Psychological pressure at work. How to resist psychological pressure

Hello again, dear friend!

No matter what they say, our daily work is largely stressful. Competition, rush jobs, endless business plans and the desire of management to “motivate” employees in all available ways, rarely reminiscent of intimate conversations. How to resist psychological pressure at work?

In the previous article, we discussed what psychological wushu is and why it is important to master psychological self-defense techniques. Protection can be more active or passive, but one way or another it is necessary.

Some people prefer to simply remain silent. These are possible responses to psychological pressure, but not the best. For:

  • When they begin to put pressure on us or provoke us, a wave of emotions rises inside. If they cannot be curbed immediately and the emotion crosses a certain threshold, sometimes it results in angry tirades, and more often they cause numbness and lightness. shock. And therefore a lot of stress.
  • The image of a person who is unable to withstand pressure is not the best. All and sundry will put pressure on you, without fear of anything.

- We know everything about you!

Most people roll their eyes and say, “What exactly?” At the same time, they begin to become noticeably nervous.

- Very good. So my story about myself will take less time than expected...”

Possible uses of this technique:

A non-standard idea, I'll have to think about it...

I'll think about how to take this into account in my work...

I've already thought about this, but haven't come to a clear conclusion yet...

External agreement means that you agree with some part of what your partner says.

- Only a person like you can waste a lot of time talking with such partners!

- Yes, potential partners are really so-so...

You agreed. But only with part of the sentence. And you saved face, and your partner has no reason to escalate confrontation.

Broken record technique

The broken record technique is based on the “three Cs” rule or the “German Sergeant Principle”.

  1. First say what you want to say
  2. Then what exactly did you intend to say?
  3. Then say exactly what you said

Essentially a repetition of the same thought. The fourth time, most likely, you will be heard.

It is better to choose a phrase in advance. It should be capacious and it would be appropriate to repeat it several times.

For example:

Why did you take an employee from my department to do this work without approval?

I had no other choice...

You put me in a stupid position!

I understand. But I was in a hopeless situation...

Why do you think you have the right to do this?

Sorry, I had no other choice...

Stubborn Professor Technique

The point of this technique is to express doubts that performing the actions that your partner suggests does not violate your personal rights or beliefs.

Why do you find fault with words every time?

Pedantry is an important part of my nature...

Options for using technology:

This is one of my beliefs...

If I do this, I will stop being myself...

This doesn't fit with my rules...

I have some prejudices, but they also help me find the best solutions...

All four techniques we have discussed, three today and one in the previous article, are techniques of counteraction, not confrontation. They make it possible to nip an emerging conflict in the bud, to negative energy in a different direction. At the same time, “save face”, save your nerves and relationships with your partner.

Have a nice day!

Direct psychological impact per person is coercion. By force in this case, physical strength, power, information or money come into play. It is quite difficult to resist this type of pressure, because... it is very aggressive and overt.

The second type of aggressive pressure is humiliation. In such a situation, they will influence you morally, humiliate your dignity, and put pressure on your self-doubt.

Obsession - this type of psychological pressure is based on attempts to torment you. The person will influence you, but as soon as you try to clarify the situation, he will move on to unrelated topics. And when you relax, it will return to its original position.

A manipulator who uses the method of suggestion is most often an authority figure for the victim. The extreme degree of suggestion is hypnotic influence. In this case, a person is practically unable to resist the aggressor.

The most rational way of psychological pressure is persuasion. The manipulator will encourage you to listen to logic and appeal to reason. People with developed thinking and a normal level of intelligence, because less intelligent individuals simply will not understand the logical chains of the manipulator.

How to resist psychological influence

First, find out the true goals of the manipulator and start doing the opposite. Do this carefully so that the enemy does not understand that you are doing this on purpose - attribute mistakes to misunderstanding or other problems. Most likely, the manipulator will leave you alone and look for a more “understanding” victim.

Learn to defend your point of view - this is necessary to gain respect in society. Most often, smart, but non-conflict and gentle people suffer from psychological pressure. Work on your self-confidence, remember that you have the right to your personal opinion.

If you notice that they are trying to influence you, try to remain calm - this is the first rule of invulnerability. The manipulator, having failed to penetrate your “armor,” will most likely retreat.

In conversation, try to use your common sense. The manipulator can present arguments that seem quite logical, but this is his own “truth.” Try to look at everything from your point of view.

Effective methods to avoid pressure are ignoring and refusal. Firmly refuse all the efforts of the manipulator, and you will quickly cease to interest him.

Irina Olegovna, Tomsk:“Hello, I have high blood pressure at work, what should I do? The indicators increase in the office, but at home it is normal. The cheeks turn red, sometimes there is pressure in the temples. If I measure the pressure in the office, the numbers show 150 mm Hg, and in the evening at home it is 130 mm. How to deal with this? I work in a good company - an economist."

Modern major cities- a place where large numbers of people gather, constant movement and bad ecology. All this causes stress for the human body and affects the majority of the adult working population. Psycho-emotional stress in the workplace is especially strong! When the level of responsibility is high and the psychological state is most susceptible to emotional breakdowns.

Under the influence of everyday work and stress, many people develop arterial hypertension. Moreover, the level of blood pressure in working hours higher than during a break (rest). There is often a difference in average daily blood pressure measured at work and on the weekend. This phenomenon is called “Hypertension in the workplace.”

This is one of the manifestations of the so-called stress-induced hypertension - a periodically occurring acute increase in pressure that occurs against the background of the influence of certain psychosocial factors. It can be observed both in people with normal blood pressure and in hypertensive patients.

There is only one way out! This is psychological relief and relaxation.

On such days, it is better to take a vacation, write out sick leave, and ask for time off from work. During this period, a person needs complete rest.

It is better to take a course of tinctures of medicinal herbs, which will help calm down and normalize blood pressure.

THIS IS A FACT: Recent research by scientists has shown that people with work-related high pressure there are a number of personal and emotional characteristics. Moreover, it is recommended to use differentiated treatment tactics for such patients.

A consultation with a psychologist is necessary, on the basis of which further recommendations for implementation are formulated psychological assistance. These measures will ensure better control of blood pressure in patients, which will reduce the risk of complications on the heart and blood vessels.

What threatens

Increased pressure in the workplace is unsafe. There are studies that have shown that this phenomenon increases the risk of target organ diseases. For hypertension, these are: the brain, heart, fundus vessels, kidneys.

For people who are prone to arterial hypertension, physical activity, drinking coffee, mental disorders, and smoking are not recommended.

What to do if your blood pressure rises at work

If high blood pressure has become a recurring phenomenon during work, you should:

  1. Calm down, it is advisable to go out into the fresh air. Breathing will help reduce blood pressure. You need to take a deep breath and exhale slowly through your nose, holding your breath for a few seconds as you exhale. During the working day, it is advisable to get up and walk around the office every half hour. Prolonged sitting will only make the situation worse.
  2. You can lower blood pressure with apple cider vinegar compresses. To do this, you need to take a cloth or paper napkin, wet it with vinegar and apply it to your feet for 10 - 15 minutes. You can rub your temples and forehead.
  3. If the pressure cannot be reduced, you need to consult a cardiologist. He should prescribe daily monitoring and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.
  4. At home, a hot foot bath will help you relax. It will promote blood flow from the head and improve overall condition. You need to pour hot water into a basin or any other container. It is necessary to immerse your feet up to your ankles for 5 – 10 minutes.

If the blood pressure level does not fall and remains above 160/100 mm Hg. Art., you need to urgently call an ambulance!

How to detect hypertension in the workplace

To identify this diagnosis, you need to record blood pressure readings every hour. Measurement of indicators is carried out with a tonometer.

The best option would be daily monitoring using a device that is attached to the body. It collects data throughout the day and night.

Such a device will be prescribed and issued by a doctor after consultation.

The criteria for office hypertension are:

  • an increase in the average daily systolic (upper) blood pressure of more than 135 mm Hg. Art.;
  • an increase in the average daily diastolic (lower) blood pressure of more than 85 mm Hg. Art.;
  • differences between the average daily values ​​of upper and/or lower pressure recorded during working hours and on weekends. At 6 mm Hg. Art. or more, and/or by 3 mm Hg. Art. and more accordingly;
  • if it is impossible to measure blood pressure on a day off, compare blood pressure readings during working hours and during a break. The difference between the upper pressure readings will be more than 8 mm Hg. Art., lower - more than 5 mm Hg. Art.

High blood pressure at work is easier to prevent than to treat hypertension throughout your life. If the work process is associated with strong physical or psychological stress, it is better to change this type of activity. For people who value their difficult profession, constant consultations with a psychologist and therapist are necessary.


Author of the article Ivanova Svetlana Anatolyevna, general practitioner

In the Labor Code forced dismissal is not subject to special provisions, and the employer can use many tricks to force a person quit . How to protect your interests?

In what cases can one be forced to resign?

People often do not know their rights well or are simply afraid to go against the system. But if, in a similar situation, dismissed will not be confused and will collect enough evidence that illegal and forced dismissal , he will be able to retain his position or receive monetary compensation.

Reasons why an employer forces an employee to write an application dismissal due to at will, most often lie in management’s desire to save money or time. coerce employee to be dismissed may in the following situations:

  1. Cuts are being made state or liquidation of the enterprise.
  2. The employee commits systematic or serious violations of labor regulations.
  3. The employee's qualifications do not correspond to the position he occupies.
  4. Personal hostility or desire to place “your” person in a position.

According to the law, compulsion to resign at one's own request on the part of the employer is unacceptable; the definition itself initially assumes only the desire of the dismissed person to terminate contract

How to recognize forced dismissal?

If a person is satisfied with his position and salary, then any attempts to force him to give up this position fit the definition of “ forced dismissal " An employer can apply pressure in the following ways:

  1. Report that the quality of work is not satisfactory and offer to resign on your own.
  2. Threaten to fire under the article if the employee does not agree to do this himself, or threaten with physical violence.
  3. Find fault and fine for the slightest offense, deprive of bonuses and so on.
  4. Openly violate the rights of an employee: reduce his salary, demand that work be done overtime, and the like.
  5. Issue documents retroactively or forge the signature of an unwanted employee.

According to Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in order to dismiss an employee against his will, not only good reasons are needed, but also compliance with the procedure for terminating the contract. The employee must be notified in writing of the decision taken within a period of 2 to 6 months depending on the reason.

In addition, in some cases compensation payments are due. Here are unscrupulous leaders and forced to resign under Article 77 of the Labor Code, which contains general grounds for dismissal from office.

How to legally protect yourself from management pressure?

Anyone can face the situation forced dismissals . In such cases, you should be prepared to take the following actions:

  1. Inform management about your awareness of labor law and the illegality of what is happening.
  2. Strictly follow the working Request schedules and instructions in writing so that management does not have a reason to find fault.
  3. If the employer creates provocative situations in order to discredit the employee, make sure that there are witnesses who can speak in court.
  4. If there is such an opportunity, it makes sense to think about transferring to another division of the company.
  5. If the current job is not very important, forced dismissal by agreement of the parties You can turn this to your advantage by insisting on monetary compensation.
  6. File a statement of claim in court, providing evidence of violations by the employer.

Knowing your rights, you can solve such a problem yourself or seek help from a lawyer.

Nuance! Having discovered the knowledge of the intricacies of the law and the determination of the employee, management usually prefers to resolve the issue in a peaceful manner that suits both parties.

Where to go, and what evidence of coercion do you need to have?

Achieving justice in case of illegal dismissal is quite difficult. But, knowing what evidence will be accepted by the court, you can defend your rights. When contacting the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor's office before signing the resignation letter, the relevant services will conduct an inspection and issue the employer a warning about the illegality of his actions. If the application has already been signed, but the person does not want to quit, there are three solutions:

  • write a complaint to the labor inspectorate;
  • contact the prosecutor's office;
  • file a claim in court.

The period within which you must contact the authorities is limited to one month after termination of the contract.

Sample application to the labor inspectorate.

The labor inspectorate or prosecutor's office will check the data and, if declared violations are detected, will refer the case to court. In order to confirm in court the fact of forced resignation from work, the following evidence is needed:

  1. Written evidence or audio recordings of disputes, disagreements and threats from the administration of the enterprise.
  2. Copies of orders indicating forced resignation: deprivation of bonuses, fines, demotion, and so on.
  3. Testimony of people who saw and heard threats and demands to vacate their positions.

If, immediately after termination of the employment contract, another person is hired to fill the vacated position, this may serve as evidence of the employer's prior knowledge of the vacancy.

Attention! Difficult financial situation and other unfavorable conditions resulting from job loss can also indirectly confirm what happened compulsion to resign.

How does pressure on an employee threaten an employer from a legal point of view?

Of course, for coercing an employee The management will not face a prison sentence upon dismissal, but they will still have to answer for violations of rights. Depending on the severity of the violations, the following types of punishments are applied:

  1. Disciplinary sanctions according to labor law standards.
  2. In accordance with administrative law, the imposition of a fine and material compensation to the victim with subsequent reinstatement (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).
  3. If management is forced to dismiss a pregnant employee, management will incur criminal liability ranging from forced labor to suspension of business activities (Article 145 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

If forgery in documents or damage to health from psychological or physical pressure is detected, criminal proceedings may also be initiated against the perpetrators.