Technologies used in Russian language lessons. The topic is “Advanced learning”. Works of Russian scientists on the methodology of advanced education The principle of advanced learning


UDC 372.016:53+37.0

Tsaturyan Armen Mishaevich

^ndidat pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute named after O. Tumanyan, professor Russian Academy natural sciences (rAE), director of a special school with in-depth education in mathematics and natural disciplines, [email protected], Vanadzor, Armenia

advanced learning as one of the principles of IMPLEMENTATION of generalizing REPETITION AND CONTINUOUS

education in physics

annotation. The article is devoted to a brief overview of the organization of advanced training and the definition of its role in physics education. Specific examples show how learning with advanced elements can be a prerequisite for continuous physical education and general repetition. Several ways of advanced introduction of the studied material have been identified, in particular, advance in general theories, laws, general methodological principles physics, on individual physical quantities and concepts, on mathematical methods of calculation, on preparing solutions to problems on the topic being studied, implicit advance. The role of advanced learning for the development and implementation of integrated learning and the development of systemic thinking in students is shown.

Key words: advanced learning, lifelong education, generalization repetition.

Tsaturyan Armen Mishaevich

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent of Teacher" Training Institute of Vanadzor after Hovhannes Tumanyan, principle of special school of thorough teaching of mathematics and natural sciences, [email protected], Vanadzor, Armenia


Abstract. The article is devoted to the short review of the organization of advanced training and definition of its role in physical education. On concrete examples it is shown how training with elements of an advancing can appear as the precondition for continuous physical education and generalizing repetition. Some ways of advancing introduction of a studied material, in particular, an advancing according to the general theories, laws, the general methodological principles of physics, on separate physical quantities and concepts, on mathematical methods of calculation, on preparation of the solution of tasks of a studied subject, an implicit advancing are allocated. The role of advanced training for development and deployment of the integrated training and formation in the pupils" system-defined thinking is shown.

Keywords: advanced learning, lifelong education, concise repetition.

Finding ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching in any specific discipline is not limited to adjusting its content component. Along with this, there are other reserves for the pedagogical and psychological effect of training. Among them is the so-called “advanced learning,” which is not clearly defined in the works of specific teachers or encyclopedias. Despite this, the concept of “advanced learning” has long been firmly established

entered into pedagogical terminology. It is filled with different content depending on how exactly you organize your training.

One of the first in her works to put forward the need for advance in teaching schoolchildren was S. N. Lysenkova. According to the theory of S. N. Lysenkova, the foundations of advanced learning are, on the one hand, commented control, as an opportunity to establish feedback

teacher-student, saving time in the lesson, nurturing independence, attention, ability to concentrate, on the other hand - supports and support schemes that allow each student to be involved in active activities in all lessons, to bring ideas on the topic under study to the formation of concepts and stable skills.

Teachers who are able to see the perspective and final result of learning, to reduce the objective difficulty of some issues in the program, small fragments new topic are introduced into the learning process proactively. Methodology of teacher-innovator S.N. Lysenkova is called prospective-anticipatory learning. In this context, it seems to us that advanced learning creates the prerequisites for the implementation of intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections in the study of subsequent topics.

In the methodology of teaching physics, advanced learning also finds its place and is considered as a result of appropriately organized training. The linear-step organization of a physics course, which involves repeated returns to the same concepts from class to class, determines the advisability of propaedeutic familiarization with the basics of some sections, the systematic study of which will be in the future. Each school discipline has its own characteristics of the implementation of advanced learning, but with all their diversity, the content component is the general ideas, concepts, connections, characteristics, theories, and principles of a particular discipline. Despite this, in some cases the content of this material goes beyond the boundaries of this discipline and is interdisciplinary in nature. A typical example This is the concept of speed. Depending on age characteristics students have a need for at different levels teaching physics, present the concept of speed not only in a narrow sense, but also in a broad one, since in various sections of physics and other disciplines (chemistry, mathematics, biology, etc.) students often encounter this concept. If in kinematics the speed of movement characterizes the change in movement over time, then in a broad sense we can talk about the speed of any changing

a quantity over time, which is defined as the ratio of the change in this quantity to time. It is advisable to give illustrative examples: changes in the height of a tree or plant over time, changes in the temperature of water when heated, etc. This approach to teaching movement speed, as experience shows, turns out to be very useful for studying many concepts, quantities and characteristics in the future.

schem, such as current strength

I = -- I, angular





induction force

E =---I, etc. From other

. "Huh?) On the other hand, the consistent development of the concept of speed creates a good prerequisite for the introduction of the concept of derivative in mathematics. From the point of view of continuous physical education, the introduction of the concept of speed in a broad sense allows not only to introduce other characteristics that change over time in the future, but also makes it easier to learn the concept of a gradient, that is, a change in scalar characteristics not in time, but in other parameters, for example, in a certain direction. For example, in the formula for the tension vector. electric field is written differential equation: E = -gradф, where the electric field potential changes in the directions (E = ) + y + dF. k ^ ^ 1,dg du d

When studying relativity mechanical movement Using specific examples, students are convinced that such kinematic parameters as motion trajectory, path, coordinate, displacement, speed can be changed when moving from one reference system to another. Since in the future they will encounter relative quantities, such as the potential energy of interaction of bodies, electric field potential, relative refractive index, relative molecular weight, relative humidity, etc.,

then it is advisable to present the idea of ​​relativity in a broad sense, while noting that all quantities that depend on the choice of the reference system in which they change are called relative.

In a school physics course, there are many concepts and quantities that students encounter in different sections. To achieve an anticipatory effect in learning, it is very useful initially, at the first acquaintance with concepts and quantities, along with their specific manifestations, to present them in a broad sense.

Such concepts and quantities are, for example: physical work, power, efficiency (efficiency), energy, impulse, current-voltage characteristics of electrical circuits, reversibility and irreversibility of phenomena and processes, stable and unstable equilibria of systems, superposition of characteristics of movements and fields and etc. Along with this, there are also methodological issues that determine how to approach solving various problems. For example, the ability to conduct physical and mathematical modeling physical bodies, phenomena and processes, determining the limits of applicability of these models, the ability to evaluate discarded quantities, etc. Physics acts as a single harmonious science if it is based on a system of methodological principles. Through a system of methodological principles that define certain requirements to theoretical knowledge, both the genesis of the theory and the criteria for selection among competing concepts are realized. As work experience shows, already in high school it is possible to build education on the basis of the consistent use of general methodological principles of physics, such as relativity, symmetry, tolerance, superposition, etc. It is the ability to master such qualitative methods that characterizes highest level understanding, in which it is possible to find answers to questions regarding those phenomena and processes for which we do not know the specific laws describing them [Ibid. P. 11].

In the work [Ibid], using the example of specific problems, the fundamental possibilities of teaching in a school physics course using qualitative methods are shown.

following physical phenomena and processes, including general methodological principles of physics. Learning to correctly apply the general methodological principles of physics is not so easy. This requires careful work by the teacher, since it is impossible to understand the essence of these principles with one or two examples.

Advancement in learning can be achieved not only within the framework of the program material of a particular discipline, but also in the teaching methodology, where the emphasis is not on considering content elements, but on ways to implement didactic tasks. An example of such an implicitly existing advance is the preparation of students to learn how to solve problems when studying theoretical material.

Preparing students to solve problems even while studying theoretical material can have a large anticipatory effect. In many cases, students find it difficult to apply their theoretical knowledge when solving problems, despite the fact that they reproduce the corresponding theoretical material. To eliminate such difficulties, as work experience shows, it is very useful when studying theoretical material to prepare students to solve problems on the relevant topic. In practice, this means using specific examples to show students the place and methods of applying the theoretical material being studied (law, theorem, principle, formula, etc.) in the problems encountered. In the work, analyzing modern methodological approaches to teaching solving physical problems, it is shown that the productivity of teaching solving physical problems in secondary school can be increased if it is considered in the context of teaching theoretical material. With this approach, the practical orientation of training is further enhanced.

Let us consider the role of advanced learning in the education system from the point of view of its functional significance.

The material within which advanced learning is carried out naturally has a wide range and application in nature. This means that this material can be a prerequisite for organizing continuous education and conducting general repetition, so

how both are based on fundamental ideas and concepts of physics. For example, in different sections of physics, students study particular manifestations of the law of conservation and transformation of energy (law of conservation mechanical energy, the first law of thermodynamics, Einstein’s formula for the photoelectric effect, etc.), and when studying each it is necessary to emphasize the fact that they are special cases of one of the fundamental laws of nature, which is suitable at all levels of physical education, is a reliable basis for any considered phenomena and processes and material for generalization repetition. It can be argued that advanced teaching in physics is a prerequisite for continuous physical education and generalizing repetition, and the effectiveness of the latter depends on its organization, since in essence it is the foundation on which developmental learning is based, and fundamentally has elements of meaningful generalization.

Systematic and effectively organized advanced learning may be a prerequisite for continuous physical education, since the principle of advanced learning allows the teacher to create a “bridge” between topics in advance in such a way as to, in the process of studying the previous topic and in the future, capture the “springhead” of the subsequent topic. Such generalized ideas that are suitable for any level of learning are the fundamental laws of physics, general methodological principles of physics, as well as various general ideas and concepts such as force, field, homogeneity, density, etc. In the educational process, such advance makes it possible for subject teachers to present their subject as a real problem, provides ample opportunities for the development and implementation of integrated learning and, most importantly, develops in students systems thinking. The works show that it is on the basis of integrated ideas that it is necessary to organize a general repetition of the physics course. And the importance of repetition as an educational and generalizing model of science is increasing in the educational policy of some countries, in particular in Armenia, where

the entire second half of the 12th grade is provided for repeating final examination disciplines. Not currently developed educational and methodological systems organizing generalized repetition in individual disciplines. The first steps on this path were taken only in physics. In this training manual on organizing repetition school course physics repetition is considered as a generalizing model of physics teaching. In it, the school physics course is presented with core ideas and concepts. At the same time, a special place in repetition is occupied by the application of students’ knowledge in the form of solving test exercises and problems.

When teaching physics, the material for getting ahead can be not only physical considerations, but also mathematical ones, since in many cases certain universal mathematical methods of calculation are actually mathematical models the phenomena under consideration. The universal mathematical apparatus is especially suitable for getting ahead. In the process of teaching physics, universality mathematical apparatus is of great importance, as it makes it possible to consider the physical situation as a whole, to implement a general approach to explanation and to justify the unity physical laws. In many existing textbooks on physics, meanwhile, mathematical formulas and explanations are often given without due regard to the universality of the mathematical apparatus. The universal mathematical form of all the laws of mechanics, with the exception of the law of conservation of energy, is the vector form of the equations expressing these laws. It is precisely this type of mechanics equations, as well as the constant reliance on geometric properties space and time, characteristic of educational and methodological manuals, written in line modern trends teaching physics. However, this approach is not implemented in all existing textbooks and teaching aids. In the textbook, mechanics is presented on a vector basis and the connection with this textbook is separated by the paragraph “Action with vectors” [Ibid. P. 21], which outlines the main actions associated with vector quantities (combination, sum, projection, scalar

and vector derivative of vectors, etc.) Essentially, within the framework of the textbook, advanced training was carried out, which, as experience shows, is completely justified.

Let us note another mathematical calculation method, which is widely used in teaching physics and has a universal character. When studying rectilinear uniform motion, when constructing a graph u = u(t), pay attention to the fact that the resulting rectangle located under the graph is numerically equal to the path of motion of the body. This confirmation then extends to the nature of any movement. In the future, students are often faced with the calculation of various physical quantities, which are defined as the derivative of two other interrelated quantities. It is known that then the calculation of the value of this physical characteristics leads to the application of the integral. For example: body impulse p = I F(t)dt, work F = I F(s)dS, charge q = J Idt, etc. In such cases, you can use the universal method that we used when calculating the path of movement. Then the integral that needs to be calculated numerically equal to area the figure that is located under the graph that determines, respectively, the dependence F(t), F(S), I(t). Therefore, in order to get ahead in the future, it is advisable, at the first opportunity, to familiarize students with the above-mentioned mathematical method of calculating quantities.

There are several ways to advance the introduction of the material being studied.

1. Advancement in general theories, laws, general methodological principles of physics, laws and fundamental ideas of physics.

2. Advancement in individual physical quantities and concepts.

3. Advancement in mathematical calculation methods.

4. Implicit (implicit) advance, embedded not in the program, but in the teaching methodology.

5. Advance in preparing solutions to problems on the topic being studied.

Essentially, advanced learning is a conscious, controlled, purposeful process of mental activity, which is carried out with the aim of developing students’ mental activity and development skills.

twists of imagination, which are performed using specially developed algorithms. It is a universal learning approach in the education system. Anticipatory learning provides ample opportunities for the development and implementation of integrated learning and, most importantly, develops systems thinking in students.

So, advanced teaching of physics not only solves important didactic issues, but also acts as one of the principles for the implementation of generalized repetition and continuous education in physics.


1. Butikov E. I, Kondratyev A. S. Physics. - Book 1: Mechanics. - M.: FIZMATLIT, 2004. - 352 P.

2. Kazaryan E.M., Kirakosyan A., Melikyan G. et al. Physics-10: a textbook for general and natural-mathematical streams of the 10th grade of high school. - Yerevan: Edith Print, 2010. - 272 p.

3. Kondratiev A. S., Priyatkin N. A. Modern technologies teaching physics: training manual. SPb.: Publishing house St. Petersburg. University, 2006. - 342 p.

4. Lysenkova S.N. When it’s easy to learn // Pedagogical search. - 3rd ed. M.: Pedagogy, 1989. - pp. 59-100.

5. Lysenkova S. N. Using the method of advanced teaching: a book for teachers: from work experience / S. N. Lysenkova. - M.: Education, 1988. - 192 p.

6. Tsaturyan A. M. Repetition of the physics course as a generalizing model of teaching physics. News of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen. Methods of teaching natural science disciplines. - SPb.: RGPU im. Herzen, 2011, - No. 141. - P. 141-148.

7. Tsaturyan A. M. Improving the quality of knowledge by strengthening the methodological focus when repeating a physics course in secondary school // Siberian Pedagogical Journal. Scientific periodical. - Novosibirsk: 2011, - No. 7. - P. 172-180.

8. Tsaturyan A. M. Application of students’ mathematical knowledge in solving physical problems in the process of final repetition of educational material // Siberian Pedagogical Journal. Scientific periodical. - Novosibirsk: 2012, - No. 3 - P. 231-236.

9. Tsaturyan A. M., Tumanyan M. G. Ways to increase the effectiveness of teaching solving physical problems in secondary school. Materials of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute. - Yerevan: Law, 2009. - pp. 51-55.

10. Tsaturyan A. M. Physics-12. Educational and methodological manual on organizing a repetition of the school physics course (for students of the 12th grade of high school with in-depth education in natural science and mathematics and the general stream). -Vanadzor: SIM, 2012. - 194 p.

Anticipatory learning is a type of learning in which brief basics of a topic are given by the teacher before the study of it begins in the program. Brief Basics They can be given as abstracts when considering related topics, or they can be unobtrusive mentions, examples, associations. It is assumed that anticipatory learning is effective when learning topics that are difficult to understand. Advanced learning implies the development of students' thinking ahead of their age capabilities.

The method of promising advanced learning was first developed by a teacher primary classes, which discovered a remarkable phenomenon: in order to reduce the objective difficulty of some questions in the program, it is necessary to anticipate their introduction into educational process. A difficult topic begins not at the given hours, but much earlier.

“Assimilation of material occurs in three stages:

preliminary introduction of the first (small) portions of future knowledge,

clarification of new concepts, their generalization, application and

development of fluency of mental techniques and educational actions.”

Such dispersed assimilation of educational material ensures the transfer of knowledge into long-term memory.

“Advanced learning of the most important topics, working for the future - this is not only deep knowledge, but also a reserve of time.”

We find this technique very interesting, since it allows us to save time on explaining new material and pay more attention to practical consolidation. This is especially true in teaching the Russian language. The faster a student masters the entire language system and practically consolidates this knowledge, the sooner he will learn to write correctly. In addition, prospective preparation allows you to avoid mistakes, since it is impossible to select a text that contains only studied spellings.

A clear definition is not given in the works of specific teachers or encyclopedias. Nevertheless, the works provide incomplete definitions and describe special cases of the application of advanced learning in practice.

In the theory of learning, the author comes almost close to the definition of “advanced learning.” According to his theory, the entire effective organization of training is aimed at activating and developing the student’s mental activity, developing the ability to independently acquire knowledge in collaboration with other students, that is, self-development. But it does not provide a clear definition of “advanced learning”.

Another attempt to formulate a definition should be considered the work that was one of the first to put forward the need for advance in teaching schoolchildren. The basics of advanced learning according to the theory are:

Commented control as an opportunity to establish teacher-student feedback, save time in the lesson, foster independence, attention, and the ability to concentrate.

Supports: large supports - diagrams, small supports - cards. The diagram is the support of the student’s thoughts, the support of his practical activity, the connecting link between the teacher and the student. Supporting diagrams are conclusions drawn up in the form of a drawing, drawing, which are born at the moment of explanation. They allow each student to be actively involved in all lessons; bring ideas on the topic being studied to the formation of concepts and stable skills.

Domestic psychology and pedagogy proceed from the formulated position about the leading role of learning in relation to development: development occurs on the basis of mastering knowledge, methods of activity, and the entry of the individual into the context of culture. According to the teaching, learning, based on the achieved level of development, should be ahead of it, stimulate it, lead it, therefore the process of mastering knowledge must be organized in such a way as to introduce new elements, form new relationships, thereby ensuring development. Education that comes ahead of development is focused on the development of the child as the main goal.

The founder of this idea was an innovative teacher. Her technique is called prospective-anticipatory learning. The phenomenon of such training, however, is as follows: dispersed assimilation of the most complex educational material, introduced ahead of the program, ensures its conscious perception, lasting memorization and accelerated formation of the skill of practical action. The teacher, ahead of the program, does not experience a lack of time, and in some cases even receives an excess of it, allowing him to work longer and more comprehensively with each topic. Thus, “getting ahead is not a mindless race by compressing children’s time at the cost of lagging behind the weak, but the result of a well-thought-out, highly organized learning process.” The practical implementation of advanced learning belongs to primary school teachers and scientists, etc. In experiments under supervision (bringing learning to primary school in accordance with the optimal level of development junior schoolchildren) and (the use of all resources of the educational process for the development of younger schoolchildren) the fact of the accelerated development of the modern child was proven, on the basis of which the experimenters came to the conclusion that it was necessary to change the content and methods of teaching. Based on the experiments conducted, the theoretical and practical foundations of advanced learning were laid. In the methodology of teaching the Russian language, advanced learning also finds its place and is considered as a result of appropriately organized training. Preface own understanding the term “advanced learning”, it must be said that advance in teaching the Russian language is not always obvious. Sometimes it can be implicit, hidden, since it is embedded not in the program, but in the teaching methodology. So, for example, in elementary school They are taught to put questions to verbs: “What should I do?” and “what to do?”, preparing students for the perception of difficult material in the 6th grade - types of verbs. The specifics of the subject “Russian language” and the linear-step organization of the course, which involves repeated returns to the same concepts from class to class, determine the advisability of propaedeutic familiarization with the basics of some sections, the systematic study of which will be in the future. Propaedeutic is a preparatory, introductory course, presented in a concise and elementary form, preceding a more in-depth study of a given discipline. Thus, in the 5th grade, a section “Syntax and Punctuation” was introduced, giving students the opportunity to gain the knowledge necessary for a more complete understanding of the morphology course and for the development of students’ speech. The linear-step construction of the Russian language course allows you to lengthen the time spent studying individual issues of syntax. Enriched with ever new differential features, syntactic concepts are gradually revealed, and skills are improved and developed by expanding the indicative basis of actions. However, due to such dispersed assimilation, syntactic knowledge acquires a systemic quality slowly and gradually, and skills do not have time to be fully formed before the end of the school period, as evidenced by the annual results of school graduation and university graduations. entrance exams. In our opinion, advanced learning of syntax should contribute to the resolution of this contradiction. For the first time, a deep justification for the need for preliminary acquaintance with certain issues of syntax and punctuation was given then. I made a more consistent attempt to find out what should be guided by when selecting material for preliminary training, how and when to introduce advanced information on syntax. Following these scientists, two provisions are usually put forward as a criterion for selecting information for preliminary reports: 1) when this is caused by practical necessity (knowledge of punctuation rules expands the range of constructions in which students can independently place punctuation marks; familiarity with new syntactic constructions allows more free and express your thoughts accurately); 2) when the expansion of syntactic information contributes to “a more conscious assimilation of morphological categories, the perception of language phenomena in their natural unity.”

Classical didactics is focused on learning from the known to the unknown: go forward, so to speak, while looking back. The new didactics, without denying the path of movement from the known to the unknown, at the same time substantiates the principle of cross-activity of the teacher, on the line of which there are anticipatory tasks, anticipatory observations and anticipatory experiments as varieties of anticipatory tasks set out with elements of anticipatory action. The above together is called advance; it contributes effective preparation students to perceive new material, activates them cognitive activity, increases learning motivation, and performs other pedagogical functions.

The idea of ​​advance, which formed the basis of S. Lysenkova’s training, was called genius by S. Soloveichik. In contrast to the two-line logical structure of a lesson, characteristic of large-block teaching, advanced technology has a three-line structure. A lesson built on an anticipatory basis includes both studied and completed material, as well as future material. A new system of concepts is emerging in didactics that reveals the essence of advance: the frequency of advance, the length or range of advance (near advance - within the lesson, average - within the lesson system, far - within training course, interdisciplinary advances).

The principle of pedagogical optimism (anticipation)

The law of social pedagogy: the more trust and respect for the child, the more demanding and trusting in him, gives rise to the principle of pedagogical optimism, which is one of essential principles socialization, which is associated with the discovery and development of the child’s strengths and positive sides, and sometimes their reorientation (volitional, risk-taking, etc.) towards personal and socially oriented development. The principle of pedagogical optimism basically involves relying on the positive in the child. Experts note that a person has an immanent motivation for improvement: even the most difficult children have a desire for moral self-improvement. However, it is easy to extinguish if you address them with shouts, reproaches and lectures. And vice versa, this desire can be strengthened if you notice and encourage the teenager’s initiative and impulses to destroy his usual forms of behavior.

The history of the development and formation of this principle dates back to ancient times. It is associated with the names of Confucius, Plato, Vittorino da Feltre and others. The pedagogical development was given to it by J. Comenius in the “Great Didactics”, proclaiming: “Teach everyone and everything.” Pedagogical optimism is expressed in the fact that all children are capable of learning and education, except for those from whom “God has taken away their minds.” A. Makarenko significantly developed this principle, raised it to a qualitatively different height, formalized its structure, introducing new content. His great merit is that he superbly demonstrated its beneficial effect on a fundamentally different population - orphans, minors and juvenile delinquents.

S. Shatsky also categorically did not accept the “Lombrosian ideology”. He was sure that all children, both rich and poor parents, did not have a criminal predisposition. They are all capable of learning and education. “And I think,” he wrote, “that everything valuable in a person - this reservoir of values ​​​​in a child - will always remain in him; It’s only due to one or another external reason that it’s overgrown with bark, and we feel disgust because we’re overgrown ourselves.” What they grow into depends largely on their environment and upbringing: “The same dregs of society, whom we look at with such disgust, fear or regret, were children like everyone else.” And the teacher “puts the finishing touches” on us: “Every day we pass by all sorts of people, and many of them could be a hundred times better, more talented and more useful than us if they were in our place, and we are the worst if we were in the same place.” their..." .

Thus, our innovative teachers affirmed in theory and in practice the principle accepting the child as he is, long before its theoretical formulation by foreign teachers and psychologists. And this is another example of how, due to ignorance of our own history of pedagogy, we find ourselves in some kind of flawed and even dependent position, instead of being proud of the achievements of our outstanding domestic innovative teachers.

A. Makarenko introduced a new term - “personality design”. The good in a person “must always be projected,” he wrote, and the teacher is obliged to do this. He must approach a person with an optimistic hypothesis, even with some risk of being wrong.” The problem of education and “personality design” is the problem of a harmonious combination of the general and the individual in pedagogical work. He reduced this question to an algorithm: there must be a general “standard” program and an individual adjustment to it. “General standard” - the student must be brave, courageous, honest, hardworking, and a patriot. At the same time, A. Makarenko warned that the program should not be the same for everyone: it is impossible to “drive every individual into a single program, into a standard and achieve this standard.”

With this, he formulated an innovative methodological position in the development of educational goals. We should consider the student’s “personality design” as ideal option implementation of the principle of openness, cooperation and anticipation for the socio-pedagogical system. The teacher constantly paid special attention to the obligatory dissimilarity of the final result: we “must always remember, no matter how whole a person may appear to us in a broad generalization, he still cannot be considered a completely monotonous phenomenon.” Speaking about the mass character of education, A. Makarenko warned: “General and individual personality traits in individual living phenomena form endlessly intricate knots, and therefore personality design becomes an extremely difficult matter and requires caution.” He saw the main danger in the fact that “...we will always have attempts to cut everyone off with one number, to squeeze a person into a standard template, to educate a narrow series of human types - this seems to be an easier matter than differentiated education.”

This formulation by an innovative teacher of the problem of the relationship between the collective and the individual in the educational process largely dismisses the accusations of Makarenkov’s pedagogy in the education of a “cog”, the formation of a conformist worldview, etc. In this formulation of the problem, one sees a special humanism and democratism in A. Makarenko’s pedagogical worldview: in this version of education, the possibility of a child’s personal tragedy arising as a result of a split personality, the acquisition of double morality, etc. is excluded. At the same time, the accusation that his pedagogy is “barracks-like” is also rejected, since the pupil (and only he) alone is given the final right to decide what to do, what to choose.

His pedagogical logic is pragmatic and life-oriented: children are raised people of tomorrow and therefore their qualities must be formed taking into account future living conditions and the problems that they will have to solve, therefore teachers are obliged to design the qualities of their students in perspective of the requirements of the future society.

The principle of relying on the positive in the child and his subjective experience inevitably raises the question of the need to study the child. He must be considered as a person with existing psychophysiological capabilities given to him by nature, with his inherent worldview; with your own interests, life values and aspirations, personal needs that he wants to realize. All this must be identified and directed into a socially and personally significant direction of his development in order to ensure the dynamics of this process based on the child’s initial data. By identifying the positive in a student and relying on it, relying on trust, the teacher, as it were, anticipates (designs) the process of elevating him as an individual. If a student masters new forms of behavior and activity, achieves tangible success in working on himself, experiences joy, inner satisfaction, his self-confidence and desire for further growth and self-improvement are strengthened.

The principle of pedagogical optimism, as it were, loops the system of principles of social pedagogy, since it is inextricably linked with all its other principles. Humanism and pedagogical optimism must be a holistic phenomenon - mutual, not one-sided, but equivalent (of equal value) for everyone: children cannot be happy if this is achieved by trampling human dignity teachers (parents, adults) and vice versa. It is impossible to allow “our nerves to be a pedagogical instrument, we cannot allow that we can raise children with the help of our heartache, the torment of our soul. After all, we are people,” exclaimed

A. Makarenko. If children are happy, and teachers (and adults) suffer and suffer, then this is perverted humanism.

Humanism in pedagogy (and not only in it) “does not come apart” in parts and cannot be relative or reduced - partial or one-sided, socially privileged. Humanism has no nationality, it is international: it has no race or “party affiliation.” In a certain sense, it is apolitical, since it has a protective (immune) system, which is based on the altruistic nature of man. Humanism is not defined by any particular religious denomination, etc., since it grows from the essence of human nature. This position constitutes the cornerstone of innovative pedagogy, combining its main elements, giving it integrity.

ArtyukhinaAlexandra IvanovDoctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Volgograd State Medical University,

Volgograd [email protected] Chumakov Vyacheslav Igorevich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher, Volgograd State Medical University,

Volgograd [email protected]

Advanced training in mastering new educational technologies teachers high school

Awakening interest and igniting enthusiasm

This is the surefire way to learn easily and successfully.

Tryon Edwards

The article discusses the features of organizing advanced psychological and pedagogical qualifications in medical school, the need of higher education teachers for advanced training is considered and the practical experience of using advanced training in the development of new educational technologies by teachers of the Volgograd State Medical University is analyzed.

Key words: advanced training, educational technologies, advanced training, competency-based approach, medical university teachers.

The modernization of domestic education has affected all its levels, including higher vocational schools, which implies the process of changing the educational paradigm, content and teaching methods in accordance with the requirements of modern times, the introduction of innovations, and the transition to more advanced conditions for training competitive graduates. The goals of modernization of higher vocational schools in Russia are briefly can be characterized as the implementation of a competency-based graduate model and the innovative development of the university. The Higher Professional School of Russia provides training for bachelors, specialists, and masters in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education vocational education III generation for all specialties, and for some

work according to the andragogical model. There are also departments whose teachers combine work with students,

graduate students and clinical residents, switching from one model to another depending on the student population. Another feature is the lack state standard©University teacherªin contrast to secondary education, where the ©Teacher Standardª is adopted. The teacher’s readiness to teach students is formally assessed during certification as compliance of qualifications with job requirements. If a competency-based approach is implemented in teaching students, it is logical to upgrade the pedagogical qualifications of university teachers in the same vein, but there is still no common idea about the essence and composition of the professional pedagogical competencies of teachers being improved in teaching. According to the Innovative Development Program of the Volgograd State Medical University, a transition to level professional pedagogical training has been made in the course of pedagogy and educational technologies at the Department of Social Work teachers during advanced teaching qualifications. In the initial cycle for teachers with less than 5 years of experience

©Psychological-pedagogical foundations of higher professional educationª, 144 hours cycle for teachers, associate professors and assistants with more than 5 years of experience ©Psychological-pedagogical and organizational-methodological aspects of the educational processª, 108 hours. Lectures and practical classes are provided. The peculiarities of the composition of the disciplines being trained and taught by them are taken into account; for this purpose, classes with teachers from clinical and non-clinical departments are held in separate groups. Improving the pedagogical qualifications of professors and heads of departments

©Psychological, pedagogical and organizational and methodological aspects of educational process managementª, 72 hours, takes place in the form round tables. Classes with teachers on the cycle are based on a well-known algorithm: identifying the educational needs of students, immersion in professional situations, the use of interactive teaching methods, reflection teaching experience, the opportunity to “get to know yourself” (the use of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and self-diagnosis, only by knowing yourself can you understand what should be improved), updating learning results and constant feedback via email, performing final certification work, report from students in video format.

Practical orientation of classes with students, that is, ensuring the connection of fundamental theoretical knowledge with the experience of their application in professional activities involves teachers mastering new educational technologies. There are two known ways to develop skills. Traditional, first theoretical knowledge on a specific subject received from a teacher, and then, on their basis, the formation of skills and experience in application in a professional context. Interactive learning is based on a different logic, first the formation of new experience, its application, and then theoretical understanding. It is known that the choice of learning technologies in the professional education system depends on a number of characteristics of the educational process, including the potential possibilities of organizational forms of educational activity in terms of mastering with their help certain professional skills included in the qualification characteristics. Teachers of a medical university must be fluent in interactive technologies, therefore, all classes to improve the psychological and pedagogical qualifications of students are conducted interactively. The advanced learning used in this case makes it possible to increase interest in the new educational technology being mastered. Let us explain why we considered it necessary to emphasize the use of advanced learning in the development of modern pedagogical technologies by university teachers.

First, let's define the definitions. In scientific pedagogical literature The terms “advanced learning” and “advanced education” are used. The ideas of advanced learning are based on what was developed and proven by L.S. Vygotsky

the doctrine of two levels of intellectual development and the position that intellectual development occurs in educational activities, and not by itself. In essence, we are talking about the understanding of advanced learning as learning that advances development. Such ideas have found application before everything, in school education.Advanced teaching of students at school is a brief, superficial acquaintance of students with individual elements of educational content, which fragmentarily precedes a detailed study of the material in the future. It is believed that advanced learning, on the one hand, is that it is ahead of the age capabilities of schoolchildren, and on the other hand, it allows you to build interdisciplinary connections through unobtrusive mentions, examples, associations on material of mixed topics, which is especially important when studying topics that are difficult to perceive. In the idea of ​​advanced learning according to the theory of L.S. Vygotsky substantiates that it contributes to the development of students’ thinking, their independent acquisition of knowledge in collaboration with teaching adults. In a higher professional school, advanced learning will be focused primarily on the thesis about the development of thinking, and not on the age capabilities of students, which in this situation fade into the background. Anticipatory learning in the context of stimulating the development of thinking, as we indicated earlier, is used in the study of theoretical and clinical disciplines at a medical university.

In higher education pedagogy, the term “advanced education” is more often used. This term is characterized by ambiguity. It is customary to designate:  training of specialists necessary to meet the future needs of society;  in response to changing requirements for a professional, the positive dynamics of personal and professional development of a specialist;  retraining of employees, namely their mastering of new professions in demand in the labor market, carried out before the planned reduction of workers.

We are close to S.N.’s understanding of advanced education. Sporykhina, who in her dissertation research also includes the level of development of the professional’s personality in the meaning of the term. The point is that meeting the challenges of our time, constant changes in requirements while improving technology and organization is possible only if the individual has a developed motivation to learn new things, a creative attitude, and critical thinking is combined with innovation, with a high general and professional culture. While advanced training of doctors who improve their professional qualifications in a course of clinical pharmacology, actually implies advanced education, since it expands the professional horizons of students, provides them with modern tools for clinical practice that have not yet been included in the program framework, then improving pedagogical qualifications, including the development of new educational technologies by university teachers, is precisely advanced training .

Considering any pedagogical technology as a learning management process that consistently implements goal setting, choice of means, methods,

their application and guaranteed results, we must take into account that its mastery by teachers always begins with interest, with the desire to master it. But advanced training in the process of advanced training also contributes to increasing the situational readiness of teachers and doctors. We believe that the development of situational readiness is important not only among university students, but also among teachers. The effectiveness of using advanced training in improving psychological and pedagogical qualifications by teachers of the Volgograd State Medical University was tested experimentally. The total sample consisted of 175 people improving their pedagogical qualifications in the cycle © Psychological, pedagogical and organizational and methodological aspects of educational processª, including 85 students who made up the control group (2013-2014 academic year), and 90 students were experimental (2014-2015 academic year). For experimental testing, Webquest technology was chosen as an educational technology to be studied by teachers when improving their teaching qualifications. Training in the control group of students was conducted traditionally: at the lecture they talked about the theoretical foundations and significance of webquest technology, showed the structure of webquests and approaches to its methodological assessment, in a practical lesson they discussed the use of webquest technology in the educational process, advantages, disadvantages, and compiled webquests in their discipline. In the experimental group of students, at the beginning of the cycle, at the first lecture on the competency-based approach in higher education, they spent a few minutes and updated the problem of searching for information on the Internet. After all, there are two extremes. On the one hand, students, when asked where you got such wild information, answer “it was written on the Internet” and the teacher has to remind them that there are also inscriptions on the fence, but they do not reflect scientific picture peace. On the other hand, some teachers give students the task of searching for something on a topic on the Internet and then when students provide data from Wikipedia or information obtained on pseudo-scientific forums. show displeasure. Next, listeners were shown an Internet source that presented webquests used in medical education, using the example of one of them, they examined the structure of webquests and suggested developing a webquest in the taught discipline for a practical lesson. Thus, the time for theoretical discussion of webquest technology in the experimental group was reduced to a minimum compared to the control group. During the practical lesson, we compared the webquests developed by the students, which introduced an element of competition into the learning process, and discussed the strengths and weaknesses of both specific webquests and the technology itself.

Each teacher in the control and experimental groups developed a webquest. However, from the list of topics recommended for completing the final certification work, not a single teacher from the control group chose a topic dedicated to webquest technology. Among the teachers of the experimental group, 21 people (23.3%) completed the final certification work on webquest technology, and not only developed webquests based on the material of the module of the discipline being studied, but also distributed which of the webquests are completed by students in class and which as extracurricular activities independent work, identified topics on which students can develop webquests as a creative task. It is significant that among the teachers performing final certification work using webquest technology, one third turned out to be students training doctors at the Faculty of Advanced Medical Studies. In their opinion, webquest technology fits well into the andragogical training model. Interviews with students of the control and experimental groups showed that with traditional training this technology The webquest was considered by listeners along with others and did not arouse much interest. The teachers of the experimental group noted that the very fact of presenting a completely unfamiliar technology before the start of training intrigued, aroused interest and motivated to do the work, and the discussion of webquests in class allowed not only to clarify unclear points in the creation of webquests, but also to successfully master the theoretical part of the issue without much stress, carry out reflection. Many listeners (48 people) noted the need for such training, also emphasized that the presentation of material in the form of advanced learning seemed attractive to them, and 36 people reported that they would use such a technique in teaching at their department. When self-assessing practical skills, the degree of mastery of webquest technology The “excellent” option was chosen by 15 people from the control group and 33 in the experimental group. In the experimental group of teachers, there were no students who rated their skills in creating a webquest as “satisfactory,” while in the control group there were 6 people. Thus, advanced training in the development of new educational technologies by university teachers allows them to update personal and professional experience, stimulates motivation, and allows acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in less time, contributes to the development of situational readiness and can be considered as a resource that allows you to make the educational process within the framework of advanced training courses for pedagogical qualifications productive. Links to sources 1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273FZ (as amended on December 31, 2014 , as amended on 04/06/2015) "On education in Russian Federation"(as amended and additionally, entered into force on March 31, 2015) Kolomiets O.M. Professional competencies teacher of higher education. M.: Publishing house. Group "Border", 2014.168 p.3. Qualification requirements for teachers of higher education medical school/Under. ed. E.V. Lopanova. Omsk: Printing center KAN, 2012. 64 p. Innovative development program of Volgograd State Medical University for 2013-2017/Compiled by: V.B. Mandrikov, M.Ya. Ledyaev, M.E. Statsenko and others; edited by V.I. Petrova.Volgograd: Publishing house of VolgSMU, 2012.132 p.5.Kulikova I.V., Nekrasova E.E., Artyukhina A.I.Advanced training at the department of clinical pharmacology: assessment of quality of life // Electronic scientific and educational journal of VGSPU ©Faces of Knowledgeª. 2014.№3(30). www.grani.vspu.ru6.Abramyan G.V. Advanced teacher education and the problem of its informatization // Man and Education 2005. No. 2. S.16197. Kagakina E.A., Chekalina T.A., Ustimova E.V. Advanced higher professional education: problems and prospects. URL:

8. Sporykhina S.N. Innovative approaches to advanced education: Social and managerial aspect: abstract. dis. ...cand. social Sci. Moscow, 2001.9. Artyukhina A.I., Velikanova O.F., Velikanov V.V. Development of situational readiness in higher education // Materials of the III international scientific practice. conf. Basic and Applied Sciences Today 22 May 23, 2014 NorthCharleston, USA.t.2.P.6163.10. Competency-oriented training in a medical university: Educational manual / Artyukhina A.I. [etc.] ; Ed. E.V. Lopanova. Omsk: LLC ©Printing Center KANª, 2012. 198 p.

ArtyukhinaAlexandraIvanovnaDoctor of Science (Pedagogy), professorVolgograd state medical university [email protected] IgorevichPhD, lecturerVolgograd state medical university [email protected]


The peculiarities of organization of continuing psychopedagogical training at higher educational medical establishments are discussed in the article. The need of the teaching staff for the advancing training is considered and practical experience of its implementation into the continuing training course on new educational technologies for the teaching staff of the Volgograd state medical university is analyzed.

Keywords: advanced training, educational technologyprofessional development, competence approach, teaching staff members of medical school.

Vestnik Chelyabinsk state university. 2012. No. 19 (273). Philosophy. Sociology. Culturology. Vol. 26. pp. 38-43.

A. P. Efremov

advanced training and advanced education

The author's interpretation of the concepts of “advanced learning” and “advanced education” is presented. The contradictory nature of the interaction between the conservatism of the system is considered modern education and its ability to obtain new knowledge, the role of the education system in the future is analyzed.

Key words: advanced learning, advanced education, education system, urgent development needs of the country and civil society, participation of education in the formation of the labor market, factors determining the conservatism of the educational process, positive qualities of conservatism in education, factors and directions for the development of advanced education.


We should start with how the term “advanced learning” or “advanced education” is understood today and how I would propose to modify its understanding, bearing in mind, on the one hand, aspects of the development of the education system as a whole, and on the other, the urgent needs of the development of our country and our civil society.

There are at least two interpretations of the term “advanced learning.” The first option is related to private method teaching specific disciplines, according to which, before moving on to a detailed study of a particular discipline, the teacher gives his students summary this discipline.

The second interpretation concerns the problems of harmony between the education system and the labor market. Let's consider one of the projects in this area: advanced training is implemented within the framework of regional programs of additional activities aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market.

Harmony (at best), and in reality - at least partial participation of education in the formation of the labor market, is, of course, a very important component modern life. But it seems to us that this meaning of the term under discussion is too narrow. Therefore, we propose to look at the topic of advanced education, albeit somewhat unconventionally, but broader, and even significantly broader. In the context of a regional social forum, the topic of advance can and probably should sound like a warning not only against falling behind, but above all against the insufficient pace of progress of the region, country and civilization as a whole.

In this regard, by the term “advanced education” we will understand the student’s mastery of such professional and general cultural competencies that the graduate will need immediately upon graduation educational institution and will be needed for a long period of time. We will focus mainly on professional higher education. We will talk about the conservatism of education, new knowledge, the demands of time and, of course, about the numerous problems that we all have to solve and resolve. About the “classics” of the problem under discussion - the needs of the labor market - will also be said, but very little, in conclusion, and exclusively in the practical aspect.

1. about the conservatism of education

Any education is conservative and professional higher education is no exception. First of all, this is due to the fact that all training programs are formed, as a rule, on the basis of “established” knowledge. Otherwise, such knowledge can be called generally accepted, confirmed or verified, although it does not turn out to be such in all cases. However, any knowledge can become generally accepted only after socially recognized testing, which is almost always implemented over a fairly long period of time, and only on the basis of the results of such testing can “pilot” (trial) and then standard educational programs be created. In the Russian Federation, typical basic educational programs are described in the 3rd generation federal educational standards.

The second significant factor determining the conservatism of educational

process is the duration of the training periods. In a modern university, this period varies from 4 to 7 years, not counting postgraduate levels. History shows that even this relatively short time is quite enough for changes to occur in some area of ​​human activity, and perhaps more than one, that significantly influence both the scientific and practical aspects of life.

The property of conservatism in education is dialectical; it can be seen as an advantage in some sense, but this same property can create certain problems. Among the positive qualities, we especially highlight the following.

1. Since the knowledge underlying educational programs has been verified, most likely, such knowledge is useful or, at least, cannot harm human society or the social group to which it is “addressed.” This, however, does not mean that the knowledge taught cannot be dangerous for other social groups of our civilization. Typical examples of the 20th and even 21st centuries, we believe, are well known to everyone. However, this remark only indicates that there was not enough time to test that knowledge, which in fact turns out to be unacceptable for civilization, and ultimately, education based on such knowledge ceases to exist.

2. The following applied aspect of “slow but reliable education” seems very important: it is already well known how such knowledge is best applied in practice so that it gives the maximum beneficial effect. In other words, the conservatism of education ensures an increase in the efficiency of the application of knowledge, and this is a significant factor in the accelerated development of human civilization.

3. The third aspect highlights the direction of conservative education towards the future, although this sounds somewhat paradoxical. However, practice shows that only a detailed study and comprehensive analysis of this or that knowledge (of which, of course, technology is a part) makes it possible to identify directions of development, and nowhere like in education is such a comprehensive examination and criticism possible.

4. Educational processes that involve repeated returns to the discussion of seemingly established and even indisputable truths make it possible to identify uncertainties and/or weaknesses of the “unshakable foundation” and outline ways to move forward. It is not at all necessary that the movement be successfully carried out by professional teachers; this is not their task, and often they not only do not have time for such work, but also cannot do it. Generating new knowledge is the priority of researchers, but the school - both its teachers and students - can be an effective catalyst for the development of science, and this is confirmed in practice.

But there are also significant problems that are, on the one hand, a cause, and on the other, a consequence of educational conservatism. One of the main problems is the slow development of new knowledge. It must be said right away that this problem relates to science in general, that is, it has no national boundaries.

Indeed, the true nature of things and phenomena (including, of course, objects and phenomena of the humanitarian spheres) builds powerful “barrier bastions” in front of the human consciousness, not allowing one to easily penetrate into the essence of existence. Considering the presence of these barriers from a philosophical position (and remembering Ecclesiastes), we can consider them a manifestation of the protective reaction of nature (the person in it) from itself: “Many knowledge - many sorrows.” However, from a practical point of view, another explanation is possible: humanity is not sufficiently interested in new knowledge and therefore is “badly trying” to obtain it. And this pessimistic aspect is perhaps most characteristic of Russian reality.

Let us list the reasons that, in our opinion, significantly slow down the system of development of new knowledge, and with it, advanced education. Among these reasons (in addition to the one highlighted above - the own difficulties in developing scientific directions):

1. Insufficient material support (including funding from all possible sources) for work to acquire essential new knowledge. We specifically emphasize the definition of “essential”: the fact is that there are entire sections of “knowledge” that are neither new, nor useful, nor even knowledge. We will not go deep into this topic, but as a

Examples include astrology and vague esoteric concepts that are not related to essential new knowledge.

2. Disorder in the structures whose task is to organize the search for new scientific information: first of all, this refers to the holding of competitions for the implementation of scientific projects for budget money and the sad practice that accompanies these competitions.

3. “Non-positive corporatism” of scientific communities, which “do not allow in” new knowledge that contradicts the concept established in this community or even denies it. A classic example from the history of science is the persecution by representatives of science (and government!) of Giordano Bruno for the theory of the plurality of planetary systems. But this is in Europe early XVII V. And in our country, relatively recently, the theory of relativity, cybernetics, and genetics were persecuted by the authorities, and on the contrary, the not very educated authorities supported quasi-scientific research in biology and in the field of so-called torsion fields.

4. Insufficient interest of practice-oriented structures in the practical application of new knowledge is, on the one hand, and on the other hand, an insufficient assessment of the work of producers of new knowledge by organizations introducing this knowledge into the practice of their activities, and sometimes direct economic deception.

2. Global and local changes and demands of civilization

But whatever the results of the analysis of the issue of conservatism of education, the main problem of today's educational and upbringing processes has been and remains, it is that the demands of the changing world turn out to be significantly unsatisfied with the content (and, we would add, the quality) of the current education system .

We can conditionally divide these changes (and corresponding requests) into two groups: changes on a global scale and changes in our country (local). These groups, of course, are interconnected, but, in our opinion, Russia has its own specifics, which should always be taken into account when considering generally standard processes of global development.

Among the numerous and seemingly heterogeneous processes characteristic of modern history throughout civilization (mega-scale), three most significant trends can be identified:

1) the permanently accelerating process of globalization of the economic and political spheres of human activity;

2) at the same time, sharply intensifying competition between large social groups (countries are included in this concept) for influence in the world;

3) the factor of colossal expansion over the last 20 years of freedom of information processing (transmission, reception, storage, duplication), as well as competition in this area, but it is advisable to highlight the competition factor as one of the decisive ones in the processes of globalization.

It is worth noting that the last factor is, in fact, a direct consequence of the multi-channel implementation of the results scientific research and technological developments, which involves the most active application of knowledge from the field of fundamental sciences.

Further, it should be noted that the above, as it is now fashionable to say, translated from English, “challenges of the development of civilization” inevitably lead to related (both direct and indirect) local changes occurring in our country. The list of such changes is extremely wide, and its compilation and adequate analysis, of course, represent one of the most important scientific tasks that shape the needs of advanced training and education of citizens.

However, some positions of this list of local changes are clearly defined today, in fact, “lie on the surface”, and it is useful to talk about them, albeit briefly. It is possible that these positions may seem trivial or, conversely, not corresponding to the situation at the level of an individual region of the country (since in Russia almost every region is special), but analysis within the framework of the “zero iteration” allows us to identify characteristic all-Russian changes:

1. Significant “democratization” of society, i.e., the transfer of opportunities to carry out many types of activities “into society,” right down to each individual. This process, generally speaking, is universal (supranational), but stopped for a long time

in Russia of the 20th century; Currently, it is actively developing.

2. The process of developing a system for managing the activities of public groups is closely related to the process of broadcasting opportunities.

In particular, processes of strengthening are obvious state power, development and implementation of an agreed regulatory framework, consolidation of the management apparatus.

3. The most important aspect for Russia is its modern development is actually a continuing shift in its position in the sphere of raw materials supply for global production and services. We can assume that this, as many people think, “non-positive” drift is a kind of “payment” for the revolution of 1991, but, on the other hand, knowing the achievements of that “pre-revolutionary period” and taking into account all the known factors, it is probably worth critically assessing possible prospects for our national development.

4. One of the factors can also be attributed to the processes of the emergence of an acute contradiction between the presence in Russia of a gigantic undeveloped territory, rich in untouched precious resources, and the “osmotic pressure” of the ever-increasing population of a number of rapidly evolving countries.

Each of these “challenges” entails a long “trail” of problem analytics and the development of multidisciplinary programs of research and practical activity: from fundamental sciences and new, including defense, technology to the problems of educating a new person.

But theoretical reasoning alone, no matter how deep, is not enough, and each of the above positions should ideally be disclosed in detail and accompanied by specific conclusions and proposals. Naturally, this is not assumed in this article, but such tasks should be set and supported primarily by authorities that have resources and are concerned about the problems of tomorrow. But the fact that these problems exist, and moreover, that they are extremely acute, is well known. We will allow ourselves to give two more examples from different areas of already missed (or being missed) advanced knowledge.

3. “costly lost” knowledge

It is unlikely that anyone will deny that the sphere humanitarian knowledge(and the application of active forces) can be considered less significant for society than the sphere of fundamental knowledge. And examples from just these two areas seem to be very edifying for all of us, people who want prosperity and success for their country.

Let's start with humanities knowledge and learning. An analysis of modern programs, for example political science, shows that the content of the disciplines taught is, of course, periodically updated. However, economists, political scientists and other specialists working today in the relevant public sector did not undergo advanced training and were not prepared to make clear medium-term forecasts of political processes in the Maghreb and Middle East region. And such training, based on new interdisciplinary knowledge in the socio-economic sphere, could be carried out quite competently, since trial processes for overthrowing unwanted regimes in this region were openly initiated by the West 10 years ago. The tests turned out to be successful, but not in the sense of mastering the necessary competencies by our professionals responsible for regional predictions. And here is the result: political disturbances in the Arab world, which seem spontaneous, but are definitely not, are not at all in favor of expanding the sphere of influence of our country.

The second example concerns a high-precision engineering project and the direct direction of our professional activity - theoretical physics. The bottom line is that in November 2011 a space mission was supposed to launch in Russia “ Phobos Ground", with the goal of reaching Phobos - the satellite of the planet Mars. The history of missions to Phobos reveals a series of mysterious failures caused by the unpredictable movement of this small planet. A detailed study of the problem was carried out, and it turned out that the effects of relativity theory were not taken into account when calculating the trajectory. The results of the study were published three years before the launch of the Phobos Grunt mission. Moreover, a scientific report “Relativistic warning of the Phobos Grunt space mission” was recently made on this topic.

to which representatives of the Space Research Institute, NPO named after. Lavochkin and Roscosmos. But none of the representatives of these organizations showed interest. However, this is no longer surprising after the space mission failed at its very beginning.

But on the other hand, scientists from Switzerland and China showed noticeable interest in our report (it is posted on the website There is no doubt that someone needs advanced training, even in a narrow-profile and short program, but still necessary. However, moving away from individual examples, it is probably worth trying to compile a certain list of promising areas of new knowledge and advanced learning, remembering that both of them may turn out to be missed and very expensive. Surely such a list will not be exhaustive, but it can always be supplemented with reason.

It seems that the following universal areas of knowledge are worthy of close analysis for inclusion in advanced training programs. Some of them have not yet received the status of “recognized” scientific achievements, but can be studied in the form of trial programs.

1. Molecular biology and individual medicine.

2. Hydro resources of the Earth.

3. Other resources of the Earth (besides hydro resources).

4. Management systems and information systems.

5. Analytics of substances and materials.

6. Angstrom physics and technology.

7. New physics = mathematics.

Should also be included in this list

educational programs that reflect the pressing challenges of tomorrow for our country, although this list may not be too original.

8. Increasing the level of political culture, literacy and self-esteem of the individual.

9. Processes of rational integration of the Russian Federation into the world community.

10. Preservation of national authenticity.

11. Development of broad-spectrum technologies (independently and jointly with global manufacturers).

12. Development of alternative energy.

13. Development the latest developments in the field of basic sciences.

4. advanced training as a factor in meeting the needs of the labor market

Finally, turning to the classical interpretation of the term “advanced training,” we must say that in a number of Russian regions it is currently deprived of its original meaning as a factor that satisfies tomorrow’s labor market demands. And the main problem is not that it is difficult to organize short-term advanced training or retraining courses due to the changed economic and/or social situation in a given region. It is precisely this form of training (not education) that the system of advanced training is usually associated with. Using a quick response method, it is proposed to redirect the flow of labor that has already been retrained in accordance with the changes that have occurred. Such courses are easy to organize if there are specialist teachers with the necessary competencies and the necessary funds.

I do not rule out that in a number of regions all these measures can be implemented without much difficulty and competently. This is, of course, very important in a social sense: people should not be left without work, and therefore without a means of subsistence. However, we are almost sure that this is impossible to do in most large Russian regions, and for a completely different reason. An example is Moscow, a densely populated and developed region of the country. And here, from various platforms and in a wide variety of information sources, there are calls to change the paradigm of education in Moscow: to redirect the flow of young people seeking higher education towards secondary vocational education and working professions. And in these calls one can hear confidence in the rightness. But what is the source of such confidence is absolutely unknown. No analysis of the prospects for the priority development of industry, or trade, or the service sector, or administrative structures, or even agriculture(due to the doubling of the city's area) not yet. Although, perhaps, there is a problem of distortion in the development of the capital’s educational environment.

To clarify the situation, I suggested that the Moscow government conduct a series of studies,

which would help identify trends in the development of the labor market in the capital. This work does not seem like a major task if you use the unique capabilities of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI), where I currently hold the public post of chairman of the education committee. The MCCI includes more than 10 professional guilds, uniting hundreds of enterprises, organizations and institutions (including educational ones), and this makes it possible to develop effective methods for project implementation. Currently, this project is being discussed in the Moscow Department of Education, and my colleagues at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry have begun developing research methods. It seems that without such a scientific analysis of regional labor markets, statements about the need to redirect educational flows are not only useless, but also harmful, and talk about advanced training is meaningless.

I would like to complete my reflections with theses aimed at trying to answer the eternal question “what to do?” in relation to advanced education (in the generalized sense of this concept) here in Russia, including to us, the leaders Russian universities. The following semantic triad seems essential here.

1. The efforts and resources of the state and interested business entities should be aimed at organizing scientific activity to universities, and not anywhere else (as is done everywhere, for example, in the USA). In this case, new knowledge reaches the

into educational programs, thereby endowing the educational process with the properties of advanced learning.

2. The universities themselves must constantly demonstrate their concern for the problems of creating and introducing new knowledge into the educational process, and constantly motivate the authorities to act in the right direction.

3. Universities must also continuously monitor the activities of scientific schools within their own structure, analyze the innovativeness of scientific topics, and stimulate researchers - creators of essential new knowledge.


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