Ships of the Caspian flotilla for today. Red Banner Caspian Flotilla - operational formation of the Navy (19 photos)

November 15 marks the 295th anniversary of its formation Caspian flotilla- one of the oldest operational formations of the Russian Navy(Navy), naval components of the Southern Military District.

The main base is Astrakhan, the base and deployment locations are Makhachkala and Kaspiysk in Dagestan, the villages of Nikolskoye and Labor Front in the Astrakhan region.

The flagship is the Tatarstan missile patrol ship (project 11661K, Gepard type).

Currently, the flotilla includes more than 70 ships and vessels, including:

  • 2 patrol ship project 11661K ("Tatarstan" and "Dagestan");
  • 3 small missile ships of project 21631 (Grad Sviyazhsk, Uglich, Veliky Ustyug);
  • 4 small artillery ships of project 21630 (Astrakhan, Volgodonsk, Makhachkala) and 12411 (MAK-160);
  • 1 missile boat;
  • 5 artillery boats;
  • 2 basic minesweepers;
  • 5 raid minesweepers;
  • 6 landing boats;
  • small hydrographic vessel "Anatoly Guzhvin";
  • rescue and tugboat "SB-45", etc.

The flotilla includes several brigades and divisions of ships, units Marine Corps, coastal missile and artillery troops, etc.

In 2017, two new raid tugs were accepted into the flotilla: RB-410 (built according to project 705B by the Astrakhan branch of the Zvezdochka shipyard) and RB-937 (project 90600, rolled off the slipways of the Pella shipyard in St. Petersburg). The newest training complex for training divers and military rescuers was received and installed in Kaspiysk.

It is expected that the flotilla will soon be replenished with Project 12061 Murena hovercraft landing craft. According to Navy Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Korolev, by 2020 the flotilla will be 76% equipped with the latest weapons and military equipment.

This year, work began on the construction of new facilities for training marine units of the Caspian Flotilla at the Adanak training ground (Dagestan). The total area of ​​the updated landfill will be about 40 square meters. km, work should be completed at the end of 2019. At the same time, it is planned to complete the first stage of modernization and construction of new bases for the association’s ships (in particular, the berthing front and ground facilities in Kaspiysk).

Flotilla training and combat missions

  • At the end of 2016, the total sailing time (time spent at sea) of the crews of ships and vessels amounted to more than 2.8 thousand days, which was 20% higher than in 2015. At the sea ranges, the Caspians performed about 600 combat exercises, including 450 artillery firing at sea and coastal targets, about 100 mine action and mine laying.
  • From September 2016 to September 2017, more than 60 inspections of the flotilla's combat readiness were carried out.
  • During the winter training period (from December 1, 2016 to June 1, 2017), the naval forces and flotilla troops completed more than 500 combat exercises (twice as many as in the same period of the previous year). One of the units confirmed the title of shock.
  • The flotilla took part in international competitions naval and field training within the framework of the International Army Games (Army-2017).

From the history of the flotilla

  • It was formed on November 15 (November 4, old style) 1722 by decree of Emperor Peter I, simultaneously with the founding of a military port in Astrakhan. The flotilla and port served to protect the Caspian coasts - the northern and part of the western.
  • Among the first operations of the flotilla was participation in the Persian campaign of Peter I (1722–1723), by the end of which the flotilla included up to 80 large ships.
  • In 1867, the port of Baku (now the capital of Azerbaijan) became the main base of the flotilla. To October Revolution In 1917, the flotilla protected trade and fisheries in the Caspian Sea, and also represented Russian commercial and industrial interests in Iran. For military merits, the flotilla was awarded the St. George ribbon, which personnel wore on caps.
  • After the October Revolution, in April 1918, the Military Fleet of the Astrakhan Territory was created, which was reorganized into the Caspian Military Flotilla on June 27, 1931.
  • During the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945, Caspian sailors fought near Sevastopol, Kerch, Mariupol and other sectors of the front, escorted transports with oil, military cargo, etc. Hundreds of flotilla sailors were awarded orders and medals, eight of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • On April 27, 1945, for military services during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Caspian Flotilla was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
  • In the 1950s–1980s, the flotilla was one of the most important stabilizing factors in the region. New types of weapons, including cruise missiles, were tested at its sea ranges.

"Russian Ministry of Defense"

  • Following the collapse of the USSR and the transformation of the former republics into sovereign states, on April 16, 1992, the division of forces, assets and ships of the flotilla between the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan took place. 70% of forces and assets went to Russia and were relocated from Baku to Makhachkala and Astrakhan, which became its main base. Azerbaijan received the right to dispose of the remaining 30% of the ships, coastal infrastructure and housing stock of the flotilla.
  • In 2010, the Russian Caspian Flotilla became part of the Southern Military District formed the same year as a naval component. Her main task is to ensure the national and state interests of Russia in the region.
  • On the night of October 6-7, 2015, a month after the start of the Russian military operation in Syria, the ships of the flotilla ("Dagestan", "Grad Sviyazhsk", "Uglich" and "Veliky Ustyug") from the Caspian Sea launched a massive strike with 26 long-range cruise missiles of the "Caliber-NK" complex against the objects of the "Islamic State" (prohibited terrorist organization in the Russian Federation). The targets were located at a distance of more than 1.5 thousand km on Syrian territory. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, all of them were hit with an accuracy of 3 m. On November 20, 2015, ships of the flotilla hit seven more targets at terrorist positions in Syria with 18 Caliber-NK missiles.
  • The commander of the Caspian flotilla is Rear Admiral Sergei Pinchuk (since September 20, 2016).

The material was prepared according to TASS-Dossier data

1941 - 1945

Caspian military flotilla of the first formation in June 1931 from Marine forces Caspian Sea had its main base in Baku.


By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the KVF had 5 gunboats (a separate division), two torpedo boats, a separate coastal artillery battery, 13 combat aircraft, an air surveillance, warning and communications radio company and a number of separate coastal units.

" According to the operational plans of 1941 Soviet fleets and the flotillas, in case the aggressor unleashes a war against the USSR, were given the following tasks:

Caspian flotilla:

  • 1. Provide assistance to the army’s flank on the western and southwestern coast of the Caspian Sea with naval artillery fire and a tactical landing.
  • 2. Together with the Red Army Air Force, ensure communications between ports on the Caspian Sea.
  • 3. Prevent enemy landings on the western and eastern coasts of the Caspian Sea together with the Red Army.
  • 4. Carry out raid operations on the enemy bases of Pahlavi and Naushehr together with the Space Forces Air Force.
  • 5. Organize and provide air defense service and the maritime air defense sector of Baku. "

At the first stage of the Great Patriotic War, there was no direct threat to the Caspian sea basin, and the activities of the Caspian flotilla were mainly limited to patrol service in the maritime sector.
Since the beginning of the war, the flotilla provided sea transportation of military and national economic cargo.

In the period from August 24 to August 26, 1941, Red Army troops were transferred to Iran on ships and flotilla vessels in accordance with the Soviet-Iranian Treaty of 1921.
Together with units of the Transcaucasian Military District, the Caucasus Military Fleet conducted an amphibious operation on the Iranian coast south of Iranian Astara, landing a tactical assault force as part of a mountain rifle regiment, reinforced by an artillery division, and supported units of the mountain rifle division advancing along the coast from Lankaran with artillery fire.

Enter Soviet troops to the territory of Iran was caused by the strengthening of German influence here and the sympathies for the fascists of a number of people at the head of the administration of Iran, which created the threat of Iran's involvement in the war against the Soviet Union.

After the entry of Soviet troops into Iran, they occupied the northern part of Iran throughout the war, and the ships of the Caspian Flotilla carried out stationary service in the Iranian ports of Pahlavi, Noushehr, Bandar Shah.

Report from the headquarters of the Caspian military flotilla to the headquarters of the Transcaucasian Front about the amphibious landing

“At 8.00, having begun the landing, all landing personnel, except for artillery, materiel and horses, were disembarked. I will unload the artillery using all possibilities; due to the shallow depth, by decision of the commander of the 44th [Army], we send it for landing [in] Lenkoran. Due to stormy weather, the transports were stretched out at the crossing; two transports with the convoy had not yet arrived. I have no radio contact with the armies. 8.45, 12 twin-engine bombers bombed the landing transports to no avail. Twice they fired at fighter-type aircraft heading towards transports without giving identification signals, and a second time - to no avail - with three bombers. Sedelnikov, Panchenko “

From August 23 to 26, 1941, cadets and officers of the Caspian Higher Naval School (KVVMU) as part of the Caspian Flotilla participated in the amphibious landing on the coast of Iran. To participate in the landing on the Iranian coast, 16 officers, 252 cadets and 2 Red Navy men were sent to the Pahlavi area.

In October 1941, the KVF formed a battalion of marines from volunteers and sent it to the front.
In the Battle of Moscow, the 75th Separate Marine Rifle Brigade, formed from cadets of the Caspian Military Military School and partly from the personnel of the Caspian Military Fleet, distinguished itself under the command of Captain 1st Rank K.D. Sukhiashvili.
In the harsh winter of 1941-1942. Caspian sailors fought over 400 km, freeing about 700 settlements. For the valor and bravery shown in battle, the 75th Separate Naval Rifle Brigade was reorganized into the 3rd Guards Naval Rifle Brigade on March 17, 1942.
The marines of the Caspian Flotilla fought near Sevastopol, Kerch, Mariupol, Ordzhonikidze, and made a worthy contribution to the defense of Stalingrad.

On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the 1st Caspian detachment of border courts consisted of two divisions.

  • The 1st Division included patrol ships "Atarbekov", "Mogilevsky", "Sobol", "Leninets", PS-300, PS-301, SK-90, KM-163;
  • 2nd - six MO (73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78) and one KM-164.
  • The 1st division was stationed in Baku, the 2nd - in the port of Ilyich.

On June 22, 1941, the detachment was transferred to the Caspian military flotilla and until July 1944 led fighting in its composition.
The detachment's personnel carried out reconnaissance of the Iranian coast and landed troops there, disarmed military and police posts and units of the Iranian army, protected the water area, established and maintained contact with Red Army units stationed in the coastal cities and ports of Iran, and repelled enemy air raids on the most important communications. , participated in the defense of Stalingrad.
At the same time, the personnel always showed courage and seamanship.
On July 18, 1943, the former border patrol boat MO-77, escorting a barge with military cargo, was attacked by German aircraft. A powerful explosion tore off the bow of the "hunter" along with the cannon, but the crew continued to fight the bombers and fought to save the ship. The will and courage of the boatmen won this battle.
Among the first sailors of the Caspian Sea, awarded with orders and medals for exemplary performance of command tasks were also awarded to border guard sailors Lieutenant I.N. Zolotov, senior political instructor A.F. Kaspirovich, Lieutenant V.I. Michurin, Lieutenant V.A. Sedov and others.

1942 - 1945

In 1942, they rushed to the coast of the Caspian Sea tank divisions Wehrmacht
In the fall of 1942, the Germans even created the headquarters of the Caspian flotilla and dispatched forces for it, which they planned to put into action immediately upon reaching Makhachkala.
Possibility of appearance German forces in the Caspian Sea was actually discussed high level. There is a known intelligence report, which Winston Churchill reported in a letter addressed to Stalin on September 30, 1942:

"The Germans have already appointed an admiral who will be entrusted with naval operations in the Caspian Sea. They have chosen Makhach-Kala as their main naval base. About 20 ships, including Italian submarines, Italian torpedo boats and minesweepers must be delivered by railway from Mariupol to the Caspian Sea as soon as the line is opened. Due to the freezing of the Azov Sea, the submarines will be submerged until the completion of the railway line."

Nazi troops were not on the shores of the Caspian Sea, and not a single fascist ship penetrated its waters, however, the Caspian military flotilla played a big role in the defeat of enemy troops in the North Caucasus.

On August 11, 1942, by order of the People's Commissar of the Navy, the Caspian military flotilla was included in active forces USSR Navy.
By this time, the combat strength of the CAF was reinforced by a gunboat, three patrol ships, 6 armored boats, 5 large and 5 small hunter boats, 11 patrol boats, 6 minesweepers and minesweeper boats, three floating anti-aircraft batteries, a minelayer and other ships.
The KVF carried out the tasks of ensuring communications, directly covering the transitions from the influence of enemy aviation with its transport ships, and organized mine defense.
The ships of the flotilla accompanied transports with oil and cargo, carried out combat trawling, carried out air defense missions in their zone, and landed operational troops.
In August, the flotilla transported the 10th and 11th Guards Rifle Corps from Astrakhan to Makhachkala without losses, and in September from Krasnovodsk to the village of Olya (north of Makhachkala) - the 4th Cavalry Corps.
The troops helped stop the enemy, and then played an important role in the counter-offensive of the Northern Group of Forces of the Transcaucasian Front.
In response to this, the enemy intensified air strikes on our communications, especially on the Astrakhan roadstead, and during October - November 1942, sank and damaged 32 ships and barges.
The flotilla command (commander Rear Admiral F.S. Sedelnikov, member of the Military Council Rear Admiral S.P. Ignatiev, chief of staff Captain 1st Rank V.A. Fokin) concentrated all the ships in the northern part of the sea and used them to fight aircraft enemy.

During the defense of the Caucasus by sea 11 rifle brigades, 5 rifle regiments, over 1000 tanks and armored vehicles, 18.5 thousand horses, more than 8 thousand guns, 4 thousand vehicles and 200 aircraft were transported. In total for 1942-1943. 21 million tons of petroleum products and about 3 million tons of other cargo were transported.
The CAF ensured the safety of cargo transportation, and above all, the transportation of oil from Baku to Astrakhan and Krasnovodsk, the delivery of goods arriving under Lend-Lease from Iranian ports to the north, and the air defense of transport during sea crossings.
The flotilla's gunboats and boats supported the Red Army units defending Stalingrad with fire.

By this time, the flotilla had expanded significantly; in 1943 it consisted of 175 ships.

In addition to providing cargo transportation for the Transcaucasian Front, Black Sea Fleet and national economic cargo, the Caspian military flotilla was a forge of personnel for the operating fleets.
In the Caspian Sea, submarines, anti-submarine ships, torpedo boats and other warships built at Volga factories were being completed and tested.
Testing of new equipment and weapons was also carried out here, practice was provided for cadets of naval schools and training of specialists from the rank and file and petty officers.
During the war years, the Caspian Military Flotilla completed, equipped and repaired over 250 boats and other ships, and transferred about 4 thousand trained soldiers to the Red Army to staff units.

For military services to the Motherland in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, in connection with the 25th anniversary, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 27, 1945, the Caspian Military Flotilla was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.


  • Sedelnikov Fedor Semenovich, rear admiral - 06/22/1941 - 09/10/1944;
  • Zozulya Fedor Vladimirovich, rear admiral - 09/15/1944 - 05/09/1945.

Members of the Military Council:

  • Regimental Commissar N.G. Panchenko (June 1941 - July 1942);
  • ‎Corps Commissioner, since December 1942, Rear Admiral S.P. Ignatiev (July 1942 - until the end of the war).


  • Alekseev Igor Ivanovich, captain 1st rank - 06/22/1941 - 04/29/1942;
  • Fokin Vitaly Alekseevich, captain 1st rank - 04/29/1942 - 03/20/1944;
  • Chirkov Nikolai Ivanovich, captain 2nd rank - 20.03 - 20.05 1944;
  • Brakhtman Grigory Ivanovich, captain 1st rank - 05/20/1944 - 05/09/1945.

    Sending a group of Red Navy men and commanders of Defense Ministry boats to the Carnival Fleet.

    Baku. Soldiers of the 369th separate battalion Marines climb Parkovaya for exercises in the Wolf Gate area.
    They were sent to the front in the Taman and Kerch region in the spring of 1943.
    Photo by S. Kulishov.

    Transportation of Polish prisoners of war from Krasnovodsk to Iran in 1942.

    Sailors of the KVF.

    Baku port during the Second World War.

    Sailors of the KVF.

    The patrol ship "Atarbekov" repels an enemy air raid.
    June, 1943.
    Photo from the archive of the Central Naval Museum (St. Petersburg).

    KVF. On combat duty.

    KVF. On combat duty.

    KVF. On combat duty.

    On the KVF ship.

    Flamethrowers of the Marine Corps battalion of the Caspian Flotilla are working.
    Photo by S. Kulishov.

Caspian flotilla- one of the oldest operational formations of the Russian Navy. The main base is Astrakhan, the base and deployment locations are Makhachkala and Kaspiysk in Dagestan, the villages of Nikolskoye and Labor Front in the Astrakhan region.

Flagship- missile patrol ship "Tatarstan" (project 11661K, "Gepard" type).

Currently, the flotilla includes more than 50 ships and vessels, including:

— 2 patrol ships of project 11661K (“Tatarstan” and “Dagestan”),
— 3 small missile ships of project 21631 (“Grad Sviyazhsk”, “Uglich”, “Veliky Ustyug”),
- 4 small artillery ships of projects 21630 (Astrakhan, Volgodonsk, Makhachkala) and 12411 (MAK-160),
— 1 missile boat (under repair since 2008),
- 5 artillery boats,
— 2 basic minesweepers,
— 5 raid minesweepers,
— 6 landing boats,
— small hydrographic vessel “Anatoly Guzhvin”,
— rescue and towing vessel SB-45, etc.

The patrol ship "Tatarstan" during the military exercises "Caucasus-2012" in the Caspian Sea

The flotilla includes several brigades and divisions of ships, parts of the marine corps, coastal missile and artillery troops, etc.

On August 17, a new rescue tug SB-738 of project 22870 was accepted into the flotilla. By the end of 2016, two raid tugs should arrive: RB-410 is being built according to project 705B by the Astrakhan branch of the Zvezdochka shipyard, construction of RB-937 (project 90600) is being completed on the stocks of the Pella plant in St. Petersburg.

It is expected that in 2017 the flotilla will be replenished with air-cushion landing boats of Project 12061 Murena, and by 2020 its composition will be replenished with 6 more warships and boats and will consist of almost 90% new models of military equipment.

Flotilla training and combat missions

In 2016, the Russian Ministry of Defense publishes only general statistics on the implementation of combat training tasks for the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) and the Caspian Flotilla.

From January to October, Black Sea Fleet ships and flotillas covered over 400 thousand nautical miles (more than 750 thousand km). The sailing time (time spent at sea) amounted to over 4.6 thousand days, which is almost 40% higher than the previous year.

More than 600 combat exercises were completed, including over 40 missile firing, more than 250 mine-sweeping combat exercises, and about 290 depth bombings. In August, the crew of the small missile ship "Uglich" won the "Sea Cup - 2016" competition, held as part of the "International Army Games - 2016".

In September, the ships of the flotilla conducted artillery firing during the strategic command and staff exercise "Caucasus-2016".

In October, the Tatarstan rocket ship and the Grad Sviyazhsk small rocket ship made a 20-day camping trip, during which they covered about 2 thousand nautical miles (3.6 thousand km), visited the ports of Aktau (Kazakhstan) and Bender-Anzeli (Iran).

From the history of the flotilla

Established on November 15 (November 4, old style) 1722 by decree of Emperor Peter I, simultaneously with the founding of a military port in Astrakhan. The flotilla and port served to protect the Caspian coasts - the northern and part of the western.

Among the first operations of the flotilla was participation in the Persian campaign of Peter I (1722–1723), by the end of which the flotilla included up to 80 large ships.

In 1867, the port of Baku (now the capital of Azerbaijan) became the main base of the flotilla. Before the October Revolution of 1917, the flotilla protected trade and fisheries in the Caspian Sea, and also represented Russian commercial and industrial interests in Iran. For military merits the flotilla was awarded St. George's ribbon, which the personnel wore on their caps.

After the October Revolution, in April 1918, the Military Fleet of the Astrakhan Territory was created, which was reorganized into the Caspian Military Flotilla on June 27, 1931.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. sailors fought near Sevastopol, Kerch, Mariupol and other sectors of the front, escorted transports with oil and military cargo, etc. For their services in defeating the Nazi invaders, hundreds of sailors of the flotilla were awarded orders and medals, eight of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union .

On April 27, 1945, for military services during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Caspian Flotilla was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In the 1950s–1980s. the flotilla was one of the most important stabilizing factors in the region. New types of weapons, including cruise missiles, were tested at its sea ranges.

Following the collapse of the USSR and the transformation of the former republics into sovereign states, on April 16, 1992, a division of forces, assets and flotilla ships took place between the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan. 70% of forces and assets went to Russia and were relocated from Baku to Makhachkala and Astrakhan, which became its main base. Azerbaijan received the right to dispose of the remaining 30% of the ships, coastal infrastructure and housing stock of the flotilla.

In 2010, the Caspian Flotilla became part of the Southern Military District as a naval component. Its main task is to ensure the national and state interests of Russia in the region.

On the night of October 6-7, 2015, flotilla ships from the Caspian Sea launched a massive strike with cruise missiles of the sea-based Caliber NK complex against the objects of the Islamic State (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation) in Syria.

The patrol ship "Dagestan" at the base of the Caspian flotilla

The river-sea class artillery ship "Astrakhan" was launched at the Almaz Shipbuilding Company OJSC

Small rocket ship of project 21631 "Uglich"

Firing high-precision weapons from the Kalibr-NK missile system of the ship "Dagestan" at a coastal target

Lead ship of the Buyan-M series Grad Sviyazhsk

A torpedo boat practices tactical elements in the Volga delta

CASPIAN MILITARY FLOTILLIA: formation Russian Navy, created by decree of Emperor Peter I in 1722 and intended for actions on the Caspian Sea; formation of the Soviet Navy, created on June 27, 1931.

1) Formation of the Russian Navy, created by decree of Emperor Peter I in 1722 and intended for operations on Caspian Sea and in the delta of the Volga River.

The creation of a flo-ti-lia is preceded by a long-term struggle for the island of the Caspian Sea, window-cha-tel-but completed in 1556, after the joining of the As-t-ra-khan-sko-go khan-st-va to the Russian to the state. The first attempt to create a hundred-year-old for-mation of military fleet forces in the Caspian Sea was presented Pri-nya-ta in 1669, when the ship "Eagle", yacht, boat, was built by order of Tsar Aleksey Mi-hai-lo-vi-cha and 2 shnya-you arrived in As-t-ra-han. However, in 1670 they were seized by S.T. Ra-zi-na. At the end of the Northern War of 1700-1721 in the winter of 1721/22, in the cities of Nizhny Novgorod, Tver, Ug-lich, Yaro-slavl The construction of ships for the Caspian military flotilla was underway. In July 1722, a float (274 vessels) with a de-san set out on the Persian voyage of 1722-1723, the result of which was -ro-go-lo for-the-war-of-the-cities of Der-bent, Baku with-lying-schi-mi to them about-las-tya-mi. After the death of Peter I, Russian wars in the Caspian Sea came to an end. In As-t-ra-ha-nor there were limited forces left that would ensure the safety of the public. commercial shipping system on the Caspian Sea. The rise of the Caspian military flotilla took place in 1781, when, according to the pre-pi-sa-niy, the empress Eka-te-ri-ny II in As-t-ra-han at -there was a number of military ships. IN late XVIII - early XIX centuries flo-ti-lia pri-ni-ma-la active participation in wars and campaigns Russian troops in the Cas-Piy-region, you-sa-zhi-va-la sea de-san-you, with the fire of the co-ra-bel-noy ar-til-le-rii okaz-zy -va-la co-dey-st-vie howl-skam in ov-la-de-nii at the sea-ski-mi kre-po-sty-mi. In 1796, the action of the co-workers of the Caspian military flotilla helped the ov-la-de-niu of the Russian army in the city of Der-bent and Ba-ku. After the Russian-Persian War of 1804-1813 (see Russian-Persian Wars), the Russian Empire under-re-la mo-no-pol-noe to maintain a military fleet in the Caspian Sea. Since 1867, Baku became the main base of the Caspian military fleet. As the development of the region progressed, the flo-ti-lia composition gradually decreased, and by the beginning of the 20th century, it consisted of 2 boats and several armed steamboats. In November 1917, the personnel of the Caspian military flotilla transferred to the side of the Soviet government, participating in combat operations about -tiv of Turkish troops and detachments of mu-sa-va-ti-sts (Azerbaijani na-tsio-na-lists), in battles along the island of the city-ro-da- mi Pet-rovsk-Port (now not Makhach-ka-la), Len-ko-ran and Der-bent. In July 1918, part of the ships of the Caspian military flotilla went to As-t-ra-khan, the rest remained in Baku and were included as part of the fleet of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. For co-operation of the Red Army army in April - June 1918 in As-t-ra-ha-ni sfor-mi-ro-van Military fleet As-t-ra-khan-sko region, reinforced reach-tav-len-ny-mi from Bal-ti-ki mi-no-nos-tsa-mi and submarines, which in October was re-re -name-no-van in the As-t-ra-khan-Cas-pian military fleet. In July 1919, after unification with the Volga Military Fleet, it received the name Volga-Caspiy - military fleet. In April 1919, with the help of Ang-li-chan, the Caspian Fleet of the AFSR was created (see White Fleet), the main base was in the city of Pet -rovsk-Port. At the station of the Red Army troops in the North Caucasus in April 1920, you-well-di-lo co-slave of the Caspian Fleet of the All-Soviet Union of Socialist Republics of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Baku, and then go to the Iranian port of En-ze-li, which was under the control of British troops. In May 1920, on the basis of the Volga-Caspian military fleet, the Caspian military fleet of the RSFSR and the Red Fleet of the Soviet Azerbaijan were formed -ja-na, the forces of which taught in the En-ze-liy operation of 1920, as a result of which- a swarm of ships and military property of the Caspian military flotilla were returned to the RSFSR and Soviet Azerbaijan. In July 1920, the Caspian Military Fleet of the RSFSR and the Red Fleet of the Soviet Azerbaijan were transformed into the Maritime Forces of the Caspian Sea sea

2) Formation of the Soviet Navy, created on June 27, 1931 from the Naval Forces of the Caspian Sea.

By June 1941, in its co-sta-ve there were 5 cannon-boats, 4 ca-te-ra, a separate b-re-go artillery ba- ta-ray, 12 sa-mo-le-tov, radio-ro-ta of the Troops for surveillance, information and communications and a number of bus-re-go-hours -tey. From the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Caspian military flotilla provided economic and military sea transport. In August 1941, Soviet troops were transferred to Iran on her ships. In the Battle of Moscow in 1941-1942, she participated in the sfor-mi-ro-van-naya from the personal so-sta-va flo-ti-lia 75 -I separate naval rifle brigade, which became the second-ranking 3rd Guards naval rifle brigade. In August 1942, the Caspian military flotilla was included in the active forces of the Navy. By this time, its combat strength had been increased to 40 battle ships and boats, which co-produced Are you trans-ports, are you carrying out combat tra-le-tion, are you fully responsible for air defense in the zone? she is answered-st-ven-no-sti and more. In total, in 1942-1943, 21 million tons of oil products and about 3 million tons of other cargo were transported. By 1943, there were 175 ships in the Caspian military flotilla. The activities of the flo-ti-lia were especially significant during the Battle of Stalin-Grad in 1942-1943 and the Battle of for the Caucasus 1942-1943. For military services, the Caspian military flotilla in 1945 was awarded the Red Sign. After the collapse of the USSR, the division of ships, other military equipment, military property and conservation was carried out -th in-fra-struc-tu-ry between the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan, and in May 1992, the Caspian military flotilla was already in co-sta-ve of the Russian Navy (the main base is in the city of As-t-ra-khan).

Commanders of the Caspian military flotilla (since 1931): F.S. Averichkin (1931-1932), G.I. Lev-chen-ko (1932-1933), G.P. Ki-re-ev (1933), D.P. Isakov (1933-1938), A.G. Go-lov-ko (1938-1939), Rear Admiral F.S. Se-del-ni-kov (1939-1944), Rear Admiral F.V. Zo-zu-lya (1944-1946), Admiral S.G. Ku-che-rov (1946-1951), Rear Admiral A.V. Kuz-min (1951-1955 and 1956-1960), Rear Admiral S.E. Chur-sin (1955), Rear Admiral G.G. Olei-nik (1955-1956 and 1960-1967), Rear Admiral G.K. Cher-no-bai (1967-1971), Rear Admiral Ya.M. Ku-del-kin (1971-1973), Rear Admiral L.D. Ryabtsev (1973-1977), Vice Admiral G.G. Ka-sum-be-kov (1977-1984), Rear Admiral V.V. Tol-ka-chev (1984-1987), Vice Admiral V.E. Lya-shen-ko (1987-1991), Rear Admiral B.M. Zi-min (1991-1996), Vice Admiral V.V. Ma-so-rin (1996-2001), Rear Admiral Yu.V. Startsev (2002-2004), Rear Admiral V.P. Krav-chuk (since 2005).

Lun's speed reached 500 km per hour, and its range was up to 2000 km. The maximum take-off weight was 380 tons. The flight was supported by 8 NK-87 gas turbine engines. The ekranoplan is armed with six Soviet Moskit anti-ship missiles. At the time of creation, one of the most modern developments. Mosquitoes move at supersonic speed (2.5 thousand km per hour) at a distance that makes them difficult to detect and capture by anti-missile systems (5-7 meters above the sea surface).
The main method of application was the use of a weapon without entering the enemy’s counter zone.

In addition, the Ekranoplan Lun is a vessel by definition and should be compared primarily with ships, and not with airplanes. Compared to the advanced combat vessels produced in the world, the Lun ekranoplan has a tenfold superiority in speed

Recently, the development of ekranoplan construction has been remembered more and more often. In March 2014, scientists from the Far Eastern federal university announced the start of development of the first experimental model of a passenger ekranoplan. Previously, the Border Service of the FSB of Russia announced its intention to resume the construction of this type of dynamic hovercraft. The country's Ministry of Defense also voiced its interest in ekranoplanes, but funding for their development has not yet been included in the state weapons program until 2020.

Russia will resume production of ekranoplanes as strike combat systems with cruise missiles after 2020, a senior representative of the Russian Navy command told RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

IN present moment The only example of the Lun ekranoplan was written off and mothballed in the Caspian Sea.

“The theme of ekranoplanes is being restored in the shock version, that is, as the Lun carrier of cruise missiles. Construction should begin after 2020 in Nizhny Novgorod,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

According to him, the Ministry of Defense has issued tactical and technical specifications, and development work is currently underway.

As RIA Novosti reported in May of this year, the head of the Morinformsystem Agat concern Georgy Antsev, the Central Design Bureau for the SEC named after R.E. Alekseeva is developing a project for an ocean zone ekranoplane with a take-off weight of approximately 500 tons.

According to him, now “there is a stage of rebooting the Soviet period, research development, modeling, prototyping.”

Earlier, at one of the specialized exhibitions in the Russian Federation, a project of a coastal zone ekranoplan with a take-off weight of 60 tons was already presented.

At the international military-technical forum "Army-2015", the Alekseev Central Design Bureau presented a civilian model of an ekranoplan.

"Together with the Alekseev Central Design Bureau, we are integrating ekranoplans into the fleet management system of the future, conducting research papers to this area. So far, we are carrying out work mainly in the civilian field, but we have also completed several research projects in the interests of the Ministry of Defense. In the next five years, I hope we will begin to work on this more closely,” Antsev said.

Earlier, the head of the shipbuilding department of the Russian Navy, captain of the first rank Vladimir Tryapichnikov, said that the “development of ekranoplanes” was included in the shipbuilding program until 2050.
There are three years left to wait for the promised!