Wealth is a state of a person's soul. Main type of wealth

The inner and spiritual wealth of a person Probably each of us knows that inner wealth is the most important thing a person has in life. We are all endowed with a certain gift from nature. But, unfortunately, not every one of us can use it at least half. How can we increase our productivity, unlock the hidden treasures within us, and make the most of our natural talents? The universal answer is to find these very tendencies and work hard to develop them. According to psychologists, these steps will allow you not only to become a better person, but also to find true happiness. After all, a person feels happy precisely when he can successfully realize all his abilities and find his purpose. That's what the goal is called human life, the meaning of existence. The problem is that very few people search for the meaning of life. The rest waste time aimlessly, burying their own talents in the ground. You cannot think only about money and offspring; you must be able to break out of routine existence in order to comprehend something higher. Something that will become a stimulus for real human life. To find that very stimulus, you must first of all want to find it with all your heart. You will definitely need a desire, because the search may drag on indefinitely. The desire to find the real meaning of life will not let you stop, it will give you patience and endurance. Over time, you will definitely find the answer to your question, and it will completely change your life. You will build your communication and even behavior according to the answer you received. There is another way to determine your purpose. To do this, you just need a piece of paper and a pen. You must let go of all your thoughts and write the answer to the question of what you see as the meaning of your life, from the heart, without hesitation. There are usually a lot of things in what is written that are worth thinking about. To determine your purpose, you can analyze your own life goals. It’s enough to simply answer the questions of why you set such tasks for yourself. The main thing is to write down your goals honestly and give answers from the heart. Another interesting way to determine your own purpose is through fantasy. It’s enough to imagine that you are a completely self-sufficient person who has already seen everything in this world. That is, you don’t need to worry about your financial situation, and you are more interested in travel. What you want to do is your true purpose. An effective way, which, however, requires a lot of faith, can be called meditation. For this method, you need to completely relax both body and soul. Meditative relaxing music will help you with this. Before the process, it is better to have a notepad and pen next to you to write down your own answers. As a rule, during meditation, your entire subconscious mind answers your question, so you can be confident in the truthfulness and sincerity. You can use approximately the same method by replacing meditation with sleep. It is enough to firmly “drive” the question of interest into your head. There is a high probability that you will receive an answer in a dream. The main thing is to write it down and interpret it correctly. Another good method for determining your own purpose is childhood memories. What did you want to become as a child? Perhaps you have simply forgotten your real desires and dreams. Remember! If you notice that you can’t decide on your purpose, perhaps you should work on yourself. After all, as a rule, only people who have high level self-development. Let us repeat what has already been said earlier: various models of behavior imposed on us by society or circumstances only move us away from the true goal. A person does not necessarily have to have enormous wealth, changing one job after another just because of a salary increase. The main thing is to find yourself, to understand what exactly you want to do. You need to put your interests above material wealth. After all, true happiness is within us. This is an excellent scheme for working for the good. You do something that gives you a certain, albeit small, income, and the rest of the time you develop, look for something that is truly exciting for you, and improve in it. Over time, you will be able to earn money from your favorite business, and work will not only not be a burden for you, but also a joy. In order to illustrate how useless a person’s desire to realize himself in what is not given to him by nature is, we use clear example. Imagine that a potato wanted to change and become a carrot only because of its brightness, splendor and the presence of vitamin A. Each of us understands how useless this zeal of a slow-witted vegetable is, but, for some reason, we often repeat his mistake. So we shouldn’t betray our real desires, replacing them with illusory values ​​imposed by society. Strangers will not live for us, so we must take care of our own happiness. You just have to really want to know your own purpose, and you will definitely succeed. The main thing is to constantly work on yourself and believe in yourself. And after the purpose has been found, it is necessary to develop in the right vector, without being distracted by standards and templates imposed by society. Everything is in your hands, because nature has given us countless treasures!

Not everyone can call themselves a spiritually rich person. Sometimes such controversial definition criteria are mixed or replaced with obviously incorrect ones. The article will tell you what signs are the most accurate and what it means to be a spiritually rich person.

What is it, spiritual wealth?

The concept of “spiritual wealth” cannot be interpreted unambiguously. There are controversial criteria by which this term is most often defined. Moreover, they are controversial individually, but together, with their help, a fairly clear idea of ​​spiritual wealth emerges.

  1. The criterion of humanity. What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person from the point of view of other people? Often this includes qualities such as humanity, understanding, empathy, and the ability to listen. Can a person who does not have these qualities be considered spiritually rich? Most likely the answer is negative. But the concept of spiritual wealth is not limited to these signs.
  2. Education criterion. Its essence is that what more educated person, the richer he is. Yes and no, because there are many examples when a person has several educations, he is smart, but his inner world completely poor and empty. At the same time, history knows individuals who had no education, but their inner world was like a blooming garden, the flowers from which they shared with others. Such an example could be Simple woman from a small village did not have the opportunity to receive an education, but Arina Rodionovna was so rich in her knowledge of folklore and history that, perhaps, her spiritual wealth became the spark that ignited the flame of creativity in the poet’s soul.
  3. Criterion of the history of the family and homeland. Its essence is that a person who does not carry a store of knowledge about the historical past of his family and homeland cannot be called spiritually rich.
  4. The criterion of faith. The word "spiritual" comes from the word "spirit". Christianity defines a spiritually rich person as a believer who lives according to the commandments and laws of God.

Signs of spiritual wealth in people

What it means to be a spiritually rich person is difficult to say in one sentence. For everyone main feature is something of its own. But here is a list of traits without which it is impossible to imagine such a person.

  • humanity;
  • empathy;
  • sensitivity;
  • flexible, lively mind;
  • love for the homeland and knowledge of its historical past;
  • life according to the laws of morality;
  • knowledge in various fields.

What does spiritual poverty lead to?

In contrast to the spiritual wealth of a person is the disease of our society - spiritual poverty.

Understanding what it means to be a spiritually rich, whole person cannot be revealed without negative qualities that should not be present in life:

  • ignorance;
  • callousness;
  • life for one’s own pleasure and outside the moral laws of society;
  • ignorance and non-perception of the spiritual and historical heritage of their people.

This is not the entire list, but the presence of several traits can define a person as spiritually poor.

What does the spiritual impoverishment of the people lead to? Often this phenomenon leads to a significant decline in society, and sometimes to its death. Man is structured in such a way that if he does not develop, does not enrich his inner world, then he degrades. The principle “if you don’t go up, you slide down” is very fair here.

How to deal with spiritual poverty? One of the scientists said that spiritual wealth is the only type of wealth that cannot be deprived of a person. If you fill yours with light, knowledge, goodness and wisdom, then this will stay with you for life.

There are many ways to become spiritually enriched. The most effective of them is reading decent books. This is a classic, although many modern authors also write good works. Read books, respect your history, be a person with capital letters- and then poverty of spirit will not touch you.

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person?

Now we can clearly outline the image of a person with a rich inner world. What kind of spiritually rich person is he? Most likely, a good conversationalist knows how to not only speak so that they listen to him, but also listen so that you want to talk to him. He lives according to the moral laws of society, is honest and sincere with his surroundings, he knows and will never pass by someone else's misfortune. Such a person is smart, and not necessarily due to the education he received. Self-education, constant food for the mind and dynamic development make it so. A spiritually rich person must know the history of his people, the elements of their folklore, and be diversified.

Instead of a conclusion

These days it may seem that material wealth is valued more than spiritual wealth. To some extent this is true, but another question is, by whom? Only a spiritually impoverished person will not appreciate the inner world of his interlocutor. Material wealth will never replace the breadth of soul, wisdom, and moral purity. Sympathy, love, respect cannot be bought. Only a spiritually rich person is capable of displaying such feelings. Material things are perishable; tomorrow they may no longer exist. But spiritual wealth will remain with a person for his entire life, and will illuminate the path not only for him, but also for those who are next to him. Ask yourself what it means to be a spiritually rich person, set yourself a goal and go towards it. Believe me, your efforts will be worth it.

For a long time I believed that wealth was an excess of something, something superfluous, something that I didn’t deserve. I believed that in order to become rich you had to either work terribly hard, or give up on yourself in order to sell yourself for more, or attract wealth to yourself by great chance, win the lottery, or meet rich people who would help me financially.

For me, wealth itself was unreal. When I started working on limiting beliefs, I discovered that I unconsciously believed in poverty, in lack, in difficulties, in the fact that money is hard to come by. And, of course, I had all this in my life.

The feeling of the reality of wealth arose after I realized that wealth is the state of a person, his soul and mind. Wealth is not an excess of something, as I previously believed.

Wealth is the abundance of what you desire; it is the possession of an abundance of material and spiritual values. Wealth is a manifestation of your infinite creative essence.

Wealth reflects the inner state of a person, his values ​​and beliefs.
It is only a mirror of what lives in his inner world. We create the world based on our internal values and preferences.

Of course, we did not consciously choose to be poor or to experience a constant struggle for survival, but our beliefs, which are so deeply ingrained in the mind, create the same picture of our reality every time in life.

For a person, what is real is what surrounds him, what he saw and sees, what he perceived and perceives while among relatives, friends, and various groups. If you have received the reality that money is not enough, that there is not enough of it, that the rich are dishonest, then this reality begins to reproduce and repeat situations with a lack of money. We learn and gain reality by observing our surroundings, we draw conclusions and accept what we see as fact.

As children, most often, we had no choice in what to believe. We simply believed what we saw and heard. We adopted the faith of our family, school, friends, only by constantly being in this environment and perceiving their beliefs, their stories, their problems.

We learned from others how to react in certain situations. And, if someone had a bad attitude towards money or rich people, we automatically, due to our sympathy and trust in the person close to us, unconsciously agreed with their beliefs, attitudes and reactions.

This is what George Denis Patrick Carlin called our time - an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, screenwriter, producer, winner of four Grammy awards and the Mark Twain Award. Author of 5 books and more than 20 music albums, starred in 16 films. Of course, he’s still that verbal bully, but isn’t he right?

Big people with small souls

Modern man is so preoccupied with achieving position, success, status that he does not think at all about whether his soul needs it. Will a fat wallet bring joy not to his body filled with food and pleasure, but to his heart, which may be cold even in the very center of material paradise. The rich also cry, the great also want love, big people suffer from the same ailments that small people suffer. Do those who are accustomed to compare themselves with others and grow to the level of a great person think that they will be able to avoid what no one can - death? Man is mortal. "The bad thing is that he sometimes suddenly mortal, that’s the trick!” - says Woland. Why does he remind Berlioz about this?

Because Berlioz, who had reached the literary pinnacle, already believed that he had become a great man and could judge things about which he had no right to judge. This is a very dangerous state: to become a big person. There are so many temptations to kill your soul. Not everyone can stand it. Not everyone manages to remain human. We sometimes ask: “When will they be satisfied? Everything is little and little for them, they keep rowing and rowing for themselves.” Never. Because it's impossible. Reach heights, rise above everyone, have everything, but...

At the top you are most vulnerable. Everyone sees you, but you suddenly realize that big man- still the same louse, and still “suddenly mortal.” And there is no escape from this! How to believe in your greatness again, how to gain confidence in your non-existent security? A person feverishly clings to slipping supports, tries to maintain the tone of absolute self-confidence and hopelessly slides into.

It turns out to be a paradoxical situation: a person supposedly reaches heights, but the higher he climbs, the more petty and insignificant he becomes. How ironic of fate - you marry a moneybag, and he turns out to be a wallet with change. There is nothing surprising about this. And this is not irony. Everything is natural: the more a person pays attention to the material side of his life, the less interested in his soul, the more petty it becomes.

Sometimes, in order to justify his greed and explain the generosity of the poor man, the rich man says: “Of course, the poor man will give his last, he has nothing special to lose. It's easy to be generous without having anything. He would try to benefit others if he had what I have acquired through “his own labor.” That is, I am greedy because I have it, and he is generous because he doesn’t. And the more I have, the more justified my greed is. Convenient position. But how petty!

Why do voters often make the wrong choice in favor of oligarchs or very rich people? Because most of these voters live under the laws of poverty. And he reasons like this: “This politician is already very rich, now he will not think about his business, he has already reached the top, now he will think about how the people who voted for him will become just as rich.” Naive. They do not know how the souls of those who have become great people become smaller.

Wise Poor or Dangerous Beggar

On the other hand, the smallest person from a philistine point of view, a tramp who has practically nothing, can be a man of great soul, a hundred times wiser and higher than the most highly respected nouveau riche, whose chests are filled with oil and gold. And all because he is closer to life, to its true understanding. and soulfulness do not depend on the laws of the material world, or rather, do not obey them. You've probably noticed that it is not rich people who are kinder and more empathic, but those who essentially give their last. Sometimes they are more humane, kinder and joyful than the “biggest” people.

Some may think that I am campaigning for poverty. Like, the less a person has, the more spiritual he is. As if an empty pocket is a sign of great generosity of the soul. But this is not entirely true; sometimes poverty oppresses a person so much that it hopelessly deforms his soul. Just as her exorbitant wealth deforms her. A person becomes embittered, envious, greedy. There is nothing more terrible than an aggressive, desperate beggar, whose soul has not only become petty, but has been killed by constant humiliation and fear. Need brings up wise men only in strong personalities; it turns the rest into murderers, robbers and thieves.

Is life made up of little things?

We often hear this phrase. Indeed, our everyday life and holidays are made up of countless different little things; they can make us happy or make us unhappy. Sometimes we give too much attention to little things great value. We make them fetishes, signal flags along which we move in life, as if we were walking along the road and carefully looking under our feet, noticing every pebble, instead of admiring the views and faces of those around us. Little things absorb all our attention and prevent us from focusing on the main thing. On what really makes our lives meaningful and fulfilling.

Don’t let little things turn you into a petty person; look not at the torn button, but into the eyes of the person next to you. Children's writer Diana Wynne Jones, the author of the famous Howl's Moving Castle, who inspired the Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki's cartoon of the same name, once said: “When you go in search of happiness, there is no time for small things.”

How right she is! We would never feel happy if we were distracted by such trifles as freckles on the nose or protruding ears, outfits, haircuts and torn buttons, random words and opinions, temporary obstacles and bad weather. We would simply get confused, get bogged down in all these little things and be unable to move further towards the pinnacle of our experiences.

But, on the other hand, life really consists of little things. Our task is to make these little things big, if they touch our soul, find a response in it, make us better. That is, they turn into “big” people, people with a big heart and a big soul.

Sometimes we can give and create those great “big” little things ourselves for the people we love to make them more joyful and happy. French writer and the philosopher Albert Camus formulates one of the main laws of happiness this way:

“He who gives nothing has nothing. The greatest misfortune is not that you are not loved, but that you do not love yourself.”

What are your thoughts?

Check yourself what you think about most often. What are your brains doing? How to achieve success, how do I look compared to colleagues, neighbors, relatives, how to earn more, how to survive? Everything depends on what is in your head, what is most relevant to you at the moment. Are you moving towards becoming a big person (rich, famous, successful, in power, influential, etc.) or becoming a Big person (wise, generous, kind, authoritative, useful, useful and attractive to people).

I am always reminded of what Eleanor Roosevelt said about what brains can do, and I completely agree with her: “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." And when someone next to me begins to wash the bones of a neighbor, I understand that I don’t want to participate in this, although it is sometimes so tempting to discuss other people’s shortcomings.

Why do people gossip, why are they so susceptible to sensational revelations, why do they, like guinea pigs, click on “fried pictures” and believe outright fakes? This gives them the opportunity to rise at the expense of others. “Can you imagine, she walks around without underwear! Nightmare!" “He spent several million on his car! Horror!" But what’s interesting is that in this apparent exposure of vice, it’s not the one being discussed that looks more vicious, but the one who does it, showing not the best features of his crushed soul.

How do people get smaller?

Each in their own way, of course. But it seems to me that there are patterns. This happens when
he strives to become a big man (to rise above others);
a person is closed only to himself;
discusses and judges other people;
considers himself taller, more beautiful, better, smarter, etc. others;
resigning himself to his plight, accepting poverty, allowing himself to be humiliated.

What to do if you were not born into the Rockefeller family and you have no chance of receiving an inheritance and becoming free from oppression from both legal and illegal?

I want to cheer up such a lucky guy and tell him that everything is not so bad.

Firstly, he is much freer than the rich man. He is not chained to the egregor of money, he has nothing to lose except his chains. And he doesn't have chains either. Only dreams. These are the ones you need to work on so as not to destroy your chance to become a truly Big Man and not slide into the pettiness of the race for the title of Big Man.

Secondly, starting with a clean slate is always more interesting and safer. There is a place for running, there is a platform for creativity.

, the majority are like him. And, therefore, he has a much greater chance of finding real friends and true loved ones, who will not sell their own mother for five kopecks, but will take off their last shirt along with their skin and share it just because they love.

Don’t look for happiness among the poor, they are angry and their souls are killed by humiliation, but don’t try to find it among big petty people. Become a Person with a Big Heart and a Rich Soul, and you will not need to survive, because you will experience the joy of selfless giving and the happiness of unlimited receiving. And then “the time of big people and small souls” will be a thing of the past...

You should be aware of the fact that the immortal Soul of every person living on earth, in its divine essence, is divinely beautiful and unique. These are billions of flickering multi-colored lights, reflected simultaneously in seven mirrors at once. The contemplation of this spectacle leads to indescribable delight.

All your riches human soul keeps it in his chest. To get to this casket, a person needs knowledge and keys.

What should a person know? First of all, he must know that Soul is great chronicler. During its earthly incarnation, the human Soul works tirelessly, without sleep, weekends, rest and vacations. She continuously records on a gold or platinum disc (it’s up to her to decide which one to choose) all of a person’s relationships to everything that he sees and with whom or what he encounters throughout his life on earth. The Soul also records all a person’s beliefs regarding all his objects of observation and all the emotions associated with these attitudes and beliefs.

From the very moment that people living on earth call the time of a person’s death and until the moment of disintegration of the molecular-cellular structure of the human body and its organs, the Human Soul looks through everything that was recorded by it on a gold or platinum disk during a person’s earthly life. She does this not out of idle curiosity, but in order to select “the wheat from the chaff.”

She hides the grain in a casket, where all her countless riches, accumulated over all her earthly incarnations, are stored. This casket is a kind of nuclear storage tank for the Core of the personality of this Immortal Soul.

Reviewing everything that is recorded on the disk, the Soul selects grain “for sowing the future harvest (future earthly incarnation) and hides the seeds of the “insurance fund” - its untouchable reserve. The grain for sowing the future harvest is used to create a new wave of probability, drawing up plots of a new picture of life on earth, a new man providing a new quantum state for quantum field and the bodies of the Universe.

The seeds of the “insurance fund” are an emergency reserve intended for the evolution of the human Spirit, which is in captivity of matter. In other words, in the event that a person, through his own efforts, activates the energy resources of his own brain and goes beyond the boundaries of social consciousness, ensuring that he receives limitless thoughts from the energy-information field of the Universe, and therefore in his life on earth, begins to use, instead logical thinking, limitless thinking.

In this case, a person will consciously choose objects for his observation and, just as consciously, set the angle of the quantum potential at which he, as an observer, will consider these objects of his observation.

All this, a person must know about his Immortal Soul. He should also know that in the process of selecting the wheat from the chaff, the Soul hides in its casket of untold riches all the positive and negative energy stamps - positive and negative beliefs not only of the person himself, concerning his relationships and emotions towards all, without exception, objects of observation , but also the beliefs of “the collective consciousness of the cells of the human body and its organs and parts.”

The process of reviewing the countless riches that his own Soul owns can be carried out consciously by a person while still in material world(during life on earth). The key to opening a casket with the riches of one’s own Soul for a person will be his intention to open this casket. When opening this casket, a person needs to use this knowledge and the third level of consciousness Explicit order, allowing “not to be loaded for a long time at the level of social consciousness,” which is controlled by the human energy matrix.

In the earthly incarnation, the Immortal Soul of man is located in the human body - the Temple of God, in which the unity of Ultra consciousness with human consciousness, the unity of God with man, is manifested.

The logical thinking of every person can help him discover the first objects of the wealth of his own Soul, located in the casket, helping a person to realize the fact that his Immortal Soul is a divinely beautiful, unique and incomparable being on earth (ATTENTION! ) has remarkable courage to:

1. to be incarnated precisely in this decrepit, imperfect and ugly body;

2.Possesses great taste and design talent in order to choose this graceful and sophisticated body.

3.possesses the wisdom to choose for his earthly incarnation this completely inconspicuous body that does not stand out from others.

You can continue your beliefs about your Soul ad infinitum, and it is they that will tell a person what is in the casket.

A person can consciously change all these beliefs already in this earthly incarnation. To do this, they must be replaced with the knowledge that the human body is the Temple of God, with the help of which God gains experience of the Spirit’s presence in the material world, learning everything that was previously unknown to him. The soul is a great chronicler who records information about this experience so that on its basis the image of the Universe itself can be created and realized in matter.

The above listed beliefs of a person regarding his own Soul are the image that the human mind has created for its body and itself. This is also an image given by man God with whom he is one and inseparable.

A person’s beliefs concerning individual parts of his own body: head, ears, eyes, nose, lips, arms, legs and the like, relate to the energy stamps-beliefs of the collective consciousness of subatomic particles of the cells of these organs and body parts.

One should also be aware of the fact that during the formation of such a collective consciousness in the current earthly incarnation, an important role is played by the “So-called dowry” generously donated to a person by his parents along with the reservoirs of the nuclear storage of genetic memory.

You need to know that everything genetic stories in genetic memory (human DNA molecule) are “turned on” using the energy of human thought.

The energy of human thought is reproduced at the moment of ignition nerve cells human brain.

The inflammation of the nerve cells of the human brain occurs as a result of the process of observation and the emergence between the observer (the person himself always plays this role) and the objects of his observation, a wave of probability and the creation of a collapse of this wave of probability into a particle of reality.

The object of observation for a human observer is everything that surrounds him. Including his light field, energy information field, his external and internal world, all energy flows.

It is necessary to realize the fact that every cell of the human body and the person himself has its own quantum state and it remains unchanged throughout the entire earthly life of this person. The quantum state of a person allows us to maintain the quantum state of the quantum field and body of the entire Universe.

The immutability of a person’s quantum state is strictly monitored by his energy matrix, providing energy-informational nutrition to the cells of the human body and his organs, activating the energy resources of the human brain by 3-5% and establishing a “genetic autopilot” for a person’s flight along the fast track of his life on earth.

Every person living on earth should know that there is nothing accidental in his life on earth. Everything has already been thought out in advance to the smallest detail, taken into account and put into action to maintain a certain balance of forces that allows the materialization of images.

Each person present in a person’s life ensures the invariability of his own quantum state, so that as a result of the process of observing him as an object of observation, the necessary wave of probability is created and the necessary collapse of this wave of probability into a particle of reality occurs. A necessary collapse for the human mind to create a completely new quantum state for its quantum field. Particles of this new quantum state store information about the experience gained and create a human energy-information field, which is an integral part of the energy-information field of the Universe. The contents of these energy information fields allow you to create new image for the UNIVERSE itself and materialize or realize this image.

In addition, each person present in a person's life is present only because it mirrors his own inner world, and in the casket of each of these Immortal Souls there is a positive or negative energy stamp - a positive or negative belief regarding that immortal Soul regarding relationships and emotions associated with it that arose during one or more past earthly incarnations.

As long as the above-mentioned beliefs-energy stamps are present in the casket, as long as these two Immortal Souls will meet each other in more and more of their earthly incarnations.

Already in this earthly incarnation, a person is able to realize everything said above, and consider another person and his role in his life consciously.

It is also obligatory to know the Law of Life, unwritten on earth, according to which each particle gives to another particle only what it itself most needs. What a particle gave to another particle is its energy own life.

Translating this law into human language, these words mean that a person always gives to another person only what he himself most needs. And everything that a person gave to another person becomes the energy of his own life and his personal property forever. This means that the casket of the countless riches of the human Soul is always replenished only with what a person has given to other people (attitudes, beliefs and emotions relating to these people).

I dare to assure all of you living on earth that much of the contents of the casket of your Soul can be thrown into the trash, so as not to increase the mass of energy of the core of dissonance in the core of the personality ( eternal memory) of your Soul.

I remind you that the energy of the core of dissonance is the source of the only fatal disease on earth - the disease of the Spirit, which is in captivity of matter. All other diseases are nothing more than metastases of this deadly disease. The very mass of energy of the core of dissonance is the most powerful electromagnet on earth, instantly attracting to itself all “energy flows similar to it.”

The mass of energy of the core of dissonance increases due to negative energy stamps (negative beliefs), and it does not matter in relation to whom or what these beliefs arose in the most complex energy system of human light variables.

You should know that the energy of the core of dissonance is capable of suppressing the will and subjugating the mind of not only a person, but also the subatomic particles of the cells of his body, and it does not matter where the source of this energy is in the light field of the person himself, in his own energy information field or in the energy information field of another person. The effect is the same.

That is why wisdom and this knowledge are necessary for every person living on earth, as well as awareness of the fact that each person can manage this process of forming a contained casket with the riches of his own Soul independently and consciously.