How to calculate the average exam score. Formulas and definitions for use in calculating grade point average (GPA), degree of learning (DG), quality of knowledge (QK) and academic performance (U)

About the fact that studying has a very great value in the life of every person, hundreds of articles and books have been written. But now, when school is already behind us and all the difficult exams have been passed, the moment of further choice comes. life path- admission to university or employment.

When applying to a chosen university or applying for a job, it is often necessary to indicate your academic performance, as a rule, we're talking about about your diploma/certificate average, or GPA. To calculate it correctly, you need to know some formulas.

More about GPA

Almost all US universities, for example, require that you indicate your GPA; some Russian universities also make a similar requirement.

The coefficient is calculated based on all grades in the certificate, including coursework, diploma, and state exams. Having the certificate in hand, it is not difficult to make the correct calculation: the sum of all grades should be divided by the number of these grades. Estimates from electronic journal in this case are not taken into account.

With a 5-point system and pass/fail grades, there are 2 ways to calculate the average diploma score:

Taking into account credits
With this option, a pass weighs 5 points, and a failure weighs 0. Then the calculation comes down to calculating the arithmetic average of all items in the insert, including tests.

Without credits
By choosing this option, the arithmetic mean of all points in the diploma is calculated.

Example of GPA calculation

The following grades are included in the undergraduate student’s diploma:

1 Philosophy Test

2 History of law Test

3 Law 4 (Good)

4 French 5 (Excellent)

5 Mathematics 5 (Excellent)

6 Theory of statistics Test

7 Computer Science 5 (Excellent)

8 Fundamentals of Management 5 (Excellent)

9 Macroeconomics 5 (Excellent)

A total of 9 subjects: 3 tests, 6 exams.

After making a simple calculation, we get the average score:

44/9 = 4.88 including credits or 29/6 = 4.83 without them.

Claim the highest possible GPA
For example, “4.88 out of 5” got a better idea about you.

    Calculate GPA diploma is very simple. To do this you need to remember school course mathematics. You need to add up all the points and divide them by the number of items. The resulting number will be your grade point average. To get an average score of 4.5-5.0, you need to study without C’s, practically with only A’s, only a few B’s are allowed.

    Average score is nothing more than the arithmetic mean, which is calculated using the formula:

    Average score = (score 1 + score 2 + score 3 + ... + score X) / X

    X is the total number of grades from which the average score must be calculated...

    Typically, university graduates do not have such questions, because this is not even higher mathematics. But for everyone else I will say:

    You need to sum up all the points you got. You have an example in the photo in your diary: 5+2=7.

    And then divide the resulting amount by the number of disciplines that have these points (grades). In our case, grades are worth in two disciplines, therefore 7 must be divided by 2. We get 3,5 . Here's your average score.

    At school, my daughter has an electronic diary, grades are given there and then the average score is displayed. If the grade is, for example, 4.5, then it’s up to the teacher’s discretion to give it a 4 or a 5, whatever he wants. I once asked a teacher why mine didn’t have a 5, to which I received an answer, I think that he doesn’t know a 5

    Calculating GPA is not complicated, it is a simple combination of addition and division. First, we add up all the grades for the reporting period, for example, for half a year or grades from an education diploma, and then divide by the number of lessons or subjects for which they were received. For example, while studying at school, you received only 4 and 5 in physics for half a year, which means the average score will be between these two marks. It will be more than 4, but less than 5. Similar to diploma grades - all final grades received during the period of study are added up and divided by the number of courses completed. Previously, to receive a honors diploma, it was enough that the number of Good grades was no more than 25% of the Excellent grades, that is, the average score had to be 4.75.

    To calculate GPA grades in the certificate, you need to calculate the total number of grades, then add all the grades together (find the sum of all grades) and divide this sum by the number of points. The resulting number will be the average score. That is, saying mathematical language, we will find the arithmetic mean.

    In the case of a diploma, where, as a rule, they give excellent, good, mediocre, pass, we replace these evaluative words with points 5, 4, 3, and do not take into account the pass. In addition, you need to add the grades for coursework indicated in the diploma supplement. Then you will get a full average score.

    You add up all the grades in your diploma, then divide the sum by the number of grades. This way you get an arithmetic average, most likely this is what is meant, although to be honest the average score in my diploma is not high, but I was never asked about it when applying for a job, and the diploma was looked at after they were approved for the position .

    To calculate your average score, take your diploma supplement, add up your exam grades (which are listed as good, excellent, satisfactory), credits do NOT count. To grades in subjects, add grades for coursework, which are also indicated in the application. Then divide the resulting amount by the number of estimates that you added up. Get your GPA. Let me clarify once again that credits are not included in the average score, nor is the grade for your diploma. I know from experience that if there are a lot of Cs, then the average score will not be high. And an average score of 5.00 is generally a rare occurrence! In 10 years of working at a university, I have never encountered such a phenomenon. The highest scores were 4.80-4.85.

    The average score is calculated very simply. It is necessary to add up all the marks in the diploma, including coursework, and divide the resulting figure by the number of all grades (marks), including grades in term papers. This is how you get your average score. Of course, GPA characterizes part of your personality, but it is still not the indicator by which a person’s abilities should be assessed.

    If there are no C grades in the diploma supplement, then in order for the average diploma grade to be 4.5 or higher, there must be an equal number of B’s and A’s, or more A’s than B’s.

    in the diploma supplement there are 39 grades, of which 21 are fives, 17 fours and 1 three

    21*5 + 17*4 + 1*3 = 105 + 68 + 3 = 176 divide this amount by 39 and the result is 4.513.

    Despite the fact that there is one C, the average score is above 4.5 and is very high.

    The average score of a certificate or diploma of any education is determined by a simple arithmetic operation, which is precisely aimed at determining the arithmetic mean. Found by the formula:


    where x is the average score; y - grades for subjects; N - number of ratings

    But this arithmetic mean is very susceptible to lack of robustness, i.e. very large deviations and incorrect assessment, as in a rough example:

    Which of these people will be hired as an accountant?

    Masha - mathematics-2, accounting-2, statistics-2, art, physical education, labor, etc. - 5 (average score 4,7 )

    Dasha - mathematics-5, accounting-5, statistics-5, art, physical education, labor, etc. - 2 (average score 4,2 )

    Of course, Masha, since she doesn’t have a higher average score, but it would be best to hire Dasha for the position of accountant!

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Among the tasks with parameters included in profile Unified State Exam In mathematics, a special class of tasks can be distinguished, which are almost impossible to solve using standard school techniques. Often the functions on the left and right sides of the equation have fundamentally different nature, which does not allow the use of an analytical approach. A complex look These expressions make plotting problematic. The solution in this situation may be the minimax method for solving problems with parameters, which is based on the use of monotonicity and boundedness of functions.

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Academic performance /Ulgerim/

Quantity 5 + 4 + 3 * 100 / number of students


Quality /Sapasy/

Quantity 5 + 4 * 100/ number of students


Level /Money/

“5” - 1 “4” - 0.64 “3” - 0.36 “2” - 0.14

/Quantity “2” * 0.14/

To calculate the indicators, the formulas below are used:
% quality of knowledge (quality performance) = (number of “excellent.” + number of “good.”) x 100% / total number of students
% of academic performance (absolute academic performance) = (number of “excellent.” + number of “good.” + number of “good.”) x 100% / total number of students
Degree of student learning (SD):
SOU = (quantity "5"x100 + quantity "4"x64 + quantity "3"x36 + quantity "2"x16 + quantity "n/a"x7) / total quantity students
N/A - the number of non-certified good reason those who are not certified for a valid reason should not be counted when calculating the number of students

Formulas and definitions

School teachers have power

which prime ministers can only dream of.

Winston Churchill

When calculating the average score (GPA), degree of learning (DOU), quality of knowledge (QK) and academic performance (A), a selection of significant marks is used, limited by established filters.

Sample – a group of marks selected by applying limiting filters (by type of final mark, subject, teacher, etc.)

Significant Marks – these are marks 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Their weight when calculated corresponds to the designation.

Insignificant marks - these are the marks of NAS, NAU, OSV, ZChT, NZCH. They are not taken into account in the calculations, i.e. are never included in the sample.

Average score (GPA)

SB = (K5 * 5 + K4 * 4 + K3 * 3 + K2 * 2 + K1 * 1) / M,




K2– number of marks 2 in the sample,

K1– number of marks 1 in the sample,

M– total quantity meaningful marks in the sample.

Degree of training (DOU)

SOU = (K5 * 100 + K4 * 64 + K3 * 36 + K2 * 0 + K1 * 0) / M(%) ,

K5– number of marks 5 in the sample,

K4– number of marks 4 in the sample,

K3– number of marks 3 in the sample,

K2– number of marks 2 in the sample (multiplied by 0),

K1– number of marks 1 in the sample (multiplied by 0),

M– total quantity meaningful marks in the sample.

Quality of knowledge (QK)

KZ = (K5 + K4) * 100% / M,

K5– number of marks 5 in the sample,

K4– number of marks 4 in the sample,

M– total quantity meaningful marks in the sample.

Academic performance (U)

Y = (K5 + K4 + K3) * 100% / M,

K5– number of marks 5 in the sample,

K4– number of marks 4 in the sample,

K3– number of marks 3 in the sample,

M– total quantity meaningful marks in the sample.

number of certified “4” and “5” 100

number of students on the list

% quality of knowledge =

number of certified “3”, “4”, “5” 100

% of progress =

number of students on the list

here is the correct calculation
academic performance = number of students by 4.5 multiplied by 100 and divided by the number of children without failing grades
quality = number of students by 3,4,5 multiplied by 100 and divided by the number of children

Methodical recommendations based on documents from the Ministry of Education.

Interim assessment is a convenient way to monitor student progress. When assigning a quarter grade, all the strengths and weaknesses of the child are taken into account. In this way, you can get an objective assessment of his knowledge. Although in a number of subjects, such as physical education, music and fine arts, the introduction of a grade-free system is recommended.

Your school should develop a Regulation on assessing student achievement in subjects, which also takes into account controversial issues. Rating system for intermediate certification, the forms and procedure for its implementation must be specified in the Charter of the institution (Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”). Note that when performing professional duties, teaching staff have the right to freedom of choice of methods for assessing students’ knowledge (Article 55 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

  1. When using the outdated method of assigning a quarter grade, the teacher summed up all the points the child received and calculated the arithmetic mean.
    Next, the score was rounded up to whole numbers if the first digit after the decimal point is equal to or greater than 5, and downward if this digit is less than 5.
    This method of intermediate certification was imperfect, since the calculation did not take into account why exactly the child received this or that grade.
    That is why this method is now not recommended for use by the Ministry of Agriculture.
  2. Points earned for a test or test are of great importance.
    Classwork grades and board responses are considered less important.
    The results of homework have little weight at all, since when completing them the child has the opportunity to take advantage of additional materials and outside help, it is not limited in time, and therefore the assessment homework is quite subjective and is taken into account when assigning grades only in controversial cases, as an indicator of the student’s diligence.
  3. If in a quarter a child had at least one unsatisfactory grade in a subject, then during certification he cannot be given highest score.
    But there may be exceptions to this rule.
    If the final test contains tasks on a topic on which the child previously had an unsatisfactory result, but the work itself was completed with the highest score, then at the discretion of the teacher, the quarter grade can also be excellent.
  4. Add up all homework grades and calculate your overall score.
    In the same way, calculate the average score for cool work.
    If the results of classwork and homework are the same, we can assume that this is an objective assessment of the student’s knowledge.
    If the score for classwork is higher or lower than for homework, it should be considered priority.
  5. Calculate and evaluate the overall result of the tests.
    If it coincides with the grade for homework and/or classwork, it should be considered a quarter total.
    If points for tests higher or lower, test scores are given priority.
  6. In controversial cases, you should analyze the results and try to understand the reason for the low scores.
    If test tasks are performed worse due to the student’s slowness or carelessness, but objectively his knowledge is higher than the result obtained, a higher score can be given.
  7. Consider also individual characteristics child when assigning quarter grades.
    If you know that a student’s oral answers are always much better than written ones due to his personal qualities, the assessment can be slightly increased by focusing on the results of verbal methods of working with it.
    The opposite situation is also possible: if the child is more successful in written work than in oral work, pay attention to the corresponding marks. This will help to more objectively assess the student’s knowledge, taking into account the level of his communication abilities.
  1. Order of the Ministry of Education of the USSR dated December 27, 1974. No. 167 “On approval of instructions on maintaining school records”;
  2. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1997. No. 2682 “On violations during the preparation and conduct of final certification of graduates in general educational institutions»;
  3. Letter from the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 19, 1998. No. 1561/14-15 “Monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes in primary school”;
  4. Letter from the Ministry of Education of Russia dated February 20, 1999. No. 220/11-12, clause 12 “On the inadmissibility of overloading students primary school»;
  5. Guidelines for working with documents in educational institutions (letter from the Ministry of Education Russian Federation from December 20, 2000 No. 03-51/64);
  6. Letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/2001. No. 22-06-147 “On the content and legal support of official control of heads of educational institutions”;
  7. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2002 N 14-55-353in/15 "On the Methodology for creating valuation means for the final state certification of university graduates";
  8. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 13-51-237/13 dated 03.10.2003 “On the introduction of grade-free training in physical culture, fine arts, music."