Electrochemical systems. Electrode

The respiratory chain is a set of red-ox reactions as a result of which H2 and electrons are transferred to O2 with the release of H2O and energy. As a result oxidative reactions In the Krebs cycle, catalyzed by dehydrogenases, protons and electrons are transferred from organic substrates to the cofactors NAD and FAD, reducing them to NADH and FADH2. These substances have high energy potential. Electrons from them are transferred to O2 through a series of red-ox reactions. Oxidation organic matter in cells, accompanied by the consumption of O2 and the formation of H2O, is called tissue respiration, and the electron transport chain is called the respiratory chain.

NADH and FADH2 molecules, formed in the oxidation reactions of carbohydrates, fatty acids, alcohols and AA, then enter the mitochondria, where the process of oxidative phosphorylation is carried out by enzymes of the respiratory chain.

The respiratory chain is part of the process of oxidative phosphorylation. Components of the respiratory chain catalyze the transfer of electrons from NADH + H+ or reduced ubiquinone (QH2) to molecular oxygen. Due to the large difference in the redox potentials of the donor (NADH + H+ and, accordingly, (QH2) and acceptor (O2), the reaction is highly exergonic. Most of the energy released in this case is used to create a proton gradient and, finally, to form ATP with using ATP synthase.

The principle of operation of the respiratory chain:

1) NADH and FADH2 formed in catabolic reactions transfer hydrogen atoms (i.e., hydrogen protons and electrons) to the enzymes of the respiratory chain.

2) Electrons move through the enzymes of the respiratory chain and lose energy.

3) This energy is used to pump H+ protons from the matrix into the intermembrane space.

4) At the end of the respiratory chain, electrons strike oxygen and reduce it to water.

5) H+ protons rush back into the matrix and pass through ATP synthase.

6) At the same time, they lose energy, which is used for the synthesis of ATP.

Thus, the reduced forms of NAD and FAD are oxidized by enzymes of the respiratory chain, due to which phosphate is added to ADP, i.e. phosphorylation. Therefore, the entire process is called oxidative phosphorylation.

In total, the electron transport chain includes about 40 different proteins, which are organized into 4 large membrane-bound multienzyme complexes. There is also another complex that is not involved in electron transfer, but synthesizes ATP.

There are 2 inputs in the respiratory chain: 1. Protons enter the chain via NADH; 2. As part of FADN2

Characteristics of the components of the respiratory chain (enzymatic complexes):

1) NADH dehydrogenase (NADH-CoQ oxidoreductase) is built into the inner membrane of mitochondria. This is a flavin-dependent enzyme, which includes vitamin B2. Complex, has 2 prosthetic groups: FMN (flavin mononucleotide active form vitamin B2) and iron-sulfur proteins (FeS proteins). The Fe atoms included in the FeS centers are non-heme (not part of the heme). The active center of NADHDH faces the mitochondrial matrix. NADH dehydrates NADH (splits off H2) and transfers protons and electrons first to FMN, and then through FeS centers to CoQ (reduced and converted into CoQH2 or ubiquinol).

Function: a) Receives electrons from NADH and transfers them to coenzyme Q (ubiquinone).

b) Transfers 4 H+ ions to the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane.

2) CoQ (ubiquinone) non-protein carrier, is in a dissolved state, because is fat-soluble (dissolves in the lipid layer of membranes). Therefore, it can move both along and across the membrane (not charged). Therefore, it accepts electrons and protons from FADH2, i.e. h/z 2nd entrance to the respiratory chain. It is called an electron collector.

3) Cytochromes (b, c1, c, a, a3) complex proteins (hemeproteins), the non-protein part of which is heme containing Fe3+ (oxidized form). Fe heme can reversibly accept and donate electrons.

4) UbiquinolDH (CoQ-cytochrome c-oxidoreductase) is an enzyme complex consisting of cytochromes b and c1, which also includes FeS centers. Function:

a) Receives electrons from coenzyme Q and transfers them to cytochrome c (in this case Fe is reduced to 2x valence); b) Transfers 2 H+ ions to the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane.

5) Cytochrome c-oxygen oxidoreductase - This complex contains cytochromes a and a3, it is also called cytochrome oxidase, contains 6 in total polypeptide chains. The complex also contains 2 copper ions. Function: a) Accepts electrons from cytochrome c and transfers them to oxygen to form water. b) Transfers 4 H+ ions to the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane.

6) ATP synthase a complex consisting of many protein chains, divided into two large groups: one group forms the Fo subunit (pronounced with the sound “o” and not “zero” because it is oligomycin-sensitive) its function is channel-forming, along it, the hydrogen protons pumped out rush into the matrix. The other group forms the F1 subunit; its function is catalytic; it is the one that synthesizes ATP using the energy of protons.

"Chemiosmatic theory of conjugation, oxidation and phosphorylation" Mitchell:

“The transfer of electrons along the respiratory chain from NADH to O2 is accompanied by the pumping of protons from the mitochondrial matrix through the inner membrane into the intermembrane space. The transfer of protons is carried out due to the free energy released during the transfer of electrons along the redox potential gradient.”

Protons cannot return to the matrix, because The inner membrane of mitochondria is impermeable to them and to other charged particles. As a result, “+” charges are concentrated on the outside of the inner membrane, and “-” on the inside. An electrical potential difference (ΔΨ, “delta psi”) occurs across the membrane. Protons accumulate in the intermembrane space, the pH decreases, i.e. the environment will be acidic. And in the matrix there are fewer protons, a gradient of chemical potential (ΔpH) arises.  ΔμH+ = ΔΨ + ΔрН (Mitchel’s electrochemical potential).

The most active transport of protons into the intermembrane space occurs at the points of conjugation, oxidation and phosphorylation. CoQ plays an important role in the process of proton transport. For every pair of electrons transferred along the respiratory chain from NADH to O2, 3 pairs of protons are produced. If electrons are transferred from FADH2, then 2 pairs of protons. Protons can only return to the matrix through the ion channels of the ATP synthase enzyme.

ΔμH+ generated by protons at each of the conjugation points is used for the synthesis of the first ATP molecule. The synthesized ATP passes into the mitochondrial matrix.

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Living systems at all levels of organization are open systems. Therefore, the transport of substances through biological membranes is necessary condition life. Cell metabolic processes, bioenergetic processes, the formation of biopotentials, the generation of a nerve impulse, etc. are associated with the transfer of substances through membranes. Violation of the transport of substances through biomembranes leads to various pathologies. Treatment often involves drug penetration through cell membranes. The effectiveness of a drug largely depends on the permeability of the membrane. Great importance to describe the transport of substances has the concept of electrochemical potential.

Chemical potential of this substance m to is a quantity numerically equal to the Gibbs energy per mole of this substance. Mathematically, the chemical potential is defined as the partial derivative of the Gibbs energy, G, with respect to the amount of the kth substance, at constant temperature T, pressure P and the amounts of all other substances m l (l¹k).

m k = (¶G/¶m k) P , T , m

For a dilute solution of the concentration of substance C:

m = m 0 + RTlnC

where m 0 is the standard chemical potential, numerically equal to the chemical potential of a given substance at its concentration of 1 mol/l in solution.

Electrochemical potential m- a value numerically equal to the Gibbs energy G per one mole of a given substance placed in an electric field.

For dilute solutions

m = m o + RTlnC + ZFj (1)

where F = 96500 C/mol is the Faraday number, Z is the charge of the electrolyte ion (in elementary charge units), j is the potential electric field, T [K] – temperature.

Transport of substances across biological membranes can be divided into two main types: passive and active.

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1. Remizov A.N. Medical and biological physics: textbook. for universities / A.N. Remizov, A.G. Maksina, A.Ya. Potapenko. – M., 2003. – P. 191–213.

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Lecture 15 1. Concept of electrochemistry . Atoms consist of charged particles - nuclei (+) and electrons (-), but in general they are electrically neutral. The presence of electrical charges may not be noticeable. But sometimes we encounter electrification. We comb our hair, but the hair on our head is flying away. Clothes stick to the body, and you can even hear the crackling sound of electrical discharges. This reveals one universal phenomenon - the emergence of electric charges at phase boundaries. Contacting surfaces sometimes spontaneously, sometimes with the expenditure of work (the case of electrification by friction) acquire opposite electric charges . Besides the obvious examples, surface charges are the cause of electric current in batteries; operation of thermoelements; charges on membranes nerve cells

ensure the conduction of nerve impulses; charges on nanoparticles stabilize dispersed systems, etc. The name electricity itself arose from the ability of amber to electrify (in Greek hlektro - amber.) Chapter physical chemistry , which studies the relationship between chemical and electrical phenomena, is called electrochemistry . The main problems of electrochemistry are the occurrence of electrical phenomena during chemical reactions and the course of chemical reactions

when exposed to electricity. The founders of electrochemistry are considered to be two Italian doctors, Luigi Galvani (1737–1798, Bologna) and Alessandro Volta (1745–1827). To the root galvano

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Galvanotropism, etc.

The name galvanic cell comes from the surname Galvani. An electrochemical system is a heterogeneous system in which electricity

due to a spontaneous reaction (galvanic cell) or a non-spontaneous reaction occurs due to the expenditure of electrical work (electrolyzer). A dual action of the system is possible: in the charged state it acts as a current source, and during the charging process as an electrolyzer. This device is called a battery. All curious people know this.

An electrochemical reaction is a reaction accompanied by the transfer of charges across the phase boundary. 2. Varieties of surface potentials

– Contact potential occurs at the interface between two metals. In the case of contact between zinc and copper, zinc, which more easily gives up electrons, is charged positively, and copper negatively. Excess charges are concentrated along the metal interface, forming an electrical double layer.

If such a bimetal is immersed in acid, then electrons that reduce H + ions leave the copper surface, and at the same time zinc ions from the metal surface go into solution:

– Diffusion potential occurs at the interface between two liquid electrolytes. These can be solutions of the same substance with different concentrations, or solutions different substances, or solution and solvent. Obviously, such a boundary is unstable. Ion diffusion occurs, which leads to the emergence of a potential difference. Let us assume that the system consists of solutions of potassium chloride and hydrogen chloride of the same concentration of 1 mol/l. There is diffusion of K + ions into the HCl solution and counter diffusion of H + ions into the KCl solution. The diffusion of hydrogen ions occurs at a higher rate (the direction is shown by a longer arrow), as a result of which there is an excess of positive charge on the side of the KCl solution, and a negative charge on the side of the acid solution. A potential jump φ diff occurs.

– Membrane potential occurs on a membrane characterized by selective permeability to ions of different nature. Let us imagine solutions of chloride of different concentrations, separated by a membrane that allows chlorine ions to pass through, but sodium ions not to pass through. Then a certain amount of Cl – ions will move from a solution with a higher concentration to a solution with a lower concentration. The remaining excess Na + ions attracts Cl – ions and stops transport across the membrane. A certain potential jump is established, corresponding to the equilibrium state.

– Electrode potential arises at the interface between metal (conductor of the 1st kind) and electrolyte (conductor of the 2nd kind). The electrode potential has highest value in electrochemistry, since the operation of chemical current sources is based on this phenomenon. A system consisting of metal and electrolyte is called an electrode. Next we will talk about a number of types of electrodes. Now, as an example, consider a metal ion electrode (electrode of the 1st kind) Cu / Cu 2+. A plate of copper metal is immersed in a solution of a copper salt, for example CuSO 4 . The electrode is conventionally written with the symbol Cu | Cu 2+, where the vertical line means the interface between the metal and the electrolyte.

The concentration of copper ions in the metal and, accordingly, their chemical potential is higher than in solution. Therefore, a certain number of Cu 2+ ions pass from the metal surface to the electrolyte. An excess of electrons remains on the metal. From the electrolyte side, ions with positive charges are attracted to the metal surface. An electric double layer (EDL) appears. As a result of the movement of ions in the solution, a certain number of ions are removed from the surface, being in the diffusion layer. The equilibrium value of the potential jump in the electrical double layer is established. This potential jump j is called the electrode potential.

Let's consider what the value of the electrode potential depends on. The separation of charges in a DEL means the expenditure of electrical work, and the transfer of substance particles in the form of ions from the metal into a solution is a spontaneous chemical process that overcomes electrical resistance. In a state of balance

W el = –W chemical

Let us transform this equation for one mole of metal ions Me z+ (in our example this is Cu 2+):

Where F– Faraday constant 96485.3383 C mol –1 (according to the latest data). By physical meaning this is a charge of 1 mole elementary charges. Metal ion activity a(Me z+) in the case of sufficiently dilute solutions can be replaced by concentration With(Me z+). By dividing the written expression by zF we obtain the equation for calculating the electrode potential:

At A(Me z +) = 1; j = j o = DG°/zF. We make the substitution:

This equation is called the Nernst equation. According to this equation, the electrode potential depends on the activity (concentration) of electrolyte ions a(Me z+), temperature E and the nature of the Me/Me system z+ , which is implied in the value of the standard electrode potential j o.

Let us take for comparison another electrode obtained by immersing a zinc plate in a solution of zinc sulfate, denoted by the symbol Zn|Zn 2+:

Zinc is a more active metal than copper. A larger number of Zn 2+ ions pass from the metal surface to the electrolyte, and a greater excess of electrons remains on the metal (all other things being equal). As a result, it turns out that

j o (Zn 2+)< j о (Cu 2+)

In the activity series you know, metals are arranged in order of increasing standard electrode potentials.

3. Galvanic cell

Let's consider a system composed of two electrodes - copper and zinc. The electrolytes are connected by a curved tube filled with a potassium chloride solution. Ions can move through such a bridge. The mobilities of K + and Cl – ions are almost the same, and thus the diffusion potential is minimized. Metals are connected with copper wire. The contact between metals can be opened if necessary. A voltmeter can also be placed in the circuit. This system is an example of a galvanic cell, or chemical source current The electrodes in a galvanic cell are called half-elements.

When the contact between the metals is open, equilibrium values ​​of the electrode potentials are established at the metal-electrolyte interfaces. Chemical processes are absent in the system, but there is a potential difference between the electrodes

Δφ = jо (Cu 2+) – jо (Zn 2+)

When the contact is closed, electrons begin to move from the zinc plate, where their surface concentration is higher and the potential is lower, to the copper plate. The potential on copper decreases, and on zinc it increases. The balance has been disrupted. On the copper surface, electrons react with ions in the electrical double layer to form atoms:

Cu 2+ + 2e – = Cu

The copper potential is again approaching equilibrium. On the surface of zinc, the lack of electrons is compensated by the transition of ions into the electrical double layer, and from it into the electrolyte:

Zn = Zn 2+ + 2e –

The potential on zinc is again approaching equilibrium. Processes on the electrodes maintain a potential difference between them, and the flow of electrons does not stop. Electric current flows in the circuit. In a copper half-cell, copper is deposited on the metal surface and the concentration of Cu 2+ ions in the solution decreases. In the zinc half-cell, the mass of the metal decreases, and at the same time the concentration of Zn 2+ ions in the solution increases. The galvanic cell operates as long as the conductor is closed, and until the initial components - zinc metal and copper salt - are used up. Adding up the reactions occurring at the electrodes, we obtain the overall reaction equation in the galvanic cell:

Zn + Cu 2+ = Zn 2+ + Cu, Δ r H= -218.7 kJ; Δr G= -212.6 kJ

If the same reaction is carried out under normal conditions between zinc and copper sulfate, then all the energy is released in the form of heat equal to 218.7 kJ. The reaction in a galvanic cell gives electrical work 212.6 kJ, and only 6.1 kJ remains as heat.

The potential difference between the electrodes in a galvanic cell is a measurable quantity called electromotive force , EMF. This is a positive value:

The potentials of the electrodes and the EMF of the element do not depend on the size of the system, but only on the materials and conditions. Therefore, current sources have different sizes depending on their purpose, as we see in commercially available batteries. Electrodes for practical and scientific measurements can be microsized, allowing them to be inserted into a cell to measure membrane potentials.

The considered galvanic cell in the standard state has EMF = 1.1 V.

EMF = |j o (Cu 2+ /Cu) - j o (Zn 2+ /Zn)| = 1.1 V.

The following conventional notation for the galvanic circuit is used:

-Zn| Zn 2+ || Cu 2+ | Cu+

Anode is an electrode at which oxidation occurs.

Cathode is the electrode at which reduction occurs.

The potential difference between the electrodes is measured with a voltmeter, but the electrode potential of an individual electrode cannot be determined experimentally. Therefore, the potential of a conventionally selected electrode is taken as zero, and the potentials of all other electrodes are expressed relative to it. A standard hydrogen electrode was taken as the zero electrode. It consists of a platinum plate coated with platinum black and dipped into an acid solution, into which hydrogen is passed under a pressure of 101.3 kPa. The electrode is written as follows:

By convention, jº(Pt, H 2 | H+) = 0 V.

If the hydrogen electrode in the galvanic cell under study turns out to be the cathode, then the second electrode in this element is the anode, and its potential is negative. In the opposite case, when the hydrogen electrode turns out to be the anode, the second electrode has a positive potential (cathode). In the series of metal activities, hydrogen is located between metals with negative and positive standard potentials. Standard electrode potentials, expressed relative to the hydrogen electrode, are given in the tables. We can use the table to find the potentials and calculate the emf of a copper-zinc galvanic cell:

j o (Cu 2+ /Cu) = +0.34 V; j o (Zn 2+ /Zn) = –0.76 V; EMF = 0.34 V – (–0.76 V) = 1.1 V.

Electrochemical potential or μ - physical quantity, connecting the chemical potential (μ) and electrical potential (φ) of some electrochemical system by the relation:

A = μ + e·φ

For the solute:

μ = μ 0 + R*T*lnC + z*F*φ

μ 0 - Standard chemical potential, depending on the nature of the solvent.

C - concentration of the substance

R - gas constant

T - temperature

z - ion valency

F - Faraday number

φ - electric potential

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An excerpt characterizing the Electrochemical potential

- Is it okay, Petrov? - one asked.
“Brother, it’s too hot.” Now they won’t interfere,” said another.
- Can't see anything. How they fried it in theirs! Not in sight; darkness, brothers. Would you like to get drunk?
French people last time were repulsed. And again, in complete darkness, Tushin’s guns, surrounded as if by a frame by buzzing infantry, moved somewhere forward.
In the darkness, it was as if an invisible, gloomy river was flowing, all in one direction, humming with whispers, talking and the sounds of hooves and wheels. In the general din, behind all the other sounds, the moans and voices of the wounded in the darkness of the night were clearest of all. Their groans seemed to fill all the darkness that surrounded the troops. Their groans and the darkness of this night were one and the same. After a while, there was a commotion in the moving crowd. Someone rode with his retinue on a white horse and said something as they passed. What did you say? Where to now? Stand, or what? Thank you, or what? - greedy questions were heard from all sides, and the entire moving mass began to push on itself (apparently, the front ones had stopped), and rumors spread that they were ordered to stop. Everyone stopped as they were walking, in the middle of the dirt road.

Let us consider in more detail the mechanism of occurrence of galvanic potentials using the example of a hydrogen electrode. The hydrogen electrode belongs to the electrodes of the first kind. Hydrogen electrode is platinized platinum immersed in an acid solution, such as HC1, and blown with a stream of hydrogen gas. A reaction occurs at the electrode

where H+ q denotes the solvated proton in aqueous solution(i.e. hydronium ion H e O +), and e(Pt) is the electron remaining in the platinum. At such an electrode, a hydrogen molecule dissociates to form a hydronium ion in solution and a conduction electron in platinum. In this case, the metal platinum is charged negatively, and the solution - positively. As a consequence, an electrical potential difference arises between the platinum and the solution. A double layer appears, consisting of negative and positive charges, resembling a flat electric capacitor. The hydrogen electrode is reversible with respect to the cation.

When considering the equilibrium for the given dissociation reaction, it is necessary to take into account that the resulting H + cation, leaving the platinum, does work against electrical forces. This work is done due to the thermal energy of the solution. It is equal to the stored electrical energy. Therefore, the chemical potential of aquated protons, p(H ^ q), will not be equal to the simple sum p°(Hgq) + R71ntf(Hg q), since the solution has an electrical potential different from platinum. Taking into account the work against the electric field forces in the process of proton transfer, for p(H* a) we obtain

where cp(Pt) is the electrical potential of the platinum electrode; (p) is the electric potential of the solution; d(HM - activity of hydrogen cations in solution; F- Faraday number (F= 96485 C/mol); value sr (R)- f(P0 is the galvanic potential at the platinum-solution boundary D^f. The Faraday number arose because chemical potentials are usually calculated per mole, and not per electron. Work against electric field forces P[f(/>) - - f(P0] is accomplished due to the thermal energy of the solution. It is this work that ensures the charging of the electrodes, the discharge of which, when the external circuit is closed, is accompanied by the production of electrical energy.

A quantity of type p(H + q) is called electrochemical potential. Equating the chemical potentials for substances in the left and right sides of reaction (16.1) in equilibrium, we obtain

where p)