Intellectual game with parents on physical development. "Intellectual games for preschool children

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Target: increase the knowledge of parents and children in intellectual and cognitive activities; involve them in the process of joint gaming activities.

Task: create a cheerful and joyful mood for adults and children.

Program content:

Training tasks:

1. Clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about the work of people of different professions.
2. Learn to recognize a profession based on an assignment.

Developmental tasks:

1. Remember the professions in the works.
2. Develop the ability to act in concert.
3. Develop attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate in children an interest and a sense of respect for the work of adults, a love of reading books.

Preliminary work:

  • questionnaire for children: “Let's talk about professions”;
  • excursions: “Where and what do my parents work for?”

Material: a barrel with questions for the game “Troubles from a Barrel”, cards-schemes, a rebus for the game “Race for the Leader”, simple pencils, medals, certificates.

Equipment: An audio recording with melodies, a stand with books about professions, educational games about professions, a laptop, tables, chairs.


To the music, the teams enter the hall and take their places.

Teacher: Good evening everyone! Our evening today is dedicated to the profession.

A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases,
We're having fun this morning,
Spring gives us a ringing holiday,
And the main guest on it is the game.
And may parents and children
Today they will say loudly and loudly:
"Welcome, game!"

Today an exciting game “Lucky Chance” awaits you. Cheerful and resourceful people, experts and scholars will take part in our game. We wish the teams success. May the strongest win! (Slide 2)

The teams introduce themselves.
The jury is introduced.

1 game. Warm-up: “Say a word”(Slide 3)

First team CHILDREN

1. He is kinder than everyone in the world
He heals sick animals
He pulled me out of the swamp
He's famous, famous
This ( Doctor Aibolit).

2. Who is knocking on my door?
With a thick shoulder bag
With the number 5 on a copper plaque
In a blue uniform cap
This is him, this is him from Leningrad (postman).

3. He is both a wolf and Santa Claus
And makes the kids laugh until they cry.
IN last time was a teacher
The day after tomorrow - driver
He must know a lot
Because he ( artist).

4. Who is on – rails, on – tracks
Trains brings us ( driver).

5. To pine, linden, spruce
Didn't get sick, turned green
To new forests
Rising to the skies
Them to the sound and hubbub of birds
Protected by a friend - ( forester).

6. We must fight fire -
We are brave workers
We are partners with water.
People really need us
So who are we ( firefighters).

7. Lays brick by brick
Growing floor by floor
And every hour, every day
Higher, higher new home (mason).

9. Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches? ( cook).

10. We get up very early.
After all, our concern is
Drive everyone to work in the morning ( driver).

Second team PARENTS

1. The walls became blue
Like the sky is high
The new house is almost ready
Will welcome residents for the holiday
That's who built this house ( painter).

2. All toys praise the doll
What a beautiful outfit!
All her friends praise Lena
Here ( dressmaker) - They say.

3. Look how strong he is
On the go with one hand
I'm used to stopping
Five ton truck ( policeman)

4. Both along the river and along the pond
I'm sailing in calm weather
But just insert “I” and I’ll lead
Steel bird to the sky ( pilot)

5. She surprises all the students
Tames the lion and lioness
Horror as he is afraid of mice ( tamer).

6. Who herds sheep and goats
Where the meadow is overgrown with grass ( shepherd).

7. And kind and fair,
Although it looks strict
If the letters come out crooked,
Orders to rewrite ( teacher).

8. Made window sills
Without a hitch
To a good worker
Glory and honor
No wonder the order
Presented by the people ( carpenter).

9. Let's bring the glass eye
Click once - and we remember you ( photographer).

10. Hide and seek with him
Autumn colors are playing.
You will find them
And the colors will disappear again.
He's confused
He can't
Master this autumn element ( artist).

Game 2 Dark horse: “Riddle”(Slide 4)

Everyone here has talent
And the singer and ( musician).

Included musical director, and offers game:“I am for you, and you are for me”(Slide 5)

Complete the sentence with the name of your profession

First team CHILDREN

1. Catches fish in the sea... (fisherman)
2. Pictures are drawn... (artist)
3. Teaches children at school... (teacher)
4. Cooks a delicious lunch... (cook)

Second team PARENTS

1. At the concert ... (musician) plays
2. Treats people... (doctor)
3. Sews beautiful clothes... (tailor)
4. Putting out the fire... (firefighter)

Game 3 All together as a team: “Guess what?”(Slide 6)

Think and answer the questions.

First team CHILDREN

1. A fisherman catches fish with an axe, fishing rod, or a net?
2. The musician plays violin, car or painting?
3. The teacher teaches animals, birds or children?
4. The artist paints with water, paints or hands?

Second team PARENTS

1. The doctor prescribes for children medicine, candy, or porridge?
2. The tailor sews boots or clothes?
3. The chef makes furniture, cooks dinner or washes clothes?
4. A fireman starts a fire or puts out the fire?

Game 4 Winged words: “Who can finish the proverb faster”(Slide 7)

First team CHILDREN

1. Do you want to eat rolls - don't sit on the stove.
2. Who loves to work, he can't sit idle.
3. There is no such thing as boredom since your hands are busy.
4. You can’t pull it out without difficulty fish from the pond.
5. Who does not work, he doesn't eat.
6. Who does it at random? , at least give up everything.
7. Measure seven times, cut once.
8. Do you like to ride? love to carry sleighs too.
9. It's time and it's time for fun.
10. Finished the job, walk boldly.

Second team PARENTS

1. Eyes They are afraid, but their hands do.
2. For everything take on the matter boldly.
3. Learn It's never too late.
4. Hands work, a holiday for the soul.
5. Who's okay builds, it is expensive.
6. Case afraid of the master.
7. Judged not by words, but by deeds.
8. What can you do? do it today, don’t put it off until tomorrow.
9. I would hunting - any work will go well.
10. You will If you work, you will have bread and milk.

Game 5 Troubles from a barrel: “Erudition Competition”(Slide 8)

First team CHILDREN

1. Where does the water stand? (in a glass).
2. What can’t you bake bread without? (without crust)
3. Why do people go to the forest? (on the ground)
4. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one)
5. Why do they drink tea? (at the table)
6. When a boy is called female name? (when Sonya sleeps for a long time)
7. A master of his craft, a very skilled person (golden hands)
8. Crew of a ship, plane, tank (crew)
9. Underground railway(metro)
10. It is worn by the military, miners, firefighters (helmet)

Second team PARENTS

1. Herb for 99 diseases? (St. John's wort)
2. Who first started knitting? (man)
3. How to cook semolina porridge without oil? (with great love)
4. In which hut does Baba Yaga live? (on chicken legs)
5. Main character in the film does Ivan Vasilyevich change his profession? (Yakovlev)
6. What dishes cannot be filled? (full)
7. Which flower has a male and feminine? (Ivan da Marya)
8.It is glued to the envelope (stamp)
9. Visit, trip, travel of a group of people for a special purpose (excursion)
10. Cosmonaut costume (spacesuit)

Game 6 Race for the leader: “Who will become who in the future?”(Slide 9)

In front of you are columns with letters and numbers in a frame. You need to find number 1 - it has its own letter, number 2 has another letter, etc. Guess the encrypted word.

First team CHILDREN

2 1 3 4


6 2 3 7 1 4 8 5


3 7 10 4 8 6 5 2 9 1
3 2 5 1 4


8 4 3 5 6 7 2 9 1


2 5 6 1 4 3 7


10 7 5 4 6 2 3 9 1 8


7 2 3 4 1 6 5 8


3 6 5 2 1 4 7


9 5 4 8 3 2 1 6 7

The second team PARENTS guesses the puzzles:

The jury sums up the results and awards.

Teacher: Our game has come to an end. You were all great today! A wonderful meeting where you showed excellent knowledge. See you again!

Kotegova I.R.

Teacher primary classes Shortandinskaya high school №2 p.Shortandy

GOALS: – organize joint leisure time for children and parents;
– to help students and their parents find a way to each other’s hearts, not to lose spiritual contact and faith in loved ones;
– to promote a love of reading in students and their parents.
– expand your horizons.
1. Give children the opportunity to show their knowledge on a wide range of issues.
2. Develop logical thinking and memory.
3. Broaden the horizons of students.
4. Cultivate responsibility for one’s actions, activity, initiative, ability to win and lose.
5. Cultivate interest in each other, mutual respect, feelings of empathy and support, interaction with your parents.
Players: two mixed teams of children and parents
Progress of the game
Host: Good afternoon, dear parents!
Thank you for putting things aside for a while and coming to us today. We were preparing to meet you. We are very glad to see you.
I want to start this meeting with a question: why do parents and children quarrel? And I want to answer it myself. Sometimes they don’t understand each other. Children do not understand that their parents are tired when they come home from work, that they are oppressed by problems and difficulties. And at this moment children need to be helped to understand and listen to them. And parents cannot always pay attention to their child. Today we have a unique opportunity to spend time together, leaving all problems behind. Today we will be attentive to each other, we will listen and hear each other so that friendship can arise between parents and children, parents and teachers, teachers and children.
And I’m sure, no matter what the results are, Friendship will still win!
Children dance to Barbarika’s song “Friendship”

Host: So, we welcome you to the intellectual and entertaining game “I Want to Know Everything.” To play the game you need two friendly, close-knit teams, active fans and witty questions. We have it all. Let's salute the great teams that agreed to play today. For the first time today the team "Pochemuchki" and the team "B-an-da" are playing. We greet them with applause. And today we will be judged by a magnificent, fair jury. (Introduction of the jury members).
Host: As one great scientist of our time said: “The main thing is to start!”, so let’s begin! (poetry)
Children read poetry to music.
1. We are funny guys
And we don't like to be bored.
With pleasure today
We will (we) play a game.
2. We will answer together,
And there is no doubt about that.
Today there will be friendship
Mistress of victories.
3. And let the struggle rage stronger,
Intense competition.
It is not fate that leads to victory,
But only our knowledge.
4. And, competing with you,
We all remain friends.
Let the fight rage on
And our friendship grows stronger with her!

Presenter: 1 task (whose team pronounces the name and motto of the team louder and more friendly will earn 5 points)
Team presentation.

Children's team "Pochemuchki".
Dear parents!
We don't want to offend you!
But you should know this!
You won't see victory!
Team motto:
We live very friendly
We ask everyone questions:
What? Where? Why?
Only at school will I understand

Team of parents "Gang"
Competitions with children
We are not afraid at all.
We will withstand all the tests
Well done, we are!
We are a fun team
Because we are "B-A-N-D-A"!
Not a step back! Not a step in place!
Just go ahead! And only all together!

Presenter: 2 Competition “Running Minutes”.

Questions are asked to each team in turn. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.
Questions for students
1. Homemade Santa Claus. (Fridge)
2. Gingerbread man overgrown with needles. (Hedgehog)
3. Boy with a wooden nose. (Pinocchio)
4. The student’s very first book. (ABC book)
5. “Measure seven times, once…”. (Cut it off)
6. Astronaut costume. (Spacesuit)
7. What goes on without moving? (Time)
8. Stuffed with down, lies under the ear. (Pillow)
9. Break between lessons. (Change)
10. Cow as a child. (Calf)
11. Humpback ship of the desert? (camel)
12. The most small finger. (Little finger)
13. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
14. “He bought boots of size 45.” Who is this? (Uncle Styopa.)
15. No arms, no legs, but crawls out of the pan. (Dough.)
16. Continue the phrase: “Sivka-Burka, prophetic Kaurka,...(Stand before me like a forest before the grass.”)

Questions for parents
1. Grandfather of the teapot. (Samovar.)
2. Students' favorite tune? (call)
3. “Flower - seven-flowered” in the sky after the rain? (rainbow)
4. Sits on the roof above everyone else. (Antenna)
5. Which tap can you not drink from? (From the lift)
6.When a new house is built, what is the first nail driven into? (In a hat).
7 Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway).
8 What is under a person’s feet when he walks across a bridge? (Shoe sole).
9 What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh).
10 How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down).
11 What are all the people on earth doing at the same time? (Getting older).
12 How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).
13 Which question cannot be answered “yes”? (Are you sleeping?).
14 Part of the body that is offered together with the heart. (Hand.)
15. Unit of measurement of sausage. (Stick.)

Presenter: 3rd competition - “I believe - I don’t believe”
The parent team recalls two of their school life or invent them. Students must guess whether it really happened.
And the students also remember or make up two incidents from their school life in the 4th grade. Now parents must guess whether this happened to their children or not.

While the participants are preparing, the game is with the audience.

Presenter: 4th competition “Do you believe?”
The facilitator takes turns asking the teams the questions “Do you believe? telling something amazing about animals. The team, after consulting, gives an answer
1) Do you believe that sharks have the most teeth?
Correct answer: no. The snail's tongue is like a grater covered with numerous teeth. There are about 30,000 of them in total!
A much more peaceful creature, the snail, a terrestrial gastropod, has a record number of teeth. One snail has enough teeth for about eight sharks.
2) Do you believe...that there are frogs weighing 15 kg?
Correct answer: no. But the famous Goliath frog lives in Africa. Its dimensions reach 40 cm in length, and it weighs up to 3 kg. The Goliath frog can live up to 15 years. They feed on scorpions, insects and small frogs. They have excellent hearing, but cannot croak.
Presenter: 5th competition “My light, mirror, tell me”

Members of both teams sit opposite each other. Everyone has a standard sheet of paper and pencils. In one minute, each player must draw a portrait of the person sitting opposite. After this, the presenter collects drawings from both teams and passes them on to their opponents. Each player chooses his intended portrait - turns to face the hall and the jury. The jury evaluates how similar the portraits of both teams are to the originals. Participants draw portraits to the music.

Presenter: 6th competition “RIDDLES”
1. In a new wall, in a round window
The glass is broken during the day and put back in place at night. (ice hole)
2. White flowers bloom in the evening and fade in the morning. (Stars)
3. At night, the two windows close themselves, and with sunrise they open themselves. (Eyes)
4. Two stilts, two waving, two looking, one nodding (person)
5. Sits on a spoon with its legs dangling. (Noodles)
6. He lives with three eyes, blinks in turn, and when he blinks, he will restore order. (traffic light)

Presenter: 7th competition “Troubles from a Barrel”
Assignment: teams take turns to guess school subjects according to their description.
1. This is not only a tall narrow kitchen cabinet, but also school affiliation for pens and pencils. What is this? (Pencil case.)
2. Book clothes are... What? (Cover.)
3. What is the name of a piece of paper with notes intended for secret peeking during tests and exams? (Crib.)
4. What school equipment comes standard with a Kalashnikov assault rifle?
(Pencil case.)
5. What is the time interval between vacations called?
6. What is the word for school time-out?
7. What is the name for help that is provided in a whisper?
8. What barely crawls during lessons, but flies like an arrow during breaks?
9. Why was the student kicked out of class?
(Outside the door.)
10. When is a poor student smart?
(When silent.)
11. What is a natural disaster?
(This is when I was assigned to learn a long poem at home.)
12. What can you cook, but cannot eat?
13. What kind of hard rock are children forced to chew at school?
(Granite of science.)
14. And this item very often fails at the most crucial moment... It suddenly stops working... (Pen)
15. This subject can be thin or thick, and in high school it is most often “general”... (Notebook)
16. You don’t really want to get this item at home, but you’re so drawn to it tests, only then do you realize that there is something interesting in it, and most importantly, useful. (Textbook)
17. And without this object we cannot imagine life, it is with us everywhere: during class it lies next to us in a pencil case, during recess it is always in our hands or in our pocket, looking at it, we may not even notice what is happening around us. The loss of this item is tantamount to a global catastrophe... (Mobile phone)

Presenter: 8th competition “Do you know fairy tales”.
You need to guess the name of the work and its author (if the tale is not a folk tale)
Assignment for adults.
1. “We agreed,” said the Cat, and this time he really began to disappear in parts. Slowly: first the tip of the tail disappeared, and then gradually everything else.” (“Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland.” L. Carroll)
2. “The old man says to the fool: “Go into the forest.” At the edge of the forest you will see an old oak tree. Tap it three times with the axe, then fall to the ground and wait. When you see a ready-made ship in front of you, get into it and fly, and along the way take everyone you meet onto your ship...” (Russian folk tale “The Flying Ship”)
3. “- Do you see that old tree over there? – the witch continued and pointed to a tree that stood on the side of the road. - It's empty inside. Climb up - you will see a hollow, go down into it to the very bottom.” (“Flint” by H. C. Andersen)
4. “He was a skinny and dark old man with a waist-length beard, wearing a luxurious turban, a thin white woolen caftan, abundantly embroidered with gold and silver.” (“Old Man Hottabych”, L. Lagin)
5. “- That’s it, sons, take an arrow, go out into an open field and shoot: where the arrows fall, there is your destiny” (Russian folk tale“The frog princess”)
Assignment for children.
1. “It was winter. It was January. At such a time in the evening, the evil stepmother opened the door, looked at how the blizzard was sweeping, and then returned to the warm stove and said to her stepdaughter: “You should go into the forest, pick snowdrops there” (“Twelve Months”, S. Marshak)
2. “The cradle was made from a shiny varnished walnut shell. Instead of a feather bed, they put several violets there, and instead of a blanket, a rose petal. The girl was put into this cradle at night, and during the day she played on the table” (“Thumbelina” by H. C. Andersen)
3. “Take her, take her,” the old man says to her husband, “where you want my eyes not to see her.” Take her to the forest in the bitter cold. The old man groaned and cried, but there was nothing to do - you couldn’t argue with the women. Harnessed the horse..." (Russian folk tale)
4. “She nodded her head, moved her arms and legs, shook off the snow and a living girl came out of the snowdrift.” (Russian folk tale)
5. “In one fairy-tale city there lived short people. They were called shorties because they were very small.” (“The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends”, N. Nosov)

Host: While our participants are thinking “Playing with the audience”
For a cool down
Shifters (print on strips)
TASK: Find out proverbs in distorted phrases.
1. Happiness always runs together. (Misfortunes never come alone)
2. Lies caress the ears (Truth stings the eyes)
3. Little happiness - many questions (Seven troubles - one answer).
4. The louder you stand, the closer you go (the quieter you drive, the further you will go).
5. It's bad if it starts bad (All's well that ends well).
6. Hours of idleness equal a year of tears. (Business - time - fun hour).
7. Don’t be afraid of dogs - walk around the city (fear of wolves - don’t go into the forest).
8. Someone else’s foot is a slave (One’s own hand is a master).
9. Disgust disappears when you are hungry. (Appetite comes with eating).
10. The incompetent should not be afraid of idleness. (The master's work is afraid).
11. A standing person is beaten. (They don’t hit someone who is lying down).

Presenter: 9th competition “Rebuses”

Presenter: 10th Musical competition (karaoke “school medley”)

Who will pick up the song first? Team members should recognize the song about the school from the first chords of music and start singing it.
Presenter: Result - As quickly as possible, from each line, select only those letters that are not repeated, and make wishes from them
(Always be happy!) (On slide)
Teacher: There is one rule of life: in order to understand you, you must understand another. Therefore, try to live in such a way that everything is fine in the family. Help your parents around the house, complete teachers' assignments, and you will see that your parents will smile more often.
And to you, dear fathers and mothers, I want to say: do everything to make your children’s childhood and future wonderful!
We wish you family happiness. May mutual understanding and mutual assistance always reign under the roof of your home. May your life be rich spiritually and materially.
The song “We wish you happiness” plays.
Presentation of diplomas.

Children and parents participate in the intellectual game. Children sit at two tables, parents are in the auditorium opposite their team. A multimedia installation is located in the middle of the hall.

To the music, children enter the music room and stop near their tables.

Presenter (V.). Good morning, dear guests! We welcome you to the intellectual club “Clever Men and Women.” I represent our participants: these are children of two older groups.

The captains pronounce the team names (“Birds” and “Butterflies”) and the motto.

IN. Our game consists of seven stages. After completing all the tasks of each competition, the players will be evaluated by the jury using a five-point system. The team that scores the most points for all competitions will be the winner. So, are all the conditions and rules of the game clear? Then I announce the start of the game.


IN. Here are cards with syllables. They're all mixed up. Each team needs to find the beginning and ending of the word. And if you complete the task correctly, then each team will have six words. Read what words you came up with.

And now the problem is more complicated. Each team will have . . Attention to the screen! The first puzzle for the “Birds” team (two puzzles per team).





Applause to our “Smart Men and Women.” And now I will ask the jury to announce the results for two competitions.


IN. Let's find out how our players master the World of Science and Technology section of the program.

All attention is on the screen. Teams need to count the number of triangles as quickly as possible. Butterfly team, please count.

The second triangle is considered by the children of the other team; if the children have difficulty, then the parents help.

Let's test children's orientation skills on a sheet of paper. Choose one person to draw and the rest to help. Please draw:

  • in the upper right corner is the sun;
  • in the lower left - a tree;
  • at the bottom in the middle is the house;
  • in the upper left - a cloud;
  • to the right of the tree is a flower;
  • in the lower right there is a fungus.

Ready? Now let's look at the screen and check if you did it right. Team captains, take your drawings to the jury.


IN. Our players will teach you how to inflate a balloon in an unusual way. Please come to me, two people from each team. Tell us what we need for this. (Juice of one lemon, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 teaspoon baking soda, scoop, glass and empty lemonade bottle.) Are you ready to inflate the balloon? Let's start.

Tell us how the balloon was inflated. (Baking soda, lemon juice mixed with vinegar react to release carbon dioxide, which inflates the balloon.)

Competition for parents

IN. The children showed their unique abilities. Now let’s check what our parents are capable of to help their children earn extra points.

A mystery competition. Bring in the black box. You must guess what is in the black box using the Yes-No game. I can only answer “Yes” or “No” to questions. (There is a rabbit in the black box.)

Please provide the material we need for the next competition. Your task is to collectively think through and show with the help of a puppet theater a little story, a situation from my own experience on the topic: “How I raise my child.” This will be the so-called exchange of experience.


IN. While the parents are getting ready, I ask the teams to come to me. Now you will hear the beginning of the song and must continue it. Let's start with the "Birds" team.

Now listen to short excerpts and guess the musical genre of the work. (Song, polka, waltz, march, symphony.)

Team “Butterflies”, name the pictures musical instruments. Team "Birds", the same task for you.

And now we turn to the jury and find out the results of past competitions.

The time has come to give the floor to our respected parents. I ask for the screen.

Parents, with the help of a puppet theater, share their experience of “How I raise my child.”


IN. Attention - to the screen. Find the extra picture and explain your choice (Orange, pear, watermelon, lemon, apple; giraffe, koala, elephant, camel, tiger; rose, tulip, daffodil, iris, snowdrop; camelina, boletus, honey mushroom, aspen, russula; fruits of linden, oak, hazel, maple, Christmas trees.)

Look carefully at the pictures and describe the situation you see (pictures on the topic of pollution environment). I suggest you change this situation so that it becomes positive. To do this you need to create a new picture. What has changed?


IN. Last stage our competition. Attention to the screen.

  • Which of these paintings are portraits?
  • Which of these paintings did Levitan paint? What is it called? What type of painting is this?
  • What paintings are still life?
  • What other artists do you see here?

(Suggested paintings: “Girl with Peaches” by Serov, “Lilac” by Konchalovsky, “March” by Levitan, “The Rooks Have Arrived” by Savrasov, “Apples on a Red Background” by Petrov-Vodkin, “ Birch Grove"Kuindzhi, portrait of A.S. Pushkin.) Well done to our teams. Our game "Smart Guys" is coming to an end. And while the jury is summing up the results, we will watch the performances of the children of the older groups.

An intellectual game for children and parents was prepared by T. Dovgalo

Mind game for children and parents

Goals and objectives:
- broadening the horizons of students;
- increasing cognitive activity;
- developing the ability to select, compare information, establish cause-and-effect relationships;
- development logical thinking, attention, memory;
- fostering a sense of collectivism and responsibility;
- development of communication skills for working in groups.

Bring together children's and parent teams.

Create a culture of communication between parents and children.

A team of children and a team of parents take part in the game.


"Inseparable Friends"

Words by M. Tanich
Music by V. Shainsky
1. It’s great to ride on your dad’s shoulders,
Reach the top of your head to the stop signal.
Even important dads are all one-story,
And so, with the addition, dad is a skyscraper.
Inseparable friends inseparable friends
Available in this world.
Inseparable friends, inseparable friends -
Adults and children!
2. How delicious, the high-calorie bun,
The guard is not angry, the transport will wait:
Two-part mom crosses the street,
And he leads the second series by the hand!
3.Children will be able to sail on the sea as captains,
Doctor's drops to treat runny nose,
Operate obedient tower cranes,
This is all they need to teach!

Dear children and respected adults! Today we will play with you. Our game will include tasks from a variety of fields of knowledge, creative tasks, and tasks for reaction speed.

We have two teams: a team of children and a team of parents.

Task 1. “Collect words”

Answer: triangle, minute, rectangle, square.

Task 2. Captains competition. "Who's faster?"


A)1. Can a syllable consist of one consonant sound? (No)

2. Two or more sentences related to each other in meaning (text)

3. How are prepositions written with other words? (separately)

B) Clumsy as a mole (bear)

Cowardly like a bear (hare)

Angry like a fox (dog)

Stubborn as a magpie (donkey)


1. What remedy helped Carlson get rid of high temperature? (jam)

2. What was the name of the postman from the village of Prostokvashino?

3. What was the name of Malvina’s poodle?

4. What used to be thrown at an opponent to challenge him to a duel?

5. Finish the proverb: Fisherman’s fisherman is...

6. What word did Kai make out of ice floes? (eternity)

7. How many years did Ilya Muromets lie on the stove?

8. In which fairy tale, moving the clock hands back almost caused the death of one of the main characters? ("The Scarlet Flower")

9. Middle name of the fairytale snake.

10. aircraft Baba Yaga.

Task 3. “Find a pattern”

Look carefully at the words in the cells, find a pattern in each column and fill in the empty cell. Write down your answer on the lines below.

Answer: in the empty cell you need to write a word that has a soft sign (an indicator of the softness of a consonant) at the end of the word, for example, stump.

Task 4. “Find the words”

Find concepts in mathematics in the text. They can hide both at the junction of words and inside a word. If concepts are encountered several times, then write them down the same number of times.

Answer: at least 11 there are many concepts, sum, rank, minus, three (2 times), ton, one hundred (3 times), century, rhombus, angle, task, hour, cone.

Task 5. “Give a definition”

Atmospheric phenomenon

Time of year


Outer part of a tree trunk

Part of a word

Body hour

Name of an animal's leg


Unit of measurement

Filling for cakes

Answer: hail, summer, cake, bark, hand, paw, darkness, meter, cream.

Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother.

Shyr-pir yu pyapyuzhty zelemgy tesryg.

Figure out how to write down the name using this cipher fairy tale hero-Crocodile Gena

Answer: Tletedir Genya


I will talk about the heroes of the works simple sentences. And you, having learned about whom we're talking about, we must talk about this hero without repeating a single word of mine. The “translation” must be found either in a song or in a poem.

The old lady had a paper-colored animal with horns. (Once upon a time my grandmother lived with a gray goat)

An elderly woman was the owner of a pair of cheerful birds. (The grandmother lived with two cheerful geese)

A group of young ladies were doing needlework after sunset near a hole with glass (Three girls under the window were spinning late in the evening.)

A new miracle has appeared on the green plantation, suitable for celebrating the New Year. (A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest)

A green animal is located in the thickets of low plants. (A grasshopper was sitting in the grass)

Team of children.

We are grateful to our parents,

Who accepted our mischievous challenge

We will always be happy to fight with you

We have a winning, fighting mood!

Mind game

Gave us strength of spirit

We must go forward for rewards,

And new competitions are still ahead.


Veprikova Zinaida Petrovna

Teacher first

AUDO "Kindergarten Topolek"

Uvat municipal district"

Motto: “In books there is wisdom, in children there is happiness.”

TARGET: Development of pedagogical cooperation between preschool and parents. To promote a love of reading in older preschoolers and their parents.

TASKS: Revival of family reading, introduction to shared reading fiction.

Preparatory stage:
1) Questioning of parents (Appendix 1).

2) Arranging invitations for parents

3) Drawing up and execution of a memo for parents (Appendix 2).

4) Design of an exhibition of fiction for reading to children.

5) Making signs with team names.

6) Preparation of the necessary equipment and materials.

Progress of the game:

Meeting with a book, what with a friend,

It’s like a holiday for everyone,

And for the child's soul

This is Ariadne's thread

What leads them away from fairy tales,

Epics and legends

Into the world of real life,

If the nanny had not told A.S. Pushkin fairy tales in infancy, he would never have become a poet. This obvious truth has been scientifically confirmed by American scientists. They proved that if a child is often told fairy tales between the ages of 9 months and 3 years, then he begins to speak much earlier. For 2.5 years, specialists observed the upbringing of children in a number of families. Those kids who were told or read aloud a large number of fairy tales every day, talked to them a lot, and became more receptive to the world around them. The reader in a child begins before he learns to read. The ability to form syllables of a word is just a technique; real reading is a source of spiritual enrichment. A child listener is already a reader. However, the reading fate of a child depends on adults who take the book into their hands and become intermediaries between the writer and the listener. A book read as a child leaves a stronger impression than a book read as an adult. Not only in kindergarten, at school, but also at home, in the family, we must teach children to love books, because the role of books in a person’s life is enormous. Good book- and educator, and teacher, and friend. It helps to expand the horizon of children's knowledge about the world, helps the child to assimilate patterns of behavior embodied in certain literary heroes, forms initial ideas about beauty. Read books with your child one at a time, look at pictures, find funny inconsistencies, ask questions. Remember that reading is the basis of all learning in school. We hope that the prepared notes will help you overcome the difficulties that arise in your child’s work with the book.

And now we invite you, dear parents, to show your skills and knowledge in the competition “Turn off the TV, let's read books.” While the music is playing, you need to unite into groups (each group takes a place at the gaming tables and receives a sign with the name of its team). We will also determine the composition of the jury.

Our game begins.

Competition: "Meadow of Fairy Tales."

Teams take turns guessing riddles based on fairy tales.

1) Once upon a time in a dense forest

A house grew up under a bush.

Happy scratching mouse

And a green frog.

Glad and a runner,

Long-eared bunny.

It's okay that he's short

Fur house, -

And the boar got there,

Both the fox and the bear.

There was enough room for everyone in it.

What a wonderful house this is.

Ding-la-la - the titmouse sings!

This is a fairy tale "..."


2)Masha is sitting in a box,

She looks far away.

Who carries it, answer

Quick steps?

And the bear carries it

Along with pies.

The path is not close

Long journey.

Misha wants to rest.

Sit on a tree stump

And a rosy pie

Eat on the way.

The baby spent it,

He will be smarter in future.

Here we have such a book,

This is "... and...".

(“Masha and the Bear”).

3) Cups three and three beds,

There are also three chairs, look

And the residents here, in fact

Lives for exactly three.

As you will see, it is immediately clear:

It is dangerous to visit them.

Run away quickly, little sister,

Fly out the window like a bird.

She ran away! Well done!

So, the whole fairy tale is over.

Fedya reads syllable by syllable:

This is a fairy tale "....."

(“Three Bears”)

4) It was baked from flour,

It was mixed with sour cream.

He was chilling at the window,

He rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave

And on the way he sang a song,

The Bunny wanted to eat him,

Gray wolf and brown bear.

And when the baby is in the forest

I met a red fox,

I couldn't leave her.

What kind of fairy tale?



Contest " Best fairy tale, invented for a daughter or son” (homework).

Teams take turns voicing a fairy tale invented in advance.

Competition “Who was here and forgot what?”

Each team receives three things and tries to identify the works from which they are taken, and also answer who the author of these works is.

1) Telephone (“Telephone” by K. Chukovsky).

2) Soap, towel (“Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky).

3) Ball (“Toys” by A. Barto).

4) Shoe (“Cinderella” by Ch. Perrault).

5) Little Red Riding Hood (“Little Red Riding Hood” by C. Perrault).

6) Pea (“The Princess and the Pea” by H. H. Andersen).

Competition "Poetry Tournament"

Teams are given the task of composing poetic lines based on these rhymes:

  • They read and leaf through;
  • Library - disco;

Competition "Grandma's Chest"

Each team receives puzzles based on fairy tales, compiles a picture, identifies the work from which they are taken, and also answers who is the author of these works.

Summing up the results of the competition. The jury sums up the results of the competition. The chairman of the jury awards the winners with diplomas and gives books to all participants. The presenter thanks everyone for their participation.

Appendix 1

Parent survey.

  1. What does your child most often prefer?

B) Listen to adults reading.

  1. What do you do when your child reads?

A) Praise him.

B) Don't say anything.

  1. Is it common in your family to read books aloud?

4.Can you name a book that your child recently read?

A) Of course, yes __________________________________

B) Probably not.

Appendix 2

Memo for parents.

1) Read with your child at least 10-15 minutes a day.

2) Before reading, remove distracting objects from the table and ventilate the room.

3) If the child is tired, do some physical education.

4) While reading a book, find out the meanings difficult words, look at the illustrations.

5) Talk about what you read: what the book teaches, what new the child learned.

6) Invite your child to draw a picture for the most interesting passage from the book or learn it by heart.

Offer your child special literature from the “Read Ourselves” series for independent reading.