The meaning is hard to learn, easy to fight in the reference book on phraseology. The meaning is hard to learn, easy to fight in a reference book on phraseology Hard to learn, easy to fight author

On the Guards "Shch-309" Cabo Isaac



On March 31, 1940, a new commander was appointed to the Shch-309 - Lieutenant Commander Kabo. On May 18, the boat went to Kronstadt, where it was scheduled to undergo scheduled repairs after participating in the military campaign. On May 20, joyful sailors saw the beautiful Kronstadt through the morning haze, the ships moored in the roadstead, and soon fell into the arms of friends. In the six months that have passed since the day the Dolphin left Kronstadt, its crew has gained combat experience and become more mature. New knowledge had to be consolidated in further combat training.

Changes have also occurred in the Baltic. In the summer of 1940, the working people of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania overthrew the bourgeois governments they hated and created their own proletarian republics, which voluntarily joined the great brotherhood of peoples - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Red Banner Baltic Fleet received new naval bases and entered the expanse of the Baltic Sea.

The ships of the fleet were faced with an urgent task - to short term master the maritime theater. Therefore, day and night, in poor visibility and in good, voyages were made to Tallinn, Libau, Riga, Klaipeda, and the adjacent bays and bays. During the voyages, various training tasks were practiced.

And the international situation did not allow a slowdown in the pace of combat training.

The fire of war that had engulfed Europe was approaching the Soviet borders. “The flames of the Second World War are raging over the world,” the Political Directorate of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet wrote in its appeal, “the blood of young men, old men and children is being shed, cities are burning, huge material and cultural values ​​are being destroyed...” The Political Directorate called on the personnel to constant combat readiness, to persistent , with full effort, combat training.

On June 12, 1941, Shch-309 went on another training cruise, this time to the Gulf of Riga. In addition to the regular personnel, there were midshipmen on the boat who were on probation after graduating from college. The purpose of the trip is to practice torpedo firing, which is usually the final stage of the crew’s combat training, summing up their long work. Such exercises test the ability of submarine personnel to covertly approach “enemy” ships, determine the elements of their movement, fire an accurate salvo at a chosen target, and retreat unnoticed.

...Even before dawn, the boat took up a “combat” position and began searching for the “enemy,” who could appear from any direction. There is an almost tangible silence in the compartments. Everyone is extremely focused. At the periscope is the senior assistant commander, captain-lieutenant Semyon Zosimovich Trashchenko. As soon as he discovered the “enemy’s” high-speed ship, a “combat alert” was announced for the ship. The boat began its first torpedo attack on this training voyage.

"Shch-309" moves at periscope depth, which is accurately controlled by boatswain Pronin. The commander of the electromechanical combat unit, engineer-captain-lieutenant Averyanov, prepared to prevent the boat from floating after the release of torpedoes. Midshipman Fokin, who supervised the preparation of torpedo gunners and torpedoes, is worried. Finally the long-awaited commands:

The devices are ready!

Light, one after another, shocks and hissing of the air were felt and heard by everyone in the boat: two torpedoes fired by Petty Officer 2nd Class Malyavkin rushed towards the target.

The minutes of waiting for the results of the attack seemed endless. But then a signal goes up on the foremast of the target ship: “The attack was successful!”

The first was followed by more complex attacks: now the “enemy” had strong security. Torpedo attacks were interspersed with artillery firing, all sorts of exercises to put damaged mechanisms into operation, to fight for the survivability of the ship, and others. The crew of the boat acted harmoniously and confidently during all these exercises.

The personnel cope exceptionally well with their duties in all types of alarms,” noted the usually taciturn Lieutenant Commander Trashchenko. These words could not but bring pleasure to the team: Semyon Zosimovich was too stingy with praise. But now the first mate was pleased, because the success of the exercises is the result of the enormous work he and the commander of the electromechanical combat unit invested in the training of personnel.

The training trip was intense and difficult. However, we returned to base with a big climb. Every officer, petty officer and sailor firmly knew the wise rule of Russian military art: “Difficult in training - easy in battle.”

After the exercises, Shch-309 was transferred to the first line of warships of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. For the successes achieved in combat and political training, the commander of the 6th division, captain 2nd rank M.V. Fedotov, expressed gratitude to everyone personnel boats, and the foremen of the 2nd article Malyavkin and Petryuk, the senior Red Navy man Davydov were photographed at the unfurled Banner of the 2nd submarine brigade.

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Hard to learn, easy to fight

It’s hard in school, but it will be easy in business, work, life. This expression belongs to A.V. Suvorov. Initially, it meant: “it’s hard for a soldier during military exercises, but the acquired skills will allow him to feel easy and confident in battle.”

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It’s hard in school, but it will be easy in business, work, life. This expression belongs to A.V. Suvorov. Initially, it meant: “it’s hard for a soldier during military exercises, but the acquired skills will allow him to feel easy and confident in battle.”

Handbook of phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is HARD IN STUDY, EASY IN BATTLE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • HARD
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    Syn: hard (uplifted), difficult, not easy (weakened), unsweetened (arr.), bitter (arr. intensified), sorrowful (intensified), disastrous (intensified), dangerous, serious Ant: easy, ...
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    Syn: easy, simple, easy, effortless, effortless Ant: hard, difficult, ...
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    1. adv. Correlates by value. with adj.: heavy (2-6.8). 2. predicative 1) About the feeling of heaviness from excessive physical labor experienced ...
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    Initial part difficult words, introducing the meaning of the word: light (lightweight, lightly armed, light-minded and ...
  • EASILY in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. adv. 1) With little effort, without much physical stress. 2) Fast. 3) a) Freely, at ease. b) Dexterously, skillfully. 4) ...
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    easy, adv. and in meaning ...
  • HARD in the Spelling Dictionary:
    hard, adv. and in meaning ...
  • EASILY in the Spelling Dictionary:
    easily, adv. and in meaning ...
  • HARD...
    The initial part of complex words, introducing the meaning of the word: heavy (seriously ill, heavily armed and ...
  • HARD in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    hard 1. adv. Correlates by value. with adj.: heavy (2-6.8). 2. predicative 1) About the feeling of heaviness from excessive physical labor, ...
  • EASILY... in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    The initial part of complex words, introducing the meaning of the word: light (lightweight, lightly armed, light-minded and ...
  • EASILY in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    easy 1. adv. 1) With little effort, without much physical stress. 2) Fast. 3) a) Freely, at ease. b) Dexterously, skillfully. ...
  • HARD...
    The initial part of compound words, introducing the meaning of the word: heavy (seriously ill, heavily armed and ...
  • HARD in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I adv. qualities 1. Having a lot of weight, a lot of heaviness. Ant: easy ott. trans. Strong, powerful. 2. Requiring a lot of work, a lot of...
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  • EASILY in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I adv. quality-circumstances 1. Without much physical stress; without difficulty, without effort. Ott. trans. Easy to learn, easy to understand; ...
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    The initial part of compound words, introducing the meaning of the word: heavy I (seriously ill, heavily armed, etc.) ...
  • HARD in the Bolshoi Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    I adv. qualities 1. Having a lot of weight, a lot of heaviness. Ant: easy ott. trans. Strong, powerful. 2. Being heavy; heavy. Ott. ...
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    The initial part of complex words, introducing the meaning of the word: light (lightweight, lightly armed, lightly minded, etc.) ...
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