Primary school research projects to participate. Project activities at school

Dear parents and children!

You already need to decide on the topic of the project work on which you will work. On this page you will find recommendations that will help you prepare high-quality project work, structure and types design work, as well as a list of possible topics for design work.

Types of projects

Practical project - aimed at solving real problems that reflect the interests of project participants. These projects have a clear goal that must be achieved. For example, you can complete a practical project "Help the birds" Where purpose There will be the production of birdhouses or feeders. The value of the project lies in the reality of using the product in practice.
Research project resembles in structure research. It includes justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, formulation of the research problem, mandatory formulation of a hypothesis, discussion and analysis of the results obtained. For example, students can complete research project called "Why do plants need water" . During the project it is possible to carry out mini-study: try to germinate bean seeds using water and without water, and then evaluate the result.
Information project aimed at collecting information about any object or phenomenon. For example, you can collect information about the largest aquariums in the world and present it to the children in class.
Creative project involves the production of various crafts, posters, drawings and other products. In our class we have already taken part in creative project "Family holidays and traditions" . During the project, each child not only conducted a mini-research on family holidays and traditions. The children made photo collages, posters and leaflets depicting family holidays and traditions.

Stages of work on the project

Stage I: choosing a project topic
Stage II: collection of information
Stage III: thinking about a project plan
Stage IV: project implementation
Stage V: preparation for the defense of the project (drawing up a portfolio, preparing a presentation, crafts, report on the work done, leaflets, newspapers, and so on)
are developing electronic presentation etc.
Stage VI: presentation and defense of the project in class
VII stage: reflection (self-analysis and self-evaluation of the work done, your impressions of working on the project).

How to choose a project topic?

Rule 1. The topic should be interesting to the child.
Rule 2. The topic must be feasible, and its solution must be useful to the participants of the study.
Rule 3. The theme should be original, with elements of surprise and unusualness.
Rule 4. The topic must be accessible to the child, the child must understand the topic of the project.

Project structure (this is what the guys MUST reflect in their projects)

1. Project theme.
2. Project type:
3. Goals and objectives of the project.
4. Project work plan (or stages).
5. Main ideas.
6. Conclusion.

Example of design work (briefly)

1. The topic of my project work is “The largest zoos in the world”
2. The type of project is informational.
3. Project goal- find out as much information as possible about the largest zoos in the world. Then present this information for discussion with the teacher and the children in the class.
Project objectives:
- using reference material: (encyclopedias, the Internet, magazines and newspapers) find information about the largest zoos in the world;
- analyze this information and compose a mini-speech about the largest and most unusual zoos in the world;
- talk about the exotic inhabitants of these zoos;
- prepare a mini-film (craft, poster, etc.) about the largest zoos in the world;
- present the results to the teacher and classmates, discuss the project.
4. Stages of work on the project.
- first stage - "Selecting a project topic." I chose this topic because......
ADVICE: you can attach small photographs to each stage (how you chose a topic, how you looked in books, how you read magazines, how you and your mom or dad composed the text for the project)
-second stage - "Collection of information." To work on the project, I used the following sources.....
- third stage - “Thinking about a plan for working on a project” involves active mental activity. It can be omitted (not written).
- fourth stage - "Project implementation". At this stage, the text of the work is compiled, a layout is drawn up, a poster is created, and so on.
- fifth stage - “preparation for project defense” - involves home preparation for project defense. This step can also be omitted (not written).
- sixth and seventh stages - take place in class. They also do not need to be reflected in the text of the work.
5. Main ideas. While working on the project, I learned that there are the following largest zoos in the world..... They are interesting because....... Inhabitants such as...... live there.
6. Conclusion. I learned that very rare animals live in zoos. They need to be protected, protected......


Examples of design work (taken from the Internet)

Choose a research topic.

Work with sources of information, find answers to your questions.

Draw your own conclusions.

Present the results of your work.

Prepare a short speech to present your research.

Work your speech carefully. There is no need to leave room for improvisation. If you doubt yourself even a little, it is best to think through even unimportant phrases in advance.
Prepare your speech in front of the mirror and say the words out loud. Rehearse not only the text, but also the pronunciation and facial expressions. Absolutely everything affects a person. Therefore, the success of the entire project depends on how the material is presented.

Approximate topics of project work for students primary classes

* Zoos of the world
* My dream garden
* History of football development
* These funny cats
* Tigers are the largest and most fearsome of the big cats.
* Five of the rarest birds on the planet
* What does a person need to know about spiders?
* History of the origin and production of chocolate
* How to help birds survive the winter?
* Beauty and symmetry of butterflies
* Dogs and space
* Guide dogs
* Salt – good or bad?
* Life and death of dinosaurs on planet Earth
* Our dream professions
*My ancestry
*Professions of our parents
* My city
* Bread is the head of everything
* Birds are our friends
* Healthy image life
* Our house. Our yard
* War and our family
* Using household waste in children's crafts
* History of Russian toys
*What did our ancestors play?
* Active volcanoes on our planet
* Used paper - trash or good?
* Matryoshka - toy or souvenir
* Does the sandwich always fall butter side down?
* My family's sports life
* How cartoons affect a child’s psyche
* Cactus-prickly friend
* Crystal growing
* How far is it from us to the Sun?
* Why do we cry? Where do tears come from?
* Why does milk sour?
* Why does popcorn shoot?
* Journey of a water droplet
* What is a microscope?
* Miraculous transformations, or What is cheese?
* Secrets of the Moon

School projects are a method of developing student abilities: organizational, intellectual, oratorical. Independent work instills in schoolchildren the skills of searching and systematizing information, arouses interest in the subjects being studied. In this case, the fundamental point is the choice of a topic whose knowledge the child would like to demonstrate to peers and teachers.

How to do a project correctly

Project activities involves the disclosure of a topic chosen by the student. The successful completion of work depends on the goals set in it and their subsequent implementation. Row installed general rules, which should guide you when writing a project.

Choosing a theme

The first priority is to determine the research topic. It is desirable that it be familiar to the student and arouse interest.

Next, read the assigned task or the proposed structure by the teacher. If the teacher has not set specific tasks, you need to independently divide the project into its component parts. In each, establish the key points that need to be touched upon when presenting (goals). Then you need to draw up a project plan, which includes chapters, supporting materials (presentations, illustrations, diagrams, diagrams).

Then work out all sorts of ideas, where to start, how best to write a project, where to get information, who to contact for advice.

Students are advised to use several ways to think about the concept:

  1. Letter in free form. On a sheet of paper in the middle, indicate the name of the text, and under it write down the words that first came to mind. All thoughts are written without discarding inappropriate ones.
  2. Creating a diagram. The topic of the study is written in the central part of the sheet. Then draw a line to the side of the center and write in the fact or idea. At the same time, associations are used without stopping at the deep connection. As preparation progresses, similar considerations are grouped together and key points selected from them.

Collection of information

Preparation of information includes a selection of necessary sources for the upcoming research. When compiling scientific text You will need at least 8-10 of them, which you can take on the Internet, the library, or in consultation with a specialist or teacher.

For example, to prepare a project on historical theme books, scientific materials, newspaper articles, personal correspondence of figures are suitable. Having familiarized himself with the sources, the student will touch upon the events of the past and present his own thoughts in the correct form.

After the materials have been collected, they move on to listing the fundamental facts. Along the way academic work Some sources will not be needed; usually, students initially take more information than is needed in their work.

When studying the material, you need to make appropriate notes, which will help you formulate the text in the future.

In the project, it is important to indicate bibliographic data of the literature used:

  1. Last name, initials of the author, name of the source, publisher, edition number, date and city of publication, number of pages.
  2. When using articles, indicate the surname, initials of the author, title of the article and journal, number and date of publication, pages of the article, digital object identifier.

It is important when collecting information to thoroughly study the issue, identifying little known facts. This approach to revealing the topic helps the student to better navigate the project, learn for himself and tell others something new.


The next step is to develop a plan for completing the work. You can sketch out a list of necessary actions or steps.

A creative project consists of tasks: gathering information, writing text, artwork, and final design.

It is important to set the completion time for each block of assignments, taking into account deadlines. You need to work in the opposite direction from the set date of the scientific and practical conference.

For example, there is a month left before the deadline, which means that first of all 1 week should be devoted to drawing up a plan and collecting information. The next week is devoted to scientific research. Then the week is spent writing the text. And finally, the final stage is the final design and artistic applications.

Additionally, the creative process can be divided into days, depending on the speed of project preparation.


This stage includes writing a text that presents all the facts and considerations on the topic. The presentation indicates collected materials during the research. It is mandatory to cite the sources from which the information was taken. In case of difficulties, it is recommended to ask your teacher for examples of the design of a project or individual chapters.

Finally, it is necessary to prepare a conclusion, artistic applications. Visually displaying ideas in the form of a presentation or diagrammatic drawings helps to visually perceive information.

If several events are selected (for example, according to history), then it is advisable to use a time diagram. When school work is based on geographical aspects, it is wise to create a map. The presentation is based around a key idea.

Examples of presentation methods:

  • three-dimensional representation, for example, showing a map of battles with a demonstration of the movement of the army;
  • conducting experiments;
  • photo show - look impressive vintage photos, you can supplement the project with objects from the past;
  • demonstration of the project on a computer when preparing a complete presentation, and so on.

During the final assembly of the work, you need to check the assigned tasks and the result of their implementation. If suddenly something is missed, it is necessary to supplement the study.

It is important to allow additional time for possible finalization of the project.

Once a research project is done, it must be read carefully and checked for errors. This will help avoid criticism from teachers and peers.

Ready themes

The current topic raised in the study will help students develop creativity, engage in self-education. During the design process, the child will learn to properly conduct a discussion and prove his own point of view using arguments.

Research work includes scientific elements:

  • hypothesis;
  • proof;
  • laboratory research;
  • analysis of the received information.

How to choose a topic for CPD is extremely important in educational process. You can use any ready-made themes for work or come up with it yourself.

For elementary school

Primary school students take part in the creative process to broaden their horizons and try their hand at public speaking.

  • The role of color in human life.
  • Where do the answers to riddles live?
  • What are fountains for?
  • What is a healthy lifestyle.
  • What a first grader should know about the road to school.
  • What types of plants are there?
  • Our good deeds.
  • Firefighting is a dangerous profession.
  • Who protects us?
  • How to predict the weather using folk signs.
  • How children's toys appeared.
  • Why do birds sing?
  • Cactus is a prickly friend.
  • The extraordinary world of cats.
  • My family tree.
  • Healthy vegetables.

The topic of the project work allows younger schoolchildren find answers to questions of interest in myths, fairy tales, legends and the world around us.

For middle classes

Middle school students can design research papers on topics in history, geography, mathematics and other subjects school curriculum 5, 6, 7, 8 grades.

Topics for Middle School:

  • Seven wonders of the world.
  • How did popular expressions appear?
  • When did Buddhism appear?
  • Ancient sages.
  • Ancient Greek theater.
  • The Great Wall of China.
  • Who discovered America.
  • The first human settlements.
  • The history of the appearance of the Olympic Games.
  • The Colosseum is the main place for spectacles.
  • Magic numbers.
  • History of the compass.
  • English articles.
  • Russian geographical monuments.

Research work in the middle grades promotes the development of research and communication skills.

For high school students

Design for a high school student is a means of self-realization in educational activities. Senior grades (grades 9, 10, 11) - final stage schooling, admission to secondary and higher educational institutions is ahead.

Projects prepare the child to analyze a large amount of information, teach them to work with it, draw conclusions and express their own opinions.

The following topics are offered for young researchers:

  • Pythagorean theorem.
  • Sine and cosine.
  • Natural resources of the world.
  • How to open your own business.
  • Modern clothes.
  • The art of photography.
  • Formaldehyde.
  • How old are the stars in the sky?
  • Logarithms.
  • The work “The Thunderstorm” as assessed by Russian critics.
  • Why are punctuation marks needed?
  • Bulgakov is the creator of the novel “The Master and Margarita”.

In high school, you can write research projects on more serious topics related to physics, chemistry, astronomy, geometry and other sciences.

According to literature

For open lesson on Russian literature, it is better to prepare a visual presentation and a short report on the topics:

  • Silver age of Russian poetry.
  • Dubrovsky.
  • Fairy tale by V.A. Zhukovsky “The Sleeping Princess”.
  • How to write an argumentative essay on works of fiction.
  • I. Bunin “Clean Monday”.
  • Mystical stories of N. Gogol.
  • Bylinas are the heritage of Russian oral creativity.
  • By special features: Vladimir Mayakovsky.


Scientific topics:

  • How strong is a chicken egg?
  • What is the use of paper.
  • Math in our kitchen.
  • Physical properties of oxygen.
  • The role of a name in a person's life.
  • Why are experiments needed?
  • Magic colors.
  • Secrets of traditional medicine.
  • Who lives in the computer.

Around the world

Project activities on the environment include topics:

  • Unexplored Arctic zone.
  • How the ancient Slavs lived.
  • It's time for mushrooms and berries.
  • Water is the basis of everything.
  • You and your friends.
  • Our sports family.
  • Baptism of Mother Rus'.
  • Who are they, dangerous strangers?
  • The structure of the human body.
  • How to measure temperature.
  • How the human body works.
  • The Internet is the know-how of the era.
  • Behind the glass of an aquarium...

According to history

History information projects can be written on the following topics:

  • Battle of Kursk.
  • Who are the Manchus?
  • The teachings of the first Christians.
  • Legends about pilots.
  • Stalin's skyscrapers.
  • Leonardo da Vinci code.
  • The Renaissance is a time of great discoveries...

In mathematics

Those who are interested in exact sciences will like the following topics:

  • Lucky number 7.
  • Units of time.
  • Mysterious numbering of numbers.
  • How to work with a diagram.
  • The graph is a good example.
  • Dividing multi-digit numbers.

By technology

Preparing a presentation using technology is suitable for both girls and boys.

Creativity in elementary school will help to reveal abilities in prepared projects:

  • Postcard for the New Year.
  • Origami technique.
  • How to work with paper.
  • Earthenware factories.
  • Volume applications.
  • How wagons are made.
  • The art of scrapbooking.
  • Plasticine paintings.

The key to good work is choosing an interesting topic:

  • Ancient fun in Rus'.
  • The history of tea and coffee.
  • How to grow beans at home.
  • How dinosaurs lived.
  • Principles of operation of a microwave oven.
  • Do pets understand us?
  • Should you believe in horoscopes?
  • The benefits and harms of chewing gum.


Unusual topics are suitable for inquisitive children:

  • How to recognize mood by gestures.
  • Errors in the announcer's speech.
  • The role of emoticons in messages.
  • The influence of advertising on a person.
  • The meaning of the word "wealth".
  • Why do people love?
  • The operating principle of virtual glasses and others.

Video on the topic

Research work. What is a research paper? Research work "." Research paper on the topic. Research competition. Research work on local history. Research methodology. Educational and research project. Research project "Snow Maiden". Research creative project.

Educational and research work of students. Research work of teacher and students. Organization of educational and research work. Research methods and techniques. Competition of creative and research works. Creative research paper on the topic. Research work “The Secret of the Name.” What is a Rainbow (Research Paper).

Research work Topic: “Bears”. Research project. Research work "Guinea pigs". How to prepare a research paper presentation. “About our names” Research project. Research project “I remember. Research work on the topic: “What is in your name.

Research work on the topic: “Palm oil.” Research work on the topic “Ornament”. Research work on the topic: “Computer slang.” Research project. Research work “Where we come from. Research paper on the topic: Why we play Lego. Research project “My Native Street”.

Detailed plan for creating a research paper.

Project activities of schoolchildren

What's happened educational project for student and teacher

Project activities of schoolchildren are cognitive, educational, research and creative activities, as a result of which a solution to a problem appears, which is presented in the form of a project.
For a student, a project is an opportunity to maximize their creative potential. This is an activity that allows you to express yourself individually or in a group, try your hand, apply your knowledge, bring benefit, and publicly show the results achieved. This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem formulated by the students themselves. The result of this activity - the found method of solving the problem - is practical in nature and significant for the discoverers themselves.
And for a teacher, an educational project is an integrative didactic means of development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop specific skills and design skills: problematization, goal setting, activity planning, reflection and self-analysis, presentation and self-presentation, as well as information search, practical application of academic knowledge, self-study, research and creative activities.

Design and research work at school is a new, innovative method that combines educational and cognitive components, gaming, scientific and creative. The main difference between such activities for primary school is that students, first of all, receive the first research skills, due to which the specific qualities of a special way of thinking develop.

Organization of project activities

When organizing project activities in elementary school, the teacher needs to take into account the following aspects:

1. The project assignment must correspond to the age and level of development of the student.
2. The issues of future projects should be taken into account, which should be in the area of ​​interest of the students.
3. Conditions must be created for the successful execution of projects (availability of materials, data, multimedia).
4. Before giving students a project assignment, you should first prepare for conducting such activities.
5. Manage projects, help and advise students.
6. Practice project-based activities with students, while improving general educational skills.
7. When choosing a project topic, do not impose information, but interest them, motivating them to search independently.
8. Discuss with students the choice of sources of information: library, reference books, Internet, periodicals, etc.
9. In the process of preparing for project activities, it is advisable to organize joint excursions, walks, observations, experiments, and events for students.

Types of projects

Research projects. Schoolchildren conduct experiments, study some area, and then present their results in the form of wall newspapers, booklets or computer presentations. Such research projects have a positive impact on the student’s professional self-determination, and can also become the basis for future coursework, theses during my student years.
Game projects. They are presented in the form of games and performances, where, playing the roles of some heroes, students offer their solutions to the problems being studied.
Information projects. Students collect and analyze information on a topic, presenting it in the form of a magazine, newspaper, or almanac.
Creative projects. There is huge scope for imagination: the project can be carried out in the form of an extracurricular activity, an environmental action, a video film and much more. There are no limits to imagination.

Choosing a topic and setting a project goal

The selection of project topics can be based on in-depth study any educational material in order to expand knowledge, interest children in studying the subject, and improve the learning process.
The project must have a clear, realistically achievable goal. In the most general sense, the goal of the project is always to solve the original problem, but in each specific case this solution has its own unique solution and implementation. This embodiment is a project product, which is created by the author in the course of his work and also becomes a means of solving the project problem.

Project type

Project goal

Project product

Student activity type

Formed competence


Solution practical problems project customer

Tutorials, layouts and models, instructions, reminders, recommendations

Practical activities in a specific educational subject area


Research project

Proof or refutation of any hypothesis

The result of the research, presented in the form of presentations, wall newspapers, booklets

Activities related to experimentation, logical mental operations


Information project

Collecting information about any object or phenomenon

Statistical data, survey results public opinion, a generalization of statements by various authors on any issue, presented in the form of a magazine, newspaper, almanac, presentation

Activities related to the collection, verification, systematization of information from various sources; communication with people as sources of information


Creative project

Attracting public interest in the project problem

Literary works, works of fine or decorative art, videos, promotions, extracurricular activities

Creative activity related to receiving feedback from the public


Game or role-playing project

Providing the public with the experience of participating in solving a project problem

Event (game, competition, quiz, excursion, etc.)

Activities related to group communication


Stages of work on the project

Stages of work on the project

Student activities

Teacher activities


Determining the theme and goals of the project, its starting position. Selection working group

Discuss the topic of the project with the teacher and receive additional information if necessary

Introduces the meaning of the project approach and motivates students. Helps in defining the purpose of the project. Supervises the work of students.


a) Identification of sources of necessary information.
b) Determining ways to collect and analyze information.
c) Determining the method of presenting the results (project form)
d) Establishing procedures and criteria for assessing project results.
e) Distribution of tasks (responsibilities) between members of the working group

Create project objectives. Develop an action plan. Select and justify their criteria for the success of project activities.

Offers ideas, makes assumptions. Supervises the work of students.


1.Collection and clarification of information (main tools: interviews, surveys, observations, experiments, etc.)
2.Identification(" brainstorming") and discussion of alternatives that arose during the project.
3.Selection of the optimal project progress option.
4.Step-by-step implementation of the research tasks of the project

Perform project tasks step by step

Observes, advises, indirectly supervises the activities of students

Information analysis. Formulation of conclusions

Perform research and work on a project, analyzing information. Draw up the project

Observes, advises (at the request of students)

Presentation (defense) of the project and evaluation of its results

Preparation of a report on the progress of the project with an explanation of the results obtained (possible forms of report: oral report, oral report with demonstration of materials, written report). Analysis of project implementation, achieved results (successes and failures) and the reasons for this

Present the project, participate in its collective self-analysis and evaluation.

Listens, asks appropriate questions in the role of an ordinary participant. Directs the analysis process as necessary. Evaluates student effort, quality of report, creativity, quality of use of sources, potential for continuation of the project

Evaluation of stages

Evaluation criteria


Performance evaluation

Relevance and novelty of the proposed solutions, complexity of the topic

Volume of developments and number of proposed solutions

Practical value

Level of independence of participants

The quality of the design of notes, posters, etc.

Reviewer's assessment of the project

Protection assessment

Quality of the report

Demonstration of depth and breadth of ideas on the topic presented

Demonstration of depth and breadth of ideas on a given subject

Answers to teacher questions

Answers to teacher questions

180 – 140 points – “excellent”;
135 – 100 points – “good”;
95 – 65 points – “satisfactory”;
less than 65 points - “unsatisfactory”.

General view and structure of the project explanatory note

Front page.
Table of contents (contents).
Heads of the main part.
List of used literature.

Structural elements of an explanatory note.

Front page

The title page is the first page of the explanatory note and is filled out according to certain rules.
The full name is indicated in the top field educational institution. On average, the name of the project is given without the word “topic” and quotation marks. It should be as short and precise as possible - consistent with the main content of the project. If it is necessary to specify the title of the work, then you can give a subtitle, which should be extremely short and not turn into a new title. Next, indicate the last name, first name, school number and class of the designer (in the nominative case). Then the surname and initials of the project manager.
The lower field indicates the place and year the work was performed (without the word “year”).

Following title page a table of contents is placed, which lists all the headings of the explanatory note and indicates the pages on which they are located. They cannot be shortened or given in a different wording, sequence or subordination. All blanks are written with capital letter and without a dot at the end The last word of each heading is connected by an dot to its corresponding page number in the right column of the table of contents.

Introduction to the work

It substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks set, formulates the planned result and the main problems considered in the project, indicates interdisciplinary connections, informs who the project is intended for and what is its novelty. The introduction also describes the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary, bibliographic). It is advisable to list the equipment and materials used during the project.

Main chapters

The following is a statement of the goal, and specific tasks to be solved in accordance with it.

The first chapter of the project discusses the proposed methodology and technique for its implementation, provides brief overview literature and other materials on the topic.

In the next chapter (search) it is necessary to develop a bank of ideas and proposals for solving the problem considered in the project.

In the technological part of the project, it is necessary to develop a sequence for executing the object. It may include a list of steps, technological map, which describes the algorithm of operations indicating tools, materials and processing methods.

Next, it is necessary to consider the economic and environmental assessment of the project. In the economic part, a complete calculation of the costs of manufacturing the designed product is presented. Next is project advertising and marketing research. Particular attention must be paid environmental assessment project: justification that the manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in environment, disorders in human life.


At the conclusion of the project, the results obtained are outlined, their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks formulated in the Introduction is determined, and students are given a self-assessment of the work they have done.

List of used literature

After the Conclusion there is a list of references used. All borrowings must necessarily have subscript references to where the given materials were taken from.


Auxiliary or additional materials, which clutter up the bulk of the work, are placed in appendices. The application contains tables, text, graphs, maps, drawings. Each application must begin on a new sheet (page) with the word “Appendix” in the upper right corner and have a thematic heading. If there is more than one application in the work, they are numbered in Arabic numerals (without the No. sign), for example: “Appendix 1”, “Appendix 2”, etc. The numbering of the pages on which appendices are given must be continuous and continue the general numbering of the main text. Through it, applications are carried out through links that are used with the word “look” (see), enclosed together with the code in parentheses.

Dear parents and children!

You already need to decide on the topic of the project work on which you will work. On this page you will find recommendations that will help you prepare your design work in a high-quality manner, the structure and types of design work, as well as a list of possible topics for design work.

Types of projects

Practical project - aimed at solving real problems that reflect the interests of project participants. These projects have a clear goal that must be achieved. For example, you can complete a practical project "Help the birds" Where purpose There will be the production of birdhouses or feeders. The value of the project lies in the reality of using the product in practice.
Research project The structure resembles a scientific study. It includes justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, formulation of the research problem, mandatory formulation of a hypothesis, discussion and analysis of the results obtained. For example, students could complete a research project called "Why do plants need water" . During the project it is possible to carry out mini-study: try to germinate bean seeds using water and without water, and then evaluate the result.
Information project aimed at collecting information about any object or phenomenon. For example, you can collect information about the largest aquariums in the world and present it to the children in class.
Creative project involves the production of various crafts, posters, drawings and other products. In our class we have already taken part in a creative project" Family holidays and traditions" . During the project, each child not only conducted a mini-research on family holidays and traditions. The children made photo collages, posters and leaflets depicting family holidays and traditions.

Stages of work on the project

Stage I: choosing a project topic
Stage II: collection of information
Stage III: thinking about a project plan
Stage IV: project implementation
Stage V: preparation for the defense of the project (drawing up a portfolio, preparing a presentation, crafts, report on the work done, leaflets, newspapers, and so on)
develop an electronic presentation, etc.
Stage VI: presentation and defense of the project in class
VII stage: reflection (self-analysis and self-evaluation of the work done, your impressions of working on the project).

How to choose a project topic?

Rule 1. The topic should be interesting to the child.
Rule 2. The topic must be feasible, and its solution must be useful to the participants of the study.
Rule 3. The theme should be original, with elements of surprise and unusualness.
Rule 4. The topic must be accessible to the child, the child must understand the topic of the project.

Project structure (this is what the guys MUST reflect in their projects)

1. Project theme.
2. Project type:
3. Goals and objectives of the project.
4. Project work plan (or stages).
5. Main ideas.
6. Conclusion.

Example of design work (briefly)

1. The topic of my project work is “The largest zoos in the world”
2. The type of project is informational.
3. Project goal- find out as much information as possible about the largest zoos in the world. Then present this information for discussion with the teacher and the children in the class.
Project objectives:
- using reference material: (encyclopedias, the Internet, magazines and newspapers) find information about the largest zoos in the world;
- analyze this information and compose a mini-speech about the largest and most unusual zoos in the world;
- talk about the exotic inhabitants of these zoos;
- prepare a mini-film (craft, poster, etc.) about the largest zoos in the world;
- present the results to the teacher and classmates, discuss the project.
4. Stages of work on the project.
- first stage - "Selecting a project topic." I chose this topic because......
ADVICE: you can attach small photographs to each stage (how you chose a topic, how you looked in books, how you read magazines, how you and your mom or dad composed the text for the project)
-second stage - "Collection of information." To work on the project, I used the following sources.....
- third stage - “Thinking about a plan for working on a project” involves active mental activity. It can be omitted (not written).
- fourth stage - "Project implementation". At this stage, the text of the work is compiled, a layout is drawn up, a poster is created, and so on.
- fifth stage - “preparation for project defense” - involves home preparation for project defense. This step can also be omitted (not written).
- sixth and seventh stages - take place in class. They also do not need to be reflected in the text of the work.
5. Main ideas. While working on the project, I learned that there are the following largest zoos in the world..... They are interesting because....... Inhabitants such as...... live there.
6. Conclusion. I learned that very rare animals live in zoos. They need to be protected, protected......


Examples of design work (taken from the Internet)

Choose a research topic.

Work with sources of information, find answers to your questions.

Draw your own conclusions.

Present the results of your work.

Prepare a short speech to present your research.

Work your speech carefully. There is no need to leave room for improvisation. If you doubt yourself even a little, it is best to think through even unimportant phrases in advance.
Prepare your speech in front of the mirror and say the words out loud. Rehearse not only the text, but also the pronunciation and facial expressions. Absolutely everything affects a person. Therefore, the success of the entire project depends on how the material is presented.

Approximate topics of project work for primary school students

* Zoos of the world
* My dream garden
* History of football development
* These funny cats
* Tigers are the largest and most fearsome of the big cats.
* Five of the rarest birds on the planet
* What does a person need to know about spiders?
* History of the origin and production of chocolate
* How to help birds survive the winter?
* Beauty and symmetry of butterflies
* Dogs and space
* Guide dogs
* Salt – good or bad?
* Life and death of dinosaurs on planet Earth
* Our dream professions
*My ancestry
*Professions of our parents
* My city
* Bread is the head of everything
* Birds are our friends
* Healthy lifestyle
* Our house. Our yard
* War and our family
* Using household waste in children's crafts
* History of Russian toys
*What did our ancestors play?
* Active volcanoes on our planet
* Used paper - trash or good?
* Matryoshka - toy or souvenir
* Does the sandwich always fall butter side down?
* My family's sports life
* How cartoons affect a child’s psyche
* Cactus-prickly friend
* Crystal growing
* How far is it from us to the Sun?
* Why do we cry? Where do tears come from?
* Why does milk sour?
* Why does popcorn shoot?
* Journey of a water droplet
* What is a microscope?
* Miraculous transformations, or What is cheese?
* Secrets of the Moon