How is admission to the target carried out? What is targeted admission to a university? Is it necessary to become a target at all?

A targeted direction for studying at a university is a situation in which your studies at the university are paid for by the budget and you enter into an agreement that after graduation you are obliged to work at a certain enterprise for n years. Often such enterprises are local factories, other industrial enterprises, and medical institutions.

What does the target income provide?

In fact, you study for free, but after graduation you will be forced to work at the company for a period specified in the contract. In most cases it is installed minimum threshold at 3 years old. IF YOU REFUSE TO WORK, you will be forced to give up the amount that the organization spent on your training.

You WILL have to take the Unified State Exam, but if you take the target exam, you will go through a special competition, which is more of a formal procedure. The scores there are much lower (most often, but there are exceptions; you need to check with each specific university separately). More on this a little further.

IMPORTANT: Activities to obtain the target should begin already in the middle of the 11th grade. There is no point in delaying, as you may end up with nothing.

How to get target direction to university?

As soon as you firmly decide to follow the target, contact your class teacher or director. These people can help you overcome the below points quickly. I will describe step by step the process of obtaining a target for admission to a university:

1) Choose a specialty and place of study where it is available.

Our website and the same teachers can help you with this. Here are all Russian universities, Russian universities by specialty, universities according to the Unified State Exam.

Parents often help in this matter. You can ask them to approach their superiors and negotiate. In reality, almost all factories and industrial plants are experiencing a shortage of specialists in certain specialties. This will work to your advantage.

At first glance, it may seem that few companies would want to teach you and spend money. However, many people are interested in specialists. In your city, you will find many businesses that will tear you away.

You must indicate the direction in your application. In short, here's an example:

Statement (example)

I ask you to allocate me a target direction from the Omsk City Administration for admission to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Omsk state university named after F.M. Dostoevsky" to the Faculty of Law in the direction of "Jurisprudence" ( full-time training)* (code 030900)*.Attachment: characteristics*, copy of passport*, application from the organization, consent to the processing of personal data, information about parents*.

“__”________ 2016 _____________________ (Smirnov A.Yu.)

* The application must indicate the form of study (full-time, part-time, part-time).
* The code of the direction (specialty) must correspond to the code of the direction (specialty) of 2013.
* In information about parents, it is necessary to indicate the full last name, first name, patronymic of the parents with whom the child lives, their place of work (full name of the organization and position).
* A copy of the child’s passport is not certified.
* The reference letter from the school must be signed by the director of the educational institution.

4) After receiving the target, go to the university with the following documents:

Certificate (original);
certificate of Unified State Examination results and other documents required by the university;
agreement on targeted training;

How to get a targeted referral to a medical school

Getting a target into a medical school is no different from getting it into any other school. Only perhaps it makes a little more sense, since medicine is an EXTREMELY ELITE industry at the moment. There are very high passing scores and tuition costs. If you want to be a doctor, then this option is worth considering.

Competition for targeted admission

When applying for targeted training, you will also need to pass a competition, but often this competition is a formal procedure. Unified State Examination points Requirements for targeted admissions are much lower than for general admissions.

You will have to take the Unified State Exam, but don’t worry about it. The main thing is to reach the minimum)

What you should pay attention to, pitfalls

The most important thing you need to pay attention to is the contract. Read it carefully point by point. It should indicate that they will pay your full tuition. In some cases, accommodation is also provided.

In the recent past, every citizen had the right to free education and was confident of finding employment in his specialty. Today, the cost of training in some universities, which let graduates go free immediately after receiving a diploma, can be compared with the cost of a car. However, applicants can still get the desired education for free if they choose a targeted form of study.

There are several options for entering a university. The most popular among applicants is training on a contract basis or at the expense of budget funds. Since the number of budget places is limited, most of the students are contract workers who, depending on their specialty, pay impressive amounts for training. Therefore, some talented and promising young people who do not have the necessary funds are left “overboard” - without education and without the opportunity to get the desired profession.

However, not everything is so hopeless. The third and little-known option for entering a university today is targeted training. But before you grab this lifeline, you need to understand in detail what targeted training is and whether it is really right for you.

The essence and goals of targeted training

Targeted training is a method of entering a university in the direction of specific organization. After completing the training, the target student undertakes to work for 3 years (as a rule) for the funds invested in it at the enterprise. Note that the duration of work, as well as other obligations and conditions, are established by the contract. It is concluded between three parties: the applicant, the donor organization and the educational institution.

This form of training allows the enterprise to solve the problem of shortage of personnel, which is present in important economic sectors. Targeted training - most common in agriculture, education and medicine. Industry organizations (oil and gas, energy, industrial, etc.) often think about training specialists in advance. Referral may be provided as government agencies(according to a quota from the Ministry of Science and higher education RF) and commercial enterprises.

The nuances of obtaining a referral for training

Often the targets are children whose parents long time work at the enterprise and are respected by management. Chances of demon paid training Employees of organizations who do not have higher education, whom management considers promising, also have. Since there is an acute shortage of personnel in some industries, those who do not belong to the listed categories can also receive referrals.

Searches for organizations issuing referrals in regional centers and the capital are unlikely to succeed. The possibility of this training option is provided only in certain populated areas, where there is a shortage of specialists in sectors important to the economy. In this case, the applicant can take a referral in any city in which such an opportunity is provided, regardless of his place of registration.

Admission and training

Preparation for targeted training should begin before the start of the introductory campaign. The school can provide assistance to the student through the class teacher, the employee responsible for career guidance, or the director.

If a student independently prepares for targeted training, then first of all, he needs to choose a future specialty and educational institution. Next, the student applies to the university (the admissions committee has a list of enterprises with which he cooperates), government bodies, municipality or directly to the organization chosen for work. In the latter case, the appeal to the director sets out in writing preferences regarding future profession and the university, and details of possible cooperation are proposed. Based on this, a decision is made to conclude an agreement, after which the organization applies to the local administration.

When contacting government agencies, do not forget about the deadlines for accepting documents, which can be found on the official websites. Often, an application can be submitted as early as the beginning of spring. Regardless of the organization you choose, it is very important to carefully study the terms of the contract, since some provisions may change, despite their standard form.

To participate in a special competition, you will need a standard package of documents, supplemented by a referral. Since the entrance campaign for such applicants begins before the main wave, the Unified State Examination also takes place earlier. Often high school students, in addition to the main school exam, are tested in the sending organization, based on the results of which the best candidates are determined.

You should not count on the university’s special attitude towards target audiences. The learning process is no different. They go through the same training program as other students, take entrance, intermediate and final exams, and write dissertations.

Advantages of a targeted direction

In addition to the most important advantage - free training, target participants receive several other pleasant bonuses.

A university graduate does not need to look for a job. One of the main conditions for providing a targeted direction is mandatory employment at the enterprise that paid for the training. Therefore, starting from the third year, the target student can begin to get accustomed to the position prepared for him.

Studying on a budget means receiving a scholarship allocated by the state. Often, a contract for targeted training includes a condition according to which the company undertakes to pay the future employee financial assistance, which as a result gives the latter the right to receive two scholarships.

Many students are faced with the problem of finding organizations to do internships, but this is not about targeted people. During these periods, they work at their enterprise, get acquainted with the specifics of its activities and with the team. That's where they take everything necessary materials for writing scientific and term papers.

Number of allocated places for target set is determined depending on the order received by the university from the ministry and sponsoring organizations, and usually they are sufficient to cover all applicants in the direction. However, if for some reason an applicant was unable to become a target student, he can enroll on a general basis, since the decision to enroll in targeted reception announced before the main one.

It is impossible not to say that upon admission in the direction of the enterprise at the entrance examinations in the form Unified State Examination scores are set at a level that is much lower than for other admission options. Therefore, an applicant does not need to be an excellent or good student in school in order to be included in the target group.

By the way, not so long ago, the Minister of Science and Higher Education Mikhail Kotyukov said that starting this year his department will pay especially close attention to the target area of ​​training, since it has great prospects.

Disadvantages of Targeted Training

Although targeted training looks very attractive at first glance, it has disadvantages that you should think carefully about before going for direction. What are the pitfalls of targeted training?

First of all, they are expressed in the lack of the right to choose. The future of such a student is already determined by the contract. He cannot plan his life after studying, decide which city to live in, what position and salary to apply for. Thus, studying at a prestigious metropolitan university, after receiving a diploma, a specialist is obliged to return to the city where he was given the referral. When studying under a quota from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, he will be sent to work in distribution (and this can be either a regional center or a city in a remote region of Russia).

Often the sending organization cannot provide the graduate with a highly paid position that would be worthy of the specialty received. It also does not guarantee career advancement opportunities. Living in the Russian outback with a prestigious education often depresses the target, and they begin to look for ways to escape. However, violation of the terms of the contract requires reimbursement of the funds spent by the organization on training, and sometimes a fine is added to this amount.

The student does not have the right to change his specialty, unless it is as close as possible to the one prescribed in the direction. In addition, the organization regularly requests information about the target person’s academic performance, so you won’t be able to relax and go with the flow.

Don’t forget that in 4 years of study a lot can change in life, but you still have to work through it, so it’s very important to carefully weigh everything and make an informed decision, because sometimes paid education is not such a bad option.

It may be useful for future applicants preparing to leave school, as well as their parents, to learn about the target direction of study: how to get it and what it gives.

It turns out that the Soviet distribution system, which representatives of the older generation remember with nostalgia, has not completely sunk into oblivion. On the contrary, it turned out to be so mutually beneficial for the state and citizens that it survived the change of system.

What is a target direction to a university?

For an applicant, this is an alternative type of admission to an educational institution, for enterprises it is an opportunity to acquire scarce specialists on more favorable terms, and for a university it is a chance to get a mandatory student and be known as a supplier of valuable personnel.

It is an agreement between three parties: the applicant, the university and the customer. Last to speak:

  • federal structures (ministries);
  • subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • local government departments;
  • enterprises with state participation.

Customers submit applications to the university for the required number of places in the required specialty. The educational institution reviews them and forms a target admission quota based on the results.

The target, getting involved in the reception company and successfully passing through it, acquires a number of advantages for himself:

  • entrance exams for a special competition - low, relative to the general flow: there are more chances to get into a budget place;
  • the opportunity to continue studying in graduate school;
  • full-fledged practice of all types at the selected enterprise;
  • the ability to combine study and work in your specialty on a flexible schedule;
  • payment for studies and housing by the future employer or from the federal budget, payment of an increased scholarship;
  • albeit not 100 percent, but still a guarantee of employment.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • the competition for targeted people sometimes begins already in the search for a referring employer (especially when they try to get a referral from giants like Gazprom or Aeroflot);
  • the conditions specified in the contract will have to be observed (including working for at least 3 years in the organization called by the document, even with a meager salary);
  • you cannot afford to miss lectures and seminars;
  • academic performance must be at its best (the level of which is specified in the contract);
  • violation of duties threatens termination of the contract and reimbursement of training costs;
  • one person takes a single direction, with which he can enter only one selected university.

Please note: For a minor, the contract is concluded by his legal representative.

How to take a targeted direction to a medical school

The procedure for customers to select candidates for positions among their employees is not established in federal legislation.

Each municipality and region selects differently.

In the capital, a special commission of the Moscow Health Department is responsible for processing referrals to a medical university. On the institution's website you can find a sample application for obtaining a document.

Prospective students interested in becoming a doctor can contact their local department or department of health administration. They will provide contact information for an employer interested in training a young specialist.

Or you can talk directly with the head of a medical institution at the district or, better yet, regional level, and agree on the possibilities of internship and residency. The school director can also represent the interests of the future student.

A potential future employer will be interested in the following information about a possible young employee:

  • achievements in the study of subjects important for medicine (biology, chemistry);
  • prizes at the Olympics;
  • participation in volunteer projects;
  • visiting thematic clubs and courses;
  • letter of recommendation from the director of the school or training center.

A statement of desire to study in a targeted area, together with a petition from the educational institution graduating the student, is submitted to the municipality in advance, in winter. The document on the target direction must be in the hands of the applicant before the start of admission.

How to get a targeted referral to a pedagogical university

You should establish contact with the director of the graduating school and contact the local government or department of education.

Schools have the right to send their graduates to study at a pedagogical university.

They will tell you what documents you need to collect.

Targeted direction for training in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In the period from January to March, anyone can contact the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of permanent registration.

An application is written addressed to the head of the receiving institution and a personal file is drawn up. It is better to clarify the list of documents required for this in advance by phone.

Typically this is:

  • applicant's passport details, permanent residence address and education;
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • the name of the institution where the applicant intends to undergo training;
  • desired faculty and specialty;
  • high school diploma or college diploma.

How to find an employer

In every school, someone is responsible for career guidance for graduates - together with class teacher and the director, they can help the graduate find his future colleagues.

Often, a future applicant applies for an application to his parents’ employers - employees with a good reputation.

You can contact the customer at the local administration or employment center.

You can contact an educational institution specializing in your chosen profession. For example, future workers for Russian Railways and the Metro are trained at the Moscow University of Transport.

How to apply for targeted training, sample application

At the selected university, for example, Polytechnic University or some other, the applicant, along with personal data and a certificate, submits to the admissions committee an application for targeted training and a referral from the organization.

If the number of applicants exceeds the established quota, then competitive admission begins based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Those who fail this test can try to earn a passing grade again - this time under the usual conditions for everyone. But only if such an option was specified in the target agreement.


The algorithm for targeted reception is a complex and not fully developed thing. Before signing the contract, the future student needs to carefully study all its terms. The document does not provide a 100% guarantee of admission and employment. The graduate needs to try to ensure that the Unified State Examination results exceed the passing minimum score.

The search for new personnel is also carried out by the prosecutor's office or local administration. In Moscow and St. Petersburg In the capitals of Russia there are more opportunities to get a targeted destination, for which you only need to do a little. First, you should choose a training profile and try to find a “sponsor” - an enterprise in which the graduate promises to work in exchange for paying for his education. Documents To receive a targeted referral, for example, through the local administration, you need to prepare:

  • an application with a request to provide the applicant with a place at a university - it is important to indicate the profile and the university desired for study;
  • characteristics from the place of study - school;
  • petition - a request from teachers and higher authorities interested in a graduate receiving a target direction to allocate a place for studying at a university.

These are only the basic documents that are required.

How to get a targeted referral to a university?

This is how the State Plan for the Training of Medical Personnel appeared. The targeted direction has been revived thanks to the signing of a number of important documents that today allow applicants to apply for targeted places. Targeted training in medical university is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, funds are allocated in accordance with applications submitted by municipalities.

Initially, a commission is created to find out how many doctors the region needs, after which this information is submitted to higher authorities. In practice, the target direction in 2018 looks like this: after graduation, the graduate will have to work for at least 3-5 years in the specified medical institution or return all funds paid to the state treasury.

How to get a targeted referral to a medical university in 2018

As a result, it turns out that the presented capabilities solve two problems at once:

  • The manager receives the knowledge of a new employee, who is trained at the expense of the company. As a result of paid training, an employee is hired for a job - he must “work out” the material support received, but this does not affect wages.
  • The applicant is ensured admission to a university, the knowledge and diploma of which he can use in the future and after the completed period. These benefits will impact your future career.

The main provisions on the target direction to a university are stated in the following documents: Federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 Pros and cons Targeted enrollment in universities has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered for accurate decision-making.

How to get a targeted training referral


They always have contacts of organizations that cooperate on employment and training issues with district or city leadership.

  • Submit an application to the local administration, where you indicate the direction in which you want to study. If you were able to independently choose an organization that agreed to pay for the training and accepted an application there, attach it to the application.

3 How to obtain a targeted direction for training - necessary documents An application is submitted to the local administration to receive a targeted direction, which indicates: educational institution, the class in which the child is currently studying. Indicate the university and desired specialty. It would not be amiss to attach a reference for the student written by the school director, as well as a petition from an organization that is interested in this specialist.

How to get a targeted referral to a medical school?

The presented procedure has the following advantages:

  • Admission to the university is ensured, taking into account 1.5-2 people per course place - this gives high chances.
  • All admission is based on surrender Unified State Exam results and their subsequent competitive selection.
  • If additional entrance tests are held, in most cases these are targeted appointments with up to 2 applicants per place.
  • The target direction to universities is only free education. Depending on the head of the enterprise who provides the student with educational opportunities, scholarships and housing may be provided if the applicant is from out of town.
  • Immediately after graduation, the graduate is provided with a job - he will not have to look for a job in his specialty for a long time, which is difficult without experience.

How to get a targeted referral to a university

During “working” at the enterprise, you can gain experience in practical activities and in the future find a job with higher pay. Despite the numerous advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • The main one is the refusal of graduates from further employment at the enterprise, since these are often unpresentable places and with low wages.
  • Moreover, new specialists are often sent to rural areas through participation in the federal program for training new specialists.

Who pays and obliges for what? The target direction is issued either by the state or the enterprise. The state provides only budget places, while businesses pay tolls.

Where can I get a targeted referral to medical school?

Evdokimov (specialty "General Medicine" and Dentistry). For reference: A target applicant can be issued only one targeted direction from the Moscow Department of Health for admission to one of educational institutions higher professional (medical) education in Moscow and only for one specialty. The right to receive a targeted referral from the Moscow City Health Department is granted to citizens receiving higher education vocational education for the first time, having permanent registration in Moscow. HOW TO OBTAIN A TARGET DIRECTION BY THE MOSCOW HEALTH DEPARTMENT? The applicant must personally contact the medical organization of the metropolitan healthcare of the city of Moscow to receive an application (for students of the Pre-University of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after.

Well, the second important aspect is the student’s further employment, although in practice the state does not always guarantee getting a job. If the employer is not able to hire a specialist trained by him, then he issues an “absentee slip”, which indicates that there are no vacancies for this specialty. By the way, regarding the payment of tuition by the future employer: a scheme is often practiced when the applicant deposits the amount of tuition fees in cash into the cash desk of the future employer, and the employer transfers the money to the university.
If an applicant does not pass the exams and does not enroll, the university returns the money to the organization, and it returns the money to the applicant who did not enroll. Admission through a target program is convenient because the money is paid once and in a smaller amount than in paid education.


Procedure for admission to higher education educational institutions in 2017, determined by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 (as amended on July 29, 2016) “On approval of the Procedure for admission to training in educational programs higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs."

Important changes were made to it by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 29, 2016 No. 921, which are applied for admission to educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs starting from the 2017/18 academic year.

Who can enter the university?

According to these documents, higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation admit citizens of the Russian Federation with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education, foreign citizens and stateless persons living on its territory, as well as compatriots from neighboring countries. These citizens have the right to receive, on a competitive basis, free higher professional education in state higher educational institutions, if education at this level is obtained for the first time.

What is needed to enter a university?

To enter the university you need the following documents:

  • Statement;
  • Document on complete general education(original or copy);
  • Original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship;
  • 6 photographs measuring 3x4 cm (black and white or color photograph on matte paper, taken in 2015);
  • Applicants who have special rights for admission to higher education institutions established by law Russian Federation, provide at their discretion the original or photocopy of the relevant documents.
  • Medical certificate in form 086-U or 026-U
  • from young men, a military ID or registration certificate.

Document on average general or special education(certificate - for school graduates; certificate of educational results - for those who decided to interrupt their studies at a technical school/college and get a higher education; diploma with an appendix (grade sheet) and a copy of it - when applying to a university after college).

Certificate of passing the Unified State Exam Issued after passing the unified state exam in the subjects chosen by the applicant, indicating the points received. (copies are submitted to the commission of several universities, the original is provided to the university where the actual admission was made).

In addition to a medical certificate in form 026-U or 086-U, some universities provide additional medical examination in certain specialties.

The necessary list of specialties for which this certificate is required for admission is given on the official website of the selected higher educational institution.

Persons with disabilities, in addition to the above documents, must submit: the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission; certificate of disability issued federal agency medical and social examination. Children with disabilities of groups I and II provide an original and a photocopy of a certificate of disability and a conclusion on the absence of contraindications for studying at a university, issued by the federal institution of medical and social examination.

What documents are needed for absentee admission?

Similar documents are submitted to the correspondence department. In case of receiving a second and subsequent higher education, instead of a document confirming secondary education, a diploma of higher education with an extract attached to it is provided.

What are the features and advantages of distance learning?

The advantages of this form of training include the following:

  • curricula are individual (some specialized subjects can be completed in an in-depth program);
  • lower entrance score;
  • after the first successful session there is an opportunity to transfer to the full-time department;
  • you can provide for yourself and your family at the same time while working;
  • the ability to attend lectures remotely;
  • fee for correspondence department, as a rule, lower;
  • You can learn science at absolutely any age
  • communication with new people united by common goals.

Foreign citizens submit along with original documents and their translations into Russian. A foreign citizen submits to the admissions committee of a Russian university:

  • application in Russian;
  • originals and duly certified copies of educational documents;
  • its certified translation into Russian;
  • identification document;
  • copy entry visa, if a foreigner entered the Russian Federation through it;
  • 6 pieces of photographs 4x6;
  • For foreign citizens who have Russian nationality - documents confirming their nationality.

How to get a targeted direction to a university?

A targeted direction for studying at a university is a feature of obtaining higher education, in which the training is paid for by a state budgetary or commercial organization. After graduating from a university, according to the contract on targeted training, the graduate is obliged to work at the enterprise or organization that gave him the targeted direction for the time specified in the contract (usually 3 years). In case of failure to fulfill the agreement on the part of the student or graduate, the latter undertakes to return to the organization cash spent on his training.

Target students, like everyone else, take the exam and participate in the competition, but with special advantages.

To get the target direction you need:

  • choose a specialty and place of study;
  • contact an institution, an enterprise that issues targeted referrals to this university.
  • apply to municipal body management.

Sample application for target direction to a university

The application must indicate the form of study (full-time, part-time, part-time).

The direction (specialty) code must correspond to the 2017 direction (specialty) code.

In information about parents, it is necessary to indicate the full last name, first name, patronymic of the parents with whom the child lives, their place of work (full name of the organization and position).

A copy of the child's passport is not certified.

The reference letter from the school must be signed by the director of the educational institution.

How to write an application for admission to a university?

Typically, application forms are provided by the selected university ( admissions committee), it can be downloaded from the website of the selected university. The application contains a request to enroll the applicant in a specific direction, specialty, faculty, department, indicating personal and contact information.

Sample application for admission to a university

(Using the example of the Russian State pedagogical university them. A.I. Herzen)

When are documents accepted and applicants enrolled?

In 2017, full-time and part-time forms training deadline for accepting documents is no later than June 20. Deadline for accepting documents from applicants based on the results of additional entrance examinations creative and (or) professional orientation - no earlier than July 7, and from applicants based on the results of other entrance tests conducted by the organization independently - no earlier than July 10.

For correspondence form study deadlines for submitting documents are not established; it all depends on the decision of the management of each specific university.

The deadline for completing entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently, and completing the acceptance of documents from applicants without passing the specified entrance examinations is July 26.

Profile and additional exams for applicants to universities in 2017

In addition to changes in the deadlines for submitting documents, specialized and additional exams for applicants were introduced in 2017.

Universities have introduced certain specialized subjects into the test. The Ministry of Education adopted this innovation, and already in 2017, new rules and requirements affected 64 specialties, which include not only creative, but also medical areas. Hand over additional disciplines future teachers and philologists will also have to.

Additional exams are conducted in the form usual for passing individual disciplines, but may also consist of interviews conducted individually with each applicant. Universities have the right to independently decide what form the test will take and change it annually.

Features of entering a university

Admission to university! Enrollment, submission of documents, etc.

Arrival algorithm

Life after the Unified State Exam: admission and admissions committee