Nuclear energy and thermophysics specialty. What is “thermophysics”




INSTITUTE OF THERMAL AND NUCLEAR ENERGY (ITAE) ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Field of study: 140700 Nuclear energy and thermophysics

Master's program: Applied plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion

Graduate qualification (degree): Master

Form of study: full-time


"Statistical physics and quantum phenomena"


general scientific

Part of the cycle:

Discipline number according to the curriculum:

Hours (total) according to the curriculum:

Labor intensity in credit units:

1 semester


36 hours

1 semester

Practical exercises

18 o'clock

1 semester

Laboratory work

Calculation tasks, abstracts

Amount of independent work according to the curriculum (total)

54 hours


1 semester

Course projects (works)

Moscow - 2011


The purpose of the discipline is study of modern techniques and methods for studying statistical and quantum mechanical physical systems.

Upon completion of mastering this discipline, the student is able and ready to:

· to independently learn new research methods, to change the scientific and scientific-production profile of one’s professional activity, to change the socio-cultural and social conditions of activity (OK - 2);

· independently acquire and use new knowledge and skills in practical activities, including in new areas of knowledge not directly related to the field of activity, expand and deepen one’s scientific worldview, including with the help of information technology (OK-6);

The objectives of the discipline are:

· familiarize students with the basic modern methods of studying statistical and quantum mechanical physical systems;

· give an idea of ​​the most common quantum mechanical and statistical patterns and phenomena.


The discipline belongs to the variable part of the general scientific cycle M.1 of the master's training program "Applied Plasma Physics and Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion" in the direction 140700 "Nuclear Energy and Thermophysics".

The discipline is based on the following disciplines: “Physics (general)”, “Mathematics”, “Technical thermodynamics”, “Electrodynamics of charged particle systems”.

The knowledge gained from mastering the discipline is necessary when studying the disciplines “Radiative properties and spectroscopy of low-temperature plasma”, “Kinetics of low-temperature plasma”, “Physical foundations of hydrogen and other types of alternative energy”.


A course project (course work) is not provided for in the curriculum.


Lecture classes can be conducted both in the traditional form and in the form of lectures using computer presentations, problem-based lectures (with the formulation of a problem at the beginning of the lesson with a further presentation of various ways to solve it.

Practical are carried out in the traditional form.

Independent work includes: preparation for lectures, tests, homework, preparation and execution of an essay, preparation for a test, exam.


For ongoing monitoring of progress, tests, oral questioning, and presentation of an abstract are used.

Certification for the discipline - exam.

The grade for mastering the discipline is determined as 0.3´ (arithmetic mean score for tests) + 0.2´ grade for the essay + 0.5´ exam grade.


7.1. Literature:

a) basic literature:

1. Savelyev optics, Atomic physics. M: Lan, 2007, 320 p.

2. Blokhintsev Quantum Mechanics, St. Petersburg: Lan, 2004, 677 p.

3. , Pitaevsky mechanics, M.: Fizmatgiz 2002, 808 p.

4. , Kogan on quantum mechanics, M.: Editorial URSS, 2001, 304 p.

5. R. Feynman, R. Layton, M. Sands. Feynman lectures on physics. T.8,9 M.: Editorial URSS, 2010, 526 p.

6. . . Electrodynamics of continuous media. M.: Fizmatlit, 2003, 656 p.

7. Problems in thermodynamics and statistical physics. Ed. P. Landsberg. M.: “Mir”, 1974, 640 p.

b) additional literature:

1. Ch. Kittel. Elementary statistical physics. M.: Publishing house. In. Lit, 1960, 278 p.

2. . . Collection of problems in theoretical physics. M.: “Higher School”, 1984, 319 p.

7.2. Electronic educational resources:

www. *****; nrc. *****


To ensure mastery of the discipline, it is necessary to have a classroom equipped with multimedia tools for presenting lecture presentations and showing educational films.

The program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education in the field of study 140700 “Nuclear Energy and Thermophysics” and the master’s program “Applied Plasma Physics and Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion”.


Ph.D., Associate Professor


Head department of physical science and science

Any choice in life is difficult, and it is especially difficult to choose a university for higher professional education, because much in a person’s fate depends on this choice.

One of the few universities that corresponds to the modern idea of ​​high-quality professional education at a high level is the Moscow Energy Institute, which is among the 29 leading universities in the country awarded the status of “National Research University”.

MPEI preserves many years of teaching traditions and established scientific and pedagogical schools. Teaching is carried out by leading scientists and practitioners in their field of knowledge. State funding for the development program of MPEI as a national research university has made it possible in recent years to significantly update the material and technical base, to use equipment from leading world manufacturers in educational and scientific laboratories, the equipment on which our graduates will work. MPEI is a unique university that has at its disposal an operating thermal power plant where students are trained.

It is convenient to study at MPEI! The territory of MPEI is located in the old Moscow district of Lefortovo, all educational buildings, a library, a stadium, gyms and a swimming pool, canteens, and dormitories are located within walking distance of each other, you don’t have to travel anywhere!

It is interesting to study at MPEI! In the first year, there is a special adaptation practice that allows students to learn how to use all the capabilities of the university. Industrial internships and research work of students are organized with the involvement of leading companies, design and research institutes.

At MPEI, student life is properly organized, allowing students to play sports, develop as individuals, participate in public life, student construction teams; MPEI has recreation centers in the Moscow region and Alushta. MPEI is constantly developing as a university, this year it is planned to significantly increase the number of budget places for admission to the first year, it will be easier to become a MPEI student!

One of the basic faculties of MPEI (now institutes) is the Institute of Thermal and Nuclear Energy. The name of the institute “combines” two types of generation, which together provide about 80% of the electricity produced in Russia. Employers' interest in graduates is concentrated in approximately the same proportion; after graduating from ITAE, you cannot be left without a job! We have developed partnerships with leading enterprises and organizations in the energy industry; starting from senior years, students have the opportunity not only to carry out research work and undergo internships at these enterprises, but also to work on a part-time basis. Many graduates are already employed at the time of graduation!

In recent years, new Federal State Standards of the third generation have been introduced, providing for the preparation of bachelors and masters. ITAE provides training in two areas - “Thermal power engineering and thermal engineering” and “Nuclear energy and thermal physics”.

Direction "Thermal power engineering and heating engineering" (former Faculty of Economics and Economics) unites the graduating departments:

    Department of Thermal Power Plants (TPP)

    Department of Automated Thermal Process Control Systems (APCS)

    Department of Theoretical Foundations of Heat Engineering named after M.P. Vukalovich (TOT).

Direction “Nuclear Energy and Thermophysics” (former EFF faculty):

    Department of Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)

    Department of Engineering Thermophysics named after V.A. Kirillina (ITF)

    Department of General Physics and Nuclear Fusion (OPiYaS)

    Department of Low Temperatures (LT).

ITAE combines profiles (specialties) both predominantly industrial and fundamental scientific! Everyone will be able to choose the one that suits them! Our institute has the largest hostel fund.

ITAE has strong scientific traditions and schools, which are among the leading scientific schools in Russia, supported by grants from the President of the Russian Federation. The institute carries out a large amount of research work. Postgraduate studies, in which, since 2012, studies in the specialties of the ITAE departments last for 4 years, provide a real opportunity for a large number of students interested in scientific work to continue their studies, prepare and defend dissertations for an academic degree. We have strong and talented students, there is someone to follow, someone to compete with and grow with!

Come study with us!

Information about admission is posted on the website of the MPEI Admissions Committee. http://www.pksite

    Bachelor's degree
  • 14.03.01 Nuclear energy and thermophysics
  • 14.03.02 Nuclear physics and technology
  • 14.05.01 Nuclear reactors and materials
  • 14.05.02 Nuclear power plants: design, operation and engineering
  • 14.05.03 Isotope separation technologies and nuclear fuel

The future of the industry

One of the symbols of the new ecological society will be nuclear energy, capable of ensuring stable prices for electricity and minimal impact on the environment: the release of greenhouse gases and carcinogens characteristic of coal and oil plants, which still make up a significant share of traditional energy. There will be more nuclear power plants in the world, and their safety level will be significantly higher.

At the end of 2011, Rosatom noted an increase from 12 to 21 in the number of foreign orders for Russian nuclear power units. In total, approximately 400–450 GW of new nuclear power capacity will be built in the world by 2030.

Three factors determine the further development of nuclear energy. Firstly, the exhaustibility of hydrocarbon resources. British Petroleum experts gave a forecast for the development of hydrocarbon production in the 21st century. There will be enough oil for 46 years (in Russia – for 21 years), gas – for 59 years (in Russia – for 76 years). At the same time, global energy consumption is expected to increase by 60% by 2030.

Secondly, environmental pollution dictates the need to switch to “friendly” energy. Continued warming results in rising sea levels, catastrophic hurricanes and, paradoxically, colder temperatures in some winter months due to disruption of natural balances. Therefore, nuclear energy still remains one of the most realistic options for the development of mankind.

The third argument is economic. The economic attractiveness of this type of energy remains due to its quick payback, and the record utilization rate of installed capacity compared to other types of heating plants (about 80%), which makes nuclear energy the most reliable component of industrial development.

In the near future, a Fast Neutron Reactor will be created and Thorium Cycle Technologies will be mastered.

Professions of the future

  • Power Generation Systems Modernization Engineer
  • Meteoenergetic
  • Recovery Systems Engineer

Now in universities you can get a similar specialty according to profiles

  • Design and operation of nuclear power plants
  • Radiation safety
  • AC monitoring and control systems


About the specialty THERMAL PHYSICS, studied at MPEI at the Department of Engineering Thermophysics.

To understand what is taught at the Department of Thermal Engineering Institute (TU), you need to find out what “THERMAL PHYSICS” is.

The word “thermal physics” is often deciphered as “the field of physics that studies and researches thermal processes.”

Examples of thermal processes: fuel combustion; heating/cooling of coolant and working surfaces; boiling/condensation; emission of light energy by a heated body.

All of the listed processes are the main, basic processes of the production cycles of thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, and combined heat and power plants. Their knowledge helps to increase the efficiency and productivity of power equipment, automate and control the production cycle, predict the development of extreme situations, develop new insulating/heat transfer materials and coolants with predetermined properties.

However, knowledge of the peculiarities of the course of thermal processes is also necessary for problems in aircraft and rocket engineering, space technology and automation. For example, the task of moving a satellite in dense layers of the atmosphere or the task of effectively cooling a high-speed processor. Therefore, thermophysicists are also trained at MEPhI, MAI, Moscow Higher Technical University named after. Bauman. Of course, with its own specialization and focus.

The Moscow Energy Institute trains THERMAL PHYSICISTS, specializing in solving ENERGY problems.

In the ranks of power engineers, thermophysicists can rightfully be equated to “STRATEGIC troops.” Their goal is to work on fundamental issues of development and improvement of the energy industry, to determine its future for decades to come. Thermonuclear reactor, hydrogen fuel, plasma generators are all “usual” current research topics for thermophysicists.

By the same analogy, ENGINEERING thermal physics specialists can be compared to “mobile RAPID response troops.” Their task is to work on the problems and issues of today and the near future, implement and adapt existing scientific results and developments, and maintain the energy industry at a modern level.

Computer technology is being improved - calculation programs for thermal cycles are being improved; network technologies are developing - automation, measurement and diagnostic systems are being developed and implemented; new materials appear (composites, carbon tubes, porous coatings) - their thermophysical properties are determined (thermal conductivity, heat capacity, melting point, phase transition points), and ways of practical use in power plants are analyzed.

Thus, “engineering” thermophysicists are busy with APPLIED problems, the solution of which requires a fundamental, basic physics and mathematics education plus high-quality engineering training.

The specialty “THERMAL PHYSICS” is often called a “difficult” specialty: intense, intensive study; creative, responsible work. Although, I think, the profession of an architect or surgeon is no less complex and responsible.

Remember that any difficulties in mastering a specialty can be overcome if it is chosen CONSCIOUSLY. Look, ask, find out, think: it’s up to you.

Where do MPEI thermophysicists work?

MPEI thermophysicists work in design bureaus and experimental design bureaus (experimental design bureaus), research institutes and federal scientific centers, commercial companies and state enterprises.

In the 70s, the Department of Engineering Thermophysics of MPEI graduated 60-70 engineers per year. All of them almost immediately went to work for the country's defense complex or were taken over by the nuclear industry. “Peaceful” technologies had to modestly stand aside (for more details, see “History of the ITF Department” Time has changed, conditions and tasks have changed.

But the main thing remains: the specialist - THERMAL PHYSICIST is still:
1) a highly qualified engineer capable of solving non-standard technical problems, modernizing and updating existing equipment, mastering and creating new ones;
2) a research scientist who develops and implements new technologies and materials; studying, optimizing and controlling technological processes.

That is why MPEI thermophysicists work equally successfully both in commercial companies engaged in the field of air conditioning and climate control, and in transnational energy corporations covering half the world.

There are not enough UNIVERSAL specialists like the thermophysicists trained by the Department of Engineering Thermophysics at MPEI. For modern industry and production there are few of them, very few. This is why our graduates feel CONFIDENT in the labor market: their knowledge and skills are in demand, they are needed, they are valued, they are trusted.

The work is endless.
Turn on your computer, let's get started.
(from student songs “About the Main Thing”)


The specialty curriculum consists of a physics and mathematics block of disciplines and a block of professional subjects. As part of the first block, young people study integral and differential calculus, engineering graphics and descriptive geometry, methods of linear algebra and analytical geometry, mathematical statistics and probability theory. The second includes applied physics, materials science, mechanics, experimental research methods, technology of structural materials, electronics and electrical engineering, production management and organization, certification and standardization.

Who to work with

Bachelors in the specialty “Nuclear Energy and Thermal Physics” choose an applied direction of work, teaching or research activity. In the first case, they are employed at power plants or in organizations that service power plants, and apply for the positions of technologist, nuclear physicist, thermal physics engineer, energy engineer, heating system engineer, heat power engineer. In the second case, they become physics teachers, teachers of specialized disciplines in various educational institutions. In the third, they work in experimental laboratories and research institutes as laboratory assistants or junior researchers. They can also continue their education by choosing a similar direction in master’s and postgraduate studies, including abroad.