How to arrange oxidation states in organic compounds? Oxidation state of carbon Carbon oxidation state 3.


Carbon is the sixth element of the Periodic Table. Located in the second period of IV group A subgroup. Designation – C.

In the free state, carbon is known in the form of diamond, which crystallizes in the cubic and hexagonal (lonsdaleite) system, and graphite, which belongs to the hexagonal system. Forms of carbon such as charcoal, coke or soot have a disordered structure. There are also allotropic modifications obtained synthetically - these are carbyne and polycumulene - varieties of carbon built from linear chain polymers of the type …-C≡ C-C≡C-… or.. = C = C = C = C = ….

Allotropic modifications of carbon are also known, having the following names: graphene, fullerene, nanotubes, nanofibers, astralen, glassy carbon, colossal nanotubes; amorphous carbon, carbon nanobuds and carbon nanofoam.

In nature, carbon is found in the form of two stable isotopes 12 C (98.892%) and 13 C (1.108%).

Oxidation state of carbon in compounds

Carbon exists in the form of several simple substances - allotropic modifications (see above), in which its oxidation state is equal to zero.

With elements less electronegative than itself, carbon produces carbides. Since carbon tends to form homochains, the composition of most carbides does not correspond to the oxidation state of carbon (-4): Si +4 C -4, B 4 C -4, CaC -4 2, Al 4 C -4 3. Methane C -4 H 4 can be considered as the simplest carbide.

Carbon exhibits oxidation states (+2) And (+4) , in compounds with non-metallic elements more electronegative than itself, for example C +2 O -2, C +2 S -2, H +1 C -2 N +1, C +4 O -2 2, C +4 F -1 4, C +4 O -2 S -2, C +4 O -2 Cl -1 2, C +4 Cl -1 4, etc.

Examples of problem solving


Exercise Determine the oxidation states of acid-forming elements in the following compounds: HNO 2, H 2 CO 3, H 4 SiO 4, HPO 3.
Solution In these compounds, the acid-forming elements are nitrogen, carbon, silicon and phosphorus. The oxidation state of oxygen is (-2), and that of hydrogen is (+1). Let’s take the oxidation state of the acid-forming element as “x” and use the electroneutrality equation to find its value:

1 + x + 2×(-2) = 0;

The oxidation state of nitrogen is (+3).

2×(+1) + x + 3×(-2) = 0;

The oxidation state of carbon is (+4).

4×(+1) + x + 4×(-2) = 0;

The oxidation state of silicon is (+4).

1 + x + 3×(-2) = 0;

The oxidation state of phosphorus is (+5).

Answer HN +3 O 2, H 2 C +4 O 3, H 4 Si +4 O 4, HP +5 O 3.

You need to be able to arrange oxidation states in organic compounds to solve Unified State Examination tasks in chemistry, which give a chain of transformations of organic substances, some of which are unknown. At the moment this is task number 32.

There are two methods for determining the degree of oxidation in organic compounds. Their essence is the same, but the application of these methods looks different.

I would call the first method the block method.

Block method

We take an organic molecule, for example, a substance such as 2-hydroxypropanal

and isolate from each other all fragments of the molecule containing one carbon atom each as follows:

The total charge of each such block is taken to be zero, like that of an individual molecule. In organic compounds, hydrogen always has an oxidation state of +1, and oxygen - -2. Let us denote the oxidation state of the carbon atom in the first block by the variable x. Thus, we can find the oxidation state of the first carbon atom by solving the equation:

x + 3∙(+1) = 0, where x is the oxidation state of the carbon atom, +1 is the oxidation state of the hydrogen atom, and 0 is the charge of the selected block.

x + 3 = 0, hence x = -3.

Thus, the oxidation state of the carbon atom in the first block is -3.

The second block, in addition to one carbon atom and two hydrogen atoms, also includes an oxygen atom, which, as we have already said, almost always has an oxidation state of -2 in organic compounds. As in the first case, we denote the oxidation state of the carbon atom of the second block by x, then we obtain the following equation:

x+2∙(+1)+(-2) = 0, solving which we find that x = 0. That is The oxidation state of the second carbon atom in the molecule is zero.

The third block consists of one carbon atom, one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom. Let's create the equation in the same way:

x +1∙(-2)+ 1 = 0, hence x, that is, the oxidation state of the carbon atom in the third block is +1.

I call the second method of arranging oxidation states in organic substances the “arrow method.”

Arrow method

In order to use it, you first need to draw the detailed structural formula of an organic substance:

The lines between the symbols of elements mean their common electron pairs, which can be considered equally distributed between identical atoms, and shifted towards one of the atoms with greater electronegativity between different ones. Among the three elements C, H and O, oxygen has the highest electronegativity, then carbon, and hydrogen has the lowest electronegativity. Therefore, if we show with an arrow the mixing of electrons towards more electronegative atoms, we get the following picture:

As you can see, we did not draw an arrow between the carbon atoms, leaving the usual dash, since it is believed that the common electron pair between two carbon atoms is practically not shifted to either of them.

The last figure would be interpreted as follows: each atom from which the arrow comes “loses” one electron, and each atom the arrow enters “gains” an electron. At the same time, we remember that the charge of an electron is negative and equal to -1.

Thus, the first carbon atom receives one electron from three hydrogen atoms (three incoming arrows), as a result of which it acquires a conventional charge, i.e. oxidation state equal to -3, and each hydrogen atom - +1 (one outgoing arrow).

The second carbon atom gains one electron from the “upper” hydrogen atom (arrow from H to C), and the carbon atom “loses” another electron, transferring it to the oxygen atom (arrow from C to O). Thus, one electron “enters” the carbon atom and one electron “leaves” from it. Therefore, the oxidation state of the second carbon atom is 0, as in a single atom.

There are two arrows directed towards the oxygen atom, which means that it has an oxidation state of -2, and one arrow comes from all hydrogen atoms. That is, the oxidation state of all hydrogen atoms is +1.

The last carbon atom has one arrow coming from H and two arrows coming from O, so one electron “comes in” and two “go out.” This means the oxidation state is +1.

It should be noted that in fact, both described methods are very conditional, as, in fact, the very concept of “oxidation state” is conditional in the case of organic substances. Nevertheless, within the framework of the school curriculum, these methods are quite fair and, most importantly, allow them to be used when arranging coefficients in ORR reactions with organic substances. Personally, I like the “shooter” method better. I advise you to learn both methods: with one of them you can determine the oxidation states, and with the second you can make sure the obtained values ​​are correct.

The degree of oxidation is a conventional value used to record redox reactions. To determine the degree of oxidation, the table of oxidation of chemical elements is used.


The oxidation state of basic chemical elements is based on their electronegativity. The value is equal to the number of electrons displaced in the compounds.

The oxidation state is considered positive if electrons are displaced from the atom, i.e. the element donates electrons in the compound and is a reducing agent. These elements include metals; their oxidation state is always positive.

When an electron is displaced towards an atom, the value is considered negative and the element is considered an oxidizing agent. The atom accepts electrons until the outer energy level is completed. Most nonmetals are oxidizing agents.

Simple substances that do not react always have a zero oxidation state.

Rice. 1. Table of oxidation states.

In a compound, the nonmetal atom with lower electronegativity has a positive oxidation state.


You can determine the maximum and minimum oxidation states (how many electrons an atom can give and accept) using the periodic table.

The maximum degree is equal to the number of the group in which the element is located, or the number of valence electrons. The minimum value is determined by the formula:

No. (groups) – 8.

Rice. 2. Periodic table.

Carbon is in the fourth group, therefore, its highest oxidation state is +4, and its lowest is -4. The maximum oxidation degree of sulfur is +6, the minimum is -2. Most nonmetals always have a variable - positive and negative - oxidation state. The exception is fluoride. Its oxidation state is always -1.

It should be remembered that this rule does not apply to alkali and alkaline earth metals of groups I and II, respectively. These metals have a constant positive oxidation state - lithium Li +1, sodium Na +1, potassium K +1, beryllium Be +2, magnesium Mg +2, calcium Ca +2, strontium Sr +2, barium Ba +2. Other metals may exhibit varying degrees of oxidation. The exception is aluminum. Despite being in group III, its oxidation state is always +3.

Rice. 3. Alkali and alkaline earth metals.

From group VIII, only ruthenium and osmium can exhibit the highest oxidation state +8. Gold and copper in group I exhibit oxidation states of +3 and +2, respectively.


To correctly record the oxidation state, you should remember several rules:

  • inert gases do not react, so their oxidation state is always zero;
  • in compounds, the variable oxidation state depends on the variable valence and interaction with other elements;
  • hydrogen in compounds with metals exhibits a negative oxidation state - Ca +2 H 2 −1, Na +1 H −1;
  • oxygen always has an oxidation state of -2, except for oxygen fluoride and peroxide - O +2 F 2 −1, H 2 +1 O 2 −1.

What have we learned?

The oxidation state is a conditional value showing how many electrons an atom of an element in a compound has accepted or given up. The value depends on the number of valence electrons. Metals in compounds always have a positive oxidation state, i.e. are reducing agents. For alkali and alkaline earth metals, the oxidation state is always the same. Nonmetals, except fluorine, can take on positive and negative oxidation states.

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The invention relates to a method for sequestering carbon emitted into the atmosphere in the form of CO 2 . The method includes: a) the stage of concentrating CO 2 in the liquid phase; b) an electroreduction step in an aprotic environment to a compound in which the carbon has an oxidation state of +3, in the form of oxalic or formic acid; c) if necessary, a step of re-extracting oxalic or formic acid into an aqueous medium, carried out when the electroreduction is carried out in a non-aqueous medium; and d) a mineralization step by reacting the above compound with a compound of element M, where M is a metal element in the +2 oxidation state, resulting in the formation of a stable compound in which the atomic C/M ratio is approximately 2/1. The method allows carbon sequestration with low energy costs and is suitable for limiting the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere resulting from the combustion of fossil hydrocarbons. 25 salary f-ly.

The invention relates to a method for sequestering carbon emitted into the atmosphere in the form of CO 2 .


Electrochemical reduction of CO 2 has been studied by numerous researchers, from attempts to use it as a vast source of carbon supply to attempts to use it as a source of energy in the form of methane.

Research into the electroreduction of CO 2 began in the mid-1960s. They show that, on the one hand, changes in the medium depending on whether it is aprotic or not, and, on the other hand, changes in the electrode, taking into account that the layer of carbonyl radicals interacts with the surface, lead to the formation of various components, among which : carbon monoxide, formic acid, methane and ethane, alcohols such as methanol, ethanol and propanol, as well as oxalic acid and even glycolic acid.

Thus, the electroreduction reactions of CO 2 on copper electrodes in a potassium carbonate environment give a methane yield of about 30%.

There are known studies that have made it possible to identify products predominantly obtained in more or less water-containing environments and using electrodes of various natures.

First case: CO 2 radical is adsorbed on the electrode

Aqueous medium (Au, Ag, Cu or Zn electrode): carbon monoxide is formed

Second case: CO 2 radical is not adsorbed on the electrode

Aqueous medium (electrode Cd, Sn, In, Pb, Tl or Hg): formic acid is formed

Non-aqueous medium (electrode Pb, Tl or Hg): oxalic acid is formed

In the same vein, experiments were carried out using CO 2 in the gas phase and perovskite, which led predominantly to the formation of alcohols.

There are also works on capturing CO 2 with organic solvents, which ultimately make it possible to obtain CO 2 in liquid form. This CO 2 is then injected into the deep ocean or preferably into underground cavities. However, the reliability of such storage over fairly long periods is uncertain.


A new method is proposed for sequestering carbon emitted into the atmosphere in the form of CO 2 , which, in particular, allows carbon sequestration at low energy costs and is particularly suitable for limiting the emission into the atmosphere of greenhouse gases resulting from the combustion of fossil hydrocarbons.

The carbon sequestration method according to the invention includes:

a) stage of concentration of CO 2 in the liquid phase;

b) the stage of electroreduction in an aprotic environment into a compound in which carbon has an oxidation state of +3, in the form of oxalic or formic acid;

c) if necessary, the step of re-extracting oxalic or formic acid into an aqueous medium; And

d) a mineralization step by reaction with a compound of the element M, resulting in the formation of a stable compound in which the atomic ratio C/M is approximately 2/1.

Below is a more detailed description of the successive steps of the method according to the invention.

The stage of concentration of CO 2 in the liquid phase (a) can be implemented by various methods.

The first method (i) is to liquefy CO 2 according to classical capture methods; liquid CO 2 is then obtained under pressure, for example, in a supercritical state.

Another way (ii) is the absorption of CO 2 in a polar aprotic liquid, which cannot be mixed with water or can be mixed with water in various proportions. An example is acetonitrile.

Another route (iii) considers the absorption of CO 2 in an ionic aprotic liquid (or "molten salt") that is not miscible with water or miscible with water in varying proportions. A corresponding suitable ionic liquid is 1-butyl-3-methylimidazole hexafluorophosphate represented by the formula +PF6 - .

Another way (iv) is the absorption of CO 2 in an aqueous phase containing alcohol and/or amine.

Another method (v) is to absorb CO 2 in hydrated form, for example in an enzymatically activated aqueous solvent. The enzyme that activates hydration is mainly carbonic anhydrase. In this case, the resulting solution can then be recycled to the aqueous phase absorption method in the presence of alcohol and/or amine as described in (iii) above.

The aqueous solution obtained by an absorption method similar to those described in (iv) and (v) above can also be recycled for the liquefaction method (i) described above.

In addition, aqueous solutions, such as those obtained by methods (iii) or (iv) above, can usually be transferred into a liquid water-insoluble ionic medium by liquid-liquid extraction.

According to the method used to implement the first liquid phase concentration step according to the invention, the resulting liquid phase will consist of liquid CO 2 or a solution of CO 2 or carbonic acid in a polar aprotic liquid, immiscible with water or miscible with water in various proportions , or in an ionic non-aqueous liquid ("molten salt") more or less miscible with water.

The second step of the method according to the invention consists in the electroreduction of CO 2 or carbonic acid concentrated in the liquid phase (oxidation state +4) into a compound in which carbon is in oxidation state +3. The reduction is carried out in the liquid phase obtained in the previous step, at a pH value mainly between 3 and 10, preferably between 3 and 7, and with the anode maintained at a potential of +0.5 to -3.5 volts relative to a normal hydrogen electrode. The anode may be, for example, platinum, boron-doped diamond, or nitrogen-doped carbon.

By this electroreduction, an oxalate ion (in the form of oxalic acid or oxalate) or a formate ion (in the form of formic acid or formate) is obtained.

Step (b) of electroreduction is carried out, if necessary, in liquid CO 2 under pressure.

Step (b) of the electroreduction can furthermore be carried out in an underground storage facility into which liquid CO 2 can be injected if necessary.

The third step (c) of the method according to the invention consists in the re-extraction of oxalic acid (or oxalate) or formic acid (or formate) with the aqueous phase. Such re-extraction is carried out in the case where electroreduction was carried out in a non-aqueous medium. The formation of formic acid during electroreduction occurs mainly in the aqueous phase, and in this case there is no need to resort to this step (c) of stripping with the aqueous phase.

The final stage (d) of the method according to the invention (mineralization stage) consists essentially of exposing a carbonate mineral, for example calcareous or magnesite, to an aqueous solution of oxalic acid (or oxalate) or formic acid (or formate) obtained in the electroreduction stage (or , possibly after re-extraction). The above solution reacts with a compound of element M to form a mineral in which the atomic ratio C/M is approximately 2/1.

The reaction of an oxalate or formate compound with a carbonate mineral produces one mole of CO 2 per mole of C 2 O 4 .

MCO 3 + (COOH) 2 MS 2 O 4 + CO 2 + H 2 O or

MCO 3 +2HCOOH M(HCO 2) 2 +CO 2 +H 2 O

The CO 2 released in this way in an amount half as much as was initially involved can be returned to the cycle of the method according to the invention in the first stage.

Element M can be any metallic element in the +2 oxidation state. This is most often calcium or magnesium. The compound of element M can then be, for example, calcareous or magnesite rock. Preferably the element M is calcium. The resulting mineral is preferably a calcium oxalate such as wewellite CaC 2 O 4 H 2 O.

The method according to the invention (or only its last stage) can be implemented both in situ (in situ) in calcareous or magnesite rock, and outside it (ex situ).

Thus, the final mineralization step (d) can be carried out by contacting a sedimentary rock, such as calcareous or magnesite, with a solution of oxalic or formic acid, preferably by injecting it underground.

Note that, from the point of view of the energy balance of the process according to the invention, the energy applied to convert the +4 carbon to the +3 carbon in the electroreduction reaction in the second step is not lost - it is actually stored in the oxalate or formate of the resulting mineral. Oxalic or formic acid can be successfully re-extracted later to be used for combustion, for example, in situ. This may be oxidation, for example bacterial, in situ or ex situ. In these processes, carbon would move to the +4 oxidation state.

The reactor is filled with liquid CO 2 under pressure (50 bar at room temperature), to which water is gradually added in such a way as to maintain a CO 2 /H 2 O molar ratio of about 100 in order to orient the reaction towards the synthesis of oxalic acid.

The electrode is made of platinum, the current density is 5 mA/cm 2. The electrode potential is -3 V relative to the potential of the Fe/Fe + pair. The solution is stirred to limit concentration effects near the electrodes.

After electroreduction, the resulting oxalic acid is pumped into a reservoir containing calcium carbonate. Oxalic acid reacts with carbonate to form calcium oxalate. An increase in the mass of the dry and purified residue indicates the binding of CO 2 in the form of a mineral.

Liquid CO 2 is obtained by the classical liquefaction method.

After adding tetraammonium perchlorate, it was pumped into an underground cavity containing calcareous or magnesite rocks.

Electroreduction is carried out directly in an underground cavity using a platinum electrode. The current density is 5 mA/cm2. The electrode potential is -3 V relative to the potential of the Fe/Fe + pair. The solution is stirred to limit concentration effects near the electrodes.

The oxalic acid synthesized in this way reacts with calcareous or magnesite rocks, releasing CO 2, which, in turn, is reduced to a divalent cation, which is precipitated along with the oxalate. The reactions ultimately lead to the binding of CO 2 in the form of a mineral. The released CO 2 is recirculated to the liquefaction stage.

CO 2 is absorbed by water in the presence of carbonic anhydrase according to the description of the patent US-A-6524843.

Tetraammonium perchlorate is added in an amount of 0.1 mol/l.

The amount of CO 2 subject to electroreduction determines the required amount of electricity.

After electroreduction, the resulting formic acid is pumped into a reservoir containing calcium carbonate. Formic acid reacts with carbonate to form calcium formate. An increase in the mass of the dry and purified residue indicates the binding of CO 2 in the form of a mineral.

CO 2 is absorbed in the ionic liquid - 1-butyl-3-methylimidazole hexafluorophosphate, represented by the formula + PF6 -.

Tetraammonium perchlorate is added in an amount of 0.1 mol/l.

The electrode is made of platinum, and the current density is 5 mA/cm 2 . The electrode potential is -3 V relative to the potential of the Fe/Fe + pair. The solution is stirred to limit concentration effects near the electrodes.

The amount of CO 2 subject to electroreduction determines the required amount of electricity.

An ionic liquid saturated with CO 2 is brought into continuous contact with an aqueous solution, which extracts oxalate from it.

The resulting aqueous solution of oxalic acid is pumped into a reservoir containing calcium carbonate. Oxalic acid reacts with carbonate to form calcium oxalate. An increase in the mass of the dry and purified residue indicates the binding of CO 2 in the form of a mineral.


1. A method for binding carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, characterized in that it includes:

a) the stage of concentration of CO 2 in the liquid phase;

b) an electroreduction step in an aprotic environment to a compound in which the carbon has an oxidation state of +3 in the form of oxalic or formic acid;

c) if necessary, the step of re-extracting oxalic or formic acid into an aqueous medium, carried out when the electroreduction is carried out in a non-aqueous medium; And

d) a mineralization step by reacting the above compound with a compound of the element M, where M is a metal element in the +2 oxidation state, resulting in the formation of a mineral in which the atomic ratio C/M is approximately 2/1.

2. Method according to claim 1, characterized in that step (a) of concentration in the liquid phase consists of liquefying CO 2 , liquid CO 2 is then obtained under pressure, for example in a supercritical state.

3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that step (a) of concentration in the liquid phase consists of the absorption of CO 2 in a polar aprotic liquid, immiscible with water or miscible with water in various proportions.

4. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that step (a) of concentration in the liquid phase consists of the absorption of CO 2 in an ionic aprotic liquid, immiscible with water or miscible with water in different proportions.

5. The method according to claim 4, characterized in that the above-mentioned ionic aprotic liquid is 1-butyl-3-methylimidazole hexafluorophosphate.

6. Method according to claim 1, characterized in that step (a) of concentration in the liquid phase consists of the absorption of CO 2 in an aqueous medium containing alcohol and/or amine.

7. The method according to claim 6, characterized in that the resulting aqueous solution is recycled to the liquefaction process according to claim 2.

8. The method according to claim 6, characterized in that the resulting aqueous solution is transferred into a liquid ionic medium insoluble in water by extraction in a liquid-liquid system.

9. Method according to claim 1, characterized in that step (a) of concentration in the liquid phase consists of the absorption of CO 2 in hydrated form, said concentration process being activated enzymatically.

10. The method according to claim 9, characterized in that the resulting aqueous solution is transferred into a liquid, water-insoluble ionic medium by extraction in a liquid-liquid system.

11. The method according to claim 9, characterized in that the enzyme that activates hydration is carbonic anhydrase.

12. The method according to claim 11, characterized in that the resulting aqueous solution is recycled to the absorption process in an aqueous medium in the presence of alcohol and/or amine according to claim 6.

13. The method according to claim 12, characterized in that the resulting aqueous solution is recycled to the liquefaction process according to claim 2.

14. Method according to one of claims 1 to 13, wherein step (b) of electroreduction is carried out at a pH value between 3 and 10 and with the anode maintained at a potential of +0.5 to -3.5 volts relative to normal hydrogen electrode.

15. The method according to claim 14, wherein the pH value is between 3 and 7.

16. The method according to claim 14, wherein the anode used in step (b) of the electroreduction consists of platinum, boron-doped diamond or nitrogen-doped carbon.

17. Method according to one of claims 1-13, 15 and 16, in which step (b) of electroreduction is carried out in liquid CO 2 under pressure.

18. Method according to one of claims 1 to 13, 15 and 16, wherein the compound obtained in step (b) of electroreduction is oxalic acid or oxalate.

19. The method according to claim 18, in which the oxalic acid or oxalate obtained in a non-aqueous medium is re-extracted with an aqueous phase.

20. The method according to one of claims 1-13, 15 and 16, in which, at the exit from step (a), liquid CO 2 is pumped into an underground CO 2 storage facility.

21. The method according to claim 20, in which step (b) of electroreduction is carried out in an underground CO 2 storage facility.

22. The method according to one of claims 1-13, 15 and 16, in which the final stage (d) of mineralization consists of exposing the carbonate mineral to an aqueous solution of oxalic acid or formic acid obtained in the electroreduction step.

23. The method of claim 22, wherein said carbonate mineral is a carbonate mineral, calcareous or magnesite.

24. Method according to one of claims 1-13, 15 and 16, in which at the mineralization stage (d) the element M is calcium, and the resulting mineral is wewellite CaC 2 O 4 H 2 O.

25. The method according to one of claims 1-13, 15 and 16, in which the mineralization step (d) is carried out by introducing into contact with sedimentary rock, for example, calcareous or magnesite, an aqueous solution of oxalic or formic acid obtained in the electroreduction step.

26. Method according to one of claims 1-13, 15 and 16, in which the final stage of mineralization (d) is carried out by pumping the solution underground.