Government Scholarship. Scholarships and other types of financial support

State scholarships

The state academic scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in full-time education, at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget, depending on academic success, having, according to the results of an intermediate certification conducted once a semester (trimester), grades "excellent", "excellent and good" and "good".

The scholarship is awarded for one semester or trimester until the student receives the results of the next interim assessment. The appointment of a state scholarship is made by order of the vice-rector of the Academy.

A student who is awarded a state academic scholarship must meet the following requirements:

  • the absence of a "satisfactory" grade based on the results of the intermediate certification;

The state academic scholarship is paid once a month.
From September 01, 2019 higher education is:

  • students with "excellent" - 2,600 rubles. per month
  • students with "good" and "excellent" - 2,100 rubles. per month
  • students on "good" - 1,707 rubles. per month

From September 01, 2019 The amount of the state academic scholarship for persons mastering the program at the Academy is:

  • students with "excellent" - 1,000 rubles. per month
  • students with "good" and "excellent" and only "good" - 665 rubles. per month

State social scholarship assigned to the following students:

  • orphans and children left without parental care (under the age of 18);
  • from among orphans and children left without parental care;
  • who lost both or only parent during the period of study;
  • recognized in the prescribed manner as children with disabilities, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood;
  • exposed to radiation as a result of a catastrophe at Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters;
  • exposed to radiation as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site;
  • who are disabled due to a military injury or illness received during the period of passage military service;
  • who are combat veterans;
  • from among citizens who have served for at least three years under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and federal state bodies, in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, in engineering, technical, road-building military formations under federal executive bodies and in rescue military formations of the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, federal security service bodies, state security bodies and the federal body for ensuring mobilization training of bodies state power Russian Federation in military positions to be replaced by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, and dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "b" - "d" of paragraph 1, subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs "a" - "c » paragraph 3 of Article 51 federal law dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service";
  • received state social assistance.

A state social scholarship is assigned to a student by order of the rector (supervising vice-rector) of the Academy, in branches - by order of the director, upon presentation by the scholarship commission from the date of submission to the Academy (branch) of a document confirming compliance with one of the categories of citizens, until the month of termination of the basis for its appointment (with the exception of categories of persons receiving state social assistance).

If the document confirming compliance with one of the categories of citizens (with the exception of the category of persons who received state social assistance) is termless, the state social scholarship is assigned to the student before graduation.

Students belonging to the category of persons who have received state social assistance are assigned a state social scholarship from the date of submission to the Academy of a document confirming the appointment of state social assistance, for one year from the date of assignment of the specified state social assistance.

The fact that a student is on academic leave, as well as maternity leave, leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of three years, is not a basis for terminating the payment (appointment) of a state social scholarship.

Students receiving a state social scholarship have the right to apply for a state academic scholarship on a general basis.

C September 01, 2019 higher education is 2,560 rubles. per month.
C September 01, 2019 the size of the state social scholarship for persons mastering programs at the Academy secondary vocational education is 998 rubles. per month.

State scholarship for graduate students is appointed depending on the success of mastering the programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school based on the results of intermediate certification.

A postgraduate student who is awarded a state postgraduate scholarship must meet the following requirements:

  • the absence of a “satisfactory” grade based on the results of the intermediate certification;
  • no academic debt.

The amount of the state scholarship graduate students with September 01, 2019 is:

  • for graduate students studying at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget for full-time education - 3,356 rubles. per month
  • for graduate students studying at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget in the specialties included in the list approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 24, 2012 No. 654 - 8,005 rubles. per month

Enhanced State Academic Scholarship

Academy students who have special achievements in educational activities, research activities, social activities, cultural and creative activities and sports activities are paid an increased state academic scholarship on a competitive basis. The competition takes place 2 times a year after the end of each session.

The size of the increased state academic scholarship is assigned for each six months, depending on the number of scholarship holders and the size of the scholarship fund allocated for these purposes.

The increased state academic scholarship is assigned to students of the Academy who study full-time at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget for educational programs of higher education (bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs), including students - foreign citizens and stateless persons, but not earlier than 2 semesters of the first year of study.

Criteria for receiving an increased state academic scholarship.

  1. An increased state academic scholarship is awarded for the student's achievements in educational activities if these achievements meet one or more of the following criteria:
    • a) the student receives only "excellent" grades during at least 2 successive intermediate certifications preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship;
    • b) receipt by the student during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship, an award (prize) for the results of project activities and (or) development work;
    • c) recognition of a student as a winner or prize-winner of an international, all-Russian, departmental or regional olympiad, competition, competition, competition or other event aimed at identifying the educational achievements of students held during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship.
    If during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship, there is a retake of the exam (test) for an unexcused reason, the increased state academic scholarship for the student's achievements in educational activities in accordance with the criterion specified in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph is not assigned.
  2. An increased state academic scholarship is awarded for a student's achievements in research activities if these achievements meet one or more of the following criteria:
    • a) receipt by the student during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship:
      - awards (prizes) for the results of research work carried out by the student;
      - a document certifying the student's exclusive right to the scientific (scientific-methodical, scientific-technical, scientific-creative) result of intellectual activity (patent, certificate) achieved by him;
      - a grant for the implementation of research work;
    • b) the student has a publication in a scientific (educational-scientific, educational-methodical) international, all-Russian, departmental or regional publication, in a federal state publication educational organization higher education or other organization during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship.
  3. The Enhanced State Academic Scholarship is awarded for a student's accomplishments in social activities, provided that these accomplishments meet one or more of the following criteria:
    • a) the systematic participation of the student during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship in the conduct (ensuring the conduct) of socially significant activities of a social, cultural, human rights, socially useful nature, organized by the federal state educational organization of higher education or with its participation, documented;
    • b) the systematic participation of the student during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship in the activities of information support of socially significant events, public life of the federal state educational organization of higher education, documented.
  4. An increased state academic scholarship is awarded for a student's achievements in cultural and creative activities, if these achievements correspond to one or more of the following criteria:
    • a) receipt by a student during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship, an award (prize) for the results of cultural and creative activities carried out by him in the framework of activities carried out by a federal state educational institution of higher education or another organization, including within the framework of a competition, review and other similar international, all-Russian, departmental, regional event, documented;
    • b) public presentation by a student during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship, a work of literature or art created by him ( literary work, dramatic, musical-dramatic work, scripted work, choreographic work, pantomime, musical work with or without text, audiovisual work, painting, sculpture, graphics, design, graphic story, comic book, other work visual arts, works of arts and crafts, scenographic art, works of architecture, urban planning, landscape gardening art, including in the form of a project, drawing, image, layout, photographic work, work obtained by a method similar to photography, geographical, geological, other maps, plan, sketch, plastic work related to geography, topography and other sciences, as well as other work), documented;
    • c) the systematic participation of the student during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship in the conduct (ensuring the conduct) of public cultural and creative activities of an educational, propaganda nature and other socially significant public cultural and creative activities, documented.
  5. An increased state academic scholarship is awarded for a student's achievements in sports activities if these achievements meet one or more of the following criteria:
    • a) receipt by the student during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship, an award (prize) for the results of sports activities carried out by him in the framework of sports international, all-Russian, departmental, regional events held by the federal state educational organization of higher education or other organization;
    • b) the systematic participation of the student during the year preceding the appointment of an increased state academic scholarship in sports events of an educational, promotional nature and (or) other socially significant sports events, documented;
    • c) fulfillment of the standards and requirements of the golden badge of distinction of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) of the corresponding age group on the date of awarding the increased state academic scholarship.

An increased state academic scholarship is not awarded for achievements in sports activities to students receiving a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation, paid in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2011 N 368 "On scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation to athletes, coaches and other specialists of sports teams of the Russian Federation for sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, champions of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2011, N 14, art. 1883; 2013, N 12, art. 1244).

The amount of the increased state academic scholarship.

Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation

Applicants for scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation can be students starting from the 3rd year of study and graduate students from the 2nd year of full-time study who have outstanding academic success and scientific research who are confirmed by diplomas (or other documents) of the winners of All-Russian and international Olympiads, creative competitions, festivals, or who are the authors of discoveries, two or more inventions, scientific articles published in central publications of the Russian Federation and abroad, as well as works that contain information limited access.

The appointment of scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation annually from September 01, for a period of one year.


  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 6, 1993 N 613-rp (as amended on July 1, 2014) “On Approval of the Regulations on Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation”.
  • Regulations on scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation for graduate students and students of state organizations engaged in educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education and higher education, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1995 N 309.

The amount of the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation:

  • for students - 2200 rubles.
  • for graduate students - 4500 rubles.

The amount of the scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation:

  • for students - 1440 rubles.
  • for graduate students - 3600 rubles.
  • for students of secondary vocational education - 840 rubles.

Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation for studying abroad

Citizens of the Russian Federation, students and graduate students of the Academy who study full-time at the expense of the federal budget, who have proven themselves in the fields of science, culture and art, who have achieved significant success in fundamental and applied research, with the exception of persons completing education in the current academic year.

To participate in the competition, candidates must submit the following documents:

  1. Letter of recommendation from the sending organization containing brief description scientific or creative activities of the applicant, signed by the head of the organization or a person replacing him, and certified in the prescribed manner.
  2. Justification of studying abroad, indicating the direction (topic) of study, the foreign state and the host organization.
  3. The application of the applicant for participation in the competition, agreed with the head of the sending organization, or the person replacing him, with the obligatory attachment of the local act of the organization confirming the authority to replace the head (according to the annual template for the Announcement).
  4. Recommendations of Russian (at least two) and foreign (if any) scientists in Russian with translation into the language of instruction.
  5. Information about the applicant according to the annual template for the Announcement.
  6. Photos size 3x4 (2 pcs.)
  7. Progress information:
    students - an extract from the transcript for the entire period of study; for graduate students - a certificate of the results of candidate examinations.
  8. Certificate from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the sending organization on the applicant's degree of proficiency in a foreign language.
  9. A medical certificate on the applicant's state of health, confirming the possibility of studying abroad, signed by the head of the medical institution and certified by the seal of the medical institution that issued the certificate, issued no earlier than two months before the start of the competition.
  10. The consent of the host organization on the admission to study of the participant of the competition in the event that he is awarded a scholarship, indicating the expected date of commencement and duration of study (for foreign language(English, French, German), as well as its translation into Russian).
  11. Bank details of the receiving organization for the transfer of funds, indicating the full name and postal address of the bank in a foreign language of the receiving organization, (according to the annual template for the Announcement) (in a foreign language (English, French, German), as well as its translation into Russian) .
  12. Estimated expenses for the stay of the scholarship holder of the President of the Russian Federation abroad from the host organization (in a foreign language (English, French, German), as well as its translation into Russian), according to the annual template for the Announcement.
  13. List of publications of the applicant.

Requirements for the execution of documents specified in paragraphs 1, 11, 12, 13:
- documents are provided in a foreign language (English, French, German) on the letterhead of the host organization with a translation into Russian:
- documents submitted in a foreign language must be certified by the signature and seal of the management of the receiving organization, as well as the sending organization in the prescribed manner;
- documents submitted in translation into Russian are signed by the head of the sending organization, or by a person replacing him with the obligatory attachment of a local act of the sending organization confirming the authority to replace the head, and certified by the stamp of the sending organization.

Scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation for undergraduate and graduate students studying in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy

According to the programs of secondary vocational education

The Scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation is awarded to students enrolled full-time in secondary vocational education programs that correspond to the priority areas of modernization and technological development of the economy of the Russian Federation in accordance with the list of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education required for application in the field of implementation priority areas modernization and technological development of the economy of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Regulatory document: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.05.2014 No. 755-r “On approval of the list of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education required for use in the implementation of priority areas for modernization and technological development of the economy of the Russian Federation”.

The selection of candidates is carried out in accordance with the following criteria:

  • receipt by a student or student following the results of an interim assessment during the semester (trimester) preceding the award of a scholarship, the marks "excellent" and "good" if there are at least 50 percent of the marks "excellent" from the total number of marks received;
  • availability of achievements in studies, confirmed by diplomas (or other documents) of winners and (or) prize-winners of regional, all-Russian and international olympiads, creative competitions, competitions professional excellence and other similar events aimed at identifying academic achievements of students and students, carried out during the 1.5 years preceding the award of the scholarship;
  • systematic, for at least 1.5 years prior to the award of the scholarship, participation in experimental activities educational institution within the framework of research and (or) development work.

For higher education programs

Year 1 and 2 undergraduate and graduate students must meet one or more of the following criteria:

1. Achievement by a student or graduate student during the 2 years preceding the award of the scholarship, the following results:

  • receiving an award (prize) for conducting research work;
  • obtaining a document certifying the exclusive right of a student or graduate student to the scientific (scientific-methodical, scientific-technical, scientific-creative) result of intellectual activity (patent, certificate) achieved by him;
  • obtaining a grant for the implementation of research work;
  • recognition of a student or graduate student as the winner or prize-winner of an international, all-Russian, departmental or regional olympiad or olympiad held by an organization, competition, competition, competition and other event aimed at identifying the educational achievements of students and graduate students.

2. Achievement by a student or postgraduate student within 1 year prior to the award of the scholarship, the following results:

  • the presence of a publication in a scientific (educational-scientific, educational-methodical) international, all-Russian, departmental, regional publication, in the organization's publication. Said publication may contain restricted access information;
  • public presentation by a student or graduate student of the results of research work (including by making a report (message) at a conference, seminar, other event (international, all-Russian, departmental, regional) held by the organization).

3. The presence of the student and postgraduate student of the first year of study of the results obtained during the year preceding the award of the scholarship:

  • single score state exam 80 or more in a general education subject corresponding to the priority entrance test established by the organization carrying out educational activities;
  • a document confirming that the student is the winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren or the final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren conducted in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, whose profile must correspond to the specialties and (or) areas of training. The specified compliance is determined by the Academy independently;
  • at least 50% of the grades "excellent" from the total number of grades (in the absence of grades "satisfactory") based on the results of the state final certification for educational programs of the previous level of higher education, subject to continuing education in the same area of ​​training.

Named scholarships

The scholarship competition is held annually. Students of the Academy who study full-time at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget and who have proven themselves in certain activities, with the exception of persons completing their studies in the current academic year, can take part in the competition.

Scholarship named after E.T. Gaidar

  • Full-time education;
  • bachelor's degree - 2.3 courses, master's degree - 1 course, postgraduate studies 1, 2 courses;
  • getting grades "good" and "excellent" for the entire time of study;
  • participation in scientific research in the field of economics;
  • training in economic areas of training.

Scholarship named after D.S. Likhachev

Students and graduate students who meet the following criteria are allowed to participate in the competition:

  • Full-time education;
  • training in the specialties or areas of "Culturology" or "Philology".
  • active participation in research activities in the field of philology and cultural studies, including literature and culture Ancient Russia, during a year;
  • receiving an award (prize) for the results of research work;
  • obtaining a grant for the performance of work;
  • publication in a scientific journal;
  • implementation of public presentation of the results of work;
  • recognition as a winner or prize-winner of an international or all-Russian Olympiad, as well as another competitive event in the field of philology and cultural studies;

Scholarship named after A. A. Voznesensky

Students and graduate students who meet the following criteria are allowed to participate in the competition:

  • Full-time education;
  • bachelor's degree - 2.3 courses, master's degree - 1 course, postgraduate studies 1.2 courses;
  • training in specialties or areas: "Literary creativity", "Journalism" and "Military journalism";
  • receiving grades "good" and (or) "excellent" for the previous academic year;
  • the candidate is the author of a literary work published for the first time within 2 years;
  • the candidate is the author of a scientific work in the field of literature and (or) journalism, published for the first time within 2 years;
  • the candidate is a winner or prize-winner in a competition in the field of literature and (or) journalism held within 2 years prior to the award of the scholarship.

Scholarship named after A. A. Sobchak

Students and graduate students who meet the following criteria are allowed to participate in the competition:

  • Full-time education;
  • training on a budgetary form of education;
  • undergraduate - 2.3 courses, master's - 1 course, postgraduate - 1, 2 courses;
  • training in the specialty or direction "Jurisprudence";
  • receiving grades "excellent" during the year;
  • active participation in research activities in the field of jurisprudence during the year;
  • receiving an award for the results of research work; receiving a grant for the performance of work during the year preceding the award of the scholarship;
  • availability of publications in a scientific journal during the year preceding the award of the scholarship;
  • implementation of the public presentation of the results of the work during the year preceding the award of the scholarship;
  • recognition of the student as the winner of a competitive event in the field of jurisprudence during the year preceding the award of the scholarship

Scholarship named after A. I. Solzhenitsyn

Students and graduate students who meet the following criteria are allowed to participate in the competition:

  • Full-time education;
  • bachelor's degree - 2.3 courses, master's degree - 1 course, postgraduate studies 1, 2 courses;
  • candidates involved in literary creativity or scientific research in the field of literary creativity, political science and journalism;
  • training for grades "good" and "excellent" for the entire time of study;
  • participation (winner or prize-winner) in literary creativity and (or) scientific research in the field of literary creativity, political science and journalism.

V.A. Scholarship Tumanova

Students and graduate students who meet the following criteria are allowed to participate in the competition:

  • Full-time education;
  • training in the specialty or field of study "Jurisprudence";
  • bachelor's degree - 2.3 courses, master's degree - 1 course; postgraduate study - 1, 2 courses;
  • obtaining in the previous academic year "good" and "excellent" grades with at least 50 percent of "excellent" grades;
  • recognition as winners or prize-winners of the Olympiad;
  • recognition as the winners or prize-winners of the Olympiad, or other event aimed at identifying the educational achievements of students held within 2 years;
  • active participation in research activities for 1 year;
  • receiving a grant award or having a scientific publication or other public presentation of the results of the research work.
  • recognition as winners or prize-winners of the Olympiad of a competition and other event aimed at identifying the educational achievements of graduate students held within 2 years;

Scholarship for successful students of 1.2 courses eligible for state social scholarships (surcharge up to the subsistence level)

In accordance with the ORDER, first- and second-year students studying at the Academy on educational programs of higher education (bachelor's, specialist's), having grades of "excellent" or "good" or "excellent" and "good" and belonging to the categories of persons entitled to to receive a state social scholarship or who are students under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, a state academic and (or) state social scholarship is assigned in an increased amount.

The amount of these scholarships cannot be less than the subsistence minimum per capita for the whole of the Russian Federation, established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the fourth quarter of the year preceding the year in which the formation of the scholarship fund of the Academy was carried out.

Program of personal scholarships of the Moscow Government

In order to stimulate and encourage students who have shown a steady interest in the areas of training (specialties) most important for the city economy, the Moscow Government is implementing the Program of Nominal Scholarships of the Moscow Government.

Students of the Academy who study full-time, at the expense of the federal budget, in specialties or areas of training included in the list of the most important areas for the city economy, can take part in the Program of Nominal Scholarships of the Moscow Government.

Students of 1-4 courses can become nominal scholarship holders of the Moscow Government, subject to the approved requirements:

Selection criteria for 1st year students:

  • the presence of the medal "For Special Achievements in Education", established by the Government of Moscow, as graduates of an educational organization of secondary general education;
  • compliance of the field of study with the list of the most important areas of training for the municipal economy (according to the Order of the Government of Moscow dated August 22, 2012 No. 461-RP).

Selection criteria for students of 2-4 courses:

  • availability of the results of examination sessions with grades "excellent" and "good";
  • participation in socially significant events held in the city of Moscow;
  • compliance of the field of study with the list of the most important areas of training for the municipal economy (according to the Order of the Government of Moscow dated August 22, 2012 No. 461-RP);
  • no violation of social norms, rules of conduct, bringing to disciplinary responsibility;
  • participation in socially significant events held in the city of Moscow.

The lists of students must comply with the order of the Government of Moscow dated 22.08.2012 No. 461-RP (as amended by the order of the Government of Moscow dated 01.03.2016 No. 78-RP).

Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program

The Vladimir Potanin Scholarship Program (hereinafter referred to as the Program) implements a competition for the provision of grants to teachers of the master's program (grant competition), a competition for personal scholarships (scholarship competition), the School of the Foundation, conferences on master's education, etc.

The winners of the Program competitions will have the opportunity to become a member of the School of the Foundation, which is aimed at the formation and development of project and communication skills among scholarship holders and grant recipients of the Foundation.

teachers will be able to develop and implement innovative educational projects, expand the range of programs and courses demanded by the university, improve their qualifications, and also form network partnerships with teachers from other universities participating in the Program.

students will be able to develop their social skills and leadership potential through participation in the activities of the Program. The scholarship they receive will allow them to focus on their studies and professional development, which will increase their success and competitiveness in the labor market.

Applications for participation in competitions are submitted by students and teachers independently on the Foundation's website: with the obligatory attachment of the requested documents.

scholarship competition

AT scholarship competition undergraduates of 1 and 2 courses of full-time education can take part. The winners of the competition are young professionals in their subject and scientific field. These are creative individuals who are able to generate ideas, bring them to life and take personal responsibility for the result. These are leaders who are ready to unite the team around them and inspire them to achieve a common goal.

The student competition consists of two stages: a correspondence round and a business game.

The students who have passed the correspondence round will be invited to the internal stage of the competition, which will take place during the student holidays in January - February 2020. Accommodation and travel expenses of students associated with their participation in the full-time stage, the Foundation takes over.

The winners of the competition are paid a nominal scholarship in the amount of 20,000 rubles from February 2020 until the end of their master's studies.

Acceptance of applications: from October 1 to November 20, 2019
examination of applications of the absentee stage: from November 20 to December 16, 2019
announcement of the results of the absentee stage: December 20, 2019
intramural stage: one day from January 10 to February 10, 2020
summing up the results of the competition from February 10 to February 20, 2020
announcement of winners: no later than February 25, 2020

Grant competition

Teachers can take part in the grant competition master's programs, including academic and scientific supervisors of master's programs, teachers of individual disciplines, special courses and seminars working at the Academy at their main place of work, part-time or under a civil law contract.
The winners of the competition are recognized experts in their subject area, capable of generating extraordinary ideas, bringing them to life and taking personal responsibility for the result. These are leaders who unite a team around them, inspire them to achieve a common goal, combine professional and scientific activities with social initiatives.

The winners of the competition will be able to develop and implement innovative educational projects, approaches to learning, models for solving socially significant problems, expand the range of available programs and disciplines, replenish the educational and research tools of their universities and the university community as a whole.

The winners of the competition are given a grant for the development of an educational product in the amount of up to 500,000 rubles.

Competition nominations:

  • new master's program
  • new training course/ new training courses
  • new online training course / new online training courses
  • new methods and technologies in teaching

Competition schedule for the 2019-2020 academic year:

Acceptance of applications: from October 1, 2019 to January 15, 2020
examination of applications: from January 15, 2020 to February 28, 2020
announcement of winners: no later than March 20, 2020

Other competitions and events of the Program

In the spring of 2020, the winners of the scholarship and grant competitions will have the opportunity to apply for participation in the School of the Foundation in July 2020. The School of the Foundation is an educational and discussion platform for broadcasting the best practices for solving socially significant problems. The School hosts strategic sessions, lectures, business games, master classes, discussions and debates. School participants will be able to expand their circle of contacts with colleagues and partners from other universities and NGOs, get access to best practices and best practices for solving socially significant problems at the School of the Foundation.

The winners of the grant competition will also be invited to take part in the Master's Education Conference (April 2020).

Conditions of participation and the schedule of competitions and events of the Program will be announced later.

Phone: +7 495 974-30-18
Email: [email protected]

Grants of the President of the Russian Federation

Applicants for grants from the President of the Russian Federation may be persons who meet all of the following criteria:

  • are included in the state information resource about children who have shown outstanding abilities, created in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2015 No. 1239 “On approval of the Rules for identifying children who have shown outstanding abilities, accompanying and monitoring their further development” (included in the list winners and (or) prize-winners of events, approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation);
  • have citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • enrolled in the current year for full-time studies in undergraduate and specialist programs at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.

Non-state scholarships

The Academy implements various scholarship programs aimed at comprehensive support and encouragement of talented students. Apart from various kinds state scholarships, there are joint programs of non-state scholarships with private companies - partners of the Academy.

Gazprombank Scholarships

As part of the cooperation agreement between the Academy and JSC Gazprombank, interaction is planned in the field of professional training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, the implementation of joint programs in the field of educational, methodological and research activities, the provision of innovative support for the educational process and the training of qualified personnel for banks .

Awarding and payment of personal scholarships of Gazprombank JSC to the two best students of the Academy are made once a year. In order to become Gazprombank scholarship holders, students of the Academy must show excellent academic results and scientific activity and take an active part in the life of the Academy.

Gazprombank scholarships are paid for financial support and incentives for scholarship holders. The list of the best students will be compiled at the end of the academic year jointly by RANEPA and Gazprombank, and then the bank will determine the best ones on its own.

Educational and pre-diploma practice, internships are organized for students, as well as assistance in the employment of RANEPA graduates.

Every year, the Academy selects 30 students who have shown excellent results not only in their studies, but also in social and social activities. Selected students receive a one-time scholarship Board of Trustees Academy, and they are awarded the title "Student of the Year".

How the selection takes place:

Institutes, faculties and branches of the Academy submit candidates for the title of "Student of the Year" to the administration of the Academy.

After collecting all applications, the selection committee analyzes the data provided, conducts a personal interview with each candidate.

After the formation of the final list of students of the Academy, an order is signed to award the title "Student of the Year" and award a scholarship from the Board of Trustees.

The "Students of the Year" are awarded by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Academy.

Scholarship program of the International Anti-Corruption Academy in the field of anti-corruption research

The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IAA) Fellowship Program in the field of anti-corruption research (IACA Research Fellowship Program) is designed for highly qualified and motivated young scientists who intend to conduct research in the areas of anti-corruption, compliance and collective action.

The training course is organized on the basis of the International Anti-Corruption Academy (Luxembourg, Austria) with a duration of three months.

To participate in the program, candidates must have a master's degree or its equivalent in law, sociology, political science, economics, business or other relevant field. It is also desirable to be a graduate student of the Academy and have a PhD degree.

Selected candidates will have the opportunity to conduct innovative research in these areas in a multinational environment and present their results in writing through an article. Based on the results of the successful completion of the program, the IAA issues a corresponding certificate to its participants.

Proficiency in English is required at a working level (with proof of proficiency in this language at a sufficient level). research, editing and writing scientific papers are carried out in this language.

The results of the relevant tests (not older than 2 years) are accepted for consideration as confirmation:

  • diploma of an international university, in which training is conducted on English language;
  • certificate of completion of at least two years of study at a university with instruction in English, or confirmation labor activity in an organization (company), official language which is English;
  • passing one of the tests: TOEFL (required total score: in printed form - 600, in electronic form - 250, on the Internet - 100), or IELTS (required total score - 7.0);
  • presentation of a certificate from the University of Cambridge on knowledge of the English language (the required total number of points is at least 176 in each category).

The candidate needs:

  • fill out the form and send it with the following documents by e-mail: [email protected] or at: Human Resources, International Anti-Corruption Academy, Muenchendorfer Strasse 2, 2361 Laxenburg, Austria.
  • attach a brief curriculum vitae (maximum 3 pages, including information about the education received).
  • certificate of English proficiency at a working level.
  • copies of diplomas (bachelor's, master's) with an extract.
  • relevant publications in English (if available).


Tel. representative (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia): +7 499 244-35-82
Official website of the IAA:

Scholarship Commission

Chairman of the Scholarship Commission:
Spirin Alexey Viktorovich - Head of the Youth Policy Department
Phone: +7 499 956-07-11

Secretary of the Scholarship Commission:
Kurochkina Svetlana Dmitrievna
Phone: +7 499 270-29-15

The Scholarship Commission for Higher and Secondary Vocational Education Programs is approved in the following composition:

  1. Spirin Alexey Viktorovich - Head of the Youth Policy Department (Chairman of the Scholarship Commission);
  2. Nazarov Maxim Nikolaevich - Vice-Rector of the Academy;
  3. Kulikova Olga Mikhailovna - Head of the Educational and Methodological Department of the Academy;
  4. Stepanova Elena Yurievna - Head of the Department of Planning and Organization of the Educational Process of the Educational and Methodological Department of the Academy;
  5. Kharchenko Elena Semyonovna - Leading Economist of the Planning Financial Department of the Consolidated Economic Department
  6. Kaduk Evgeny Vladimirovich – Head of the Information Administration Group of the Department of Scientific and Information Development
  7. Gaidukov Kirill Igorevich - Chairman of the Student Council of the Academy;
  8. Golovin Dmitry Alekseevich - Head of the student sports club "Senator".

Freshman residence halls begin on August 26, 2019. Check-in is not available earlier than the stated date.

To move in, you must provide the documents, the list of which is indicated in this section of the site.

The presented lists are final. If you did not find your last name in them, you were not given a place in the hostel.

Lists of those admitted to the 2019/2020 Admissions Campaign recommended for accommodation in the Academy dormitories

Name of the level of education Name of the accommodation facility and its address

Hotel and residential complex

(Vernadsky Ave., 84, building 2)

Dormitory №2

(Volgogradsky prospect, 43, building 1D)

Dormitory №3

(Biryulevskaya st., 26, entrance 1)

The average professional education(KMPO) - List -
Higher education - bachelor's degree, specialist degree

Information on the availability of a hostel, the number of living quarters in a hostel for students from other cities, including those adapted for use by the disabled and persons with disabilities

Name of indicator Meaning
Number of dormitories (1), including those adapted for use by the disabled and persons with disabilities handicapped (2) 4 (3)
Total area of ​​dormitories, m 2 9132,7
Living area, m 2 5078,6
Number of residential premises (1), including those adapted for use by the disabled and persons with disabilities (2) 249
Number of places in hostels 668
Provision of dormitories with 100% soft and hard equipment according to established standards 100%
Availability of meals (including buffets, canteens) (yes/no) in hostels Not

(1) - Taking into account the presence of the hostel No. 1 of the Academy (Moscow, Vernadsky Prospect, 84, building 1), which is in the stage of major reconstruction, but without taking into account its characteristics (total area, living area, number of residential premises and the number of seats) contained in the project documentation for the specified capital construction (reconstruction) object.

(2) - On the basis of the decision of the Commission for the inspection and certification of RANEPA facilities and the services provided on them in the field of education.

Information about the dormitories of the Academy (Moscow)

The Academy has three comfortable student dormitories of various types located in different parts of Moscow:

Hostel No. 1 - Moscow, Vernadsky Ave., 84, building 1. Metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya";
Hostel No. 2 - Moscow, Volgogradsky prospect, 43, building 1D. Metro station "Tekstilshchiki";
Dormitory number 3 - Moscow, st. Biryulevskaya, 26. Tsaritsyno metro station.
Hostel No. 4 - Moscow, Altufevskoe shosse, 4. Vladykino metro station.

Dormitory №1

Dormitory №2

Hostel address: Moscow, Volgogradsky prospect, 43, building 1D
Nearest metro station: textile workers
Dormitory type: sectional
Total area (m 2) 5126,8
Living area (m 2) 2616,0
Total number of beds 350
Cost of living per month 1463 rub
of which:
The cost of the lease 449 rub
1014 rub
there is
Contacts +7 499 177-84-00

Equipment of the hostel №2:

Each block of living quarters in the hostel has a separate bathroom and bathroom. Up to 3 people can stay in one room. Each room is equipped with a refrigerator and other items necessary for living.

The hostel has one kitchen per floor, equipped with cutting tables, a microwave oven and built-in electric stoves.

The order in the rooms and in the kitchen is monitored by residents, according to duty schedules.

There are educators in the hostel who monitor compliance with the internal regulations of the RANEPA student hostel, organize extracurricular activities, as well as conduct educational and consulting and pedagogical work with residents.

The safety of the dormitory residents is ensured by the Duty Officer RANEPA service, whose employees monitor the access control and ensure control of the adjacent territory.

The hostel has rooms for self-study, as well as rest and leisure rooms designed for organizing and holding cultural events. Premises for holding cultural events are equipped with upholstered furniture, bookcases used for bookcrossing, TVs are installed in the halls.

  1. Billa Supermarket. Address: Volgogradsky prospect, 73;
  2. "Products 24 hours". Address: st. Saratovskaya, 1;
  3. Fix Price. Address: st. Lublinskaya, vl.2;
  4. Dixie supermarket. Address: st. Lublinskaya, 7/2.
  1. Shopping center "Textilshchiki". Address: st. Lublinskaya, 7/2.
  1. Capital Pharmacies. Address: st. Lyublinskaya, 9.

How to get there

Dormitory №3

Hostel address: Moscow, st. Biryulevskaya, 26
Nearest metro station: Tsaritsyno
Dormitory type: apartment
Total area (m 2) 2366,7
Living area (m 2) 1589,7
Total number of beds: 198
Cost of living per month 856 rub
of which:
The cost of the lease 668 rub
The cost of utilities 188 rub
Provision of the hostel with 100% soft and hard equipment according to the established standard norms there is
Availability of meals (including buffets, canteens) No
Contacts: +7 495 326-65-88

Dormitory No. 3 equipment:

The hostel is equipped with wireless Internet access via Wi-Fi.

The order in the rooms and in the kitchen is monitored by the residents, according to the duty schedules. The safety of those living in the hostel is ensured by the RANEPA Duty Service, whose employees monitor the access control and ensure control of the adjacent territory.

Video cameras are installed at the entrance to the hostel, on all floors and around the perimeter of the hostel.

Guests and parents can stay in the hostel every day in accordance with the Internal Regulations of the RANEPA student hostel.

Social infrastructure facilities located in the immediate vicinity:

Grocery stores, supermarkets:

  1. "My shop". Address: st. Biryulevskaya, ow. 26A;
  2. "Seventh Continent". Address: st. Biryulevskaya, 21.

Shopping and entertainment centers:

  1. "TC Kasimovsky" Address: st. Biryulevskaya, 17.
  1. "Longevity Pharmacy". Address: st. Biryulevskaya, 26

How to get there

Dormitory №4

Hostel address: Moscow, Altufevskoe shosse, 4
Nearest metro station: Vladykino
Dormitory type: apartment
Total area (m 2) 1639,2
Living area (m 2) 941,9
Total number of beds: 120
Cost of living per month 1682 rub
of which:
The cost of the lease 669 rubles
The cost of utilities 1013 rub
Provision of the hostel with 100% soft and hard equipment according to the established standard norms there is
Availability of meals (including buffets, canteens) No
Contacts: +7 495 201-42-44

Dormitory No. 4 equipment:

Each apartment has a separate bathroom, bathroom and kitchen equipped with kitchen furniture, refrigerator, gas stove, dining table and chairs. Up to 3 people can stay in one room. Each room is equipped with necessary items for living.

The order in the rooms and in the kitchen is monitored by residents, according to duty schedules. The safety of those living in the dormitory is ensured by the RANEPA Regime Department, whose employees monitor the access control and ensure control of the adjacent territory.

Video cameras are installed at the entrance to the hostel, on all floors and around the perimeter of the hostel.

Guests and parents can stay in the hostel every day in accordance with the Internal Regulations of the RANEPA student hostel.

Who are they for?

The hostels of the Academy are intended for temporary residence and accommodation of students in the main educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education in full-time education at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget and for the period of intermediate and final certification for students in these educational programs for correspondence courses.

To whom are provided

Places in hostels are provided exclusively to students living outside of Moscow and the nearest suburbs (at a distance of more than 5 zones of electric train traffic from Moscow).

As a matter of priority, residential premises in dormitories are provided to students specified in Part 5 of Article 36 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Education) in the order in which these categories are listed.

Secondly, housing is provided to students admitted to the Academy without entrance examinations specified in paragraph 4 of Article 71 of the Law on Education.

For citizens admitted to study on a general basis based on the results of entrance examinations (the results of the Unified State Examination, the results of entrance examinations conducted by the Academy independently), the provision of places in hostels is carried out in the general manner according to the competitive number of points. If the competitive number of points is equal, the student who has more than high score in the major discipline.

Citizens admitted to study within the framework of targeted admission, the provision of places in the hostel is regulated by the provisions of the agreement on targeted reception RANEPA.

The order of settlement in the hostel

Check-in of students in hostels is carried out on the basis of an order for the provision of places, containing lists of students by name who are provided with places in a certain hostel of the Academy.
Upon check-in, the student submits the following required documents:

For citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • extract from the order for admission to study at the RANEPA;
  • original and copy of an identity document;
  • copies of military registration documents (for males);
  • photo 3x4 (2 pcs.)

For foreign citizens:

  • an extract from the order for admission to study at the RANEPA or a personal referral for study (for those who entered within the quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation)
  • original document proving the identity and recognized Russian Federation in this capacity with an official translation into the name and surname of the person being settled;
  • a copy of the visa;
  • a copy of the migration card;
  • a copy of the health insurance policy;
  • health certificate in the form 086 / y;
  • Photo 3x4 (2 pcs.)

With each student who moves into a student hostel, a contract for hiring residential premises in a student hostel (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) is concluded. The Agreement indicates the number of the student dormitory and its address.

student, who has not concluded the Agreement within 14 days from the date of entry into force of the order to move in(or the date of the beginning of the settlement, established by the Academy), is recognized as not needing a hostel and loses the right to provide a place in the hostel with the current distribution of places in the hostel.

Accommodation in rooms is carried out by gender, taking into account the course of study (age) and the direction of training (specialty) of students and, if possible, taking into account their wishes. If there are vacant places in the hostel rooms only for persons of one sex, the right to a place in the hostel is not granted to the applicant of the other sex and is transferred to the next applicant of the same gender.

All residents of the dormitory are required to familiarize themselves with the local acts of the Academy that regulate the rules of conduct and internal regulations on the territory and in the buildings of the RANEPA, safety and fire safety. Familiarization with these acts is confirmed by the signature of the inhabitant in the relevant ledger.

Local regulations governing the activities of student hostels of the Academy (Moscow)

No. p / p Name of the local regulation
1 Regulations on student hostel
2 Regulations on the Unified Directorate for the Development of Dormitories
3 Regulations on the Housing Commission

Dormitory No. 3. Access to the hostel for persons with hearing impairments, persons with visual impairments.

Hotel and residential complex (building 8). Accessibility to the hostel for persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, with hearing impairments, with visual impairments; there are ramps at the entrances to the buildings; equipped with lifts for wheelchair users.

In 2014, the Mayor of Moscow established a scholarship on behalf of the city government. This payment was provided to students who were studying at universities in Moscow. The main purpose of this payment was to give status to higher education for young people and an incentive to train experienced professionals who are needed to manage the infrastructure of the metropolis.

The nominal scholarship is not a substitute for the regular academic scholarship, but acts as an additional allowance for students during the year. The size is 6,500 rubles. In this article, we will consider issues related to the provision of benefits and the selection of a student on a competitive basis.

Who can apply for a scholarship and on what basis?

The Moscow Government Scholarship can be awarded to students who are studying at the universities of the capital on a budgetary or paid basis. To receive a payment, it is necessary that the applicant meets all the requirements determined by the authorities of the capital region.

The first and most important requirement is that the student must be trained full-time, and his specialty must be included in the list of important professions for the city economy.

This list was compiled by deputies of the Moscow Government and approved. In order to receive the allowance, students will have to pass a special selection on a competitive basis, taking into account the following requirements:

  1. During the intermediate assessment, which is held for two consecutive semesters, the student should not receive grades below "4" and "5". In this case, the ratio of positive marks should not exceed 50%.
  2. A potential applicant for payment is obliged to conduct a special program aimed at vocational orientation for persons passing through professional development centers. At the same time, the trade union center should be located in Moscow.
  3. The applicant must become a prize-winner or winner of the Olympiad at any level. Victory in the All-Russian Olympiad also entitles you to a payment from the Moscow government. Additionally, all student achievements in various areas related to learning activities or with creativity. The condition in this case is the holding of the competition 12 months before the selection of the scholarship holder.
  4. The student must receive an award for research activities carried out under the guidance of employees of the university or other scientific organization where the child is studying. The award must be awarded within one academic year prior to the grant date.
  5. A student can obtain a special patent that confirms his right to an invention. The same confirmation can be a special certificate received no later than 12 months before the award of the payment.
  6. The student must publish a research article in a scientific journal of any level. The publication must appear 12 months before the decision to award the payment.
  7. Constantly participates in social and sports activities, as well as in the cultural life of the capital.

Only criteria 1 and 2 are mandatory. The rest are considered additional and are taken into account when determining the applicant for a scholarship payment.

Scholarship procedure and required documents

To receive a scholarship, a student will need to prepare mandatory documentation, the list of which includes:

  • a copy of the "record";
  • a letter of recommendation from the faculty management indicating the full details of the student and the course of study;
  • photocopies of all papers that confirm the participation of a young person in the life of the university, as well as the entire metropolis (in the field of science, culture, art, invention).

The preparation and verification of mandatory documents, as well as the selection of possible applicants, is carried out with the help of a commission for individual faculties and with the provision of certain scholarships.

In general, the procedure takes some time, because the commission must evaluate each candidate, determine the level of his preparedness, and also compare him with other applicants.

The scholarship application must be submitted by September 1, 2017. At the same time, first-year students can count on receiving payments in the following cases:

  • in the presence of a medal "For Special Achievements in Education", which is also established by the government of the region;
  • in case of compliance with the criteria and focus, which is included in a specially compiled and approved list.
For students of 2-4 courses, the scholarship is awarded on the above grounds. As we have already reported, the payment is made regardless of the availability of other benefits and additional payments.


The nominal scholarship of the Government of Moscow was appointed a few years ago for students who have achieved certain success in the process of education and cultural activities.

Students applying for a payment must document their achievements and submit a special application for such an allowance to the dean's office at their place of study. The decision is made on a commission basis, and for one year the student is assigned such a payment in the amount indicated above.

By order of the mayor of the capital of our state in 2014, a nominal scholarship of the Moscow government was established. This scholarship is paid to students of higher educational institutions of the capital in order to increase the prestige of higher education and its role in the social and economic development Moscow, as well as stimulating the training of highly qualified specialists in the most important specialties for the capital's urban economy. The scholarship is assigned and paid as a supplement to the regular academic scholarship for a one-year period. The amount of the scholarship is 6500 rubles.

To whom and on what grounds is it paid

The scholarship of the government of the city of Moscow is assigned to students studying at any university in the capital on an extrabudgetary and budgetary basis. To receive the payment, the form of education must be full-time, and the specialty must certainly be included in the list of the most important industries for the city economy. The list was specially compiled and approved by the Moscow Government.

To qualify for a scholarship, you must pass a competitive selection according to the following criteria:

  1. During the passage of the intermediate certification, which is held two semesters in a row, the student should receive only marks "excellent" and "good". Moreover, the marks "excellent" should be no less than 50% of the total number of marks received.
  2. A potential candidate for a scholarship must, without fail, conduct a career guidance program for students in career and professional development centers located in the capital.
  3. Become a prizewinner or winner of an international, regional, departmental or All-Russian Olympiad, competition, competition, as well as any other competition related to the identification of students' educational achievements. This event must occur no more than one calendar year before the award of the scholarship.
  4. Receive an award for research work carried out under the auspices of a higher education institution or other organization. The award must be received within one academic year prior to the award of the scholarship.
  5. Obtain a patent (exclusive right to an invention) or an intellectual property certificate no later than one year before the award of the scholarship.
  6. Publish an article in a scientific regional, Russian or international publication. The publication should take place no earlier than one year before the award of the scholarship.
  7. Regular student participation in the social, sports and cultural life of the city of Moscow, as well as events under the auspices of the government of the capital.

The first and second criteria are the mandatory stages of the candidate's compliance, and all subsequent ones are perceived as additional assessments for the appointment of a nominal scholarship from the Moscow government.

Documents required to apply for a scholarship from the Moscow government

After the candidate passes the selection for the appointment of a scholarship, he will need to provide the following documents:

  1. Copy of record book.
  2. Recommendations and characteristics from the dean of the faculty. This document fully indicates the full name. student, as well as the course of study they are taking.
  3. Copies of papers confirming active participation in the life of the faculty (university), as well as the availability scientific works. All copies must be certified by the dean of the faculty.

Verification and collection of the necessary documents, as well as the selection of potential scholarship holders, is carried out by the faculty commission on scholarships.

What are career guidance centers in Moscow

One of the conditions for obtaining a nominal scholarship from the government of the city of Moscow is the student's participation in the work of professional and career development centers. In these municipal institutions, schoolchildren are trained according to a unique system in which senior students act as mentors.

The task of mentors is to help students choose future profession, namely:

  • master classes;
  • trainings;
  • seminars;
  • lectures.

Training is provided free of charge, and the process itself helps future students learn in advance all the nuances of their future profession from people who can already tell a lot about it. Professional self-determination is one of the most important activities of educational municipal centers. The government of the capital is interested in training specialists who will work in their specialty for the benefit of Moscow.

For students, teaching in such centers is a good source of monthly income (the size of the scholarship is quite worthy), as well as a great opportunity to prove themselves to potential employers. In addition, for those who are going to engage in subsequent teaching activities, mentoring in the centers is an excellent practice.