Georgia. Presentation on the topic: "Georgia - a country with many legends, one of them says that when God distributed the earth among the peoples, the Georgians were busy feasting on the occasion."

Georgia Work In Ardosanidze Lana and Klochkova Alina))))

Flag of Georgia The flag is a white rectangular panel with five red crosses, one central (St. George) and four equilateral (Bolnisi) crosses in four quadrants. One rectangular cross and four small crosses at the corners on a silver (white) background depicted on the State Flag of Georgia are a common Christian symbol, personifying Jesus Christ the Savior and the four evangelists. Silver (white) color in heraldry indicates innocence, purity, purity, wisdom, and red - courage, courage, justice and love.

Geographical location Georgia is a state located in Western Asia and the Middle East, and also, according to some sources, partially in Eastern Europe, in the western part of Transcaucasia on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. Georgia borders Armenia and Turkey in the south, Azerbaijan in the southeast, and Russia in the east and north.

Population The estimate of the total population of Georgia according to the national statistical service as of January 1, 2013 is 4,483,800 people (excluding the population of Abkhazia and South Ossetia); according to the US CIA as of July 1, 2012 - 4,570,934 people. According to the 2002 Georgian census (4,369,579 inhabitants), the following national groups lived in the country:

Climate The west of Georgia is influenced by the subtropical climate, and the east is influenced by the Mediterranean climate. The Greater Caucasus Range serves as a barrier to cold northern winds. Along the Black Sea coast, from Abkhazia to the Turkish border, as well as in the area known as the Colchis Lowland, a subtropical climate with high humidity and heavy precipitation (from 1000 to 2000 mm per year, and in the Black Sea port of Batumi even 2500 mm per year) dominates. . Several varieties of palm trees grow in this region. In January-February the average temperature is 5 °C, and in July-August - +24 °C.

Fauna The fauna of Georgia includes 330 species of birds, more than 100 species of mammals and 160 species of fish. In order to preserve this biodiversity and natural complexes, the Tbilisi National Park, as well as 6 reserves and 17 nature reserves, were created on its territory. The richest fauna is in the forests of Georgia. Examples: grass snake, Caucasian viper, copperhead

Economy In 2012, according to the World Bank, Georgia's GDP per capita (at purchasing power parity) was $5,902. In 2007, according to the IMF, the GDP growth rate was 12.4%, in 2008 - 2.4%. External financing has played a significant role in ensuring economic growth in recent years, as well as in shaping state economic policy and the sectoral structure of the economy.

Sources Wikipedia Yandex:pictures Website: Georgia

GEORGIA IS A COUNTRY WITH MANY LEGENDS One of them says that when God distributed the earth among the peoples, the Georgians were busy with a feast on the occasion of the creation of the world. Having raised toasts, they still came. But it turned out that they were too late. Then the Georgians said: “Sorry, dear, we’re late: we drank to your health.” God thought and said: “I have saved a piece of land here for myself, but for your spontaneity and directness I am giving it to you! Remember that the land is very beautiful and incomparable to anything, and people will admire and admire it in all ages.” It happened as the Almighty said. For many centuries now, everyone has admired the beauty of a small but proud country.

NAME Georgians call their country Sakartvelo. This word comes from the name of the Kartvel people, who lived in the territory of present-day Georgia. The word “Georgia” came into our language from the Arabic “Gurjistan”. In the Ancient World, Georgia and Spain were called the same Iberia.

F LAG The one rectangular cross and four small crosses at the corners on a silver (white) background depicted on the flag of Georgia are a common Christian symbol, personifying Jesus Christ the Savior and the four evangelists. Silver (white) color in heraldry indicates innocence, purity, purity, wisdom, and red indicates courage, courage, justice and love.

I LANGUAGE The language of the Basque people living in Spain is very similar to Georgian. There are three Georgian alphabets. In the Georgian language there is no stress as such, only the t is raised on a certain syllable. Georgian has no capital letters, and there is no masculine or feminine gender (it is determined by context). In the Georgian language there are words with 8 consonants in a row - (gvprtskvnis). But this is not even a “ceiling”; in the famous Georgian work “The Knight in the Skin of a Tiger” a word with 11 consonants in a row is used and sounds like vefkhvtmbrdgvneli. In the Georgian language, the decimal system is used for naming numbers. To pronounce a number between 20 and 100, you need to divide it into twenties and say their number and remainder. For example: 33 twenty-thirteen, a78 three-twenty-eighteen. In the Georgian language, all known and native words sound like this: “mama” is dad, “deda” is mom, “bebia” is grandmother, “babua” or “papa” is grandfather.

HISTORY AND POPULATION The remains of the first representatives of the human race were found on the territory of Georgia. They were discovered in 1991 in Dmanisi and date back to approximately 1 million 770 thousand years ago. They were given the names Zezva and Mzia. Jews have lived in Georgia for 2,600 years.

LAWS If you have drunk a lot while visiting and do not want to get behind the wheel of your car, then calmly call the police patrol, warning in advance that you do not want to create emergency situations on the road. In gratitude for this behavior, the police will deliver you and the car to your home. And it's all absolutely free. In Georgian high-rise buildings, elevators with payment or a personal key are very often found. Pay elevators: To go up, you need to put a certain amount of coins into the mechanism. The descent is free. Gun storage is allowed in Georgia. There is not a single “Thief in Law” at large in Georgia.

IN THE WAR In the Second World War, Georgians died more than all others in percentage terms. The first person to hoist the Victory Banner on the roof of the German Reichstag was the Georgian Meliton Kantaria. In 1976, the American space agency NASA sent the Georgian song “Chakrulo” into space as an example of the musical abilities of humanity.

T RADITION Don't be surprised if you see men kissing on the cheek in Georgia. After all, according to Georgian tradition, everyone kisses when they meet. Georgians do not take off their street shoes when they come to visit cities. If you do this, Georgians may take such a gesture as disrespect for the owners. Even worse if you ask for room slippers.

TRADITIONS In some regions of Georgia, the tradition of kidnapping brides has been preserved. This is only done at the mutual desire of the bride and groom. In Georgia, it is impossible to refuse to come to a wedding, since this is a great offense for the inviting party, and it happens that this is the beginning of a long-term feud between two families.

T URISM Georgia strives to become a tourist Mecca for the whole world. Therefore, all signs, information boards and signs are made in Georgian and English, even turns to the smallest villages. Georgia has excellent hitchhiking: they will give you a lift where you need to go, then they will also feed you and give you an overnight stay if necessary. One of the many attractions of Georgia is the laundry hanging from everywhere, which Georgians place not on the territory of the balk, but outside it.

TO FUCK The main person during a feast in Georgia is the toastmaster. According to custom, this is either the host himself, or he chooses a toastmaster from among the guests (a respected person). No one has the right to drink a glass of wine unless a toast is made in turn by all the people (seniors) who are participating in the feast. In Georgia, shish kebab is eaten with your hands. An obligatory attribute of a Georgian feast is a plate of greens on the table. Cilantro, basil, tarragon, green onions are what Georgians love to eat with meat. PERSONALITIES Born and raised in Georgia were (1.) Vladimir Mayakovsky and (2.) Aram Khachaturian. From Georgia there was Napoleon's personal bodyguard, she, (3.) Razmadze's height

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GEORGIA 4th grade School of Russia The presentation was made by a primary school teacher of the Tara Gymnasium No. 1 named after A.M. Luppova" Akimova E.Yu. Tara, Omsk region 2012

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Georgia is a beautiful mountainous country, located in the central and western part of Transcaucasia. The area of ​​the country is more than 69.7 thousand square meters. km, according to the US CIA as of July 1, 2012 - 4,570,934 people. The official language is Georgian.

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Georgia borders on Russia in the north, Azerbaijan in the east and southeast, and Armenia and Turkey in the south. The capital is Tbilisi. The largest cities are Kutaisi, Batumi, Rustavi. The main rivers are Kura and Rioni.

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State symbols of Georgia Flag of Georgia since January 14, 2004 Coat of Arms of Georgia Adopted on October 1, 2004. It is a red shield with an image on it of the patron saint of Georgia, St. George, on a horse slaying a snake. The shield is crowned with a golden crown, the shield holders are two golden lions, under the shield there is a motto ribbon with the inscription “Strength in unity.”

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The capital of Georgia is Tbilisi. According to archaeological data, this territory was inhabited back in the 4-5 millennium BC. It got its name from the warm sulfur springs (in Georgian tbili - warm) Panorama of Tbilisi. The city stretches for almost 30 kilometers in the valley of the Kura River.

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Tbilisi On the rocky bank of the Kura River rises the Metekhi Temple (13th century), next to which stands the monument to Vakhtang Gorgasal, the legendary founder of the city. Surrounded on three sides by mountains, the city stretches out in a rather narrow strip along both banks of the Kura River. From time immemorial, Tbilisi houses went down the mountain slopes to the river or were built on the stone cornice of its steep left bank.

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The official language is Georgian. The monetary unit is lari. 20 lari. The 20 lari banknote depicts the outstanding public figure of Georgia Ilya Chavchavadze. He was a writer, chairman of the Society for the Promotion of Literacy among Georgians, and published a newspaper.

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Natural conditions and occupations of people Georgia is a beautiful mountainous country in Transcaucasia. The Main Caucasus Range stretches along its northern border - these are relatively young mountains, and earthquakes occur there from time to time. Since Georgia has both high mountains and plains, not far from each other there are eternal snows, glaciers of the Caucasian peaks and subtropical forests with evergreen trees, the temperature difference is also very large. The Black Sea coast is a wonderful place for relaxation and treatment, there are many magnificent beaches. In sunny Georgia, tea, persimmons, oranges, tangerines, lemons and grapes are grown, to which there is a special relationship - famous Georgian wines and high-quality cognacs are produced from them. The country has a lot of mineral resources, there are deposits of coal, copper, oil, and arsenic. There are many sources of healing mineral waters.

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Georgia Khasia Diana, 11th grade GBOU school No. 104. St. Petersburg. Teacher Shizhenskaya N.N.

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Georgia Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia, until 1936 the city was called Tiflis in Russian, and Tfilisi in Georgian. It got its name because of the warm sulfur springs (translated from Georgian “tbili” means “warm”).

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Anthem of Tavisupleba (Georgian: თავისუფლება, “Freedom”) is the national anthem of Georgia, one of the main state symbols of Georgia, along with the flag and coat of arms. Georgian text transliteration translation into Russian თავისუფლება ჩემიხატიასამშობლო, სახატემთელიქვეყანა, განათებულიმთა-ბარი, წილნაყარიაღმერთთანა. თავისუფლებადღესჩვენიმომავალსუმღერსდიდება ს, ცისკრისვარსკვლავიამოდის ამოდისდაორზღვასშ უაბრწყინდება, დიდებათავისუფლებას, ადიდებას! Chemikhatiasamshoblo, sakhatemtelikvekana, ganatebulimta-bari, tsilnakariagmerttana. Tavisuplebadgeschweni momavalsumgersdidebas, tsiskrisvarskvlaviamodis amodisda orzgvashuabrtskindeba, didebatavisuplebas, tavisuplebasdideba! My icon is my homeland, Its iconostasis is the whole world, Illuminated mountains and valleys, Divided between equals to God Our freedom today Sings to our future for Glory, The dawn star will rise And shine between two seas, Glory to freedom, Glory to freedom!

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Mikheil Nikolozovich Saakashvili Mikheil Nikolozovich Saakashvili is a Georgian politician and statesman. President of Georgia from January 25, 2004 to November 25, 2007 and from January 20, 2008 to November 17, 2013, chairman of the United National Movement party, one of the leaders of the “Rose Revolution”, as a result of which Eduard Shevardnadze was removed from power

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CURRENT PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA Georgiy Teimurazovich Margvelashvili is a Georgian politician, the current President of Georgia since November 17, 2013

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State structure of Georgia In accordance with the Constitution of Georgia, Georgia is an independent, united and indivisible state, which was confirmed by a referendum held on March 31, 1991 throughout the country. Act on the restoration of state independence of Georgia dated April 9, 1991. Georgia is a unitary state. According to the form of government, Georgia is a presidential republic. The political regime is democracy in the process of formation. The President of Georgia is the highest representative of Georgia in foreign relations. A citizen of Georgia who has the right to vote by birth, has reached 35 years of age, has lived in Georgia for at least 15 years, and is residing in Georgia by the day the elections are called, can be elected president.

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Currency of Georgia The currency of Georgia is the monetary unit lari. Georgian currency code according to ISO 4217: GEL. 1 lari = 100 tetri. The national currency was introduced in Georgia in 1995 during the administration of the state - Eduard Shevardnadze. The National Bank of Georgia issues anniversary and investment coins of various denominations dedicated to memorable dates. The banknotes of the Georgian currency depict great figures and kings of Georgia: 1 lari - primitivist artist Niko Pirosmani 2 lari - composer Zakhar Paliashvili 5 lari - historian Ivan Javakhishvili 10 lari - poet Akaki Tsereteli 20 lari - writer and poet Ilya Chavchavadze 50 lari - Queen Tamara 100 lari - medieval poet Shota Rustaveli 200 lari - Georgian prince Kakutsa Cholokashvili (1921-1924)

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FGP of Georgia The Republic of Georgia is a state in Transcaucasia. Located between 42°E. and 46°N. It borders on Russia in the north, Azerbaijan in the east, Armenia and Turkey in the south, as well as Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The total area of ​​the Republic of Georgia is 57.2 thousand km. Sq. The western coast of Georgia is washed by the Black Sea. Most of the territory is occupied by mountains - the Greater Caucasus in the north near the border with Russia, and the Lesser Caucasus in the south. Large rivers of Georgia: Alazani Aragva Kura Inguri

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EGP of Georgia Georgia borders with Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, the Russian Federation, Abkhazia and South. Ossetia. Economic ties. Export partners: Turkey 20.0%, Azerbaijan 14.7%, Canada 10.4%, Armenia 7.9%, Bulgaria 7.3%, Ukraine 7.4%, USA 3.3% (2009) Exports: scrap metal, wine, mineral water, ore, vehicles, fruits, nuts Import partners: Turkey 18.0%, Ukraine 9.6%, Azerbaijan 8.6%, Germany 6.9%, Russia 6.6%, USA 5.1%, China 4.0%, Bulgaria 3.5% (2009) Imports: fuel, vehicles, equipment, grain and other food products, pharmaceuticals

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In 2005, Georgian seaports handled 24 million tons of cargo, of which 74% was oil and petroleum products. Ports: Batumi (mainly an oil loading and container port) Poti (mainly transshipment of manganese ores, copper concentrate, building materials, grain) Kulevi Supsa (an oil terminal has been operating since 1999) Sukhumi Transport The largest volume of cargo transportation in Georgia is accounted for by road transport (about 60 %), freight turnover - by rail transport (about 90%). A significant role in the formation of the sectoral structure of the economy was played by the involvement of Georgia in regional projects related to the transit of energy resources. Oil pipeline routes Baku - Tbilisi - Ceyhan and Baku - Supsa Railways - 1,612 km. (all electrified); with broad gauge - 1,575 km. , with a narrow gauge - 37 km.. Rail transportation is dominated by the transportation of petroleum products. Main railway lines: Tbilisi - Samtredia - Poti, Batumi - Tbilisi - Baku (Azerbajan), Tbilisi - Yerevan (Armenia), Tbilisi - Telavi. Rail transport Sea ports

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Road transport Roads - 20,363 km. (coated - 19,038 km; uncoated - 1,325 km.) Pipeline transport Pipelines: for oil - 1,027 km; for petroleum products - 232 km; for gas - 1,697 km. (2004). Main pipeline lines: section of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline (the opening ceremony of the Georgian section took place on October 12, 2005); section of the Baku - Supsa oil pipeline (put into operation in 1999); section of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline; section of the Vladikavkaz-Kazbegi-Red Bridge gas pipeline

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GGP of Georgia Membership in international organizations In 1992, Georgia became a member of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, in 1993 - the International Development Association, in 1998 - the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank. On June 14, 2000, Georgia became a member of the World Trade Organization. Weapons: Battle tanks, armored vehicles, artillery pieces, combat aircraft, helicopters and warships and boats, as well as other weapons. Mirage 2000 fighters, Black Hawk helicopters and ships of various classes. Unmanned aerial vehicles. Field artillery guns, mortars, anti-aircraft missile systems and much more. Conflicts There are territorial conflicts with Abkhazia and South Ossetia (war of 08/08/2008), as well as a conflict with Russia, because Russia recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in August 2008. (Diplomatic and trade relations with Russia were terminated.

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Population of Georgia According to the population census, in January 2002, approximately 4.4 million people lived on the territory of Georgia (excluding Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which did not take part in the census. The age group under 15 years old makes up 20% of the population, the group from 15 to 65 years old - 68%, over 65 years old - 12%. Birth rate in 2001 was estimated at 11.18 per 1000 people, mortality - 14.58 per 1000, emigration - 2.48 per 1000 and natural decline - 0.59%. mortality is estimated at 52.37 per 1000 births. Life expectancy - 64.57 years (61.04 for men and 68.28 for women) National composition Year of census Georgians Abkhaz Ossetians Russians Azerbaijanis Armenians 1926 59.9% 2.6% 5.3% 1.2% 6.4% 17.6% 1939 60.4% 1.7% 4.2% 8.7% 5.3% 14.7% 1959 61.3% 1.7% 3.5% 10.1% 3.8% 15.0% 1970 62.8% 1.7% 3.2% 8.5% 4.6% 14.7% 1979 65.8% 1.7% 3.2% 7.4% 5.1% 16.0% 1989 70.1% 1.8% 3.0% 6.3% 5.7% 12.7% 2002 (without Abkhazia and South Ossetia) 83 .8% 0.1% 0.8% 1.5% 6.5% 5.7%

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Population density (persons per 1 km2) The main population of Georgia is: Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Russians, Ossetians, Greeks, Abkhazians, Yezidis, Jews (including Georgian Jews, Kurdish Jews and Ashkenazis), Assyrians, Ukrainians, Kists, Germans, Poles, Bulgarians. According to estimates at the beginning of 2010, the urban population amounted to 2350.5 thousand people (53.0%), including 1152.5 thousand people (that is, almost half of the city residents - 49.0%) - in Tbilisi, 192.5 thousand in Kutaisi, 123.5 thousand in Batumi, 119.5 thousand in Rustavi. Urbanization Migration and Emigration Religion Orthodoxy (most of the Georgians, Russians, part of the Abkhazians, Ossetians, Greeks) - 84% Islam (part of the Georgians in Adjara and Meskheti-Javakheti, part of the Abkhazians, Azerbaijanis, Kists) - 9.9% Armenian Apostolic Church (Armenians) - 3.9% Catholicism (a small part of Georgians and Armenians) - 1.2% (53 thousand) Judaism (Jews) - about 0.8% (40 thousand) Yezidis (Kurds) - 18 thousand Jehovah's Witnesses - 16 thousand Pentecostals - 9 thousand Baptists - 8 thousand Lutherans - 1 thousand Orthodox Christianity (Georgia is one of the first countries to adopt Christianity as a state religion in 337 AD), very tolerant attitude towards other religions, there are Muslims, Catholics etc.

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Natural resources Georgia has a wide range of mineral resources. The country's mineral resource potential is represented by 450 mineral deposits of 27 types, the main of which are: high-quality manganese ores (Chiatura, reserves - 200 million tons, annual production - up to 6 million tons), coal (Tkibuli and in Abkhazia - Tkvarcheli; reserves - 400 million tons), copper ores (Madneuli, reserves - 250 thousand tons), oil (Samgori, Paterdzeuli, Ninotsminda, industrial reserves - 30 million tons). Georgia has significant reserves of building materials: bentonite clay (17 million tons), dolomites, limestone (200 million tons), clay for the production of cement (75 million tons) and bricks (47 million m3), gypsum, talc, molding sand. On the territory of Georgia, there are about 2 thousand fresh water sources with a total annual debit of 250 billion liters, 22 deposits of mineral waters, including medicinal ones - “Borjomi”, “Sairme”, “Nabeghlavi”, “Zvare” and others, with a total debit about 40 billion l/year. Currently, fresh and mineral waters are exported to 24 countries around the world. The total area of ​​forest resources is 3 million hectares. Wood reserves are estimated at 434 million m3. The country's territory is a rich raw material base for the pharmaceutical industry. The country's recreational resources - mountain and sea resorts - are unique in their characteristics. In the future, 20% of the entire territory of Georgia is planned to be allocated to national parks and reserves. In recent years, efforts have been made to revive the resort and tourism complex. Electricity is produced at thermal and hydroelectric power plants. The largest hydroelectric power station is located in the city of Jvari, on the Enguri River.

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Industry The leading industries in Georgia are: food (production of tea, wines and cognacs, tobacco products, essential oil crops, canned vegetables and fruits, mineral waters, hazelnuts), light (silk, wool, cotton, shoe, knitwear, clothing production), mechanical engineering (production of electric locomotives, cars, machine tools in Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi), ferrous metallurgy (metallurgical plant in Rustavi, Zestafoni ferroalloy plant, Chiaturmanganese plant), non-ferrous metallurgy (Madneuli plant), chemical (production of nitrogen fertilizers, chemical fiber, paints, household chemistry - in Rustavi). In the structure of industrial production, the largest share is occupied by the processing industry - 69%, the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water supply accounted for 24%, and the mining industry - 7%. Leading industries: metallurgy, mining. The chemical and oil-extracting, forestry, light (mainly textile) and food industries are developed. In the forest industry, one of the developed areas is the export of pine cone seeds.

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Agriculture Most agricultural products in Georgia are produced on private plots and farms. Most agricultural farms are small and rely mainly on manual labor. Georgia's agricultural productivity is extremely low: concentrating more than 50% of the employed population, it provides about 12% of GDP. Livestock In 2002, the volume of livestock production in Georgia was 1.01 billion lari, in 2003 - 1.07 billion lari, in 2008 - 1.35 billion lari. From 2003 to 2008, there was a reduction in the number of main types of livestock, as well as the production of main types of livestock products. Over these years, the number of cows decreased by 23%, the number of pigs - by 5.5 times, the number of sheep and goats - by 16%, the number of poultry - by 27%, meat production - by 2 times, milk production - by 9%, production eggs - by 4%, wool production - by 15%. Crop production Wheat, barley, corn, beans, tobacco, sunflowers, soybeans, potatoes, vegetables, melons, fodder crops, tea, grapes, fruits, and citrus fruits are grown in Georgia. In 2002, the volume of Georgian crop production was 968 million lari, in 2003 - 1.15 billion lari, in 2008 - 998 million lari. Farming in the country is intensive. Tell about economic conditions, natural economy

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Economic ties of Georgia Georgia is developing a stable negative trade balance. It is an importer of food, energy, cars, machinery and transport equipment. Georgia exports mineral waters, wines, tea, citrus fruits, pipes, alloys of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, textiles. In addition, it is engaged in the re-export of crude oil. The volume of imports in 2000 was estimated at $898 million, exports – $372 million Country Export Import Balance Georgia 372,898 -526

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Economic problems The Georgian economy is highly dependent on external financial injections, including foreign aid, loans, investments, and remittances from abroad. From 1994 to 2006, the IMF provided loans to Georgia totaling more than $500 million. In April 2008, Georgia first listed Eurobonds (ISIN XS0357503043) worth $500 million on the London Stock Exchange with the help of placement agents UBS and JP Morgan." In October 2008, Western countries announced the allocation of $2.5 billion to Georgia over 2008-2010 in the form of a long-term, low-interest loan. As of December 31, 2009, Georgia's total external debt was $8.6 billion, which accounted for 80.3% of its GDP. Of this debt, the debt of the public sector accounted for $2.7 billion, the National Bank - 0.9 billion, the banking sector - 1.6 billion, companies - 2.1 billion, other sectors - 1.3 billion. For 2009, the total external debt Georgia increased by $1.3 billion.

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Environmental problems One of the main environmental problems is air pollution in industrial cities, especially in the center of metallurgy - Rustavi. Increased deforestation, soil erosion and pollution of the Black Sea are serious concerns. There are difficulties with the supply of drinking water to the population and the disposal of wastewater. Georgia is a party to many international agreements on environmental protection.

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Sights of Georgia There are about 300 mountain, seaside climatic, balneological and mud resorts in the republic. There is a magnificent botanical garden near Batumi. In Georgia there are over 10 thousand monuments of archaeology, history, architecture, art, there are numerous historical documents, manuscripts and natural monuments. The oldest architectural monuments preserved in Georgia date back to the 1st millennium BC - 1st century AD. This is the acropolis in Mtskheta, the royal residence in Armaziskhevi. Examples of Georgian architecture of the early Middle Ages are the fortified city of Ujarma (5th century), the fortified settlements of Nakalakevi, Shorapani and Skanda, and temples in Kartli (5th-6th centuries). The 11th-12th centuries include fortifications in Dmanisi, Samshvilda, the Bagrati temples in Kutaisi, Bolnisi Zion (5th century), Jvari (6th century), Svetitskhoveli (11th century) in Mtskheta, the cave city of Vardzia (12th century) . 1) Acropolis in Mtskheti 2) royal residence in Armaziskhevi

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Nakalakevi Shorapani and Skanda Jvari 1) 2) nakalakevi 3) Shorapani and Skanda 4) Jvari

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There are 118 museums in Georgia. The most famous is the State Museum of Georgia, transformed in 1919 from the Caucasian Museum (founded in 1852), which houses exhibits demonstrating the development of the civilization of Georgia and the Caucasus as a whole. The Historical and Ethnographic Museum with its collection of ancient Georgian dwellings and the State Museum of Art of Georgia with its “golden fund” are very interesting. This museum has five main sections: ancient Georgian art (with the famous enamels of the Khakhul triptych and the central enamel icon of the Mother of God), Russian, Soviet, Western European and Oriental art.

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The presentation on the topic "Georgia" can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 12 slide(s).

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They say that while God was allocating places for different nations, the Georgians were on a revelry. God had already finished distributing the lands when the Georgians came to him. The surprised Lord asked where they had been before this time. “We made toasts in your honor,” the Georgians answered. The flattered Lord said: “If so, then I will give you an excellent piece of land that I have set aside for myself.” This is how the Georgians got Georgia.

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Georgia (Sakartvelo) is located in the central and western part of Transcaucasia, and in the west it is washed by the Black Sea. The area of ​​Georgia is 69,700 km². The Greater Caucasus Range is located in the north of Georgia. On the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus Range there are the Gagra, Bzyb, Kodori, Svaneti, Kharul, Lamis, Gudis, Kartli and Kakheti ranges.

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The climate of Georgia is influenced by the subtropical climate from the west and the Mediterranean climate from the east. The Greater Caucasus Range serves as a barrier against the cold wind from the north. Along the Black Sea coast, from Abkhazia to the Turkish border, and in the area known as the Colchis Lowland, a subtropical climate with high humidity and heavy rainfall dominates. Several varieties of palm trees grow in this region. In mid-winter the average temperature is 5 °C, and in summer - +22 °C.

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The modern constitution of Georgia was adopted on August 24, 1995. The Constitution is based on the thousand-year-old statehood of Georgia and on the basic principles of the Georgian Constitution of 1921. According to the constitution, the President of Georgia is elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a period of 5 years; one person is allowed to be elected to this post for no more than two consecutive terms.

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The modern flag of Georgia is a rectangular white panel with five red crosses, one central St. George and four equilateral Bolnisi-Katskhi crosses in four quadrants. One rectangular cross and four small crosses on a silver (white) background depicted on the state flag of Georgia are a common Christian symbol, personifying Jesus Christ the Savior and the four evangelists. Silver (white) color in heraldry indicates innocence, purity, purity, wisdom, and red - courage, courage, justice and love.

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The coat of arms of Georgia is a red shield with an image on it of silver figures of the patron saint of Georgia, St. George, on a horse, slaying a serpent. The shield is crowned with a golden crown, the shield holders are two golden lions, and under the shield there is a motto ribbon with the inscription “Strength in Unity.” The author of the coat of arms is Mamuka Gongadze.

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The total population of Georgia is 4,615,807. According to the population census in Georgia in 2002 (out of 4,369,579 inhabitants), the following national groups live - Georgians (83.7%), Azerbaijanis (6.5%), Armenians (5.7 %), Russians (1.5%), Ossetians (0.9%), Kurds and Yezidis (0.5%), Greeks (0.3%), Chechens and Kists (0.2%), Ukrainians (0 .2%), Assyrians, Avars, Abkhazians and others.

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  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. Everything comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more relaxed and less nervous.