Selivanov is a laureate of the international Yesenin Prize. International Literary Prize named after Sergei Yesenin

CENTRAL HOUSE OF LITERATORS, Moscow, 06.10.2017, 18:00



The International Prize named after Sergei Yesenin “O Rus', flap your wings...” was established and held by the Union of Writers of Russia (SPR) and the National Foundation for the Development of Culture, Tourism and Crafts “Osiennaya Rus” (NF “Osiennaya Rus”) since 2005 in the status of All-Russian and since 2010 in the status of International with the support of the Government Russian Federation, administrative and public organizations RF.

The International Sergei Yesenin Prize is a traditional landmark event in cultural life, uniting already recognized masters in the field of literature, music, art and cinematography and those just beginning, but already objectively bright and promising debutants from all over Russia, near and far abroad - carrying with it a significant ideological orientation: increasing and recognizing interest in Russian culture, historical literary heritage throughout the World, where they write, speak and think in Russian.

This year, works from various regions and corners of Russia and Belarus, as well as the CIS countries, the Baltic states, Poland and Germany were accepted for the prestigious Prize “O Rus', Flap Your Wings...”.

Prize in Nominations "For honor and dignity" noted legendary sculptor and People's Artist of the Russian Federation Nikolai Alexandrovich SELIVANOV, author of a world-famous series of portraits and compositions about Sergei Yesenin and his life. More than 60 years of creative work by Nikolai Alexandrovich includes over 200 busts and sculptures installed in many museum and administrative complexes in Russia, the CIS countries, Europe and the World. Addressing the guests of the Ceremony, Nikolai Alexandrovich shared his memories of how, while still a student in the 50s, he created his first sculptural composition “Sergei Yesenin with a birch tree,” which later became one of his most recognizable works, and said that Sergei Yesenin has always been and remains the guiding star of his work, because “it is simply impossible for every real Russian person not to love him.”

Famous documentary director from Voronezh Vladimir PARSHIKOV became the winner of the Prize in the Nomination " Movie. Theater. TV." for a landmark directorial and multifaceted historical research work“My dears! Good ones! and “Sergei Yesenin. 1925-2010". The famous animator director who supported V. Parshikov at the Award Ceremony, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Nazaruk, cordially congratulated Vladimir on his high reward and noted his particularly sharp and deep view in the field of documentary, wishing him new bright works that will certainly find their responses in the hearts of every viewer. Vladimir, in turn, dedicated the award to his grandmother, who once opened the world of the Great Poet’s work to him, and to Svetlana Nikolaevna Yesenina, who sincerely empathized with his creative hopes and achievements.

People's Poet of the Republic of Buryatia, Honored Worker of Culture, Writer and Poet Andrey Grigorievich RUMYANTSEV became the owner of " Big Prize" for the poetic collection “Time Calls for Kindness” - a lyrical confession-dedication to serving the Motherland, love and compassion for it and, of course, Andrei Grigorievich’s native Siberian region. The theme of Russia and the destinies of its people, which are key in the poet’s work, always moves from deeply personal to absolutely popular, reflected in reminders and responses about what is valuable and important for any Russian beginning.

Winner in Nominations "Song Word" became a soloist of the Moscow Operetta Theater Artem MAKOVSKY from Sevastopol, who at the Ceremony performed “The Moon Above the Window,” “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” and the romance “Letter to a Mother,” which endlessly touched all those present, which, like the award itself, was dedicated to Artyom’s parents.

Literary scholar, critic, member of the Union of Journalists and the Union of Writers of Russia, chairman Literary-Publishing Artels « Alexey Kazakov with comrades", organized in 1992 at the Chelyabinsk Cultural Foundation, Alexey Leonidovich KAZAKOV was awarded the Prize in Nominations « Publishing house, promoting creation Sergei Yesenina" The activity of the publishing house is absolutely unique in that it not only reprints the works of Sergei Yesenin, but also conducts detailed research work in search of unique autographs, author’s texts and rare works that were not known to a wide audience even during the lifetime of the Author himself, for example, “Russeyan” or a collection of poems for children "Zaryanka".

The participation of poets from Ryazan was a clear triumph; they immediately received 3 prizes in different categories, among which 1st place in Nominations « Russian Hope" - by unanimous decision of the Jury, with the participation of the All-Russian Festival of Young Poets "Mtsyri", was awarded to the cadet of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School them. V.F. Margelov to the young poet Ivan DORSHNEV. 2nd place in the “Internet Poetry” nomination was awarded to the poetess from Ryazan Lyudmila Bantserova, and from Ryazan Anna Evdokimova for literary criticism was awarded a Diploma for 3rd place in the “Searching Look” Nomination.

Master of Ceremony and Chairman Jury Award for famous Moscow poet and publicist Dmitry Alexandrovich DARIN separately noted interesting geographical feature Nominations for criticism " Seeking glance" - the second and third places in which this year were earned by participants from Belarus. The winner in this nomination was the Director of the Arzamas branch of UNN, Doctor of Philology, Professor Sergey Nikolaevich PYATKIN for the monograph “A.S. Pushkin in the artistic consciousness of S.A. Yesenin.” He dedicated the victory to his son, who was in the audience, emphasizing that it was very important for him that his son understood what he was doing and was proud of it.

Prize in Nominations « Internet-poetry"(the only Nomination for which any poet can apply on-line), reader voting for which took place on the Social and Literary Portal National Fonda development culture, tourism And crafts « Osiennaya Rus"during the entire competitive period, was assigned Natalia MALININA from Yaroslavl, and " Debut"became Evgenia ONEGIN from Moscow.

Full list of Laureates 2017:


Nikolai Alexandrovich Selivanov


1st place - Andrey Grigorievich Rumyantsev (Buryatia, Irkutsk, Moscow)

2nd place - (St. Petersburg)

3rd place - Ekaterina Baranova (Pushkin, Moscow region)


1st place - Sergey Nikolaevich Pyatkin (Arzamas)

2nd place - Nina Kolenchikova (Minsk)

3rd place - Anna Evdokimova (Ryazan)

3rd place - (Minsk)


Vladimir Parshikov (Voronezh)


Alexey Leonidovich Kazakov “Alexey Kazakov and comrades” (Chelyabinsk)


Artem Makovsky (Moscow)


1st place - (Yaroslavl)

2nd place - (Ryazan)

3rd place - (Zheleznodorzhny)


1st place - (Ryazan)

2nd place - Evgeny Pozdnyakov (Khabarovsk)

3rd place - (Moscow region)


Members JURY 2017 :

Head of the Yesenin group at the Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky RAS Natalia Shubnikova Gusev;

People's Artist of Russia actor Sergey Petrovich Nikonenko;

Honored Artist of Russia Composer Vladimir Presnyakov senior;

Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Victor Kiryushin;

Secretary of the Board of the Moscow regional organization of the Union of Writers of Russia, Member of the Board of the Moscow branch of the Russian Creative Union of Cultural Workers Igor Vityuk;

Editor-in-Chief magazine “New Nemiga Literary”, Minsk Anatoly Avrutin;

Director of the All-Russian Festival of Young Poets "Mtsyri", head All-Russian Forum civil poetry "Clocks of Memory" poet Alexander Chistyakov(nominates for the nomination “Hope of Russia”),

Co-chairman of the Committee, Chairman of the Prize Jury, member of the RF SP, poet, writer, publicist, Doctor of Economics. Dmitry Darin.

1. Host of the Ceremony - Chairman of the Prize jury, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, poet Dmitry Darin

2. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Selivanov donates a sculpture of Sergei Yesenin to the Organizing Committee of the Prize.

3. Animator and painter Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Nazaruk congratulates documentary director Vladimir Parshikov on his award. Nomination “Cinema. Theater. TV".

4. Andrey Rumyantsev “Big Prize” and Chairman of the Jury, host of the ceremony Dmitry Darin.

5. Soloist of the Moscow Operetta Theater Artem Makovsky. Nomination "Song Word".

6. Alexey Leonidovich Kazakov. Nomination “Publishing house promoting the work of Sergei Yesenin.”

7. Director of the All-Russian Festival of Young Poets “Mtsyri”, poet Alexander Chistyakov, presents the Prize to Ivan Droshnev. Nomination "Russian Hope".

8. Sergey Nikolaevich Pyatkin. Nomination “With a Seeking Look”.

9. Laureates and prize-winners of the Prize “O Rus', flap your wings...” 2017

Info and Photo materials provided

Press service of the International Prize named after Sergei Yesenin “O Rus', flap your wings...”

On the evening of October 6, the Central House of Writers in Moscow began to fill with guests from different cities of Russia and neighboring countries. There one could meet a poet from Ryazan, a Belarusian philologist, a Moscow sculptor, a student from Khabarovsk, and a publisher from Chelyabinsk... These people were united by one name - Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin. All of them gathered for the solemn ceremony of awarding the International Literary Prize. S.A. Yesenin “O Rus', flap your wings” – 2017.

The festive program began with the anthem “O Rus', flap your wings” performed by the winner of the previous Award in the “Song Word” category of the group “FEELIN"S” (authors: Gennady Filin and Yulia April), after which the host of the ceremony, co-chairman of the executive committee and chairman of the selection The Prize jury welcomed all participants and guests of the evening.

The winners of the relatively new one were awarded first. This is the only nomination for which applications for participation are accepted on-line: everyone can upload their competition selections to the Prize page in the social and literary Portal “OSIYANNAYA Rus'” (), where a short list of winners in this nomination will be determined by reader voting. The selections of authors who took 1st to 10th place are transferred to the Prize Jury, and it is from these 10 authors that the Jury determines the winners.

Each diploma recipient and laureate of the International Literary Prize named after. S.A. Yesenin’s “O Rus', Flap Your Wings” not only received an award - first he had to introduce himself to the public, telling in a few words about himself, his creative path or by reading your own works. And here we should separately note the “young nominations”: “Russian Hope” (awarded to authors aged 14 to 26 years) and “Debut” (a prize for the first author’s collection of poetry) - Russian literature, the Russian word has a worthy continuation!

The winner in the “Song Word” nomination, soloist of the Moscow Operetta Theater Artyom Makovsky charmed the participants and guests of the evening with his soulful baritone throughout the evening. He performed songs based on poems by S.A. Yesenin “A month above the window”, “The golden grove dissuaded”, “Letter to mother”.

A distinctive feature of the literary Prize “O Rus', Flap Your Wings” is that it unites not only poets and writers, its participants include philologists, publishers, artists, representatives of the theater and film industry - in a word, everyone whose professional activity dedicated to the study and popularization of the work of our great compatriot.

Among the laureates of the International Literary Prize named after. S.A. Yesenin “O Rus', flap your wings” – 2017 included:

The unique literary and publishing artel “Alexey Kazakov and his comrades.” This publishing house not only reprints the works of Sergei Yesenin, among the books they publish you can find rare editions of unique autographs that were not published during the poet’s lifetime, for example, “Russeyan” or a collection of poems for children “Zaryanka”.

Voronezh director documentaries about the life and work of Sergei Yesenin “My dears! Good ones! and “Sergei Yesenin. 1925-2010” Vladimir Parshikov shared his story of meeting the poet, talked about what people and unique historical figures he met in the process of creating films about Yesenin.

A man whom few people know by sight came to congratulate his colleague in the film workshop on winning the Prize, and yet at whose introduction an admiring “Ah!” rang through the hall. – each of us has been familiar with the work of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Nazaruk since childhood, because it was he who was the production designer of the famous “Leopold the Cat”.

In the category “Honor and Dignity” the award was received by Nikolai Aleksandrovich Selivanov, a Russian sculptor, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, the author of the first sculpture of Sergei Yesenin, which he presented as his course work back in the 50s while studying at the Surikov Art Institute. Since then, Nikolai Alexandrovich has created a whole series of portraits and compositions about the poet Sergei Yesenin and his entourage, and to this day he is a devoted admirer of the Ryazan poet. The artist did not come empty-handed - the organizers of the International Literary Prize. S.A. Yesenin “O Rus', flap your wings”, he presented a bronze sculpture of Sergei Yesenin.

Two of the three prize places in the category “With a Seeking Look” (awarded for research and critical works about the life and work of Sergei Yesenin) were taken by representatives of the Republic of Belarus, and each of the diploma winners once again emphasized the enduring significance of Yesenin’s word in Belarusian literature. The winner in this nomination was the director of the Arzamas branch of UNN, Doctor of Philology, Professor Sergei Pyatkin. In his speech, he thanked the Prize Jury and dedicated his victory to his eldest son: “I want my son to understand what I do and be proud of it,” said Sergei Nikolaevich.

And finally the winner in the “Grand Prize” category was announced. This year it became folk poet Republic of Buryatia, Honored Worker of Culture, writer and poet Andrey Rumyantsev.


I was, like everyone else, hungry

I was waiting, like everyone else, for my father.

The chairman gave us

A handful of oats.

From untouchable

Kolkhoz pantry

He spent pre-war

Some kind of reserve.

Not at home, in front of a torch,

And right there, at the porch,

Like seeds, shelled

We are grains of oats.

And, slowly, like guests,

They kept it in their mouth to their heart's content.

And the golden awns

They burned in the wind.

An involuntary sympathizer

Always hungry myself

The chairman stroked us

For coarse hair.

...Now sleepless night

I look at the scattering of stars

And I see again with my own eyes

Flowing oats.

He is in this universe


Like a word of compassion

What a lesson in kindness.

Andrey Rumyantsev

List of diploma recipients and laureates of the International Literary Prize named after. S.A. Yesenin “O Rus', flap your wings” – 2017:

  1. Nomination "Grand Prize"

I Andrey Rumyantsev (Buryatia/Moscow)

II Nomination “Honor and Dignity”

On October 2, 2015, on the eve of the 120th anniversary of the birth of the great national Russian poet Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin, the 10th anniversary award ceremony for diploma recipients and laureates of one one of the most famous and authoritative literary awards of the Russian world - the International Literary Prize named after Sergei Yesenin “O Rus', flap your wings...”.

The Committee and jury of the Prize, which included such honored figures of literature and art as People's Artist of Russia Sergey Nikonenko, Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Presnyakov (senior), laureates of numerous literary awards: laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation, literary critic Lev Anninsky; laureate of the State Prize of Russia, poet Vladimir Kostrov; Doctor of Philology, literary critic Natalya Shubnikova-Guseva, 1st Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia, poet Gennady Ivanov; Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, poet, translator, essayist Victor Kiryushin; Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, poetIgor Vityuk; poet Oleg Stolyarov. The work of the Committee and Jury is headed by a famous Russian poet and philanthropist Dmitry Darin.

Dmitry Darin and Vladimir Presnyakov (senior)

Laureates of the Sergei Yesenin Prize "OH Rus', FLAP YOUR WINGS" the following authors are named:


1st place - Andrey POPOV, Syktyvkar;

Prize Laureate Andrey Popov, Gennady IvanovAndDmitry Darin.

2nd place - Evgeniy YUSHIN, Moscow;
3rd place - Andrey FROLOV, Orel.


1st place - Tatiana SAVCHENKO, Moscow;

Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia Sergei Kotkalo, laureate Tatyana Savchenko, Dmitry Darin.

2nd place - Isakhan ISAKHANLY, Baku, Azerbaijan;
2nd place - Peter RADECHKO, Minsk, Belarus;
3rd place - Maxim SKOROKHODOV, Moscow.


1st place - Magomed AKHMEDOV, Makhachkala, Dagestan;
2nd place - Vladimir NANIEV, Tskhinvali, South Ossetia.


1st place - Mikhail RUDAKOV, Penza;
2nd place - Alexander ANTIPOV, Moscow;
3rd place - Anton ANOSOV, Moscow.


1st place - Group "FEELIN"S"(supervisor Gennady FILIN) with the project " ESENIN JAZZ", Ryazan and Boris SAVOLDELLI, Italy;
Below is Yesenin's hit "Letter to Mother" performed by Group "FEELIN"S" and Boris Savoldelli (Italy)

2nd place - Maria PAROTIKOVA, Moscow.


People's Artist of Russia Boris SHCHERBAKOV, Moscow (solo performance “My dear, good ones”, Moscow Art Theater, 1986 - 2001)

The award was presented to Boris Shcherbakov by his longtime friend, member of the Jury, People's Artist of Russia Sergei Nikonenko.


NOMINATION "HONOR AND DIGNITY" - Svetlana SHETRAKOVA, director of the Moscow State Museum of Sergei Yesenin.



The award ceremony was conducted by the Chairman of the Selection Jury, Co-Chairman of the Prize Committee, poet, novelist and publicist Dmitry DARIN.

Collective photo of the Prize laureates.

After the ceremony, the laureates and guests enjoyed a gala dinner.

More detailed information about the International Literary Prize named after Sergei Yesenin “O Rus', flap your wings...” can be found on the official website of the Prize.

8 Oct 2017

Geography of participants who applied for competition works in 2017 - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, the Baltic countries, Belarus, Poland and Germany.

It is reported that the International Prize named after Sergei Yesenin “O Rus', flap your wings...” was established and held by the Union of Writers of Russia (SPR) and the National Foundation for the Development of Culture, Tourism and Crafts “Osiennaya Rus” (NF “Osiennaya Rus”) since 2005 in the status of All-Russian and since 2010 in the status of International with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, administrative and public organizations of the Russian Federation.

The International Sergei Yesenin Prize has become a traditional landmark event in cultural life, uniting already recognized masters in the field of literature, music and art and just beginning, but already objectively bright debutants - carrying with it a significant ideological orientation: increasing and recognizing interest in Russian culture, historical literature heritage throughout the world, where they write, speak and think in Russian.

The award for “Honor and Dignity” was awarded to the legendary sculptor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Selivanov, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, author of the world-famous series of portraits and compositions about Sergei Yesenin. The winner in the “Song Word” nomination was the soloist of the Moscow Operetta Theater Artem Makovsky, who performed songs based on the poems of the great poet at the evening. Director Vladimir Parshikov (Voronezh) was awarded the prize in the “Cinema” category. Theater. TV". The winner of the Grand Prize this year was Andrey Rumyantsev (Irkutsk). The host of the ceremony and co-chairman of the competition Jury, the famous Moscow poet and publicist Dmitry Darin, separately noted an interesting trend in the Nomination for criticism “With an Inquiring Eye” - second and third places in which this year were earned by participants from Belarus. The 2017 Publishing Prize was awarded to Alexey Leonidovich Kazakov from Chelyabinsk, and the “Debut” was awarded to Evgenia Onegina from Moscow.

Full list of Laureates 2017:


Nikolai Alexandrovich Selivanov


Artem Makovsky

Evgenia Onegina (Moscow)


Vladimir Parshikov (Voronezh)


Alexey Leonidovich Kazakov “Alexey Kazakov and comrades” (Chelyabinsk)


1st place - Andrey Rumyantsev (Irkutsk)

2nd place - Valery Domansky (St. Petersburg)

3rd place - Ekaterina Baranova (Pushkin, Moscow region)


1st place - Natalya Malinina (Yaroslavl)

2nd place - Lyudmila Bantserova (Ryazan)

3rd place - Andrey Medvedev (Zheleznodorzhny)


1st place - Sergey Pyatkin (Arzamas)

2nd place - Nina Kolenchikova (Minsk)

3rd place - Anna Evdokimova (Ryazan)

3rd place - Lyudmila Vorobyova (Minsk)


1st place - Ivan Droshnev (Ryazan)

2nd place - Evgeny Pozdnyakov (Khabarovsk)

3rd place - Alina Seregina (Moscow region)

Members of the JURY 2017: head of the Yesenin group of the Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky RAS Natalya Shubnikova Guseva; People's Artist of Russia actor Sergei Nikonenko; Honored Artist of Russia composer Vladimir Presnyakov Sr.; Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Viktor Kiryushin; Secretary of the Board of the Moscow regional organization of the Union of Writers of Russia, Member of the Board of the Moscow branch of the Russian Creative Union of Cultural Workers Igor Vityuk, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “New Nemiga Literary” Minsk Anatoly Avrutin; Member of the Russian Writers' Union, Doctor of Science, poet, writer, publicist Dmiry Darin.

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» , » Andrey Rumyantsev – winner of the Yesenin Prize

Andrey Rumyantsev – winner of the Yesenin Prize

The National Library of the Republic of Buryatia congratulates the people's poet of Buryatia Andrei Grigorievich Rumyantsev on winning the “Big Prize” nomination of the Sergei Yesenin International Literary Prize for a collection of poems « Time calls for Kindness" .

The International Literary Prize named after Sergei Yesenin was established by the Union of Writers of Russia and the National Foundation for the Development of Culture, Tourism and Crafts “OSIYANNAYA Rus'”; has been held since 2005 (until 2010 with All-Russian status).

Andrey Rumyantsev is the People's Poet of Buryatia, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia and Buryatia, the author of about 30 poetry and prose collections published in Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk, and Moscow. The poet’s brilliant skill was manifested in the release of books of poetry and prose “Russian Star” (1996), “Facing the Light” (2003) and memories of A. Vampilov (1993), published in Irkutsk. In 1985, a book of sketches about the poets of Buryatia, “Singers of the Native Land,” was published in Ulan-Ude. In 2008-2009 A collection of works by A. Rumyantsev was published in Irkutsk in 5 volumes, including numerous essays. In the series "Life" wonderful people"The books "Vampilov" (2015), "Valentin Rasputin (2016) were published. Published in France, Estonia, Mongolia and other countries, many poems have been translated into the Buryat language. A. Rumyantsev is a recognized translator of works by Buryat, Mongolian, Tajik, Chechen, Armenian, and Tuvan authors.

The works included in the book “Time Calls for Kindness” (2016) touch on the main aspects of our earthly existence. What is for each of us the Motherland and service to it, love and compassion, beauty and poetry that inspire life? The truthful and wise lyrics of the famous Russian poet will raise many innermost feelings in the reader’s soul.