

IN Kievan Rus intelligence is an important state matter. The predecessor of the GRU, the Order of Secret Affairs, was created under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the 17th century. Under Peter I, the receipt of intelligence data was placed on a state basis. Russia is trying to lift the naval blockade and join the ranks of the strongest countries in the world. The Military Regulations provided a legal basis for intelligence activities. IN early XIX century, in a difficult geopolitical situation, an Expedition of Secret Affairs was created under the Ministry of War. Soon the name was changed to the Special Chancellery under the Minister of War. The Expedition's tasks included many areas of intelligence activity: intelligence collection in other countries, reconnaissance in border areas, as well as counterintelligence.

The modern history of the country's military intelligence begins in difficult conditions of a destroyed economy and civil war.
Military intelligence Initially, in addition to strategic and operational purposes, it was used to obtain military secrets, information about developments in military and related fields.
Great Patriotic War a severe test fell on the shoulders of military intelligence officers. During the war, glorious military traditions developed: devotion to the Motherland and people, loyalty to the oath, fortitude, courage and self-sacrifice. About 10 thousand scouts were sent behind enemy lines in the first months of the war. Created partisan detachments. Intelligence data often played a critical role in senior management's decision-making.
The effectiveness of our military intelligence has been demonstrated more than once in hot spots: in the Middle East, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Chechnya and others. About 700 scouts were awarded the gold Hero Star.

Intelligence - the most important means receiving information, the eyes and ears of the army. It allows you to solve different problems: military-political, military-technical and purely military. It can use space developments and has extensive intelligence among potential adversaries. The number, structure and personalities of the GRU are protected as state secrets. The importance of military intelligence cannot be overestimated. These include successful actions during the war, timely preparation for it, and the possibility of delivering a preemptive strike.

Counterintelligence played an important role in the history of the USSR. In the spring of 1943, the famous “Smersh” was created; it was entrusted with the fight against spies, saboteurs, intelligence of opponents and “friends”, the fight against traitors and treason in the army. Despite the ambiguity historical facts, Smersh did his job, helping the country win the most difficult war.

Intelligence allows, if not to prevent a war, then to meet it fully armed, standing firmly on our borders. The exploits of intelligence officers are sometimes unknown and become public decades later. Many remain unknown, dying while performing military duty.

Honor and praise to military intelligence officers! Honor and praise to the worthy sons of Russia!

Date in 2019: November 5th, Tuesday.

War films about saboteurs and spies impress with the audacity and unusual abilities of the main characters. But all this is not fantasy. Real military intelligence officers are capable of more. After all, they are responsible not only for collecting information about enemies; the security of the country depends on their resourcefulness, cunning, and stealth. These warriors, who try not to advertise their intelligence affiliation, are congratulated on their professional holiday in November.

Conducting any military operations is impossible without reliable information about the enemy. It was thanks to the art of military saboteurs that such important information about the number, amount of equipment, grouping, location of deployment, and planning the main attack of the enemy was obtained for offensive attacks. People of this dangerous military profession It is customary to congratulate at the beginning of November, on Military Intelligence Day.

Who's celebrating?

The prototype of the modern Chief Intelligence Agency is considered to be a Registration Office that has already been created new government in 1918 to coordinate the actions of all bodies that at that time related to intelligence. It was this event that later became fundamental when Military Intelligence Day would be proclaimed as a public holiday.

But intelligence definitely existed before 1818. These were units whose responsibilities did not cover the terms of reference of modern intelligence officers. But, nevertheless, every military campaign began with reconnaissance activities. Special patrols were supposed to find out all the information about the enemy without engaging him in battle. Such patrol raids were carried out by both active duty soldiers and civilians. Usually the patrol consisted of 2 - 5 people, which was retained later.

In all the wars in which Russia had to participate, including the Northern and Russian-Turkish, the Patriotic War of 1812 and the First World War, the Great Patriotic War, intelligence officers were distinguished by their audacity and resourcefulness.

On Reconnaissance Day, it is impossible not to remember the skillful operations carried out behind the lines, both by enemies and allies, which were able to prevent new military conflicts. It is impossible to overestimate the role of the agents who revealed the plans for Operation Unthinkable, according to which in July 1945 the Western “allies” planned to declare war on the Union.

It was the Military saboteurs Meliton Kantaraya and Mikhail Egorov who hoisted the Victory Banner over the Reichstag.

Modern grushniks are proud of the exploits of their predecessors and try to carry the banner of military intelligence with honor.

Intelligence Day in Russia will be celebrated by all officers, as well as contract and conscript soldiers belonging to the GRU structure. Leaders in the General Staff, as well as retired officers, will certainly raise their glasses. Congratulations will be accepted by teachers of specialized educational institutions and young cadets.

History of the holiday

At the official level, the need to legalize the holiday of intelligence officers was first raised in 2000 by the Ministry of Defense. The corresponding order declared October 12 a holiday, which had previously been celebrated in a narrow circle unofficially. Later, the celebration is included in the list of memorable dates, which was legalized by Presidential Decree in 2006.

Scout Day will be celebrated a memorable 10 times in 2019 - the question is not raised on what date. The date is always the same - November 5, which corresponds to the birthday of intelligence structures in 1918.

About modern intelligence

Military intelligence officers are not just spies that boys and girls read about in childhood, dreaming of imitating these strong, witty people. These are real saboteurs who will pass by like a shadow, leaving no trace of their presence.

It’s not enough to dream of becoming a scout. Applicants undergo a rigorous selection process. Only after the first two stages are up to 99% of those wishing to become a scout eliminated. And in the future, not all the boys and girls who have passed such a selection can withstand intense training. There are legends about the knowledge and skills of scouts.

Physical endurance, mastery of martial arts, knowledge of several foreign languages, analytical thinking, ability to make decisions in non-standard situations– this is the minimum list of qualities that modern intelligence officers possess.

Many have to work under pseudonyms, and the names and real activities of intelligence officers can be classified for life.

Congratulations to the scouts

Can the work of an intelligence officer be called simply performing duties? After all, the profession of these people is, first of all, a calling. We associate the feat of a scout with legend and nobility. He will remember about courage and honor later, when the task is completed. Forget about years and losses on Scout Day. Let only hope and faith beckon through the open door.

Today is your holiday, scout. I'm proud to know you. May you always be able to hold the bird of luck by the tail, and may fortune not leave you either in moments of danger or in seconds of jubilation. Let information from enemies be learned without danger, and let the leadership adequately appreciate your contribution to the security of the country.

Military intelligence,

Dignified and daring,

Where is life, like in roulette,

Where is the step - the unknown.

We wish you the best

Return alive.

After all, we know clearly

That danger is nearby.

I wanted to congratulate you.

Just where you will be found.

You, a scout, are in camouflage.

You are quietly crawling towards glory.

The knife is clamped between the teeth.

The heart is beating steadily.

Maybe you can say it between us.

When you knock on our door.

Larisa, October 5, 2016.