General requirements for public speech. Public speaking: types, features, rules, how to learn 10 basic requirements for a teacher’s public speaking

Requirements for the language of public speaking

? Be specific

Specificity is the most important requirement for the language of public speaking.

What does specificity mean? Practitioner oratory skills P. Soper gives following tips.

You say no walked, but ran, hobbled, trudged, dragged, this will create an image.

Put the question like this: “ How does an embryo develop from an almost imperceptible fertilized egg, visible only through a microscope, into a two-hundred-pound football player?” Not just a person, but a football player!

Instead of the words: " Moscow is a major scientific and medical center" say: “There are 350 hospitals and 100 institutes here.”

? Use verbs

Try to replace nouns with verbs.

? Use active rather than passive phrasing

? Avoid verbosity

Choose more short phrases, avoid verbosity. Try to do without introductory phrases, do not give several definitions to one noun (for example: boring, tiring evening), avoid exaggerations (for example: I am absolutely convinced, there is no shadow of doubt).

? Don't use speech cliches

Do not use cliches in your speech (for example: keepers of traditions, fate decreed, with bated breath etc.).

D. Carnegie offers a special exercise for developing this skill: say "Thirty thousand dollars" so that it seems more than "Three million."

? Pause BEFORE and AFTER speaking important thoughts.

? Explain foreign words and terms during your speech

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Different genres, like different shapes public speaking (lecture, report, speech, etc.) require different preparation methods. These rules are called general requirements to public speaking. Let's name the main ones:

A decisive start to the performance. The first phrase of a speech should be thought out, prepared in advance and well learned. You shouldn’t stumble over the first sentence of your speech or wonder where you’re going to start.

Clear pronunciation, well-trained voice. Agree, it is impossible to influence listeners and “reach out” to their minds and feelings if you speak monotonously in a hoarse, hoarse, nasal voice. Work on your voice yourself or attend a training - this is an investment in your future.

Normal and average speech rate. Excessive haste is usually caused by the speaker’s timidity; the meaning of quickly spoken words is poorly perceived, and listeners do not have time to follow the speaker’s thoughts. Too slow, unemotional speech, on the contrary, shows the speaker’s indifference to the speech, and it is difficult for listeners to grasp the meaning of what was said.

Dramatic. This is the tension in the text. Drama is created in a speech when there is a deliberate clash of different points of view by the speaker entering into an argument with any opinion, authority or point of view, when talking about any unusual or tragic events, incidents.

Restrained emotionality. Emotionality is a mandatory requirement for public speaking, an absolutely necessary element of it. Listeners should feel that you are speaking emotionally, excitedly, that you yourself are not indifferent to what you are saying. The performance should under no circumstances be monotonous. However, emotionality should be restrained.

Brevity. Short speeches are viewed by most audiences as smarter, more correct, and containing true information. Brevity is especially valued by Russian audiences, as reflected in the famous expression: Brief and clear.

Dialogue. The speech should be like a dialogue with the audience. The speaker does not have to talk himself all the time; he must ask the audience questions, listen to its answers, and react to its behavior. Any speech should have the features of a conversation. Questions may be rhetorical, but they can increase the effectiveness of oral presentation, especially short dialogues with listeners during the speech itself.

Colloquialism. The style of presentation should be predominantly conversational, the presentation should be in the nature of a casual conversation. This is what conversational style is all about.

Establishing and maintaining contact with the audience. Establishing contact with the audience means: looking at the audience during a speech, monitoring its reaction, making changes to your speech depending on the reaction, demonstrating affability, friendliness, willingness to answer questions, and conducting a dialogue with the audience. The audience must be divided into sectors and looked at each sector in turn.

Clarity of the main idea. The main idea should be conveyed in words, preferably at least two or three times during the speech. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the audience loves conclusions and expects them from the speaker in a formulated form.

Imagery of expressions, poetry of speech. The speaker’s speech should be specific and evoke vivid visual images in the listeners. If possible, faceless, stereotyped, dry speech patterns should be avoided. The more imagery and expression there is in a speaker’s speech, the better the listener perceives (and remembers) it.

A decisive end. Like the beginning, the end of the speech should be short, clear, understandable, and thought out in advance. It, like the initial phrase, must be rehearsed in order to be pronounced without hesitation, clearly and understandably. The final phrase should be delivered emotionally, somewhat slowly and meaningfully, so that the audience understands it well and at the same time understands that this is the end of your speech.

Different genres of speeches and oratory (lecture, report, presentation, etc.) require different preparation techniques. These rules are called general public speaking requirements. Let's name the main ones:

A decisive start to the performance. The first phrase of a speech should be thought out, prepared in advance and well learned. You shouldn’t stumble over the first sentence of your speech or wonder where you’re going to start.

Dramatic. This is the tension in the text. Drama is created in a speech when there is a deliberate clash of different points of view by the speaker entering into an argument with any opinion, authority or point of view, when talking about any unusual or tragic events or incidents.

Restrained emotionality. Emotionality is a mandatory requirement for public speaking, an absolutely necessary element of it. Listeners should feel that you are speaking emotionally, excitedly, that you yourself are not indifferent to what you are saying. The performance should under no circumstances be monotonous. However, emotionality should be restrained.

Brevity. Short speeches are viewed by most audiences as smarter, more correct, and containing true information. Brevity is especially valued by Russian audiences, as reflected in the famous expression: Brief and clear.

Dialogue. The speech should be like a dialogue with the audience. The speaker does not have to talk himself all the time; he must ask the audience questions, listen to its answers, and react to its behavior. Any speech should have the features of a conversation. Questions may be rhetorical, but they can increase the effectiveness of oral presentation, especially short dialogues with listeners during the speech itself.

Colloquialism. The style of presentation should be predominantly conversational, the presentation should be in the nature of a casual conversation. This is what conversational style is all about.

Establishing and maintaining contact with the audience. Establishing contact with the audience means: looking at the audience during a speech, monitoring its reaction, making changes to your speech depending on the reaction, demonstrating affability, friendliness, willingness to answer questions, and conducting a dialogue with the audience. The audience must be divided into sectors and looked at each sector in turn.

Clarity of the main idea. The main idea should be conveyed in words, preferably at least two or three times during the speech. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the audience loves conclusions and expects them from the speaker in a formulated form.

A decisive end. Like the beginning, the end of the speech should be short, clear, understandable, and thought out in advance. It, like the initial phrase, must be rehearsed in order to be pronounced without hesitation, clearly and understandably. The final phrase should be delivered emotionally, somewhat slowly and meaningfully, so that the audience understands it well and at the same time understands that this is the end of your speech.

Basic requirements for public speaking

When we are preparing for a public speech, some types of speech seem not very difficult to us - for example, if we need to make an announcement about tomorrow's excursion (although this has its difficulties, as we will see later), others - for example, a report on some topic , an official speech at the anniversary of the institute, at a ceremonial meeting - is much more difficult. You need to learn to speak well in front of an audience in a variety of conditions, and for this you need to master the ability to prepare public speeches of different genres - informational, persuasive, protocol and etiquette, and entertaining. Different genres, as well as different forms of public speaking (lecture, report, speech, etc.) require different preparation techniques. But in rhetoric there are general rules for preparing a public speech - rules that can and should be applied when preparing almost any speech. in any genre. These rules are called general requirements for public speaking.

Let's name the main requirements:

    A decisive start to the performance.


    Restrained emotionality.




    Establishing and maintaining contact with the audience

    Clarity of the main idea.

    A decisive end.

1. Decisive start to performance.

The first phrase of a speech should be thought out, prepared in advance and well learned. You should not stumble in the very first phrase of your speech or think about where you will start - the audience will immediately consider such a speaker to be insecure and incompetent. The first phrase should be clear and understandable to the listeners. It must be prepared in advance and well rehearsed, pronounced confidently and expressively.

2. Dramatic.

Drama is tension in a text. Drama is created in a speech when there is a deliberate collision of different points of view, by the speaker entering into an argument with any opinion, authority or point of view, when talking about any unusual or tragic events or incidents. As Dale Carnegie said, “The world loves to hear about struggle.” Drama must be created in the text at the stage of its preparation.

3. Restrained emotionality.

Emotionality is a mandatory requirement for public speaking, an absolutely necessary element of it. Listeners should feel that you are speaking emotionally, excitedly, that you yourself are not indifferent to what you are saying. The performance should under no circumstances be monotonous.

However, emotionality should be restrained. One cannot but agree with the famous American expert on teaching rhetoric, P. Soper, who wrote that the listener experiences a feeling of awkwardness at the sight of the speaker’s emotional revelry. Let us recall Gogol’s famous statement about one teacher-speaker, who, while talking about A. the Great, became so angry that he broke his chair: “Alexander the Great, of course, great man, but why break the chairs?” In this regard, it is preferable to present facts that evoke emotions in listeners rather than speak too emotionally.

4. Brevity.

Short speeches are viewed by most audiences as smarter, more correct, and containing true information. Brevity is especially valued by the Russian audience, which is reflected in the well-known saying “Brief and clear”: its meaning is that if it is short, then, therefore, it is clear.

It is extremely necessary to comply with the allotted regulations and meet the allotted time. You need to learn to speak briefly.

American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave his son good advice on this topic. Explaining to his son how to speak publicly, F. Roosevelt gave him three pieces of advice: “Be sincere, be brief, sit down.”

5. Dialogue.

The speech should be like a dialogue with the audience. The speaker should not talk himself all the time, he should ask questions of the audience, listen to its answers, and react to the behavior of the audience. Any speech should have the features of a conversation. These questions may be rhetorical, but it is possible to increase the effectiveness of an oral presentation, primarily through short dialogues with the audience during the speech itself.

6. Colloquialism.

The style of presentation should be predominantly conversational, the presentation should be in the nature of a casual conversation. This is the conversational style of speaking.

Paul Soper wrote: “Public speech should have the qualities of a good interview, with some adjustments in voice, manner and topic to suit the situation of the speech.” The same idea was expressed by D. Carnegie: “A good speech is, first of all, a conversational tone and spontaneity, somewhat accentuated. Speak at a charitable trust meeting as if you were speaking to John Henry Smith. After all, the members of the fund are nothing more than the sum of the John Henry Smiths.” The colloquial nature of an oratory significantly increases confidence in the speaker, and therefore in the content of his speech.

No need to use a lot of special, book, foreign words, we must put it more simply - this is also a manifestation of the requirement to be conversational. You can use (in moderation!) colloquial words, humor, and jokes.

7. Establishing and maintaining contact with the audience

It goes without saying that this requirement is one of the most important. What does it mean to “establish contact with the audience”? This means looking at the audience during a speech, monitoring its reaction, making changes to your speech depending on the audience’s reaction, demonstrating affability, friendliness, willingness to answer questions, and conducting a dialogue with the audience. The audience must be divided into sectors and looked at each sector in turn.

8. Clarity of the main idea.

The main idea should be formulated in words, preferably at least two or three times during the speech. In the vast majority of cases, the audience loves conclusions and expects conclusions from the speaker in a formulated form.

9. A decisive end.

Like the beginning, the end of the speech should be short, clear, understandable, and thought out in advance. The final phrase must be thought out in advance and formulated in words. It, like the initial phrase, must be rehearsed in order to be pronounced without hesitation, clearly and understandably. The final phrase should be delivered emotionally, somewhat slowly and meaningfully, so that the audience understands it well and at the same time understands that this is the end of your speech.

In public speeches of different genres, some of the above general requirements may manifest themselves to varying degrees: for example, clarity of the main idea is more important in persuasive speeches than in entertaining ones, brevity is more important in informational than in some types of protocol and etiquette speeches, emotionality in protocol and etiquette speeches speeches may be higher than in informational ones, where emotions are required to a much lesser extent, etc. We will become familiar with similar features of the manifestation of the basic requirements for public speaking when studying individual genres of public speaking, but in most cases, the basic requirements must be met to one degree or another in any speech.

« Advice for a beginning speaker."

    Talk only about what you know well, what worries you personally, what is personally interesting to you.

    Respect your listeners, do not think that they are stupider than you.

    Don't shout. Convince with arguments and facts, not with the power of your voice.

    Don't try to say a lot at once. Be brief, but convincing and logical.

    Speak more simply.

    Address not only the mind, but also the heart of the listeners.

    Make sure your speech is correct. If you are not sure that you will pronounce a word with the correct stress or do not know the exact meaning of a word or expression, replace it with another.

    Use proverbs, sayings, popular expressions. They are your friends and will help make your speech more figurative and expressive.

    Remember that a successful performance is when it is well thought out and prepared.

    Please remember that presentation slides prepared after completing work on the text performances are accompaniment for the main content of an oral message.

    Number of slides depends on volume of information reported, but it is recommended to limit 10-12 slides, which can reflect the main provisions of the topic under consideration.

    When choosing meaningful coordinates for each slide, you should use practice of conceptual division of information: highlighting conceptual provisions in the text prepared for oral presentation, which will become the basis for the design of the content on the slide. ( But the volume of verbal recording should not exceed 40 - 50 words.)

    Verbal information should be stated abstract and concise, it is recommended to use techniques when distributing information on a slide paragraph marking And font and color highlighting (But you should choose a unified style of highlighting and design that will not distract from the content.)

    Slide shows must be timed(The optimal time should be 3 to 5 minutes, which will allow listeners to retain both visual and verbal information.)

    Verbal information on the slide can be supplemented symbolic drawings. (But you should choose a single style for the design of the picture so that the entry as a whole corresponds to the objectives of the message.)

    Presentation materials must be successful fill in and illustrate message text. ( Not you should read the text on the screen or, conversely, ignore the visual information displayed.)

    The design of the text and its components must meet the standards of perception. (It is recommended to choose a sans-serif font, 12-14 point, 2-spaced; Text information should be marked in blue or red.)

Observing rules of information dialogue, you need to prepare a slide show so that it did not interfere with the speaking process, provided polycode mode.

A speaker is being prepared, be it a lecture, report or entertainment show, there are a number of requirements that must be taken into account in order to look as professional as possible in front of the public.

The first thing you should work on is speech; in the list of basic requirements for public speaking, it occupies one of the most important roles. Do not forget that sometimes a speaker has to go on stage in a variety of conditions. If you prepare and practice various genres, namely informational, entertaining and persuasive, problems will not arise under any circumstances.

List of basic requirements for public speaking

The list of basic requirements for public speaking includes the following:

  1. Beginning of the speech (decisive and arousing interest).
  2. Colloquialism.
  3. Dramatic component.
  4. Brevity and pithyness at the same time.
  5. Dialogue.
  6. A clear main idea for listeners.
  7. Emotionality (moderate).
  8. Maintaining contact with the audience.
  9. End of the speech.

The first phrase with which a speech begins lays the foundation for everything said after it. It definitely needs to be taught well. If you stumble from the very first words, the audience will consider the speaker to be unprofessional, so you can’t count on trust, interest and understanding in this case. Here it is important to work on clarity for the assembled people, intonation, and clarity of pronunciation.

The technology and requirements for public speaking require such a component as dramaturgy, in other words, this is the most emotionally intense part of a prepared speech. To create such a situation, the speaker must pit two different opinions on the same topic against each other. For this purpose, stories about various significant incidents or tragic events are also used.

Moderate emotionality is one of the most significant points in the requirements for public speaking. If this point is not taken into account, the audience will not trust the speaker. He should show excitement and concern about the topic he is talking about. This element also makes the performance less monotonous. If everything is done correctly, the audience will definitely not get bored.

But here it is very important not to overdo it, emotions should be moderate and under the control of the speaker, and not vice versa. According to research, an overly emotional speaker makes people feel awkward. It is much more correct to provoke increased interest and concern in the viewer, this will indicate a job well done.

The speech should not be one-sided, so that the listener does not lose himself in it; the speaker should not reduce the degree of interest, constantly contacting the audience. This may include questions to the public, answers to questions from those who came and reactions to general behavior audience and each individual. Questions often help move the conversation in a direction that is right and convenient for the speaker.

General requirements for public speaking include such a factor as the clarity of the topic being presented for the audience. Here it is advisable to avoid complex formulations and occasionally remind those gathered main idea and summarize after what has been said.

Brevity is a mandatory requirement for public speaking. If the speaker does not drag out the speech pointlessly, but constantly emphasizes the underlying factors, it will be considered more professional and easier for the audience to understand. Such skills come in very handy when speaking time may be limited.

To establish contact with the audience, the speaker needs to constantly monitor people’s behavior, direct their thoughts right side and, at the same time, communicate with them more often and adjust your speech, if necessary as a result of a particular reaction. Also, do not forget about maintaining dialogue, showing friendliness and affability.

As for the speaking style, it is best to use a conversational one, people should not feel tense, everything should look like a casual conversation. According to research, in this way the speaker will have a much greater chance of gaining trust in his speech, and therefore in himself.

Whatever the requirements for a monologue public speech, it cannot do without a well-founded, logical and pre-prepared conclusion. The closing speech must be rehearsed no less carefully than the opening speech. You can't stammer or show signs here. The audience should understand that the speaker wants to summarize with this. Also, do not forget about emotions, in order to inspire more trust, it is better to give them free rein, but not too much.

Before, you need to remember not only about clear language for the audience and fulfilling all requirements. Here it is also worth considering the genre of the future speech. If it is humorous, brevity is more valued; if it is persuasive, it is worth working on clarity for every listener. As for informational speeches, emotions are not as important as in protocol and etiquette speeches.

  • It is advisable to talk only about what is well known to oneself. If you do not fully understand the topic or are not interested in it, you may not only not earn the trust of the audience, but also get difficult questions during the presentation;
  • the speaker should never put himself above others, especially those who came to speak. Those speakers who think they are smarter than others are doomed to failure;
  • the use of sayings and catchphrases, they make speech more expressive and bring the speaker closer to the audience;
  • Under no circumstances should you raise your tone. If there is conflict situation, it is better to convince your interlocutor with irrefutable facts, rather than emotions;
  • the public must be influenced not only through reasonable statements, but also by evoking heartfelt emotions;
  • It is very important to ensure clarity and correct pronunciation. If there is a possibility that a word will be said with incorrect stress or errors, it is better to replace it with a synonym;
  • in all your statements it is recommended to adhere to simplicity, otherwise the thought may be misunderstood or not understood at all;
  • You shouldn’t try to talk about everything in the world at once. It is necessary to strictly observe conciseness, which will allow you to be as convincing and logical as possible;
  • Before a speech, you need to clearly think through its structure. Each topic will become as clear as possible for any listener if it has the correct sequence. The audience should be led to the main idea gradually, emphasizing those things that may be incomprehensible or heard for the first time.

How to properly prepare for a report with a presentation

If public speaking involves preparing a presentation, there are a few special rules to consider. It is always worth remembering that the slides are prepared after the work on the text has been done and completed, since they are an accompanying part of the report. Other tips include the following:

  1. The number of slides always depends on the amount of information.
  2. All materials should have a clear purpose and complement the text.
  3. It is advisable to supplement the information with pictures and graphs.
  4. If there is text on a slide, it should be as clear and easy to understand as possible.
  5. To ensure that what is shown is well remembered by the audience, it is advisable not to move on to another image until 4-5 minutes have passed.
  6. It is better to highlight the text in the pictures in bold, and separate the main ideas into paragraphs.


It doesn’t just lie in the speaker’s charisma. Majority successful people to gain the trust of the audience and reach professional level, have been working on themselves for years.

Only compliance with all requirements and work on oneself will bring success to a novice speaker.