Number of applications submitted to universities. University admission rules

Rules for admission to universities will not change

Schoolchildren and their parents are accustomed to the idea that the rules for admission to higher education institutions change every year. Starting from 2016, permanent rules are being established that will not change every year, which means that graduates will be able to collect all the necessary information about admission in advance: prepare for a core subject, pass the required exams, collect the necessary documents in a timely manner and submit them on time.

Order No. 1147 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 established the procedure for admission to universities for bachelor's, specialist's, and master's degree programs for subsequent years. In accordance with the order, all comprehensive information about admission must be posted on the official websites of universities no later than October 1, including information about admission to correspondence form training.

Opportunity to enroll without Unified State Exam results

As before, new order retains the opportunity to enter universities based on results entrance examinations conducted by the university independently. This applies to applicants with secondary and higher professional education, foreign citizens and those who missed the deadline due to health reasons unified exam. Moreover, for “core” applicants who have received secondary vocational education, the university may establish entrance tests other than general education ones. school subjects, but offer tests in accordance with the profile.

Opportunity to receive up to 10 additional points

The admission procedure retains last year's innovations - the opportunity to receive up to 10 additional points for individual achievements, and universities independently set the rules for assigning additional points. The changes affected the recognition of diplomas with honors in secondary and higher vocational education and medalists who graduated from school in previous years. Previously, additional points were awarded for an “excellent” secondary school certificate. general education last year release.

Results are recognized for 4 years

The admission rules preserve the special rights of winners and prize-winners of the final stages of the Olympiads included in the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Of course, the profile of the Olympiad must coincide with the chosen field of study at the university. Winners and runners-up are still considered equal to applicants who received the maximum 100 points for the subject, but now they will be able to use this right for 4 years.

New document - “Consent to Enrollment”

The main change in the 2016 admissions campaign concerned the enrollment procedure. As before, an applicant has the right to submit applications to no more than five organizations higher education and in each application can indicate three areas of training (specialties). However, no later than two days before the release of the admission order, the applicant must submit another document to the admissions committee, indicating only one area of ​​training (specialty). This new document called “Consent to Enrollment.” It is required for enrollment in any educational program; it specifies the conditions for admission and the grounds for admission.

Applicant within quota target set simultaneously with submitting the application for admission, submits an application for Consent to enrollment, attaching the original document on education of the established form.

Main enrollment deadlines in 2016

July 26 - completion of acceptance of documents required for admission (from persons applying for study without entrance examinations conducted by the university).

No later than July 27 - posting lists of applicants on the official website of the university and on the information stand.

Priority Enrollment Phase(without entrance tests, within a special quota, targeted admission).

July 28 - completion of accepting applications for “Consent to Enrollment”; July 29 - order for enrollment within quotas.

First stage of enrollment for the main competitive places (80% budget places).

Until August 1 - completion of acceptance of applications for “Consent to Enrollment”; August 3 - order for enrollment in competitive budget places.

Second stage of enrollment for the remaining competitive places (20% of budget places).

August 6 - completion of acceptance of applications for “Consent to Enrollment”; August 8 - order for enrollment in competitive budget places up to 100% filling.

Alumni Advice

If you are going to participate in the general competition for budget places, then after submitting documents, carefully follow the names rating lists. Starting from July 27, the lists are posted on university websites and are regularly updated. Your chances of being accepted may improve if applicants with more high score Original documents will not be returned. If you did not pass the competition at the first stage of enrollment, then there is a high chance of being enrolled in the second - the passing score in the second wave is usually lower. Soberly assess the situation, react in a timely manner and you will succeed! Good luck!

After the Unified State Exam and the painful choice of an educational program at a university, it’s time to put your thoughts in order and mark on your calendar: when, what and where to take for admission.

For the 2016–2017 academic year, a new procedure for admission to universities has been launched. It applies to future bachelors, specialists, and masters: order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147.

What documents to prepare for admission to a bachelor’s or specialist’s degree:

  • application for admission (the application form and methods of delivery can be found on the university website);
  • certified photocopies of documents: passport/international passport; certificates of passing the Unified State Exam; certificate/diploma of secondary vocational education;
  • six 3x4 photographs;
  • medical certificate form 086-u (for full-time training);
  • portfolio: copies of diplomas, certificates, acknowledgments, letters of recommendation, etc.

Bachelor's degree

WITH June 20 All universities are already accepting documents for full-time and part-time programs. But the deadline for accepting documents depends on the set of entrance tests. If for admission you do not need to pass any internal exams additional to the Unified State Exam, then the deadline for you to submit documents is - 26 July.

If your program involves additional professional or creative tests, then beware of the date July 7. Universities may extend the date for collecting documents, but this must be checked with the university itself.

Let’s say you haven’t taken the Unified State Exam and to get admitted you have to apply according to internal exams university (this could happen, for example, if an applicant enters after specialized secondary vocational education). In this case, make sure to submit the documents before July 10. The university may set a later date here too, so be sure to clarify the issue on the website of your university.

Before 26 July must pass all internal and additional examinations, and thus this date marks the end of the first wave of admission.

For those who are going to study on a paid basis and/or correspondence department, the deadline for submitting documents is entirely determined by the educational institution.

Master's degree

Admission to the master's program is based on the results of internal tests of the university. This could be a portfolio competition or passing a specialized subject along with foreign language. To participate in the competition, you must submit a higher education diploma.

The only deadline for master's programs that puts forward a new admission procedure is - 10th of August. The university cannot finish accepting documents before this date.

Deadlines for winners and prize-winners of Olympiads

You can enter a university without any exams at all. First of all, this concerns the winners of the All-Russian school competitions from a special list established by law. During the four years following the year of the Olympiad, the winner or prize-winner of the competition can submit their results to universities and apply for non-competitive admission.

Extra points for portfolio

Additional points can be obtained:

  • for a certificate of secondary general education with honors,
  • diploma of secondary vocational education with honors,
  • certificate of volunteering (voluntary) activity,
  • GTO icon.

But not only. It is important to show any achievements that are relevant to the educational program.

The start of accepting documents for universities is approaching. Today we will talk about how not to miss your chance because of little things.

The admission rules are quite simple. Don’t miss deadlines and have time to submit original documents; study the additional conditions of the selected educational institution, go through a medical examination if necessary, and everything will work out. Now let's look at each stage in more detail.

The most important thing about documents

If you have prepared for admission in advance, then the meeting with the admissions committee will take you 10-15 minutes, not counting the possible queue of people who want to become your classmates and friends at the university. For regular public and private universities, a standard package of documents is required:

  • statement;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the certificate with an attachment.

In 2019, the Unified State Exam results of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 will be valid.

Some universities may require a medical certificate 086/у. The need to provide it, as well as the list of other documents, can be found on the official website of the university.

Also collect documents that will confirm your benefits upon admission, if any. You must bring the originals of these papers to your chosen university. This rule applies to all beneficiaries, target recipients, winners of Olympiads and specialized professional competitions.

  • winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren;
  • gold medalists of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games;
  • world or European champions in any sport;
  • members of Russian national teams international olympiads in general education subjects (specialized areas).

Athletes can only enroll in areas of study related to physical education and sports without entrance examinations.

Applicant calendar: application deadlines and other important dates

Applicants to military universities, academies of internal affairs and educational institutions that have special requirements for the physical training of students need to prepare much earlier. Have a standard medical examination in November or December. This will save you time.

Below are the dates current for 2019 admissions.

Approximate date (check with your chosen university for the exact date)


The acceptance of documents from applicants is completed, the primary right of admission is based on the results of additional creative or professional tests

The acceptance of documents is completed at universities that conduct additional entrance examinations

✓ The acceptance of documents from applicants who do not pass additional exams (standard admission according to the Unified State Exam) is completed.

✓ Universities are required to complete their own entrance tests for all applicants

Appears full list applicants according to the standard protocol (information stand, university website)

Acceptance of original documents from applicants entering without exams (athletes and winners of creative, professional, intellectual competitions) has ended.

An order is ready for the admission to the university of applicants entering without quota exams

"The first wave of admissions." The university registers applications from applicants who have agreed to study (80% of competitive places are filled)

Order on enrollment of “first wave” applicants

"Second wave of admissions." The university registers consent to study from applicants (the remaining 20% ​​of competitive places are filled)

Order on the admission of applicants of the “second wave”

After July 27, all your attention should be focused on the university website. You cannot miss the moment when you will need to submit an application for consent to enrollment and original documents. Without these papers, even with the best Unified State Exam results, the university will not consider you as a future student. You see that you are passing the rating, run to submit your documents.

The main admission tool is the university website, where the ranking of applicants will be regularly updated

Changes 2018

This year has not brought global changes to the procedure for admission to higher education institutions, but some amendments are worth taking into account when preparing. What's new?

  • Universities will independently determine the requirements for applicants with vocational education diplomas (college, technical school). Applicants will undergo entrance tests at the educational institution.
  • The total number of competitive places for distance learning will decrease.
  • For various achievements during schooling and sports career you can now get up to 10 points (in 2017 - up to 20).
  • Victories and prizes in All-Russian Olympiads benefits will be provided for 4 years. Win the Olympiad in the 9th or 10th grade and don’t think about future admission at all.
  • For another year, Crimeans can take the all-Russian test or undergo special entrance tests at universities upon admission. In 2019, Crimean schoolchildren will also begin taking the Unified State Exam.
  • One of the main changes in the process of admission to higher education institutions will affect target students. Now the contract will be concluded between the applicant, the university and the employer. Previously, only the applicant and the university were involved in this scheme. After successful training, the applicant is required to work for three years in the organization that issued the referral.
  • Universities will themselves determine how many additional points an applicant will receive for an essay (1-10).
  • Applicants who have chosen the direction " Intelligent systems in the humanities,” will take mathematics for any chosen period of study.

Typical mistakes and questions for applicants

So now you have full information about when and how to apply to universities. But not always and not everyone succeeds perfectly, so we have selected a few examples typical mistakes applicants and options for their correction.

There is another situation that sometimes fails applicants who prefer “bird in hand.”

What should you do if you entered the university of your dreams in the second wave, but have already transferred the originals to another educational institution?

So, you entered one of the universities, took the original documents there and calmed down. But it’s a bit of a pity that it’s the same one best-prestigious-popular-convenient-interesting The university did not accept you to study. You open the website of the desired educational institution and see that your name is already on the list of those recommended for admission. What to do?

Assess the deadlines for submitting originals and your position in the ranking. Filling out the expulsion order and collecting documents from the first wave university will take about a day, after which you need to transfer the original documents to new university and have time to submit an application for consent to study. You should have at least 2-3 days for the re-entry process.

Take action! Some universities deliberately, although they do not admit it, delay the issuance of originals. Especially if the educational institution is not very popular, and you good results. Therefore, do not tell the admissions committee about your dream. Say that there are family circumstances, that’s why you are taking the documents.

Very soon you will become students and start a new life, but in the meantime, prepare for several weeks of stress. Good luck and may everything work out!

In 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science will continue to test new rules regarding the deadlines for enrollment in universities. Order No. 1147 of the Ministry of Education and Science was adopted back in 2016, on October 14. According to the text of the order, new procedures for the admission of future bachelors, specialists and masters have been established since 2017. The order gives clear instructions to universities to post information about enrollment deadlines no later than October 1 of the new academic year. The information should also include deadlines for correspondence students. In addition to these innovations, the ministry introduced such concepts as “consent to enrollment,” but first things first.

Stages of enrollment in universities in 2018. Deadlines

In accordance with the new rules, the deadlines for enrollment in 2018 and beyond will look like this:

By 06/01/2018 Universities and institutions secondary special education must announce on their websites or specially designated places in institutions:

Number of budget and paid places in 2018,
- total number places for targeted reception,
- number of places or benefits for winners of Olympiads and All-Russian championships,
- all information about hostels, including prices for accommodation and number of places,
- a complete schedule of entrance tests for applicants (dates and locations are indicated).

- June 20– start of accepting documents for admission,
- July 7– last day for accepting documents from persons arriving as a result of additional entrance exams,
- July 10– the last day for accepting documents from applicants based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently,
- 26 July– last day for accepting documents from applicants only according to the results of the Unified State Exam

University enrollment results 2018

- July 27- last day for educational institutions to publish lists of applicants.

- July 28 - 29- priority admission of applicants entering the university outside the competition on the basis and target areas(20% of the number of places at the university),

- July 29- last day of publication competition lists applicants for 80% of budget places remaining after 20% of priority admission applicants.

What is “Consent to Enrollment” in the new procedure for admission to universities?

The most important change in the procedure for enrolling in universities since 2017 can be called the introduction of a new document called “Consent for Enrollment.” It is submitted by the applicant to admissions committee educational institution no later than 2 days before the release of the university’s order on enrollment with the obligatory indication of only one specialty. At the same time, the applicant, as it was before, can apply for admission to 5 universities at once (no more) and indicate a maximum of 3 specialties in his application; it is important not to miss the deadline - no later than 2 days before the release of the admission order. Consent to enrollment is required for enrollment in any specialty, any educational program, it contains information regarding admission and admission. Those applicants who submit documents within the target enrollment quota must submit consent for enrollment immediately with the application for admission and the original document of education.

Terms and procedure for enrollment in master's programs from 2018

For admission to a master's program, the start date for accepting documents and the completion of entrance examinations are determined in accordance with the above rules, while universities finish accepting documents no earlier than August 10.

In the new academic year schools will graduate more than 20 thousand potential applicants, who in June will begin storming the doors of selected universities to continue their education. For parents, the responsible time is coming now: it is important to understand not only where your child will go, but also how this process occurs. This problem is becoming especially relevant today, when the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has seriously changed the rules regarding admission to higher educational institutions.

Features of the 2016 introductory campaign

Instead of two waves of enrollment, the process now takes place in two stages: in the first, graduates who immediately brought original documents will compete for 80% of the places; at the second stage, the competition will be for the remaining 20%, and during this period there will be especially tough competition - for best university Applicants with the highest scores will compete, significantly increasing the competition. According to the Ministry of Education, this will make the choice of educational institution and specialty more conscious on the part of graduates.

The essay will allow you to earn additional points upon admission

The current admissions campaign has significantly increased the value of a secondary education document: you need to look at the passing score at the universities of your choice and realistically assess the possibility of getting into them. In addition, applicants will receive innovation in the form of additional essays and portfolios, for which the university can award points. The list of innovations does not end there! Let's look at the most fundamental differences to help 2016 graduates avoid unnecessary difficulties:

  1. Changing the deadlines for submitting documents to the university. So, this year they have moved slightly - only by one day - however, it is worth monitoring the situation in advance so as not to miss the moment of the beginning and end of submitting documents.
  2. Opportunity to receive extra points for essays. The essay, which is conducted on the basis of the graduating school, makes it possible to earn 10 bonus points. Let us recall that the norm was introduced in accordance with the order of the President of Russia, as admission to. Year 11 students take this test in December. Failed students have 2 more attempts (at the end of winter and in mid-spring). Ultimately, the essays are placed in a database to which all universities in the country have access. Before entering a university, a graduate can indicate that the essay is included in the submitted documents. After checking the essay, university representatives can add another 10 points to the future student’s Unified State Examination score.
  3. Opportunity to enroll without exams. According to current situation affairs, students who have become prize-winners and winners of Olympiads included in the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation can apply for admission to a university without entrance examinations.
  4. Points for individual achievements. Applicants can earn 10 points for personal achievements. This category includes obtaining a school certificate with honors, science Olympiads, sports achievements and volunteering.
  5. Additional exams and interviews. Some universities are given the right to conduct additional tests for applicants. For example, this year additional exams were introduced in 64 specialties, including not only such familiar “creative” professions as urban planning, design, acting, choreography or directing, but also pedagogy, some medical fields, philology, etc. d.
  6. Additional exam in a core subject. Some universities also received the right to host another profile exam. For example, in 2015 there were only two such universities in the capital - Moscow State University and MGIMO - but in 2016 the list may expand.
  7. The maximum score will be higher. Maximum amount The passing points that a graduate can score after passing three subjects with all additional “bonuses” will now be 320 points instead of the previous 300.
  8. Graduates of colleges and technical schools lost the right to preferential admission. Applicants who have secondary vocational education will be admitted based on the results of entrance exams (test, written work or interview). Applicants who have graduated from college or technical school can only enter the first year. An exception will be those who apply for a bachelor's degree in the corresponding profile - for such applicants, the period of study may become somewhat shorter due to the re-crediting of previously passed subjects. Let us recall that before the entry into force of the new regulations on admission to universities, those who received secondary special education, entered their specialty without a single state exam, and their subjects were compulsory.