Games for getting to know and activating children. Games at the table

Outdoor dating games

Game "Let's get to know each other!"

Children with a teacher stand in a circle, and a newly arrived child can stand in a circle, together with a parent, if desired. The leader, this is the teacher, stands in the center of the circle, holds a soft toy, says his name and the name of the person to whom he is passing the toy. The child who is named comes up and takes the toy and remains in the center of the circle. The teacher goes to his place. Now there is a new presenter. He also says his name and the name of the next player in the game.

The participation of the teacher is important here, since he plays a leading role in introducing a new child.

Children sit in a semicircle, and the newly arrived child can be with the parent, if desired, the leader is the teacher, in front of everyone with his back to the players. Children take turns saying something, it is better if they are simple rhymes or counting rhymes that are feasible for this age. The presenter, without turning around, must name the person whose voice he heard. First, the children call out to the teacher in a normal voice, over time, when they all know each other well, they can specifically change their voices and intonation, and over time, any of the children can be the leader at will.

Game "Carousel".

For this game, children stand in a circle and hold hands tightly so that the “carousel” does not break. With the words:

Barely, barely, barely, The carousel began to spin.

The carousel moves slowly in a circle.

And then, then, then, Everybody run, run, run!

The pace of speech and movements gradually accelerates

Let's run, let's run, Let's run, let's run! Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel!

The pace of movements gradually slows down.

One-two, one-two! Pause.

The game is over!Everyone stops and bows to each other.

Group dating games

Game "Tell poems with your hands."

You can play this game endlessly, because there are a great many poems that can be “illustrated”. The game allows children to relax, feel more confident, and helps to establish a trusting relationship with the teacher.

Progress of the game . First, the teacher reads a poem to the children (you can start with easy, short poems). Then the teacher repeats the poem and at the same time performs illustrative movements.

Example. Bunny.

Bunny Bunny (children jump with their hands clasped, imitating a stutterer).

Little bunny (sit on the floor to show how small the bunny is).

Long ears (show ears with palms).

Quick legs (run).

Bunny bunny,

Little bunny (movements are repeated).

You're afraid of kids

Cowardly bunny (they wrap their arms around themselves, showing fear).

“How to get there?”

Purpose of the game - learn to navigate in kindergarten. To do this, they first conduct a tour of the kindergarten.

Presenter (teacher) - “The bunny’s ears hurt! What should he do?

Children - “Go to the doctor!”

Presenter - “Show the way”

First, the children describe the road in words: leave the group, go down to the first floor; turn towards the front door. Then several children are asked to take Bunny to the doctor. The doctor (warned in advance) bandages the ears and gives vitamins to all children.

“Whose things?”

Materials : attributes of various professions: thermometer - honey. worker, ladle - cook, accordion - music worker.

The teacher says that while there were no children in the group, someone came to them, and they are asked to guess who. Moreover, children must name not just their profession, but also the name of the employee of this children's institution.

"Find a toy"

Leading (first the teacher, then the children) hides a small toy in the group, or in one of its rooms, and then invites the others to find it.

“The toy lies on the windowsill in the reception (locker room).” Then it’s more difficult - “The toy lies in the bedroom on Masha’s bed.”

After the toy is found, the children express their versions of what it was doing: going for a walk, going to bed.

You can make the task even more complicated: “The toy washes the dishes” - this means that the children must guess where to look for it.

One of the tasks of parents and teachers is to teach children to get acquainted, establish contacts with peers, and make friends. A child who does not know how to make friends will not be able to quickly adapt to new groups, risking becoming lonely or even an outcast, and developing a feeling of self-doubt and self-doubt.

For the first time, coming to the kindergarten group, in new class, having arrived in children's camp, it is very important for a child to establish contacts and make friends. Not only his psychological well-being, but also the pace of physical and intellectual development depends on how successfully he integrates into the new team.

Special children's dating games are designed to help children not be afraid of new acquaintances and to instill in them a desire to make new friends.

What are dating games? Their goals and objectives

This is the view play activity, aimed at creating a favorable environment in a group of children who do not know each other.

The purpose of dating games is to introduce children to each other and eliminate communication restrictions.

The following games will be useful for getting to know each other:
  • at summer camp;
  • V school classes or recently formed kindergarten groups;
  • in an organized children's group where the children do not yet know each other.

They are necessary if a group of children faces a long collaboration or shared accommodation.

Dating games can help solve the following problems:
  • create an atmosphere conducive to children communicating, learning new things about each other, and getting closer;
  • create a sense of community, an atmosphere of cooperation and support (this is especially important for those children who are afraid to express themselves; some cannot even simply raise their hand to give an answer to the teacher);
  • relieve stress, tension, and stiffness that accompany, to one degree or another, each member of the new team.

What types of dating games are there for children?

Games for initial acquaintance are held on the first day of the children's unification. Their task is to give the children an idea of ​​their comrades, to help ensure that unfamiliar peers become no strangers to the child. Such games teach you to remember the names and appearance of group members. They also help recognize activists who consistently demonstrate humor and sociability. The presenter also identifies shy children in order to find them individual approach and help start communication.

Games for secondary acquaintance needed for in-depth study personalities of comrades. They form relationships between children. Such exercises use techniques that help you learn about children’s hobbies and favorite activities. They are held after the participants have already become a little accustomed to the team and have become accustomed to the new environment.

Dating games for preschoolers

For preschoolers, an adult is an unconditional authority, and if the teacher is friendly and emotional, the kids will take part in all the activities that he offers. Dating games for preschool children should be short, cyclical and dynamic. The “preschool” type of thinking is visual and effective. Therefore, when working with children of this age, you need to use visual material– toys, pictures and funny music. Subject to these conditions, dating games in kindergarten can be used for children of any age, even if they do not yet know how to speak.

I'm giving you a toy...

This is a great dating game for kids. Collect small toys in a bag and ask the children to stand in a circle (you can seat the children on chairs arranged in a circle). Take out the toys one at a time and distribute them to the children, not forgetting to say loudly: “I’m giving the bear to Katya!”, “I’m giving the pyramid to Seryozha!” etc. The attention of 2-3 year old children will definitely be attracted by the named toy, and along with the names of the toys they will remember the names of their new comrades. When the children remember each other’s names a little, you can offer the role of leader to one of them. The teacher must correct the child if he incorrectly says the name of the friend to whom he gives the toy.


The kid, who volunteered to be a “train engine,” is put on his head with a hat with a picture of a steam locomotive. The child moves around the room, saying: “Too-too!” He approaches any participant and calls himself by name. The child addressed by the “train” names himself in response. Now he becomes a “locomotive”, and the former “locomotive” becomes a “carriage”. Together they “ride” in a circle and the “train” chooses the next child, calling the name of the first train and his own. The third child calls himself and becomes a “locomotive.” The cycle is repeated several times until all the children are included in the train.

Hello, let's be friends

For this game you will need photographs of all participating children. Children must be seated on chairs arranged in a circle. In the center of the circle you need to place a table and place photographs of children face down on it. The first child should come to the table and take any of the photographs. Having determined which of the children sitting around is depicted in this photo, he must approach him and extend his hand for a handshake with the words: “Hello, I’m Vlad. Let’s be friends.” The child who is approached must shake the outstretched hand and answer: “Hello, I’m Sasha. I will be happy to be friends with you,” and after that he must go to choose the next photo. The game continues until all the photographs have been sorted out.


This introduction game begins with children moving freely around the room to the music. An adult calls the number: “3”, and the participants unite in “circles” of three people, holding hands. The one who has not found a top three answers the presenter’s question.

Questions related to children's hobbies:
  • What's your favorite cartoon?
  • What do you like to do when you're alone?
  • Do you like fairy tales?
  • Can you ride a bike?

The game is repeated several times. The numbers are called different. Last time you need to say a number equal to the number of participants so that all the children line up in one big circle.

Games for getting acquainted with children of primary school age

At the age of 7-10 years, children still love all kinds of group games and game tasks. U junior schoolchildren, their imagination is well developed, so they need visual materials less than kids, and more in creative and verbal types of games. Remember this when organizing dating games for children primary classes.


The guys stand on chairs arranged in a circle. The leader's command is the start to the beginning of the game. Players need to move from chair to chair and without touching the floor with their feet, line up in alphabetical order their names.

Guess right away

The children sitting in a circle are given a ball. The first player must throw it to any player and say the initial syllable of their name. The player to whom the ball was thrown tries to guess the second syllable of the name. If the answer is correct, the player who threw the ball says his name; if the answer is incorrect, he answers “No” and waits for one of the other participants to guess his name. The game ends when all the guys' names are named.

Find the namesake

Participants in the game need to find their namesakes in order to unite with them into one group. The host gives the signal to start the game, and the guys begin to shout out their names. Victory goes to the most active and fastest.

Star Rain

Each of the guys receives a paper star. They must write their name on it. After this, the presenter goes around everyone with a box in his hands. Everyone throws a star into the box and says their name out loud. After all the stars have been collected, the guys take turns pulling them out of the box. Having taken out the star, the player reads the name written on it and gives it to the owner.


Girls sit in one row, and boys sit in the row opposite. The girls take turns calling male names. If there is a boy with that name, he gets up from his chair and talks briefly about himself. When all the boys' names are guessed, they remember female names, trying to guess the names of the girls sitting opposite.

Remember the name

Several teams are needed for the competition. The game starts with the first team, each player of which says his first and last name and briefly talks about himself. Next, the 2nd team receives cards on which the names of the participants of the 1st team are written. The task of the 2nd team is to find the owners of names among the opponents and give them cards, while calling each by their last name. For each correctly guessed first and last name, she is awarded 1 point. Then the players of the 2nd team are introduced.


The participants of the game line up. A conductor is selected and turns his back to the rest of the players. At the conductor’s command “Let’s start the concert!” The guys take turns saying their names. When all the names in a row are called, they begin to call them in reverse order - from last to first (and so on several times). Then the conductor says “Intermission” and turns to face the players. He needs to remember the guys' names. 1 point - for each name correctly named. Next, a new conductor is chosen and the game continues.


For the duration of the game (5 minutes) all participants become “journalists”. After they are given paper and a pen and the signal to start the game sounds, the guys begin to ask the others their first and last names, ask about their hobbies, future profession etc. They write down the answers. The “journalists” who collected the most information win.


The players are divided into two teams. At the signal, the first players of each team run to their “base”, where there are envelopes with the names of the players of the opposing team. The “postman” reads the name on the envelope loudly, the recipient from the other team must respond with the words “It’s me!” Then the “postman” quickly runs to the addressee and hands him the letter. That's what everyone else does. The winner is the team that delivers all the letters the fastest. Organizers can mark the envelopes short meanings names and at the end of the game hand it over to the participants as a souvenir.


There are 2 teams participating in the competition. Before the relay starts, each of the guys comes forward and says their first and last name.

The teams each have a sheet of Whatman paper. The game consists of two stages.

Stage 1. The player runs up to the sheet and writes his last name on it; on the way back he must shout out his name. The players of each team do this in turn.

Stage 2. Teams exchange sheets. Now the task of the competition participants is to write his name opposite the opponent’s last name. The victory goes to the more accurate team.

Secret names

The guys sit in pairs: boy-girl. Before the game starts, the boys tell their names to the girls sitting opposite them, they say in a whisper. The girl from the 1st pair whispers the name of her partner to her neighbor. The other girls shouldn't hear what she says. Next, the girl from the 2nd pair gives the girl from the neighboring pair the names she knows: the boy from the 1st pair and her partner. That's what all the other girls do. The girl from the last pair must name all the boys by name in the correct order. If the boy's name is called correctly, he stands up. Then the girls and boys change roles. The victory goes to the team that correctly names the most names.

Name representation

Guys with the same names unite into groups (Dima with Dima, Olya with Olya). Each group must present its name in an original way.

Examples of tasks for the game:
  • Talk about the meaning of your name;
  • Draw a name emblem;
  • Perform a song or recite a poem in which the name appears;
  • Remember outstanding personalities with the same name;
  • Come up with a bouquet of flowers whose names begin with the same letter as the name.

Dramatization of names

All children form a circle, one child stands in the middle of the circle. The presenter offers the option: “Forest!” The guys, imagining trees, raise their branches, make noise and repeat the name of the one standing in the circle: “I-van! I-wan!” The second child is represented by “sea”, the third by “road”, the fourth by “bells”, until all names are presented.

Let's brag

Children take turns “bragging” about how they are different from the rest. The presenter suggests: “Think about what kind of person you are? What can you do? What are you good at?” It is advisable not to repeat yourself in the game.

Dating games for teens

A teacher, working with teenagers, must remember their vulnerability and be as friendly as possible. It is also necessary to take into account that at this age tactile interaction and gender communication are important. If you meet children in game form Taking these factors into account, the success of the event is guaranteed.


The guys form a circle. The presenter announces the task and then gives a signal. The players must line up in the order named by the leader.

These could be:
  • in alphabetical order of first or last names;
  • according to your favorite colors;
  • by month of birth;
  • on your favorite school subjects;
  • by place of residence, etc.

Field of Miracles

The player gives clues to others so they can guess his name.

For example:
  • My name contains 4 letters;
  • The first letter of my name is “E”;
  • My name has 2 consonants (Egor).

The player who correctly guesses the name gets 1 point.

Couple in love

Among those who wish, one girl and one boy are chosen. With the help of gestures and facial expressions, they must depict a scene of a declaration of love; the plot can be taken from a movie. You are only allowed to pronounce each other's names. Victory goes to the couple whose performance will be the most memorable.


Players are divided into groups according to their horoscope (Leo with Leo, Taurus with Taurus). Each group makes up interesting story about their zodiac sign, for this guys can use any sources: books, magazines, the Internet. All players from the group must be involved in each performance.


Players receive a piece of paper on which the name of each participant in the game and interview questions are written down. Questions are prepared in advance by the game organizers. The game starts at the signal. Players must find the person whose name is written on the sheet and interview him, writing down the answers on the same sheet. The fastest player wins.

At leisure

Each player gets a list with the names of 10 activities.

For example:
  • loves to play football;
  • loves to draw;
  • loves roller skating, etc.

Each player has their own to-do list. They are compiled by the game organizers based on the results of a preliminary survey or survey of the children.

The task of the game participants: opposite each activity, write the name of the friend whose favorite activity is. To do this, players will have to find out who likes what from the other participants in the game. The player who completes the task first wins.


Each player is given a piece of paper and a pencil. The countdown begins at the command of the leader. Everyone should come up with an emblem and motto for themselves ( catchphrase, quote from famous work literature or film, etc.). On a piece of paper you need to draw an emblem and sign a motto. When the allotted time is over, the works are collected and an exhibition is organized from them, where each of the children talks about their work.

Fellow traveler

Players are divided into pairs of “fellow travelers”. The guys are given 3 minutes of time to ask each other about their character, hobbies, habits, etc. Then everyone sits in a circle, and everyone reports what they have learned about their “fellow traveler.” The main thing in the game is how detailed and interesting this story will be.


Players each draw one card. The card contains 2 tasks.

These could be, for example:
  • perform a song;
  • dance a dance;
  • tell an anecdote or a funny incident from life;
  • talk about your hobbies, friends, etc.

Dating on the street

Players are divided into pairs. Each couple must perform a street dating scene. One of the partners plays the role of someone who is trying to get acquainted; he must do this as persistently as possible, showing all his resourcefulness. He needs to know the name of his partner (“the stranger”) and his favorite activity. The “stranger’s” task is to politely leave and evade the answer. Among those who want to meet, the most assertive one wins, and among the “strangers,” the most resourceful one wins. The winners are determined by the players themselves.


The leader informs the players sitting in a circle that they need to get to know each other without naming names. You can only give clues by which you can guess the name. These can be any 2 words or famous personalities with which the name is associated.

For example:
  • I am the namesake of the commander of Macedon (Alexander);
  • The son of Yuri Lermontov (Mikhail) was also called;
  • My name is the Russian version of the name of the singer McCartney (Pavel);
  • My name reflects faith in something better (Hope);
  • There is a flower named after me (Lily);
  • My name has a common root with the name of the month (Martha), etc.

Minute of glory

The music turns on, the guys stand in a circle and start dancing. All Dimas and Olyas are called into the middle of the circle. They dance, and the rest call their names in chorus to the music. Then the owners of other names are called to the center. The dancing continues until all the children are in the middle of the circle.


Participants receive balloon, which you need to inflate and write your name on it. Teenagers stand in subgroups of 3-4 people and hold hands. The participants' task is to keep the balls in the air without unclenching their hands. For example, you can throw them up with your head and blow on them. If any ball falls, the participants must call the leader in unison, shouting the name on the fallen ball. At the teacher’s go-ahead, you can release your hands, pick up the ball and continue the game.

Changing places

The teacher, who stands in the center of the circle, names some skill and invites those who can do it to change places. For example, he says: “Dance.” At the same time, at the moment of changing places, the presenter takes one of the places that is vacant. The one who is left without a place names the next skill. After the end of the game, everyone remembers who changed places with them, calling the participants by name.

The moment when children find themselves in an unfamiliar group is very difficult for them. To provide support to the children, teachers conduct get-to-know-you games. For children who are going through a period of adaptation to a new team, such games will help establish friendly relations in short term. Here we have collected the most interesting games for acquaintance for children of all ages. We hope that they will help you make getting to know your children an easy and interesting process.

Unusual dating game

Anastasia Medvedkova
Dating games

This selection will allow the teacher meet the students, introduce children to each other.

Dating games

The players stand in a circle facing inward. One of the seats remains free. The one standing to the right of the free space says loudly, “I’m coming!” and goes over to him. Next (that is, the one who is now standing to the right of the empty seat) says loudly “Me too!” and moves on to him, the next one says “And I’m a hare!” and also takes place on the right. The next one, passing, says “And I’m with...” and names someone from those standing in the circle. The task of the one who was named is to run to an empty place.

In this game, you can add a driver who will wedge into an empty seat when someone is thinking too long.

The players form two circles, one inside the other, with an equal number of people. Circles spin in different sides under words:

My shaggy gray dog

Sits by the window

My shaggy gray dog

looks at me

B – I – N – G – O

Bingo call him.

Oh, what a meeting!

Word “B – I – N – G – O” pronounced separately by letter, and for each letter there are outer circle clap the hands of those standing in the inner circle. For each letter - the palms of a new person. The last letter is spoken drawlingly (surprised - joyfully) and the last phrase ( "Oh, what a meeting") the couple says together, hugging and introducing themselves to each other by name. This continues until everything is let's get acquainted.

In three words

Tell us about yourself in three words.

Everything is clear here: Each person sitting in a circle names any 3 words that, as it seems to him, most fully characterize him.

Fun tasks

“Listen, laugh, do it,

Remember the names"

With these words, the leader gives the task to the children.

Sasha took Marin by the hands and danced.

Lena sang a song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

Lesha took Tanya for left hand and jumped.

The lights race towards the body, etc.

All children stand in a circle. The leader stands inside the circle. Children jump on one leg in a circle in one direction, and the leader inside the circle in the other direction, and at the same time sentences:

“The sparrow jumps, jumps, beat, beat,

Gathers all his friends, zey-zey,

Many, many different us-us-us,

They will come out. (Helenochki) now is the time.”

The named children enter the circle, take the leader’s hand and the game is repeated until the names of all the children are named.

Target games- get as much information as possible about the guys.

Move games: drawn (to be determined) border, the counselor offers to go over to one side for those who are united by some common sign.

The counselor sets simple criteria for unification, for example, you can cross to the other side of the border those:

who loves ice cream;

who has a dog at home (cat);

who likes to watch cartoons, etc.

At the same time, during games, the counselor can find out:

who loves to sing;

who loves to dance;

who is how old;

who is at the camp for the first time.

and many others useful information, asking these questions mixed with the simple ones written above.


Boys sit on one bench, and girls on another. Boys call any girls' names. If these names are girls, then they stand up and tell a little about themselves. Then the girls call any names of the boys. This continues until the names of all the children have been named.

A letter is written in a column on a piece of paper "I". A certain time is given, and each participant must write 10 qualities inherent in him. For example: I am honest, I am strong, etc. After that, everyone walks chaotically, getting acquainted and show each other what they wrote. At the end, you can ask who remembered what.

Mother of three children

Each participant writes information about himself on small pieces of paper in 3-5 phrases. The leaves are then collected and distributed in random order. The task is to find the author. For example, the following could be written on a piece of paper: “Mother of three, violin player, green-eyed brunette”.

Get to know me

Each participant draws his own portrait. Then all the portraits are hung or laid out in the center of the room and the group must find out who is in the portraits.

Publications on the topic:

“A selection of mobile applications for autistic children” - to help a teacher-speech pathologist Currently I work as a speech therapist. So, one day, I came across mobile applications that introduce kids to letters. A couple.

Winter holidays are a festive mood, fun games in the fresh air. While waiting for the rest, the guys remembered and talked about the event.

Dear colleagues, I would like to present to your attention educational activities on a project that we are leading this year for the senior group.

Memo for teachers on identifying and organizing work with artistically gifted children.“There are too many people in the world whom no one helped to awaken” A. Exupery Features of the visual activity of the artistically gifted.

A selection of activities on the development of sensory perception in children Tactile – motor perception. Topic: “Looking for treasure.” Purpose: 1. To teach children to correctly feel objects, while highlighting characteristic ones.

A selection of winter outdoor games and relay races for children of junior, middle and senior groups. Winter fun on the playground. A selection of winter outdoor games and relay races for children of junior, middle and senior groups. Winter fun on the playground. Junior groups. "Who.

The task of any teacher who has to create a new team is to quickly unite the children. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar place, be it a new class or a health camp, a child needs support from adults. With the help of a dating game, an adult will be able to establish contact between children and help timid children quickly adapt to a new environment. Parents will also benefit from knowledge about these types of games when they organize children's parties and general walks in recreation areas.

Everything you need to know about dating games

Teachers give great value this type of gaming activity, since it is designed to create a calm, friendly environment inside children's group, whose members are unfamiliar with each other. It is necessary to resort to such games when children have to spend a long period of time together. Getting to know each other games can help if your child:

  • transferred to another class;
  • came to the kindergarten group for the first time in senior year preschool age;
  • came to a health camp;
  • I signed up for classes in the children's sports section, circle.

The main tasks that the dating game solves are: children - help to find contact with each other, remember each other’s names, appearance, adults - identify both leaders and poorly communicating guys. In addition to the immediate task of getting to know each other, they contribute to:

  • children's cohesion;
  • reducing stress, internal tension, which invariably accompany a person in a new team;
  • creating a favorable atmosphere for communication and rapprochement.

Various types of games

Dating games are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. involved in initial acquaintance; used on the first day of team formation. The simple tasks and leading questions included in them help the child learn the names of his comrades.
  2. used for re-acquaintance; Help children learn each other's favorite activities and habits. Thanks to them, the child distinguishes from the group of like-minded people who have the same hobbies as him. They are usually held on the third or fourth day after the team reunification, when the children have become accustomed to the new environment.

How to introduce preschoolers through games

In the eyes of children visiting kindergarten, an adult has unshakable authority. The main culprit in the cohesion or, conversely, disunity of the team is the teacher himself. A good teacher has real pedagogical savvy and knows how to be not only strict and demanding, but moderately cheerful and witty. Games for older students who are not very persevering should be short and rhythmic. Preschool children perceive new information based on visual material. Kindergarten students love it when they show up in class fairy tale characters. Little mischievous children watch with interest and repeat the movements of the teacher to the music.

The teacher needs to acquire bright demonstration pictures, fun logarithmic warm-ups and bibabo dolls. If there is good handouts The game will be received with a bang by the child. The proposed games can also be played by parents who independently organize a children's party.


The game has already become a classic; children of all ages get to know it easily and naturally. The rules of the “Snowball” are simple: the guys stand in a large circle. The presenter says his name loudly. The next child repeats it, then names his own. The participant standing behind him calls three names: teacher, neighbor, given name. The player at the end of the circle must difficult task: He must list the names of all the participants in the Snowball.

Delicious treat

You will need a set of colored cards depicting foods that children love. Everyone says their name loudly and shows a picture of their favorite treat. The children say the name of the latter in unison. For example: Sasha - strawberries, Anya - ice cream.

Dating line

Children form a circle. The presenter (let it be an adult at first) whispers any name into the ear of a child standing next door. This name is spoken to each other in a quiet voice by all participants in the game. After this, the teacher shouts loudly: “One, two, three, run in a circle!” The child, whose name was pronounced by all the children, runs into the circle to the sound of cheerful music. Other participants try to catch him. Having run into the circle, the child talks about himself (what he loves, what he does, where he lives, whether there are pets, etc.), after which he gives a task to the players who were unable to catch him (clap his hands, sit down, jump, dance).

Dating games for elementary school

School time is the most important time for children. However, the little first-grader, despite his high-profile status as a schoolboy, remains the same restless mischief-maker. He still enjoys playing group games and happily completing exciting tasks.

Unlike preschool children, schoolchildren attending primary school, imagination works well. They do not require visual handouts. At this age, children love to play games that involve creative thinking to the greatest extent.

Whose heart is this?

Such unusual game Perfect for a newly created team. The player is given a small red card in the shape of a heart, where he writes his name. An adult, acting as a leader, walks in a circle, collecting cards in a box.

The participant, giving the card, calls out the name out loud. After this, the leader walks around the children in a circle for the second time. The student he approaches takes the heart out of the box, reads the name and tries to remember who it belongs to.

Mathematical introduction

Dating games serve not only as a means of communication for children. Thanks to them, students can repeat the material covered in class. In this game, players sit on chairs in a circle. The presenter gives the task to count. The participant in the game who has a number divisible by three says his name instead of the number. The game not only develops communication skills, but is also an excellent tool for developing attention and memory.


Just before the start, each participant receives from the presenter a card on which his name is written. The players are divided into two teams. Members of the team that entered the game first call their first and last names in turn and tell a few stories. interesting facts about myself. Then the cards of the players of the first team are transferred to the second group. Participants of the other team must correctly identify the owner of the card and remember his last name. The winner is the team that best completed the task.


Participants in the game are given small pieces of paper to write down their names, hobbies, presence of animals, favorite foods, etc. At the signal from the host, the players begin to question each other. In five minutes, the guys find out the first name, last name and hobbies of each classmate. The one who collects the most information wins.

Unusual dating games

Every teacher wants the child to remember the first day spent at school for the rest of his life. A good original game will be the best lifesaver.

"Original introduction"

All participants form a large circle. Each member of the team must come up with an unusual pseudonym. After this, students take turns stepping forward and introducing themselves to everyone else. For example: “I am Spider-Man.” At the same time, the participant comes up with some kind of gesture and demonstrates it to others. This gesture can be clapping your hands or stomping your feet. The second team member repeats the name of the previous player and the movement he showed. Then he says his name and shows a new gesture. The third participant repeats the names and gestures of the two previous players and comes up with his own. And so on in a circle until the very end. If someone from the chain of players suddenly makes a mistake, he must repeat the name and movement of the student who performed in front of him. Then the game starts to go in circles again. After playing the first round, the presenter needs to name and reward the participant who remembers the longest number of names and movements.

"The sparrow jumps and jumps..."

This is a folk game . Children stand in a circle, with the leader in the center. The presenter reads a rhyming line to which he adds the names of the children. Players with the named name must run out to the leader. For variety, you can invite the children to complete simple tasks together: dance, sit down, jump, so that it turns out synchronously.

The sparrow jumps and jumps,
Calls small children: (Sasha, Olya, Kirill).

How to involve children in the game?

Unfortunately, not all children can communicate equally easily. It is very difficult for some guys to simply involve them in a common, albeit fun, activity. How can you help your child find common language with your peers? Both teachers and parents should pay attention to this fact, so that in the future they little man no large complex was formed.

  1. Give the isolated student special attention. In this case, individual games that promote psychological relaxation are well suited. One of them is “I can,” in which the participant, sitting on a chair, takes turns naming the actions that he can do. For example: “I can jump on one leg!”, “I can smile.” It is desirable that the student’s spoken word be supported by a characteristic gesture. By such actions the child asserts himself in his eyes strangers and finds friends of similar interests.
  2. Keep in mind that it is easier for a shy child to play with one peer than with a whole crowd. Therefore, do not insist if the child refuses.
  3. Involve in a pairs game with someone the student sympathizes with. To do this, the teacher selects the student who best matches the spirit of the child and gives them to complete the task in pairs. For example, tie together right hand one, the left hand of the other and invite the remaining two to draw a flower.
  4. Use pantomime. If a child is embarrassed to speak in the presence of a group, the teacher invites him to act out a silent scene. With the help of pantomime, the student shows his favorite fairy tale or story.

Important! A child who finds himself in an unfamiliar, even children's, society needs psychological support. Getting to know each other can be a great way to cope with initial anxiety and establish the necessary contact with peers.

Svetlana Khasanova
Conversation with children “I am your new teacher”

Conversation with children on the topic: "I am yours new teacher»

Goals: - get to know children;

Remember first name and middle name teacher;

Review the rules of behavior in the group;

Time: 10 min.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, teacher sits opposite them

Educator: - Hello guys! My name is Khasanova Svetlana Vladimirovna, I am yours new teacher. Your teacher(first name) She is currently on vacation, she will rest and return to us in September (children's questions).

Guys, let's repeat my name and patronymic, please say it yourself, Svetlana Vladimirovna (children repeat).

Fine! And let’s say it all in unison once again, Svetlana Vladimirovna (children repeat).

Well done.

When we met, we got to know each other a little, now let's get to know each other better. To do this, we will play a game "Say Your Name".

Game "Say Your Name"

Target: - Get to know children;

Learning a new middle name teacher.

Rules and course of the game:

Educator takes a small ball and throws it to one of the children, having caught the ball, the child says his name or his first and last name (at the child’s discretion) and gives the ball back teacher. Educator, having caught the ball, says his name and patronymic, then again throws the ball to the next child and so on until all the children say their names, catching the ball, teacher every time he says his first name and patronymic (in order for children to quickly remember the first name and patronymic teacher and for that, so as not to break the rules of the game).

Educator: - Guys, I’m very glad to meet you, now I know your names, and you know mine. You and I will definitely become friends, because now we are together we will: study, study, play, have fun, walk, perform at matinees, etc. (children's addition).

And in order for us to live together, we will repeat


1. Obey teachers and assistant teacher;


3. Do not break toys and corners, do not tear books;

4. Put everything in its place, put away toys after yourself;

5. For any questions, please contact teacher;

6. Respect and help each other.

Educator: - Everyone, everything is clear! (children's answers)

Now let’s rest, get up from your chairs, listen to poetry and perform various movements.

Physical education minute:

Butterflies fly in the field,

They flutter over the flowers.

(we wave our hands)

They flap their wings

They spin and dance.

(spinning in place)

Butterflies fly quickly

They flutter over the flowers.

(we wave our hands)

They spin easily

And they fly high.

(spin around, hands up)

Butterflies are flying everywhere,

They flutter over the flowers.

(we wave our hands)

Let's fly, fly -

Their wings are tired.

(shaking hands in front of us)

Butterflies were flying in the field,

They sat on the flowers.

(sit down).

Educator: - Our the conversation has come to an end. Well done to all of you! And now, in order to consolidate the knowledge we have acquired, answer me the following questions: What's my name? What can't you do in a group? What can and should be done in a group? Children's answers.

Throughout conversations, you worked actively and listened very carefully to me and each other.

Publications on the topic:

MBDOU “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 86 “Electronic”, Naberezhnye Chelny. Summary of the conversation on the topic: “What needs to be done.

Our Galaxy is a tiny spark swirling in a comic abyss. It is part of the so-called Local Group of about 35 galaxies.

Objectives: Continue to develop dialogical speech, teach children to come up with simple phrases and use polite words; pronounce clearly.

Why is the fire department phone number 01? Firstly, the number is very simple, everyone will remember it. Secondly, it is short. When there is a fire, every minute.

The world of childhood is sweet and subtle, like the sound of a floating flute. While my child laughs at me, I know that I don’t live in vain. My friends say: “There are fields.

By education I am a primary school teacher. Graduated in 2009 teacher training college, I wanted to work as a teacher, but I work as a teacher.