Using pure phrases as a means of speech development project. Smart Pure Words A pure tongue is a non-boring, accessible, effective means of developing good speech

SMART PURE SPEAKS PURE SPEAK is a fun, accessible, effective means of developing good speech. Pure tongues are used to improve the pronunciation of individual sounds and to automate them. That is, PURE SPEAKS are poetic exercises aimed at developing the organs of the articulatory apparatus and helping to practice the pronunciation of a sound with regular repetition. It is better to use pure phrases with visual support; schematically draw small reference pictures, while reading pure talk. After all, it is much more interesting for a child to speak and memorize a simple phrase by looking at funny pictures than to simply repeat sounds and syllables after an adult. Pure sayings can be found in speech therapy books, or you can come up with them yourself.

Pure sayings based only on the repetition of practiced sounds and not carrying a semantic load: Ba-bo-ba there are poles in the yard Bu-ba-ba a pipe is sticking out of the window Zhi-zha-zhi hedgehogs live here Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles Zhu-zhu-zhu milk let's give the hedgehog Lo-lo-lo it's warm outside Lu-lu-lu the table is in the corner Za-za-za go home goat Zu-zu-zu wash Katya we are in the basin Sa-sa-sa is running in fox in the forest Ra-ra-ra It's time for Katya to sleep

Pure sayings that look ordinary children's poem. In which the practiced sound is often repeated, carrying an obligatory semantic load. Hedgehogs are lying by the Christmas tree. There are hedgehogs with needles, and below they look like little hedgehogs. Last year's cones lie on the grass. All day and night the old mole digs the ground. What does the mole need there? - Darker darkness. Striped mattresses Rinsed by daughter Zlata. I rinsed it. Rinsed - the river became striped.

Pure sayings can also be used to consolidate knowledge of what children are studying lexical topics, that is, in the process of their pronunciation, the child’s vocabulary is enriched, lexical and grammatical categories are improved, and a sense of rhythm and rhyme is acquired. When pronouncing pure phrases, pay attention to words unfamiliar to the child and try to explain them semantic meaning. For example: long-tailed fox - this means that the fox has a long tail. In this version of pure sayings, it is advisable to invite children to come up with pure sayings themselves, which makes it possible to develop them creative imagination. Do not forget to remind your child that the beginning of a pure phrase is its ending. For example: fir trees - fir trees - fir trees - crumbs are looking for gelki, ar - ar - ar - there is a lantern hanging on the wall, etc. Pure sayings on lexical topics can be pronounced: changing the strength of the voice, i.e. loudly, quietly, whispering in the form of a narrative , interrogative or exclamatory intonation And, remember! Daily pronunciation of pure phrases will provide the child with clarity of diction, expressiveness of speech, and will also enrich him with new interesting knowledge.

Today, in science and practice, the view of the child as a “self-developing system” is intensively defended, while the efforts of adults should be aimed at creating conditions for the development of children.

The development of a child in his physical and spiritual development greatly depends on the participation of parents.

The results of psychological and pedagogical research show that children who grow up in an atmosphere of love, mutual understanding, and support have high potential for full development, including speech.

This problem is especially relevant at the present time, because the number of children with speech difficulties is steadily growing, and parents, due to economic disadvantage and social instability, are paying less and less attention to the development and upbringing of their children, shifting all responsibility to kindergarten. In this regard, the idea of ​​​​creating a research and creative project “Starnichki-pure talkers” arose.

Project goal: Develop speech and form correct sound pronunciation in children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment.

Children of seniors were invited to participate in the project preschool age with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment, their parents and preschool teachers.

Project objectives:

  • Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for comprehensive correction of all aspects of speech in children with FFN when working with pure tongues.
  • Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.
  • Formation of emotional contact between parents and children.

All children, to one degree or another, have an attraction to rhyming sounds, which allows them to successfully carry out correctional work in a given direction.

The toy parrot Kesha often comes to visit preschoolers during speech therapy classes. He really likes to pronounce tongue twisters, pure tongue twisters (rhymed phrases in which a sound is often repeated), and Kesha also likes to look at pictures for them, but they are rare.

Therefore, children are invited to come up with their own proverb at home, together with their parents, write it down on a scrapbook sheet and make an illustration for it. Ready-made Starnichki - pure words - to give to Kesha at the holiday dedicated to his birthday.

To successfully implement this project, it is necessary to organize:

  • informing parents and educators about the progress of the project through the “All about pure talk” folders;
  • classes in Speech therapy school for parents for the purpose of correcting speech disorders using the material of pure tongues;
  • techniques for working with pure talk (with presentation).
  • exercises in composing pure proverbs by children in a group with a teacher;
  • inventing pure sayings between parents and children;
  • joint activities of parents and children in the production of “pure saying pages”;
  • preparation for the celebration “Parrot’s Birthday”;
  • joint holiday of parents and children “Parrot’s Birthday”:
  • Conducting speech therapy classes on the formation of correct pronunciation using the material from the “Pure Word Pages”.

Tools for assessing project implementation results:

  • diagnostic examination of sound pronunciation of children with FFN, FN;
  • conversations with parents and children about the progress of the project;
  • exhibition “Purely Talking Pages”.

As a result, it is important to note that during the implementation of the project there is a creative interaction between children and parents, aimed at common and speech development preschoolers:

  • formation of the phonetic side of speech;
  • activation of imagination and word creation;
  • psychological readiness of parents in understanding their child, caring for him, seeing his talents and capabilities;
  • development of parents' pedagogical competence;
  • use of these pages on speech therapy classes turns ordinary correctional work into an exciting game.

Project development: creation of books by children “My Pure Talkers”.


1. Kilmyashkina T. The ABC of tongue twisters./Magazine “Hoop” No. 5, 2008

2. Temnikova V.E. Speech therapy games with pure tongues. A manual for working with children aged 5-7 years with speech disorders. - M., 2008

3. Chukovsky K. From two to five. - M., 1990

Valentina Viktorovna gets carried away indoor plants, loves children and her work, reading, singing, and self-education. In 2008 she became a laureate All-Russian competition"Unusual letter" (newspaper " Preschool education"), in the category "Methodological findings in teaching literacy". Photo by Valia

Appendix 1: Scenario for the “Parrot’s Birthday” holiday.

Appendix 2: Presentation “Techniques for working with pure tongues”.

Natalia Rudakova
A piggy bank for parents Pure speech - as a means of speech development.

Pure sayings are used for development clear diction in children. Also pure sayings help to develop Children have phonemic awareness, grammar, vocabulary and coherent speech. Pure talk used for practicing and consolidating difficult sounds V speeches, so they should only be used when the child can already pronounce the basic sound correctly. Unlearning pure talk with your child, try to make the pronunciation of sounds clean, do it slowly. To automate sound, development articulatory motor skills, expressiveness speeches it is recommended to pronounce frankly several times, while performing different tasks - pronounce it quietly, loudly with different intonations. Intonation can be with kind notes, loud sounds or quiet ones. If the child does not hear individual sounds, then it is necessary to pay attention to phonemic hearing, on which the pronunciation of individual sounds, words, and subsequently sentences depends. So that the child improves every day speech development, it is necessary to work with him with early age. Some children cannot pronounce letters such as L, N, S and need to start with them. Until the child learns to speak simple sounds, will not be able to pronounce more complex ones. Pure talk for children there are both simple and complex. Many children do not like to repeat and teach for a long time, so if you see that there is no attention on the part of the child, stop the activity with him and continue next time when you understand readiness and interest.

To form a clear and correct speeches we offer to your attention a number pure talk.

Sound "G"

Ga-ga-ga - the goat has horns.

Ga - ha - ha - green meadows.

Gu - gu - gu - I'm running through the meadow.

Gu - gu - gu - I'm walking in the meadow.

Ho-go-go - the carriage is standing.

Ge-ge-ge - my toe hurts.

Gi - gi - gi - help me remove the shoe.

Sound "B"

If only - there would be mushrooms growing in the forest.

Ba - ba - ba - mom, mom, there's a pipe.

Boo - Boo - Boo - you buy me a pipe too.

Be - be - be - I blew the trumpet.

Sound "IN"

Va-va-va - the grass grew.

Woo - woo - woo - I'll collect the grass.

Woo - woo - woo - I'll take off the owl.

You - you - you - there is no grass.

Ve - ve - ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass.

Sound "D"

Doo-doo-doo - children are running around in the garden.

Doo-doo-doo - I'll go get some water.

Yes - yes - yes - I have water.

Yes - yes - yes - I will build cities.

Yes - yes - yes - hot water.

Dy - dy - dy - no water.

Do - do - do - there is a nest in the tree.

Sound "AND"

Zha - zha - zha - two hedgehogs ran away.

Zhi-zhi-zhi - the hedgehogs are running.

Zhi - zhi - zhi - hedgehogs live under the bush.

Zhu - zhu - zhu - let's give milk to the hedgehog.

Zhi - zhi - zhi - there are floors in our house.

Sound "Z"

For - for - for - here comes the goat.

For - for - for - there is a goat tied here.

PS - PS - PS - the goat doesn't have enough grass.

Zu-zu-zu - we untied the goat.

Zi-zi-zi - tie up the monkey.

Zya - zya - zya - monkeys are not allowed here.

Zi-zi-zi - if you can’t, don’t take it

Sound "TO"

Ko-ko-ko - the cat loves milk

Ka-ka-ka - the river runs

Ko-ko-ko - I see far away

Coo-coo-coo - cuckoo on the bitch

Ku - ku - ku - the children took a scoop

Ak - ak - ak - fisherman by the river

Uk - uk - uk - and there is a spider sitting in the grass.

Sound "L"

Lu-lu-lu - Tolya sharpened his saw

Li – li – li - the soup is salty, don’t add salt!

La - la - la - see, the saw is spinning

Sound "R"

Ra-ra-ra - it’s time for me to go to school.

Ra-ra-ra are the children of our yard.

Re-re-re - games in the yard.

Re - re - re - we read in the yard.

Ri - ri - ri - look at the nuts.

Ro - ro - ro - nuts have a kernel.

Ri - ri - ri - speak clearly.

Ri - ri - ri - there are bullfinches on the branches.

Ry-ry-ry - chips for kids.

Rya - rya - rya - scarlet dawn.

Sound "SH"

Sha-sha-sha - I found a mouse in the reeds.

Sho - sho - sho - the mouse is happy with us.

Shi - shi - shi - kids love her.

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teacher - speech therapist

Kustova O. A.

Pure sayings are short phrases, constructed in such a way that in the first part the same syllable is most often repeated three or more times, and the second part consists of 3 - 4 words that rhyme with the first part. A pure phrase can consist of one phrase or several phrases associated with one action or subject. The last word in a phrase always ends with a stressed syllable already repeatedly pronounced by the child. For example: “La-la-la - we gathered at the table.” By repeatedly repeating the same stressed syllable, the child makes its pronunciation automatic.

Speech therapy speeches can be used to consolidate correct pronunciation necessary sounds in speech.

With the help of pure tongues, you can develop other aspects of speech. Thus, their rhymes and rhythmic design make it easier to pronounce and memorize sounds. The syllabic component of pure speech contributes to the formation of auditory and phonemic awareness, attention, memory, stimulates the development of linguistic sense. In the process of composing pure proverbs, it is enriched vocabulary, improving grammatical structure, the child’s coherent speech, his imagination is activated.

How to work with pure tongues? For example, it is necessary for the child to practice the pronunciation of the sound [L]. To do this:

Selects a pure phrase with this sound;

We pronounce it with different intonations: interrogative, narrative, exclamatory;

We speak at a fast and slow pace;

We take or come up with another pure phrase with a given sound and ask the child to complete it independently with the desired syllable or word;

Please pronounce the phrases as if they were a bear, a fox, a mosquito, etc.

When selecting pure phrases, it is necessary to exclude those that contain words with sounds that the child cannot pronounce correctly.

It is even more interesting and useful to invite the child to come up with pure sayings himself or do it together with him.

Sa-sa-sa - a stripe on paper.

Sy-sy-sy - the girl has two braids.

So-so-so - the wheel rolled.

Su-su-su - I bring flowers to my mother

Sa-sa-sa: there is a wasp on the table (a fox is sleeping in the cage).
Su-su-su: we are afraid of the wasp (look at the fox).
Sy-sy-sy: the sting of a wasp (the fluffy tail of a fox).
Se-se-se: let's give jelly to the wasp (let's give jelly to the fox)

Ri - ri - ri - speak clearly.

Rya - rya - rya - scarlet dawn.

Ryu - ryu - ryu - I’ll draw the dawn.

Ri - ri - ri - there are bullfinches on the branches.

Re-re-re-games in the yard

Ro - ro - ro - there's a bucket on the floor.

Ry - ry - ry - chips for the game.

Ra-ra-ra is a fun game.

Ru-ru-ru-geese walk around the yard.

La – la – la – there’s a top on the floor.

La - la - la - a bee flew to us.

Lu - lu - lu - table in the corner.

Ly - ly - ly - we score goals.

Lo-lo - lo - there is a village on the mountain

La-la-la, la-la-la - our squirrel is small.
Lo-lo-lo, lo-lo-lo - the squirrel has a hollow.
Lo-lo-lo, lo-lo-lo - it’s warm there for the squirrel.
Lu-lu-lu, lu-lu-lu - the squirrel is glad for the warmth.

Zhu-zhu-zhu - somehow the hedgehog came to the snake.

Zhi-zhi-zhi - show me the duck.

Zhu-zhu-zhu - I'm not friends with hedgehogs.

Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog leaves the snake.

Zha-zha-zha - we saw a hedgehog in the forest.

Zhu-zhu-zhu - we sang a song to the hedgehog.

Zhi-zhi-zhi - the snakes heard us.

Same-same-same - the snakes crawled to the boundary.

Sha, sha, sha - I have noodles.
Shi, shi, shi are babies.
Shu, shu, shu - I wave the flag. Shu, shoo, shoo - I'm wearing a cap.
Shock, shock shock - I have Fluff. Sha-sha-sha - our porridge is good.

For-for-for - a goat is standing in the meadow.
Zu-zu-zu - we saw a goat.
Ze-ze-ze - we gave the grass to the goat. Zoy-zoy-zoy - the kid runs after the goat.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - this is our chicken. Tso - tso - tso - we go out onto the porch. Tsu - tsu - tsu - we clapped the singer. Tse - tse - tse - there are a lot of grains in a cucumber.