Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs and suffixes. A16 Personal endings of verbs

In order to avoid the pitfalls, prepare for task 11 step by step. Just three steps guarantee you against mistakes.

Step 1. Selecting vowels in unstressed endings of verbs.

Personal verb endings

In personal endings of present and future verbs

  • write vowels at the endings of verbs of the 1st conjugation e, y (yu): you have, has, we have, have, have
  • at the endings of verbs of the 2nd conjugation - and, a (i): look, look, look, look, look

This means that in order to correctly write vowels in unstressed endings, you need to be able to accurately determine the conjugation of a verb!


  1. The 2nd conjugation includes verbs:

      with suffix -And based on the indefinite form: love
      Shave, lay - verbs of the 1st conjugation: shaves, shave, lays, lays and their derivatives: lay down, cover, remake and others.

      7 exception verbs with suffix -e based on an indefinite form.
      Remember them: endure, twist, offend, depend, hate, And see, And look and their derivatives,
      For example: look, inspect, look out, finish watching, see enough, stare at it and others.

    • 4 verbs with suffix - A.

      Remember them: drive, hold, hear, breathe and their derivatives: drive away, catch up, kick out, expel and others.

  2. The 1st conjugation includes the remaining verbs with without stressed endings : play, draw, pull, throw and others.


Verbs want, run And honor special. Them and all derivatives from them, for example: run, run across, run across, run away, jog etc., refer to heterogeneously conjugated verbs. The peculiarity of the verbs of this group is that in some forms these verbs have endings of the 1st conjugation, and in others - of the 2nd. Let's conjugate these verbs:

To want - I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I want (in the singular of the end of the 1st reference, in the plural - of the 2nd).

Run - run, run, runs, run, run, run (in all forms, except 3rd plural, the end of the 1st sp., in the 3rd plural - the end of the 2nd spr. .)

Honor - honor, honor, honor, honor, honor, honor (in all forms, except for the 3rd plural, the end of the 1st sp., in the 3rd plural - the end of the 2nd sp. .)

Only at the verb want in unit form endings in an unstressed position.


Verbs There is And give and derivatives from them do not belong to any conjugation. They have special sets of endings. For more information about this, see: Problems for Unified State Exam assignments they have no idea, since the endings are stressed.

Step 2. Selecting vowels in present participle suffixes.

Present participle suffixes

Participles can be different: active and passive, present and past tense.
To avoid mistakes in their spelling, it will help to realize that present participles are formed from the stem of the present tense verb, and past participles are formed from the stem of the indefinite form of the verb. Therefore, when choosing suffixes for present participles, determine the conjugation of the verb. This will help you choose the right suffix. And for error-free writing of past participles, it is important to know the suffix at the base of the indefinite form of the verb.

1. Suffixes -ushch(-yush),- ush(-box) in active present participles: knowledgeable, loving

Determine the conjugation of the verb.

In participles formed

  • from verbs of the 1st conjugation, write the suffix -ushch (-yushch): knowing, reading.
  • from verbs of the 2nd conjugation - -ashch (-box): loving, seeing

Please note:
Active present participles are formed from the stems of present tense verbs:

know no, know ut- 1st conjugation, stem know + suffix -yush →signcurrent,
love it, love yat - 2nd conjugation, stem love+ suffix -box loving.

2. Suffixes - I eat, -im in present passive participles: raise I eat wow, view them th

Determine the conjugation of the verb.

In participles formed from verbs

  • 1st conjugation, write the suffix -em -om: lifted, driven,
  • 2nd conjugation - -im: beloved, visible

Please note:
Passive present participles are formed from the stems of transitive present tense verbs:

raise no, raise ut— 1st conjugation, stem raise + suffix -em liftable,
love it, love yat — 2nd conjugation, stem love + suffix - -im → Darling.

Step 3. Selecting vowels in past participle suffixes.

Past participle suffixes

1. Vowels before suffixes - wsh, -sh in active past participles: saw, heard, walked

In active past participles before the suffixes -вш, -ш write the same vowel that is written at the base of the infinitive form of the verb: view e past←look e oh, I hear A heard←heard A t.

2. Distinguishing the vowels of the suffix of the verb stem -a (i) before the suffix - nn and suffix - enne in passive past participles: lost, seen

Determine the final vowel at the base of the infinitive form of the verb.

If passive participles are formed from the stem of the indefinite form of verbs

  • with the suffix -a- -я-, before the participle suffix -nn- write the letters a(i)): lost ← lose,
  • with suffixes -i- or -e- , in the suffix -enn- write the letter e:filled ← fill.

Complete tasks

Assignment from the demo version of FIPI 2015:

Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

  • transform...my
  • dissolute
  • take a look...
  • broken
  • washed...washed


1. Put the verbs in the personal form into the indefinite form: look at it - look at it.

2. Determine the conjugation: stare - verb 2 sp. It is a derived verb from the verb look, So this is an exception.

3. Knowing the conjugation, determine the unstressed vowels in the personal form: inspection And sew. The letter I is missing.

4. Identify the vowels in the suffixes of participles: reformed, dissolved, broken and washed.

1) transform...my, washed...my- suffer. prib. present vr., therefore, it is necessary: ​​to know the conjugation of the verbs from which they are formed: transform...my- from convert(1st reference), washed...washed- from wash(1st reference), write a vowel e:transformed, washed.

2) dissolute, broken...- suffer. prib. past vr., therefore, it is necessary to know the indefinite form of the verb from which it is formed, and the suffix of this form: dissolute - from dissolve, broken...from breaking. Since in passive past participles formed from the indefinite form of the verb with the suffix And, the suffix is ​​written enne, That write a vowel e: loose, broken.

5. Correlate all the data received and draw a conclusion: the correct answer was found correctly.

What personal ending should be written for this or that part of speech? This question arises quite often among schoolchildren, but only if the last syllable of a word is in an unstressed position. After all, it is in such situations that it is very difficult to hear the letter that should be written at the end. This is especially true for verbs.

General information

This or that personal ending of verbs depends entirely on what conjugation it refers to given word. Knowing how to correctly identify it, you will never ask yourself a similar question again.

Personal standing in shock position

With stressed endings (personal) of verbs everything is always clear. After all, a letter standing in this position is heard as clearly as possible and is a test letter. Here are some examples: watch, seethe, create etc. As you can see, all the endings of these words are stressed, that is, they are written exactly the same way as they are heard (pronounced).

Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs

If the endings of verbs are in an unstressed position, then determining the correct spelling of a particular letter becomes problematic. That is why it is necessary to refer to the corresponding rule. It says that all verbs in the Russian language belong either to the first conjugation or to the second.

Conjugation first

All verbs in the infinitive form ending in -ot, -at, -et, -yat, -ity and -ut belong to the 1st conjugation: melt, dig, get wet etc. The personal ending of these words in an unstressed position has the letter “e”.

Here's an example: melting, melting, getting wet, getting wet, getting wet, getting wet, melting etc. However, in the 3rd person plural. number verbs of the 1st conjugation have the following endings: -ut or -yut. For example, dig, get wet, melt etc.

Second conjugation

All verbs that are in the infinitive and ending in -it should be classified as the 2nd conjugation: nag, be proud, pray etc. The personal endings of these words in an unstressed position have the letter “and”.

Here's an example: sawing, sawing, sawing, sawing, proud, proud, begging, begging, begging etc. However, in the 2nd conjugation they have the following endings: -at or -yat. For example: sawing, proud, begging etc.

Exceptions to the rules

Now you know which vowels should be written in the personal endings of verbs if they are in an unstressed position. To do this, you only need to determine the conjugation by putting this part of speech in an indefinite form. However, this rule has its exceptions. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Shave, lay. that these words have -it at the end, they should still be classified as the 1st conjugation, since this is an exception. Accordingly, their personal endings will have the vowel letter “e” (-yut, -ut). Here's an example: spread, spread, spread, spread etc.
  • To endure, to offend, to see, to depend, to watch, to turn, to hate, to breathe, to hear, to drive, to hold. Despite the fact that these words have -et and -at at the end, they still belong to the second conjugation, since this is an exception. Accordingly, their personal endings will have the vowel letter “and” (-yat, -at). Here's an example: offend, see, dependent, look, twirl, hate, breathe, drive, hold etc.

Exception words should be memorized and remembered, since many schoolchildren make mistakes in them.

Differently conjugated words

Knowing the spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs, you can quickly and easily compose a literate text. However, it should be noted that in school curriculum The discipline "Russian Language" pays special attention not only to conjugations and exception words, but also to such lexical units, which are heterogeneously conjugated. These include the following: want, run. Why are they called that? The fact is that in different persons these words can have both the ending of the first conjugation and the second:

  • he runs, he wants;
  • you run, you want;
  • I run, I want;
  • they run, they want;
  • you run, you want;
  • we run, we want.

Let's sum it up

To determine one or another spelling of personal endings of verbs, it is recommended to follow the scheme described below:

  1. Determine in what position the ending of the verb is (stressed or unstressed). If it is in shock, then it should not be checked. If it is unstressed, it is necessary to continue the analysis.
  2. Put the verb into the infinitive (or the so-called indefinite form), and then check its ending. If the word ends in -it, then it is conjugated. Therefore, it is necessary to write the letter “and” at the end (in the third person plural - -at or -yat). Otherwise, it is necessary to continue the discussion.
  3. You need to check whether this verb is included in the list of exception words in -аt or -еть. If included, then it also belongs to the second conjugation, that is, the ending should be written “and”. If not included, then the first conjugation. At the end you should write “e” (in the 3rd person plural we write -yut or -ut).

1. Personal endings of verbs;
2. Soft sign in verb forms;
3. Verb suffixes;
4. Spelling of endings and suffixes of participles;

Verbs of the first conjugation have the present tense in the first person singular ending -у, -у;
In the second person singular - eat, - eat; in the third person singular

Go and eat; walks and sings.
Let's go and eat; you go, you sing; they go and sing;

verbs of the second conjugation have the letter I in their personal endings, and in the 3rd person plural AT and YaT.
I'm in a hurry, I'm standing; you are in a hurry, you are standing; hurry And t, one hundred And T;

If the verb has unstressed ending, then its conjugation is determined by the infinitive. Verbs of the second conjugation include verbs in IT, except Shave, lay. all other verbs belong to 1 conjugation.

Verbs with the prefix YOU have an accent on the prefix, but belong to the same conjugation as non-prefixed ones.
For example Pouring - pouring - pouring out (1 reference)

Transitive verbs with the prefix OBEZ are conjugated using 2 conjugations.
To weaken (someone).
You will weaken him.

In contrast, intransitive verbs have endings of the first conjugation.
To become weak (oneself).

It is necessary to distinguish between the similar-sounding endings of the future tense - ETE and the imperative mood ITE: You will go out - go out; choose - choose.

Verbs with common basis, but differing in type, may not coincide in conjugation.

For example: offer.

The letter b is written in the indefinite form of the verb (bathe-bathe; take care-beware).
At the end of the second singular number of the present and future tense.
You wash, you wash.

The suffixes OVA EVA are written in the indefinite form and in the past tense, if singular in the first person. numbers of the present and future tenses, the verb ends in YU and YU. I preach.

If in the first person singular. numbers, the verb ends in the unstressed YVAYU and IVAYU, then in an indefinite form and in the past. times the same suffix is ​​retained.
Report - reported.

Spelling of endings and suffixes of participles - self.

Spelling of participle suffixes

1. The following suffixes are written in the present participles:

a) -ushch-, -yusch-, if the participle is formed from a verb of the first conjugation, for example: walking (go, go), drawing (draw, draw), laughing (laugh, laugh);

b) -ash-, -yash-, if the participle is formed from a verb of the second conjugation, for example: screaming (shout, shout), flying (fly, are flying), being built (build, are being built).

2. Suffixes are written in the passive participles of the present tense:

a) -em-, if the participle is formed from a verb of the first conjugation, for example: executed (perform, perform), drawn (draw, draw);

b) -im-, if the participle is formed from a verb of the second conjugation, for example: stored (keep, store), heard (hear, hear).

Note. In book speech, a few passive present participles with the suffix -om- are used, formed from verbs of the first conjugation, for example: lead - lead - driven.

3. In passive past participles, a or ya is written before nn, if in indefinite form the verb is preceded by a or i, for example: detain - detained, fire - fired at. If in the indefinite form of the verb there is and or e before -тъ, in passive past participles e is written before ннн, for example: view - viewed, shoot - shot.

Spelling endings

The ending -E is written in nouns of the 1st declension in the dative and prepositional cases and in nouns of the 2nd declension in the prepositional case (except for nouns in -iy, -ie, -iya and -mya).
The ending -И (-ы) is written for nouns of the 1st declension in the genitive case; in nouns of the 3rd declension, as well as in nouns ending in -iy, -ie, -iya and -mya in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases.

After sibilants and C in the endings of nouns and adjectives, O is written under stress, without stress - E.

At the endings of nouns and adjectives, the letter Y is written after C.

In the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of numerals from 11 to 19, the letter I is written at the endings.

To find out which letter is written in the unstressed personal ending of a verb, you need to determine its conjugation using the indefinite form.
The 2nd conjugation includes verbs with an unstressed personal ending in -it (except shave, lay);
- seven verbs to -et: to offend, endure, depend, twirl, see, watch, hate;
- four verbs in -at: hear, drive, breathe, hold.
All other verbs with unstressed personal endings belong to the 1st conjugation.
Verbs of the 1st conjugation have the letters E, U, Yu in their personal endings; verbs of the 2nd conjugation have the letters I, A, Z.
Note. Verbs with prefixes belong to the same conjugation as the unprefixed verbs from which they are derived.

DZ: use of punctuation marks.

2 answers for CT.

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Spelling of personal endings of verbs and suffixes of present participles

option 1

1. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the gap?

1) men braiding, barking dogs

2)riding..riding on horseback, the guys are weeding..t

3) twirling a jump rope, shepherds driving cows

4) fighting for the truth, girls wear braids

2. In which row is the same letter written in place of the gap in both cases?

1) an attending physician who depends on luck

2) painters paint... t, sharp... object

3) they are repenting, shaving stubble

4) endures adversity, breathes easily

3. . In which row is the same letter written in place of the gap in both cases?

1)holding tightly, crying baby

2) chirping birds, chirping beetles

3) children whispering, creeping smoke

4) the rumbles are thunderous, well-healing

4. In which row is the same letter written at the gap in both cases?

1) children laughing, not noticing the obstacle

2) hating enemies, not luring them into a trap

3) the game being prepared, the hairdresser is...

4)decorating..with garlands, sticking..on the wall

5. In which row is the same letter written in place of the gap in both cases?

1) harvesting, drawing, baby

2) gluing envelopes, sorting stamps

3) flags sway... keeping distance

4) students transfer...t, athletes rely...on themselves

6. . In which row is the same letter written in place of the gap in both cases?

1)hedgehogs are chattering, flags are...

2) they often see each other without understanding the other

3) a roaring waterfall serving in the regiment

4) countries bordering..t, looking for..treasure

7. In which row is the same letter written in place of the gap in both cases?

1) trembling with delight, treating children

2) peals roar..t, waves splash..t

3) suspected of a crime, driven by desire

4) sow the seeds, act carefully

8. In which row is the same letter written at the gap in both cases?

1) put a plate, spread a rug

2) stand out... the main thing is to burst into tears... with delight

3) criminals repent, hope... for luck

4) unthinkable..my option, assumed..my result

9. In which row is the same letter written in place of the gap in both cases?

1) turned off the lights, read a book

2) fog is spreading, the reeds are swaying...

3) the mice are moving... doing everything...

4) not waterproof..my shoes, bad view..washed

10) In which row is the same letter written at the gap in both cases?

1) workers are beautiful, parents are nurturing the baby

2) glue stick, build a house

3) dad is ko..t, collecting grass

4) struggling with illness, mom is dozing

option 2

1. In which row is the same letter written in place of the gap in both cases?

1) put out the fire, calm... talk

2) breathing heavily..sh, driven..by feelings

3) lounging in bed, studying the... plan

4) the chickens cackle..t, inevitable..my conversation

2. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the gap?

1) I envy the winner, driven by delight

2) skillfully shave, dependent...on parents

3) very indignant..sh, sticking out..my for show

4) look carefully at your inherited capital

3. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the gap?

1) they endured stabbing pain

2) creeping roses, stinging wasps

3) a sleeping cat, the grains are grinding...

3)collective farmers pol..t, depending on the weather

4. In which row is the same letter written at the gap in both cases?

1) cherishing a dream, gymnasts twirling the ball

2) riding..riding on horseback, wrinkles old..t

3) weeding strawberries, they wear glasses

4) the final banner, the baptismal braid...

5. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the gap?

1) mark...the main thing that means...to people

2) a goat plucks grass, driven by electric current

3) the fire has gone out, my reckoning is imminent

4) see... the exhibits, waterproof... my cape

6. In which row is the same letter written at the gap in both cases?

1) take a long time to heal... while controlling... from the ground

2) steam... in the bathhouse, studying... my subject

3)hiding...hiding in the bushes, reading...loudly

4) write carefully.. write, see.. with the eye

7. In which row in both cases is the same letter written in place of the gap?

1) a babbling baby, they will hear a rumble

2) a galloping cowboy, he holds on by force

3) waterfalls are bubbling, disturbing news

4) chirping birds, border guards are looking...t

8. In which row in both cases is the same letter written in place of the gap?

1) customs officers check...t, red... substance

2) the winds are driving, understanding... everything

3) loving father, sinners are...

4) the brothers do everything, make the bed

9. In which row in both cases is the same letter written at the gap?

1) acquire knowledge, independent from others

2) quit your job, suspected of a crime

3)meet...a friend, spend..my money

4) set...to cook, warming up..my with the sun

10. In which row is the same letter written at the gap in both cases?

1) check the dictations, my reckoning is inevitable..

2) who love to talk, who hate lies

3) stay late at school, filling... the washroom with water

4) the grass is spreading, the wind is tickling the face


Option 1 Option 2

1 – 3 1 – 2

2 – 3 2 - 3

3 – 2 3 - 3

4 – 3 4 - 2

5 – 1 5 - 1

6 – 1 6 - 3

7 – 2 7 - 4

8 – 3 8 - 1

9 – 2 9 - 1

10 – 2 10 – 2

1. The choice of personal ending for a verb depends on its conjugation.
Let's remember what verb conjugation is.
Conjugation is how verbs change. In the Russian language there are 2 types of verb changes (conjugation) - I and II.
There are two ways to determine which conjugation a verb belongs to. It is advisable to use them in the given order:
1) Put the verb into form 3l. plural If at the end we see -ut or -yut, this means our verb belongs to the I conjugation, and if the ending appears -at or -yat, then this verb is of II conjugation.
Note: This method only works if the ending is in the form 3l. plural can be heard clearly, otherwise you should use the second method.
2) Put the verb into the infinitive. If the infinitive ends in -it, then the verb is II conjugation, and if not, then our verb belongs to I conjugation. Note: do not forget about exceptions. (see table)
After the verb conjugation is determined, we select the appropriate ending:
If the verb I sp. - -Eat, -Eat, -Eat, -Eat, -Ut, -Yut. If the verb II sp. - -Im, -Ite, -Ish, -It, -At, -Yat.

2. Spelling of participle suffixes: -ush-/-yush-, -ash-/-yash-, -om-/-em-/-im-- depends on the conjugation of the verb from which the participle is formed.
Here you should follow the algorithm:
1) All participles are formed from verbs. We determine from which verb the participle is formed.
2) Determine the conjugation of this verb. How to do this is described above.
3) Make the appropriate choice of suffix:
  • -ush-/-yush-, -om-/-em-M ;
  • if the participle is formed from a verb of the first conjugation, then choose the suffixes: -ash-/-box-, -im- .
3. Spelling of participle suffixes: -enn- (-en-), -a-nn- (-a-n-)/ -я-nn- (-я-н-)