Where to train as a sports tourism instructor. Tourism instructor training school, instructor training school

Those who want to work with us!
They don’t teach here... Here you learn yourself. We are just providing an opportunity. Experience can only be gained through practice.
All you need is desire and a sense of responsibility.
First, study the programs, take trips with us - you need to understand whether there is a real desire.
Your assessment is given by your clients. Your position depends on their assessment.
The opportunity to start working opens up for you from the moment you realize that you are ready to begin with full responsibility.

"Job responsibilities of a tourism instructor"
  1. General provisions
  1. The tourism instructor of Traveler LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. When performing official duties, the tourism instructor reports directly to the director.
  3. Hiring and dismissal of a tourism instructor is carried out by order of the director of the Society.
  4. A person who has a higher professional education in the specialty “Physical Culture and Sports”, “Recreation and Sports and Health Tourism”, courses for instructor guides and work experience in the field of tourism of at least 2 years or secondary vocational education in the specialty is accepted for the position of tourism instructor “Physical education”, “Tourism”, courses for instructors and guides and work experience in the field of tourism for at least 3 years.
  5. A tourism instructor should know:
  • Methodology for organizing and conducting tourist trips;
  • History, culture and geography of the region through which the tourist route passes;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological condition of the hiking area;
  • Rules for drawing up tourist routes;
  • Fundamentals of topography and terrain orientation;
  • Climatic and other features of the area through which the tourist route passes;
  • Basics of physical education and health work;
  • Basics of medical monitoring of the condition of tourists;
  • Rules for ensuring the life of a group during a hiking trip;
  • Rules for the operation of tourist equipment and radio stations;
  • Methods of communication with rescue services, voluntary sports and other organizations on tourist routes;
  • Rules for tourists traveling tourist routes (hiking, water, mountain, etc.);
  • Action plan in case of emergency situations;
  • Internal labor regulations of the organization;
  • Basics of first aid;
  • Basics of Psychology;
  • Fundamentals of Biology;
  • Labor protection, safety and fire protection rules and regulations;
  • Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of tourism;
  • Fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • Social foundations of the tourism industry.
  1. A tourism instructor in his activities is guided by:

– Charter (Regulations) of Traveler LLC;

– other acts and documents directly related to the labor function of a tourism instructor;

– this job description.

  1. Job responsibilities

The tourism instructor must:

  1. Organize and lead tourist trips, trips, expeditions and excursions.
  2. Conduct tourist activities in such a way that they contribute to the spiritual, moral and physical development and strengthening of the health of tourists. To cultivate courage, courage and endurance, a sense of teamwork, conscious discipline, to help broaden one’s horizons and acquire new knowledge and skills. Teach various forms and methods of survival in the natural environment, the history of the native land, and basic tourism skills.
  3. Actively participate in the development of tourism, nature protection, historical and cultural monuments; the routes on which the tourism instructor works should be of interest to him. The work should evoke a desire to endlessly improve it.
  4. Purposefully develop environmental education for tourists.
  5. Constantly improve your general culture, physical endurance, methodological preparedness and tourist skills, as well as be able to withstand increased physical and psychological stress.
  6. Obliged to ensure discipline among tourists, to suppress any violations of the rules and regulations established for tourists, to warn tourists against overestimating their strengths and capabilities.
  7. Must be extremely careful and prudent. Check the group’s readiness for the route: uniform, equipment. He is trusted with the lives of people who have never been on the route before. He should worry about the life and health of every tourist. At the slightest danger, warn the tourist group about it and take precautionary and protective measures. Be the first to pass a difficult section. Support tourists, provide insurance, give a helping hand. He is obliged to assess the complexity and danger of a natural obstacle and if it is very dangerous, then not to risk it and retreat.
    8. Must be a skilled organizer. Don’t have to do everything yourself: carry firewood, light a fire, put up tents. The instructor must think through all the commands sequentially. Monitor the accuracy of their execution. The instructor must have the entire group working with him. If the need arises, the instructor must actually demonstrate his knowledge of tourism science. Tell and show how best to perform this or that technique of tourist equipment. As tourists say: “You shouldn’t push a stone onto the instructor, because he knows how to do it better than you.”
  8. Organize proper, satisfying camp meals for tourists. The instructor must ensure that the tourist group is always fed. Develop a menu layout for meals on a hike so that tourists have a tasty and satisfying meal. Personally check the quality of the food prepared during the hike and take a sample. Maintain hygiene and cleanliness of utensils. Eat only freshly prepared food. Tourists say: “As you dig, so will you drown.”
  9. Possess a firm commanding voice, good diction and clear, intelligible speech. The instructor's commands, requirements, and instructions must be simple, understandable and reach all categories of tourists. But in no case should they be offensive and humiliating, much less obscene. Comical “strong” expressions are allowed, such as “the pancake is burnt”, “flies are eating you”, “pebbles in your sneakers” and so on.
  10. An instructor is a person who knows how to organize a fun feast and maintain a festive mood in a group of tourists. Be cheerful, interesting, a passionate storyteller, have a couple of jokes, humorous stories, funny incidents in stock. Be attentive and sensitive to tourists and never be drunk. Don't force others to drink. Observe etiquette and decorum. Control the situation and yourself. Takes care of those who have had a little too much.
  11. During a hiking trip, show increased attention and care to the woman. Do not allow women's backpacks to be overloaded. Belay on difficult terrain. Help with putting on and taking off the backpack. Give women the opportunity to first change into dry clothes after walking in the rain, and take care of their health. Entrust them with doing only what they can do better than others. Provide first aid, prepare food, repair clothing. An unkempt, unhaired, unshaven instructor, and even with the lingering aroma of clothes smoked by the fire, is unlikely to evoke respect from women as a leader.
  12. The instructor should be tolerant and attentive to tourists’ questions, and should not allow rudeness, harshness, or irritability in answers. It’s better to come up with something funny than to answer tourists the whole trip: “I don’t know,” “no information,” “no name.” Control of emotions, based not on the manifestation of willpower, but on a philosophical approach to any circumstances. Be able to work in a team with a person of any type, even if he has many shortcomings - be able to see his strengths and guide them to achieve common success.
  13. The instructor should not be a sullen, silent and “beech”. He must be sociable and always the center of attention. The instructor must support any topic of conversation, supplement it with some bright episode, and involve other group members in the discussion of the topic. Have interesting stories in your arsenal. Constantly supply the tourist group with travel information, legends, stories and tourist hiking stories. With lively communication, time passes quickly and interestingly. Tourists, communicating with each other and the instructor, mutually enrich themselves, learn about the world, and acquire useful information.
  14. Increase professional knowledge, show creative initiative and improve work efficiency.
  15. Must comply with the Tour Technomap, which is an integral part of the “Job Responsibilities of a Tourism Instructor.”
  16. Ensures the safety of equipment, its repair, and cleanliness.
  17. Complies with internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
  18. Meets established deadlines in completing assigned tasks. If it is impossible to complete a task on time (in whole or in part), he immediately reports this to his immediate supervisor.
  19. Complies with requirements to ensure confidentiality of information and the obligation of non-disclosure of trade secrets.
  20. Monitors the availability of a full set of equipment and other equipment used by the Company's employees in the performance of their official duties.
  21. Provides management with a report on the work done, results and plans.
  22. Takes part in the formation of a tourist group.
  23. Conducts instructions on compliance with safety precautions on the tourist route.

III. Rights

The tourism instructor has the right:

  1. Act on behalf of the Company on issues within its competence.
  2. Require the organization's management to provide assistance in the performance of official duties.
  3. Request and receive necessary information and documents from employees of other structural divisions.
  4. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the process of activity and make proposals for their elimination.
  5. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management.
  6. In agreement with the immediate supervisor, involve other employees in solving the tasks assigned to him.
  1. Responsibility

The tourism instructor is responsible for:

  1. Inappropriate and dishonest performance of one's official duties as provided for in these instructions.
  2. Prompt and high-quality preparation and execution of a tourist trip, travel, excursion, tour, as well as for their compliance with safety requirements.
  3. Compilation and provision of reliable information on issues within the competence of the department, as well as timely delivery of this information to all interested parties.
  4. Safety of equipment accepted for work.
  5. Compliance with labor discipline, internal labor regulations, instructions, trade secret regime, labor protection standards, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
  6. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  7. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Based on materials from the book by I.V. Bormotova

Instructor of planned and commercial tourism

Instructors are the main core and driving force in tourism. They support the functional features of any tourist enterprise, the emotional background, the high intellectual and educational level of training and preparation of tourists on a hike. A poorly cooked lunch, an uncleaned tourist room, bad music at a dance party, no hot water in the shower, a rude administrator - all this happens, but if the instructor is good, then all these little things are not noticed.

And vice versa, if the administration of the tourist center received a justified complaint from tourists about poor service, it means that a trainee instructor or a newcomer was appointed to lead the group of tourists. A good instructor will smooth out all the shortcomings of the administration and staff of the camp site. Therefore, the tourism instructor at the camp site, shelter and route is the most respected and responsible person.

An instructor for tourists is like a father. He, and only he, is entrusted with a group of people. It must be carried along the mountain route safe and sound, to prevent illness and injury. He is the only one who works with a group of tourists around the clock and throughout the entire period of rest in the mountains. The instructor is responsible for teaching tourists camping life, movement and the basics of survival while traveling. The instructor has several professions at once. He is a tour guide, sports and cultural organizer, cook, doctor, lifeguard, skilled storyteller and local historian, expert on history and folklore, a good psychologist and teacher.

Under an old Circassian pear tree, resting in the shade of its crown, sits a gray-haired man. He remembers the first tourist groups that walked along the route from Adygea to Krasnaya Polyana. Under him, the profession of a guide or, as it is more often called, a tourism instructor, appeared and took shape.

A tanned, strong-built guy appeared on the site. Everything about him attracted attention. Clean shaven, with short hair, a hunting knife on a wide belt. The neatly packed backpack is tailored to your figure. There is nothing superfluous. Nothing rattles or dangles. Immediately he was surrounded by a gaggle of girls. They ask about preparations for the hike, events at the camp site, and what awaits them in the mountains. Nodding towards the guy, the veteran of the camp site said:

"This is a real instructor!" Having examined the professional again, I could not resist asking: “How to distinguish just an instructor from a real instructor?”

And this is what the old man told me about. Some camp instructors will work for two or three seasons, but never become an instructor. Another will conduct two or three circles and it is immediately clear that he is a bright person, not indifferent, responsible, interesting to everyone, his soul hurts for the people and for the task assigned to him. You can feel the strength and confidence in him. With this you can go to the ends of the world. The days spent with him are remembered for a lifetime.

Squinting his eye slyly and smiling into his gray mustache, he added that there are professional requirements for a real instructor at the camp site that he must meet.

A real instructor must be cowardly, lazy, gluttonous, foul-mouthed, a drunkard and a womanizer, a liar, a talker, and a laugher.

With this statement he completely confused me. Negative traits of a person are collected here, how can you go to the mountains with such an instructor? After a pause and raising his index finger up, he slowly began to explain his comic description of a “real instructor” of tourism. Why should an instructor be "cowardly"? This is not a matter of cowardice, but of extreme caution and forethought. He is trusted with the lives of people who have never been to the mountains before. They don’t know how to do anything in camp life yet. He should be afraid and worried for the life and health of every tourist. At the slightest danger, warn the tourist group about it and take precautionary and protective measures. Be the first to pass a difficult section along the edge of an abyss, across a mountain river, along a steep slope of a glacier. Support your comrades, provide insurance, give a helping hand.

The instructor's caution may seem like cowardice, but it is always justified. He is obliged to assess the complexity and danger of a natural obstacle and if it is very dangerous, then not to risk retreating. The mountains have stood and will continue to stand. They will outlive anyone. It is easier and safer to wait out a blizzard, a hurricane, or an angry river, to give them the opportunity to calm down, than to conquer them. The instructor's reasonable, sober and balanced caution, jokingly called "cowardice!" - this is an important character trait for the mountains and a requirement for the profession of a guide. And vice versa, reckless daring, ostentation, boasting, bravado, maybe and excessive self-confidence are not always good assistants in leading a tourist group

Why should an instructor be "lazy"?
In the good sense of the word, he must be a skilled organizer. Don’t have to do everything yourself: carry firewood, light a fire, put up tents. He is a leader. He must think through all the commands sequentially. Monitor the accuracy of their execution. The whole group must work for him.

If the need arises, the instructor must actually demonstrate his knowledge of tourism science. Tell and show how best to perform this or that technique of tourist equipment. As tourists say: “You shouldn’t push a stone onto the instructor, because he knows how to do it better than you.”

Why should the instructor be "gluttonous"? It’s not a matter of gluttony, but a matter of proper, satisfying organization of camp meals for tourists. And an instructor’s good appetite is a sign of good health. In the old days, a worker was hired based on how he ate. Eating well means being a good worker. The instructor must ensure that the tourist group of the ball is always fed. Develop a menu layout for meals on a hike so that tourists have a tasty and satisfying meal. Personally check the quality of the food prepared during the hike, take a sample, and dispose of “bad” canned food. There is only food from the common boiler. Maintain hygiene and cleanliness of utensils. Eat only freshly prepared food. Tourists say: “As you dig, you will trample.” An instructor who is arrogant, fastidious and capricious when it comes to food is no longer an instructor, but a headache for the entire group.

Why should the instructor "use foul language"? Do not use foul language in the sense of being rude to tourists, but have a firm commanding voice, good diction and clear, intelligible speech. His commands, requirements, instructions must be simple, understandable and reach all categories of tourists. Just like an army company sergeant major or a ship's midshipman. But in no case should they be offensive and humiliating, much less obscene. Comical “strong” expressions are allowed, such as “damn burnt”, “flies are eating you”, “pebbles in your sneakers” and so on.

A “drunkard instructor” in the tourism system is simply unacceptable. But in the good sense of the word, a real instructor is a person who knows how to organize a fun feast. He should be the soul of any tourist company. Maintain a festive mood in a group of tourists. To be an excellent toastmaster, to know interesting and witty toasts, the basics, scenarios and culture of table celebrations. Know the customs of peoples when celebrating national holidays, where you have to raise a glass of good wine. Be attentive and sensitive to guests and never be drunk. Don't force others to drink. Observe etiquette and decorum. Control the situation and yourself, know the limits and limits of drinking alcohol. Takes care of those who have had a little too much.

Drink not for the sake of drinking, but for the sake of communication, the celebration of the event, and paying attention to the guests. The instructor must also be concerned about the quality of the wines and food. Any feast should include good and high-quality food, and most importantly - pleasure.

What does "womanizing instructor" mean? This does not mean that he should court every woman. But on a tourist trip, showing increased attention and care for a woman is simply his duty. Do not allow women's backpacks to be overloaded. Belay on difficult terrain. Help with putting on and taking off the backpack. Give women the opportunity to change into dry clothes first after walking in the rain, and take care of their health. Instruct them to do only what they can do better than others. Provide first aid, prepare food, repair clothes.

Women in a tourist group always oblige men to monitor their appearance, their speech and behavior. The instructor should especially set the tone in this, setting an example for all men and not skimping on praise and compliments for women. An unkempt, unhaired, unshaven instructor, and even with the lingering aroma of clothes smoked by the fire, is unlikely to evoke respect from women as a leader.

Why does the instructor have to be a liar?
When traveling on a hike, you have to answer hundreds of questions asked every minute by inquisitive tourists. Even with the high erudition, competence and intelligence of the instructor, not all questions can be answered immediately. But, as a rule, the instructor always finds a way out of the situation by coming up with an answer or a comic legend. The instructor should be tolerant and attentive to tourists’ questions, and should not allow rudeness, harshness, or irritability in answers. It’s better to come up with something funny than to answer tourists for the entire trip: “I don’t know”, “no information”, “no name”.

"Chatterbox instructor." How to understand this The instructor should not be a gloomy, silent person and a “beech”. He must be sociable and always the center of attention. There are very interesting people in the tourist group: teachers, doctors, geologists, politicians, football fans, avid hunters. The instructor must support any topic of conversation, supplement it with some bright episode, and involve other group members in the discussion of the topic. Have many interesting stories in your arsenal. Constantly supply the tourist group with travel information, legends, stories and tourist hiking stories. With lively communication, time passes quickly and interestingly. Tourists, communicating with each other and the instructor, mutually enrich themselves, learn about the world, and acquire useful information.

What does "laughing instructor" mean? This means that the instructor must be cheerful, interesting, a passionate storyteller, a walking encyclopedia of jokes, humorous stories, and funny incidents. Know a lot of fun games, practical jokes, jokes, and tourist songs. Be able to perform them with a guitar. This is not a complete list of comic and serious requirements for the profession of a tourism instructor. In the tourism system, the profession of an instructor is considered to be the most important profession. If the instructor in the tourist group is not a good one, then the tourists’ vacation is ruined. And there’s nothing that can be done here. Tourists become bored and begin to make various claims to the management of the camp site. And the water in the shower is not the right temperature, the bed linen is not the right color, the food in the dining room is not the same, and so on.

If the instructor is good, then the everyday inconveniences and shortcomings of other camp site workers are simply not noticed. The tourist group lives in the interesting, adventurous world that the camp instructor created for them. Therefore, at camp sites they have always treated tourism instructors, their education, training and preservation of traditions with care.

A tourism instructor is a responsible, complex and highly intellectual profession that requires special attention and high status at the camp site. Many young people working at camp sites as instructors gained good experience and training in organizational work and subsequently became managers of major enterprises, headed city administrations, and advanced in the army and law enforcement agencies.

Nationality, religion, family. These are categories without which the existence of each of us is impossible. But the high characteristics are also supported by professional characteristics. Having chosen a field of activity, you find yourself in a community with certain norms, principles, and way of life. Specialties are technical (related to machines) and humanitarian (related to society).

Humanities specialties are in demand everywhere, especially in the tourism business. For example, a tour guide, or a tour guide, or a tourism instructor. There is no exact date for the appearance of this type of activity. Since ancient times, people have strived to find the best places. The crowned heads kept specially trained subjects in their retinue, who accompanied them and attended high society receptions. Today he is a specialist who tells visitors, guests, and foreigners about the sights, conducts excursions to significant parts of the city, and also accompanies groups on tours and cruises in Russia and abroad.

Depending on the level of services provided, erudition and skill, a guide receives from $300 to $1,500. He may earn up to a 25% commission on purchases guests make in gift shops.

Guides have etiquette. You cannot discuss with tourists the religion and politics of the country you are visiting, the nuances of the hotel, personal problems, disrespect the nationality of the tourist, single out one from the group and pay more attention to him. You cannot express yourself incorrectly, talk on the phone, or wear sunglasses during your shift.

The guide moves and communicates a lot, faces other people’s, sometimes negative, emotions, solves tourists’ problems, and eliminates emerging organizational problems. Those who care about their peace should not choose this specialty. This is a job for active people who love adventure, travel and meeting new people. A guide or tourism instructor works on weekends without fatigue or bad mood. He is always fit, in good shape, with a smile on his face. He must speak different languages, be sociable, have competent speech, know a lot of interesting, useful information, and be able to present it. Listeners sometimes ask the most unexpected questions that require quick answers. This professional is a true speaker, able to hold attention for several hours, and able to lead people. A good guide has a sense of humor; he will turn the excursion into a performance, a performance. A specialist with such a profession will always have an income. But it's more of a calling than a job.

It's nice to remember the cities that opened up to us. They shone with the glare of the sun in the wonderful windows of luxurious buildings, beckoned with the delightful aromas of coffee, fresh pastries in cozy restaurants, rustled leaves in parks, telling all the stories, starting from the ground up. And all because one guide who met us on the way did a very good job. He was just a real pro.