Astronomer: The ninth planet has completed the census of the planets of the solar system. To be the ninth planet of the solar system! Deep space flights

Astronomers Kat Wolk and Rinu Malhotra from the University of Arizona published a study in The Astronomical Journal that suggests there may be a previously undetected planet at the outer edge of the Kuiper Belt. solar system the size of Mars. Scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing the orbital deviations of 600 bodies. The inclination of their rotation differs from the inclination of the orbits of the observed planets of the solar system. Therefore, they are influenced by the gravitational field celestial body, not visible to astronomers, the researchers note.

“The most logical explanation for our calculations is the presence of an invisible celestial body. Our calculations suggest that an object comparable in size to Mars could have such an impact on the orbital inclination,” the Arizona specialists said in a statement.

Wolk and Malhotra suggest that Planet 10 is located at the outer edge of the Kuiper belt, at a distance of 55 astronomical units from the Sun. However, not all of their colleagues involved in the search for celestial bodies agree with the conclusions of scientists from the University of Arizona. Astronomer Konstantin Batygin, co-author of a study on the supposed ninth planet, believes that one should not rush to conclusions.

“The object may turn out to have less mass, and may not even fall within the framework in which it can be called a planet,” the specialist believes.

Planet 9

Let us recall that Konstantin Batygin himself, together with astrophysicist Michael Brown, made a similar discovery. In 2016, scientists announced that, through analysis of disturbances detected in the outer solar system, they had found Planet 9.

  • Reuters

Batygin and Brown's hypothetical Planet Nine has a mass ten times that of Earth, in contrast to the comparatively small size of Planet 10.

According to the version put forward by Brown and Batygin, the planet could have formed in the solar system, and then it was pushed into a more distant orbit under the influence of the gravitational force of Jupiter or Saturn.

The authors of the study calculated that the hypothetical ninth planet, moving in orbit, maximally moves away from the Sun more than 1000 times further than the Earth. And even at the closest point, the distance is at least 200 times greater than the average from the Earth to the Sun. And Planet 9 makes one revolution around the star within 10-20 thousand years.

It is worth noting that a number of scientists are skeptical about the hypothesis of the presence of another planet in the solar system, but Batygin is confident in its existence.

“The number of seemingly unrelated mysteries in the life of the solar system that are solved by the hypothesis of a ninth planet is too large for it to be a mere coincidence,” he insists.

Planet X

Initially, the idea of ​​presence in the solar system unknown planets did not originate as scientific hypothesis, but as a pseudo-scientific myth. Since the mid-20th century, supporters of alternative theories have been talking about Nibiru, a planet that is supposedly located between Mars and Jupiter.

The legend of the ominous planet was started by an American psychiatrist of Russian origin, Immanuel Velikovsky. In his writings he suggested that many significant events ancient history, including biblical ones, took place against the backdrop of planetary cataclysms in the solar system and were caused by them. He argued that the planets changed their orbits and even collided before the eyes of ancient civilizations, and the planet Tiamat, or Phaeton, was destroyed by an unknown body passing through the solar system, as a result of which an asteroid belt formed around Mars.

  • Due to the hostility of the scientific community, Velikovsky experienced a mental crisis, but did not abandon his ideas and continued to develop them.

The psychiatrist’s books, despite their large circulations, caused such public indignation in the United States that the phenomenon of extraordinary aggression towards the researcher received its own name - the “Velikovsky case.”

However, they really provoked the seekers mysterious planet X book of the American writer Zecharia Sitchin, who independently began translating Sumerian clay tablets, noting that previous researchers had overlooked the most important details about the level of astronomical knowledge of the Sumerians. Sitchin argued that the Sumerians knew about the existence of a “wandering planet” they called Nibiru, and perceived it as an absolutely real celestial body. He went even further, declaring that Nibiru is inhabited, and that it is inhabited by the civilization of the so-called Anunnaki - the mysterious ancestors of humanity who created homo sapiens for grueling work in the “gold” mines of Mesopotamia and Africa.

His translations are not taken seriously in the scientific community, but because of the beautiful and secretive stories, they are popular among a fairly wide audience. Sitchin's work was criticized in his works by professor humanities MIT and York University William Irwin Thompson, Professor of Anthropology and Linguistics at Drew University (New Jersey) Roger Wescott and other eminent scientists. According to Michael Heiser, a researcher of ancient languages, Zecharia Sitchin took words out of context and greatly distorted their meaning.

“Supporting his conclusions with his translations of pre-Nubian and Sumerian texts, the writer, for example, argued that these ancient civilizations knew 12 planets, although in fact they knew only five, of which there is no doubt,” Heiser wrote.

Now that astrophysicists and astronomers are studying unknown bodies of the solar system famous universities, and volunteers from all over the world help them in this, one can hope that the mystery of the “wandering planet”, be it the ninth or tenth in a row, will be solved.

One of the discoverers of the new ninth planet, Michael Brown, is known as “the man who killed Pluto.” It was on his initiative that Pluto was deprived of its official status as a planet. And in 2010, Brown even wrote the book “How I Killed Pluto and Why It Was Inevitable.” Many in the scientific world even joked that Brown’s discovery of a new planet was an attempt at rehabilitation for the “murder” of Pluto, because the decision to deprive it of its planet status was extremely negatively received by society.

Michael Brown (left)

New planet - ice giant

Unlike Pluto and Eridu, which Brown also discovered, the new planet is believed to be a gas-ice giant and looks similar to Neptune. Scientists believe that the new planet has a diameter 2–4 times larger than the Earth’s and a mass of about 10 Earth’s, which puts it in this indicator between the terrestrial planets and the giant planets.

She is very far away

Neptune is the most distant planet from the Sun, located at a distance of 4.5 billion km. And the new ninth planet is still 20 times further away. This is a lot even by astronomical standards. For comparison: not long ago, the NASA New Horizons probe flew to Pluto; this journey took him 9 years. It would take him 54 years to fly to the new ninth planet. And this is only in the best scenario, when the planet would be as close as possible to the Sun. It would take New Horizons about 350 years to reach the farthest point of its orbit.

This is the largest and longest orbit around the Sun

Because the new ninth planet is so far from the Sun around which it orbits, its orbital period is extremely long. Only according to the most conservative calculations of scientists, full turn It takes this planet from 10 to 20 thousand years around the star. Just think about this figure. Even if the most lower limit in 10 thousand years is accurate, then in last time this planet was in the same place as it is now, when mammoths still walked the earth, and the number of people in the whole world did not exceed 5 million. The entire history of mankind, from the earliest development of agriculture to the invention of spaceships, would fit into just one year on this planet.


The new planet may be the “fifth giant”

Back in 2011, scientists, based on the structure of the Kuiper belt, began to suggest that in our Solar system, most likely there was a fifth giant planet. Such assumptions were made in attempts to understand exactly how a complex of large icy asteroids in the Kuiper belt formed, which stick together and move in a strictly constant orbit. Checked with computer modeling With about 100 possible scenarios for the development of events, scientists came to the conclusion that at the dawn of the solar system, there was most likely a fifth giant planet.

According to scientists it was like this: about 4 billion years ago, a certain giant planet, by the force of its gravitational field“pushed” Neptune from its then-occupied orbit next to Jupiter and Saturn. Neptune found itself “on the outskirts” of the solar system behind Uranus. During this “flight,” Neptune took with it pieces of the primordial matter of the Solar System, which were then thrown by its gravitational forces beyond its current orbit and formed the core of the current Kuiper belt. The whole question was: what kind of planet was this? Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn were not suitable for this role.

Now, with the advent of the new ninth planet, something has begun to become clearer. Scientists suggest that having done its “dirty deed”, it apparently flew into deep space, thrown out of the solar system by the forces of gravitational interaction with other planets.

The new planet could help with interstellar travel.

One of the biggest problems in interstellar travel is that we do not have enough fuel to keep the ship's engines running for many years in the vast expanse of space.

In the case of probes and interplanetary reconnaissance ships, scientists have long and quite successfully used such a trick as the “gravitational maneuver”, which allows them to accelerate the ship due to the force of gravity big planet. For the Voyager and New Horizons probes, this planet was Jupiter.

Well, what if (when) we want to explore interstellar space, then the new ninth planet could become such a planet for us. Problems can arise only if its density turns out to be less than the density of Neptune, then the increase in speed from such a maneuver around it will be extremely small. In any case, we will only be able to find out about this when we study the new planet more carefully.

Conspiracy theories call it the “planet of death.”

It’s time to get used to the fact that every time after the discovery of new objects in our solar system, various adherents of conspiracy theories begin to call these objects harbingers of an imminent apocalypse. Typically, this role is assigned to comets and asteroids. But these guys also couldn’t ignore the discovery of the new ninth planet.

Almost immediately after the scientists' announcement, various Internet prophets proclaimed that the new planet was the one planet Nibiru. It is assumed that "Nibiru" is a mythical planet that the secret government knows about, but carefully hides this fact from people, because one day "Nibiru" will pass very close to the Earth, which will provoke destructive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which will eventually will lead to the apocalypse.

And it really may turn out to be a “planet of death”

No, of course, this new ninth planet is unlikely to ever pass near the Earth, this is completely fantastic. However, there are, albeit not great, but still real chances that she may indirectly be guilty of the apocalypse.

The fact is that the enormous gravitational force of this planet for gravity maneuver can use not only probes and spaceships. The same thing can happen with an asteroid. Using its gravitational force, the new ninth planet can literally “throw” a huge rock at us, from which we will not be able to dodge. Of course, the likelihood that this will happen in such a vast space is negligible, but it still exists.

She may not exist at all

And this is probably the most important, What you should know about the new ninth planet. No one has seen this planet yet. Astronomers only assume the presence of this planet, based on statistical anomalies in the orbits of small planets that have developed over billions of years. That is, based on the behavior of neighboring objects that are affected by some gravitational force, scientists assume that this force may come from a large planet. Only visual detection can confirm its existence.

However, given the fact that the planet is moving very slowly and is far from Earth, this makes it very difficult to find. Brown and Batygin have already reserved time on Japan's Subaru Telescope at the Hawaii Observatory. Brown estimates that surveying most of the sky where the planet may be located will take about five years.

Interesting facts about the solar system

There is no “missing link” in human evolution

The term "missing link" has fallen out of use in scientific circles because it is associated with the erroneous assumption that the evolutionary process is linear and proceeds sequentially, "in a chain." Instead, biologists use the term "last common ancestor."

Being a boss is worse than being a subordinate: the amazing experiment of Didier Desor

Astrophysicists are unsuccessfully searching for evidence of the existence of Planet Nine, the existence of which they fervently believe. And they themselves explain the reason for such a hunt for a phantom by the fact that it “scares the hell out of them.”

Scientists have found "Planet X"

Most astronomers remain convinced that the discovery of Planet Nine, made within just one generation, will force a rewrite school books in astronomy even for primary classes. “Whenever we take pictures of the starry sky,” University of Tokyo astronomer Surhud More told Quanta magazine, “it feels like Planet 9 is in the frame.”

So far, no telescope has been able to detect the hypothetical massive solar system planet beyond the orbit of Pluto, but astronomers continue to accumulate evidence of its existence.

One of the authors of this hypothesis, Caltech astronomer Michael Brown, says he feels "eternal optimist" that someone will find it soon, since there is every reason to believe that Planet Nine exists, although it may be invisible to current observatories.

The first evidence of the existence of Planet 9 was made public in 2014, when two American astronomers, Chadwick Trujillo and Scott Sheppard, discovered that some of the distant Kuiper belt objects have a perihelion argument close to zero. Consequently, they cross the plane of the ecliptic from south to north around the time of perihelion. Somewhat later, a similar hypothesis was voiced by Spanish astronomers from the University of Madrid.

Brown and his colleague, an American astronomer of Russian origin, a teacher of planetology at the California Institute of Technology, Konstantin Batygin, two years later clarified that the perturber (as they called it) has a mass from five to twenty times the mass of the Earth and follows an elliptical orbit a hundred or even a thousand times more distant from the Sun than the Earth.

Despite its massiveness, it is very difficult to discern the ninth planet in the pitch darkness of the cosmic depths, given the fact that a distance of 600 astronomical units lies between us and it. Let us recall that the astronomical unit, or its international designation AU, is the distance between the Earth and the Sun.

However, Brown and Sheppard lead a team of astronomers who remain hopeful of finding Planet Nine using the Subaru Optical Telescope at Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii. Thanks to the increase in angular resolution, the Subaru telescope has a wider field of view. Over the past two years, each team of astronomers has spent several weeks a year trying to explore the starry sky. In ideal weather, theoretically this would have been sufficient time to cover most of the area of ​​interest, but windy and cloudy nights made adjustments to most of the planned observations.

If astronomers do manage to expand their search, some accident will prevent them from finding Planet 9. Perhaps this will happen due to contamination Milky Way or she will disappear in the light of a bright star. The worst case scenario is for this to happen in the part of the orbit that extends beyond the 1000-AU distance. And then waiting for her return will be completely useless. Planet Nine will return in a thousand years.

Hence the need for backup plans to discover Planet 9. One idea is to look for thermal radiation emanating from such a planet. Smaller and cooler than a giant like Jupiter, astrophysicists say Planet 9 will find itself in the millimeter region of the spectrum, which lies between infrared light and microwaves.

According to Gilbert Holder, a cosmologist at the University of Illinois, current telescopes in Antarctica and Chile could detect Planet Nine today if they deviate from their search field. There is no way to hide Planet Nine anywhere in space, the scientist believes.

Even before the end of the mission of NASA's Cassini space probe, it was stated that the mysterious Cassini anomaly was not caused by any gravitational jerk of the supposed Planet Nine, since no unexplained deviations from the orbit were noticed spacecraft. According to astrophysicists, an undiscovered planet beyond Neptune's orbit would affect the orbit of Saturn rather than Cassini.

Perhaps the “eternal optimists” are right in their own way. Even if Planet 9 doesn't exist, the hunt for it is leading to other discoveries. In the spring of 2017, a team led by Sheppard announced the discovery of 12 new moons of the gas giant Jupiter. Those who work next to Brown have figured out the reason for the death of galaxies in the Universe. Gas from 11 thousand galaxies in the Universe, which is the raw material for the production of new stars, is intensively “pulled out” in every corner of the local Universe. Around every galaxy in the Universe there is a halo of dark matter. When a galaxy passes through a massive halo, it can quickly lose significant amounts of the gas that fills it.

The real reason why astronomers are so persistently looking for Planet Nine was revealed by Sheppard himself: “We're actually trying to find something that really scares the hell out of us.”

Two American astronomers, one of whom is from Russia, were stunned on Tuesday scientific world after sensational news spread across the media: they discovered a ninth planet on the outskirts of the solar system! The first news about this was published by the Californian university of technology, where both scientists work - and Mike, later - authoritative scientific journals Science and Nature.

“She will be the real ninth planet. Only two valid planets have been found since ancient times, and this will be the third. This is a significant part of our solar system that has remained undetected, and it’s exciting,” says Brown.

It is reported that the planet was found by mathematical analysis disturbances experienced by many icy bodies from the so-called Kuiper Belt - a huge region of space beyond the orbit of Pluto. Calculations have shown that the planet revolves around the Sun at a distance of 20 orbits of Neptune, its mass is 10 times greater than the mass of the Earth.

Due to such a distance from the Sun, the planet is not visible and makes a full revolution around the Sun in 10-20 thousand years.

“Although we were initially skeptical that this planet could exist, as we continued to explore its orbit, we became increasingly confident that it was indeed there,” Batygin said.

The calculated mass of the object leaves no doubt that it can be confidently classified as a planet, because it is 5 thousand times heavier than Pluto! Unlike the vast number of small objects in the solar system, such as dwarf planets, Planet Nine gravitationally dominates the extended region of the Kuiper Belt where it orbits. Moreover, this area is much larger than the space in which all the other known planets of the Solar System dominate.

This, as Brown puts it, makes it “the most planetary of the planets in the solar system.”

Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin

The work of scientists, which may become epoch-making, entitled “Evidence for a Distant Giant Planet in the Solar System” was published in the journal Astronomical Journal. In it, the authors find an explanation for many previously discovered features in the movement of icy bodies in the Kuiper Belt.

The search for the planet began in 2014, when former student Brown published a paper claiming that 13 of the most distant Kuiper Belt objects have similar oddities in their motion. Then a version of the existence of a small planet nearby was proposed. Brown did not support this version at the time, but continued his calculations. Together with Batygin, they began a year and a half project to study the orbits of these bodies.

Caltech/R.Hurt (IPAC)

Quite soon, Batygin and Brown realized that the orbits of six of these objects passed close to the same region of space, despite the fact that all orbits were different. “It’s as if you looked at six watches on six hands that go with at different speeds, and at that moment they would show the same time. The probability of this is about 1/100,” explains Brown. In addition, it turned out that the orbits of all six bodies are inclined at an angle of 30 degrees to the ecliptic plane. “Actually, this could not have been accidental. So we began to look for what formed these orbits,” the astronomer explained.

Almost by accident, scientists noticed that if a heavy planet was included in the calculations,

whose perihelion is 180 degrees away from the perihelion of these six bodies (that is, the Sun itself is between them), then its perturbations will precisely explain the observed picture.

“The healthy reaction was that such a geometry is impossible, the orbits cannot be stable for a long time, because in the end this will lead to a collision of objects,” Batygin believes. However, the mechanism known in celestial mechanics as resonances of average movements, does not allow this to happen: objects, coming closer, exchange energy and fly apart.

For every four revolutions of the ninth planet, there are nine revolutions of those same objects, and they never collide. As often happens in astronomy, the hypothesis was confirmed when its prediction was confirmed. It turns out that the trans-Neptunian object Sedna, discovered in 2003 by Brown, Trujillo and Rabinowitz, and another similar object, 2012 VP113, do indeed slightly deviate their orbits where predicted. But the main assumption that came true is the existence, thanks to a heavy planet in the Kuiper Belt, of objects whose plane of rotation is completely perpendicular to the plane of the Solar System.

It turned out that over the past three years, astronomers have found at least four such objects whose orbits correspond to the predictions.

Where did the planet hidden in the depths of the Kuiper Belt come from? Scientists believe that the solar system originally had four cores that formed Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. “But there could have been five,” says Brown. This fifth protoplanet, coming too close to Jupiter or Saturn, could be thrown into a distant eccentric orbit.

According to scientists, if a planet is now close to its perihelion, you can look for it in past sky surveys. If she managed to move away, telescopes like the 10-meter instruments at the Keck Observatory can catch her,

after all, the planet never approaches the Sun at a distance closer than 200 Earth orbits.

There is no consensus among scientists about the discovery. , a specialist in body dynamics from Nice, is confident that this planet exists. But not everyone thinks so. “I've seen many, many statements like this in my career. And they all turned out to be wrong,” says Hal Levison, a planetary scientist at the Boulder Institute in Colorado.

Until 2009, Pluto, discovered in 1930 also thanks to the analysis of the disturbances it creates, was considered the ninth planet of the solar system. Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet by a decision of the International Astronomical Union. Recently, some astronomers have created a movement to restore it to planetary status following discoveries made by the New Horizons probe.
Konstantin Batygin gave one of his first interviews to a Gazeta.Ru correspondent.

— Konstantin, searching for bodies in the Kuiper Belt is not a very popular topic among astronomers, how many people are doing this?
— There are a little more than a hundred people in the world, I think. It turned out that the most distant objects in the solar system, in physical space, look in the same direction. And the only theoretically correct model that we were able to construct is the one where their orbits are held by the gravity of one planet.

— What are the prospects for finding a planet using telescopes?
“I think it’s realistic to do this in the next two to five years.” This requires knowledge of the orbit and sufficient observing time on telescopes. Knowing the orbit is what we did in this article. To find it, you need to know where to look. At the moment we know only the closest part of it.

— I know that you were born in Moscow. How did you end up in the USA?
— We lived in Russia until 1994; I finished 1st grade in Moscow. We moved to Japan, lived there for six years, where I studied from 3rd to 6th grade, and missed the second grade because I was too tall. Then he studied at the Russian school at the embassy in Tokyo. In 1999 we moved to California, where I graduated high school, university and graduate school at Caltech.

— Good luck, we hope that your discovery will be confirmed and we will see your name in textbooks!
- Thank you.

Not long ago, Californian scientists put forward a hypothesis about the existence of a ninth planet in the solar system. They started talking about this after assessing the peculiarities of the movement of planets in the Kuiper belt. It has not yet been possible to see this mysterious celestial body, but scientists have provided quite convincing evidence that it exists.

Michael Brown

For the first time, the “Pluto killer” Michael Brown spoke about the presence of a ninth planet in the solar system. This scientist proved that Pluto is not a planet, for which he received the nickname “killer.” In 2010, he even wrote a book about this event. The deprivation of Pluto's status as a planet was negatively received by society.

Michael discovered a new, ninth planet in the solar system, for which he was ridiculed in the ranks of scientists, commenting on this discovery as a method of rehabilitation for “murder.”

New body of the solar system

Presumably, the new planet discovered by Brown, like Eribu and Pluto, belongs to the gas giants. It looks about the same as Neptune: according to scientists, it is three times the diameter of the Earth and ten times our mass. According to these indicators, it is located between giants and exoplanets.

Far from us

The planet farthest from the Sun is Neptune. It is located 4.5 billion km. The new, ninth planet of the solar system is located even further from Neptune: according to some data, twenty times further. To understand how far these planets are from us, it’s worth turning to NASA data: their satellite flew to Neptune in nine years. If it were sent to the new ninth planet, the flight would take more than fifty years, and then only if the planet approached as close as possible to the Sun. It would take the satellite three hundred years to reach the outermost point of its orbit.


The discovery of the ninth planet of the solar system excited the minds of scientists and forced them to work hard. Astronomers around the world began to find out what its orbit was and more.

Experiments have shown that the orbit of the new body is very large: according to conservative estimates, it makes a full revolution around the Sun in 15-20 thousand years. If these calculations are correct, then the last time it was near the Earth was in the days when it was inhabited by mammoths. All earthly history The development of human civilization can be contained in just one year of the ninth planet.

The fifth giant

Based on the structure of the Kuiper belt, scientists back in 2011 put forward a theory about the presence of a fifth giant belonging to our solar system. This opinion appeared after astronomers tried to explain how exactly a complex of asteroids was formed, which are constantly moving in a given orbit. Using a computer, more than a hundred different event models have been tested. As a result of checks, astronomers came to the conclusion that there is another giant planet in the solar system, the heel in number in our system.

Supposedly about four billion years ago, a giant planet pushed Neptune out of its orbit around Jupiter and Saturn. Because of this, he ended up behind Uranus. During this flight, Neptune took with it the primary building elements, which were thrown out beyond the limits of today's orbit. They formed the heart of the Kuiper belt. Scientists did not know what kind of planet it could be.

After the discovery of the ninth planet, some mysteries of space began to become clearer. According to some opinions, after the giant ejected Neptune, it flew into space. There is a possibility that the gravitational forces of other planets changed the flight orbit.

Deep space flights

The main problem with long interstellar travel is that our ships do not have enough fuel to navigate the universe for years. Probes and reconnaissance ships use tactics It helps accelerate ships to a certain speed, saving fuel. For a satellite sent to explore distant planets, such “fuel” was Jupiter.

If someday people decide to send a ship into distant space, then the gravity of the ninth planet can help it fly. However, this type of flight technique can have problems. For example. If the gravity of planet No. 9 is less than that of Neptune, then the speed of the ship will be extremely low. In any case, people will be able to say exactly what properties the new celestial body has only when it is studied in detail.

Planet No. 9, or "planet of death"

With any new loud discovery there are always people who begin to shout to the whole world about the apocalypse. And the more we learn about how the universe, the ninth planet and other bodies work, the more information appears that this celestial body will bring death to Earth.

Almost immediately after the announcement of the discovery, information appeared that this body was the same mysterious Nibiru. It is assumed that only a select few know about its existence, but its existence is hidden from the public. And as soon as it comes close to the Earth, all living things will die: strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions will begin, and as a result, an apocalypse will occur.

There is a possibility of an apocalypse

What is the name of the ninth planet in the solar system and what influence does it have on Earth? The new discovery is called Planet X or Planet 9. This celestial body cannot be the direct cause of a serious catastrophe, although some scientific minds claim that it has enormous gravitational force, which is why it can become an indirect culprit for a variety of cataclysms. It can drag huge asteroids from space and “launch” them at us, but we won’t be able to dodge it. Of course, the realization of such a scenario is unlikely, but it should not be ruled out.

Planet X

For centuries, scientists have debated the existence of a ninth object. They remember him and then forget about him. Interest in the new discovery grew due to the author, who put forward the theory of the existence of a giant. Brown is a famous scientist. He discovered Eris and a number of other celestial bodies, and in 2005, thanks to his data, Pluto lost its status as a planet.

The idea of ​​another object in our solar system has come and gone over the years, but after Brown published it, it aroused enormous interest among astronomers around the world.

Or maybe she doesn't exist

The most important thing that has been said above is that no one has seen Planet X. Scientists have only theoretical guesses and modeling results. There is no other evidence confirming the presence of a new celestial body. All guesses are based on orbital anomalies, behavior cosmic bodies, which are influenced by some mysterious huge force. Only visual detection of the body can confirm the guesses, but this has not happened yet.


J. Vesper and P. Mason from New Mexico built more than one hundred and fifty computer models of the giant's behavior. About forty percent of theories are that the object is fixed outside the orbit of Pluto, where it performs the same rotations around the luminary. In other cases, X passed through the solar system and flew into space.

There is such a thing as “orphan planets”. They are formed outside of any systems. There are objects that were once formed in other systems and left them, going to wander through space. Such scenarios occur due to the influence of other objects located in the systems: they exert some influence and throw out those who do not suit them from their ranks.

They began to talk about the discovery of orphans in the early nineties of the last century, but they began to be found only in our time. According to assumptions, their number can reach 500 billion. Such bodies are difficult to detect due to a lack of methods and constant movement, darkened by the stars they fly around. The available technology allows us to see only those travelers who are quite large in size: approximately the same as those of Saturn or Jupiter.

There are ten of them

Information about a new discovery in the solar system quickly spread throughout the world, people began to ask the question: “What is the name of the ninth planet and are there other discoveries?” So far this body is not called Planet X.

Scientists decided to conduct research on the Kuiper Belt in order to identify objects that fit the conventional descriptions. During the analysis, they found a second Mars and thousands of other interesting bodies that still need to be worked on. This discovery became known as the tenth planet. According to calculations, the twin of Mars is 50 light years away from the Sun, and the orbit is inclined to the ecliptic by 8 degrees. The find has some impact on the objects of the belt. According to assumptions, in ancient times it was located closer to the star, but now it has been thrown to the very edge of its orbit.