Methods of repelling telephone aggression. Methods for tabular reflection of analytical data - analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise

Every person in his life has encountered aggression, both as an initiator and as a victim. Both positions during aggression are unpleasant. But for some reason nature made us with this ability. Maybe this aggression is actually necessary? And if so, what role does it perform? What is this aggression anyway?

There are so many questions that to reveal them you need to write a lot, and you need to read. Therefore, make yourself comfortable, we will understand what aggression is, what its types are and how to cope with verbal aggression.

A strong person can allow himself to be soft and good-natured,
while aggression and cockiness are the lot of the weak.
Icewind Dale

What is aggression?

Aggression is an emotional act, which is directed at another person, is accompanied by a desire to do something bad to him. Although this desire does not always happen. But this is already a matter of the power of aggression. We need this reaction by nature. If you look at fauna, then their aggression is aimed at establishing their own order and protecting their lives.

Very often, fear can be the cause of aggression. In this case, the person or animal chooses the “attack” strategy. Thanks to this, he has a chance to survive. Aggression also helps a person establish his own rules and manage in certain situations. Moreover, to establish power, aggression is simply necessary.

Types of aggression

Aggression, like any phenomenon in our world, can be classified. Knowing what type of aggression the other person or you are currently experiencing will help you choose the right strategy of behavior. But this will be discussed in more detail in the main part of the article, how to deal with aggression.

Verbal and nonverbal aggression

Verbal aggression is a verbal attack on another person., which is expressed in outbursts of anger, shouting, threats or other acts that can only cause psychological trauma to another person. However, verbal aggression does not cause harm to physical health in most cases.

She is simply unpleasant and you also need to be able to resist her. After all, verbal aggression can sometimes cause more harm than nonverbal aggression. A person can even throw himself into a noose, upset by the attitude of a certain person towards himself. This is naturally not good.

If a person knows how to resist verbal aggression, then he gets a second wind. In addition, he looks much better in the eyes of others. After all, if you are able to competently fend off attacks from other people, even verbal ones, then such a person seems more confident in himself. And this personality trait is very useful for a person and his achievement of success.

The more successful a person is, the more he has to deal with verbal aggression. After all, he gets a lot of envious people and just people who are not afraid to express their opinions. If you get offended by every person who shows aggression and don’t know how to react to him, then you can really go crazy.

Nonverbal aggression is actions that are not related to the person’s words.. A person does not encounter it so often, since words can often be connected to nonverbals. It can be of varying intensity and nature, so nonverbal aggression may or may not cause harm.

Nonverbal aggression poses a danger to another person when it is active. Then various dangerous objects and other goodies can be used. If it is hidden, then it does not pose a danger to humans.

Such aggression is expressed only in certain gestures, complexion, posture, and gaze. Moreover, the rule works that if somewhere a person suppresses the external manifestations of his aggression, then they still creep in in other gestures or poses.

Direct and indirect verbal aggression

We continue to analyze the classification of types of aggression in more detail. Now we will look at types such as direct and indirect. In principle, based on their name, the content of these varieties becomes clear.

Direct aggression is directed directly at the target and performs its function with the greatest strength.

As a result, direct verbal aggression is much more difficult to endure than indirect aggression. After all, direct aggression is aimed directly at you, and who knows how you will react. There are many factors involved here, such as life experience, position, self-confidence of the person at whom aggression is directed, as well as the ability to resist this pressure at the right time.

There are many examples of direct aggression. These are murders, fights, quarrels - in all these things, aggression is directed primarily at the person himself. Each member of the skirmish acts both as a subject and as an object of aggressive interaction, constantly inciting each other.

Our task is quite simple. There is no need to succumb to aggressive provocations. We must remember that they carry water for the offended. Don't waste your time getting overly emotional.

There is no need to respond to aggression with aggression, as this has sad prospects. Not a single murder or rape on domestic grounds happened just like that. It's even funny. People mostly feel sorry for causing harm. But in a state of increased aggressiveness this is quite possible.

Indirect aggression is not directed at you directly, but it concerns you. Examples of indirect aggression can be both relatively harmless types, such as absentee ridicule or in-person, but not directed at the object of ridicule, and offensive ones. You need to look at the situation and understand that indirect aggression much easier to overcome.

Indirect aggression can sometimes be even more harmful than direct aggression. Especially when someone starts complaining to their boss about you. Such “snitching” can lead to very sad consequences, so you need to be vigilant in both eyes so as not to provoke others to this kind of indirect aggression.

If you find it difficult to deal with different types aggression, then you need to read the next section of this article. Then you will see noticeable results. So how to deal with aggression?

How to deal with verbal aggression?

The fight against aggression is a necessary element in the life of every person. After all, there is not a single iron man, everyone can get angry.

Sometimes aggression can stimulate our thinking and desire to achieve a goal. Therefore, you need to be able to first distinguish between healthy aggression and unhealthy verbal aggressiveness.

As mentioned earlier, verbal aggression can stimulate not only your performance, but also this parameter in other people. There are two types of aggression:

  1. Self-aggression.
  2. Aggression from others.

Self-aggression is when you get irritated. If you don’t learn to clean up on your own (not to suppress, but to clean up) negative emotions inside yourself, then you will not be able to resist the aggression of other people. After all, every person who pours out such behavior into the outside world essentially becomes a provocateur who is just waiting to prevent you from living in peace.

Moreover, some people simply like to provoke others. Some get moral pleasure from this, and some even manage to get material chips this way by compromising you for unfavorable behavior. Moreover, even ordinary resentment can develop into aggression.

It is known that there are two types of resentment:

  1. Introverted, reserved type. Then the person simply does not want to communicate with the one with whom he is offended.
  2. Extroverted. This type is most often a direct consequence of the first, although there are exceptions. This type of person always shows resentment in an aggressive form.

It could be revenge or a fight. If we do not learn not to be offended, then even the most complex person can come to this. Moreover, they even become more aggressive over time due to the fact that they swallow resentment and accumulate it. Shootings in schools were carried out by precisely those schoolchildren who were bullied and who harbored a grudge against the whole world.

Aggression from other people is when the source and provocateur is a verbal aggressor. It is important to say that this division is quite conditional, since aggression is, first of all, a mutual act. If one person does not reciprocate, the aggression immediately loses strength or fades away altogether. So it's important to understand this thing.

Most best way coping with aggression is not responding! You can’t even endure it, because volitional efforts always end. You just need to not attach much importance to the aggression that is directed at you from other people. Believe me, it's not worth it. Any aggression ends negatively.

It has already been proven that most negative emotions provoke the occurrence of cancerous tumors. In addition, negative emotions tend to become completely embedded in our brain, so it will be increasingly difficult to get out of the abyss of negativity. Yes, it is the same addiction as a drug, since negative emotions also affect the motivational components in our brains.

This is the only way negative motivation works. I want to avoid unfavorable situations. But how can we live if we avoid everything we see in this world? We need to learn not only not to react to aggression from other people, but we also need to simply turn a deaf ear to it. No one will help you with this, only you yourself can cope with the problems that are in your heads.


You need to gain skills to manage your own emotional state. They take a very long time to acquire, it takes decades. But why not try. There will be something to strive for. Believe me, the secret of iron nerves is only in your head. Any emotion is nothing more than a banal physiological reaction. Therefore, actively inspire yourself right thoughts to make life easier.

Video presentation

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“This happened several years ago,” says Galina, a forty-four-year-old accountant who belongs to the category of spiritual seekers and has regularly attended my seminars, lectures and trainings for several years. “There was a difficult but amazing period in my life, full of novelty and surprises.” The research institute where I worked was gradually winding down. If at first employees were fired due to staff reductions and they were paid benefits, then they simply did not pay salaries so that we ourselves would leave - and then there was no need to pay benefits at all. , they need to be fed, and I decided to take action. With the last of my money, I completed an accounting course and went hungry for almost a month, lived on water and bread, and started looking for a job through advertisements. But no one hired me. higher education, but no accounting experience. I went to the labor exchange, but there was nothing there either! I went several times! And then I prayed and began to ask the Lord to help me find at least some kind of work first, so that I would have experience. Turned to her in prayer spiritual teacher. And then at the stock exchange they give me the address of the factory, I go there, and the chief accountant immediately hires me. The team is small, the salary is low. Moreover, my neighbor at the table is a complete alcoholic. Sometimes I just didn’t want to go to work, but I went and knew that the Teacher would not leave me, that the time would come and there would be a new job suitable for me. I had amazing dreams. And once in a dream I saw the Teacher, I ran to him. And when I reached him, a star fell from the sky into my hands. The next day I was offered a job in a successful company with a salary several times higher than mine. I agreed, not knowing what awaited me. The boss, who seemed pleasant, turned out to be a tyrant. His favorite saying is “Your only fault is that I want to eat.” He simply mocked me, found fault with every little thing, and made mountains out of molehills. He shouted: “One more mistake and I’ll fire you.” Of course, I was very worried, knowing how difficult it was to find a job. But at some point I suddenly realized that the Teacher gave me this job, and when the time comes, he will take it away. And no matter how sophisticated this boss is, he is not able to fire me. And then calm came. Now all his nagging only made me smile internally. But on the other hand, I understood that we were both to blame for this situation. And I often prayed for both of us: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.” Especially when I had to go with him to the bank by car. I felt his mood, began to pray, and he changed before our eyes. But I decided how a new one will appear suitable job, I'll leave right away. And then the job appeared. I wrote a letter of resignation and had to leave in two weeks, although in everything except the boss I was satisfied with the job. The next day, when I came to work, I learned stunning news for me: this boss himself was fired. And the new one, having taken up his duties, began to persuade me to stay. But I was bound by a promise to new job and left."

General principles that allow you to successfully achieve a goal, as well as special techniques that help repel an attack and maintain the integrity of your personality. First of all, you need to work on your voice - after all, it is your main instrument in all telephone conversations. If it sounds too loud or, conversely, quiet, if the voice is hoarse, rough and hoarse, it is unlikely that those at the other end of the phone will be happy, especially when we are talking with stranger. The intonation with which words are pronounced is very important. What is she like - calm, restrained, pleading, domineering, cold, warm? Even when you say the most correct things, the timbre of your voice along with intonation can seriously devalue them. Therefore, practice - both in ordinary communication and in the silence of solitude (you can, for example, record your voice on a tape recorder and listen to how it sounds and then try to repeat the same phrase with different intonation and timbre), and even during the telephone call itself. conversation.

Breathing also plays a very important role. Noisy heavy breathing makes a corresponding impression, and since the interlocutor also feels a certain heaviness coming from you, he usually tries to hang up quickly, even if the business part of the conversation is not yet completed. Try to learn to breathe easily and silently, and if you don’t want to learn and don’t have time, then at least try not to show that you are breathing heavily. It is very useful to do short breathing adjustments before serious negotiations, when you observe your own inhalations and exhalations for about a minute, and then, after taking one breath, begin the conversation.

The art of proper pauses is very important, which can be a powerful tool for achieving effective goals in a conversation. However, remember that in a telephone conversation the pauses should be somewhat shorter than in a live conversation, where during silence you can go to the window or stand near the chandelier so that your interlocutor can better see the expression on your face and understand what is behind your words. Since in a telephone conversation there is no way to send a signal about your posture and facial expression, be careful with pauses: if they drag on for too long, the interlocutor may think that the connection has been disconnected and you simply cannot hear him. At the same time, pauses are needed if you talk on the phone at the speed of Zhirinovsky, without taking any breaks - it’s unlikely that anyone will like it. Sometimes a pause is required to take a breath, as if instantly throwing off fatigue and filling your entire being with energy.

During a telephone conversation, try to maintain optimal energy tone and the harmonious state of your own chakras. When people talk on the phone, almost all chakras are involved, but the leading one is the throat center - the Vishuddha chakra. This center is most nourished by two other centers adjacent to it - anahata, or the heart center, and ajna - the center of reason, responsible for mental work.

It can be very useful to use key words or phrases in a telephone conversation to help better understand the essence of the issue. Since when communicating through a tube a person uses only one auditory channel of perception, it is not always easy for people who have well-developed other channels (visual, tactile) to assimilate information by ear. If you find that the information you convey is difficult for your interlocutor to assimilate, start introducing words from the conceptual category of other channels of perception. Tell him more often - imagine, imagine, try to see or feel, feel, touch.

We once tested these words with a client of mine who had big problems at work with a customer who did not accept any suggestions or options when discussing the work, which really slowed things down. The customer interrupted him several times, the pipe became hot with dissatisfaction, although they needed each other. Then Maxim, my client, on my advice, changed his vocabulary and began to use words from a different semantic range. The result was immediate.

Learn to compress information during telephone communication, gather your consciousness and will together and try to speak as accurately as possible when choosing words. Remember that you have a few minutes to say main idea and convey the most essential, ruthlessly pushing aside the superfluous.


This table will help you better navigate the process of business telephone conversations with clients and build a more comfortable and at the same time secure communication strategy.

Don't say


Explain to me what you want.

How can I help you?

Sorry to bother you.

Thank you for your attention.

Yes, but...

Yes, that's why...

No problem.

Yes, I agree with you.


Yes, I'm listening to you.

Hello! Hello! What are you saying?

Can you hear me?

In two or three weeks the issue will be resolved...

The issue will be resolved on June 20.

I don't know.

I'll try to find out.

I don't know.

I'll find out.

You're wrong/

Please clarify what you mean.

Not a fact!

Something must have happened.

The following table, compiled by management specialist S. R. Filonovich, is devoted to the ability to conduct a conversation on the phone with different people:

I. With persistent and demanding interlocutors.

Listen - and you will understand what the interlocutor requires.

Counter your interlocutor’s insistence with your own persistence, but be “one step behind.”

Use closed questions more often to control the flow of the conversation.

Be friendly, but precise and direct in your statements.

Be polite.

II. With an aggressive interlocutor.

Listen carefully and then you will understand what worries your interlocutor.

Establish contact by expressing your sympathy and regret in a general way.

Propose a plan of action and then implement it.

Keep your cool and don't give in to your interlocutor's mood.

Be polite.

III. With a talkative interlocutor.

Ask closed questions.

Watch for pauses in conversation.

Don't give in to your interlocutor, don't let him drag you into a long conversation.

If you learn to conduct telephone conversations effectively, briefly, concisely and competently, this will make it easier for you to get away from psychological pressure and “attacks”, which all business people often have to hear over the phone. However, it is also useful to use specific techniques to repel aggression:

When the phone rings, be psychologically prepared for anything, including the fact that right now you will receive unpleasant information, be attacked and criticized. Most often, the people who receive and “miss” blows are those who approach the phone with an imposing step in a relaxed and complacent mood. And at the same time, don’t stress - neutral information and state always give a greater range of responses.

If you hear the voice of a person on the phone who you think is about to attack you, try a preemptive strike or counterattack as a response strategy. You can do this in a harsh form, bringing some kind of accusation against him (the main thing is that it is fair) or in a soft form, clearly directing the conversation in a different direction and not allowing yourself to be drawn into a showdown.

From the very beginning of the conversation, put up a mental shield that will separate you from this person and surround you with energy that will be difficult for aggressive forces to break through. outside world. The technology for constructing this shield in live communication, which is also quite applicable in a telephone conversation, is described in detail in “Invisible Armor”.

When we are pierced during a telephone conversation, and we feel vulnerable or have an energy breakdown, this means that for a brief moment we have identified with the phone and the interlocutor, as if he were next to us and even a part of us. And he is actually on the other side of the city, or even on the other side of the planet. Remember this, feel it and try not to forget during the conversation. “Spatial shield” - mental distance from the object of aggression - very well helps to maintain emotional balance when talking through a telephone handset.

Regardless of whether you were “punched” or not in a telephone conversation, tune in to free yourself from the energy received during such communication. Sometimes this energy follows a person like a dark trail for a long time, poisoning his mood and preventing him from acting effectively and successfully, achieving his goals. So whenever you complete telephone conversation and are about to either call someone else or take on new things, mentally shake off the old energy, free yourself from unpleasant experiences and memories, tune in to a feeling of complete freedom from all images and feelings of the past.

If you need to call unpleasant person, which you are sure will oppose you with all its might, try to imagine what result you want to get. Assess the strength of his resistance and get ready to break his resistance. After you hear an irritated answer or encounter opposition that rejects your will, try to speak in such a way as to return the situation to its original level. Imagine that through a telephone conversation there is a struggle between two auras, two energies that collide with each other over words. Try to believe that there is a wall of light energy behind you that protects you, and when you begin to attack on a logical and volitional level, this wall moves towards your opponent and pushes the arguer into the distance, removing him from the circle of your attention. Of course, all such images should be supported by successful verbal behavior, well-aimed words, verified arguments, and correctly placed accents. Remember that perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goals and plans is the best key to achieving a state of security, which is very helpful in both regular and telephone relationships.


"One is prejudicial murder, but the other is defense. When you are attacked by the dark ones, it is necessary to defend yourself. The thought of defense is not murder. Everyone can defend themselves first of all with the strength of the spirit."

Living Ethics

"The Way of the Warrior is based on humanity, love and sincerity: the heart of military valor is true courage, wisdom, love and friendliness. It is pointless to rely only on the physical aspects of warriorhood, for the power of the body is always limited."

Morihei Ueshiba

"Every bandit, even if he is much stronger than you, knows deep down that he is wrong. Every victim, even when he is weaker than the bandit, must remember and believe that he is right. In addition, the victim can always call on God for help, and never a bandit."

(English proverb)

This table will help you better navigate the process of business telephone conversations with clients and build a more comfortable and at the same time secure communication strategy.

^ Don't say


Explain to me what you want.

How can I help you?

Sorry to bother you.

Thank you for your attention.

Yes, but...

Yes, that's why...

No problem.

Yes, I agree with you.


Yes, I'm listening to you.

Hello! Hello! What are you saying?

Can you hear me?

In two or three weeks the issue will be resolved...

The issue will be resolved on June 20.

I don't know.

I'll try to find out.

I don't know.

I'll find out.

You're wrong/

Please clarify what you mean.

Not a fact!

Something must have happened.

The following table, compiled by management specialist S. R. Filonovich, is devoted to the ability to conduct a conversation on the phone with different people:

I. With persistent and demanding interlocutors.

Listen - and you will understand what the interlocutor requires.

Counter your interlocutor’s insistence with your own persistence, but be “one step behind.”

Use closed questions more often to control the flow of the conversation.

Be friendly, but precise and direct in your statements.

Be polite.

II. With an aggressive interlocutor.

Listen carefully and then you will understand what worries your interlocutor.

Establish contact by expressing your sympathy and regret in a general way.

Propose a plan of action and then implement it.

Keep your cool and don't give in to your interlocutor's mood.

Be polite.

III. With a talkative interlocutor.

Ask closed questions.

Watch for pauses in conversation.

Don't give in to your interlocutor, don't let him drag you into a long conversation.

If you learn to conduct telephone conversations effectively, briefly, concisely and competently, this will make it easier for you to escape the psychological pressure and “assaults” that all business people often hear on the phone. However, it is also useful to use specific techniques to repel aggression:

When the phone rings, be psychologically prepared for anything, including the fact that right now you will receive unpleasant information, be attacked and criticized. Most often, the people who receive and “miss” blows are those who approach the phone with an imposing step in a relaxed and complacent mood. And at the same time, don’t stress - neutral information and state always give a greater range of responses.

If you hear the voice of a person on the phone who you think is about to attack you, try a preemptive strike or counterattack as a response strategy. You can do this in a harsh form, bringing some kind of accusation against him (the main thing is that it is fair) or in a soft form, clearly directing the conversation in a different direction and not allowing yourself to be drawn into a showdown.

From the very beginning of the conversation, put up a mental shield that will separate you from this person and surround you with energy that will be difficult for aggressive forces from the outside world to break through. The technology for constructing this shield in live communication, which is also quite applicable in a telephone conversation, is described in detail in “Invisible Armor”.

When we are pierced during a telephone conversation, and we feel vulnerable or have an energy breakdown, this means that for a brief moment we have identified with the phone and the interlocutor, as if he were next to us and even a part of us. And he is actually on the other side of the city, or even on the other side of the planet. Remember this, feel it and try not to forget during the conversation. “Spatial shield” - mental distance from the object of aggression - very well helps to maintain emotional balance when talking through a telephone handset.

Regardless of whether you were “punched” or not in a telephone conversation, tune in to free yourself from the energy received during such communication. Sometimes this energy follows a person like a dark trail for a long time, poisoning his mood and preventing him from acting effectively and successfully, achieving his goals. So whenever you end a phone call and are about to either call someone else or take on new things, mentally shake off the old energy, free yourself from the unpleasant experience and memory, tune in to a feeling of complete freedom from all images and feelings of the past.

If you yourself, out of necessity, call an unpleasant person who, as you are sure, will oppose you with all his might, try to imagine what result you want to get. Assess the strength of his resistance and get ready to break his resistance. After you hear an irritated answer or encounter opposition that rejects your will, try to speak in such a way as to return the situation to its original level. Imagine that through a telephone conversation there is a struggle between two auras, two energies that collide with each other over words. Try to believe that there is a wall of light energy behind you that protects you, and when you begin to attack on a logical and volitional level, this wall moves towards your opponent and pushes the arguer into the distance, removing him from the circle of your attention. Of course, all such images should be supported by successful verbal behavior, well-aimed words, verified arguments, and correctly placed accents. Remember that perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goals and plans is the best key to achieving a state of security, which is very helpful in both regular and telephone relationships.

"One is prejudicial murder, but the other is defense. When you are attacked by the dark ones, it is necessary to defend yourself. The thought of defense is not murder. Everyone can defend themselves first of all with the strength of the spirit."

^ Living Ethics

"The Way of the Warrior is based on humanity, love and sincerity: the heart of military valor is true courage, wisdom, love and friendliness. It is pointless to rely only on the physical aspects of warriorhood, for the power of the body is always limited."

^ Morihei Ueshiba

"Every bandit, even if he is much stronger than you, knows deep down that he is wrong. Every victim, even when he is weaker than the bandit, must remember and believe that he is right. In addition, the victim can always call on God for help, and never a bandit."

(English proverb)

Externally, the analytical table consists of a general header, a system of horizontal rows and vertical graphs (columns, columns). As you know, each table consists of a subject and a predicate. The subject shows what it's about we're talking about, contains a list of indicators characterizing the phenomenon. The predicate indicates what features characterize the subject.

Each table should have a title that briefly expresses its contents. It must be precise, concise and expressive.

Columns containing a subject are numbered with capital letters of the alphabet, and columns containing a predicate are numbered with Arabic numerals. All words in subject and predicate headings must be written in full. If necessary, the column headings must indicate the unit of measurement of the indicator. If all elements of the table are expressed in the same units of measurement, then this unit can be placed in the table heading by placing it in brackets. For ease of use of tables with absolute and relative indicators, you should first provide absolute and then relative data. When reflecting the dynamics of indicators, the data must be arranged in chronological order.

According to the analytical content, tables are distinguished: reflecting the characteristics of the object being studied according to one or another characteristic, the procedure for calculating indicators, the dynamics of the indicators being studied, structural changes in the composition of indicators, the relationship of indicators according to various characteristics, the results of calculating the influence of factors on the level of the indicator being studied, the methodology for calculating reserves, summary results of the analysis.

In tables of the first type indicators characterizing this or that economic phenomenon are recorded, and the level of this indicator for the reporting period for one or several objects is reflected (see Table 4.8).

To reflect in tables the procedure for calculating analytical indicators First, the initial information is provided, and then the derived data necessary to calculate the required indicator are calculated. For example, to calculate the correlation coefficient it is necessary to perform calculations and then use formula (7.7) to find its value.

When studying the dynamics of indicators First, initial information is provided for a number of years in chronological order, on the basis of which basic and chain growth rates and increments, expressed as percentages or indices, are calculated (see Table 4.6).

In the tables characterizing the implementation of the plan, planned and actual data for the reporting period for each object are reflected, after which the absolute deviation from the plan and the percentage of plan completion are calculated (see Table 4.1).

When registering structural changes in the composition of indicators provide data on the composition of the phenomenon under study in the base and reporting years, on the basis of which it is calculated specific gravity each element or part in the overall whole and deviations from the plan are established (see Table 4.14).

To reflect the relationship between phenomena a table is compiled in which individual or group data for one of the indicators is ranked in ascending or descending order and, accordingly, data for other indicators related to it is arranged (see Tables 4 7 and 4.16).

In the tables intended to present the results of factor analysis, it is necessary to first reflect information on factor indicators, then on the effective indicators and the change in the latter as a whole and due to each factor separately (see Table 6.2).

Tables reflecting results of reserve calculations. They provide the actual and possible level of factor indicators and the reserve for increasing the effective indicator due to each factor (see Table 7.12).

To summarize the analysis results they compile summary tables in which the research material on certain aspects of the enterprise’s activities is systematized (Table 24.18).