Collective monograph or mass grave? Collective monograph “Issues of modern science II. Requirements for text formatting

Participation form: correspondence

Dear colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the writing of the collective monograph “EXPO-2017”: Energy-saving technologies and technical means. New methods for increasing power and efficiency” as part of a group of authors.
The monograph is dedicated to the world exhibition of achievements of science and technology “EXPO-2017”, which will be held in 2017 in Astana. The topic of the monograph covers a wide range of scientific issues, which is associated with such modern concepts as “Energy of the Future”, “City of the Future”, the law of conservation of power and its application, increasing labor productivity for further sustainable development etc. In this regard, by publishing the results of their research in this monograph, the authors will be able to take part not only in the release of this collective work, but also in the work of the above exhibition remotely.
The book is published in hardcover, in A5 format with the assignment of UDC, BBK and ISBN number. The monograph's metadata will be indexed in the scientometric database of the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index).

I. Material requirements
1. Complete material of scientific content, including results original research by the author of at least 20 pages.
2. The material should have the following structure: a brief introduction (1-2 pages), 2-3 paragraphs of equal length and a conclusion (1 page).
3. At least 75% of the text must be original. All works sent for publication in a monograph will be checked for plagiarism (the Anti-Plagiarism service is used).

II. Requirements for text formatting
1. To type text, formulas and tables, you must use the Microsoft Word editor for Windows. Before typing, configure the following text editor settings: margins of 2 cm; font Times New Roman, size – 14; line spacing – 1.5; width alignment; paragraph indent 1 cm; Sheet orientation is portrait. Drawings made in MS Word, as well as drawings in color format, are not accepted.
2. Title design: (in capital, bold letters, aligned to the center of the line) ARTICLE TITLE; on the next line (bold italic font, right aligned) – full name. fully.
3. A list of references is required. Prepared in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 – 2008 alphabetical order. References in the text should be in square brackets to the corresponding source of the reference list, for example. The use of automatic pagination links is not permitted.

Only materials designed in accordance with the specified requirements are allowed for publication.

III. Financial terms
Cost including discount* Cost without discount
The cost of publication in a monograph (per 1 page) is 161.5 rubles. 190 rub.
Certificate of acceptance of materials for publication Free
Number of free publications per 1 publication 1 1
The cost of additional copies is 425 rubles. 500 rub.
Shipping cost:
in Russia Free Free
in the CIS 255 rub. 300 rub.
in non-CIS countries 425 RUR. 500 rub.
For materials ranging from 31 to 40 pages 5%
For materials over 41 pages 10%
When publishing a second work 5%
Discounts are cumulative and apply to the total cost of publication.
*Prices are subject to a maximum discount of 15%

IV. Target dates
Acceptance of applications, texts of materials for publication in a monograph until January 25, 2017.
Response on acceptance of materials or the need for revision within 5 days after receipt of materials
The deadline for receiving payment is 02/01/2017.
Publication and distribution of monographs within 3 months after the deadline for accepting applications
V. Editor-in-Chief: Akhmetov Sayranbek Makhsutovich – Dr. tech. sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the National engineering academy RK.
VI. Contacts
Secretary of the monograph – Gutsalova Nadezhda Georgievna
Email: [email protected] Tel.: 8-913-915-38-00

When contacting event organizers, be sure to refer to the website as a source of information.

Organizers: ANS "SibAK"

Since November 2017, the NGO “Professional Science” has been publishing collective monographs on the most relevant areas.

Plan of collective monographs for 2018-2019.

What is a monograph

Monograph- scientific work in the form of a book with in-depth study one topic or several closely related topics.
Monograph ( refers to genres scientific prose. The monograph summarizes and analyzes the literature on the topics under study, and, as a rule, puts forward new hypotheses, theories, and concepts that contribute to the development of science. A monograph is usually accompanied by extensive bibliographic lists, notes, etc. Sometimes you can come across an incorrect interpretation of the word “monograph” - “written by one person,” although its creators can be either one author or a whole team, and the word itself means the specifics of the subject under consideration. its problematics, its relatively narrow focus; “unity of scripture”, but not of the writer.
According to State standard By publishing(GOST 7.60-2003, clause a monograph is “a scientific or popular science publication containing a complete and comprehensive study of one problem or topic and owned by one or more authors.” The volume of the monograph cannot be regulated, since it is the result of scientific creativity, but a “classical” volume of text is considered to be over 120 A4 pages written in Times New Roman font size fourteen with one and a half spacing, which is approximately equal to five printed sheets. Before publication in book form, the monograph manuscript must be reviewed by specialists in the monograph's profile who have an academic degree. Information about reviewers is indicated in the monograph's output. It is believed that there must be at least two reviewers. If information about the reviewers is not indicated in the imprint of the book, such a publication is not considered scientific.

Who can take part in the preparation of the monograph

Requirements for sections of the monograph

Each section of the monograph represents an individual or collective study on a previously stated topic. Each author or team of authors submits to the editor an article of 10-50 pages in size, printed in .docx format, font 14 TnR, one and a half spacing. The originality of the text should not be less than 75%. At the end of the article, a bibliographic list must be indicated, links to which must be indicated in the text of the article.

Cost of participation

The cost of publishing services for placing 1 article in a monograph is 2000 rubles for a volume of 10-50 pages. The number of authors of one article is up to 5 people. The price includes: editing, proofreading, electronic version monographs, placement in the RSCI, placement in the Scientific and Technical Center “Informregister”, personal certificate of publication.

Scientific nature of the monograph

Monographs will be assigned UDC, BBK, ISBN. Reviews by doctors or candidates of sciences - specialists in the field of research - will also be given.

Take part

1. fill out an application;

2. send your article to mail@site

3. wait for the editor’s response and pay the registration fee.

The monograph comprehensively examines current issues in the theory and practice of international customs cooperation, incl. historical aspects international customs cooperation, international customs cooperation with foreign countries and integration associations, as well as issues related to current areas of development of international customs cooperation. The book will be of interest to lawyers, economists, members of international organizations, government officials, and workers in the higher education, customs officials.

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by liters company.


Observed over a period of time recent years The transnationalization of Russian corporate business was the main factor contributing to the deeper integration of the domestic economy into the global market. This process, objective at its core, was significantly stimulated by the subjective efforts of the leadership of large corporations and their organizations and was largely supported by the political leadership of the country.

This fully applies primarily to the European region, Russia’s closest neighbor, which accounts for more than half of foreign trade turnover and about a third of mutual capital investments. The solution to the problems of technological renewal of Russian industry and transfer of the economy to an innovative path of development largely depends on economic interaction with the European Union.

Integration processes are taking place today in almost all countries and on all continents. This process includes different levels of their political and economic development states. And Russia is no exception in this regard. Countries modern world strive for integration, which facilitates the movement of goods and capital, thereby promoting economic development. One of the elements of such integration is the unification of customs procedures and mutual assistance in the implementation of the functions of customs regulation of foreign economic activity.

It is known that there is a need to create a single customs space. In accordance with the agreement, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan create the necessary organizational and legal prerequisites for interaction legal systems parties and cooperation government agencies legislative and executive powers of the parties.

The relevance of this monograph is also determined by the fact that the legal side of international customs cooperation is currently subject to most criticized, both from the scientific community and from practical workers. Despite the objective need for customs integration (as an integral part of economic cooperation), many legal issues in this area are not sufficiently developed. The issue of developing international customs cooperation in itself occupies a significant specific gravity in foreign policy Russian Federation. Legal support for international customs cooperation is a kind of foundation for the country’s economic community.

Regularity modern development is the deepening internationalization of all spheres of human activity, especially the spheres of economics and law. Internationalization of law means bringing legal systems closer together, deepening their interaction and mutual influence. The internationalization of law is manifested in two interrelated, but different in content, processes: unification and harmonization of law. Unification of customs legislation, as a type of law-making process, means the creation of identical, uniform, that is, unified norms in domestic law different states. Since the law falls within the area of ​​internal exclusive jurisdiction of the state.

The second half of the 20th century became a time of active formation of various unions, commonwealths and communities, uniting many different states under the auspices of certain goals. It was these processes that gave reason to talk about regional integration as characteristic feature modern world. However, until now, the main criterion by which the level of such formations was assessed remained predominantly the degree of economic integration.

When defining international customs relations as a subject of international customs law, one should proceed from the concept of customs relations. The main and fundamental thing in customs relations is that they are associated with the movement of objects, goods and vehicles across the customs border. To the extent that these relations are subject to international legal regulation, they constitute the subject of international customs law. Accordingly, international customs law should be considered as a system of norms and principles governing the relations that develop between states and international intergovernmental organizations in the course of their cooperation in the field of customs.

To prepare an optimal action plan for the formation of a Common Economic Space of states seeking to form integration unions, an objective analysis of international experience in the creation and functioning of integration unions is important.

Currently, according to the WTO, there are more than 200 interstate unions in the world that are at different stages of formation, have different degrees of integration and differ in the effectiveness of the functioning of integration institutions.

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The given introductory fragment of the book International Customs Cooperation. Economic and legal aspects. Collective monograph(Collective of authors, 2017) provided by our book partner -

Collective monographs posted on our website contain materials in the humanitarian, economic, medical and other areas. Postgraduate students, research assistants, doctoral students, and teaching staff of universities can publish their scientific articles in such monographs.

To order publication in collective monographs, you must complete the following sequence of actions:

  • Select a monograph that corresponds to the topic of the published material;
  • Press the “Publish article” button;
  • Fill out all fields of the form;
  • Attach the published material, formatted accordingly;
  • Pay for publication using your chosen method.

An article for publication in a monograph must meet the following requirements:

  • Number of pages - 20 or more;
  • Font type - Times New Roman;
  • font-height-14;
  • Line spacing - 1.5;
  • The margins on each side of the sheet are 2cm.

Articles for publication are accepted only in Russian.

You can see monographs relevant for accepting publications above on this page. There you can also download materials from past monographs.

The cost of publication can be calculated independently at the stage of submitting an article for publication. It depends on the number of pages in the article, the number of printed copies and the region of delivery. You can make payment using one of the methods offered on the website: by credit card, using an electronic wallet or online banking. If you do not have access to any of the proposed payment options, please contact us and tell us your country of residence. We will offer you an alternative payment method that is available in your region.

Address: 630049, Novosibirsk, Krasny prospect, 165, office 4.

Organizing Committee email: [email protected]

Organizers: ANS "SibAK"

Conditions of participation and housing: The cost of publication of 1 page is 190 rubles.

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in writing a collective monographII"EXPO-2017": New machines and mechanisms with increased reliability and strength of elements" as part of a group of authors.

Preliminary topics of the monograph (can be significantly expanded taking into account your work):

The monograph is the second book dedicated to the world exhibition of achievements of science and technology “EXPO-2017”. Unlike the first monograph, which is scheduled for release in January 2017, this book will include materials related to new machines and mechanisms with increased reliability and strength of elements, the use of which in technological processes will contribute to a significant increase in labor productivity.

The book is published in hardcover, A5 format with assignment of UDC, LBC and ISBN number, registration with the Book Chamber of Russia. Metadata of the monograph will be indexed in the scientometric database RSCI(Russian Science Citation Index).

I. Material requirements

1. Complete material of scientific content, including the results of the author’s original research of at least 20 pages;

2. The material should have the following structure: a brief introduction (1-2 pages), 2-3 paragraphs of equal length and a conclusion (1 page)

3. At least 75% of the text must be original. All works sent for publication in a monograph will be checked for plagiarism (the Anti-Plagiarism service is used).

II. Requirements for text formatting

1. To type text, formulas and tables, you must use the Microsoft Word editor for Windows. Before typing, configure the following text editor settings: margins of 2 cm; font Times New Roman, size – 14; line spacing – 1.5; width alignment; paragraph indent 1 cm; Sheet orientation is portrait. Drawings made in MS Word, as well as drawings in color format, are not accepted.

2. Header design:(uppercase, bold letters, aligned to the center of the line) ARTICLE TITLE; on the next line (bold italic font, right aligned) – Full name fully;

3. References required. It is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 – 2008 (make the GOST number a hyperlink) in alphabetical order. References in the text should be in square brackets to the corresponding source of the bibliography, for example. The use of automatic pagination links is not permitted.

Only materials designed in accordance with the specified requirements are allowed for publication.


III. Financial terms

Price including discount*

Price without discount

Cost of publication in a monograph (per 1 page)

161.5 rub.

190 rub.

Certificate of acceptance of materials for publication

For freeFor free

Number of free publications per 1 publication

Cost of additional copies

425 rub.

Shipping cost:

in Russia

For free

For free

255 rub.

by non-CIS countries

425 rub.

Shipping cost for 1 additional copy


For materials ranging from 31 to 40 pages

For materials exceeding 41 pages

For materials exceeding 51 pages

When publishing a second work

When publishing the third and subsequent works

Discounts are cumulative and apply to the total cost of publication.

*Prices are subject to a maximum discount of 15%

IV. Target dates

Acceptance of applications, texts of materials for publication in a monograph

until March 27, 2016

Response about acceptance of materials or the need for revision

within 5 days after receiving materials.

Deadline for accepting payment


Certificate of acceptance of materials for publication

on the day of payment for publication

Within 3 months after the deadline for accepting applications.

V. Editor-in-Chief:Akhmetov​ Sayranbek Makhsutovich – dr. tech. Sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.