English for kids fairy tale about the tongue. Phonetic tale about the tongue

With the help of fairy tales about a funny tongue you can:

Introduce children to the main organs of the articulatory apparatus: mouth, lips, tongue, palate.

Introduce the basic movements of the tongue.

Fairy tale by N.V. Novotortseva “About the Merry Tongue”.

“Once upon a time there lived a Cheerful Tongue in his house. Guess what kind of house it was.

In this house

red doors,

Near the doors

White animals.

Animals love

Candies and buns.

Did you guess it?

This house is a mouth. The doors to the houses open and thenclose (mouth closed, open).Restless Tongue does not sit still. He often runs out of the House(stick out tongue). So he went to bask in the sun, relax on the porch (tongue "spatula" on the lower lip).A light breeze blew, the tongue quivered(language with an arrow),hid in the house and closed the door behind him(remove your tongue, close your mouth).And in the yard the sun hid behind the clouds and drummed on the roofrain (we hit our teeth with our tongue and say “d-d-d-d”).Tongue was not bored at home and gave the kitten milk. The kitten lapped milk(run your tongue along your upper lip from top to bottom, mouth open),then he licked his lips(lick the upper and lower lips from right to left, left to right) and yawned sweetly (mouth wide open).The tongue looked at the clock, it was ticking: “tick-tock”(mouth open, lips in a smile, touch the corners of the mouth with the tip of the tongue).The kitten curled up into a ball. “It’s time for me to sleep too,” thought Tongue.”

Fairy tale by M.G. Gening and N.A. German "About the Merry Tongue"

Once upon a time there was a Merry Tongue. Do you have a tongue? Show me. Merry Tongue had a house. The house is very interesting. What kind of house is this? Did you guess it? This is the mouth. That's what an interesting house Cheerful Tongue had. To prevent Merry Tongue from running out, his house was always closed. How is the house closed? Lips. Show me where your lips are. Do you see them in the mirror? But besides one door, this house has a second door.(Here you should smile so that your upper and lower teeth are visible.)What is the name of this door? Teeth. Show your teeth. Look at them in the mirror.

One day, Merry Tongue wanted to look at the sun and breathe some fresh air. First the first door opened. Show me how it opened. Yes, it remained open. Don't close the first door until I tell you to.(Normally, the child can hold this position for 5-6 seconds without twitching or jolting, the corners of the lips are stretched symmetrically.)Now let's close the first door. We'll open it again. Let's close.(Repeat this exercise 3-4 times. Normally, the child performs the movement with full amplitude, without attenuation, easily, smoothly, and quickly enough.)The doors opened in the Jolly Tongue's house, and he stuck out, but not the whole thing, but only the tip. Tongue appeared and hid - it was cold outside.

In the house of the Merry Tongue there is a bed where he sleeps. Look how peacefully he sleeps.(The tongue lies at the bottom oral cavity spread out, without lumps, calm, motionless.)Let your tongue sleep just as peacefully. Don't wake him until I tell you to.(This position is also normally maintained by the child for 5-6 seconds without jolts or twitching, the lateral edges of the tongue are located symmetrically.)Let's close the second door first, and then the first.

Our Tongue is very cheerful, he loves to have fun, jump, sometimes even reaches the ceiling. The ceiling in Tongue's house is called the palate. Let your tongue reach the ceiling and stroke the roof of your mouth. Now let the tongue reach the ceiling and sit there for a while.(The movement should be performed only with the tongue, without auxiliary movements of the lips and lower jaw. The mouth is wide open. Calmly, without twitching, the tongue is held upward for 5-6 seconds.)Then the Merry Tongue went down and again jumped up to the ceiling. Came down. Jumped...(The exercise is repeated several times. Normally, the child immediately finds the correct position of the tongue, performs movements easily, quickly, with full amplitude.)The tongue jumped up, got tired and went to bed. Let him rest a little.

The next day, Tongue decided to check again whether it had become warmer. When all the doors were open, the tongue looked out, looked left, right, up, down(the child must know the directions of tongue movement, immediately find the desired position, try to perform them in full),I felt that it was getting colder and went into my house. First one door closed, and then the second. That's the whole tale about the Merry Tongue.

Povalyaeva M.A. Speech therapist's reference book.

"The Tale of the Merry Tongue":

Behind the scarlet lips behind the white teeth lived the Merry Tongue. His home was his mouth. He was fast asleep, covered with a white blanket(the tongue lies on the lower lip, the lips smile so that the upper teeth are clearly visible).

Tired toys are sleeping, dolls are sleeping.

Blankets and pillows are waiting for the guys.

Even a fairy tale goes to bed,

So that the children can all dream about it.

Close your eyes, bye-bye(learn to hold the tongue while counting to 10).

Every morning he woke up, stretched, opened the window wide and looked at the weather: he looked at the sky, the sun was shining brightly (raise the tip of his tongue to his upper lip). - Hello, bell sun! I looked at the ground - the grass-ant was growing, a stream was flowing(the content changes depending on the weather conditions and the time of year. Suggest a picture for each season).


Leaves are falling, falling,

It's leaf fall in our garden.

Yellow, red leaves

They curl and fly in the wind.

In winter:

White snow, fluffy.

Spinning in the wind

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

In spring:

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining.

Swallow with spring

He is flying to visit us.

Looked right, left(repeat several times, moving the tip of the tongue from one corner of the mouth to the other)and ran to do exercises: lay down on the mat(the tongue spread wide lies on the lower lip so that the edge of the lip is clearly visible)and lifts its tail up, down, up and down(repeat 4 to 8 times, depending on the age and physical condition of the children).

I looked at my watch to see what time it was (rhythmic movement of the tip of my tongue from one corner of my mouth to the other). Time to wash your face:

I need to wash my face

In the mornings and evenings.

Let diseases fear us

Let them not come to us.

(Smile, put your palms cupped, open the water and sing her song - S-S-S):

Water, water,

Wash my face

So that your eyes sparkle,

So that your cheeks turn red,

To make your mouth laugh

And the tooth bit.

Now you need to brush your teeth.

We clean our teeth with this brush,

This brush is used for shoes,

We clean our trousers with this brush -

We need all three brushes.

Tongue cleaned himself up and sat down to breakfast.

The samovar is boiling, asking everyone to drink tea.

The tea is hot, let's blow on it.

(We suggest blowing on the tip of a wide tongue, in an interlabial position, which helps to produce a strong, targeted air stream).

To establish diaphragmatic-speech breathing, a phrase and tactile-vibration control are used. Take a deep breath, as you exhale we say: Oh, so fragrant, aromatic(the dictionary is selected taking into account the pronunciation capabilities of each child individually).

I ate pancakes and drank tea. Thank you. Everything was very tasty! Tongue looked at himself in the mirror and saw that his lips were stained with jam.

At the same time, you can strengthen your word formation skills: What kind of jam did you eat your pancakes with? From plums - plum, apples - apple, pears - pear, strawberries - strawberry, raspberries - raspberry, etc.

"Lick the jam " (We close the upper lip with a wide tongue and lick it from top to bottom, while the lips smile and the teeth are visible.) Dosage from 4 to 8 times.

Time to go for a walk:

Tongue came out. He sees his favorite horse standing there. He approached her and said:

I love my horse.

I'll brush her fur smoothly.

I will smooth the tail with a comb.

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

Smile, suck the back of the tongue to the hard palate -let's go (we imitate riding a horse).

If the child is small, then it is advisable to sit him on your lap facing you and, taking him by the hands, go on a journey together, imitating a jump not only with the tongue, but also with the knees, which increases the emotional state of the child and brings him closer to the adult. We use a lighter, simpler poem:

I got on my horse

And I hold on with my hands.

Look at me.

I'll go to my mother.

"Stop the horse." (Blow forcefully on tightly closed lips, causing them to vibrate.)

ALL! (This is from me: the tongue can go back on the train “U-U-U”, sail away on the steamship “L-L-L”, ride off on a motorcycle “DR-R-R”, ride a horse again...)

Gerasimova A. S. et al.

The Tale of the Merry Tongue.(+ voice development)

There lived a tongue in the world. He had his own house.

The house was called Rotik. The house opened and closed. Look how the house was closed. (The adult slowly and clearly closes and opens his teeth.)With teeth! The lower teeth are the porch, and the upper teeth are the door.

Tongue lived in his house and often looked at the street. He will open the door, lean out of it and hide in the house again. Look(The adult shows his wide tongue several times and hides it). The language was very interesting. He wanted to know everything.

He sees a kitten lapping up milk and thinks: “Let me try that too.” He sticks his wide tail out onto the porch and hides it again. He sticks it out and hides it, sticks it out and hides it. Slowly at first, then faster. Just like a kitten does. Can you do that? Come on, try it!

And Tongue also loved to sing songs. He was cheerful. He sings what he sees and hears on the street. He will hear the children shouting “a-a-a”, open the door wide and wide and sing: “A-a-a”. He will hear the horse neighing “and-and-and”, make a narrow crack in the door and sing: “And - and - and.” He will hear the train buzzing “u-u-u”, make a round hole in the door and sing: “U-u-u.” So the day will pass unnoticed by Tongue. Tongue gets tired, closes the door and goes to bed.

That's the end of the fairy tale.

THE TALE OF THE Merry Tongue(unfortunately I don't know the author)

The mouth is a house, lips are doors.

Who lives in this house?

In this house, my friend,

Cheerful Tongue lives.

Oh, and he's a smart boy,

And a little naughty.

(The mouth is open, the tongue is shown with an “arrow” several times).

Our Cheerful Tongue

He turned on his side.

Looks left, looks right...

And then forward again,

Take a little rest here.


Tongue opened the window,

And it's warm outside.

Our tongue stretched out

He smiled at us widely,

And then I went for a walk,

Sunbathing on the porch.


Lying on the porch

He ran to the swing.

He flew up boldly...

But it's time to get down to business.


He hurried to his yard,

To fix the fence.

He quickly got down to business

And the work began to boil.


Nails, hammer and pliers -

Things a carpenter needs.

The hammer knocks "knock-knock!"

I am the tongue's best friend.

(The mouth is closed. The teeth are exposed. With the tense tip of the tongue, knock on the teeth, repeating “t-t-t”).

There's a can of paint next to it.

The fence needs to be updated.

The tassel began to dance,

Our fence is unrecognizable.


Our tongue finished the job.

He can rest safely

I'll take my horse for a walk

I'll play the harmonica for her.

I'm playing football

And I'll score a goal.

Very difficult task -

Drive the ball into the goal.


The sun hid behind the mountain,

The tongue went home.

He locked the door.

He lay down in bed and fell silent.


The Tale of the Tongue.

This little friend -

Your funny tongue.

So that he is dexterous, skillful,

To listen to you

Do exercises every day

In front of the mirror, just kidding!

Our fairy tale is a hint for you,

After all, exercise every day

Must do naughty Tongue,

Forgetting about laziness.

Tongue woke up

Looked out the window.

He sees: she arched her back

Pink cat.

Smile, open your mouth slightly, press the tip of your tongue to your lower teeth, arch the back of your tongue. Hold in this position for a count of 5.

Spread out a rug

There is a tongue on the porch.

He took pliers

Took an ax

And he went to repair the fence.

Smile, open your mouth slightly, put a wide tongue on lower lip. Hold it in this position for a count of 1 to 5 - -10.

D - d - d - d - d - d - hammer knocks

T - t - t - t - t - t - here's a hammered nail.

The sun is shining in the morning - it's time to visit your aunt!

Smile, open your mouth. Tap the tip of your tongue on your upper teeth. Repeatedly and clearly pronounce the combination of sounds “dddd” and “tttt”

Aunt Cheek

Waiting for his nephew

Pancakes with poppy seeds

It's baking for lunch.

I cooked porridge, made tea,

I even opened a jar of jam.

Open your mouth a little. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, say “five - five - five”

On a horse on the road

The tongue jumps,

And the horse's hooves -

Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.

It goes uphill slowly:

Clack clack clack clack clack.

And from the mountain it rushes like an arrow:

Clack - clack - clack - clack - clack.

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and flick your tongue with the tip. Slowly at first, then faster.

Auntie niece

He greets you cheerfully.

Tea for him with jam

He immediately offers it.

Oh, how delicious

Sweet jam,

Yes, and semolina porridge -

Simply delicious -

Yum - yum - yum - yum.

Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, moving your tongue from left to right and from top to bottom.

Under the window - blah, blah, blah -

The turkeys are chatting.

Turkey speech

Nobody understands.

Turkeys on a swing

They nod cheerfully.

Ride Tongue

"Blah, blah!" - they offer.

Open your mouth slightly, place your tongue on your upper lip and move the wide front edge of your tongue along your upper lip back and forth, trying not to lift your tongue from your lip, as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then increase the tempo and turn on the voice until the combination “Bl – bl – bl” (“chatterbox”) is heard.

Come on, kids, with the Tongue

Let's ride together!

Let's play train

And we’ll smile: “And - y! And - y! And - y!”

Part your lips in a wide smile, then stretch them into a tube. Alternate 6 times.

Give Tongue a pipe

And five more balls

Roll the mosquitoes!

Inflating the balloons:

"Sit down, mosquitoes!"

Invite the child to pronounce the sound “shhh” for a long time. Pay attention to the fact that when pronouncing the sound “sh” the front edge of the tongue is behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, and the exhaled stream of air is warm.

Here interesting game

Air Kolobok.

Roll from cheek to cheek

Not everyone could do it.

Open your mouth slightly, press your tongue against your cheeks one by one, “squeezing out” the balls.

Oh, it's dark

All around

Strong whirlwind

He suddenly got up.

The tongue fluttered

Trembling and crackling:

Brrr - brrr - brrr...

Place your wide tongue on your lower lip and blow on it forcefully, causing the tip of your tongue to vibrate. Perform for 10 seconds.

Oh, our tongue is tired,

He lay down on his side in the bed;

Five - five - five - five - five - five

Let's all have a rest, friends!

Open your mouth a little. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, spanking it with your lips, say: “five - five - five." Perform the exercise for 10 seconds.

The Tale of the Tongue

1 lesson

We have a tongue in our mouth. Come on, show me what kind of tongue lives in your mouth! What a beautiful tongue! Our mouth is his house. The tongue in the house has a floor, ceiling, walls and even doors. Come on, let your tongue find the floor in your house. Did you find it? Good girl! And now the ceiling! Well done! And now the tongue has found one wall, and the other. The tongue opened the doors, like this, open your mouth, show how the doors open at the tongue. Now let's close the doors. That's how wonderful, you and I did exercises for the tongue. What does our tongue do? He jumped onto the ceiling in his house. It has a slide on the ceiling. Come on, tongue, find the slide on the ceiling! I'll tell you a secret: the tongue really loves to sit on this slide. Look, he's already jumped onto the hill!

The tongue likes to sit on the slide, he even sang with pleasure: , . Let's sing with him!

! Pay the child’s attention to the position of the tongue - the tongue “sings” not on the teeth, but on the “mountain” - the alveoli.

The tongue sang its song and decided to get down to business, to clean things up. He took the rug and let's knock it out. Where does the tongue knock out the rug? Of course, on your favorite hill. Like this: . Show how your tongue can knock out a rug!

The mat near the tongue became clean and clean. Now the cleaning is finished, all that remains is to ventilate the house. The tongue of the door opens, and the wind blew, and the doors slammed from the wind: . Come on, show me how the doors slam at the tongue!

Now let's see what these sounds are like (leg, tie, witch)

Now let's play. I will name the words, and if you hear the sound l in these words, clap your hands:

lamp, lion, cat, London, flag, vase, flower, ball

Now clap if you hear the sound [t]:

tiger, tree, bag, table, snake, stone, computer, parrot

Now clap if you hear the sound [w]:

wall, monkey, water, Willy, train, house, window

Now repeat after me:

[l] like, [t] to, [w] walk I like to walk.

[w] we, [l] look, [t] at, [w] window We look at the window.

[ w] why, Willy Why do you cry, Willy?

Lesson 2

What will our tongue do today? The tongue looked around - everything was clean and beautiful. Now you can go for a walk. The tongue came out onto the porch. And who is already meeting him? This is the dog Basya, Tongue's old friend. Basya is a very kind dog, she never barks angrily. And when he meets his friend, he roars joyfully, like this: .

! A child, especially an older preschooler, may not get the English sound right the first time. Some children try to reproduce the Russian “R” by placing their tongue on the alveoli. Explain to the baby that the dog Basya is kind and does not growl angrily, but very lightly, the tongue should be behind the “slide”. If that doesn’t work, ask the child to move the tongue even further behind the “ slide."

The tongue greeted Basya and said Hello! And Basya answers him: . And he went into the garden, and Basya ran after him.

Beautiful fragrant flowers bloomed in the garden near the tongue. Every morning bees flew to them to collect nectar and pollen. Tongue became friends with one bee; every morning he went out into the garden and immediately recognized the golden wings of his friend. And the bee, seeing the tongue, flew up to him and buzzed in greeting like this: [ð ð ð]. The tongue also wanted to buzz in response. Let's help him. To do this, he needs to look outside from his house. Look outside, little tongue, and try to buzz!

! If it is difficult for your child to reproduce it, give him a small mirror and explain that he needs to see the tongue when he greets the bee.

The bee said hello to her tongue and flew off to collect honey, you know that bees cannot sit idle for a minute. And the tongue moved on. He approached a large spreading oak tree. An old wise snake lives in the roots of this oak tree, and it says hello with its tongue like this: [θ θ θ]. Come on, you and I will try to greet her like a snake!

! If that doesn't work, try using the mirror again.

Now let's see what these sounds are like (right, mother, thumb)

Now let's play. I will name the words, and if you hear the sound [r] in these words, clap your hands:

rat, robot, nose, radio, zebra, tongue, tourist, mirror

Now clap if you hear the sound [ð]:

that, song, they, show, father, brother, television, leather

Now clap if you hear the sound [θ]:

thorn, telephone, think, jam, thought, broth

Now repeat after me:

I think this rabbit is good. I think this rabbit is bad. I think this rabbit is the best.

Lesson 3

The tongue thought that it was time to return home. He ran skipping along the path. I ran into the yard, and there the geese were already out for a walk. The important ones walk and waddle from side to side. They saw the tongue, giggled, and said hello: .

! Russian-speaking children often deafen the English final voiced g. Therefore, you will have to remind your child more than once that in such and such a word geese cackle at the end, for example - a dog.

Suddenly it started to rain, and the tongue barely managed to hide in the house. And the drops began to knock on the roof: . The tongue climbed into its favorite corner - on the hill and listens to the drops knocking on the roof: . Come on, show me how the rain hits the roof!

! To get the sound right, remind your baby that the tongue is sitting on a slide.

The drops were knocking so cheerfully on the roof, large puddles were filling up in the yard so quickly that the tongue couldn’t stand it, and who could stand it - he jumped out into the yard and let’s rush through the puddles. Oh, he shouldn't have done that. The rain was cold and unfriendly. So my tongue hurt and I started coughing: .

! The English sound is pronounced aspirated. Show your child how to do it right.

But the tongue did not cough for long. His familiar bee brought him honey, and honey, as you know, is the most the best remedy for any cold. The tongue thanked the bee, like this: Thank you! Let's try it together!

And then he ate honey and immediately recovered. But I haven’t gone outside yet. I decided to wait until the sun came out and dried the puddles.

Now let's see what these sounds are like (girl, dog, key)

Now let's play. I will name the words, and if you hear the sound [g] in these words, clap your hands:

grapes, joy, gift, gold, hamster, trigger, river, finger

Now clap if you hear the sound [d]:

dog, frog, day, duck, bird, pig, third, bed

Now clap if you hear the sound [k]:

kettle, king, bag, wolf, cat, snake, night, clock

Now repeat after me:

Have a good day, Kate. Kit is a good dog. Can you give me the doll?

Lesson 4

What will our tongue do today?

The tongue wanted to read a fairy tale to itself. He loves to read fairy tales. But his house is dark. So when he reads, he has to light a candle. The tongue read a long, long fairy tale, evening has already come, and it’s time to go to bed. The tongue began to put out the candle, like this: . Try putting out a candle in English! Did it work? Amazing! I told you that you are smart.

And then his hedgehog friends came to visit the tongue. They puffed funny. The big hedgehog spoke, and the little hedgehog

The tongue was happy when he saw them and said: “Hello!”

Tongue invited his guests to the table, and they began to drink tea with jam.

This is my story about the tongue. Now your tongue knows how english words pronounce. Let's try saying hello in English again. When you say “Hello!” to me, don’t forget that at the beginning of the word the tongue puts out the candle, and in the middle it sings a song on the slide. Hello!

Now let's see what these sounds are like (house, flower, vase)

Now let's play. I will name the words, and if you hear the sound [h] in these words, clap your hands:

horse, ham, lamb, hero, letter, hat, hammer

Now clap if you hear the sound [f]:

flag, shower, frost, fruit, nest, laughter, winter, wolf

Now clap if you hear the sound [v]:

vase, house, voice, noise, violin, window, van

Now repeat after me:

I have a flower. We have a frog. You have a fox.

Tale about a gnome

1 lesson

In one magical forest there lived a little gnome named Tom. He is very kind and has many friends. Tom loves to walk in the forest. When he walks along a rocky road, his steps sound like this: . And when the gnome walks on the sand, his steps sound like this: .

Tom has a younger brother named Ian, but he is still small and speaks little English. When Ian is asked what his name is (What is your name?), he answers and smiles funny.

Now let's see what these sounds are like (bag, parrot, yacht)

Now let's play. I will name the words, and if you hear the sound [b] in these words, clap your hands:

Butter, mother, bank, lamb, box, table, tiger, lab

Now clap if you hear the sound [p]:

pen, palm, arm, pillow, willow, apple, arrow, top

Now clap if you hear the sound [j]:

army, yellow, melon, yard, yogurt, yacht, hot, yes

Now repeat after me:

Can you play, Bill? – Yes, I can. Can you build, Peter? – Yes, I can.The bag is yellow, Polly.

Lesson 2

Do you remember when we started telling a fairy tale about Tom the Gnome, who lived in a magical forest?

One day Tom was walking along the path and saw a cow. The cow looked at the gnome and said three times: . This is how she greeted Tom.

The gnome approached the cow and asked: “What is your name?”

The cow's name was Nellie, but, of course, she couldn't talk. Nellie raised her head and said: .

Your name is Nina!” The gnome was happy, but the cow shook her head sadly.

Your name is Natasha”,suggestedgnome. The cow shook her head again.

Nadya, Nora, Nancy...” The cow shook her head. "Nelly" “Yes, yes,” the cow nodded happily.

Tom went up to the cow and gave her a bouquet of flowers. The cow sniffed the flowers carefully and began to chew them. And on the cow’s neck there was a cheerful bell that kept ringing –ing, -ing, -ing

! A back-lingual sonorant (nasal) English sound that has no analogues among the sounds of the Russian language. With the correct articulation of this sound, the back of the tongue is pressed against the soft palate, blocking the passage for air, as when pronouncing English sound[g] but the soft palate is lowered, creating a passage for exhaled air through the nasal cavity, which makes this sound nasal. The sound is sonorous, that is, people participate in its pronunciation vocal cords. When pronouncing this sound, the tip of the tongue must certainly be near the lower teeth, and the front and middle parts of the tongue should not touch the palate. The sound is pronounced protractedly. You can catch the nature of this sound if you open your mouth while pronouncing the sound [m].

Now let's see what these sounds are like (monkey, nose, sing)

Now let's play. I will name the words, and if you hear the sound [m] in these words, clap your hands:

Monkey, mother, father, mouse, house, summer, skirt, bomb

Now clap if you hear the sound [n]:

nut, cut, noise, voice, night, kite, snow, sun


song, think, long, log, sting, tin, ring, king

Now repeat after me:

My name is Ring. Can you sing, Molly? Mary and Nina sing a song.

Lesson 3

Do you remember Tom the gnome, who lived in a magical forest? The gnome had a sweet tooth. He loved honey, sweets, jam and, of course, chocolate. The gnome also loved to visit.

One day he came to his friends the beetles. The beetles were happy when they saw the gnome and buzzed . They flew around the gnome and buzzed loudly. So loud that the gnome had a headache. The gnome tried to calm down the beetles. He put his finger to his lips and said quietly . But the beetles did not subside. Then the gnome told them: “Good-bye!”

Tom went to visit the bees. The bees buzzed much quieter and more pleasantly than the beetles: . The bees treated the gnome with honey. He ate it with a big spoon and said: “Yummy!” The gnome was so full that he could hardly walk. He thanked the bees for the delicious lunch: “Thank you!” When Tom went home, he politely said goodbye to the bees: “Good-bye!”

Now let's see what these sounds are like (television, shower, zebra)

Now let's play. I will name the words, and if you hear the sound in these words , clap your hands:

decision, wish, vision, ambition, leisure, television

Now clap if you hear the sound :

show, know, shadow, meadow, shelter, kettle, wash

Now clap if you hear the sound [z]:

zoo, soon, zebra, thunder, breeze, tin, close, cheese, vase

Now repeat after me:

Shilla watches television. She goes to the zoo. She washes the dishes.

Lesson 4

How is our friend Tom the gnome doing? You remember that the gnome is very kind, cheerful and sociable. He also loves to sing songs. One day Tom was walking along the path and whistling his favorite song. But he wasn't very good at whistling. Tom walked and said: . It was cold outside, and Tom also got his feet wet. When he came home, he began to sneeze and cough, and the next day he had a fever and a sore throat. The gnome lay in bed and moaned: . And then he felt even worse, and he moaned loudly and protractedly:

A bear (bare) was passing by. He heard the gnome moaning and went to him. The bear saw that the gnome was sick. He ran out to the forest edge and shouted: “Doctor! Doctor!”

The woodpecker doctor has arrived. He looked at the gnome and shook his head. There was an urgent need to treat the patient.

Now let's see what these sounds are like (snake, clock, horse)

Now let's play. I will name the words, and if you hear the [s] sound in these words, clap your hands:

Skirt, lose, sand, theater, sun, whisker, zoo, kiss

onset, sunset, dog, doom, nonsense, absence, fog, forest

Now clap if you hear the sound:

order, barter, always, almost, allow, more, moor, door

Now repeat after me:

Sally wants more. Sam's dog is at the door. I see the dog on the floor.

5 lesson

The gnome lay there and moaned quietly until the doctor arrived: [v]. He had a very sore head and throat. The gnome lay and repeated: “Where is the doctor?”

Finally the woodpecker doctor came, shook his head and told the gnome to say [α:]. But Tom came up with something completely different: a strange [ə], then [i] and finally .

The doctor listened to the patient and gave him bitters. Tom swallowed the tasteless pill and said [æ]. Of course, no one likes to take medicine, but what can you do? The gnome really wanted to get better so that he could visit his friends again. And the woodpecker doctor was very strict and loved it when patients obeyed him.

Now let's see what these sounds are like (up, car, computer, fish, tree, cat)

Now let's play. I will name the words, and if you hear a short v sound in these words, clap your hands, and if you hear a long a:, stomp your feet.

ʌ /

cup, uncle, duck, sun, mother, jump, run, plum, bus


park, bath, car, grass, star, arm, scarf, father, vase

Now repeat after me:

My cup was dark. We jump in the park. My uncle has a car.

Now if you hear a short i sound in my words, clap your hands, and if you hear a long one , stomp your feet.

ship, six, fish, pig, sister, skip, drink, sing, milk, pink

sheep, tree, meat, beet, cheese, see, eat, sleep, tea, see

Now repeat after me:

The pig is pink. I eat cheese. My sister drinks tea. I see a tree.

Now if you hear the sound æ in my words, clap your hands.

/ water, sailor, wonder

/ æ

/ cat, mat, fat, rat

Now repeat after me:

A fat cat sat on a mat.

6 lesson

So, our little gnome is sick. A doctor comes to him every day and gives the gnome injections. Tom is terribly afraid of injections. He can’t even look at the syringe, so he closes his eyes tightly and trembles like an autumn leaf. The gnome tries not to show the strict doctor that he is scared, but when the doctor gives an injection, Tom screams quietly at first [ai] ,Then [oi], and then [au].

George plays chess. Charlie likes jam.

And now I will name the words, and you will pronounce the diphthong that you hear.

Hi, now, boy, like, toy, how, joy, kite, bow

Repeat: The boy likes toys. Hi Mike. How are you?

7 lesson

Other friends began to come to the sick gnome to visit him. Auntie Owl flew in and said: She gave Tom hot tea with honey and lemon and handed him a thermometer so that the gnome could take his temperature. The owl was very kind and caring. When Aunt Owl saw how high the gnome's temperature was, she said

The mole knocked on the window and called out to the gnome. The mole brought the gnome a basket of fruits and vegetables. He carefully asked Tom: “How are you?”

And then the doctor came. He said that the patient needed rest, and the owl and mole immediately left. In parting, they said to the gnome: “Bye! See you.”

Tom felt sad again. The woodpecker doctor brought him a bitter mixture and said sternly: “Drink.” “No,” Tom protested. But the doctor said again: “Drink.”

The dwarf drank the bitter mixture and said [e], and then winced again and said ]:].

Now let's see what these sounds are like (boot, bull, train, egg, bird)

Now let's play. I will name the words, and if you hear a short [u] sound in these words, clap your hands, and if you hear a long one, stomp your feet.

put, wolf, cook, good, look, football, foot, book


boot, two, spoon, pupil, soup, juice, afternoon, blue

And now I will name the words, and you will pronounce the sound that you hear (, [e], [:]).

Play, turn, ten, snake, hen, burn, flame, learn

Repeat: I learn to play. We play with them. They have ten hens.

Lesson 8

His best friends came to visit Tom: four little gnomes. Their names were [ou], [uə], [iə] and [єə]. Each dwarf had his own character. [ou] was constantly surprised by everything and liked to ask a lot of questions. was very clumsy. He kept dropping everything and bumping into various items. Just now he hit a stool, and it fell to the floor with a crash. [iə] was very cheerful and told different jokes all the time, and laughed at them himself. And [ єə ] constantly forgot everything, and when he tried to remember what he wanted to say, he frowned funny and said [ єə ].

Tom loved his friends very much. They played happily, and at parting, Tom asked the gnomes to come visit him more often. The gnome felt much better. Now he could say: “Now I’m fine.”

Now let's see what these sounds are like (phone, tourist, ear, chair)

And now I will name the words, and you will pronounce the sound that you hear ([ou], [uə], [iə] and

[ єə ])

No, here, bear, poor, near, hare, throne, tour

Repeat: The bear is near here.The tourist is poor.

How Tongue drank tea with friends.

Speech therapist. Little Tongue had not seen his old friends for a long time, and then one day he invited them to a tea party. The tongue took a deep plate () and began to knead the dough ( push your tongue back and forth between your teeth). When the dough was ready, Tongue placed it on the window ( open your mouth wide and hold for a count of 5) . Soon the dough began to rise and puff ( take in air through your nose and gently push it out through your lips, you will hear a dull sound (p)) . Tongue laid out the dough on the table and began to make pies ( stick out your wide tongue, lift the edges of the tongue and hold it between your lips, you get a rolled tube) . Inside each pie there is a tongue of raspberry jam ( lick your lips from left to right and right to left ) and put them in the oven ( open your mouth wide and hold for a count of 5 ).

Then Tongue took out 5 beautiful cups ( open your mouth, lift your tongue up and bend the side edges to form a cup), poured water into the kettle ( smile and say: “ssss”) and put it on the fire. The water boiled quickly ( smile and say: “sh-sh-sh”). Soon the pies were browned too ( stick out your wide tongue, lift the edges of the tongue and hold it between your lips, you get a rolled tube).

Suddenly someone knocked on the door ( say: "t-t-t" ). These are the guests: Mishutka ( puff out your cheeks and hold for a count of 5 ), fox-fluffy tail ( place your wide tongue on your lower lip and bend the tip upward 5 times), Jumping squirrel ( smile and say: “tsk-tsk” ), Running Bunny ( bite your lower lip, lift your upper lip up, exposing your front upper teeth). He seated the guests at the table and began to treat them to hot tea and pies ( open your mouth, lift your tongue up and bend the side edges, “Cup”; then stick out your wide tongue, lift the edges of the tongue and hold it between your lips, you get a rolled up “tube”)

How tongue celebrated his birthday.

Speech therapist. Today was Tongue's birthday, and his family decided to give him a real celebration. First we needed to thoroughly clean the house. Dad took out a vacuum cleaner and started cleaning the carpets ( pronounce "w-w-w" ). The older sister began to wipe the dust from the cabinets ( move your tongue left and right along your upper lip ). Timofey the cat walked around the house and wagged his fluffy tail, as if he was helping prepare for the holiday (smile, tongue touches first the upper teeth, then the lower ones) . Soon dad rolled the carpets into a tube ( the lateral edges are curved, forming a tube ) and began to wash the floors ( lick your lips first from left to right, then from right to left).

When everything in the house was sparkling, mom returned from the store. She bought flour, eggs, sugar and milk. The whole family began to help prepare the cake for the holiday. Kneaded the dough ( rest your tongue on your left and right cheeks) . Small roses were made from the cream ( Pull your cheeks between your teeth 5 times and at the end hold for a count of 10). We put the cake in the oven to bake ( inhale through your nose, open your mouth and say “Ha”, repeat 10 times). A few minutes later you got a big, beautiful cake ( open your mouth, place your wide tongue on your lower lip and hold it for a count of 10).

Mom and daughter decorated the room with colorful balloons ( inflate alternately first the left and then the right cheek ). Soon Tongue returned from school. He brought his friends with him. Everyone sat down at the table. They brought in the cake. The tongue took in more air and inflated all the candles ( inhale through your nose and blow hard, repeat 5 times ). It was fun and noisy that day. Everyone laughed, smiled, and congratulated Yazychka on his birthday.

How Tongue went to visit Squirrel.

Speech therapist. One day, Tongue decided to visit Squirrel. He collected a whole basket of nuts, berries and mushrooms. These are ( exercise "Mushroom" ). And he went to visit. Tongue walked along the path and listened to the sounds of the forest. "Kuk-ku, kuk-ku." Who is this? (Cuckoo) How does the cuckoo crow? (Peek-a-boo) What is the cuckoo doing? (Cues) “D-t, d-t.” Who is this? (Woodpecker) How does a woodpecker knock? (“d-t, d-t”) What is the woodpecker doing? (Knocks) “Ugh-uh, uh-uh” Who is this? (Owl) How does an owl hoot? (“oof-oof”) What is the owl doing? (hooks).

Tongue walked for a long time. He heard a bear making noise in the forest thicket ("ooo") like a hungry wolf howls ("oooh") how a hedgehog snorts (“f-f-f”). Near the tallest pine, the tongue stopped. He knocked on the tree 5 times (imitation of sound) and a Squirrel looked out of the hollow. She quickly went downstairs and greeted Tongue with her fluffy tail. Like this ( "Swing" exercise). Tongue gave Squirrel a basket with nuts, berries and mushrooms. Like this ( exercise "Mushroom" ). Squirrel was very happy ( exercise “Smile” "). She took Tongue to her house and treated him to delicious pancakes with jam ( exercise "Jam"). When Tongue had eaten everything, Squirrel poured him a cup of hot tea made from fragrant herbs ( exercise "Cup"). After dinner, Tongue washed himself ( exercise “Jam” ") and began to tell the squirrel funny stories ( “Smile” exercise).

How Tongue cooked mushroom soup

Speech therapist. The tongue woke up early. He got out of bed and began to stretch, first up and then down ( "Swing" exercise). Kneaded my sides ( exercise "Clock" ). Then he brushed his teeth: first the upper ones, and then the lower ones ( exercise “Brush your teeth”). I had breakfast. I put on a warm jacket, a hat, and a scarf. I took an umbrella and a basket with me. I got on my horse and rode into the forest ( exercise "Horse").

In the forest he found many different mushrooms. Here they are (“Exercise “Mushroom”). Soon the clouds rolled in and it began to rain. The tongue opened the umbrella, sat on the horse and rode home ( exercise "horse") . At home he cooked mushroom soup and ate a whole plate at lunch ( exercise “Jam” "). He lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep. That's how tired Tongue is.

How Tongue visited his beloved pets

Speech therapist. It became cold outside. The birds flew away to warmer lands. The last leaves have fallen from the trees. Winter will come very soon. Tongue decided to go to the village. He harnessed the horse, got into the cart and slowly drove along the path ( exercise “Horse” at a slow pace). In the village, Tongue first visited the mother pig, next to whom ten little pink piglets were sleeping quietly and peacefully ( "Spatula" exercise), then he went into the chicken coop. A hen sat high on a perch, and underneath her, yellow fluffy chickens walked back and forth ( exercise "Clock")

In the garden, Tongue saw a goat, shaking its beard, eating ripened cabbage ( move the lower jaw and lips as if chewing). Suddenly Tongue heard someone yawn. He approached an old birch tree and noticed a shaggy dog ​​near the booth ( yawn 3-4 times ). The cat Vasily was walking nearby; he was frightened by the awakened dog and immediately arched his gray back ( Exercise "The cat is angry" "). The tongue fed all the animals, removed the fallen autumn leaves, collected the last harvest and hurried back home satisfied. (exercise “Horse” at a fast pace)

How Tongue played with friends in winter

Speech therapist. Winter has come. Tongue went outside and saw hundreds of fluffy snowflakes, which seemed to be dancing in the air ( circular movements of the tongue over the lips, first to the right, then to the left, repeat 5 times). In surprise, he smiled widely and opened his mouth ( exercise “Smile”, “Window”). A lot of snow fell in the yard ( hold your mouth open for 30 s) , and Tongue really wanted to play with his friends. He walked up to the fence ( exercise "Fence") and began to call them together: “Zoe, go play!” ( repeat phrases clearly )

The guys quickly ran into the yard and began to play different games. Zoya was sledding down the hill ( exercise “Slide”: the tongue rests on the lower teeth and arches out of the mouth). Zina was spinning on skates on the ice ( the tongue lies in the middle of the upper lip; lick your lips 1 time from left to right and 1 time from right to left, repeat 5 times). Zakhar made three snowballs for a snowman ( inflate the left cheek, then the right, then both at the same time ). Sasha and Sema had fun playing snowballs ( push your tongue to the left, then to the right on the inside of your cheek). And Sveta skied first and then back ( “Needle” exercise: pull the sharp tongue out of your mouth and pull it back. Repeat 7-8 times)

The guys played all day and didn’t even notice how evening came. It was time to say goodbye: “Goodbye, Zoya!” ( Repeat phrases with clear pronunciation of sounds (z), (зь), (с), (сь).) “Goodbye, Zina! Goodbye, Zakhar! Goodbye Sasha! Goodbye, Sema! Goodbye, Sveta! Having seen off his friends, Tongue yawned tiredly ( yawn widely ) and walked slowly towards the house ( exercise "Window" »).

How Tongue prepared for the New Year.

Speech therapist . All roads and paths were covered with snow. Slowly, slowly, Tongue makes his way through the snowdrifts straight into the forest ( the tongue rests from the inside of the mouth against the cheeks in different directions). The cold, frosty wind began to blow even stronger ("oooh") the tree branches rustled even louder (“sh-sh-sh” ). It's scary and cold for Tongue. He hid his nose under the collar of his fur coat and began to warm it up. (“x-x-x” - blow warm air on the palm of your hand ). For a long time, Tongue was looking for a Christmas tree in the forest for the holiday. He heard the owls hooting (“Ugh, uh, uh”), how the little wolf cubs were yapping in the hole (“o-o-o” - the sound is pronounced with a nasal connotation, for this you need to press the root of the tongue to the soft palate).

Finally, nearby Tongue noticed a shaggy Christmas tree ( open your mouth, place the sharp tip of your tongue on your upper lip and hold for 10 s) . He approached her, took out an ax and began to chop (“d-t-d-t”). Soon the Christmas tree fell straight into the snow (hold the thin tongue on the upper lip, then smoothly move it to the lower lip, repeat several times). He put the Christmas tree tongue in the sleigh and drove home (lick his lips from left to right, then from right to left).

Forest inhabitants came to admire the Christmas tree: Fox, Wolf, Bear, Hare, Hedgehog. They crowded around the tongue and began to help decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday. The fox hung a large red ball on the Christmas tree 9 open his mouth wide and hold it), the Wolf stretched multi-colored beads along the branches (mouth closed, lips slowly stretching into a smile), the Hare hung a bell (mouth open, move tongue left and right inside the mouth), Hedgehog put under the Christmas tree an accordion for Santa Claus (suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth and move your lower jaw, stretching the frenulum), and the Bear put a five-pointed star on the very top (put the palms of both hands together and spread your fingers wide).

There was a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree in the yard. Suddenly the animals heard the tramp of someone's feet (tap-tap-tap). It's Santa Claus. The animals and the tongue began to celebrate the arrival of the New Year cheerfully and noisily (smile, bare their teeth, open and close their mouth on the count of 5).

How Tongue made a snowman.

Speech therapist: One winter day, Tongue looked out the window (open and close his mouth counting to 5) and very


gymnastics for children

4 fairy tales about the Happy Tongue (articulation gymnastics)

In order for the child to willingly perform articulatory gymnastics from time to time, I propose to carry it out in a fun, attractive form for the child of the fairy tale “About the Merry Tongue.” Each time you start a lesson, you can tell a new fairy tale, as well as come up with your own, which will be an additional incentive and will quickly lead to the desired result!

The fairy tale “About the Merry Tongue”

“Once upon a time there was a Merry Tongue. He had a house. The house was very interesting. What kind of house is this? This is the mouth. That's what an interesting little house Cheerful Tongue had. To prevent Merry Tongue from running out, his house was always closed. How is the house closed? Lips. But, besides one door, this house has a second door. (We smile and shows the child his teeth). What is the name of this door? Teeth. But in order to see the second door, you need to learn how to open the first door correctly. (We smile, showing the upper and lower teeth).

One day, Merry Tongue wanted to look at the sun and breathe some fresh air. First, the first door opened (we open our lips and invite the child to do the same), and then the second. And the tongue stuck out, but not all of it, just the tip. Tongue appeared and hid - it was cold outside, summer had passed.

In the house of the Merry Tongue there is a bed where he sleeps. (We draw the child’s attention to how calmly the tongue lies). Let's not wake him up yet, let Tongue sleep. Let's close the second door first, and then the first.

Our Tongue is very cheerful, he loves to have fun and jump. Yes, jump so much that you reach the ceiling and click. (We draw the child’s attention to the fact that the ceiling is the sky. We ask you to stroke the sky with your tongue).

The next day, Tongue decided to check again whether it had become warmer. When all the doors were open, Tongue looked out, looked left, right, up, down, and feeling that it was getting colder, he went into his house. First one door closed, and then the second. (We show the described exercises). That's the whole fairy tale about the Merry Tongue.

The fairy tale “About the Merry Tongue”

The mouth is a house, lips are doors.

Who lives in this house?
In this house, my friend,

Cheerful Tongue lives.

Oh, and he's a smart boy,

And a little naughty.
(The mouth is open, a narrow tongue is shown several times. Exercise “Arrow”.)

Our Cheerful Tongue
He turned on his side.
Looks left, looks right...
And then forward again,
Take a little rest here.
(Exercises “Clock”, “Snake”.)

Tongue opened the window,

And it's warm outside.

Our tongue stretched out

He smiled at us widely,

And then I went for a walk,

Sunbathing on the porch.
(Exercise “Smile”, “Sting”, “Arrow”.)

Lying on the porch

He ran to the swing.

He flew up boldly...

But it's time to get down to business.
(Exercises “Spatula”, “Swing”.)

He hurried to his yard,

To fix the fence.

He quickly got down to business

And the work began to boil.
(Exercise “Fence”.)

Nails, hammer and pliers -

Things a carpenter needs.

The hammer knocks "knock-knock!"

He is tongue's best friend.
(The mouth is closed. The teeth are exposed. With the tense tip of the tongue, tap on the teeth, repeating “t-t-t” repeatedly.)

There's a can of paint next to it.

The fence needs to be updated.

The tassel began to dance,

Our fence is unrecognizable.

(Exercise “Painter”.)

Our tongue finished the job.
He can rest safely
- I'll take my horse for a walk,
I'll play the harmonica for her.
I'm playing football
And I'll score a goal.
A very difficult task -
Drive the ball into the goal.
(Exercises “Horse”, “Accordion”, “Football”.)

The sun hid behind the mountain,

The tongue went home.

He locked the door.

He lay down in bed and fell silent.

(Exercises “Slide”, “Spatula”.)

The fairy tale “About the Merry Tongue”

Once upon a time there was a Merry Tongue. Do you have a tongue? Show me. Merry Tongue had a house. The house is very interesting. What kind of house is this? Did you guess it? This is the mouth. That's what an interesting house Cheerful Tongue had. To prevent Merry Tongue from running out, his house was always closed. How is the house closed? Lips. Show me where your lips are. Do you see them in the mirror? But besides one door, this house has a second door. (Here you should smile so that your upper and lower teeth are visible.) What is the name of this door? Teeth. Show your teeth. Look at them in the mirror.

One day, Merry Tongue wanted to look at the sun and breathe some fresh air. First the first door opened. Show me how it opened. Yes, it remained open. Don't close the first door until I tell you to. (Normally, a child can hold this position for 5-6 seconds without twitching or pushing, the corners of the lips are stretched symmetrically.) Now let’s close the first door. We'll open it again. Let's close. (Repeat this exercise 3-4 times. Normally, the child performs the movement with full amplitude, without attenuation, easily, smoothly, quite quickly.) The doors to the Fun Tongue’s house opened, and he stuck out, but not the whole thing, just the tip. Tongue appeared and hid - it was cold outside.

In the house of the Merry Tongue there is a bed where he sleeps. Look how peacefully he sleeps. (The tongue lies spread out at the bottom of the mouth, without tubercles, calmly, motionless.) Let your tongue sleep just as peacefully. Don't wake him until I tell you to. (This position is also maintained by the child normally for 5-6 seconds without jolts and twitches, the side edges of the tongue are located symmetrically.) Let’s close the second door first, and then the first.

Our Tongue is very cheerful, he loves to have fun, jump, sometimes even reaches the ceiling. The ceiling in Tongue's house is called the palate. Let your tongue reach the ceiling and stroke the roof of your mouth. Now let the tongue reach the ceiling and sit there for a while. (The movement should be performed only by the tongue, without auxiliary movements of the lips and lower jaw. The mouth is wide open. Calmly, without twitching, the tongue is held at the top for 5-6 seconds.) Then the Cheerful Tongue went down and again jumped up to the ceiling. Came down. Jumped up... (The exercise is repeated several times. Normally, the child immediately finds the correct position of the tongue, performs the movements easily, quickly, with full amplitude.) The tongue jumped up, got tired and went to sleep. Let him rest a little.

The next day, Tongue decided to check again whether it had become warmer. When all the doors were open, Tongue looked out, looked left, right, up, down (the child must know the directions of movement of the tongue, immediately find the right position, try to complete them in full), felt that it became colder and went into his house. First one door closed, and then the second. That's the whole tale about the Merry Tongue.

The Tale of the Tongue.

From the book: A. S. Anishchenkova “Articulation gymnastics”

This little friend -

Your funny tongue.

So that he is dexterous, skillful,

To listen to you

Do exercises every day

In front of the mirror, just kidding!

Our fairy tale is a hint for you,

After all, exercise every day

Must do naughty Tongue,

Forgetting about laziness.

Tongue woke up

Looked out the window.

He sees: she arched her back

Pink cat.

Smile, open your mouth slightly, press the tip of your tongue to your lower teeth, arch the back of your tongue. Hold in this position for a count of 5.

Spread out a rug

There is a tongue on the porch.

He took pliers

Took an ax

And he went to repair the fence.

Smile, open your mouth slightly, put a wide tongue on your lower lip. Hold it in this position for a count of 1 to 5 - -10.

D - d - d - d - d - d - hammer knocks

T - t - t - t - t - t - here's a hammered nail.

The sun is shining in the morning - it's time to visit your aunt!

Smile, open your mouth. Tap the tip of your tongue on your upper teeth. Repeatedly and clearly pronounce the combination of sounds “dddd” and “tttt”

Aunt Cheek

Waiting for his nephew

Pancakes with poppy seeds

It's baking for lunch.

I cooked porridge, made tea,

I even opened a jar of jam.

Open your mouth a little. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, say “five - five - five”

On a horse on the road

The tongue jumps,

And the horse's hooves -

Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.

It goes uphill slowly:

Clack clack clack clack clack.

And from the mountain it rushes like an arrow:

Clack - clack - clack - clack - clack.

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and flick your tongue with the tip. Slowly at first, then faster.

Auntie niece

He greets you cheerfully.

Tea for him with jam

He immediately offers it.

Oh, how delicious

Sweet jam,

Yes, and semolina porridge -

Simply delicious -

Yum - yum - yum - yum.

Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, moving your tongue from left to right and from top to bottom.

Under the window - blah, blah, blah -

The turkeys are chatting.

Turkey speech

Nobody understands.

Turkeys on a swing

They nod cheerfully.

Ride Tongue

"Blah, blah!" - they offer.

Open your mouth slightly, place your tongue on your upper lip and move the wide front edge of your tongue along your upper lip back and forth, trying not to lift your tongue from your lip, as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then increase the tempo and turn on the voice until the combination “Bl – bl – bl” (“chatterbox”) is heard.

Come on, kids, with the Tongue

Let's ride together!

Let's play train

And we’ll smile: “And - y! And - y! And - y!”

Part your lips in a wide smile, then stretch them into a tube. Alternate 6 times.

Give Tongue a pipe

And five more balls

Roll the mosquitoes!

Inflating the balloons:

"Sit down, mosquitoes!"

Invite the child to pronounce the sound “shhh” for a long time. Pay attention to the fact that when pronouncing the sound “sh” the front edge of the tongue is behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, and the exhaled stream of air is warm.

Here's an interesting game -

Air Kolobok.

Roll from cheek to cheek

Not everyone could do it.

Open your mouth slightly, press your tongue against your cheeks one by one, “squeezing out” the balls.

Oh, it's dark

All around

Strong whirlwind

He suddenly got up.

The tongue fluttered

Trembling and crackling:

Brrr - brrr - brrr...

Place your wide tongue on your lower lip and blow on it forcefully, causing the tip of your tongue to vibrate. Perform for 10 seconds.

Oh, our tongue is tired,

He lay down on his side in the bed;

Five - five - five - five - five - five

Let's all have a rest, friends!

Open your mouth a little. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, say: “five – five – five.” Perform the exercise for 10 seconds.

TRU-LA-LA. Articulation gymnastics

Once upon a time there lived a cheerful tongue, he woke up early in the morning.

He opened the window.

Looked left, right. (With the mouth open, tongue movements from right to left ).

Looked down (downward tongue movement )

It rained at night: were there any puddles?

Looked up (upward movement of the tongue ): Is the sun shining?

Closed the window (close your mouth ) tongue ran to the bathroom to wash ( Movements with arms and legs that imitate running.)

Opened the bathroom door (hand movement ).

The door creaked: “N-n-n...”

“We need to lubricate the door,” thought the tongue.

He went to the bathroom, turned on the light (hand movement ) - "chick".

Opened the Crane: (circular movements of the hand ) - “Chikchik-chik.” water: “Sh-sh-sh...”

A hot “Oh!!!” poured out. - Tongue got scared and pulled his hands away.

Show how scared he was (show fear through facial expressions and movements of the hands and body ) What kind of water should be opened? that's right, cold :(circular movements of the hand ) "knock-knock-knock". The tongue opened the cold water tap:


“The cold water combined with the hot water and became warm. The tongue washed. I brushed my teeth: first the lower ones, then the upper ones rinsed my mouth (cheek movements imitating rinsing ). I washed my face again (circular movements of the tongue around the lips )

I dried myself off. Closed the cold water tap: (circular movements of the hands ) “chick-chick-chick.”

Closed the hot water tap: (circular movements of the hands ) “chick-chick-chick.”

Turned off the light: "chick" (hand movements ), Closed the door:

“N-n-n...” And he ran funny tongue to the kitchen for breakfast(movements with arms, legs, simulating running )

And in the kitchen mommy bakes pies.

“Mommy, hello! - Tongue shouted joyfully. I love you very much!!!" ( Repeat with arms outstretched.)

“Hello, son! I love you very much too! Help me knead the dough Five-five-five kneaded They dough with their lips, then with their teeth, then with their lips again. The dough is ready, they baked pies: “Five-five-five...”

The tongue ate three pies ( put your wide tongue on your lower lip). What filling do you think? Then Tongue drank milk from a cup like this

He said thank you and asked his mother: “Mommy, can I go for a walk? ( ask to repeat)

replied: “Of course you can, just don’t be late for lunch.” Tongue took the pipe and blew it merrily: “Dudu-doo!”

Tongue came out onto the porch of the house

Around the house is long fence. Here it is.

And on the roof of the house there is such a pipe ( stretch your lips forward with tension). A cheerful wind lives in the chimney; “Uh-uh-uh...” he sings ( screw-like movements of the index finger, pull the lips into a tube). A cheerful painter was painting the fence.

“Look, Tongue,” said the painter, “a fungus has grown near the fence.”

“How good!” - Tongue answered and suddenly saw how the cat

catches the mouse by the tail.

“You can’t, Murka!” - Tongue chased away the cat. He shook his finger at the cat. “You can’t!” ( Wag your finger.)

Tongue ran to his horse. I stroked her.

“Hello, horse,” the tongue said affectionately. What did he say? ( repeat with a gentle intonation.) The horse was happy. She neighed: “Igo-go!..” How happy she was. ( Repeat with your voice and head twitching.)

Tongue jumped onto the horse and they galloped off together ( tongue clicking)


They gallop along the river bank. A steamer is buzzing on the river: “Have a nice voyage, steamer!” - Tongue waved after him. How did Tongue guide the steamer? ( Wave your hand.) They and their horse gallop further.

They gallop through the fields, they gallop through the forest, ( Tongue clicking) Tongue greets everyone.

"Hello trees!" How did HE shout? ( Repeat with arms outstretched)

"Hello, sky!" ( Repeat, raising your arms up and spreading them wide.)

And then Tongue saw the sun.

“Hello, sun!” How did he shout? ( Shout joyfully, raising your arms up and spreading them wide.)

The trees, the sky, the sun ask

“Who said hello to us?”

"It's me!!!" - Tongue shouted. How did HE shout? (Again shout joyfully, raising your arms up and spreading them wide.) “Who is it, me?” the trees, the sky, the sun ask again.


I…..!" ( Shout your name out loud.)

The tongue jumps, jumps and gallops to the zoo ( tongue clicking). He met his friends at the Zoo. The tongue saw a donkey.

“Eey-ey-ey!” - said hello. Donkey. How did he say hello? ( Repeat.)

The tongue looked at how the cheerful elephant Bambi washed himself: he took some water with his trunk and washed himself, as if from a shower. Show how the elephant gets some water. A turkey approached them.

He chatted incessantly: “Bl-bl-bl-bl-bl-bl...” The little squirrel treated the tongue with nuts.

Show me what kind of nuts you had?

Tongue rode on a swing at the zoo

I took a ride in a small car: “Dpppppp...” ( Show how to drive a car while holding the steering wheel.) -It was very hot. Tongue bought himself an ice cream popsicle on a stick.

Very tasty ice cream! ( Lapping movement of the tongue.)

What kind of ice cream do you like? Tongue ate ice cream and thought that he had to return home. I looked at my watch, and the clock was standing.

Do you need a watch? ( Hand movements simulating winding a watch.)

That's right - start: "tick-tick-tick". And the clock went.

"Oh! My mother is waiting for me at home!” Tongue jumped onto the horse and galloped home ( tongue clicking). His mother was waiting for him at home...

She baked delicious pancakes for Tongue -

like this. And she put some delicious jam. Prove how delicious the jam is ( Repeat exercise. 19). Mom went to the toy store and bought gifts for her beloved son. Mom gave Tongue a balloon.

Its color corresponds to the sound "z". Guess what color the ball is? That's right, green. The tongue inflated the balloon: “f...f...f...”. Mom also bought Tongue a beautiful accordion and drum. Here it is.

The tongue took the drumsticks and started playing a cheerful march: “de-de-de, de-de-de, de-de-de...” He was very happy with the new toys and very glad that he returned home to his mother.