How to learn to speak French at home. How to learn French quickly

Do you want to know how easy it is to learn to speak a foreign language? They won't teach you this at school. As a rule, a school or college foreign language course turns off most students with its tediousness and insurmountability. Especially when students make the discovery that the teacher himself does not really speak foreign languages, they lose all desire to study. Today we have many opportunities in how... The Internet offers us a great many different ways to learn French, but what to choose? The large number of sentences makes your eyes wide open, you start learning a little here, then a little here, and in the end nothing works out. I suggest you get acquainted with my methods on how to study correctly and easily French not knowing where to start.
The meaning of this method is very simple - you need to start translating not from French into Russian, but from Russian into French, because translating from a foreign language into your native language is much easier, but to translate into a foreign language - you need to have the ability to think in native language, but as a foreigner. I have tried this method on my students for several years, and believe me, the results are excellent. From the moment you learn to think in Russian, but in the French manner, i.e. like a Frenchman - consider what you've already said. Your success is guaranteed!

How to easily learn to think in a foreign language

How to start learning correctly, you ask. To begin with, of course, you need to master the minimum basics of the French language, for example, verbs such as to be (être), to have (avoir), to understand the feminine and masculine gender, since feminine and masculine in French it is very different from Russian and does not coincide about 75-80%, and, moreover, there is no neuter gender at all. For example, the words: table, chair, house, bank, sea - these are all feminine. Also, it is necessary to understand the difference between definite and indefinite articles.
It is very important to dial a certain vocabulary. Without this minimum further training French will be meaningless, you will find yourself in a vicious circle when you learn words and grammar, but cannot apply them. You begin again to study words and understand grammar, but again all efforts come to zero and so on constantly in a circle. I, in turn, offer you a personal method that I have discovered, how you can build sentences using simple constructions and knowing a small number of words, and then you can start studying grammar again.

What you need to start speaking French

In order to master the necessary part of the information, it will be enough for you to take several French language lessons with a professional teacher who speaks French as a second native language.
Let's all get back to how easy it is to learn to express your thoughts in French. You already know some words and have a minimum of grammar, and begin to apply them in the simplest phrases in practice.
Examples of constructing phrases in French:
1. I am a student. Je suis étudiant. I am a student.
2. I am a teacher. Je suis professeur. I am a teacher.
3. I have a car. J'ai une voiture. I have a car.
4. I have an apartment. J'ai un appartement. I have an apartment.
5. I have a headache. J'ai mal à la tête. I have a headache.
6. My stomach hurts. J'ai mal au ventre. I have stomach pain.
7. I'm hot. J'ai chaud. I have a fever.
8. I'm cold. J'ai froid. I have a cold.
9. I'm hungry. J'ai faim. I have hunger.
10. I want coffee. J'ai envie d'un café. I have a desire for coffee.
11. I want to take a bath. J'ai envie d'un bain. I have a desire for a bath.
12. I am 25 years old. J'ai 25 ans. I am 25 years old.
13. I am 35 years old. J'ai 35 ans. I am 35 years old.
14. I can read. Je sais lire. I know how to read.
15. I can write. Je sais écrire. I know how to write.
16. I go in for skiing. Je fais du ski. I make skis.
17. I am studying piano. Je fais du piano. I'm making a piano.
18. This is me eating cake. C'est moi qui mange le gâteau. This is me eating cake.
19. This is me playing football. C'est moi qui joue au football. This is me playing football.
20. She is the one listening to music. C'est elle qui écoute la musique. It is she who listens to music.

If you are going to visit a French-speaking country or just want to communicate with someone who speaks French, then you don’t need to memorize countless words and grammar rules to communicate comfortably. You can confidently carry on a conversation even with a small vocabulary. It's better to focus on pronunciation and colloquial phrases. Practice often and don't be afraid to make mistakes to improve your language skills.


How to improve your pronunciation

    Control your tongue movements when pronouncing French words. Due to the small number of diphthongs in French, speakers have to make significantly fewer tongue movements than in other foreign languages ​​like English. If your tongue moves too much, your speech will have a strong accent.

    • When speaking, try to place the tip of your tongue near the back of your lower front teeth. Open your mouth less and use your lips and jaw to form words.
    • Try speaking in front of a mirror to make sure you use your mouth and tongue correctly. You can also watch the conversations of native French speakers and try to imitate their facial expressions and mouth movements.
  1. Practice pronouncing sounds that are not in the Russian language. Letters eu, u And r sound different from other languages ​​with Latin alphabet. If you do not learn to pronounce such letters correctly, you can ruin your pronunciation.

    • To pronounce correctly u, pronounce the Russian sound yu, and then try to round your lips as if to make a sound o and leave only the second part of the sound so that you get something between yu and softened sound at.
    • French r- This is a guttural sound, which is accompanied by a characteristic rattling of the voice.


    Lorenzo Garriga is a native speaker and connoisseur of French. Has many years of experience as a translator, author and editor. Composer, pianist and traveler, who has been traveling the world for more than 30 years on a limited budget and a backpack on his back.

    Translator from French and native speaker

    If you are familiar with Latin or English pronunciation, then you will have a hard time pronouncing ‘R’ and ‘eu’ correctly. These sounds do not exist in these languages. IN English‘R’ sounds soft, while the French version corresponds to the Russian ‘R’ for a speech defect such as burr or rhoticism.

    Watch French TV shows and imitate conversations. You can find many French shows on the Internet completely free of charge. Also check out the foreign sections of your favorite video streaming service. Thanks to the TV show, you will begin to better understand the special sound and articulation of the French language.

    • News programs, game shows, and reality shows allow you to listen to people who are not actors or announcers. This will help you better understand everyday colloquial speech in French.

    Advice: Avoid simplistic pronunciation explanations found in textbooks and language learning sites that explain sounds based on the sounds in your native language. This pronunciation can make it difficult to communicate effectively in French, as French people will have difficulty understanding you.

    Use connectives to create smooth transitions between words. Connections partly explain the smooth and melodic sound of the French language. They allow you to connect different words so that the endings of each word do not sound rude and abrupt. This means that some letters do not remain silent, but are pronounced to communicate.

    • For example, consider the sentence vous etes dans un grand avion. If you pronounce each word separately, you will get something like “vou et dan un gran avion.” Every word is said correctly, but the French language sounds different. If you use connectives, the phrase will sound like “vu zet dan zun gran avyon.”
    • The rules for using connectives are not always intuitive. It will take a lot of practice. Strive for the language to sound smooth and flowing without abrupt transitions between words.
  2. Challenge yourself with tongue twisters. They help improve pronunciation and correct movements of the tongue or mouth. Start slowly and gradually increase the speed of pronouncing words. Examples of tongue twisters:

    • Dans ta tente ta tante t"attend(“Your aunt is waiting for you in the tent”).
    • Pauvre petit pêcheur, prend patience pour pouvoir prendre plusieurs petits poissons(“Poor little fisherman, be patient to catch a few fish”).
    • Ces cerises sont si sûres qu"on ne sait pas si"cen sont(“These cherries are so sour you’d think they weren’t cherries at all.”)

    How to keep conversations going

    1. Talk to native speakers. Conversations with native speakers are the best way to correct your accent and learn to speak naturally and confidently. If there are no native French speakers among your friends, you can always find someone to talk to online. If such a person is interested in practicing Russian or another language that you speak, such communication will be beneficial to both of you.

      • Watch the facial expressions and mouth movements of native speakers when they talk to you. Repeat after them to improve your pronunciation.
      • Ask your interlocutor to stop you and correct mistakes in pronunciation and word choice. This will help you improve.

      Advice: Also pay attention to the body language of French speakers. Even if you think it has nothing to do with speech, you can get into the right mindset and improve your pronunciation.

    2. Use common phrases to start conversations. When meeting, you can always tell the person bonjour or salut, but this is not the most appropriate way to start a conversation. Think about how a conversation would go if a stranger walked up to you and simply said, “Hello.” Practice making small talk in French and using other simple ways start a live conversation. Examples:

      • C"est joli ici. C"est la première fois que je viens ici, et vous?(“It’s very nice here. This is my first time here, what about you?”).
      • Ahhh, comme il fait beau. Enfin du soleil! C"est bien agréable, vous ne trouvez pas?(“It’s so nice outside. Finally the sun! Very comfortable, don’t you agree?”).
      • "Bonjour, on se connaît de vue je crois. Je viens souvent ici, il me semble que je t"ai déjà aperçu.(“Hi, it seems like we’ve already met. I come here often and I’m sure this isn’t the first time I’ve seen you.”)
    3. Ask simple questions. You may already know that the phrases ce que or ce qu"il should be used in questions. Native speakers often combine such words, resulting in ce not pronounced separately. Combine phrases like these to make your French sound more natural.

      • For example, the phrase qu"est-ce que c"est should be pronounced as qu"est "sko" c"est.
      • In pronouns il or elle you can turn down the sound l. For example, the phrase qu"est-ce q"il fait can be pronounced as qu"est "ski" fait.
    4. Say phrases that will move the conversation forward. When speaking in Russian, people say common phrases like “really” or “can’t be”. They show your attention and motivate the other person to continue. Remember a few similar phrases in French:

      • Ça va de soi(“It goes without saying”);
      • Ç"est ça? ("Really?");
      • Ah bon? (“Really?”);
      • Mais oui(“Undoubtedly”) or ben oui("Well, yes");
      • Mais non(“Definitely not”) or ben non(“Well, no”).
    5. Repeat the words of your interlocutor. If you repeat the words just spoken by a native speaker, he will understand that you listened carefully and understood everything. You'll also get the opportunity to get some practice without having to construct your own phrase, while still remembering the grammar and correct word choice.

      • For example, your interlocutor said “Je viens de Paris, et toi?” (“I’m from Paris, and you?”). You have several answer options. So, you can simply say “Je viens de Russie” if you are from Russia. But if you want to use the repetition method, then say “Oh! Tu viens de Paris? C "est bon. Je viens de Russie" (“Oh! Are you from Paris? How cool. And I’m from Russia”).

    How to express yourself confidently

    1. Read aloud French books and texts on websites. Reading aloud helps you practice speaking French without worrying about word choice or grammar rules. Books and articles on the Internet also help to better understand the everyday conversations of living native speakers.

      • French e-books can be found on the Internet for free. Better not to use classical works because they won't help you feel modern language. Start with websites and blogs with news and features about popular culture.

The blog is gradually filling up useful resources according to different foreign languages. Today it’s French’s turn again - here’s a list of 100 basic phrases that will be useful to you in simple dialogue.

In addition to the simplest words, such as how to say I in French, hello, bye and how are you, you will learn ways to ask simple questions, respond to your interlocutor and carry on light conversation.

When repeating or memorizing phrases, do not forget to listen to the voice-over and repeat after the announcer. To reinforce the expressions, repeat them for several days, making small dialogues and sentences with them.

(Some words have endings in brackets for feminine -e And plural -s, -es).

1. What's new?Quoi de neuf?
2. Long time no see.Ça fait longtemps.
3. Nice to meet you.Enchanté(e).
4. Excuse me.Excusez-moi.
5. Bon appetit!Bon appétit!
6. I'm sorry. Sorry.Je suis désolé(e).
7. Thanks a lot.Merci beaucoup.
8. Welcome!Bienvenue!
9. My pleasure! (in response to gratitude)De rien!
10. Do you speak Russian?Parlez-vous russe?
11. Do you speak English?Parlez-vous anglais?
12. How would it be in French?Comment dire ça en français?
13. I don't know.Je ne sais pas.
14. I speak a little French.Je parle français un petit peu.
15. Please. (Request.)S'il vous plaît.
16. Can you hear me?Vous m"entendez?
17. What kind of music do you listen to?Tu écoute quel style de music?
18. Good evening!Bonsoir!
19. Good morning!Bon matin!
20. Hello!Bonjour!
21. Hello!Salut.
22. How are you doing?Comment ça va?
23. How are you doing?Comment allez-vous?
24. Everything is fine, thank you.Ça va bien, merci.
25. How is your family doing?Comment ça va votre famille?
26. I need to go.Je dois y aller.
27. Goodbye.Au revoir.
28. What do you do? (in life)Que faites-vous?
29. Can you write this down?Est-ce que vous pouvez l'écrire?
30. I don't understand.Je ne comprends pas.
31. Are you busy right now?Vous êtes occupé maintenant?
32. I like... / I love...J"aime...
33. What do you do in your free time?Quoi fais-tu en temps libre?
34. Don't worry.Ne vous inquiétez pas!
35. This is a good question.C'est une bonne question.
36. Can you speak slowly?Pouvez-vous parler lentement?
37. What time is it?Quelle heure est-il?
38. See you soon!A tout à l"heure!
39. See you later.A plus tard.
40. every daytous les jours
41. I'm not sure).Je ne suis pas sûr.
42. in shorten bref
43. Exactly!Exactement!
44. No problem!Pas de problem!
45. Sometimesparfois
46. Yesoui
47. Nonon
48. Let's go!Allons-y!
49. What's your name?Comment vous appelez-vous?
50. What is your name?Tu t "appelles comment?
51. My name is...Je m'appelle...
52. Where are you from?Vous etes d"où?
53. Where are you from?Tu es d"où?
54. I'm from...Je suis de...
55. Where do you live?Où habitez-vous?
56. Where do you live?Tu habits où?
57. He lives in...Il habite...
58. I think that...Je pense que...
59. Do you understand?Comprenez-vous?
60. You understand?Tu comprends?
61. What's your favorite movie?Quel est ton film préféré?
62. Can you help me?Pouvez-vous m"aider?
63. How's the weather?Quel temps fait-il?
64. here, there, therevoilà
65. Certainlybien sûr
66. Where is...?Où est... ?
67. there is, there isil y a
68. This is cool!C'est bien!
69. Look!Regardez!
70. Nothing happened.Ça ne fait rien.
71. Where is the metro?Où est le metro?
72. How much does it cost?Combien ça coûte?
73. By the wayà propos
74. I have to say that...Je dois dire que...
75. We are hungry.Nous avons faim.
76. We're thirsty.Nous avons soif.
77. Are you hot?Tu as chaud?
78. Are you cold?Tu as froid?
79. I don't care.Je m"en fiche.
80. We forgot.Nous avons oublié(e)s.
81. Congratulations!Felicitations!
82. I have no idea.Je n"ai aucune idee.
83. What are you talking about?Vous parlez de quoi?
84. Tell me what you think.Dites-moi que vous pensez.
85. I hope that...J"espere que...
86. to tell the truthà vrai dire
87. I need information.J'ai besoin de renseignements.
88. I heard that...J'ai entendu que...
89. Where is the hotel located?Où est l'hotel?
90. in any case, neverthelessquand meme
91. I'd like some coffee.Je voudrais du café.
92. with pleasureavec plaisir
93. Can you tell me please?Vous pouvez-me dire, s"il vous plait?
94. in my opinionà mon avis
95. I'm afraid that...(+ verb infinitive)Je cranes de...
96. in general, on the wholeen general
97. Firstlypremiere
98. secondlydeuxièmement
99. On the one sided"un côte
100. but on the other handmais d'un autre côté

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We decided to learn French? French is spoken in more than 43 countries around the world. Many people consider this language to be the most beautiful. Lingust will give you the opportunity to check if this is true.

For the beginner level it is placed in the form online lessons popular tutorial by V. Panin and L. Leblanc. The first 12 lessons are devoted to the rules of reading and pronunciation. It is important to learn these lessons well, otherwise you will not be able to read normally, and it will be even more difficult to perceive the text by ear, given the speed of voicing. Having mastered these lessons, there will be one less problem, because... for example, in English, it is very difficult to read the text correctly without looking at the dictionary. Here you can learn this, although it will be more difficult than, for example, in German, where you don’t have to look at the dictionary for pronunciation at all, and in Chinese you need to carry a dictionary with you every now and then... We digress a little... :)

Next there will be 20 lessons on grammar and vocabulary, accompanied by tests to consolidate the material. Data lessons Suitable for both children and adults. Having mastered them, you will be able to communicate in French on everyday topics, read intermediate-level French texts, and get rid of the awkward feeling of a stranger by going on vacation to Paris or any French-speaking country without knowing the norms of language behavior.

The exercises are accompanied by forms for entering text; the answers to the exercises are located below them on the right in the form of a key. To see the answer, you need to move your mouse over the key. Audio, if available, is usually located immediately after the description of the exercise.

Go to → list of lessons ← (Click)

What other reasons to learn French?

  • For fans of good literature, France has the largest number of Nobel Prize winners in this field.
  • More than 60 million tourists visit France every year - you won't be bored.
  • France is famous for the quality of its high technology, and French is important language technology and business in the world. (Second language on the Internet.)
  • More than 50 thousand English words are of French origin. There are a large number of them in the Russian language.
  • France offers a huge number of generous scholarships for our graduates.
  • French is the second most popular language for learning after English.
  • French is one of the two official languages Olympic Games.
  • French-speaking Africa is a larger area than the United States.
  • Montréal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world.
  • Don't forget about the masterpieces of music and cinema!
  • many other reasons.

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Learning French

Lorenzo Garriga is a native speaker and connoisseur of French. Has many years of experience as a translator, author and editor. Composer, pianist and traveler, who has been traveling the world for more than 30 years on a limited budget and a backpack on his back.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

French is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. It is spoken by more than 220 million people - join them too! Learning a language can be difficult, but this article presents brief overview methods that will help you learn French in no time!


Start studying

    Find out your type of information perception. Are you visual, auditory or kinesthetic? This means how you remember better: by seeing words, hearing them, or, respectively, associating actions and feelings with words.

    • If you've studied languages ​​before, think back to how you studied them and see what works for you and what doesn't.
    • In most training courses you will write a lot but talk little. Speaking the language and immersing yourself in it is extremely important, it is in an efficient way learn the language faster.
  1. Memorize 30 words and phrases every day. After 90 days you will know about 80% of the language. The most common words make up the largest percentage of usage, so start by memorizing the most common words.

    Learn the structure of the language. Learn how verbs combine with nouns and with each other. What you learn early on will make more sense as you become more proficient in the language. Always pay attention to correct pronunciation.

    Immersion in the language environment

    1. Read and write in French. To become familiar with a language, you need to read and write it. This will help you use the words you have already memorized and retain them in your memory.

      Listen to something in French. Play French music or your favorite movie dubbed in French. Look for French movies, French TV shows and radio stations. Practice by repeating what you hear.


      Lorenzo Garriga is a native speaker and connoisseur of French. Has many years of experience as a translator, author and editor. Composer, pianist and traveler, who has been traveling the world for more than 30 years on a limited budget and a backpack on his back.

      Translator from French and native speaker

      Surround yourself with native French speakers. Lorenzo Garriga, French translator, says: " The best way learn French quickly- surround yourself with people who speak it. Surrounded by people who speak French all the time, you will be able to grasp the essence of words and sentences more easily than if you pore over textbooks in your room. The best way to learn French is go where it is spoken».

      Speak French. This is one of the most important aspects in learning French. You should speak the language, even if you feel awkward because you don't know much. Everyone starts out this way, but over time you will improve.

      • Find a pen pal or Skype with a friend whose native language is French. There are many programs online or at universities and language schools that can connect you with people who speak French.
      • Don't be upset by criticism of your pronunciation. Instead, thank the critic and work on improving.
      • Speak French out loud when you are alone. Tell us what you are doing. If you wash dishes or drive a car, talk about it. Pay attention to your intonation and pronunciation.
    2. Practice, practice, practice. Without practicing what you've learned, you won't get very far. Even learning a language quickly takes a certain amount of time. If you work hard and practice what you learn, there is no doubt that you will learn French well!

    Learn useful phrases

    • Some people are naturally good at language, and some are not. Don't use this as an excuse.
    • Once you've expanded your vocabulary, start translating things you encounter in your life. everyday life. For example, after listening to a song in your native language, try translating it into French. The same can be said about the menu, road signs and even ordinary conversations. You might find it tedious, but a language can only be learned with practice. Sometimes, when you say something in your native language, you will catch yourself thinking that you do not know the translation of a particular word into French. In such cases, look into the dictionary so as not to lose skills and not to forget the language.
    • Speak French to yourself. Don't forget to laugh at mistakes - it helps.
    • Try to speak French when no one can hear you. If you are not sure about a phrase, double-check it in the dictionary. There are many translation applications on the Internet - look for the one that suits you. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; mistakes are part of the learning process.


    • If you say a word incorrectly, apologize and calmly try again.
    • Use French or you'll forget it!