What should I do if aliens are interested in me? Alien abduction and UFOs: scientific explanation

Sometimes until something happens to us, it is difficult for us to believe what happened to another person. In this video, Americans and Canadians share their experiences of being abducted by alien creatures.

“Some people say that we are just looking for our “moment of fame,” but I will sincerely tell you that I would not wish anyone to be part of such a group, and no one would wish such fame. We just want people to know the truth,” says Corina Saebels from Canada, who was abducted by a UFO as a child.

Records of UFO sightings have existed for hundreds of years, but it was only in the 1950s that mass abductions began.

Randy from the US says: “No one has really described what they are like. They're not just little people with big heads." Sam, Corina's daughter British Columbia: “People think I’m crazy because I talk about my experiences with aliens.”

Different people are kidnapped social classes and professions, such as farmers, police officers, military officers, lawyers, doctors. Dr David Jacobs says most abducted people have known for years that something was wrong. Abducted people describe the aliens as very thin, with a large head. They have gray skin without hair or fur, large almond-shaped eyes, and no ears or nose.

Encounters with aliens are much more common than people think, but sometimes even the abductees themselves try to hide these encounters from themselves because they are too shocking. People have a very hard time accepting these things. The eggs are taken from the woman or the fetus is implanted in the uterus, or the fetus is removed from the woman.

The experiments that aliens conduct on people are usually very painful, for this they use different instruments that are inserted into different parts of the body. Very often people are placed under hypnosis, and only then notice various marks on their body from a laser or some kind of instrument. Some people remember being on a cold table. There were self-governing mechanisms all around. Various procedures are performed on people: physical, mental and reproductive. It is also very typical for such abductions that people lose track of time. Aliens can block people's memories, but these memories and memories can be unlocked under hypnosis.

In my office Dr David Jacobs interviews and, if necessary, hypnotizes abducted people. Peniche, from British Columbia, says, "I never want to go through hypnosis again because it left me with a flood of memories that were very unpleasant." Radney from New York was kidnapped, he says that there are many people who, even without hypnosis, can talk about what they experienced on the ship.

Such experiences very often lead to panic attacks, mental seizures, a desire to retire and close off from the world, these people experience severe stress. People are losing their jobs, they are unable to act because these kidnappings are happening so often. Such memories bring tears to the abducted ones. People are afraid to talk about it to such an extent that fear paralyzes them.

People who have survived UFO abductions admit that after these experiences they began to have suicidal thoughts. IN modern society these people have a hard time finding doctors who would be willing to listen to them and accept their such personal and traumatic experiences. “I had many encounters with therapists, some of whom laughed in my face,” Randy says.

People abducted by aliens suffer the most from their relationships with loved ones. Randy says, “On the one hand, I want my loved ones to experience what I went through so they know what it is and trust me, but on the other hand, I don’t want them to go through the same experience.” Peniche's husband says: "Often Peniche's memories come up and I don't know how to calm her down and I feel helpless." Many kidnapped victims are afraid to have children of their own after being shown their hybrid children.

It is also noted that kidnapping is a generational phenomenon. Very often, from abducted parents, their children are also abducted. Corina's 3-year-old daughter Sam, who was repeatedly abducted by aliens, told her mother that she was also taken by aliens and the "pumpkin man" (a pumpkin-shaped head) told her that he was a doctor. “Mom, the pumpkin man is very bad, he does bad things to me,” says the girl.

Corina Sabels says through tears: “I heard a voice in my head: “Get the children ready,” and I wrapped them in blankets and drove with them in the car to some unknown place, that is, involuntarily. I couldn't stop it. We couldn't talk to anyone about it because people would think we were crazy.

Even now, Sam, Corina's now adult daughter, finds it very difficult to talk about it: “I don't like talking about it or hearing it. I get angry when I hear about it."

Corina says that aliens took her fetus from her during her pregnancy. Corina's daughter, Sam, had several spontaneous abortions, and an ultrasound showed that her womb was simply empty, although there was no blood or any visual signs of a miscarriage.

Peniche's children have no memory of their abduction, but say their mother's experience has affected them greatly and deeply. Kidnapped people wake up with various cuts, wounds, burns. “We couldn’t burn ourselves while sleeping, could we?” says Sam. Abducted people believe that aliens look at us, humans, the same way we humans look at animals.

Scientists researching UFO issues have already come to the conclusion that the main goal of aliens is to create hybrids of humans with them.

Sam says: “There were a lot of glass pipes going from the ceiling to the floor, containing babies. They were in some kind of gel. There were hundreds of them." Corina says, “I saw all these fruits floating in this substance, and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.”

Very often, abducted people are simply allowed to look at their hybridized children, and they are made to understand that this is their child. The aliens want humans to hold children, as if humans have some "magical ability" to keep these children alive.

Sam: “They asked me to hold these children, go to one and go to the other. They had brown hair and huge eyes. I told them: “These are my children, how could you do this?” These children look very fragile and small. Randy says, “I felt a deep love for this creature, as if it really were my son, and I wanted to take him. I know that I have a child out there somewhere, but I don’t know where...”

Dr. David Jacobs says that these children will be part of society, and sometimes the aliens are open and direct about this to the abducted people. “I had to wait a long time and collect lots and lots of evidence before I directly told people about it in my book.”

(Skeleton of an alien creature)

The abducted people do not know exactly what the aliens’ goal is, either to learn from us spiritually or to conquer us. One thing is absolutely certain - we are a farm for them without realizing it, and aliens have long been a part of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not.

So, let me begin. Since childhood, I have had the feeling that we are not alone in this Universe. Peering into the sky, I always tried to see something, be it “flying stars”, comets or satellites describing circles around the Earth. And, oddly enough, I saw it. I didn’t see satellites at all, because satellites don’t fly at great speed along different trajectories and don’t change color or shape. But that's not what the story is about.
I woke up one day with the sensation of some small piece of iron in my lip. It wasn’t a lump, it looked like some kind of microchip inside... And before that, there was some kind of darkness in the night. I remember as if, looking at the stars, I was lifted up by the muted light of the rays and then a sharp collapse followed. Failure and flight through some holes. I realized that I was on another planet. The planet had a dark green sky. It was a dirty green color, the color of mud. And there was no oxygen there. There were some buildings that resembled barracks under hoods, where that same oxygen was supplied. Something that looked like a triangle landed on this planet, and I and several other people were pushed through the pipe under these hoods. The memory of that event has been partially erased. I can only write from fragments of my memories... So, they shoved us under the hood and gave us into the hands of those who were supposed to examine us. The creatures accompanying us were huge. I can't describe them. I remember just enormous height and, accordingly, two legs, two arms. Unfortunately, that's all for a vague description. But here’s what’s strange: the barracks were full of people, some were moaning after what they had suffered, some were crying and wailing that they wanted to go home. There was a man who started a riot. The creature leading us somewhere communicated with us exclusively through thought. I understood him. It was scary, but I was submissive. It led us into a huge spacious room. Along the perimeter of this room there were pillars of light. There was also light in the center. Approaching the pillar of light in the center, the person found himself floating in a prone position. It was as if he was lying on the table, and not in the column of light. Unfortunately, I don’t remember anything else except that I woke up at home with a piece of iron in my lip and a wild pain in it. I clearly felt foreign body in itself, which then successfully resolved or was removed after a while...
I cannot say that it was a dream, because the feeling of the reality of the past still does not leave me. And the skeptics, having seen a lot, looked into the night sky and began to notice something hitherto unprecedented. Either with the director, looking at the sky, we will see balls changing colors, and the cameras on the shooting devices will fail, then with friends we will see how from one triangle in the sky two more smaller ones are formed, flying along different trajectories. Believe it or not, but since then I have observed various objects in the sky quite often extraterrestrial origin. But I still don’t understand what experiments were performed on people on that planet and what was implanted into us? Doesn't look like a tracking chip. Rather, it was the introduction of some cells into us.

News edited Sunbeam - 15-10-2016, 10:02

Alien abductions

The first reports that aliens were coming into contact with people and even abducting them for some unknown purposes were perceived as just another newspaper duck. The victims were sarcastically asked about the amount they drank the day before. But when the number of such messages exceeded a thousand and the testimony of people who did not know each other turned out to be very similar, even the most convinced skeptics began to doubt: what if the UFO victims were telling the truth?

Western ufological literature describes many cases of contact between aliens and earthlings. One of the very first such incidents is considered to be the case of the Hill couple, which occurred on the night of September 20, 1961. Varney and Betty Hill were driving their car when they suddenly noticed that they were being followed by a UFO. The object was shaped like a gingerbread. Along its side two rows of portholes glowed. The couple managed to see a light resembling a powerful spotlight, and then heard strange high-pitched sounds and lost consciousness. They woke up two hours later. The car was moving along the highway, and except for the clock, which was now lagging behind, nothing reminded of the incomprehensible meeting.

A few days later, Varney and Betty began to have nightmares and their health was rapidly deteriorating. Seeing doctors helped little. And so, two years after the incident on the road, the couple decided to turn to the famous psychiatrist Simon. After listening to the Hills, the psychiatrist decided to conduct a session of regressive hypnosis with them. Imagine his surprise when, under hypnosis, Varney and Betty independently talked about how they were abducted by aliens!

Events developed according to a pattern that was subsequently found in the stories of many victims of abductions. After the beep, the car's engine suddenly stopped. The UFO landed nearby, and six unknown humanoid creatures in black suits and pointed helmets emerged from it. They took the Hills inside the ship and placed them in different rooms, where they carefully conducted what resembled a medical examination. Betty said that she was also shown a map of the starry sky, on which 75 sparkling stars were plotted and the routes of interstellar flights were marked (after several sessions of hypnosis, Betty was able to recall this map in her memory and sketch it). The couple were then ordered to forget about everything that had happened. The psychiatrist categorically argued that the Hill couple were far from the idea of ​​becoming famous, and besides, they would hardly be able to deceive an experienced practicing psychiatrist...

In 1973, the American press published a story about another abduction. This time the attention of the aliens was attracted by workers Hickson and Parker from the town of Pascagoula (Mississippi). Hickson and Parker were quietly fishing on the pier when an egg-shaped object appeared in the sky, glowing blue and making a soft buzzing sound. The workers watched in amazement as the UFO descended to a height of about one meter and began to fly over the water, and then hovered in the air near the pier. After this, a hole opened in the object and three creatures “floated out” from there. The first thing that caught your eye was the complete absence of a neck on the aliens and their strange limbs: the “arms” resembled pincers, and the legs, which constantly remained motionless, resembled those of an elephant. Instead of mouths, the aliens had fixed slits, and in place of the nose and ears there were pointed outgrowths.

The creatures, gliding through the air, approached the pier, grabbed Hixon by the arms and carried him onto the ship. During this flight, he felt that he could not even move a finger, as if some force had paralyzed him. On the ship, he was examined using a device resembling a basketball, then he was photographed and taken back to the pier. Parker was already there. At the sight of the aliens, he lost consciousness, but this did not stop the aliens from examining him in the same way as Hickson. It is interesting that during the examination Hickson tried to talk with the aliens, asked them questions, but they did not pay any attention to him... The workers experienced such horror that they could not come to their senses for several months. For some time they were plagued by severe headaches and nightmares.

Not all UFO victims calmly allowed themselves to be abducted. Air Force Sergeant Charles Moody, seeing a disk-shaped object near his car (this happened in August 1975), tried to start the car and drive away. But the engine did not start. Meanwhile, strange creatures were approaching. Then Moody decided to act as he was taught in the army. He sharply opened the car door, knocking down one alien, and then hit the “face” of another. After that, the light in his eyes faded, and Moody lost consciousness. He woke up already on the ship, on a hard table. An alien in a tight white suit was watching him. The creature's skull was about a third larger than a human's, and had no hair or eyebrows. The ears, nose and mouth were much smaller than human ones, and the lips were very thin. Alien on the clean English asked if his guest was feeling well and whether he would fight again. When Moody promised to control himself, the alien touched him with a metal stick, after which the sergeant felt that he could move. According to Moody, the aliens were friendly. They gave him a tour of the ship and told him about their planet. According to them, they plan only limited contact with people in order to study them further. The creature then hugged Moody and told him that it would not harm him and that he would lose his memory for a while. The sergeant woke up in the car and managed to see the UFO rise into the sky and disappear. The next day, Moody discovered a strange square wound at the base of his spine, and a few days later his skin became covered with red spots and he began to go bald. In addition, the sergeant, who had never complained about his health, began to suffer from severe headaches...

Another reliable case of human contact with aliens occurred in 1987. On the first of December, British police officer Philip Spencer went to his stepfather's house through heather-covered moors. He took his camera with him as he wanted to take some pictures of the moorland. But the shot he managed to take did not capture heather in the rays of the morning sun...

As Spencer approached the trees at the edge of the moor, he heard a strange buzzing sound. The sound continued for several minutes and then suddenly died down. Already approaching the trees, the policeman noticed some movement to the left of the path. He turned his head and saw a small green creature about a meter and twenty centimeters tall. It waved its hand, and he quickly opened the camera lens and took a photo. The creature disappeared behind a hill, and the police were unable to find it a second time. But he saw how a silvery disk quickly flashed against the sky...

Returning home, Spencer developed the film and saw an alien on it. Two days later, he contacted British ufologist Jenny Randles and anomalous phenomenon researcher Arthur Tomlinson. After studying the photo, they confirmed its authenticity. Another proof of what he saw was Spencer’s compass: after meeting the alien, he began to point south instead of north. When the compass was sent to the laboratory for research, it turned out that only very powerful magnets could change its readings, and then only temporarily. Scientists have concluded: Spencer fell into the action zone electromagnetic field incredible strength.

But the biggest discovery was yet to come. For a month after meeting the alien, Spencer was haunted by strange dreams: dark skies, unfamiliar constellations... Trying to find out the reason for these dreams, journalist Matthew Hill invited Spencer to see practicing psychologist Jim Singleton. During a hypnosis session, Spencer remembered that even before photographing the alien, he had been inside alien ship. In a flying saucer, several aliens examined his body with the help of a beam of light that slid across the skin and caused a tickling sensation. Then the aliens gave their guest a tour of the ship, and then showed a “film” about the terrible environmental disaster, which should happen on Earth in 200 years. After the “film” Spencer was returned to the peat bogs. He completely forgot everything that happened to him, and his memory returned to him only under hypnosis... The frame taken by Spencer was examined many times by experts from different countries peace. They all recognized its authenticity, and only the most incredulous continued to insist that the picture showed an earthly child in disguise...

Many more similar stories could be cited. But this is not necessary, since all the stories told by alien abductees have many similarities. First of all, a medical examination. It seems that aliens study the inhabitants of our planet in much the same way as our biologists study exotic representatives of the fauna. The second point that a significant number of victims talk about is a tour of the ship. In some cases, it is accompanied by a warning about an impending disaster, sometimes by a demonstration of a star map with unfamiliar constellations. The third coincidence is unconsciousness at the time of the abduction and the effect of “memory erasing”, accompanied by deterioration of health... However, some stories stand out so much from the crowd that they deserve special mention.

When Dorothy Stout realized that all her attempts to have a child were ending in failure, she turned to a Denver clinic. After an examination by a gynecologist, it turned out that her reproductive organs were worn out, like those of a 90-year-old woman. Dorothy was a young woman, she had not given birth or had an abortion, so at first she thought that the doctor had made a mistake. The shock of what she heard was so strong that the doctor recommended the woman to visit a psychologist. During a hypnosis session, she said that in the summer of 1993 she was abducted by aliens, spent 36 weeks with them and during this time gave birth to six children. The conception was artificial. It was conducted by humanoid creatures with silver skin and a rectangular screen instead of eyes. Instead of a nose they had a metal triangle...

Of course, at first Dorothy's story raised serious doubts. However, over the following years, eight more similar cases were officially registered. Two of them occurred in Brazil, one each in France and Japan. In some cases, women only saw a UFO and felt a very dense beam of light that filled their body. After some time, they were surprised to discover that they were pregnant. In other cases, the abduction unfolded according to the usual scenario: the object hovered near the woman, she lost consciousness. Then - a ship, strange creatures, an operating room... Most often in such cases, women went for an abortion. But sometimes - for various reasons - they left the child. Pregnancy in such cases proceeded with anomalies. The fetus developed enormously ahead of schedule, and miscarriages often occurred. But the most mysterious thing is that not a single descendant of aliens remained among people! All of them disappeared immediately after birth or literally within a few days.

One more unusual story associated with the disappearance of Australian pilot Frederick Valentich over the Bass Strait, separating Tasmania from Australia. On October 21, 1978, a small Cessna took off from an airfield in Melbourne. At first, the pilot maintained contact with the dispatcher, but at 19:12 the connection was interrupted. Before this, Valentich managed to inform the dispatcher that a large cigar-shaped UFO was hovering directly above his plane. This incident probably would not have attracted such attention - you never know how many planes disappear over the sea - but four years later Frederick Valentich reminded himself of himself.

In the summer of 1982, the commander of the border detachment, Lieutenant Colonel Kazantsev, was informed of the detention of a suspicious person near the Soviet-Chinese border. The detainee turned out to be a ufologist named Sarychev. To prove his authority (few people had heard of ufologists at that time), Sarychev showed the border guards a cover letter signed by the chairman of the Commission for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena V. Troitsky. And then he carefully took out from his pocket a strange black capsule, picked up at the height of “1204”. Inside the capsule was a rolled-up plate of unknown material, and on it was a message in English. It was from Valentich. An Australian pilot reported that a UFO captured him along with the plane. The aliens invited him to become a spaceship pilot. In return, they promised him that he would not age for 25 years. Valentich agreed, and he was sent to a cargo ship belonging to a civilization from the Pleiades cluster. According to a former pilot, aliens are only pretending to fly on Earth research activities. The main reason for their presence is the export of liquefied oxygen from our planet, which is obtained using installations mounted on UFOs. Finally, Frederick asked whoever found the letter to hand it over to the Australian Embassy.

Valentich's request was fulfilled. The Australian government has created a special commission to study the capsule and its contents. The examination showed that the text on the plate was written in the same hand as the entries in the instructor's log of the Melbourne airfield left by Valentich. As for the plate, scientists have not been able to fully understand its composition. And the official conclusion said: “... the material was obtained using technologies unknown to mankind and, possibly, outside the Earth. The plate is a source of unknown radiation of colossal penetrating power, exposing all types of film and photographic films.”

Why do aliens abduct people? There is no clear answer to this question. Many are inclined to think that aliens from outer space are observing human civilization in the same way that we sometimes study anthills. Others believe that aliens are breeding a new race - a special, “improved” breed of people. Still others talk about the danger of colonization of the Earth by “changelings” - creatures that look like humans in appearance, but in fact are representatives of an alien mind... Hypotheses remain hypotheses. But the statistics are alarming. About 5% of abducted people disappear forever. This means that our ideas about humanism may be completely alien to the aliens.

Below is a list of important tips that may come in handy if you want to be kidnapped by space creatures.

Buy a gun

Imagine that you are calmly drinking tea in the kitchen of your apartment, and suddenly aliens appear. It becomes clear to you that they have arrived to kidnap you. Because the offered milk did not interest them much. And they didn’t even look at the gingerbread. What can you do first?

You need to slowly, without making sudden movements, take out a sawn-off shotgun (pistol, bazooka, grenade launcher, Mosin rifle, etc.) from under the kitchen sofa, and, having checked with the aliens who is the eldest among them, point the barrel directly between their eyes. The distance between them, fortunately, is enormous.

After this, the aliens will most likely leave slowly and on tiptoe. And they will never bother you again. They're not idiots at all...

Lately everything more abductees report religious overtones to their abduction. Some enthusiasts claim that a number of researchers are trying to hide the connection between religion and abductions. They are sure that UFOs are not piloted by space aliens, but by demons. The purpose of which is to prepare the Earth for the coming of the Antichrist. And that other "UFO researchers" they hide this information because they don't want to look crazy. Think about it - it is argued that people who believe in UFOs are hiding something because they don't want look like crazy people. What…?

In any case, what does this mean for you? Let's assume that for some reason, when the aliens first appeared in front of you, you were too slow or simply too nervous to point a weapon at them. That is, you have already been grabbed and wrapped in tape. What can be done? Intensive prayer is the optimal solution. When you start reading it loudly, with expression (preferably in Latin), the demons will run away in horror. Leaving behind only the smell of sulfur...

Pray silently

What if, you ask, the first thing the aliens do is tape their mouths shut? Is everything gone? Next New Year will you have to meet in a cage with other strange little animals? Do not worry about it! Some abducted people report that it is not necessary to say anything out loud. Your thoughts will also be effective. Some abductees have claimed that the aliens' "mind control" that makes you their toy can easily be broken. You just need to think about some religious figures. One of the abductors claimed that the image of Jesus in her mind was enough to break the aliens' control over his brain. While another said that the image of Archangel Michael, the great warrior saint, helped regain control of the mind.

Therefore, always keep the image with you Archangel Michael killing Satan. Preferably by Raphael . It can't get any worse.

Sometimes aliens refused to abduct people because people somehow hurt their feelings.

Vulnerable Entities

Most likely this is the case here. Some people, during the abduction process, begin to actively imagine how they will harm the little gray tormentors in revenge. And the aliens begin to get nervous and let them go. It makes sense that if yours is full of images of the horrific violence you'd like to inflict on these little idiots, they might see them as if they were real. Therefore, they may get upset and let you go. This is most likely why so few Marines are kidnapped by space aliens...

The meek may inherit the Earth. But extremely cruel people will never ride on a spaceship...

Therefore, during the kidnapping process, try to think about the first scene of the movie"Saving Private Ryan" But replace all Americans with space aliens.

No discipline

Apparently the space aliens have a complex, top-secret program in which they abduct people for all sorts of nefarious purposes. However, they are just a bunch of bumbling degenerates. The kidnappers report that they were able to freely roam the ship, look into any rooms and even tinker with the controls. , just wandering around the ship, we found barracks where aliens live, kindergartens, scientific laboratories, etc.

Therefore, given the general carelessness aliens, you need to find the cockpit and send the UFO back to Earth. Of course, they may notice you and try to remove you from management. Tip 2 or 3 will help you here.

Do you know that many people abducted by space aliens make very good profits? They write books, some of which turn into . They give lectures, are guests of honor at numerous congresses, tour on television and radio, launch cults, and so on. And they get a lot of attention. As the Chinese proverb goes, a man fears fame just as a pig fears dirt.

Therefore, if none of the advice could help you, and you still managed to be kidnapped by monsters from other worlds, you can earn a lot of money from this...

Cases of abduction of people by unknown creatures (usually of extraterrestrial origin) are regularly described by various sources of information - both very controversial and trustworthy. Experts even introduced a special term to denote phenomena of this kind - “abduction”. Reports of such cases are most common in the United States, but they also come from European countries (UK, France, Belgium, Russia), Asian (China, India) and countries Latin America. There are also cases described when two or more people reported a simultaneous abduction, but often their testimonies differed greatly from each other. Some claim that they were abducted several times, first as children and then as adults. Sometimes it is stated that children have scars. When investigating cases of alien abduction, a practice is sometimes used in which information is obtained from a person in a state of hypnosis. However, many quite reasonably believe that data obtained in this way cannot be considered reliable. Nevertheless, the described incidents of abduction of people by extraterrestrial beings are enough to talk about it seriously.

For the first time people started talking about abduction by aliens in the 60s of the last century. The most famous cases are the kidnapping of Antonio Villas-Boas and the Hill couple. In October 1957, Brazilian resident Villas-Boas was working in a field when an unidentified object landed on the ground in front of him. The man tried to escape, but was grabbed by a group of humanoid creatures and dragged into a lit "room". From there he went to another, having already been undressed by these creatures. There, he said, he felt nauseous and vomited. After this, a naked “alien woman” came to him, with whom he had sexual intercourse. It all ended with Villas-Boas being taken back to the field. This incident is considered one of the first kidnappings in modern history. As mentioned above, this event occurred in 1957, but it became famous only in the mid-1960s. It is believed that the case came to light after the Brazilian began having health problems and had to seek treatment. medical care. Another well-known and repeatedly described abduction case occurred in the early 60s. In September 1961, spouses Betty and Barney Hill were returning home by car. On the way, they noticed that they were being pursued by a “light from the sky.” When they got home, the couple discovered that they could not remember what had happened to them for two hours. Betty and Barney sought help from a psychiatrist, who used regressive hypnosis on them. Under its influence, the couple said that that night they were stopped by a group of short humanoid creatures, after which they allegedly ended up in certain rooms where they were subjected to “quasi-medical examinations.” This case became one of the most famous; it is believed that it was he who contributed to increased media attention to the phenomenon of abduction. By the early 1980s, more than a hundred cases of kidnapping had already been recorded, and researchers had identified certain patterns. In particular, about 90% of the cases known by that time were recorded in the United States. At the same time, for example, in Australia, until the mid-1980s, not a single similar case was recorded. It has also been noted that reports of abduction cases coming from the United States agree in very many details, but in other countries abductions have occurred under different circumstances. Some skeptical researchers believe that this was greatly facilitated by the books of researcher Budd Hopkins and writer Whitley Strieber, who claimed that he was kidnapped several times and described everything in detail.

Creatures that abduct people, judging by the descriptions of the victims, are most often humanoid. A number of researchers like Jenny Randles and Peter Hugh tend to emphasize differences in appearance creatures that kidnap people in different ethnic groups. Thus, by the early 1980s, in the UK and other European countries, abductions of people by tall blond-haired and blue-eyed humanoids were reported (by the way, such creatures were observed near unidentified flying objects in Europe back in the 1950s, that is, before reports of abductions appeared), in Asia (for example, in Malaysia) - creatures several inches tall, and in South America- dwarf hairy creatures. As for American cases, the most often involved in abductions are the so-called grays (“grays”) - short (about 120 cm) gray humanoids with a large hairless head, large dark eyes with curved corners, a thin torso and thin limbs. In some cases it was mentioned that grays, if they have a nose, are small, that they have a lipless small mouth and thin fingers that may have claws or something like suction cups. There were also mentions of insect-like creatures and creatures that appeared to be covered in reptilian skin. As for the latter, it was they who most often brutally treated the abducted. Of particular note are cases of abduction called wise baby dreams, characterized by the fact that abducted women can observe or even hold small humanoids that look like babies. These creatures may seem overly developed to them, which causes unpleasant feelings in the abducted women.

The goals of aliens who abduct people range from conducting experiments, sometimes painful and even cruel, to benevolent education. Often, alien visitors try to warn people about the danger threatening our planet; as a rule, this danger is associated with the uncontrolled growth of pollution of the atmosphere, fresh water and soil. In some cases, the kidnappers even give people real tours of their homeland. Polish journalist and researcher of anomalous phenomena Janina Sodolska-Urbanska talks about one of these cases in the magazine “Nieznany Swiat”. The article is about the Australian Michel Desmark. One summer night in 1987 (remember, until the mid-80s, not a single case of kidnapping was registered in Australia), he woke up and, obeying some inner impulse, got out of bed and got dressed. He left a note for his wife, asking her not to worry and indicating that he “wouldn’t be home for ten days.” Putting the piece of paper near the phone, Michel went out onto the veranda. Suddenly, the objects around him began to bend and lose their shape, a certain force gently tore him off the ground and carried him upward. Believing that everything was happening in a dream, Michel saw in front of him a beautiful woman about three meters tall in overalls and a helmet. She smiled and said: - No, Michel, this is not a dream... At the same time, the woman spoke to him in clear French- Michel’s homeland was France, although he had lived in Australia for a very long time and was fluent in English. The woman introduced herself as Tao and said that they would now go on a trip to another planet. The next moment, a gigantic object with a diameter of at least 70 meters appeared in front of them. According to Tao, the ship was capable of moving through space at speeds many times the speed of light. The crew consisted of 20 women, as tall and beautiful as Tao. Michel was informed that the destination of the trip would be their home planet - Tiauba. During the trip, Tao told Michel amazing things about the history of earthly civilizations. According to her, human ancestors arrived on Earth about 1.3 million years ago from the planet Bakaratini, located in the constellation Centaurus. The inhabitants of Bakaratini were divided into two races - black and yellow. They created a highly developed and prosperous civilization, which subsequently perished in the global nuclear war caused by nuclear conflicts. A nuclear winter has set in on the planet; lethal levels of radiation have killed almost all the inhabitants. Only a few dozen representatives of each race left their planet for spaceships, miraculously survived in the underground hangars, and safely reached the Earth. Since living conditions on the new planet turned out to be favorable, after a few centuries both the yellow and black populations of the Earth already numbered in the hundreds of thousands of people. They created the first civilization on Earth under the supervision and with the secret help of the inhabitants of Tiauba. The help was precisely unspoken, since the laws of Universal Law, according to Tao, prohibit direct interference in the affairs of other worlds, even with the aim of preventing a suicidal nuclear conflict. If their residents get used to receiving help from the “gods,” they will not acquire the necessary life experience and will completely lose any sense of responsibility for their actions. The descendants of immigrants from Bakaratini, belonging to the black race, initially settled in the territory of modern Australia and New Guinea, and representatives of the yellow race - in the territory of Burma. Then the outlines of these lands looked completely different, a day on Earth lasted about 30 hours, and there were only 280 days in a year. Both races lived in peace and harmony, remembering the tragedy of their ancestral home. Descendants from mixed marriages of yellow and black became the ancestors of the Arab peoples. After some time, it was discovered that a giant asteroid was rapidly approaching the Earth, a collision with which was, according to calculations, inevitable. Then the leaders of both racial groups decided to save the most outstanding scientists and specialists by filling with them all the ships suitable for launch into low-Earth orbit, so that later these people, upon returning to Earth, could help those who survived the disaster. The leaders themselves remained on Earth in order to be with the people at a critical moment. However, due to an error in the calculations, about two hundred ships started too late, did not have time to leave the earth's atmosphere and were destroyed during the fall of the asteroid. Everyone on the ships died. This catastrophe occurred 14,500 years ago. Its consequences were terrible: the continents split, new mountain ranges formed, in the middle Pacific Ocean a whole new continent arose. Only an insignificant handful of inhabitants remained alive, degrading from generation to generation until they slipped to the primitive level. Such an Australian was presented with the history of the first earthly civilization.

On the planet Tiauba, Michel was greeted cordially, the inhabitants were friendly and sociable, he did not see a single gloomy face. There the Australian met with the Great Taora, the supreme leader of the planet. He said that Michel was chosen as a representative of humanity to convey information important to its inhabitants to Earth. The gist of this information is that the human race is close to self-destruction. Over the past 150 years, the level of technological progress on Earth has increased sharply, but, unfortunately, people acquire material knowledge without caring at all about spiritual development. Moreover, according to Taor, technical achievements should be a consequence of spiritual improvement, and not vice versa. The main danger, Michel learned, is not nuclear weapons, but the thirst for consumption - people waste their lives on obtaining material wealth, gradually degrading. The earth abides lowest level development of civilizations, its inhabitants destroy nature and do not think about the consequences, do not think that everything material will remain on Earth, but human soul there will be nothing to take with you after death. And the most main question- what we have achieved in life and what meaning it had - will remain unanswered. People must realize that they are, first of all, spiritual beings. And if a person gets bogged down in material things, he loses contact with his “higher self” and stops receiving the necessary energy and information from it. In a word, now humanity is in the state of a child playing with matches. At the conclusion of the audience, Taora told Michel that best way To inform people on Earth about everything that he saw and heard here is to write a book, wished him good luck in this, as well as a safe and pleasant return home. Michel returned, as he promised his wife in his note, exactly ten days later. Michel Desmarquet's book “Thiaoouba prophecy” was subsequently published in many countries around the world. Of course, one can be skeptical about the very phenomenon of abduction, and consider Desmarcke’s book a fascinating fantastic story. But nevertheless, even if the warning from the “brothers in mind” was not in reality, its very idea has been in the air for a long time. People have really become mired in the thirst for material wealth and have completely forgotten about spiritual development. And, perhaps, it is worth thinking about the consequences of such a view of life as soon as possible.